• Lesson on traffic rules "city of safe roads". Lesson summary on the topic: "Road rules"

    Derkacheva Victoria Viktorovna
    Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten No. 21, Stavropol
    Brief job description:

    Publication date: 2017-10-02 Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic rules” Derkacheva Victoria Viktorovna Repetition of rules traffic, road signs, traffic lights. Introduction to the profession - traffic police inspector.

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    Lesson summary on the topic “Traffic rules”

    Age group: middle preschool age.

    Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, communicative development.

    Target:developing skills for safe behavior on the roads.



    - secure Traffic Laws;

    systematize knowledge about road signs and their meaning;

    — expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights ;

    — teach children the rules of safe behavior on the street.


    - develop observation skills, visual memory;

    — develop a sense of responsibility when observing traffic rules;

    — develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary.


    cultivate a conscious position as a pedestrian;

    - cultivate interest and desire to comply with traffic rules;

    - continue to cultivate goodwill, responsiveness, and provide assistance.

    Materials and equipment:

    — poster “Traffic Light Advice”;

    — cards on traffic rules;

    - Audio Speakers;

    - children's songs on traffic rules;

    — three-dimensional layout of the road;

    - traffic police inspector uniform.

    Preliminary teacher preparation:

    — work with reference and methodological literature;

    — work with Internet resources;

    — selection and preparation of gaming and audio materials;

    — preparation of the necessary equipment and material.

    Preliminary preparation of children: looking at pictures of road signs, traffic lights.

    Lesson plan.

    1. Organizational point:

    A) greeting children;

    B) surprise moment(motivation for activity);

    C) communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    2. Main part:

    A) theoretical;

    B) outdoor game;

    B) practical.

    3. Final part:

    A) summing up;

    B) reflection.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Organizational moment.

    - Hello guys. Today we have an unusual lesson, and it’s unusual because you need to find out the topic of the lesson by listening to the song.

    A children's song about traffic rules is played.

    — What do you think this song is about? (children's answers).

    — This song is about…..? (children's answers).

    — Tell me, are we pedestrians or drivers? (children's answers) That's right, you and I are still pedestrians and therefore, like drivers, we need to know and follow the rules of the road.

    — The topic of our lesson: “Young pedestrians.” During the lesson we will review the rules of the road, road signs necessary for a pedestrian.

    2. Main part.

    “To never get into difficult situations,
    You must know and follow the rules of the road!”
    What is the name of the path on which pedestrians walk? (children's answers).

    - Well done boys!

    — What is the name of the road on which cars drive? (children's answers).

    — If you need to cross the roadway, what should you do?(children's answers).

    - That's right, you need to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. How will you and I know where the pedestrian crossing is? (children's answers).

    - That's right guys, markings on the roadway will help us with this, white stripes - “Zebra”. They are needed so that pedestrians immediately notice where to cross the street and so that the driver sees that a pedestrian may appear here ( look at the street layout). And there is also a sign “Pedestrian crossing”, let’s see what is depicted on it…. The song “Road Sign” plays.

    - But we’ll find out what else will help us from the next song. The song “Traffic Light” plays.

    — Guys, to regulate traffic we need……. (children's answers).

    — That’s right, our song is about a traffic light. I have three magnets on my board: green, red and yellow. Let's remember and arrange the colors correctly, like at a traffic light.

    Red light - no way through

    Yellow - wait a little,

    And green - you can go.

    - Guys, at what traffic light can you cross the road? (children's answers).

    — That’s right, but for pedestrians the traffic light consists of two colors, which ones?(children's answers).

    - Well done. Now we will play the outdoor game “Traffic Signals”.

    Target: develop the ability to respond to a specific traffic light signal.

    Progress: In the hands of the game leader is a bag of balls (balls) red, yellow, Green colour. The captains take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out one ball at a time. If the captain takes out a red or yellow ball, then the team stands still; green – moves to the next rack. The team that reaches the finish line faster wins.

    - Well done boys. Look on the board I have a poster with tips from the traffic light that we need to repeat with you.

    Guys, we have repeated the basic rules of the road. I also want to introduce you to the profession of people who monitor compliance with traffic rules. Maybe some of you know? (children's answers).

    - Let's see who it is? (a child comes out dressed as an inspector).

    - That's right, this is a traffic police inspector, what is in his hands? (children's answers).

    - Well done, this is a rod. The rod is needed to control the movement of cars and pedestrians on the roads.

    Lesson topic: Fundamentals of road safety "Knowledge is life".

    Learning Objectives: repeat the rules of the road with students, consolidate the ability to cross the road correctly, know traffic lights, traffic controller signals, and road signs; develop students’ speech, attention, memory; expand your vocabulary on road vocabulary.

    Developmental goals: form and develop the integrity of the perception of the road environment, cultivate discipline in compliance with the Traffic Rules and safe behavior on the streets and roads; achieve understanding, awareness and comprehension of road signs.

    Educational goals: foster a sense of camaraderie, respect for people, correct behavior V in public places, desire to help.

    Equipment: PC, multimedia presentation, truck (toy), ball, exhibition of the Golden Key magazine, exhibition of children's works, cards with road signs, cards of red, yellow, green, traffic lights.

    Progress of the event.

    1. Organizing time.

    Hello children and guests of our event. Today we have gathered with you to talk again about the rules of safe behavior on the roads.

    Look - this is our old friend Vasya. What kind of adventure awaits him today?

    1 slide.

    2. Staging.

    Vasya stretches and yawns: “Oh, well, I had a rest.” He looks around in surprise: “And summer is already ending!” It's time to get ready for school. I’ll go to the store and buy school supplies.”

    On the way, Vasya met hisfriends Lelya and Tolya. They were so happy to meet that they began to hug and kiss with joy.

    - Hi Hi! I'm so glad!

    - And how glad I am! - the kids shouted, interrupting each other.

    - Let’s play,” Lelya said. - I have a ball.

    - “Come on,” Vasya agreed, “and then I’ll buy everything for the school.”

    - Look, there is plenty of room to play.

    But Tolya frowned and said quietly:

    - I think I've now remembered that playing on the road is very dangerous.

    - “What are you talking about,” Lelya answered, “look, what’s so dangerous about her?”

    - Maybe the danger is not in her, but in the cars?

    Cars, buses, and large trucks passed by, hurrying about their business.

    - Oh, what's so dangerous about them! - Lelya did not let up. - They go and go, they don’t bother anyone.

    - Indeed,” Vasya agreed, “let’s play already.”
    The friends threw the ball and the game began.

    - Throw it!

    - Give me!

    - Faster! - cheerful voices were heard.

    The sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing loudly. But suddenly the ball rolled onto the road, the brakes creaked... Boom! Bang!And everything became quiet. Vasya, Lelya and Tolya stood and looked in surprise at what was left of the ball. He got underThe car's wheel burst.

    The cars, grumbling and growling dissatisfiedly, began to go about their business. But from around the corner a stern man appearedpoliceman. He asked:

    - Whose ball is this?

    - “Mine,” Lelya answered, almost crying.

    - And what happened to him? - asked the policeman.

    - “It burst,” Lelya said and began to cry.
    But then Vasya intervened in the conversation.

    - It was I who suggested playing. Punish me.

    So he decided to protect the unfortunate Lelya. Her ball had already burst.

    - “I won’t punish anyone for now,” the policeman answered. - But tell me, why did this misfortune happen?

    - “I warned,” Tolya said, “it’s dangerous to play next to the road, but they didn’t listen to me.”

    -“I understand now,” said Vasya. - This is really dangerous! Only the ball burst, but they could have gotten under the car And we.

    - And, in addition, cars and buses could be damaged, and in them a large number of people,” the policeman added.
    Lelya raised her big tear-stained eyes and said:

    - I understood everything, forgive us, we won’t do it again.

    - “We won’t do this anymore,” Vasya and Tolya responded in one voice.

    -And so that you do not forget your promise and do not make similar mistakes, I invite you to my school. Shenot simple... This is the “School of Traffic Light Sciences,” said the policeman.

    The kids happily agreed.

    3. Announcing the theme and purpose of the event.

    2 slide.

    Teacher: I'm glad to welcome you guys and our guests to the School of Traffic Light Sciences. We saw that trouble could await us everywhere. To prevent this from happening, remember that:

    You are responsible for your fate

    Everyone: both adults and children.

    You need to know the traffic rules

    Like a multiplication table!

    Teacher: What do you think will be discussed in class today?

    That's right, we will remember everything we know about the rules of safe driving on the road, we will talk about the main assistants on the road - traffic lights and road signs. I hope that Vasya, Lelya and Tolya will listen to us carefully and remember.

    It is necessary to study and know the traffic rules in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the movement of traffic. Today you need to be very careful.

    4. Familiarity with road signs.

    Children read poems.

    1 student:

    The pavement is seething with movement:
    Cars are running, trams are rushing.
    Everyone be true to the rule -
    Hold on right side.

    2nd student:

    It can be easily explained
    Whether you are young or old:
    Pavement - for transport,
    The sidewalk is for you!

    3rd student:

    Where should you cross the street?
    Remember this simple rule:
    Look to the left first,
    Look to the right later.

    4 student:

    On the roadway, children,
    don't play these games.
    You can run without looking back
    In the yard and on the playground.

    5th student:

    It’s better not to hang on the car -
    You are in danger of an accident.
    Remind the mouthful strictly:

    Stop! There's a road here!
    Who's frolicking like that on the street?
    Then he will end up in the hospital.

    6th student:

    Noise, movement, hum of engines.
    You can immediately get confused
    If you don't know how to understand traffic lights.

    Teacher: Look at the street in front of us. Vehicles and pedestrians move along it.

    – Where does the transport go? (On the roadway)

    – What is the name of the place where the streets intersect? (Crossroads)

    – What is used for pedestrian traffic? (Sidewalk)

    – How should you move along the sidewalk? (Sticking to the right moan)

    – Is it possible for pedestrians to walk on the roadway? Why?

    What helps both vehicles and pedestrians move safely on the street?

    Road signs and traffic lights.

    Where are road signs installed?

    They are installed where the situation requires it, they give a lot good advice, warn of danger.

    –Do you need to know road signs?

    - Of course, because some of them are addressed only to pedestrians. But there are also many signs for drivers.

    Teacher: Who are we on the road?

    If you are walking on the sidewalk, then you are... (pedestrian)

    If you are traveling on a bus or car, then you are... (passenger)

    If you ride a bicycle, then you ... (driver)

    So, we can be both pedestrians and drivers, so it is necessary to know the road signs.

    3 slide.

    Teacher: The signs are different. There are warning signs, prohibition signs, prescriptive signs, indicative signs, and service signs.

    Teacher: Each of you has a set of road signs. Show me all of them, please. Listen to riddles about signs and try to identify, show and name the sign in question.

    Students read the riddles, and the rest guess and show the sign in question and name it. (Each child has a set of signs)

    4 slide.

    Teacher: You guessed all the signs correctly. What do they have in common? (They are round, red and prohibitive.) Why do you think prohibitory signs are red? What does the color red symbolize?

    5 slide.

    Teacher: The guys have more riddles.

    Teacher: What do these signs have in common? (They are on a triangle, red, warning)

    Teacher: We continue to solve riddles. Be careful.

    6 slide.

    Teacher: These signs are called prescriptive. How do you understand this word?

    How to move correctly if you are walking along a road that does not have a sidewalk?

    (Move along the side of the road towards traffic.)

    Slide 7

    Teacher: And of course you are familiar with these signs. Tell me what they mean. What is the name of this group of signs? Index marks.

    8 slide.

    Teacher: We also see signs like these on the roads. They are called Service Marks. What do you think they mean? Point one medical care, food point, resting place.

    5. Consolidation.

    Slide 9

    Teacher: Well done boys. You guessed everything correctly, named all the signs correctly. But I have one more task for you. Imagine that in front of you is a busy street.

    The city where you and I live
    It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
    ABC of streets, avenues, roads
    The city gives us a lesson all the time.
    Here it is, the alphabet above your head:
    Signs are posted along the pavement.

    Teacher: Look carefully at the picture: what signs are missing? Find the location of road signs.

    6. Physical education minute.

    A game for attention: just speak and stand up, no, clap your hands and shake your head. Listen carefully!

    Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No)
    - What do you want - say, red light - no passage? (Yes)
    - What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No)
    - Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No)
    - Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes)
    - Say what you want, we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No)
    - What do you want - say, there is a person drawn on the sign “no passage here”? (No)
    - What do you want - say, on round signs the red color means “it’s prohibited here”? (Yes)

    7. Crossword.

    Teacher: And now, to continue the conversation, we need to solve the crossword puzzle.

    10 slide.


    1. A sign given by a vehicle or traffic light.

    2. Damage to the vehicle while driving.

    3. Markings on the road indicating a pedestrian crossing.

    4. The person driving the vehicle.

    5. A man walking.

    6. Hard and smooth road surface.

    7. Side part, edge of the road.

    8. A place intended and specially arranged for movement from one side of the street to the other.

    Crossword answers:



    Teacher: Read the keyword: TRAFFIC LIGHT.

    8. Game “All about the traffic light”.

    11 slide.

    Teacher: I suggest you play a game: “All about the traffic light.”

    On the screen you see buttons with numbers. When you press any button, a question related to the traffic light appears. You must answer this question. And then the computer will give the correct answer. This way we can test your knowledge about traffic lights.

    1. What is a traffic light?

    A traffic light is a device that uses light signals to allow or prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians in a certain direction.

    2. Why is a traffic light installed and where?

    Traffic lights serve to regulate traffic; they are installed at intersections, pedestrian crossings and other busy places.

    3. What types of traffic lights do you know?

    There are traffic lights for transport and pedestrian traffic.

    4. Where are the traffic lights located?

    The signals are arranged in a strict sequence: red, yellow, green.

    5. What should you do if you approach the road and the green traffic light starts blinking?

    If you are approaching the road and the green signal begins to blink, wait until the non-blinking green signal turns on.

    6 . What does a pedestrian-only traffic light look like?

    Traffic lights intended for pedestrians have only two sections - red and green, with the image of a red stationary man - a prohibiting signal, and a green walking man - allowing movement.

    7. What do traffic lights mean?

    Red – stop, yellow – attention, green – go.

    8. Which intersection is called a controlled intersection?

    Where is the traffic light or traffic controller?

    The traffic controller controls the movement by changing the position of the body and performing (holding right hand rod) certain gestures.

    The guard student demonstrates gestures, and the teacher explains them.

    1. The traffic controller faces the participants with his chest or back, arms are extended to the sides or lowered - movement is prohibited. This position corresponds to a red traffic light.

    2. The traffic controller raised the rod up - attention. We can assume that the traffic light is yellow.

    3. The traffic controller faces the traffic participants sideways, arms are extended or lowered - movement is allowed. This position corresponds to a green traffic light.

    9. How will you cross the road if there is no traffic light?

    If there is no traffic light on a section of the road, then you need to cross to the other side only at a certain place - at a pedestrian crossing. Before you step on the road, look around. Look in both directions and, once you are sure it is safe, cross the road, constantly monitoring the situation.

    Teacher: Well done! You answered all the questions correctly. Now I am sure that you will always follow the rules of the road.

    9. Game for attention.

    Teacher: And now, guys, I propose to play. I will show traffic lights. If red means you stand still, yellow means you clap your hands, green means you walk in place. So, pay attention!

    10. Reflection.

    Teacher: Well, what about Vasya, Lelya and Tolya? Did you enjoy our Traffic Light Science School? Have you learned anything new? What about you guys?

    12 slide.

    Teacher: Look, Leopold the Cat, Pinocchio and the Golden Key magazine are ready to help you with studying traffic rules. You have already studied many interesting articles, games and messages on safe movement within the “Safe Wheel” section, and I think you will continue to study them together with our favorite newspaper “Golden Key”.

    Road rules

    There are a lot in the world.

    Everyone would like to learn them

    It didn't bother us


    But the main rules of the movement

    Know how to table

    Must multiply:


    “On the pavement - don’t play, don’t ride,

    If you want to stay healthy!”

    Teacher: The lesson at the School of Traffic Light Sciences has come to an end. Did you like it? And so that you don’t forget how important it is to follow the traffic rules, I have prepared small traffic lights as a gift for you with the wish (or a reminder for students on traffic rules): “Know the traffic rules like the multiplication table!”

    Thank you for your work.

    Abstract open class according to traffic rules in preparatory group"Safe behavior of children on the roads."

    Goal: Formation of knowledge, skills and practical habits of safe behavior on the road and street. Summarize children's knowledge about traffic rules.


    • To consolidate children's knowledge about transport and types of transport.
    • Establish rules for using public transport.
    • To consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await children on the street;
    • Strengthen children's knowledge about traffic lights;
    • Strengthen the ability to distinguish and understand the meaning of some road signs;
    • Improve road behavior skills by studying signs
    • Review the rules of behavior on the street. Traffic Laws.
    • Develop attentiveness and observation when performing tasks;

    Develop logical thinking;

    • To instill in children a respectful attitude towards the Rules of the Road and a desire to follow them;
    • Foster a culture of behavior in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;
    • Develop the ability to listen carefully, not interrupt, complement and correct the mistakes of your comrades.
    • Learn to compare, highlight the main, essential;
    • Develop the ability to group objects;
    • Coordination of speech with movement.

    Progress of the lesson:

    I. Organizational moment: (Children enter the group. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the guests and offers to say hello to them).

    Educator: Hello children. We have some guests coming to our class today, let's say hello to them. Now let’s stand in a circle with you.

    All the children gathered in a circle.
    I am your friend and you are my friend.
    Let's hold hands tightly.
    And let's smile at each other.

    Let's turn left or right.
    And let's smile at each other.
    Let's start the day with a smile
    Everything will work out for us!

    Now let's go to the tables and sit on the chairs.

    Guys, look who came to visit us!

    (The teacher shows the children a doll - Masha). She wants to get to know you and get to know our city better. Masha also wants to take a walk around the city, but she doesn’t know the rules of behavior on the street. But you will learn from the poem what rules we are talking about:

    People don’t walk around the city or on the street just like that

    When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

    Be attentive at all times and remember ahead.

    They have their own rules

    Driver and pedestrian.

    Tell me, what rules are we talking about in the poem?

    Children: Rules of the road.

    Educator: That's right! Guys, can we help Masha understand the traffic rules?

    Children: Let's help.

    Educator: Let's remember the rules of behavior on the road, traffic lights, road signs. Guys, we need to convince Masha that

    Very important science
    Traffic rules.
    And we must comply with them
    All without exception.

    Is everything clear to you, friends? (Children's answers).
    Well, that's good!
    So here we go!
    And we immediately hit the road

    Along the main road towards your dream
    Just attention will come in handy everywhere.
    I see you are all waiting
    And your first task!

    Exercise 1: "Guess a riddle"

    1. For this horse, food is
    Gasoline, and oil, and water.
    He does not graze in the meadow.
    He rushes along the roads.


    2. Little houses are running along the streets,
    The houses are being transported for adults and children.


    3. Early in the morning at the window
    Knocking and ringing and chaos
    Red houses are walking
    Along straight steel tracks.


    4. Amazing carriage!
    Judge for yourself:
    The rails are in the air, and he
    He holds them with his hands.


    Educator: Guess what types of transport are discussed in the riddles?

    Children: About the ground public form transport.

    Educator: That's right. When we travel on a bus or tram, who are we?...


    When we walk down the street, who are we?...


    Well done! So, imagine you are passengers! What are the rules of use public transport You know? It will be difficult for our Masha to immediately remember the rules of behavior, so we will teach her using prompt models.

    Children: In public transport, passengers behave calmly. They speak in a quiet voice. You can't shout or make noise. Passengers must go inside the cabin. Hold the handrails firmly. Pay for travel. Give way to older people, older people, and passengers with small children. You cannot lean out of the window, drink drinks, eat sweets or ice cream.

    Educator: Well done! You know the rules for passengers well. Now tell Masha mandatory rule road safety: how to get around a bus, trolleybus and tram standing at a stop.

    Children: Buses and trolleybuses standing on the road or stop must be walked around from behind, and trams from the front.

    Educator: That's right, guys!
    Well, what if you break the rules?
    You will get different injuries,
    And suddenly something bad happens,

    What should we do then?
    Children: Call "03", an ambulance.

    Educator: Remind me, Masha, what kind of ambulance is this?

    Children: This is a special transport.

    Educator: Children, what other special transport do you know? (fire engine, police car).

    Educator: Well done! You have mastered the types of transport well, now show what kind of drivers you will be:

    Physical education minute (coordination of words with movements).


    "We are drivers" .

    Let's go, let's go by car (steering wheel movements)
    Press the pedal (leg bent at the knee, straightened)
    Turn the gas on and off (turn the lever toward you, away from you)
    We look intently into the distance (palm to forehead)

    The wipers count the drops (wipers)

    To the right, to the left, cleanliness!

    Educator: Now, let's introduce Masha to true friend and an assistant for drivers and pedestrians. Guess the riddle and find out his name:

    He exists to help you
    The path is dangerous
    Burns day and night -
    Green, yellow, red.

    Educator: What is this?

    Children: Traffic light. Guys, do you know that a long time ago a traffic light had only two eyes: red and green. (SLIDE FIRST TRAFFIC LIGHT). And only with the advent of high-speed cars, a third signal appeared - a yellow signal.

    Educator: Now you and I will play a game "Say the word"

    Choose the right rhyme for the poem (Game "Say the Word").

    Learn the simple law
    The red light came on -... (wait)
    Yellow will tell the pedestrian
    Get ready for... (transition)

    And green is ahead
    He tells everyone -... (go)

    Educator: Well done, and you know the traffic lights. Now let's see how attentive you are. Let's play the game: "Traffic light" .

    Be careful. Showing:
    Green circle - stomp your feet,
    Yellow circle - clap your hands,
    Red circle – silence!

    Well done! You know traffic signals very well
    Quiz "Be careful"
    Now I'll check on you
    And I’ll start a game for you.

    I'll ask you questions now -
    It is not easy to answer them.

    If you act in accordance with the Traffic Rules, then answer in unison: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!” And if you hear a riddle, don’t do that, just remain silent.

    1. Which of you is moving forward?
    Only where the transition is?
    2. Who flies forward so quickly
    What does the traffic light not see?

    3. Who knows that the light is green
    Means the way is open
    Why is the yellow light always for us?
    Does he mean attention?

    4. Who knows that the red light is
    Does this mean there is no move?
    5. Who doesn’t have the patience to wait for the green light?
    6. Who is near the roadway

    Having fun chasing a ball?

    7. Who listens to traffic light instructions without arguing?

    Educator: Well done children! You know the traffic rules very well. Do you know the road signs?

    Educator: Tell me, what shape are the signs? What colour? That's right, there are three main types of signs and they can be compared to traffic lights. Look, what does the red traffic light mean? That's right, the red signal prohibits movement. And there are prohibitory signs. These are signs round shape with red trim around the edge (I place a model of prohibitory signs opposite the red circle). What does a yellow traffic light mean? Yes, a yellow signal warns about a change in traffic light signal and there are signs that also warn a person about something. These are warning signs. They have triangular shape and red border. And the green, permissive traffic light signal corresponds to information and directional signs. These are signs of blue color square or rectangular shape. Children, in fact, there are a lot of road signs and it is difficult to remember them, but even children should know some signs - these are signs for pedestrians. Look closely at this sign "No Pedestrians" , what species does it belong to? (prohibiting)

    Signs "Children" , "Crosswalk" What type of signs do these signs belong to? (warning)

    And now we will play a game “What sign is this?”

    1. Educator: I want to cross the street:

    What road sign should I look for to determine where to cross?


    2. Educator: We went on vacation outside the city.

    What sign should we take with us?

    (Careful, children!)

    3. Educator: If we want to eat:

    What sign will help us find a canteen or cafe?

    (Food station)

    4. Educator: We need to get on the bus, by what sign do we know that this is a stop? (Public transport stop - bus)

    5. Educator: If you need to call urgently? What sign will help us find, a telephone?


    Okay, well done! And let's end the conversation with a task:

    Educator: Well done! Tell me guys, who monitors compliance with traffic rules on the road?

    Children: Policeman-regulator or also called a guard.

    Masha, before going out into the street, you need to know not only road signs and traffic lights, but also other pedestrian rules. Now the guys will tell you about them by reading poems about traffic rules.

    1. Both avenues and boulevards -
    The streets are noisy everywhere.
    Walk along the sidewalk
    Only on the right side. (Vitya P.)

    2. If you are just walking,
    Look ahead anyway.
    Through a noisy intersection
    Pass carefully. (Ian T.)

    3. Riding like a hare, as you know,
    For - pre - now - there!
    Give way to the old lady
    Allowed! (Katya L.)

    4. Crossing when the light is red
    For - pre - now - there!
    When it's green - even for children
    Allowed! (Alina S.)

    Educator: Well done, guys! You have perfectly mastered the Rules of the Road. And in conclusion I want to ask:

    Do you think we were able to accomplish an important task - to teach Masha safe behavior on the road, on the street, in transport?

    Children: - We did it!

    Educator: Let's, together with Masha, once again repeat the basic rules of the road and play the game: “Forbidden - allowed.”

    (The teacher asks questions, and the children answer “Allowed” or “Forbidden”).

    Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...
    Cross the street at a red light...
    Cross the street when the light is green...
    Give up your seat to older people on public transport...

    Walk around a stationary tram in front...
    Play near the roadway...

    Respect traffic rules...

    Well done! Now I am sure that you were able to teach Masha the Rules of the Road.

    Well, guys, you successfully completed all the tasks. Today you showed excellent knowledge of the laws of streets and roads! All this will help you and Masha to be exemplary pedestrians in life. Be careful on the roads and city streets.

    Educator: Masha and I thank you for your good knowledge of traffic rules. Thank you guys, thank you to all the guests! This concludes our lesson.

    Topic: “Travel to the country of traffic rules”


    Purpose of the lesson . Continue to introduce traffic rules and learn how to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking, visual attention, and the ability to navigate the world around us. Foster a sense of responsibility.



    Continue to introduce the elements of the road;

    Improve dialogic speech, intonation expressiveness of speech;

    Continue to reinforce the rules of conduct on the roadway;

    To develop in children a sense of responsibility in observing traffic rules;


    Develop the basics of traffic literacy in children, expand children’s knowledge about traffic lights, the meaning of traffic lights;

    Develop interest in the art of applique, develop the ability to carefully use glue,


    Form friendly, friendly relationships between children;

    Develop the ability to listen to your peer without interrupting;

    Create a desire to follow traffic rules.

    Activating the dictionary:

    Fix the words in children's speech: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk;

    Fix the names of road signs in speech.

    Methods and techniques:

    game moment, artistic expression, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, reinforcement, encouragement, outcome.

    Objectives of integrated educational areas:

    "Safety". Expand your understanding of traffic rules. Continue to introduce the elements of the road. Clarify ideas about the operation of traffic lights.

    « Artistic creativity" To introduce children to the art of applique, to develop interest in this type of activity. Develop the ability to carefully use glue: spread it in a thin layer on reverse side of the figure to be glued, apply the side coated with glue to a sheet of paper and press tightly with a napkin

    "Cognition". Fix the names of the shapes: circle, rectangle.

    "Socialization". Form friendly, friendly relationships between children.

    "Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: rectangle, traffic light, signal, crossing, public transport stop. Develop free communication with adults and children.

    "Reading fiction." Develop the ability to solve riddles and correlate them with the image.

    Preliminary work:

    Conversation “Traffic signals”, “Red, yellow, green”, “Road signs”, “Rules for crossing streets and roads”, “About striped zebra crossings and the road sign “Pedestrian crossing”, “In public transport”

    Didactic games: “What is a street”, “I am a driver”, “Road signs”

    Reading fiction: Y. Pishumov “Cars”, V. Berestov “I’m going running”, M. Plyatskovsky “Stop the car!”, S. Mikhalkov “If the light turns red”, S. Yakovlev “You must obey without arguing”, B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light”

    Looking at photographs “Streets of our city”

    Drawing “Truck”, designing “Our Street”

    Compiling a story about a traffic situation based on a plot picture.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Educator : Guys, the boy Luke (toy) came to visit us. He got lost on the street and came to us for help. How can he get home?

    Educator : Let's help our guest not be afraid to walk the streets. But for this we will go on a little trip. And first, guessriddle.

    The houses stand in two rows,

    Ten, twenty, hundred in a row.

    Square eyes

    They look at each other.

    Children: Street.

    The first stop on our street will be called “Journey into History”. Let's tell the guest how people moved a long time ago, when cars had not yet been invented, there were no buses and trains.

    How do you think?

    Children : on horseback, on carts.

    S. Mikhalkov “From carriage to rocket.” And you, Luke, listen carefully..

    From carriage to rocket

    People traveled around the world

    Having seated himself in the carriage.

    But the twentieth century came -

    A man got into the car.

    This is where things went wrong!

    The cities began to rattle.

    The noise of engines, the rustle of tires -

    Thousands of cars are rushing.

    In steam slow-moving ships

    Pedestrians climbed in.

    And they could be on their way

    It's easy to get off on the go.

    And now to the sound of wheels

    We are being driven by an electric locomotive.

    Didn't have time to say two words

    Look: you have to get out!

    The ships were like this

    They floated like toys.

    We sailed for a month, we sailed for a year...

    The ship has appeared!

    And today to the oceans

    Giants emerge.

    White light surprises

    The speed of sea missiles.

    Well, and this, well, and this -

    Around the world rocket!

    From carriages to rockets!

    Is this a miracle or not?

    Obedient to only one wind,

    The balloon was rising.

    The man knew how to dream

    The man wanted to fly!

    Year after year has passed...

    A plane has appeared!

    He sat down in a chair and ate breakfast.

    What's happened? Arrived!

    Educator : It turns out how people lived in the distant past. But people got tired of depending only on horses and they came up with...

    What did they travel on?

    Children : trains, cars, planes, etc.

    Educator : How great you guys are, how observant. But we will go further with you.

    Our next stop is called “Traffic Light”.

    Educator : In one beautiful old city, three lights met at a crossroads: Red, Yellow and Green. A dispute ensued between them about which of the lights was the most important.

    Child (red light):

    I, the red one, am the most important -

    the color of a bonfire, a fire.

    They know how people see me,

    that there is anxiety and danger ahead.

    Child(yellow light):

    No, I yellow, more important.

    My color is the color of the sun.

    And it can be both friend and enemy.

    So I warn you:

    Be careful!

    Attention! Do not rush!

    Child(green light) :

    Friends of the lights, stop arguing!

    This is me - the most important color - the color of grass, forest, leaves.

    I remind everyone to be safe and calm.

    Child (traffic light):

    Friends, there is no need to argue!

    Each of you is very bright color, and each one is very important.

    Let's be friends!

    We will always work together to help all people on the streets of the city.

    Educator : Do you guys understand why there is a traffic light on the streets?

    Children : yes, so that there are no accidents, etc.

    The game "Colored Cars" is played. (whose garage will be assembled faster).

    Educator : and now we will move on and our next stop is called the “Riddles about road signs” stop.

    Educator : Why are road signs needed on the streets?

    Children: children's answers.

    Educator : Let's now check whether you know the road signs or not.

    Here I have road signs on my table and your task is not just to guess the riddle, but also to find the road sign that is mentioned in this riddle. And so, let's begin. First riddle.

    Traffic rules riddles:

    Everyone knows the stripes,

    Children know, adults know,

    Leads to the other side... ("Pedestrian crossing.")

    In cars here, friends,

    No one can go

    You can go, you know, children,

    Just on…. ("Bike Lane".)

    And here, guys, it's no laughing matter,

    You can't drive anything here,

    You can only do it on your own

    Only for pedestrians. ("Footpath".)

    You will notice this sign immediately:

    Three colored huge eyes.

    The eyes have a certain color:

    Red, yellow and green.

    If the light turns red, it is dangerous to move.

    For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition. (Traffic light)

    In the white triangle

    With red border

    For schoolchildren

    Very safe.

    This road sign

    Everyone in the world knows:

    Be careful,

    On the road... (children).

    What kind of road sign is this:

    Red cross on white?

    Day and night you can

    Feel free to contact us!

    The doctor will bandage your head

    White scarf

    And will provide medical first aid. (Medical aid station).

    Driver brake. Stop!

    The sign is a ban in front of you.

    This is the strictest sign

    So that you don't get into trouble.

    You must obey the sign

    Don't drive under a brick. (No entry).

    Stop, crowd of people.

    The bus will arrive soon.

    City transport is waiting here,

    They go to the office, to the workshop, to home.

    Going to school, kindergarten,

    On holiday they go to the parade.

    In the street cycle

    City transport is held in high esteem! (bus stop location)

    We've been driving for a long time, we're tired,

    And stomachs began to growl

    They admitted this to us

    That you've been hungry for a long time.

    Less than five minutes have passed

    There is a sign - dine here. (Food station)

    I'm a connoisseur road rules

    I parked my car here

    Parked near the fence

    She needs to rest too! (parking place)

    The game “Answer correctly” is played, the children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center with the ball, to which of the children the teacher throws the ball, he answers.)


    He is walking along the street. So this is (pedestrian)

    If you are traveling on a bus or car, then you (passenger)

    Do cars fly?

    Does a traffic light have 8 eyes? (no – 3 signals: red, yellow, green)

    Do cars sleep in beds? (no, in a garage, in a parking lot)

    What is the name of the place where people wait for the bus (stop)

    What is the name of the place that includes roads, parks, residential yards, playgrounds(Street)

    Educator : And at the end of our journey, I would like to play one more game with you.

    If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all mine.”

    friends,” and if not, then remain silent.


    1. Which one of you goes forward?

    Just where is the transition?

    2. Who flies forward so quickly,

    What does the traffic light not see?

    3. Who knows that the light is green

    It means the way is open.

    Why is there always a yellow light?

    Does he mean attention?

    4. Who knows that the light is red

    Does this mean there is no move?

    5. Which of you, going home,

    Is it on the pavement?

    6 Which of you is in a cramped carriage?

    gave way to the old lady?

    Olga Vasilyeva

    Open lesson on traffic rules in senior group kindergarten"The City of the Little Pedestrian"

    Educator: Vasilyeva O. E MBDOU No. 17, Kemervo

    Senior group

    Target: systematize children's knowledge about traffic rules and road signs.

    Educational objective: clarify children’s knowledge about the concepts of “road signs”, expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights and traffic rules; consolidate the words in children’s speech: pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk, names of road signs.

    Developmental task: develop memory, thinking, the meaning of traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, develop ingenuity, quick thinking, speech activity.

    Educational task: cultivate a general culture of behavior on the road.


    Educator: Hello, Dear friends! Look how many guests have gathered, let's say hello to them. Together: Hello!

    Educator: The key that opens the locks in people's souls is a smile. You need to be able to smile beautifully. Now we will give each other a smile. And we will send our smiles to our guests (the children blow them from their palms).

    Guys, you and I received a letter (showing) from the “City of the Little Pedestrian”, and the inspector Svetoforov Svetofor Svetoforovich writes to us. He got into trouble. Let's open the letter and find out what happened.


    “My dear boys and girls!”

    I've heard a lot about you. I was told that you are the nicest, bravest, smartest, attentive, smart and cheerful. Therefore, it is you who I want to entrust to unravel this difficult matter. So: mystical unknown things are happening in our city. A road sign has disappeared from the streets of our city. Not a single detective was able to figure out what was happening in the city.

    I won’t tell you which sign was missing, because I need to make sure that you know the rules of the road well and that you deserve a reward. I hope you can guess and return this sign to us, and we will have order on the road again. I have several tasks, they are difficult but interesting. For each correct execution, you will receive a part of the image of that sign that has disappeared from the streets of our city.

    I'm sure you will succeed! And you can help me! Good luck to you!

    Your Traffic Light Svetoforovich.

    Educator: Guys, the traffic light inspector has placed on our shoulders a responsible matter that even experienced detectives cannot do. Therefore, we must not let him down. Are we up to the task? Shall we find the sign that has disappeared? Then we begin.


    1. If you put your foot on the road,

    Pay attention, friend: the road sign is a red circle,

    The man walking in black is crossed out with a red line.

    And the road, it seems, but... Walking here is prohibited!

    (No Pedestrians")

    2. By car here, friends,

    No one can go

    You can go, you know, children,

    Just on…. ("Bike Lane".)

    3. You will notice this sign immediately:

    Three colored huge eyes.

    The eyes have a certain color:

    Red, yellow and green.

    If the light turns red, it is dangerous to move.

    For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition. (Traffic light)

    4. In the white triangle

    With red border

    For schoolchildren

    Very safe.

    This road sign

    Everyone in the world knows:

    Be careful,

    On the road... (children).

    5. Apparently they will build a house -

    Bricks hang all around.

    But in our yard

    Construction site is not visible

    (No entry).

    6. Where the steps lead down,

    Come down, don't be lazy.

    Pedestrians must know:

    Here (“Underground passage”).

    Well done! You have successfully completed the first task, and you receive the first part of the sign.


    Stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask questions, and you answer the question and return the ball to me.

    Who is walking along the road? A pedestrian.

    Who's driving the car? Driver.

    How many eyes does a traffic light have? Three eyes.

    If the red “eye” is on, what does it mean? Wait.

    If the green “eye” is on, what is it talking about? You can go.

    Where are we waiting for the bus? At the bus stop.

    Tell us where children are allowed to play. At the playground.

    If you are traveling on a bus or car, then you are (a passenger).

    How do cars move? (They're going)



    I'm going to the village this summer

    (hands on shoulders, forward circular movements)

    I drove a car with my grandfather

    (hands on shoulders, backward circular movements)

    On the road here sometimes

    No markings

    (straight leg forward on toe alternately).

    So what should we do then?

    How to cross it?

    (straight leg back onto toe alternately).

    If there are no cars, then you can

    (We shake a finger with one hand)

    Just be very careful

    (We shake the finger of the other hand).

    Left - right look

    (Hands on waist, head turns)

    Don't run and don't fly

    (We shake our fingers, alternately changing hands.)

    And without unnecessary fuss

    Will you cross the road

    (Walking with high knees).



    TASK No. 3. “It is possible - it is not possible.”

    To complete this task you need to split into 2 teams, and for this we will remember that all road signs are divided into groups, one of these groups: Warning signs. They have a triangular shape. The background is white, the pictures are black. Red border. Warns road users about dangers.

    Group 2: Mandatory signs. The shape is round, the background is blue, the designs are white. Prescribe certain actions to road users, such as the direction of turns.

    Look at the backs of your chairs. What's there? Those with red road signs, go to the table where the red warning sign is. Another team, your table with a prescriptive blue sign.

    There are pictures in front of you. One team chooses pictures depicting places to ride a bike. The second team – places where cycling is prohibited. (Lay out, then voice the questions).

    At the bus stop... (impossible)

    In the yard... (You can)

    At the stadium... (Can)

    On the roadway (not allowed)

    In kindergarten….(You can)

    On the highway (Not allowed)

    On the motorway... (it is forbidden)

    In the clearing (possible)

    On the stairs (not allowed)

    Along the sidewalk... (possible)

    Did all teams complete the task? Let's check with each other.

    Okay, you get another part of the sign.

    TASK No. 4.

    If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” and if not, remain silent.

    1. Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

    2. Who flies forward so fast that they don’t see the traffic light?

    3. Does anyone know that a green light means the path is open?

    4. What does a yellow light always mean about attention?

    5. Does anyone know that a red light means there is no movement?

    6. Which of you, walking home, follows the pavement?

    7. Which of you gave up your seat to the old lady in a cramped carriage?

    TASK No. 5.

    You need to split into 2 teams again. Go to the tables, on them you will see pictures with the task. You will all soon become first graders and you will need to learn how to cross the road correctly, so now we will try to help schoolchildren find a safe way from the bus to school.

    All parts are assembled.

    Guys, what sign did we get? (Crosswalk). Now we know that this particular sign has disappeared in the City of the Little Pedestrian, and we need to return it. (We put the finished sign in the envelope.)

    In order to collect all the parts of the sign, we completed tasks, let's remember which ones:

    They guessed riddles;

    Determined places for cycling;

    Answered questions about traffic rules;

    Helped us find a safe road.

    Presentation of medals.

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