• Real life stories are "shameful". intimate stories


    It's a shame if you can see it... if you can't see it, then you're not ashamed!

    My dad died in a car accident. My mother had a stroke because of this. I really needed money... And not only to feed my mother and me. I was in my third year at a prestigious university. The university, as you know, was paid. To salvage the situation, I began to diligently look for a job. But I had no luck with the search. Not very willingly, let's say, they hire students!

    It was in the evening...

    One evening, a very old friend of mine called me. Very timely, by the way, because in a week I had to pay money for my studies. She helped me out a lot. She showed me how to get big money in a short period of time. All in all…. I began to earn money by prostitution. Thanks to this "earnings" I was not expelled from the university and I finished my studies safely.

    I stopped!

    I gave up the whole thing as soon as I finished my college prom. It's been about three months. I met my one and only. Naturally, about my past - I was silent. And I still keep quiet, because I'm afraid of losing him. And even more I am afraid of all these joint “gatherings” of ours when he introduces me to his friends.

    It scares me terribly that among his friends I can meet my former client. I'm very embarrassed! I do not know what to do….

    I don't know if I should tell my loved one the truth. My past life is a series that prevents me from enjoying the present and planning at least the very near future ....

    "It all happened by accident..."

    It was my birthday. I got away as best as I could! After all, I celebrated not the usual date, but my eighteenth birthday. There were a lot of visitors. I invited all those who were dear to me. My parents understood me, so after sitting at the table with us for a while, they left for the dacha. They gave our holiday complete freedom. And the guests and I used this freedom properly ...

    The holiday is starting to take off...

    As soon as the holiday began to gain momentum, I received another a pleasant surprise. The doorbell rang (I'm surprised I heard it, because the music was literally screaming). I opened it and saw my beloved cousin on the threshold! Beloved…. In all senses! I have loved him like a man for many years. But I knew that there could be nothing between us.

    guest on leave

    Of course, I invited him to my coming of age. But I very much doubted that he would come to congratulate me. The reason is the army. But for me, he was able to “get around” it for a while. He was released on leave. You have no idea how happy I was to see him! He gave me a huge soft toy and a huge bunch of flowers. I liked the gifts the best gift was the presence of Artemochka. We drank, walked, took pictures, laughed, talked, danced for a long time .... There were many interesting competitions. Everything was so great that I regretted that there was no video filming.

    Everything flashed with bright colors ...

    Time has flown. The guests dispersed. And we were left alone with my brother. We cleaned up a bit and continued the banquet. I went too far with alcohol and began to behave very badly with Tyoma. But he did not resist, did not run away. He responded to all my kisses and caresses. I remember that we had a very good time. But I don’t remember how it all came to bed with us.

    We woke up together

    My old (very old) dream came true. But I was so embarrassed... We have erred madly. We swore to each other in love, but we also swore that we would never see each other again.

    We've been keeping the promise for years, but I'm so embarrassed that I'm actually speechless when I see his parents. I have a constant fear that they will find out everything. I am ashamed, but being with other men in bed, I only think about Artem and dream that he will always be with me.

    "It Was Once Upon a Time (in Winter)"

    I was twelve years old. I then preferred the company of guys. Everyone in the yard called me Kid, but that suited me. I even liked this nickname.

    One day I decided to skip school. Sasha “supported” me in this. He saw that something was happening with my mood. He decided to take it higher possible level. And he succeeded, but at what cost!

    I got confused by his gift...

    In short, he said that he had prepared a present for me. Since I love gifts, I immediately did as he said.

    And Sasha said just a few simple words: “follow me!”

    I went without thinking. We walked for a short time, but through huge snowdrifts. We walked until we hit a multi-storey building with our faces. A minute later we came close to the balcony on the first floor. Sasha asked me to close my eyes tightly. I did it. When she opened them, she saw that Sanya was holding a whole loaf of expensive sausage in her hands. I put the sausage in a bag that I took with me by mistake. Sasha asked me to close my eyes again - the second time, the third .... And on the fourth, I could not stand it and peeped from where he got the products in his hands. There was a rather large hole in the railing of the balcony under which we were standing.

    My classmate put his hand in there and took out food. When he noticed that I "peeped" - he offered to try it myself, smiling. With cries of indignation, I abandoned the idea. But a friend reassured me and said that this was his aunt's balcony, and that she herself allowed him to take whatever he wanted and in any quantity. I trusted my classmate. Soon, all the food that was stored on an unguarded balcony ended up in our bags, hands and mouths. We went home happy and satisfied. We agreed that we would come here tomorrow afternoon.

    We did it

    They even skipped the third lesson for the sake of such an “event”. The snow melted a little, and it was already much easier to move around. I arrived at the appointed place much faster than the first time.

    As soon as I approached the balcony, I managed to hear the following:“I wonder where all the food went? We have such grief, but here .... Like, it doesn't look like stealing. But where does it all go? You will have to buy everything again. We spent everything on wreaths and a coffin. Nothing left. We'll have to urgently "climb" into debt. He must be carried out on his last journey, as it should!

    We present the second selection of funny and sometimes very shameful cases from real life(authors' spelling retained) :)

    Until about eight years old, I thought that people first grow milk teeth, then molars, and after molars, gold teeth grow.

    Recently I went to the village to visit relatives. In their yard, part of the territory is allocated specifically for chickens. I wanted to feel like a real rooster. Having made tackles, I went behind the fence and began to walk around with a proud gait and carry all sorts of nonsense. The chickens shied away from me and tried to bypass me. Well, of course, because not everyone will be able to remain calm at the sight of such a male. Then it hit me and I started clucking and jumping all over the yard. Surprised chickens did not know where to go. Then I chose one rooster as a sacrifice and decided that I would pursue only him. With the target deadlocked, I decided to take action. But he did not give up - he tried to fly over the fence, but to no avail ... He caught his finger on the hole in the fence and got stuck. He tried to flap his wings and fly, but then he became disillusioned with life and desperately hung on the fence. I felt sorry for him, I went to help him. And this infection pecked at me and again began to flap its wings. He managed to free himself. It's a shame, because they didn't do anything to me...

    When I drop gum on the floor, I put it in my pocket, and then I give it to those who ask me for chewing gum.

    E du from work in the subway. and see a great picture.
    A guy comes in, he looks like 23-25 ​​years old.
    With a beard, in heavy boots, Leather Jacket all in patches of rock bands and Tsoi's embroidery and the inscription "KINO" on the entire back. He puts on his headphones and stands still.
    After a couple of stations, a couple of guys 14-15 years old come in, stand next to him and giggle. Well, I sit and understand that they are laughing at the guy, and he is standing with his back to them.
    As a result, one of them comes up to him, touches his shoulder, the guy turns around, takes off his headphones.
    And then a small one with a vile smile ala trollfacce gives him: “Tsoi ha ** o”!
    In the same second, without talking, a hefty fist flies to him and breaks his nose. Small yells, blood gushing, the car in a panic. Grandmas begin to try to grab the guy, I laugh, the second schoolboy huddled in horror in a corner.
    As a result, the train stops, the guy calmly puts on his headphones and silently gets out of the car, and the children of Khovansky sit, roar and convulsively wipe the mixture of blood, snot and tears from the victim’s face.
    At the next station, I got off and did not see what happened to them next.
    So it goes.

    I remember when I was 18 years old (now 23), I worked in M-video as a sales assistant.
    And so, I’m going to this store in a minibus, and when it’s time to ask the driver to stop at the stop I need, I loudly, for the whole cabin, said:
    Hello, are you looking for something specific? Ask, do not be shy, I will orient, I will prompt!
    When I realized what had happened, I was ready to burn with shame. All the people looked at me as if I were a fool, and even with a kind of wary contempt, as if I had just taken a bite out of bat head.
    That's it. I had many such stories, I often said something out of place, as I am rather absent-minded and inattentive.

    It was a few years ago when I was a student. Like everyone, probably, there wasn’t enough money for food, and my friend’s father just brought a whole KAMAZ of potatoes to the fair for sale. We decided to take advantage of the situation and took a whole bag of potatoes from him for food. But what are potatoes without meat? And then we decided to get at least some piece of meat at the same fair. Seeing a butcher's shop, we went straight to it. Then we agreed as follows: my friend distracts the seller, and I drag any piece of meat. And everything seemed to go according to plan. I take the healthiest piece of meat without any fawn and dump it from there, my friend, seeing that the job is done, is following me and then he decided that there would be not enough potatoes for such a kusman and rushed back to the bata for more potatoes. And at that moment I see that same terrible saleswoman running towards him and yelling something like: Stop, cattle, return the meat !!! She runs up to him and sees that he has no meat, turns around, and her gaze falls on me (standing in the center of the fair, among a bunch of people, with a healthy piece of meat), flies up to me at the speed of light while shouting something like: thief, stole meat, scoundrel, keep it, etc. He takes the same meat from my hands and begins to beat me on the head with it without stopping: Herod, thief, police!!! Everyone around is neighing, looking, pointing, my friend and his father are also sitting and neighing, and they beat me with a healthy piece of meat on the head. Even a cop passing by laughed and went on. I haven't stolen anything since.

    I used to laugh at Gena Bukin because he earns little, but now he has grown up and something is not funny to me.

    By the time I was 5 years old, my dad took me hunting. Here we are, suddenly a huge fat boar runs out of the bushes and rushes right at us. I'm in a panic. But dad doesn’t have to shoot, he took out a cigarette and started smoking, damn it, smoking! When the boar was 2 meters away from us, my father finally shot at boar and he fell a meter from my leg. Dad calmly said, "Daughter, don't be afraid of anyone while I'm alive." Since then, I'm not afraid of anyone.
    Only his father.

    E du on the bus, a girl is sitting and talking on the phone. The conversation was like this: No, you're the first, hihi no, let's hang up the phone first .. In general, she said this until the time her phone started ringing, she immediately blushed and got off at the first stop.

    You can send your stories to us through the form. We will publish the best of them!

    Confessions that are embarrassing to tell friends or even a priest in a church. Each of us is ashamed of something, even if we most often do not want to admit it even to ourselves.

    If you also have something to tell on this topic, you can absolutely free of charge right now, as well as support other authors who find themselves in similar difficult life situations with your advice.

    I have a problem, and it consists in the fact that I start to have a terrible panic when I go to school, but okay, if it were in all subjects, but it is precisely in one person - the Russian language teacher with whom I have terrible relationship. Naturally, there are excuses: I begin to lie to my parents.

    The fact is that I don’t really shine with my mind, and I often miss classes due to health problems (there are really problems here). When I go into her class, constant reproaches begin against me, and unfortunately, I am the only person to whom she treats this way. My self-esteem is already at the bottom, but it’s simply impossible to hear these constant screams, and even with classmates who don’t favor me anyway.

    My childhood and adolescence is the story of the ugly duckling. Fat and scary. She weighed a lot (really a lot, more than a hundred kilograms, problems with hormones), problematic skin (again, hormonal imbalance), a sea of ​​​​complexes. But in college times, everything changed. I took care of myself (and now I have the parameters 95-65-100 and 178/68), got prettier, became more liberated and freer.

    I enjoyed it to the fullest, to be honest. Finally, I felt beautiful girl(the funny thing is that really a good hourglass figure was hiding under a layer of fat, and under problematic skin- very pretty facial features, which were also brought to the maximum possible ideal in my case with cosmetology). She flirted, flirted, hung out, fluttered.

    For a long time I did not dare to write here, but I can not restrain myself. I have no one to talk to and make the right decision.

    I got married five months ago. My husband is 4 years older than me. We both work, everything seems to be fine. But recently I found out that he had relationships with men. I think it is not necessary to describe my condition when I first learned about it. To say I was shocked is an understatement.

    I found all his relationships on the side in his phone. And she concluded that he was doing all this purely out of curiosity. Just to feel it for yourself. But what was it like for me when I found out that he offered his services to both women and men, moreover, for money. I couldn't resist and made a scandal.

    I have always been a very emotional person, but despite this, at a critical moment, I could make an effort on myself and not cry. When I failed, tears could be justified by the situation, such as tears because of a bad grade in a quarter, or tears because someone spoke to me in a raised tone. Petty, but still can be attributed to the device of the psyche, which implies that I cannot react otherwise. We are all different.

    When I entered the university, each session emotionally exhausted me very much, and I think it left its mark. Now I can't stand a single irritant. If I speak at the blackboard and the teacher starts to criticize me, I burst into tears. Like at the snap of a finger. This is not to mention passing exams. I can cry sitting in front of a teacher, even when I'm ready and I know the answer. I don't know why this is happening. At the moment of the attack of tears, I feel unbearable resentment. And it becomes incomprehensible neither to me, nor to others, why am I crying?

    This evening, my father and I had a very strong fight and, speaking strongly, imagine screaming throughout the apartment.

    He has a very violent temperament, so at some point he grabbed my hand and started shaking. That's not the point, but I got angry and went to my room, picked up the phone and started scrolling through the chat with my class. My father came and snatched the phone out of my hands, and I tried to hold it and as a result I fell off the chair to the floor. In the end, he took it away, but because of this scuffle (all the time I was clutching the phone in my hands), I realized that the chat with the class was open, and you never know where I could accidentally click.

    My daughter is only 16 years old. He studies at a technical school, does not meet a guy. On September 1, at the technical school, the curator asked students about where they came from, where they learned about this technical school and where their parents work.

    After the speeches of her classmates, that her mother is “not a sea captain”, but an ordinary employee. Went to the dance. At one lesson, everyone began to share their impressions about trips to cities, countries, achievements, etc. The words of my daughter: “I didn’t even have anything to tell them, I hadn’t been anywhere.” And she told it to me with such reproach.

    Two years ago, my friend met a girl, the relationship developed rapidly and correctly, they were inseparable and in love. Looking at them, one could no doubt conclude that they are happy together. All this went on exactly until my friend met the mother of his passion. It was a woman in her 40s extra years, very beautiful and well-groomed, divorced. And it so happened that an affair began between her and my friend. Feelings overwhelmed him. If everything was right, calm and good with the girl, then in this case everything is different.

    I found stories from the lives of women and girls, why each of these stories touched me, I myself was not in such situations (and thank God), but I felt very sorry for these ladies.

    "A hard life like a TV series."

    My dad died in a car accident. My mother had a stroke as a result of this tragedy. I really needed money... And not only to feed my mother and me. I was in my third year at a prestigious university. The university, as you know, was paid. To salvage the situation, I began to diligently look for a job. But I had no luck with the search. Not very willingly, let's say, they hire students!

    One evening, a very old friend of mine called me. Very timely, by the way, because in a week I had to pay money for my studies. She helped me out a lot. She showed me how to get big money in a short period of time. All in all…. I began to earn money by prostitution. Thanks to such “earnings”, I was not expelled from the university and I successfully completed my studies there.

    I dropped the whole thing as soon as I finished my college prom. It's been about three months. I met my one and only. Naturally, I kept silent about my past. And I still keep quiet, because I'm afraid of losing him. And even more I am afraid of all these joint “gatherings” of ours when he introduces me to his friends. It scares me terribly that among his friends I can meet my former client. I'm very embarrassed! I do not know what to do…. I don't know if I should tell my loved one the truth. My past life is a series that prevents me from enjoying the present and planning at least the very near future ....

    "It was once (winter)."

    I was twelve years old. I then preferred the company of guys. Everyone in the yard called me Little Boy, but it suited me completely. I even liked this nickname.

    One day I decided to skip school. Sasha “supported” me in this. He saw that something was happening with my mood. He decided to raise it above the possible level. And he succeeded, but at what cost!

    In short, he said that he had prepared a present for me. Since I love gifts, I immediately did as he said. And Sasha said just a few simple words: “follow me!”. I went without thinking. We walked for a short time, but through huge snowdrifts. We walked until we hit a multi-storey building with our faces. A minute later we came close to the balcony on the first floor. Sasha asked me to close my eyes tightly. I did it. When she opened them, she saw that Sanya was holding a whole loaf of expensive sausage in her hands. I put the sausage in a bag that I took with me by mistake. Sasha asked me to close my eyes again - the second time, the third .... And on the fourth, I could not stand it and peeped from where he got the products in his hands. There was a rather large hole in the railing of the balcony under which we were standing. My classmate put his hand in there and took out food. When he noticed that I "peeped" - he offered to try it myself, smiling. I, with cries of indignation, abandoned the idea. But a friend reassured me and said that this was his aunt's balcony, and that she herself allowed him to take whatever he wanted and in any quantity. I trusted my classmate. Soon, all the food that was stored on an unguarded balcony ended up in our bags, hands and mouths. We went home happy and satisfied. We agreed that we would come here tomorrow afternoon.

    We did just that. They even skipped the third lesson for the sake of such an “event”. The snow melted a little, and it was already much easier to move around. I arrived at the appointed place much faster than the first time. As soon as I approached the balcony, I managed to hear the following: “I wonder where all the food went? We have such grief, but here .... Like, it doesn't look like stealing. But where does it all go? You will have to buy everything again. We spent everything on wreaths and a coffin. Nothing left. We'll have to urgently "climb" into debt. He must be carried out on his last journey, as it should! Here and my classmate arrived in time. And we realized that all the food that we so diligently "stole" was prepared for the funeral .... I was so ashamed! So many years have passed, but I can't forget it. And my friend is not a bit ashamed .... Here are such embarrassing stories from life itself.

    "It all happened by accident..."

    It was my birthday. I got away as best as I could! After all, I celebrated not the usual date, but my eighteenth birthday. There were a lot of visitors. I invited all those who were dear to me in life. My parents understood me, so after sitting at the table with us for a while, they left for the dacha. They gave our holiday complete freedom. And the guests and I, as it should, took advantage of it.

    As soon as the holiday began to gain momentum, I received another pleasant surprise. There was a bell at the door (I'm surprised that I heard it, because the music literally screamed). I opened it and saw my beloved cousin on the threshold! Beloved…. In all senses! I have loved him like a man for many years. But I knew that there could be nothing between us.

    Of course, I invited him to my coming of age. But I very much doubted that he would come to congratulate me. The reason is the army. But for me, he was able to “get around” it for a while. He was released on leave. You have no idea how happy I was to see him! He gave me a huge soft toy and an equally huge bunch of flowers. I liked the gifts, but the best gift was the presence of Artemochka. We drank, walked, took pictures, laughed, talked, danced for a long time .... There were many interesting competitions. Everything was so great that I regretted that there was no video filming.

    Time has flown. The guests dispersed. And we were left alone with my brother. We cleaned up a bit and continued the banquet. I went too far with alcohol and began to behave very badly with Tyoma. But he did not resist, did not run away. He responded to all my kisses and caresses. I remember that we had a very good time. But I don’t remember how it all came to bed with us.

    We woke up together. My old (very old) dream came true. But I was so embarrassed... We have erred madly. We swore to each other in love, but we also swore that we would never see each other again.

    We've been keeping the promise for years, but I'm so embarrassed that I'm actually speechless when I see his parents. I have a constant fear that they will find out everything. I am ashamed, but being with other men in bed, I only think about Artem and dream that he will always be with me.

    A lot of this - I'm a lot of naughty people. Favorites.
    The first - I am 18 years old, 2nd year, after some gathering in a cafe with classmates, we went for a walk with one of them. In the process of gatherings, we had, so to speak, sympathy, reinforced by drunk beer. It was winter, we left at 7 pm, but it was dark outside. We walk and walk, and I really want to go to the toilet, and even though it’s dark, but firstly, it’s not cool to sit down in the cold, and secondly, we have such a romantic, the first date is practically, but here it is ... I endure and start hint to sit somewhere. Without hesitation, he invites me to his place, I don’t care, let’s go, I’m running like a geisha and I almost don’t participate in the conversation ... Finally, they came, got up, he calls, it turns out that my grandmother is at home - an old senile, and I just can't! And my grandmother begins to reprimand him, standing at the door, that he is such and such, throws himself at me with his fists, calls me names. From all this, I have only one conclusion that I don’t get into the toilet, because I rush down to the street under my grandmother’s screams, MCH after me in a few seconds ... I run and piss, the patience is over, and he runs behind and sees . When I flew out into the street (5th floor, Khrushchev), I already, in general, didn’t need anything. I stood, convinced myself that he didn’t notice anything and didn’t understand (he later confirmed, the brute, that he did understand), I return, realizing that I still need to sit somewhere and at least dry off, I won’t go home in wet pants. .. Well, nothing terrible, we met with this MCH then for about a year, love was great
    The second is already not pretty at all. We drank at work, a married colleague began to get stuck, I was not married, but there was a permanent and serious MCH, but then they had a fight, in general, I reacted positively to my colleague. And she invited him to go to her place, and she still lived with her mother, he was either so drunk, or so impatient - he agreed. And we arrive, we go in, my mother looks with square eyes ... She told her with a stammering tongue that he had nowhere to spend the night, he was married (what a fool), we are just friends with him! They locked themselves in the room, had sex, and he went home, his mother was still awake. Shameful - not the right word, just a nightmare, plus it’s even scary - my mother has little love for me, but there are a lot of complaints, she could tell MCH, or just remind me regularly ...
    The third one is even worse. With the same MCH as in the second, our relationship is hell knows what - like love, but constant swearing, resentment, I regularly decide for myself that that’s enough, go to hell, then I change my mind. In one of these times, again with colleagues, again a drinker, again another unmarried man is glued. The MCH calls, I answer offendedly, I say that I don’t want anything, I won’t meet with him, he is trying to make peace and hush up, I am adamant. I turn off the phone and then go to a colleague's house, I return in the morning. On the included phone, a call from the MCH immediately with a question - is she alive and well? And I am already sober and full of remorse, and I am not ready to part with him forever ... He quite rightly sends me far away, but he is so sad. I called back, lied and made up a plausible excuse. And again, terribly ashamed until now ... Nine years have passed, but it's still disgusting. I don’t drink at all for 8 years, well, take him to the bathhouse ...

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