• New Year's party "Who was walking under the Christmas tree and lost their mittens?" Scenario of the New Year's party in the nursery group of the kindergarten


    Snow Baba visiting the kids. New Year's scenario for young children.

    The presenter, together with the assistant teacher, introduces the children into the hall.
    Host: Guys, look!
    The Christmas tree sparkles brightly
    With all the sparkles of lights.
    Happy New Year wishes
    All the kids and guests!
    Let's come closer
    And let's look higher...lower...
    Toys hang on the branches -
    Beads, balls, firecrackers!

    Children and their teachers walk around the tree and line up in a semicircle in front of the tree.

    The holiday is approaching
    The Christmas tree is dressing up.
    New Year at the gate,
    The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids!

    Host: Come on, little people,
    Join the round dance!
    Here at our Christmas tree
    Everyone dances and sings!

    ROUND DANCE “OUR CHILDREN HAVE A BIG TREE …” (in front of the Christmas tree, 2 circles)
    1. Our kids have a big Christmas tree.
    The lights on the Christmas tree sparkle merrily.
    Oh, yes, a Christmas tree!
    Look, look!
    Children, Christmas tree,
    Shine it, shine it!
    2. Don’t stab us, little Christmas tree, with a furry twig!
    Keep the needles away from the kids!
    3. We sing and dance merrily today.
    It's New Year's Eve for our kids!

    After the round dance, the children are taken to their chairs.

    Presenter: What a Christmas tree - everyone is amazed!
    How elegant and beautiful!
    Let's continue the celebration
    It's time to call the Snow Maiden!
    Snow Maiden! Ay, ay!
    Come congratulate the kids!

    The children call Snegurochka.

    Host: Oh! Who is this? This is not the Snow Maiden!..
    Sweeping away the snow with a broom,
    Baba Snow is coming!

    To the music, Snow Baba appears in the hall and
    sings the song “I am a snow woman”

    Host: Who came to us, guys?

    Snow Baba: I came to your holiday.
    I'm called Snow Woman.
    I’m in a hurry to visit you!

    Host: We are very glad to see you, Snow Baba! But...the kids and I called Snegurochka...

    Snow Woman: The Snow Maiden cannot get out of snow captivity. There was such a snowstorm today that it swept away all the paths in the forest. I don’t even know who can help us...

    Host: And I know who can help the Snow Maiden out of trouble! Look how many Snowmen we have at the holiday!

    Snow Baba: And, really! Come on, granddaughters-Snowmen, take your brooms and come with me to sweep away the snow from the forest paths!
    Let's clear the snow from the path,
    It's going to get hot right away!
    And frost for the Snowmen
    Your cheeks will be flushed!

    After the dance, the Snow Woman draws the children's attention to the Snow Maiden's house.

    Snow Baba: Here is the house by the path!
    He seems familiar to me.
    Come on, I'm out the window now
    I'll take a look.
    (Looks out the window.)
    This house is interesting
    This house is not simple.
    I'll call once
    Whose voice will I hear?
    (Rings the bell.)

    The Snow Maiden comes out of the house with a song (phonogram).

    Snow Maiden: In her snowy house
    We live together with my grandfather,
    And we are not afraid of the cold.
    We are glad for frosty days.
    Like light fluffs
    White snowflakes are circling.
    Let's dance with them together
    And let's spin around in place!
    Hey Snowflakes, come out
    And dance with me!


    Snow Maiden: Now read the poems
    And cheer us all up!
    Perform diligently, guys!
    And you, viewers, listen carefully!

    POEMS (according to the children’s abilities)

    Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, Happy New Year
    Congratulations to all the children!
    Near the Christmas tree in a round dance
    The holiday will become more fun!

    Children are lined up near the Christmas tree.

    Snow Baba: Oh, Snow Maiden, our Christmas tree is standing, but there are no lights!

    Snow Maiden: We will fix this problem!
    Let's make the Christmas tree burn!
    How the heels stomp -
    This is how the lights will come on!

    There is a game with a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree lights up.

    ROUND DANCE “BEADS SHINE ON THE TREE” (children remain in the round dance):
    Beads glitter on the Christmas tree,
    Firecrackers and star.
    We love our Christmas tree -
    Yes Yes Yes!

    Snow Maiden in a white fur coat
    He always comes to us.
    We sing and dance with her -
    Yes Yes Yes!

    And Santa Claus is cheerful,
    Gray beard,
    Brings us gifts -
    Yes Yes Yes!
    Snow Baba: I’ll play with the kids and start doing magic!
    Be careful, friends!
    I will freeze you!


    Host: You know, Snow Baba, we are not afraid of frost at all! Really, my friends? (children's answers) Because we have learned to warm ourselves! Do you want us to teach you and Snegurochka?

    1. We will warm up a little,
    We will clap our hands.
    Clap! (10 times)
    2. We put on mittens,
    We are not afraid of blizzards
    Yes! (10 times)
    3. We’ll warm your feet too,
    We'll jump soon.
    Jump! (10 times)
    4. Frost and I became friends,
    Like snowflakes swirling.
    So! (10 times)

    Host: Well, everyone has warmed up! It's time for us to show more of our talents!

    POEMS (according to the children’s abilities)

    While reading poetry, Snow Baba quietly goes behind the curtain and then rolls out
    a sleigh with a fake bucket containing gifts.
    The gifts are covered with snowballs on top.


    Snow Maiden: How fun we played,
    Songs were sung and danced,
    And now, guys, you
    I'll give out gifts!

    Larisa Korczak
    Scenario New Year's party in the nursery group

    Scenario of the New Year's party in the nursery group.


    Introduce children to the holiday "New Year" in kindergarten.

    Tasks: to cultivate children’s interest in traditions kindergarten.

    Evoke an emotional response to musical works.

    Development of the ability to perform movements according to the teacher’s model.


    presenter, snowman, snow maiden, Santa Claus.

    Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

    Presenter: Wider the circle, wider the circle!

    Hello, our green friend!

    Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three -

    Shine with the light of joy!

    (The Christmas tree lights up, the children look at it).

    Presenter: Come closer to the tree,

    Look higher, higher!

    How beautiful and slender!

    She came to you from the forest!

    Come on, children, one after another

    Be bolder around the Christmas tree,

    And let's look at all the toys that adorn it!

    (children walk around the Christmas tree to the music and look at the toys).

    There are snowballs under the Christmas tree. The presenter pays attention to them children:

    Guys, I love playing in the snow, and you? Let's play.

    A game "Collecting snowballs".

    Presenter: Guys, look what we got!

    A snowman appears:

    I'm a funny snowman

    I'm used to snow and cold.

    You blinded me cleverly,

    In place of the nose, a carrot.

    What a beautiful Christmas tree we have! (walks around and looks)

    Our Christmas tree is standing

    Everything is on fire.

    And the heels will stamp -

    And the lights will go out.

    (they stomp, the lights go out on the tree)

    Our Christmas tree is standing

    There are no lights.

    Clap, clap, talk:

    “Our Christmas tree, burn!”

    (clapping, the tree lights up)

    Presenter: Snowman, these are miracles, even Babusechka and Yagusechka can’t do magic like that.

    Snowman: come on! Just think so. These are the miracles Santa Claus performs! Have you seen the pictures he paints on the windows? Like covering the trees with a white, fluffy blanket! And his snowflakes are so magical. ?

    Guys! Let’s invite him to our holiday!

    After all, what is the New Year without Father Frost and his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden!

    Let's all get together "Father Frost!" "Father Frost!".

    We call him quietly, he doesn’t hear us!

    Let's all get together, loudly loud: "Father Frost!", "Father Frost!".

    D. M and Snow Maiden enter.

    Hello kids!

    Little boys,

    Princess girls!

    They came to you from the forest!

    Snow Maiden:

    How good are you here?

    So beautiful and light.

    Are we in kindergarten?


    Today is a holiday for the guys!

    All the people are having fun.

    This holiday is New Year!

    New Year's song. All the heroes, children and parents dance.

    We walked with the Snow Maiden

    Through forests and villages,

    They brought you gifts,

    Oh, the bag is heavy!

    Santa Claus and Snow Maiden hand out gifts to children to the accompaniment of cheerful music.

    Did you give everyone gifts?

    Have you received all the gifts?

    Well, it's time for us to go.

    Bring the holiday to others' homes.

    Snow Maiden:

    We have a long way to go!

    Together D.M. and Snegurka: Goodbye! Good luck!

    The heroes leave. The presenter, parents and children remain.

    Organizing a tea party.

    Publications on the topic:

    Scenario for a New Year's party in a mixed-age group Description of the material: I offer you a New Year's holiday scenario for children of different age groups. This material will be of interest to educators.

    Scenario for New Year's party in a group early development up to 1.5 years and children nursery group. All scenarios New Year's Trees see the link

    The hall is festively decorated. Under the branches of the Christmas tree there are small bright mittens.

    To the music, teachers and children with their parents enter the hall, everyone stands near the Christmas tree.

    In riding. Winter brought us a wonderful holiday,

    The green tree came to the guys.

    She was dressed up, toys were hung up,

    Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

    “Dance around the Christmas tree” we walk in a big round dance, spin around, clap.

    Presenter. We invited the decorated Christmas tree to visit,

    How elegant the Christmas tree is in our hall!

    Our Christmas tree is fluffy, and slender, and green,

    Just something with lights. It doesn't burn for us!

    We will fix the mess, we will make the lights burn!

    Let's say loudly: “One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!”

    Children (together with adults). One, two, three - Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

    The lights don't come on.

    Presenter. Nothing works:

    The lights don't come on!

    Come on, girls and boys,

    We threaten the tree with our finger (they threaten with their finger).

    And now we all clap (clap)

    And we’ll stomp everything with our feet (stomp).

    The lights don't come on.

    Nothing works:

    The lights don't come on!

    Let's go around the Christmas tree,

    Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.

    Round dance song “Our children have a big Christmas tree”

    The Christmas tree lights up!

    Presenter. The Christmas tree is shining with lights and greeting the children,

    He gives out lanterns to all the little kids.

    Teachers hand out “flashlights-rattles” to children

    "Dance with Lanterns"

    - let's go - swing, go - spin, spring, etc. We carry the flashlights, hand them over, and sit on the chairs.

    Presenter. Oh look, guys!

    What lies under the Christmas tree!

    Mitten! Here's another one... (Raises mittens)

    And there are three in total under the tree!

    Come on, kids, look

    Maybe yours? So take it!

    The presenter goes around all the children and adults, showing the find, but no one recognizes her mitten.

    Presenter. Who was dancing at the Christmas tree - lost his mitten?

    The presenter takes the child out. gr. “Hare”: on one of its paws there is a mitten, on the other paw there is no mitten.

    Bunny. It was I who danced here and lost my mitten!

    The presenter approaches the bunny and puts a mitten on his paw.


    Oh, really, this is a bunny mitten!

    We need to feel sorry for the bunny, we need to warm the bunny.

    Let's dance with the bunny,

    Let's jump and play.

    Come out, kids, let's dance from the heart!"Little bunnies" -

    movements according to the song

    Children jump with the bunny to cheerful music. Presenter:

    (shows the second mitten). I wonder whose mitten this is? Who else was dancing here, lost his mitten?

    The presenter brings out the baby Bear in a suit: on one of his paws there is a mitten, on the other there is no mitten.

    Bear: It was I who danced here and lost my mitten.

    The presenter approaches the bear and puts a mitten on its paw.

    Presenter. Oh, really, this is a bear's mitten!

    Get the mitten, don’t lose it again!

    Presenter. And we’ll sing you a song, Mishenka.

    We will clap our hands “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

    Presenter. Look, guys, at the bear!

    The bear puts him to sleep on his side under the tree.

    Presenter. As soon as he put on the mitten, the bear immediately began snoring.

    Is it possible, little bear, to sleep? We want to play with you!

    Let's try to wake up the bear, guys.

    Game - “Along the path, along the path, we will all come to the bear” - catch-up.

    Let's treat Misha to a big piece of candy, Misha will go into the forest to sleep, and we'll sing a lullaby to Bear.

    Lullaby - “Bayu, Bayu, Bai”

    The first presenter shows the third mitten.

    Presenter. Look, kids, what a beautiful mitten! Who lost it? Let's sit and watch.

    Leading teachers and parents sit on chairs with children

    The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree to the music.

    Presenter. Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you at our holiday!

    Snow Maiden . Hello kids! Hello adults! And I'm glad to meet you! ( For children.) How smart and beautiful you all are today!

    Presenter. Of course they are beautiful! After all, we have a Christmas tree holiday!

    Snow Maiden. Yes, the Christmas tree is so wonderful, fluffy!

    A different toys there's so much on it!

    (Turns away from the tree and looks at the children)

    There are ten balls hanging here. And twenty-five lanterns, Eight golden cones, Six blue icicles, There are also exactly six birds, You can’t count everything!

    Presenter. How did you know that?

    Snow Maiden. I decorated the Christmas tree myself ( looks around), I lost my mitten!

    Presenter (shows mitten). Isn't it this one?

    Snow Maiden (joyfully). This one! I found my mitten!

    Presenter. A mitten to pick up

    You must dance for us.

    Snow Maiden . For an elegant Christmas tree, I will dance from the heart

    Just help me guys - kids!

    Here is my little box - take the snowflakes and follow me.

    Dance with snowflakes. (walk, spin, squat, etc.)

    At the end of the dance, we put the snowflakes in the Snow Maiden’s box.

    Snow Maiden. I really love to dance, and I also love to play!

    Here is the magic chest, now beware, my friend, kids, kids - the game begins.

    Snow Maiden and children play the game “Snowballs”.

    At the end of the game we collect snowballs in the chest

    Presenter. And our kids also love to play hide and seek.

    Snow Maiden. And I really love playing hide and seek!

    Presenter Then turn away, Snow Maiden, and our kids will hide from you.

    Snow Maiden . Okay, I agree.

    Game - Hide and Seek

    The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree and turns away from the guys. Children squat down. Adults cover them with a transparent white cloth.

    Snow Maiden . One two three four five -

    I'm going to look for the guys. (Walks around the hall)

    I walk, walk, walk, but I can’t find the guys.

    I'll go behind the Christmas tree - Maybe I'll find some guys there?

    The Snow Maiden goes behind the tree, the adults remove the fabric - the children get to their feet. The Snow Maiden is returning.

    Snow Maiden(without seeing the guys). I walked around the whole tree, but didn’t find the kids.

    Presenter. And here we are! You couldn’t find us, Snow Maiden. Now the kids will close their eyes, and you hide. We will look for you.

    Snow Maiden. Fine! Try to find me now, guys. Cover your eyes with your palms, and I will hide.

    Children close their eyes. The Snow Maiden is hiding behind the Christmas tree.

    Presenter. One, two, three, four, five - we are coming to look for you!

    Adults and children walk around the hall, look for the Snow Maiden, find her, and take her out from behind the tree.

    Snow Maiden. Well done kids! How were you able to find me so quickly? Now let's try to find gifts from Santa Claus. I know they're hidden here somewhere. Can you and I find them?

    Children and teachers. We can!

    Snow Maiden. I have magic lantern, he will show us the way to gifts...

    The Snow Maiden, children and teachers walk around the hall, shining a laser flashlight, looking for gifts from Santa Claus. Here the Snow Maiden discovers Santa Claus's bag under the tree, containing gifts for the kids.

    Snow Maiden. Look what I found! This is grandpa's bag. Yes, there are gifts for the guys! That's how Grandfather Frost hid the gifts! And we found them! Well done kids!

    Adults distribute New Year's gifts to children.

    If materials are copied in full or in part, an active link to is required!

    TARGET: Invite children to participate in the holiday
    Create a festive mood in children and evoke an emotional response
    Develop children's sense of rhythm, musical and auditory memory
    Introducing to the culture of New Year celebrations

    Children enter the hall calmly behind the leader (or the Snow Maiden), look at the tree (the lights are not lit), look at the decorations in the hall and offer to light the lights on the tree.

    Clap, clap, say - our Christmas tree is on fire!
    (claps and lights come on)
    And the heels will trample and the lights will go out!
    (they stomp and the lights go out)

    Play 2-3 times.

    LEAD: Join the round dance - let's celebrate the New Year together.

    (round dance “Like our Christmas tree”, music by T. Popatenko)


    1. Our tree is tall, our tree is big,
    Taller than dad, taller than mom - it reaches the ceiling.

    2. How we lit the Christmas tree with bright lights,
    How they danced under the Christmas tree -
    We'll tell mom everything.

    3. Santa Claus, thank you,
    Our Christmas tree is so beautiful
    The lights are burning on it,
    Like kids' eyes.

    LEAD:(a knock is heard) It seems that someone is coming towards us, we need to look - he comes up to the door with the children - there is no one there, the children sit on the chairs, the knock is repeated again and the Bunny appears on the screen.

    Fragment of a festive New Year's party for a nursery group

    Bunny: Hello guys, do you recognize me?

    I'm a naughty bunny
    The dark forest dweller,
    Should I raise my paw -
    The hares will come out to dance.

    Only there are no more hares, I’m the only one left in the forest, all the bunnies are hiding, it’s cold in the forest, the wolf and the fox are scaring everyone.

    LEAD: Don’t be afraid, little bunny, stay with us, look at the little bunnies here, they will dance for you, and you can rest, don’t be scared.
    (bunny dance)

    LEAD:(notices that the bunny is trembling), Zainka, why are you trembling?

    Bunny: I'm afraid of the fox, I barely ran away from it, oh-oh-oh, it seems like it's coming here.
    (fox music and a fox song sounds from behind the screen).

    Bunny: So, I knew it, the fox was coming here. Oh, I'm afraid I need to hide quickly
    (the bunny either disappears or hides behind the tree on the screen, if there is one)

    FOX: And here I am, a red fox, fast legs, a fluffy tail.
    I run through the forest, just for fun,
    I catch white bunnies, I love them very much.
    Didn't a bunny run through here?

    LEAD: Why do you need a bunny?

    FOX: I love bunnies very much, they are so fluffy, so warm...

    LEAD: Is it possible to offend forest people on New Year’s Day?

    FOX: Oh, I completely forgot about New Year! (examines the audience) So that’s why you are so elegant and the Christmas tree is so beautiful, so is it your holiday? Oh, what cute bunnies you have (licks his lips)

    LEAD: You can’t offend bunnies, and in general you can’t offend anyone, and even more so today, because in honor of the holiday everyone needs to make peace (he calls the bunny, he appears, but not right away, talks to the presenter from behind the screen, then the hare appears and he and the fox make peace) .

    FOX: And now, in honor of our friendship, let’s dance happily together.
    (the fox and the hare are dancing on the screen, and the children are clapping for them)

    LEAD: Well, now our children will dance, they know how to dance very well
    (any couples dance)

    LEAD:(after the dance he turns to the Fox and the Hare) Chanterelle, Bunny, and you D.M. haven’t you met one in the forest? Our guys are really looking forward to visiting him.

    Fox and Hare:(at break) Yes, he went to visit the guys a long time ago, he’ll probably come soon.

    LEAD:(Snoring and snoring can be heard from the corner) Oh, guys, there’s someone sleeping in the corner, we’re singing songs, dancing, having fun, and there’s someone sleeping in the corner, let’s come closer and try to wake them up (they come up, touch, wake up and they pick it up, it turned out to be Santa Claus).

    D.M.: Oh, what am I, I fell asleep?! Thank you guys for waking me up, I came to you a long time ago, but now I warmed up and fell asleep.

    Well, it’s time to continue the holiday,
    Let's shout to the Christmas tree - HURRAY!!!
    Get up into the circle quickly and begin your round dance.

    (round dance “Father Frost”, music by Filippenko)

    D.M.: I see so many bunnies here, so cute.

    LEAD: Our bunnies are not only cute, they can also dance. Let's go bunnies and dance with carrots.

    Bunnies dancing with carrots

    (after the dance, the carrots in the basket are given to D.M., and he promises to treat the bunnies with carrots in the forest)

    D.M.: Hey kids, well done.

    LEAD: Our children know how to dance, but can you dance? And we will clap for you

    Dance of Santa Claus

    D.M.: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.

    LEAD: D.M., sit down and the kids read poetry to you. (children read poetry, and D.M.
    sprinkles confetti on each child and tells him a wish)

    D.M.: I felt kind of hot, I wasn’t used to living in the warmth.

    LEAD: Guys, we need D.M. cool down, we will now dance our snow dance and blow on D.M. to make him feel better.

    Dance "Blizzard" with snow plumes.

    LEAD: Well, D.M., do you feel better? (yes) Then we have another surprise for you - Performance by a cheerful children's orchestra:

    "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree",
    music Beckman, performed on tambourines

    D.M. praises the children and says that he has gifts for such good and smart children, takes a staff in his hands and goes with the children to get gifts.

    The gifts are outside the door, the bag is brought into the hall and Santa Claus distributes the gifts to the children.

    A T R I B U T S

    1. Screen, text inside. 8. Bunny masks for all children
    2. Dolls Hare and Fox
    3. Carrots, rabbit masks.
    4. Crowns for girls and snow plumes for everyone
    5. Box of confitti
    6. Gift bag
    7. Tambourines for orchestra according to the number of children

    Natalia Goncharova
    Scenario of the New Year's party for the nursery group

    Matinee script"Trip to New Year's forest»

    Presenter: How nice that today

    Our guests came here

    And, without looking at worries,

    Everyone found a free hour.

    It's going to be fun today

    You won't be bored!

    Hello, holiday New Year!

    We are coming to meet you!

    (To the music, children and their teacher enter the music room.)

    Presenter: The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday

    It lit up with lights.

    They all burn and sparkle

    Children are invited to visit.

    Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three -

    Shine with the light of joy!

    (The tree lights up)

    Presenter: Come closer to the tree...

    Look higher, higher!

    How beautiful and slender!

    She came from the forest!

    Come on, children, one after another

    Be bolder around the Christmas tree,

    And let's look at all the toys that adorn it!

    Round dance to the tune of the prickly needle

    1 child Snow is swirling outside the window

    Holidays are knocking on our door

    Good holiday New Year

    People have become more cheerful!

    2 reb. Happy holiday for us

    Winter has brought

    Green Christmas tree

    She came to visit us.

    3 reb. Today at the Christmas tree

    Shiny outfit

    The lights are golden

    How the stars burn.

    Presenter: Let's play with the Christmas tree

    Our Christmas tree is standing

    Everything is on fire.

    And the heels will stamp -

    And the lights will go out. (they stomp, the lights on the tree go out)

    Our Christmas tree is standing

    There are no lights.

    Clap, clap, talk:

    Our Christmas tree, burn! (clap, the tree lights up).

    Presenter: Guys, do you want to go to the winter forest to visit the forest inhabitants. Do you agree?

    A game - "TRAIN"

    (the sound of a blizzard, the children sit down)

    Presenter: Here we are winter forest. Guys, look, the house is standing, oh, the lights are lit in the house. Who lives there? I'm gonna chech it (goes to look, knocks on the house)

    (The Snow Maiden comes out to the music)

    Snow Maiden: Hello, kids!

    Girls and boys!

    In a clearing at the edge of the forest

    I live in a forest hut.

    Call me Snegurochka

    All snowflakes are my relatives.

    Snowflakes, come out,

    And dance with me!

    Dance of snowflakes with the Snow Maiden

    Presenter: All people have fun on this New Year holiday!

    The branches rustle faintly, the beads shine brightly!

    Threads of colorful tinsel, bells, balls!

    It stings your ears, it stings your nose... Who jokes like that?

    All: Father Frost!

    Presenter: Guys, let's invite grandpa to our party! Let's follow him into the forest on a sled!

    Song "Sleigh"- 2 times

    Presenter. Here we are! Santa Claus, oh! Aw! Do you hear me calling you!

    Oh, here are the jumping bunnies galloping into the clearing.

    Bunnies, bunnies, help! Find Santa Claus!

    Dance of the rabbits

    Father Frost. Ay, ay! I'm going-hoo!

    (Santa Claus enters to cheerful music)

    I am rosy and cheerful, kind Grandfather Frost!

    Guys, I brought you a Christmas tree from the forest for the holiday!

    Hey, let's all clap our hands and dance in a friendly circle,

    Near the elegant Christmas tree I will meet you in the New Year!

    Song « Good grandfather freezing" or "Winter Dance"

    D.M. Hey kids, well done! The song was sung from the heart!

    kid 1. Hello Grandfather Frost

    I've been waiting for you for so long

    You're a whole cartload of gifts

    I conjured a spell for the guys

    child 2. I got up early today

    I immediately ran to the tree

    I know, at night Santa Claus

    I brought gifts for everyone!

    child 3. Who behaves well

    With that, magic will happen

    And on Christmas night

    Dreams will come true exactly

    D.M. Now let's play snowballs

    Smirnov's snowball game

    Presenter. Little kids love to have fun and play,

    Well, it’s fun for Grandfather Frost to dance with them!

    D. M. You had a lot of fun, Santa Claus had fun

    I hasten to reward you, not to forget anyone.

    Now all the kids will receive gifts from my mitten!

    Presenter. How can such a small mitten fit gifts for all the kids?

    D.M. And my mitten is magical. She can grow.

    I'll throw it under the tree and shout loudly 1,2,3

    Make your mitten big and give gifts to everyone!

    (throws the mitten under the tree)

    D.M. Thank you for the fun. I was glad to have fun with you.

    And now I’ll give you guys gifts.

    (D.M. distributes gifts)

    Goodbye, children! Have fun!

    Goodbye, adults! Happy New Year to all!

    Publications on the topic:

    Scenario for the New Year's party "New Year's toys visiting children" for a nursery group « New Year's toys visiting the children." Scenario for New Year's party in 1 younger group. Music sounds, children enter the hall. Snow Maiden:.

    Scenario of the New Year's party in kindergarten for the nursery group To the hall under New Year's song The presenter and children enter. Presenter: The bells are ringing, the Christmas tree is shining, Santa Claus congratulates the children on the New Year.

    “Kolobochki went to the forest.” Scenario of a matinee for a nursery or junior group Entrance of "Koloboks" to the dance-song "Matryoshkas and Musicians" 1 child: I am a cheerful Kolobok! I'm from the oven to the bench JOK! The bun rolled onto the green one.

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