• A fairy tale about magic lanterns. The fairy tale “The Red Lantern” based on “The Tale of Masha and Oika” by L. Prokofieva for children of the middle group. Linen - Hans Christian Andersen


    One fine and amazing day, a small electric flashlight was born. It was made good people, and that’s why it turned out very beautiful. New batteries were immediately installed in it, and now the flashlight could shine with its large and with an open eye in the dark and help people find the right road.

    The flashlight was always very happy when it was turned on. He looked with delight at the world, each time hoping to see something new and interesting in it. When it was turned off, the flashlight was not at all offended and quickly fell asleep. In his sleep he dreamed of everything that he had just managed to see in reality.

    Every time I find myself useful people, the flashlight was very happy. After all, it is such a great pleasure to be needed by others, to help them. He helped people out many times in the most difficult time for them - when it was dark and scary. Together with the flashlight, they were not afraid, and people thanked him for this.

    Time passed, and from constant work the health of the flashlight began to deteriorate. His batteries began to run low. It could no longer shine as brightly as before, and therefore they began to use it less and less. In the end, everyone forgot about him, and he, left without work, quietly lay forgotten on his shelf in the pantry and was sad.

    One day, a little girl accidentally went into the pantry and saw a beautiful flashlight on the shelf. “How wonderful he is!” – she said and took it in her hands. Looking at it from all sides, she warmed the flashlight with her warmth. The girl tried to turn it on, but nothing worked: the batteries had long since run out. The girl was upset, but said: “I still love you, dear lantern, and I will be friends with you!”

    Warm warm words girls, I again felt that someone needed a flashlight. He was overwhelmed with joy, but he could not express it - after all, he was only a flashlight! And then, gathering all his last strength, the flashlight flashed brightly and glowed for a while.

    The girl looked at the glowing light of the flashlight with wide open eyes - how did it happen that the flashlight caught fire on its own?! She was very happy about this miracle.

    The light of the flashlight dimmed more and more - his strength finally left him. The bright ray turned into a very small and barely noticeable point. A few more seconds and she too disappeared. The flashlight finally went out.

    “I’ll save you,” the girl said and ran to her dad. Just recently my dad bought some batteries for his new alarm clock. The girl asked her dad to give her two things and ran with them to the closet, where the extinguished but very happy lantern was sleeping. The girl pressed him to her cheek and whispered: “Don’t worry, my friend, everything will be fine.” She took out the old batteries from the body of the flashlight and replaced them with new ones.

    When the flashlight was turned on again, its light spread throughout the room. The flashlight could again look at the world, and most importantly, help people. He was absolutely happy about it. But he felt the greatest joy when the girl, delighted at his new birth, pressed him to her cheek and laughed happily.

    How wonderful it is to make others happy!

    Marina Matveeva


    Creating conditions for development creativity, through theatrical activities.


    Develop artistry and emotional expressiveness.

    Bring up moral qualities children.

    Children in costumes, accompanied by music, enter and sit on chairs. (Audio recording of calm music)

    Leading: Fairy tale, fairy tale - joke

    Telling it is not a joke

    To fairy tale first,

    It sounded like a river

    So that all the people are in the heart -

    She left her mouth agape,

    So that by the end both old and small

    I didn't fall asleep because of it.

    And so that we don’t fall asleep

    We'll have fun playing.

    Bird 1: Oh guys, ta-ra-ra

    There's a mountain on the mountain

    And on that mountain there is an oak tree

    And on the oak tree there are craters

    Raven in red boots

    In gilded earrings.

    Black raven on an oak tree

    He plays the trumpet!

    (Birds sound their horns)

    Bird 2: – Listen, inhabitants of the glorious forest! This news is interesting for you! Holiday today! Big holiday Sunny holiday, cheerful, big!

    Animals: Where will the holiday be?

    Birds together: Under the old oak tree. We invite everyone, both adults and children. So hurry up, hurry up there. We're leaving. Hello gentlemen! (They fly off to the chairs)

    The fairy tale begins, The gnome appears,

    He walked in the forest in the evening and red flashlight shining brightly.

    (The Gnome comes out to the music.)

    The gnome is very small, but remote!

    Smiles playfully, smart, kind and Beautiful!

    Red flashlight, with a sparkle.

    It shines at night, shines during the day!


    Late evening is not scary, it’s not dark for me at all

    In the forest there are stars in the sky, with light with a flashlight.

    The gnome came out into the clearing, and animals met him.

    Dwarf: Hello, who are you?

    Sunshine, sunshine,

    Look out quickly!

    Sunshine, sunshine

    Let's gather friends!

    Hare 1: I am a Hare, a forest animal,

    I'm wearing a gray fur coat in the spring.

    Hare 2: I am white in winter.

    I carry vegetables from the gardens,

    Hare 3: And there is no need to be afraid of us...

    We, the bunnies, are happy to have guests...

    Hares: You can’t live without friends

    Everyone knows about this.

    Only true friends

    They help in life!

    (The hares take the diamonds.)

    Look at us.

    We are musicians now.

    They took the tambourine in their hands.

    They started playing loudly. (play tambourines to music)

    Dwarf: Thank you bunnies for your music.

    Frog 1: And we are the Frogs.

    Pampered girls, laughter girls.

    Frog 2: We live in a swamp.

    Our bump there you will find.

    Frogs together: We will be friends with you!

    Let's value our friendship!

    Dwarf: Who are you, redheads? beauties?

    I like your fluffy tails!

    Squirrels: I am a quick forest animal.

    My tail is like a pretzel!

    I'm jumping through the trees.

    I'm looking for nuts and cones.

    Dwarf: Who are you, little gray friend?

    Long...you have a ponytail...

    Mouse: I am a gray little animal.

    I'm dragging a spikelet from the field.

    There is my storage room in the hole.

    Everything is neatly laid out there.

    I need everything in reserve!

    (The gnome approaches the hedgehog and tries to touch it)

    Hedgehog: Be careful baby!

    I'm a hedgehog, not a mouse!

    I am a thorny beast of the forest,

    Don't chase me.

    Dwarf: Who are you, redhead? gorgeous?

    I like your smile!

    Fox: I am my red fox-tail!

    Come closer to me...

    I'm cunning, I'm smart!

    I’m like this - alone! (dances to music)

    Wolf: I am a predatory wolf, a forest beast.

    Don't stand in my way!

    Dwarf: I will be friends with you...

    I will treasure your friendship.

    (To the bear) Oh, what a big beast you are!

    Tell me quickly, who are you?

    Bear: And I'm a lazy bear!

    I'm a very nice Mishka,

    In the forest I am the most important.

    It’s not in vain that I walk through the forest -

    I keep order.

    Hare 1: But I’m afraid of everything in the forest and I’m shaking with fear!

    Hare 2: But here, behind the tree, is our house, I hide in it from the fox. (Shows)

    Dwarf: Hey, little animals, I didn’t have time to see who was making noise!


    It's bad for us to play in the dark,

    Hang it birch tree lantern,

    The good Dwarf took pity on them. Hung it on a birch branch red flashlight, and he went to his house in the thicket of the forest. (The gnome hangs flashlight on the tree and leaves)

    And here Oika, the whimsical one, is walking along the path.

    One day Oika the capricious girl went for a walk in the forest.

    (Comes out to the music of Oik)


    Oh, what red flashlight, shines brightly, oh, how cool!

    If I need this one, I'll take it home.

    Took Oyka red flashlight, wrapped it in a scarf and took it away.

    The animals came out into the clearing and couldn’t believe their eyes.


    Where our red flashlight,

    Who took it from us (crying)

    The wise Forest Birds flew in and began to persuade them.

    Birds together:

    You little animals, don't be sad,

    Wipe away your tears with your paws

    I I'll find your flashlight,

    I promise I will help.

    (The animals sit on the stumps)

    Birds together:

    Hello Masha!

    The animals are upset in the forest, their flashlight disappeared somewhere.


    I did not see flashlight,

    ask Oyku, she knows.

    The wise Forest Bird flew to Oika, the capricious one. He sees it on Oika’s table the red flashlight is standing, glows.

    Bird 1:

    Oika, hello! How are you?

    Where did you take the flashlight??

    Oika: Oh! Oh! Oh! My flashlight!

    Bird 2:

    The good gnome came and gave a red lantern to the animals.

    Oika: No, it's mine flashlight! This other flashlight!

    Bird 1:

    Oika, tell the truth, I think: one two Three!

    Dwarf told the one who is lying, the flashlight will burn your pens!

    (Oika imitates fear)


    Oh sorry! Oh sorry! Here your flashlight, take it! (Gives flashlight)

    Now Oika will know that you can’t take other people’s things!

    Carried by Forest Bird red flashlight into the forest and hung it on a birch tree again.

    (The bird hangs flashlight on tree)

    (Animals run out.)


    How this light warms, it is close to us, it is not far away.

    And how light it is in our forest, start a merry dance!



    The fairy tale has come to an end!

    And who listened, well done!

    Friendship helped the fairy tale,

    Things go wrong with friendship.

    You guys are all friends!

    Value your friendship!

    Publications on the topic:

    Summary of entertainment for children of the middle group “Magic Lantern” The teacher in the group suddenly finds an unusual flashlight on the closet that glows with different lights. He asks the children, maybe someone.

    Musical fairy tale for children based on "Vasya-Vasilka" Characters fairy tales: Vasya-Cornflower Butterfly Bee Hedgehog Frog Hare Fox.

    Musical fairy tale “Thumbelina” for primary school students based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen Children play (9-10 years old) Leaders: a boy and two girls Aunt Thumbelina Toad Son of Toad Swallow Beetle Rock band of beetles (3-4 people) Mouse.

    Christmas story. New Year's Eve celebration based on the fairy tale “12 months” by S. Ya. Marshak Christmas story. Holiday Christmas tree based on the fairy tale “12 months” by S. Ya. Marshak. Child heroes: Stepmother, Marfusha, Nastenka, Princess.

    Natalia Litvinova
    Scenario of the fairy tale “Curly and the Magic Lanterns”

    « Curly and the magic lanterns»


    fairy tale we will tell you now,

    Jokes and laughter will be heard again.

    Our heroes will appear in the hall,

    And in you will believe the magic again.

    We are starting our show,

    And everyone is happy to show their skills!

    Here we will sing and play for you

    fairy tale old in a new way.

    A long time ago, in a small village near a forest, there lived a girl with her grandmother. The girl's name was Curly, do you know why? Because her hair was blond and curly. Every morning she ran out of the house and rejoiced at the new day, the warm sun, she spun and sang.

    The music is playing Curly is dancing.

    But on this day everything was different, all morning and all day, not a single ray of sunshine appeared in the sky, and Curly upset, she ran to her grandmother and asked.


    Grandma, tell me, where did the sun go?


    Today a cold autumn wind blew all night, and when the sun wanted to come out into the sky, it was blown far, far beyond the dense forest. For it to come back again, you need to find magic lanterns, which will wake up the sun, I know that forest dwellers have them.


    Can I go to the forest? I will find magic lanterns, and again everyone will feel warm and light.


    At first the grandmother did not want to let her granddaughter go, but the girl begged her so much that she agreed. She gave Curly pies and a bottle of milk for the journey and blessed for the journey.

    A girl went into the forest, walked, wandered and got lost.


    I lost my way

    And I got lost in the forest!

    Oh, my legs are tired,

    I'll quickly go along the path.


    How long did the girl walk, and soon she came to a large tree, where the forest fairy lived.


    Hello good forest fairy.

    Forest Fairy:

    Hello girl, where are you going?


    Am I looking for the sun?

    Forest Fairy:

    I see you are lost, but you can’t go to the sun in such an old dress.


    What should I do?

    Forest Fairy:

    So be it, because you are so kind and polite, I will give you a new outfit.


    The fairy touched her magical with a stick to the girl's old dress, and it turned into a luxurious outfit.

    Thanked Curly fairy and set off.

    Soon I saw a hut,

    Small, like a toy!


    Maybe I'll sit here

    And I'll rest a little.

    Someone is coming into the house here.


    Two gnomes come in.

    Gnome 1:

    Oh, brother, look, the girl is so pretty.

    How did you get here?


    I Curly, And who are you?

    Gnome 1:

    We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes,

    We are in different caps,

    We dry it in summer for winter,

    Mushrooms on knots!

    Gnome 2:

    We dig up treasures

    Putting on my glasses,

    Serve us flashlights

    Bugs and fireflies.


    To everyone who is lost,

    We'll show you the way:

    Where you need to go straight

    And where do you need to turn?


    I'm looking for sunshine, friends

    Oh, I can't do it alone.

    I need your light.

    Gnome 1:

    We'll give you what you ask for but first solve the riddle:

    A bunny jumps on the wall...

    The bunny jumps in the dark...

    White, round like a ball.

    And in my hands... (flashlight)


    Curly was so happy about the flashlight that after thanking the gnomes, she began to sing "A song about flashlight» .Guys, let's all sing a song about flashlight.


    Hello dear babies, help me find the sun, but for this I need yours flashlight.

    Bunny 1:

    We are of course happy to help, but we are so sad without light and warmth, you can cheer us up. And we'll give you ours flashlight.


    My autumn leaves spin in a round dance, please the bunnies.

    Music. Dance of the leaves.

    Bunny 2:

    What a beautiful dance, thank you Curly, hold ours flashlight, let him help you return the sun to the sky.


    The girl thanked the bunnies and moved on. She got tired and sat down on a tree stump to rest.

    And suddenly two little foxes ran out from behind a tree, they screamed loudly and argued about something.


    Oh oh oh! Who are you?

    Fox 1:

    We are from fairyland.

    We are perky and funny

    Grumps and naughty people

    We are red foxes.

    Fox 2:

    We've been following you for a long time,

    We carry the light with us,

    We've been arguing for a long time

    Will you take us on the road?


    Of course I'll take it, it's more fun together.


    Music is playing.

    The sun woke up, shook and rose high, high into the sky.

    The inhabitants of the forest rejoiced, because a real miracle had happened.

    The darkness has receded, sleep has gone.

    Now everything will be fine!

    Now we can have fun

    And it’s fun to spin around in the dance.

    They began to dance in a circle, began to live together, and began to live together.

    Music sounds, all the heroes fairy tales dance in circles.

    Publications on the topic:

    Goal: - develop children’s knowledge about garden and wildflowers, teach them to distinguish between them; - develop skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis;

    Explanatory note Author's didactic game“Magic Hours” is intended for children aged 5 – 7 years. Can be used at work.

    Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Winter is finally over! I offer you my original song for younger children preschool age"TO.

    Author's fairy tale “How the hare found friends” Goal: Formation of an initial idea of ​​​​wild animals (hare, hedgehog, squirrel, fox). Introducing children to the concept of friendship, friends.

    Author's fairy tale “How hedgehogs escaped from a fox” Once upon a time there lived a mother of a hedgehog with her little hedgehogs. One day, the hedgehogs started playing and ran away from their home into the forest. We met on the way.

    MKDOU kindergarten for care and rehabilitation No. 281

    g.o. Samara

    Fairy tale

    "Magic Lantern"

    (fairytale therapy)

    Completed by: Lipatova Galina Evgenievna,

    teacher 1st category

    Samara, 2012


    “Fear is a specific acute emotional state, a special sensory reaction that manifests itself in a dangerous situation. Fear is always caused by a concrete and close danger that has already occurred.”

    (A. Spivakovskaya)

    There are age-related and neurotic fears. Neurotic fears are the result of long-term and unresolved experiences, usually fears of darkness and loneliness. In children after three years fantasy, imagination, and thinking develop rapidly; at the same time, they are easily suggestible and naive. Therefore, fears accompany children for several years. And even if it seems to an adult that the child has successfully survived some frightening situation, one can expect that after a few days or weeks fears will appear again. Therefore, the task of adults is to identify the presence of fear and remove these fears using various methods:

      drawing out fears,

      watching cartoons,

      replaying situations

      fairytale therapy, etc.

    The fairy tale “The Magic Lantern” is aimed at consciously devaluing the fear of darkness and unconsciously eliminating it. Promotes the acquisition of experience, the formation of the ability to use this experience in real life. "The Magic Lantern" helps the main character turn monsters into ordinary things, so they are not afraid of them in the dark. This fairy tale can be used by teachers in individual work with children, in group work in the classroom, as well as by parents at home.

    Fairy tale "Magic Lantern"

    In one city, on an ordinary street, in a large multi-story building, there lived a boy named Vasya. Vasya had big family– dad, mom, grandma, grandpa. And in their house there lived a fluffy cat, his name was Timofey. They lived amicably and cheerfully. While mom and dad were at work, Vasya and his grandfather and grandmother played happily and came up with different interesting things. Vasya was a good boy, kind and cheerful, and also affectionate. He prepared gifts for all his relatives for the holidays and never forgot about his friend Timofey.

    Every day was fun and interesting. Everything was fine until evening came, and with it came time for sleep. Everything was changing. Vasya was capricious and came up with various excuses so as not to go to bed. He either wants to eat, or drink some water, or go to the toilet. But time passed, and I had to go to bed. Mom accompanied him to his crib. Kissed, said kind words sweet words. She wrapped herself in a blanket and went to her room. This is where the worst thing began, what Vasya was so afraid of. With the onset of darkness, terrible monsters appeared! They were everywhere, peeking out from under the bed, hiding behind the curtain. It was very scary. And the baby began to cry, calling for his mother and grandmother. Of course, relatives came when called. And this continued every evening.

    But then one evening, dad and grandfather called Vasya over to them.

    Vasya, dad said, we brought you a flashlight!

    “This is not an ordinary flashlight, it’s magical,” said grandfather.

    What's magical about it? – asked Vasya.

    Once you point it at the terrible monsters, they will all turn into objects,” said dad.

    Take it, try it, maybe it will help you?! - said grandfather.

    “Okay, I’ll try,” Vasya answered.

    It was time for bed, and mother, as always, escorted Vasya to bed. She kissed, hugged and put a flashlight next to her. The lights are turned off. Darkness fell and, as always, monsters began to appear. Vasya wanted to cry and scream, but he remembered that he had a magic lantern.

    Maybe he will really help me, Vasya thought. He turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the monster that was peeking out from behind the curtain. And a miracle happened, just magic! The monster turned into a flower that grew on their windowsill.

    Yeah, I was scared!!! - Vasya shouted. - Here you go!!! And the flashlight beam darted under the bed. And then another monster turned into slippers. The battle with the monsters did not last long, they all disappeared. The flashlight really turned out to be magical.

    Vasya fell into a peaceful sleep.

    When morning came, Vasya ran up to his dad and grandfather and told them:

    Thank you very much for the magic lantern. He really helped me. The boy was happy, he conquered his fear. So Vasya made new friends: confidence and courage. And his enemy, the fear of the dark, disappeared forever.

    Working with children based on a fairy tale:

    1.Tell me briefly what this fairy tale is about?

    2.What is the name of the main character?

    3.Where and with whom does the boy live?

    4.What was the boy afraid of?

    5.Who helped Vasya?

    6.How did Vasya defeat his enemy?

    7.What kind of friends did the boy have?

    8.Has this ever happened to you?

    9. Who helped you and how?

    10. What would you like to take from this fairy tale?