• How to meet a man? Advice based on personal experience. The best restaurants and bars for dating


    Where to meet a man for Serious relationships? As some statistics say, there are fewer men than women in the Russian-speaking space. According to rumors, all worthy men were snapped up, others were womanizers, and others became gay.

    “It’s difficult to meet a worthy man for a serious relationship,” says almost every first girl of the 21st century.

    And you know, you're right. If you meet men in nightclubs, restaurants, or don’t leave the house at all, then the intention of meeting a normal man is reduced to the brink of unreality.

    This does not mean that world history does not know a single case of club acquaintance and family well-being as a result. I'm talking about probability theory.

    Well then,

    Where to meet a man?

    I don’t see any point in listing all the options. I will dwell only on the most, as they say, bull's-eye.

    Let's decide on the minimum required set of qualities of the desired man.

    Based on the hundreds of comments and letters that I receive, I can say what women cry about most often:

    1. The man is not purposeful. Plays games, lies on the couch, does not strive for more.

    2. A man does not respect a woman. She tries, but he doesn’t appreciate it, thinks only about himself, and shows no desire to improve the relationship.

    Hence the conclusion (not claiming to be true): The main qualities that a man has are openness to self-development and determination. Do you agree?

    A man must find the right goal in life, and a woman, a man with the right goal (c) says the Internet.

    A man with such qualities “blinds” the example of a real hero. Not wise - she will turn into an infantile one, or, having smelled the smell of fried food in advance. What kind of woman are you, by the way?

    Now we think, where is the greatest concentration of purposeful men open to self-development?

    1) Trainings / Seminars / Conferences / Master classes. Industry, personal growth, business.

    How many of these events have I attended in my life, the vast majority of them are purposeful men. Some are already financially successful, others are on their way. Only by chance will you be able to meet a frivolous man in such places.

    And most importantly, here you can also learn how to meet a man for a serious relationship.

    2) Exhibitions. Automotive, industrial, etc.

    Here the male audience is older and even more serious. The most specific and thorough comrades. Do you like these? Then take a walk there at least once.

    3) Airports, airplanes.

    If you have ever flown from your country, you know what the atmosphere is like at airports. People are looking forward to relaxation and a change of scenery. This always makes for an interesting acquaintance. Moreover, the audience is filtered: adequate men with average income and above.

    4) Dating sites and telephone.

    Many people have a bad attitude towards virtual dating. But in vain. Don’t you know any couples who are happy together? You don’t have to go far: my younger brother He has been living with his girlfriend for almost two years now.

    The question is not how to meet a normal man on the Internet or even by phone - they are a dime a dozen. You can experiment and dial a number at random and only sevens, for example. Question: do you know how to distinguish a normal person from a beggar and keep a man?

    There, as in life, you need to understand certain “rules of the game.” There are also decent men on dating sites. Their hopes are dashed against the same type of rocks women's profiles who believe that their beauty and ability to be sarcastic are the key to successful relationship With strong man. Naive...

    How to meet a rich man?

    Here I will write this: if you have been pursuing this goal for many years now, but there is still no success, or there is, but something doesn’t work out, maybe you should change your intentions? After all, you would have made a rich man out of a goal-oriented person long ago.

    Well, in general, to get to know a rich person, you need to spend more time in their environment: expensive clubs, restaurants, private parties. But still, I recommend following the advice of the previous paragraph, since most likely the goal is imposed (by parents, society, films, environment) and therefore unrealistic, with great difficulty achievable (and it is strongly NOT a fact that happiness is THERE).

    Instead of conclusions:

    No, this does not mean that single women will henceforth have to run around places where serious men gather with bulging eyes in search of one. I strongly recommend reading the article for a more complete understanding of the dating issue.

    I wrote this article, first of all, for myself. Ears bleed from loud words:

    “There are no worthy men”

    “Men only want sex”

    “There are only weak men around”

    “Where to meet a NORMAL man?”

    Now I will provide a link to this material.

    By the way, my friend, who has harmonious relationships With serious man for several years now, she said that she no longer tells her friends about the psychology of relationships ten times over, but simply gives a link to my blog. Nice.

    Key thought for today:
    understand WHAT kind of man you need and WHERE such people are concentrated. Try to spend time there (of course, so that you have a blast). And you can meet HIM in the subway, minibus, and even in a strip club. The main thing is to smile :).

    Dear girls and women, hear me.

    Throw away the unnecessary [from your head], develop femininity, harmony with yourself. You will succeed. And I will continue to help.

    Thank you for your time.

    I am grateful for every comment and question (unfortunately, I don’t always have time to answer. But I read everything from you).

    Thankful for your gratitude and success stories. Without them this blog would not exist.

    I give you a virtual hug. In Goa they told me: 6 hugs a day, and a person becomes happier. 5 left :).

    Where did you manage to meet a man for a serious relationship? I will be glad to comments.

    The most interesting articles by Yaroslav Samoilov:

    Back in 1962, the manual “Sex and unmarried girl" In it, the editor-in-chief of American Cosmo, who is rightfully considered the founder of the glamor style, Helen Gurley Brown, talked about where to catch sultry handsome men, wealthy businessmen and other good men. "So what? - you say. “This is so old!” Not at all. Since then, the geography of Homo Sexual has not changed at all. And you can see this for yourself. For the first time in Russia, we are publishing the chapter “Where to find the one” from this legendary book. From it you will learn where to meet a man for a serious relationship.

    Where to meet a serious man

    Smoke of the Fatherland

    The office is the most convenient place to meet real men. Don’t let it bother you that your dear colleague has already been fed Malaysian borscht and herbal soufflé by some gastro-conscious fifa. It is temporarily available between nine in the morning and six in the evening. And if you are an appetizing little thing, during the lunch break he is guaranteed not to pass by such a tasty morsel. Are there any men in your company? Quite quite? This means there is something wrong with your company!

    Friends of friends

    Risky option. There is a high probability that your friend will make a fatal mistake. You will sit in a restaurant with her second cousin, a traveling salesman, and wonder: is she really a cuckoo or just wanted to take revenge for a boyfriend she beat off at school. But refusing her services altogether is also not an option. It is possible that the next candidate she proposes will turn out to be a true diamond. And then, you can be sure that if the “find” is presented as a lonely architect, it means that your beau has built at least a couple of buildings and does not pay alimony to anyone.

    Blind dates

    According to an unspoken tradition, they take place near local attractions and are radically different from meetings of friendship. Here you need to keep your ears open. Every girl has a good hundred horror stories in stock. A predator devouring you with its eyes; a maniac who insists on changing his position from sitting to lying down; a cheapskate stealing sushi from your plate...

    Sports interest

    Men like to compete with each other, and you adore men, which means you will have to love sports too. Let's take alpine skiing, for example. Austria, Switzerland, France - wherever you go, everywhere you will find snow-white slopes strewn with fit, handsome men in shiny glasses and bright suits. Even that handsome guy whom the orderlies carried past you a second ago will return here one day. As soon as the bones heal. If extreme sports are not for you, choose something more safe activity: archery, ping-pong, badminton, roller skating, bowling, golf, fishing - guys are into all this and could later become interested in you.

    At the bar

    There are also unique people in nature who do not ski and do not drag catfish out of the water on weekends. However, regardless of their existing hobby (or complete lack thereof), all representatives of the stronger sex sometimes pop into the bar to have a glass or two. But the regulars are the same as the three-dollar merlot. You take this wine: it seems to look like ordinary wine, but it tastes... muggy. Bar visitors seem normal at first approach, but they behave somehow strangely. They treat you as if you are not you at all, but some kind of sex adventure seeker or stale product, ready to give them a discount. You can try to convince them, but it is better not to look for crazy meetings, but to make dates in advance. If you go to a bar with a macho man, they look at you differently. You send him to the manager to negotiate a table by the window, and you flirt with those who come into view.

    Private parties

    Men go to them and walk in high spirits - this is a plus. And the minus: if nature has not gifted you with a cute face and size six breasts, the chances of serious acquaintance are equal to zero. One day a couple of years ago, I got into conversation with a nice young man at a party. He worked as a sales assistant in a store. Ten days later I stood on the threshold of that boutique. Of course he recognized me. We even went out to lunch together. And this is what he told me at the end: “Listen, I had no idea that it could be so interesting with you!”

    Group trainings

    Frankly, I myself have not visited one, but my bosom friend talked about her good friend... She met her husband precisely at classes for the psychologically disadvantaged. She turned 43, she did not suffer from depression or other mental disorders, but, thank God, the doors of the center were open to everyone. And she really wanted to meet a well-known writer. Whole year sat next to him, listened to stories about creative pains, treacherous women and high utility bills. Disgusting? But it seems to me that a man will stick to the woman he met under such circumstances. At least out of an instinctive fear of being publicly exposed.

    Somewhere in the West

    Another friend of mine, Carol, has never had a problem with fans on vacation because she knows how to reach foreigners. In six weeks she traveled half of Europe, having in her pocket as much money as exemplary fathers give their toddlers for pocket money. She had no friends among the locals, but she developed her own system for finding them. Before the trip, she called her friends and girlfriends and asked: “Do you have anyone in Rome or Paris?” They happily shared the addresses of former classmates, colleagues and distant relatives. People are proud of their connections in the West and are always willing to emphasize that they have their own people there. Arriving in the city, Carol first sent out greeting letters to everyone (mail abroad works properly): “I’m Carol. Your contact was given to me by so-and-so. I’ll be glad to meet you in person.” The next day, crowds of lonely men were already storming her room.

    Business trips

    I love business trips! You fly first class, stay in the best hotels in the city, eat in the most sophisticated restaurants, and the amount of money in your account only grows. In addition, even if you don’t come across a single worthy representative of the opposite sex, you still won’t die of boredom. You have a special mission here! But, from experience, you are unlikely to be able to maintain chaste loneliness. Girls who have something to do seem to be more attractive targets than those who wander the streets looking like, “Well, here I am. How can I entertain myself?”

    On the halfway

    Did you know that flight attendants do not have a single free line in their notebooks? And they usually get married first. Nobody forbids civilians from scurrying up and down the aisle and smiling charmingly at beautiful strangers. There is something damn sexy about sitting next to each other like this at an altitude of several thousand kilometers, listening to the roar of engines and the beating of your hearts. You both have nothing to do, and this is already a good excuse to start small talk.

    On the staircase

    Let's assume that a moderately attractive individual lives on your floor. You are not strangers to each other. You know what products are jumping into his cart at the store around the corner, how late he comes home and who he recently broke up with. If he’s not yet tired of your vigilant eye in the door peephole, he won’t mind trying experimental cupcakes at original recipe. Or drink a glass of martini on the occasion of repainting the walls of your kitchen from pink to soft salmon.

    Are you still single and don’t know where to meet men? We offer the most fishing spots, where you can meet your soulmate.

    For modern women It is quite difficult to meet your destiny, especially after 25 years, especially if you have chosen a profession where there is a lot of tension with representatives of the stronger sex, especially if you are a modest girl and are not used to hanging on men’s necks.

    And yet there are places where to meet men you can, no matter how old you are.

    By fishing in the right places, you can hook a fairly large catch on the hook of your charm and attractiveness and break the circle of loneliness.

    Naturally, to do this you will have to leave the aisles of your apartment, tidy up your appearance and show a little persistence in order to attract attention to yourself.

    Want to get married! But where to meet men?

    One of my friends received higher education at the philological faculty of a Kyiv university.

    It is not for nothing that Philology is considered the faculty of brides, because the number of male students there can be counted on one hand.

    The situation is no better with representatives of the stronger sex among the teaching staff.

    It is not surprising that so many female teachers (smart, beautiful, well-earning) remain single.

    One day, my friend accidentally witnessed a conversation between two teachers.

    One complained to the other that she was so tired of coming to an empty apartment that she dreamed of a family, but did not know where to meet worthy men.

    And this is the main problem of adult smart women.

    They don’t get married early because they are focused on their careers, and when they mature enough to start a family, it often turns out that there are too many worthy men nearby, and there is nowhere to meet them.

    As Americans, we're not used to hanging out in bars.

    Work, as in the case of the Faculty of Philology, may not be a very fishy place.

    On the streets, pestering a man you like is not very decent.

    What to do?

    Search various options, otherwise there is a big chance you will never find happiness in your personal life.

    Or maybe you don’t have to go far to meet men?

    Often, in pursuit of some mythical prince, we simply do not notice those who are next to us.

    Perhaps you don’t have to go far to meet men; perhaps a handsome young man who can become an excellent husband for you is next to you?

    Where to meet a worthy man so as not to walk far?

      Where you study.

      I don’t mean your faculty specifically, especially if you won’t find boys there during the day.

      I'm talking about your school as a whole.

      Go to student parties, take part in amateur activities or sports competitions, keep your eyes open wherever you are - this is how you will definitely meet a man.

      Where you work.

      Again, you don’t have to limit yourself to your department; you can consider all the men in the company.

      Why, even partners and clients should not be left without your attention.

      Where you live.

      Take a closer look at those men who live with you in the same entrance and in the same house.

      Very often, due to the busy pace of life, we don’t even notice our neighbors in the stairwell.

      Or maybe it's time to wake up and meet a nice neighbor.

      Friends of friends.

      Ask all your friends to analyze the bachelors they know: are there any worthy candidates among them to get to know them.

      There is nothing difficult or dangerous about such dates.

    Where to meet men? Where they spend the most time!

    To catch as many fish as possible, you need to fish in their habitats.

    After all, it would never occur to anyone to be angry at the lack of catch in a small swamp where only toads live.

    You need to do the same with men: meet them where there is the greatest concentration of them per square meter.

    For example:

      At a sports bar.

      It doesn’t matter that you don’t like boxing and football, it’s important that men love it.

      You need to look not at the TV screen, but at the pretty visitors.

      At the sports club.

      Today healthy image life and regular exercise are becoming more and more popular.

      Choose a sports club that the men of your city love.

      Shaking your butt, turn your head around, looking for candidates to meet.

      Where there is a lot of adrenaline.

      Many men lack adrenaline in ordinary life, so they look for it by skydiving, racing, playing paintball, etc.

      This is where you go to get to know them.

      In the entertainment center.

      Not all guys prefer to spend their leisure time lying on the couch.

      Many go men's companies to entertainment centers to play billiards, bowling, table hockey, etc.

      At the resort.

      Here, however, you should be careful, because for many men a holiday romance- a way to have fun and cheat on your wife.

    The Internet is a great place to meet men

    You shouldn’t ignore such a wonderful place to meet young people as the Internet.

    Many of them practically live on the Internet, so fishing them out real life almost impossible.

    Well, if “the mountain does not come to Mohammed,” then you should go online yourself to meet men:

    • V in social networks Special attention focus on interest groups;
    • on special dating sites– not only perverts, swindlers and lovers of pranks live here (although there are plenty of those), but also specimens quite suitable for marriage;
    • at the city forum– the advantage of such an acquaintance is that you do not have to establish relationships at a distance;
    • on specialized forums, for example, dedicated to cars or computer games - do your research before registering so as not to look like a complete fool.

    To be successful with men, you shouldn’t wait for them to pay attention to you.

    Take the initiative and you will be rewarded.

    The video below shows methods of meeting men at a picnic.

    Go ahead and watch it, it will be interesting!

    5 options where else you can meet men

    There are several other suitable places where you can meet decent men:

      At city holidays.

      Then even complete homebodies leave their homes - this is where they need to be taken in warmly.

      On some courses.

      This is a chance not only to learn something new, but also to make a promising acquaintance with a representative of the stronger sex.

      In the shop.

      First find the target, then see if there is right hand this goal wedding ring, and then, smiling sweetly, ask to get “that jar from the top shelf”, then thank your savior, introducing yourself at the same time.

      If a man is not a fool and he likes you, then he will take the initiative, if not, the city is still full of shops and men in them.

      By the way, in this way you can get acquainted not only with visitors, but also with employees.

    1. At a gas station - this method is suitable only for car enthusiasts, because if you walk around the gas station on foot and pester men to get acquainted, then you will be mistaken for a young lady of a certain profession or a city madwoman.
    2. On the beach - here you can immediately assess the figure of a potential candidate for your hand and heart.

      True, get ready for the beach season prematurely so as not to scare the guy you want to meet with your cellulite and fat folds.

    Where to meet men Can I have some more?

    Yes - everywhere!

    The main thing is not to be shy, always be fully prepared and not give up trying after several failures.

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    To be a single man means to be free, independent, attractive to women. The freedom and independence of a single woman often goes hand in hand with the feeling of being lost, the desire to find love, your other half. Loneliness becomes an invisible enemy that you really want to defeat.

    Why does this happen: on the one hand, a woman is looking for a serious relationship, but on the other hand, tired of the constant search, she remains alone? What traps does she fall into that she cannot easily and freely escape from her single status? I propose to understand these difficult issues.

    Trap one: high expectations

    "I only need a prince on a white horse"

    I want someone nearby who is smart, and attentive, and caring, and romantic, and economical at the same time. These are just a few points, but for the Man of Dreams there can be more than 100 of them. I really want the fairy tale to come true, for the lovers to live happily ever after, etc.

    It would seem, what’s the catch here? Does anyone want to live with an indifferent, stupid, stingy man, and a lazy man to boot? Of course not. Simply falling into the trap of high expectations, we confuse illusions and reality. Most often, this manifests itself in the fact that a woman expects mutually exclusive or inappropriate qualities from the same person. A simple example: it’s rare that a man can simultaneously be an exemplary family man, a responsible, economical, and a romantic hero. In any case, there will be more of something in a man: either he will sing serenades under the window, prepare a bath with rose petals, but sit without work and not know how to change the socket. Or you will feel like you are behind a stone wall, not thinking about everyday life and housekeeping, but your man will express love through his actions - earning money, helping around the house, and all sorts of romantic surprises and armfuls of flowers without a reason for it will be a waste of money and stupidity.

    Therefore, in order not to spend your whole life looking for a prince, you need to understand: what is most important and what you are ready to close your eyes to. Which of the entire list of requirements is vital? It is advisable that there are no more than five of these points.

    Trap two - inflated self-esteem

    "I deserve only the most best man. A man must match me"

    The second position is close to the first, but in this case the woman extols own merits to such an extent that men are simply afraid to approach such “both beautiful and smart.” Now everyone is saying that you need to believe in yourself, love yourself for who you are - and then fans will appear.

    IN in this case self-love is brought to a certain absurdity: a woman realizes herself to the maximum in her profession, attends trainings and courses, and at the same time puts a lot of effort into maintaining physical attractiveness. She really is becoming a cover girl - there's nothing to complain about. But somehow I don’t want to be around... A man needs to either be on top all the time, proving his compliance with the impeccable appearance of his companion, or immediately admit that he is not ideal: he is not so ambitious, earns less, and does not take care of his figure so carefully.

    Trap three - fear of loneliness

    “I’m so afraid of being alone, that’s why I cling to any man.”

    Women fall into this trap for whom the very existence of a relationship is more important than its quality. This is the case when the desire to get married is caused precisely by the fear of one’s own loneliness. Most often, this behavior is due to the fact that the childhood of such women was spent under intense control by parents who sought to be with their daughter all the time, wanting to support, warn, and protect from mistakes. But in fact, when this girl grew up, she was faced with the fact that she simply did not know what she wanted, did not trust her own opinion - it was much easier and safer for her to be led than to take the initiative in relationships. This trap is most dangerous because women, feeling anxious about their own loneliness and the fact that they cannot make decisions on their own, sometimes choose relationships in which there is more suffering than love. After all, if a woman lives according to the principle “whatever you say, my love,” “I’m ready to do anything for you,” it’s very easy for a man to control her and use his power.

    Trap four - emphasized independence

    “I don’t need anyone, or I’m a cat that walks on its own”

    This female position is now very common - women have surpassed men in many areas, feeling if not equal to them, then even a little higher. In this model of behavior, a woman demonstrates her own independence, showing others how good it is for her to be alone, how cool it is to belong only to herself, do what you want, not answer to anyone, communicate freely with friends, spend money - a whole bouquet joy!

    The need for freedom and independence is indeed very important for any person, regardless of gender. In this case, she takes the leading position, masking her distrust of opposite sex, fear of close relationships and at the same time a desperate desire to become weak woman, allow a man to provide a reliable rear.

    Trap five - a childish position in relationships with a man

    "You are bad! I'm offended!" (The woman is either capricious, demanding that it was only the way she wants it, or “pouts her lips”)

    The most important component long term relationship is the ability to communicate, negotiate, hear and listen to each other. It often happens that a woman seems to be confident in herself, ready for a relationship, marriage, but as a result it turns out that she does not hear her partner, misunderstands his words and actions, reinterpreting them in her own way - that is, in a relationship with a man, a woman leads yourself, like a little girl, naively batting her eyes. All kinds of insults, whims, manipulations, ultimatums and other feminine tricks belong here.

    Loneliness is perceived as an enemy that must be fought, as a personal shortcoming that must be gotten rid of as soon as possible, as a problem that must be solved. “If I’m alone, then no one needs me,” “I’ll never get married,” “I won’t have my own family,” “I’m unhappy” - these are just some of the thoughts that haunt a single woman. And men feel it. Or more precisely, that they are given excessive responsibility. Of course, they are pleased to hear the words “I feel very good with you,” “I love you,” “I want to be with you.” On the other hand, a woman’s excessive demonstration of how bad she feels without her beloved often signals emotional dependence, about a woman’s inability to be an adult next to a man.

    How to avoid pitfalls?

    A single woman both wants and fears strong affection. It is this contradiction that sometimes scares off men who are looking for a long-term relationship. What should a woman do?

    1. First of all, it is important to change your own attitude towards loneliness. As long as you fight it, it will be an enemy. Think about why, why this pause occurred in your life? Perhaps right now you need to learn more, realize some forgotten dreams and interests?
    2. Find the perks you get from being a single woman. Try to answer the question: what do you allow yourself now that you couldn’t afford if you lived with a man? These may be everyday little things (“I spend less time on cooking and cleaning”, “I come home when I want”, “I communicate more with my friends”), but they can be very important.
    3. Reconsider your expectations for men. It is not necessary to evaluate every person you meet as a candidate for the role of chosen one. Treat the men around you as human beings, because, no matter how banal it may sound, men are people too, with their own problems, achievements, and joys in life.
    4. Take risks! Start dating, flirting, showing a keen interest in the other person - instead of scanning whether this man meets your 150 points. Learn to maintain relationships with men for no reason, and not just with the prospect of starting a family!
    5. Start enjoying your freedom and independence! If you now learn to live easily and confidently in your own territory, it will be much easier for you to respect the personal space of your loved one, and men really appreciate this.

    Women are more accustomed to perceive loneliness as weakness, personal failure and expect that with the advent of the Man of their Dreams, their lives will change dramatically and sparkle with bright colors. What if these colors are already available? If loneliness is just that time of accumulation of strength, that pause that will allow your femininity to reveal itself, your ability to give and receive love. Try to trust your freedom, and then meeting yourself will quietly help you meet a man. Not ideal, but real - and specifically yours, near and dear.

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