• Open display of educational activities on artistic creativity (application) in the second junior group “House for a puppy. Notes on the application in the second junior group on the topic "house"


    Tatiana Bezuglova
    Lesson notes on application in the second younger group"House for the Frog"

    Integration of educational regions: "ARTISTIC CREATIVITY"(applique)

    "SOCIALIZATION", "COMMUNICATION", "COGNITION"(formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons, "PHYSICAL CULTURE", "WORK".

    Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, productive.

    Teacher's tasks: Teach children to portray in applique items consisting of several parts, determine the shape of the parts (square, round, triangular.) Developing the ability to pre-post (in a certain sequence) finished parts on a sheet of paper different shapes, sizes, colors, making up an image, and sticking them. Formation of neat work skills. Maintaining the feeling of joy that arises when creating an image, develop aesthetic taste.

    Target: Fix the name of colors, color perception, the name of geometric shapes.

    Materials and equipment: toy frog,

    geometric shapes, details for appliqués« House» , PVA glue, sheets of white paper, brushes, napkins, round and square objects.

    1. Organizational moment

    The teacher makes a wish riddle: In the summer you will find it in the swamp Green frog. Who is this?

    Children: Frog

    The guys greet the guest - frog.

    Educator. U frogs- a big problem happened to the frogs. She came to us so that you could help her. I'll tell you now what happened to frog:

    "Lived frog in his house in the swamp nearby, she was doing well and knew no trouble. In the morning I got up, washed my face, did exercises, had breakfast, played, had dinner, slept, cleaned the house, and so the evening came, then night came and... I was getting everyone ready for bed. Somehow I left little frog In the morning I left home on business, and the weather turned bad, a strong wind came and blew and carried away the frog's house is far, far away. Came frog home,A no house, burst into tears. Then a little sparrow flew past and asked what happened the frog told everything, and advised the sparrow to contact frog to the child in kindergarten.

    The kids there are smart, they will help you in your trouble. Guys, we'll help frog - frog? We know all the figures from which a house is built. Let's remember what they are called.

    Children name the geometric shapes that the teacher shows.

    2. "Wonderful bag" Educator: And now we will show frog how we can guess objects by touch. The teacher hides round and square objects in a bag and invites each child to put his hand in the bag, take the object, determine its shape, name it and take it out.

    3. Moving - didactic pause "TWO FROGS»

    We see them jumping along the edge of the forest

    (turns to the sides.)

    Two green frogs,

    (half squats left and right.)

    Jump-jump, jump-jump,

    (stepping from toe to heel.)

    Jump from heel to toe.

    There are two girlfriends in the swamp,

    Two green frogs,

    (hands on the belt, half squat to the right - to the left.)

    In the morning we washed ourselves early,

    We rubbed ourselves with a towel.

    (perform movements in accordance with the text.)

    They stomped their feet,

    Hands were clapping.

    Leaned to the left

    They leaned to the right.

    That's the secret of health,

    (walking in place.)

    Hello all physical education friends!

    4. Application« Frog House» Children with a teacher lay out on sheets of paper house made of parts: large triangle - roof, large square - wall of the house, small square - window, small circle - decoration for the roof. Children one by one coat the laid out parts with glue and glue them on.

    Educator. Guys, our guest really liked yours houses. She called her friends. They also want to have their own homes. Let them live in your homes.


    Guys frog says thank you very much, and it's time for her to return home to her new house. We will say goodbye to her and invite her to visit us again with her friends.

    Who was our guest today? (frog)

    What did you and I build? (house)

    What figures did we use to build?

    What else did we do?

    Children, on the instructions of the teacher, find in group and show triangular and square shaped objects.




    Artistic creativity


    « House for a frog»

    From the experience of working as a teacher

    Bezuglova Tatiana Alekseevna

    Mokry Gashun village

    Publications on the topic:

    Let the pines and spruces stick out all winter, wrapped up in the snow and blizzards, and sleep. Their skinny greenery, Like the needles of a hedgehog, Although it never turns yellow, But it never turns yellow.

    Summary of a comprehensive lesson on appliqué in the junior group “Let's decorate the Christmas tree” Integration educational areas:"cognition", "communication", "socialization", "physical education" Types of children's activities: play, work.

    Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity. Application “Snowman” (second junior group) Abstract of GCD on artistic creativity (application) Topic: “Snowman” (second junior group) Educational areas: artistic.

    Goal: to evoke an emotional response to the application in children, to form a kind attitude towards children. Objectives: 1. To instill neatness in children.

    Goal: Preparing hands for writing in older children preschool age using the technique of breaking appliqué. Objectives: educational: -consolidate.

    Abstract OOD Artistically – aesthetic development. Application “We will give dad a tank.” (2 ml. group) Program content: Summarize.

    In the second junior group, such classes are held very often. The theme “Spring” is one of the most popular.

    Application in the second junior group - goals and objectives

    So, it’s already warmer... How to raise preschoolers’ interest in spring nature? An application in the second junior group on this topic will help cope with this task.

    At the same time, children develop compositional skills (they determine how best to place flowers, grass, bushes, trees on a sheet of paper). In addition, appliqué in the second junior group develops children's creative imagination, and also fosters initiative and independence in artistic creativity.

    Where to begin?

    The most important thing is to carefully think through every step in such an activity. For example, before an applique is made in the second junior group, it is worth leading the kids to this topic with some introductory words.

    For example, you can start with the fact that every person loves his native land. They are beautiful at any time of the year. However, in spring, the lush pink and fruit trees are especially pleasing to the eye. The blue sky, birds soaring in it, lilacs and tulips, green grass... All this brings satisfaction and joy to a person.

    What should be the applique in the second junior group on the theme “Spring”? You can make it non-standard, incredibly interesting, unique.

    So, an example. We begin to create elements for the composition. Colored threads are used for trees. They are cut in three pieces (beige and brown) about fifteen centimeters long. The edges are aligned and tied into a loose knot. After this, a trunk is made - a pigtail is woven. The threads (tree branches) straighten out.

    After this, take velvet brown paper. On back side A child's palm is outlined on the sheet and cut out. This will be a bush.

    Grass is made from harvested grass green paper. The dimensions are not very large - about two centimeters wide and five centimeters long. The paper is folded four times. On one side the edges are slightly cut. The paper unfolds - the grass is ready!

    And here is the main point - flowers! They are made from white, pink, yellow and beige napkins. Each of them is cut into four squares, from which balls are rolled. These will be small flowers.

    They are glued around the branches of bushes and trees. It turns out to be a blooming garden!

    Decorate the group with children's works

    A good option for a spring theme would also be the Birdhouse applique. In the second junior group, any child can do this. The main thing is that after this, the teacher, together with the children, will be able to decorate the group with crafts and create an exhibition of works.

    The application “Birdhouse” in the second younger group can be shared. On a large sheet of whatman paper, children can glue different parts.

    Someone may work directly on the birdhouse, someone will glue birds, someone will work on a tree, and someone will work on leaves.

    In any case, no matter which option is chosen (general application, or personal for each child), this activity will develop in children color and tactile perception, imagination and interest in creative work.

    Collective composition

    By the way, one caveat. It is better to conduct the “Applique” lesson in the second junior group as a group. Children will find it much more interesting to cut out different shapes at one table. In addition, they will learn to work together, respect the opinions of others, and make compromises.

    At the same time, the application will turn out to be very original, because the kids will cut out petals of various shapes and colors - these could be red poppies, or white daisies, and in a word, every child can be proud of the panoramic collective composition. In addition, the children will learn to divide colored paper, scissors, brushes, and glue.

    Before starting work, you can also look at photographs, postcards and calendars with images of various flowers, talk about spring and plants, and solve riddles on this topic.

    Gifts for parents

    By the way, it is not at all necessary to decorate the group with these crafts. The “Spring” applique in the second junior group can also be a wonderful gift for parents, for example, for a mother on March 8th. You just need to glue the sun, flowers, grass on which bunnies and squirrels bask, and leaves with butterflies and insects grow on the trees.

    Parents always appreciate gifts from their children. Moreover, they are made by yourself! Therefore, do not forget about spring holidays! Adults should see what their little ones have been taught and how hard they try!

    The work of educators is very important

    In this case, of course, it is not so important what the topic of the work will be. “Spring”, “Summer”, or maybe it will be the application “Space” in the second younger group. What is important is how educators work with children.

    You should definitely discuss the topic of the application with them, read poems, stories or fairy tales, and show suitable pictures. For example, with the theme “Spring”, you can take out photographs of various flowers and ask what are the similarities and differences between them. It is necessary to explain to the kids the technique of doing the work, ask them certain questions and give them the opportunity to answer them. Don't forget about rough sheets of paper. The result is incredibly beautiful crafts.

    Just remember that it is necessary to show every moment in detail. From the main picture to the design of the edges of the applique. Teeth or rounded petals - children must understand what exactly they are cutting out.

    It is advisable to make as many flowers as possible. The composition will look bright and elegant. The main thing is that the children try and are interested. In this case, the flowers will look like they are alive.

    When making a general composition, you can make a whole “meadow”. At the same time, the suggestions of each child are listened to. The work, of course, is done together with teachers, who can correct any “mistake” in a timely manner.


    How can I end this lesson? At the end you can read a few more poems on the theme “Spring”. About flowers, about the awakening of nature, about the arrival of birds...

    Don't forget to help the kids in decorating the compositions. Tell me what would be best, how to combine flowers, where to place birdhouses.

    After the work is done, look at the finished applications with them, discuss them, talk about spring. In a word, the conclusion should be beautiful and bright.

    That is, having carefully thought through the course of the lesson and developed a specific plan, the teacher will quickly interest any child and teach him a lot. At the same time, the kids will be captivated by such work throughout the entire creativity lesson.

    It is also worth noting the fact that appliqué helps develop a child’s aesthetic taste and artistic imagination, design thinking (after all, assembling a “whole” from pieces is not so easy), motor skills and tactile sensations(you can use not only paper for this, but also fabric, herbarium, straw, etc.).

    In addition, the baby begins to understand what the word “technology” itself means. In order to get a result, he works, performing certain actions. The applique in the second junior group on the theme “Spring” is a gorgeous piece of work. The child cuts out the figures, coats them with glue, chooses a suitable place for them, etc.

    Making an applique is not at all difficult. You can prepare for this lesson in just a few minutes. But the result... It will impress you!

    Applique is one of the favorite activities of kids in kindergarten. This productive type of activity is closely related to knowledge of the surrounding world and plays a large role in mental education child. This technique is especially suitable for working with children. early age, since their activities at this time are of an objective nature. In addition, compared to other types of artistic creativity, appliqué is more conventional in nature, which is also an advantage when teaching children 2–4 years old.

    What you need to consider when preparing for an appliqué lesson in the first junior group of kindergarten (2–3 years old)

    Although the program does not provide for appliqué classes with preschoolers attending the first junior group, the teacher can still carry out targeted activities for children to gradually master this type visual arts.

    So, at the initial stage, the teacher determines the level of sensory development of pupils, their ability to compare and contrast elements by shape, color, size.

    The teacher offers children games based on planar mosaics. The teacher cuts out various geometric shapes or silhouettes of a variety of subjects and objects, fairy tale characters, etc. from thick paper. First, children must learn to rhythmically place identical elements over the entire surface of the base. Then it will be a more complex action - laying out the heroes of some fairy tale known to children in a certain order (in accordance with the text of the work). Another type of work is drawing up a silhouette from two or three parts. The teacher encourages children to take action by example. During such activities, colors, relationships in size and spatial arrangement are simultaneously studied.

    Examples of such applicative games:

    • “Help the apple find its soul mate” (children make a whole apple from parts, pressing them tightly together).
    • “Flowers in a clearing”, “Paths of leaves” (children learn to rhythmically place elements of the same shape, but of different colors on the base).
    • “Journey of Balls” (preschoolers place the circles in one direction, from largest to smallest).
    • “Little clouds are floating across the sky” (kids learn to place irregular shapes throughout the entire space of the base).
    • “Laying out the fairy tale “Turnip”” (kids place the characters according to the text of the fairy tale).

    Over time, when the kids master these games, the teacher suggests gluing the parts onto the base. First, the teacher himself smears the elements with glue and, together with the baby, presses them to the paper (controls with his fingers).

    And only later, from about the second half of the year, under the supervision of the teacher, pupils of the first junior group can move on to self-sticking.

    The importance of appliqué activities for children of this age (2–3 years)

    Applicative activities with proper teacher guidance and age-appropriate application methodological techniques has a great influence on the comprehensive development of pupils of the first junior group.

    Children learn to creatively express their impressions that they receive as a result of learning about the world around them. In addition, this technique of working with paper provides great opportunities for the development of fantasy and imagination.

    The application involves a sequence of certain actions, which, in turn, develops perseverance and perseverance in children in achieving their goals. The children develop primary research skills.

    Applique classes help pupils of the first junior group remember the names of colors and understand shapes and sizes.

    Thanks to laying out simple compositions, preschoolers form visual-motor connections and develop fine motor skills, finger movements become more confident. The experience gained in composing plot compositions from ready-made forms helps in subsequent drawing.

    Note that applicative creativity also contributes to the social and communicative development of children: during classes, they willingly comment on their work and exchange remarks. Particularly effective in this regard collective activity- the guys wait for each other, provide assistance, give way.

    The application has a positive effect on development logical thinking: ability to compare and contrast, highlight the main thing. All this leads to more early development analytical-synthetic processes, which, by the way, are the basis for successful schooling.

    Suitable techniques: cut applique, circle applique, sensory with applique, etc.

    Children of early preschool age do not yet work with scissors (they are offered only in middle group). For this reason, certain techniques available to children are used in classes. This is a broken appliqué, which is similar to laying out a mosaic: the guys tear off pieces of paper and fill in the drawn outline of the object with it.

    Note that the teacher must teach kids how to tear off paper correctly: after all, they often simply pull it different sides and crush it. The child must carefully take the piece with two fingers of both hands and pull - one handle toward himself, the other away from himself. The teacher coats the resulting fragments with glue, and the preschooler glues them to the base. Some children can apply glue on their own; by the end of the year, with regular practice, all children should master this skill.

    A child of the first junior group practices the breaking technique

    A very simple and understandable technique for children two to three years old is circle applique. After all, when working with them, unlike, for example, squares, it does not matter which side the child sticks on the figure. In any case, the image will be harmonious. The essence of this technique is that children decorate with circles the shape proposed by the teacher (patterns of dishes, clothes, toys, etc.) or put together from these shapes (of the same size) a simple object or object (beads for mom or a doll, a caterpillar, etc.).

    Applique of circles of the same color and size

    In childhood, the determining factor is always sensory development. Therefore, it is worth including sensory skills with applications in the activities of children of the first junior group. This is work with ready-made planar forms, developing the fine muscles of the fingers, as well as the eye. For example, the teacher glues red, yellow, blue and green threads onto the base, and the child must match them with paper air balloons of the same color, place and glue strictly above the thread (at first the teacher glues it).

    Another option is “Pick a lid for the teapot”: the child is offered several paper lids of different colors and sizes, he must select and glue the desired lid to the teapot. A variation of this building is “Car and Wheels”, “Put on half a piece of paper”, etc.

    Another interesting task for applicative sensory - “Feed the kittens” (team work): on a large basis, the teacher glues the silhouette of a bowl, the children are offered silhouettes of kittens. You need to glue the pets so that their faces touch the bowl.

    In the future, the work becomes more complicated - children completely lay out the simplest objects from parts - ladders, turrets, pyramids.

    The materials used, including for the base, the optimal size of the parts, the possibility of children participating in their production

    For applicative lessons in the first junior group, white and colored paper . The basis is usually taken thin cardboard or album sheets. The teacher cuts out details from thin paper(but still quite durable) best option- glossy: its bright colors and pleasant texture will arouse children's additional interest in productive activities.

    Note that geometric shapes should be the same size so that preschoolers can create a harmonious pattern from them (for example, the side of the square corresponds in length to the side of the triangle).

    As for the size of the parts, it is unacceptable that they are too small, since children two to three years old have not yet developed enough fine motor skills for such work.

    If the appliqué activity involves the use of cutting techniques, then the parts are made by the children themselves. For these purposes, it is best to use napkins or thin matte paper.

    The teacher can also offer children cut-out silhouettes various items and wildlife objects. At the same time, the templates must be expressive and clear. That is, kids should have no doubt who is in front of them - a duckling or a chicken, an apple or an orange.

    The child complements the image of the animal’s face with a mustache

    The relevance of an individual approach in appliqué classes with children of the first junior group. Variants of practical tasks with the same material

    When kindergarten students are just beginning to master applicative activities, the teacher works with subgroups of children (several people in each), then the lesson is conducted entirely with the group. Also, in order to add variety to productive activities, thereby maintaining children’s interest in it, students should periodically be encouraged to create collective compositions.

    When carrying out work, the teacher must take into account the differences in the development of children. Therefore, during the lesson an individual approach must be used. Children may differ slightly from each other in age; in the first younger group, sometimes a difference of several months makes a difference. In addition, some children rarely attend preschool and, accordingly, do not master the program in a timely manner. However, with regard to the division of preschoolers into subgroups, it should be done not according to age, but according to another parameter - the level of development of the students.

    Let us note that although individual activity gives a high educational and developmental effect, it does not give the child the experience of joint actions. The advantages of frontal training are that children develop endurance, perseverance, and the ability to listen to others.

    Note that within the framework of an individual approach, the teacher can use variable tasks with the same operational material. So, some children should be offered mugs of the same color for appliqué. Stronger preschoolers can first sort by color - the teacher asks them, for example, to select only green shapes from the total mass, and then decorate the template with them.

    A variation of tasks can also consist in changing the characters of the game (placing chickens on the base first, and then ducklings), working on a small, and then on a larger space of the sheet.

    Methodology for conducting a lesson on application in the first junior group

    Appliqué classes in the first junior group, like any other class directly educational activities in a preschool educational institution, has its own structure: this is the theoretical part of the lesson, which brings preschoolers to the creative process, their independent productive work and summing up.

    Let us note that at this age, the teacher does not yet analyze the finished work with the children: he does not point out to the children possible shortcomings (after all, they are often due to the fact that the children, due to their development, do not yet have the necessary skills). The lesson ends exclusively on a positive note - the teacher praises all the students, admires their successes, which in turn stimulates the children to further creativity.

    Organization of the theoretical part of the lesson

    Any activity in preschool institution It is recommended to conduct it in an entertaining way, but in relation to nursery group the game moment is decisive. To keep the kids’ attention, the teacher must organize a surprise moment at the beginning of the lesson.

    For example, if children are asked to work collectively on making a baby book (gluing silhouettes of toys and animals onto blank pages), then the postman brings a package to the group, in which the children find materials for appliqué. An option could be a fairytale chest with the same contents or some character well known to children. After this, the teacher and the children review the material for the lesson: the purpose of the brush and glue, oilcloth and rag is clarified.

    Another interesting solution for theoretical preparation for productive activities (application on the theme “Pyramid”) - a toy Bear comes to the group, he whispers in the teacher’s ear that he would like to play with the pyramid. The teacher shows the bear and the children a toy, the color and size of the parts are discussed, the pyramid is assembled and disassembled several times, and the kids must try to do it themselves.

    Another option for exciting motivation (the activity “Decorating a Rattle”) - the teacher tells the children that the bunnies have built a house for themselves (a picture or a toy house is shown). It is very cozy and warm, but the animals cry and cannot calm down because they do not have rattles.

    If the theme of the application is “Decorating a Mitten,” then the teacher draws the children’s attention to the doll sitting by the window. She looks outside - it’s cold there, so all the people are dressed warmly. The teacher shows the children mittens. It would be appropriate to read N. Sakonskaya’s poem “Where is my finger?”:

    Masha put on her mitten.
    - Oh, where am I going?
    There is no finger, it’s gone,
    I didn’t get to my little house!
    Masha took off her mitten.
    - Look, I found it!
    You search, you search and you will find.
    Hello, little finger!
    How are you?

    You can also play an outdoor game to the music “Pass the Mitten” (the child on whom the music stops goes into the middle of the circle and dances).

    During a lesson on the topic “Rug for a kitten,” the teacher offers the kids a riddle game (they perform actions according to the text and at the same time guess who they are talking about):

    • Who lives there little (shrugs)
      Early in the morning he gets up (stretch)
      He drinks milk from a saucer, (“lap” milk from his palm)
      Likes to wag his tail (show his tail with his hand)
      Wash with your paw. (wash)
      Who is this?

    Then the sad kitten Murzik appears - it turns out that it’s his birthday, but no one gives him gifts, and he would really like to have a beautiful rug to sleep on.

    Class notes

    Author's full name Title of the abstract
    Russian E.
    Educational objectives: arouse interest in working with paper, teach how to roll out pieces of napkins between your palms to form a ball, learn to place the ball in the right place.
    Developmental tasks: develop fine motor skills, eye, spatial thinking.
    Educational tasks: cultivate interest in natural phenomena, observation, accuracy in work.

    Handout: cardboard white with the image of a cloud and droplets as guides, pieces of blue napkins, glue, a plate for finished parts.
    Progress of the lesson:
    The teacher reads a poem about a cloud and rain, while simultaneously showing the kids a cloud to which raindrops from napkins crumpled into a ball are attached:
    • Look at this, guys.
    • What is this thing?
    • It's in the blue sky
    • A cloud appeared.
    • Cloud is crying
    • The rain is jumping -
    • Thin legs.
    • Leaves behind
    • Wet paths.

    The guys look at the craft, determine whether it is raining heavily or lightly. Then the teacher reports that she brought a lot of clouds that just need droplets of rain. The children are explained how to make balls from napkins: you need to crumple a piece with your fingers and then roll it between your palms using circular movements. The finished balls are dipped into glue and pressed down on the spot where the droplet is drawn.
    Held finger game“Rain”: at the signal “Little rain” the kids knock on the table with two fingers, at the signal “heavy rain” - with all fingers.
    Independent productive activity. Exhibition of works.
    The outdoor game “Sun and Rain” is played.

    Bondareva N. "Flowers for Mom"

    The teacher reads a poem about mom:

    • Mom is heaven!
    • Mom is the light!
    • Mom is happiness!
    • There is no better mom!
    • Mom is a fairy tale!
    • Mom is laughter!
    • Mom is a caress!
    • Mom loves everyone!

    The upcoming holiday is being discussed - Mother's Day. On this day you cannot upset your mothers, you need to obey them and show your love. The teacher invites the kids to give their mothers flowers (this is the best gift).
    On the children's tables there are cardboard cards on which they need to glue flowers.
    The teacher demonstrates in detail the techniques of spreading and gluing. The parts are pressed down with a napkin, and excess glue is carefully removed.
    A physical education session on a flower theme is being held:

    • Our scarlet flowers
    • The petals are blooming
    • (open fists)
    • The breeze breathes a little,
    • The petals are swaying,
    • (perform movements with the hands in one direction or the other)
    • Our scarlet flowers
    • The petals close
    • (clench fingers into fists)
    • Quietly falling asleep
    • They shake their heads.
    • (shakes their fists first one way and then the other)

    Productive activities of children. Exhibition of works.

    Topics of appliqué classes in the first junior group

    We recommend the following themes for laying out a pattern (of circles, squares) on a finished form:“Rug for a puppy (kitten)”, “Apron”, “Small mitten”, “Hat”, “Scarf”, “Polka dot dress for mom (doll)”, “ Christmas balls", "Cup", "Teapot", "Plate", "Packages for New Year's gifts."

    Topics on composing an item from ready-made parts (or adding the necessary elements to the silhouette):“Fence”, “Beads for mom (doll)”, “Autumn hedgehogs”, “First spring leaves” (“ Autumn tree"), "Flags", "Mushroom", "House", "Flowers for Mommy", "Locomotive", "Whiskers for the Cat".

    Topics for appliqué using the cutting technique (filling in the finished outline):“Apple with leaf”, “Pear”, “Cucumber”, “Bunny”, “Cat”.

    In addition, you can offer children the theme “Rain” ( applique made from crumpled napkins).

    Collective compositions (placing ready-made silhouettes in a large space): “The bun is rolling along the path”, “Turnip” (laying out the fairy tale characters in the required order according to the text), “Chickens in the clearing”, “Ducklings in the pond”, “Fish in the aquarium”, “Autumn leaf fall”, “Miracle tree” .

    Patterns of applicative work for pupils of the first junior group: clothes, dishes, trees

    Photo gallery "Templates"

    Templates for decorating with a pattern of circles

    Material for the first junior group
    Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group Material for the first junior group

    Templates for creating a composition from individual silhouettes

    Material for the applique “Fruits on a plate” Material for the applique with a plot Material for the applique “vegetables on a plate” Material for the applique “ Autumn hedgehog» Material for the application “Compote”

    Templates for cut appliqué

    Material for torn applique Material for torn applique Material for torn applique Material for torn applique

    Photo gallery “Ready works”

    Applique from napkins Applique from napkins Tear-off applique Applique Collective applique Applique Decorative applique Collective applique Collective applique Applique from lumps of napkins Applique Applique

    Aspects of preparation for appliqué classes in the second junior group of kindergarten (3–4 years), increasing the complexity of tasks

    In the second younger group, children also work with ready-made forms that the teacher offers them. However, at this age, preschoolers are already able to create more complex silhouettes, for example, consisting of circles of different sizes (snowman, tumbler), more details (rocket, birds, animals). Decorative activities are becoming more complicated: ready-made silhouettes are already decorated with various shapes (circles, squares, triangles, stripes).

    At the age of 3–4 years, the techniques of laying out figures and gluing them onto a paper base are reinforced. More attention is paid to neatness; the teacher constantly reminds of the need to use oilcloth, a cloth, and a brush stand.

    Note that ready-made forms For application, it is better to distribute to preschoolers after explaining the task. Glue is offered to the children after they have arranged the elements in the required sequence. The teacher must check the composition, since children’s spatial thinking is still developing, and children are not very good at orienting themselves on a sheet of paper (for example, gluing in the center of the base is difficult for them).

    New techniques (application games) and materials. The relevance of combined and non-traditional techniques at this age Changes in the permissible dimensions of parts, the possibility of children participating in their manufacture

    In the second junior group, the range of techniques used in appliqué classes is expanded. The broken applique, which refers to unconventional ways Images. However, compared to the nursery group, it becomes more complex: different colors of paper are used, with the help of which a certain pattern is laid out.

    The craft is made using the cutting technique

    Similar to the broken mosaic appliqué technique. Only here the details are the same correct form(circles, squares, triangles) the teacher offers the children.

    Mosaic application is a suitable way to convey natural phenomena

    Children are offered sand application (as an option, semolina or small sawdust is used). The teacher (kids can sometimes help him) draws shapes with a glue stick the desired shape, and preschoolers sprinkle them with sand. The excess is shaken off the base. The result is an interesting applique image, which is complemented by paper details.

    Sand application - original way Images

    An applique made from crumpled paper is also popular in the second younger group (let us remind you that kids could get acquainted with it back in the nursery group - “Rain”). The advantage of this unconventional technology the fact that it allows you to get a three-dimensional image that children like so much. For example, in this way you can decorate the breast of a bullfinch or titmouse, or make bright fluffy balls for playful kittens.

    Crumpled paper makes a voluminous bird breast

    Kids really like the voluminous crumpled applique

    Besides, different techniques can be successfully combined in one work. For example, an image is created from ordinary parts and broken elements cut out by the teacher.

    The work organically combines cutting and traditional techniques

    Didactic games on appliqué in the second junior group also become more complicated. For example, children are already invited not only to select the other half of an object or item, but to symmetrically add details to a more complex multi-colored image (for example, a butterfly or a flower in a pot). Games for the development of decorative skills are also becoming more complex: silhouettes are decorated with more intricate patterns based on a combination of figures of different shapes and colors.

    In accordance with the variety of techniques, children of the second younger group are offered more extensive material to work with. So, the basis is now not only sheets of paper or cardboard, but also various shapes. This could be, for example, a leaf of a tree made of green cardboard, onto which you need to stick a bug or a caterpillar. As a basis for

    It is also very interesting for children to combine applique and modeling, as well as applique and drawing, in a composition. So, for example, you can draw antennae and paws on a glued-on ladybug with a black felt-tip pen. And the points on its back can be designed in the form of plasticine balls. You can also sculpt eyes for many animals and birds from plasticine.

    As a basis, the teacher can offer preschoolers the most unexpected objects, for example, computer disks. The teacher sticks a heart-shaped picture in the middle of them, and the children must paste it over the lumps of napkins.

    The craft is made on a non-standard basis - a computer disk

    Cotton pads can also be used as a material for appliqué (this is how you can depict a snowman in an original way). Animal crafts made from cotton wool are also popular: it is glued along the outline of the animal, resulting in an interesting three-dimensional image. This way you can beautifully depict a white kitten, a bunny in a winter coat, a sheep, polar bear. Note that this image is usually complemented by paper or plasticine eyes and a black nose.

    Cotton wool applique is ideal for depicting some animals

    Please note that the material offered younger preschoolers, may be so bright that it will distract attention from the teacher’s explanation. Therefore, it is recommended to distribute it to kids before directly productive activities. Each child is offered an individual bag (plate).

    As for the size of the initial details, in the second younger group children can already complement the main image with smaller elements (eyes, nose of an animal or bird), since their fine motor skills are already more developed compared to children in the nursery group.

    Methodology for conducting a lesson on application in the second junior group

    The appliqué lesson in the second junior group has a traditional structure and consists of a practical and theoretical part.

    The lesson usually starts with surprise moment followed by looking at the subject of the image. This will revive preschoolers’ ideas about the features of the proposed form. The teacher clearly tells the kids the color of the object, traces its outline with his fingers, highlighting its features. Thus, visual analysis is complemented by tactile analysis. Moreover, it is important that children also touch the subject of the image.

    The teacher also shows samples of applications that he prepares in advance. Note that the sample clearly indicates the shape of the object, but details can be omitted.

    Also an obligatory part of the lesson is a visual demonstration of the techniques for placing parts and gluing. The demonstration of the most complex techniques is present until preschoolers master them at a good level. Note that the teacher comments on each of his actions in words.

    Before direct productive activities, the teacher always conducts physical education or finger gymnastics topic related to the lesson.

    Independent activity of preschoolers begins with laying out the elements on the base. The teacher checks the correct placement of all students.

    Note that the methodology for conducting applicative lessons in the second junior group involves the use various forms individual approach: one child needs help in drawing up an image, another in gluing, etc. But when paying attention to one student, the teacher should always see the whole group as a whole: assess the pace of the children’s work, take into account who else needs help.

    Organization of the theoretical part of the lesson. Methods for conducting self-analysis on finished work

    Since it is difficult for children of early preschool age to concentrate on any one activity for a long time, the teacher should try to captivate them as much as possible with the application. To do this, kids must have a motive for the creative process.

    Note that in the second younger group the teacher thinks through more complex motivation. Let's give specific example. The lesson begins with sad music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”. A toy Bear appears. The children, with the help of the teacher, notice that his girlfriend Masha is missing. It turns out that she got sick because she ate a lot of candy, cakes, chips, and drank Coca-Cola. A mini-conversation is held with children on the topic of unhealthy and healthy foods. And quietly the teacher leads them to the topic of the lesson - applications on the topic “Vegetables” or “Fruits”.

    Thus, the theoretical part of the visual arts lesson should give the kids some kind of cognitive information. This can also be preliminary work on speech development: the teacher borrows motivation from a fairy tale or a short poem.

    Applique work at this age already includes analysis of children's crafts. After finishing the work, the teacher invites the kids to look at all the works together and admire them. The children's attention is directed to visual characteristics: beautiful colors, expressiveness of images. For example, when examining tumblers, the teacher suggests showing the cheerful ones, the sad ones, the most beautiful ones, and the broken ones. That is, preschoolers learn to notice unsuccessful moments.

    From the second half of the year, the teacher clearly points out to children mistakes, for example, incorrect alternation of parts by color or size. The quality of the gluing is also assessed: “clean”, “neat” or, conversely, “sloppy”. Gradually, preschoolers themselves are involved in such an analysis: they must understand what to do in the future in order to avoid mistakes.

    Variants of practical tasks with the same material for children 3–4 years old

    Please note that within the framework of an individual approach, the teacher offers pupils of the second junior group various options practical tasks with the same material. For example, strong children can come up with their own pattern for making beads, while everyone else repeats the theme proposed by the teacher.

    Another option to complicate the task is to offer to compose an image of an object from a larger number of elements. This applies to compositions such as caterpillar tracks or train carriages.

    Class notes

    Author's full name Title of the abstract
    Temirbekova S. "Birdhouses for Starlings"
    Educational objectives: exercise children in making an image from an object consisting of several parts of different shapes.
    Developmental tasks: develop color perception.
    Educational tasks: cultivate aesthetic taste, perseverance, accuracy.
    Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
    Handout: squares Brown 9x9 cm, triangles with a side of 10 cm, yellow circles with a diameter of 4 cm, oilcloths, napkins, glue, brushes.
    Progress of the lesson:
    A conversation about spring and its signs.
    A bird (an older child) “flies” into the group. She brings the kids a letter from the starling. It turns out that he returned home from warm countries and moved into a new house. But his friends will arrive soon, and they don’t have houses. And without a house, starlings will not be able to hatch their chicks.
    Children happily agree to help the character - using applique to make houses for his friends.
    Examination of a sample birdhouse made by a teacher. The teacher explains how to do the work.
    The finger game “Bird” is being played:
    • Little bird, little bird,
    • Place the palms of both hands thumbs and wave your tassels (wings) in the air.
    • Here's the millet
    • Here's some water. Place your fingers in a pinch and show how the grains are poured.
    • Shape the palms of your left hand into a handful.
    • And quickly eat Elbow right hand stands on the table. Fold your fingers in the form of a pinch (the bird’s head), lowering and raising the “head”, show how the bird drinks from a handful.
    • Fold your fingers into a pinch and tap them on the table (the bird pecks the grains).
    • And fly to your family. Place the palms of both hands with your thumbs and wave your hands (wings) in the air.

    Independent work of preschoolers. Then they go to the board and attach their birdhouses to the tree trunks drawn by the teacher. Kids insert silhouettes of birds into the slots prepared in advance.

    Ladyeva I. "Polar bear"

    Children are given a riddle about a polar bear:

    • Maybe someone won't believe it
    • These animals love the cold.
    • White people don't take off their coats,
    • They sleep, eat and play in fur coats.
    • Even in fur coats they catch fish,
    • Where have you seen this?
    • If you know, then answer:
    • It's a northern bear!

    The teacher casts a spell, the kids spin around and find themselves at the North Pole.
    An outdoor game called “Ice Pieces” is played: children must jump into hoops laid out on the floor.
    Then the teacher invites the children to make a polar bear out of cotton wool: they need to pinch it off in small pieces and glue it to the base - a template of a bear figure. And the eyes and nose are drawn with a felt-tip pen.
    Demonstration of image techniques. Independent activity of children. Exhibition of works.

    Topics of appliqué classes in the second junior group

    The topics of classes in the second junior group should be understandable and accessible to children. But at the same time, they will no longer be too simple, as in the nursery group, so that the children do not interest in the application waned. The choice of topics for classes reveals the individuality of the teacher and his creative approach to work.

    We offer the following topics for possible applicative lessons, divided into separate blocks for convenience.

    • World of wildlife: “Bear”, “Bunny”, “Hedgehog”, “Fox”, “Kitten” (optionally with a ball), “Chicken”, “Duckling”, “Bullfinch”, “Titmouse”, “Sparrow” , “Goby”, “Fish in the Aquarium”, “ Ladybug", "Caterpillar", "Butterfly".
    • Vegetable world: " Indoor plant", "Mushrooms", "Mushroom clearing", "Basket with mushrooms", "Chamomile".
    • Vegetables, fruits, berries: “Big and small apples on a plate”, “Berries and apples are on a plate”, “Canning fruit”, “Compote”, “Borscht”.
    • Toys and household items: “Pyramid”, “Big and small balls”, “ Balloons", "Tumbler", "Balls and Cubes", "Umbrella".
    • Houses and furniture: “House for forest animals”, “Dog booth”, “Birdhouse”, “Table and chair”.
    • Ornaments and patterns: “Rug for a puppy (kitten)”, “Mitten”, “Matryoshka”, “ Beautiful cup», « Elegant dress", "Let's decorate the boots", "Beautiful towel", "Hat and scarf".
    • Food: “Scrambled eggs”, “Bagels-bagels”.
    • Transport: “Truck”, “Plane”, “Rocket”, “Ship”, “Traffic light”, “Trailers”.
    • Fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “Moidodyr”.
    • Winter: “Snowflake”, “Snowman”, “Decorated Christmas tree”, “Snowfall”, “Colorful lights in the houses”.
    • Natural phenomena: “It’s raining”, “Rainbow”.
    • Patriotic themes: “Russian Flag”, “My Home”, “My Family”, “My City”.

    Note that the teacher must clearly distinguish between object and decorative appliqué. It is good to give some topics a practical focus: make bookmarks for books, make butterflies to decorate the veranda.

    Periodically, the teacher offers pupils of the second junior group collective work, for example, “Toy store”, “ Flower glade"", "Bunnies in the meadow", "My city", "Summer meadow", "Leaf fall", applications on the theme "Friendship", "Family".

    Applicative works of pupils of the second junior group

    Photo gallery "Houses"

    Applique Applique Applique

    Photo gallery “Winter”

    Application from cotton pads

    Application with drawing elements

    Photo gallery “Toys and household items”

    Applique Applique Applique

    Photo gallery “The Big World of Animals”

    Applique Applique Broken applique Applique Applique Applique Applique Applique Applique of your choice Applique Applique

    Lesson notes on the “Ladybug” appliqué. Second junior group

    A) educational objectives: continue to cultivate children’s interest in appliqué, use a brush and glue, a napkin correctly, teach how to fold a circle in half, and arrange the parts in a certain order. Develop compositional skills.
    b) educational tasks: Teach to treat native nature with care and attention.

    Materials for the lesson: green cardboard, large black circles (abdomen), small black circles (head) Red circles, black and white confetti for dots and eyes, glue, scissors, black markers, ladybug toy, large illustration.

    Progress of the lesson

    The teacher enters the group with a small basket covered with a colored scarf.
    IN.- The guys came to us unusual guest, but she doesn’t want to show herself to you until you guess the riddle about her:
    Red wings, black peas.
    Who is this walking on my palm?
    IN.- Who is this?
    Children: Ladybug.
    IN. Right. This is a ladybug. The teacher raises the scarf and shows the toy. Let's look at it. Look, guys, at Ladybug. What shape does she resemble?
    -Right on the circle. What color is our ladybug?

    - That's right. Red, round. Therefore, before, a long time ago, this bug was called the sun. And now we call it ladybug. Why? Why is this insect called a ladybug when it is a beetle? God's blessing is clear: the beetle is small and seems harmless. It runs slowly along the hand. But touch it lightly, and an orange liquid will immediately come out from the folds of the legs - “milk,” as people say. That's why - cow!
    For a bird or lizard that wants to catch a bug, this “milk” will immediately kill its appetite: it is pungent and smells disgusting. But the bug warns everyone in advance with its bright color: don’t touch me, I’m not edible!
    So the ladybug spread its rigid back - the elytra, spread the two thin membranous wings hidden under it and flew off. Rigid elytra do not participate in flight, but only help the bug glide.
    The ladybug, despite its harmless appearance, is a predator. It eats sedentary aphids - plant pests. This baby destroys almost a hundred aphids or three hundred of their larvae per day. One ladybug lays about four hundred eggs in its life. Each of them hatches into a larva, which also feeds on aphids. It grows and pupates in less than a month. The pupa sticks to the leaves and hangs upside down. Soon an adult ladybug emerges from it.
    -So, our ladybug is round red, it has an abdomen, wings, and legs. Now let's play.
    Physical exercise “Ladybugs”
    We are ladybugs (jumping) -
    Fast and agile (running in place)!
    We crawl along the lush grass (wave-like movements with our hands),
    And then we’ll go for a walk in the forest (we go in a circle).
    In the forest there are blueberries (we stretch up) and mushrooms (we crouch)…
    My legs are tired from walking (bending)!
    And we’ve been wanting to eat for a long time (we’re stroking our tummy)…
    Let’s fly home soon (“fly” us to our seats)!

    Explanation of the stages of work.
    And now we will try to make a ladybug out of paper. First, take a large black circle and glue it to your clearing. Where will our ladybug sit? Now let's take a small black circle and glue the ladybug's head. Now we need to make the wings. Our ladybug wants to fly up and so she spreads her wings. Glue two semicircles. But you have one red circle on your table. How to make a semicircle from a circle? You need to fold the circle in half. Then glue dots on the wings and eyes on the head. So we got a ladybug. All that remains is to draw on the paws with a felt-tip pen.

    The teacher hangs up all the children's work.
    - What wonderful ladybugs we got. Just like real ones, this is because you tried very hard, I think your ladybugs will definitely make friends with our guest and she will no longer be sad. Who remembers the rhyme we read to a ladybug when we put her on our finger?
    Ladybug, fly to the sky,
    bring us bread,
    black and white,
    just not burnt.

    "Let's help the snowman"

    Educational area: Artistic creativity. Application


    1. Consolidate knowledge about snow.

    2. Teach children to stick circles on sheets of appliqué paper.

    1. Give concepts about snow through experimentation.

    2. Activate children's vocabulary (cold, soft, fluffy, sticky), designation of paper sizes (round, large, smaller, smallest);

    3. Strengthen the ability to sequentially arrange circles depending on size using a presentation on a projector.

    4. Improve the ability to carefully pick up glue on a brush, spreading ready-made forms, and press the parts with a napkin;

    5. Develop orientation on a sheet of paper, visual attention, fine visual differentiation (large - smaller - smallest);

    6. Cultivate accuracy in children when performing tasks;

    7. Develop gross and fine motor skills.

    Demo material: snow, snowman, napkins, magic snowballs projector, flannelgraph, circles of different shapes, bucket for the snowman, felt-tip pens.

    Handout: sheets of blue paper, circles (large, small, even smaller), markers (black, orange and pink), rosettes, brushes, napkins, oilcloths,

    Preliminary work: observation, playing with snow, reading poems about winter, talking and looking at illustrations about winter with children.

    Methods: experimenting, viewing, examining, listening.

    Techniques: play, experiment, demonstration, clarification, reminder, encouragement.

    Progress of the lesson

    Org. moment:

    IN: Hello children! I invite you to the magical forest.

    Tell me, what time of year is it now?


    IN: Right. In winter it is very cold and frosty.

    We have arrived in the winter forest!

    There are so many miracles here!

    Snowflakes are spinning in the sky,

    They lie quietly on the ground.

    So the bunny galloped,

    He ran away from the fox.

    A gray wolf prowls through the forest,

    He is looking for prey.

    We will run away from him

    Let's sit under a bush.

    And the bear is sleeping in the den,

    He'll sleep like that all winter.

    Peace and quiet in the forest

    You and I can't make noise.

    1.Experimenting with snow

    IN:-The magic forest has prepared a surprise for us? Let's get a look,

    Children go to the table on which there is a bowl of snow covered with a napkin.

    IN: -What kind of surprise is this? Let's get a look. (The teacher removes the napkin from the basin)

    IN:-What is this? (Snow)

    IN:- Look at him, what is he like?

    D:- White! Fluffy

    IN: Let's take the snow on our palms and hold it for a while.

    IN: What does snow feel like?

    D: Cold!

    IN: Look what's happening to him?

    D: Snow is melting.

    IN: Why is the snow melting?

    D: He is afraid of heat

    The snow melts from the body of our hands, and becomes what? (wet, sticky)

    Children wipe their hands with napkins.

    Are your hands frozen? Let's warm them up.

    2.Massage of facial muscles

    We rub our palms

    And we warm up the face.

    We rub our forehead too

    Let's help him become warm.

    Cheeks puff up.

    The lips are smiling.

    I'll rub my chin,

    Let's chew our sponges together.

    Our tongue lives there,

    Let my friend warm up

    IN:-Children, what can you make from sticky snow?

    Children: - Snowman

    IN:-Guys, look who lives in the magic forest( The teacher takes the Snowman behind the Christmas tree) Children greet the Snowman.

    IN: This is the Snowman, but for some reason he is sad.

    - What happened to you, why are you so sad?


    I wasn't raised

    Made from snow

    Instead of a nose cleverly

    Inserted a carrot.

    Coal eyes

    Bitch lips

    The guys blinded me

    And they forgot about me.

    I'm standing there so unhappy

    I miss one terribly.

    IN:- Guys, how can we help the Snowman so that he can have fun in the magical forest?

    Children:- We need to help him find friends.

    IN: That's right, children! Let's make the Snowman a lot of friends, and he will have more fun. What can we make snowmen out of? That's right, from the snow.

    Let's practice how we will sculpt a snowman.

    3. Finger gymnastics “Snowman”

    1, 2, 3, 4 (bend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

    You and I made a snowball (“they make it” by changing the position of the palms)

    Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle, press your palms together, stroke the other with one palm)

    And not at all sweet (they shake a finger)

    Once - let's throw it up, (look up, throw an imaginary snowball)

    Two - we'll catch it. (They squat and catch an imaginary snowball)

    Three - let's drop (stand up, drop an imaginary snowball)

    And... we'll break it (stomp).

    4. Sequence of making a Snowman (Presentation)

    IN:- Come sit on the chairs, I’ll show you how the snowman appeared

    Slide 1.The snowman appeared from the lumps of snow. On what geometric figure do they look like lumps of snow? That's right, in a circle. To make a snowman, we need three lumps. Are they the same or different? That's right, different. One is big, the second is smaller, the third is the smallest.

    2.slide. In order for the snowman to stand firmly, we first place the largest lump. These are the legs. Like this.

    3 slide: Then on the large lump we place a smaller lump, this is the body. Like this.

    Slide 4: The snowman's head is the smallest lump. We put it on top. Like this.

    Slide 5: Let's put a bucket on the snowman's head. Like this.

    Slide 6: Let's draw eyes on him so he can keep order in the yard

    Slide 7: Great nose - carrot

    Slide 8: Let's draw a mouth like this

    Slide 9: We will attach twigs to the body - these are the hands of the Snowman.

    This is how the funny snowman turned out.

    IN: Where is our snow? Oh, he got scared by the heat and melted.

    2. Dynamic pause “Snowballs”

    IN: Don't be upset, this is a magical forest. Look, there is a basket with snowballs under the Christmas tree. Let's play! ( Children play snowballs, dynamic music sounds)

    5. Demonstration of step-by-step gluing using flannel or carpet.

    IN: What else can you make a snowman from? (children's options)

    IN. Now we will try to make Snowmen out of paper. Come to the table.

    IN: On the table, everyone has circles of different sizes, a piece of paper, glue, a glue brush, and a napkin to remove excess glue.

    Show me the largest circle, place it at the bottom of the sheet on the white fluffy snow - these are the Snowman’s feet.

    Take a smaller circle - this is the body, and the smallest one is the head on which we will put the bucket. We must glue all this carefully. We carefully put glue on the brush, we remove excess glue by pressing the brush to the edge of the rosette. First we spread a large circle and place it at the bottom of the sheet on the snow, pressing down lightly. Then we spread the rest of the lumps and the bucket and just as carefully glue them to a sheet of paper. So we have a Snowman. What else is missing from his head?

    Children: Eye, mouth, nose

    IN: Right. We can draw them with felt-tip pens. Eyes - black coals, pink cheeks, red mouth and nose like a carrot! Do you want to make such a Snowman?

    6. Children begin to complete the task.

    While working, the teacher monitors the correct placement of the circles and gluing them onto the sheet. After completing the work, he invites the children to show their Snowmen to the guest, so that he will have fun and will never be sad in the fairytale forest.

    Final part. Guys, what did you like about the lesson?

    (children's answers) What was difficult or difficult for you?

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