• Small competitions for the New Year. “What do you like about your neighbor?” Competition for the New Year “Who is the odd one out”


    How to organize a New Year's celebration at home?

    More than 75% of Russians celebrate the New Year at home or visiting relatives or friends. The tradition is wonderful, but in order for the holiday not to turn into a banal binge in front of the TV and for the memory to retain the feeling of a wonderful evening and night, you need to not only invite guests and treat them well, but also be able to entertain them. Of course, there are few people who are able to plan a New Year celebration as a serious cultural event, and not everyone is ready to take on the role of toastmaster, and a professional toastmaster in a home celebration will look, at a minimum, inappropriate.

    Celebrating the New Year with your company and family is very fun and easy if you take a little time to think about everything in advance and do some “homework.” In this article we offer you several games and competitions that can be organized in your home or on fresh air.

    It is better to come up with competitions in advance, taking into account the taste of the invited guests.

    So, for example, if a company likes to play cards, then it is not at all necessary to play the already well-known “nine” or “fool”. You can buy a set of poker chips and master this game, beloved by many people around the world. To do this, you need to explain the rules to everyone, and then you can arrange an impromptu poker tournament.

    It’s more convenient, easier and more fun to conduct games and competitions with simple rules and a minimum of props. The only condition is that there must always be a person who organizes the game and explains its rules to all participants.

    What's in the bag?

    This game can be played when you have just arrived at the guest house, holiday cottage and unloaded your bags. The presenter takes a bag of groceries and, without taking out the item, describes it in words: color or shape, what it is for, what history happened with a similar item, and the like. He says it needs to be done in such a way that the guessers suffer a little and do not immediately give the correct answer. The one who guesses it gets the item, and along with it the task. If it is bread, then cut it. If it’s canned food, then open it, if it’s an apple, then wash it, if it’s charcoal, then put on the grill... And it’s fun, and everyone will be in business.

    I am the only lunar rover

    To participate in this game, you can already take a little, because it requires some courage. The leader (volunteer or chosen one) gets down on all fours and, moving on four bones, says quite seriously: “I am the only lunar rover, peak-peak starting the reception...” The one who laughs joins him and becomes lunar rover number two. So gradually the whole company becomes lunar rovers, and the one who doesn’t laugh wins. The phrase of the lunar rover can be expanded: “... I’m heading to the lunar base for refueling.” In a word, improvisation will only enhance the “ha-ha” effect.


    The meaning of this game is as follows: in a circle, starting with the first letter of the alphabet, i.e. A, and further down the alphabet, those sitting at the table say a congratulation phrase. For example: A - “And I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!” And so on... Sometimes you get very funny phrases :).


    Several pairs of volunteers are called. In each pair, one of the participants must build a “mummy” from the other using a roll of toilet paper and come up with a name for it. The winner is the one who receives more applause from the audience and whose figure is the most interesting.

    A la towns

    In the fresh air, while, for example, barbecue is being prepared, children are getting underfoot, and adults have not lost coordination, the whole group can play a simplified version of the towns. To do this, you need to collect approximately identical pieces of firewood around the area and one stick that will serve as a bat. A circle is drawn on the ground, firewood is laid out in any shape (like a pioneer fire or a well), and each participant (distracted from the task for a while) from a certain distance knocks out as much wood as possible from the circle. But this is not so easy and you can’t do it the first time. If you replace the bat with a ball, you get something a la bowling.


    You only play at the zoo once in your life, and then it’s no longer interesting. If it so happens that there are no such lucky people in your company or there are only a few of them, you will have great fun. The presenter speaks the name of the animal into everyone's ear. Then everyone stands in a circle and firmly takes each other by the arms. The presenter names the animal. For example: “Which one of you is a crocodile?” And the crocodile must sit down sharply, and the non-crocodiles must hold him back. Then they call it a monkey. The same thing happens. But on the third click, the main thing happens. After the question: “Which of you is a hippopotamus?”, everyone falls to the ground together, and, realizing that they have been deceived, they laugh. Because the trick of this game is that all but one or two participants receive the same animal name.

    "Seventh heaven".

    This competition is especially attractive for children. At a certain height, a rope is stretched, on which surprise souvenirs are hung at different levels. The task of each participant is to run up and jump as high as possible and pick the souvenir they like.


    Motor coordination test. Participants must take turns walking along a straight line without ever leaving it. The difficulty of the task lies in the fact that before starting the path you need to perform a simple movement: Grab your left ear over your knee with your right hand and make 3 circles around your axis.


    Participants are divided into 2 groups, each of them is given a large canvas, which is used for a collective throw of the ball. One of the subgroups receives the ball. Task: throw the ball from one surface to another without dropping it.

    "Reindeer Sleds"

    The task is to divide into pairs to cover the distance. ½ distance, the pair walks around the cones, in the following position - the first player stands on his hands, the second holds his legs. At the last cone, players change places. Thus, all participants complete the distance.


    Hit a snowball into a bucket. Each participant is given 5 attempts. According to the overall team result.

    What other outdoor activities can there be in nature?

    Taking a snow town, sliding down a hill and sculpting a snow woman

    Lighting a fire, decorating the Christmas tree with improvised materials

    Sledding, skiing, ice skating


    Launching sky lanterns

    Generator soap bubbles(in winter they freeze and become covered with a pattern, like on windows)

    Firecrackers, boom-fetti.

    Meat on a spit, kebabs

    Hot Mulled wine in a Samovar or in thermoses

    Dumplings, pancakes with caviar, pies.

    Round dance, dancing around the Christmas tree, dressing up as buffoons, gypsies, national Russian or Altai costumes

    Games, competitions and fun make an ordinary New Year at home unforgettable. Impressions fueled by laughter last a long time. Next, professional entertainer Zakhar Sokhatsky shares his recipes for a cheerful home New Year:

    The first thing you can do is Have a good mood– it’s radical to turn off the TV. The best you can do is listen to the chimes, and after draining your glasses, press the red button on the TV remote control. After all, everything last years New Year's Eve on television was a disaster, and it's unlikely that anything will change this time.

    It’s much better to have fun chatting with each other, playing something, New Year's Eve shed your seriousness.

    In this sense, the “pajama party” method is very helpful - guests are asked to bring pajamas (or some other purely home clothes– T-shirt, shorts) and change immediately upon arrival. I assure you, this will make your holiday much more comfortable than a prim reception in evening dresses. Besides, you don’t have to spend the whole December thinking about what to wear so spectacularly for the New Year. Less show-off - more joy.

    Puzzle your guests in advance: ask everyone to prepare some kind of surprise. For example, everyone can learn a trick with cards or matches, or something else easy, non-stressful, for pulling. But do not demonstrate everything at once, but at some interval. Let this theme of homemade preparations run through your holiday.

    Also ask each guest to bring with them a wish in an envelope that will go to one of the other guests. All the envelopes are mixed, each person making a toast takes one of them, reads it out - and undertakes to fulfill the chosen one. Wishes can be designed both for immediate fulfillment (from the banal “sing a song about the Christmas tree” to an exotic wish to drink in one gulp, for example, a glass of cocktail made from cognac, vodka, champagne and coffee), and for the entire current year (get married, give birth, become deputy of the regional Duma, etc.). In a year, you will conduct a debriefing and see who really knows how to keep their word.

    Immediately after midnight, everyone goes out into the yard together for a short time - just to shout, to relieve the tension that has accumulated over the year. This is what the workaholic Japanese do, and this simple method is quite effective. Having thus thrown off the negativity of the past year, we return to the warmth, to the already set table. By the way, what's on our table? Good New Year in Russian folk style or with classic “Soviet traditions”, but if this is already “boring”, an “ethnic” approach will help make the New Year’s table more original. Prepare dishes, for example, only from Hungarian, Argentine or other little-known cuisine. This is not difficult to do - there are many culinary reference books now. Preparing such a table will not only bring more pleasure than routine salads, but will also significantly expand the housewife’s “arsenal” for the future. The “ethnic table” will give guests completely new sensations, which fully corresponds to the very idea of ​​New Year’s Eve. If the company is large and the organization of the table requires joint participation, you can agree in advance for each guest or family to prepare some kind of “ethnic” dish, a national drink, the serving of which may be accompanied by some national traditions.

    Next, I can suggest playing “Yudashkin.” Guests are divided into two teams. In both teams they choose a “model” - a girl, preferably of a petite build, so that there is more room for imagination. Each team takes 3-4 minutes to dress a girl in the funniest way possible, putting everything on her, from fur coats to nesting dolls. We dressed, assessed, photographed - and now we undress the girl, and for a while. Without fanaticism, to the original state.

    While dressing the girl, the guests have already become a little acquainted with the house where everything happens - it’s time to play “tax inspector”. We select two leaders who take turns ordering the participants to bring some items that are exactly available in the apartment. Children usually take part in the game with pleasure. The winner is the team that lays the most items at the feet of the stern taxman.

    No matter how well the holiday goes, try sometimes to remember the inevitability of the morning. Morning will most likely come in the evening of January 1st. If the guests have not left before bedtime, you can cheer them up a little, for example, agree in advance: whoever drank the most will organize exercises in the fresh air for everyone. It’s harsh, but it invigorates and brings you back to life. You can plant some other intrigue in the evening: for example, a social burden (going to the store) on the least drunk person - so that no one wants to be this “lucky one”. It is advisable to plan the program for the “morning” in advance. But whether you can fulfill it depends only on you.

    Happy New Year to you!

    Dikmi: What is the main thing for you in the New Year's entertainment program? For me personally there are three criteria good script: clear rules, a minimum of props and the ability to involve as many participants as possible. In short, it’s simple, cheap and versatile. I have prepared just such a selection of entertainment for the coming year for you! You can assume that today I am trying on my Santa Claus costume! And I give you magical gifts!


    Dikmi: As a rule, guests who do not know each other are often embarrassed to go out on the dance floor at the very beginning of the holiday, or to participate in anything. Your task, as the host of the party and part-time chief wizard, is to make sure that they quickly and easily join the team and get used to it. Start the entertainment program with games in the house. Moreover, in order to participate in most of them it is not necessary to even leave the table.

    Game 1. Magic watercolors

    Number of participants: everyone is interested.

    Props: plastic wide plates, black markers, timer.

    Rules: At the leader’s command, all players must place a plate on their heads and take the marker in their right hand. After the words “start!” everyone starts drawing a snowman on the bottom of the plate. The task is difficult because you have to draw without looking, intuitively. As a rule, this game is accompanied by a sea of ​​comments and cheerful laughter. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes. The author of the best “picture” (determined by applause and applause) is awarded a prize!

    Game 2. New Year's snowman

    Number of participants: unlimited (must be a paired number).

    Props: rolls of white toilet paper, New Year's hats, cardboard carrot cones with elastic bands for each pair of participants.

    Rules: The participants of the game are divided into pairs. One of the pair will be a “sculptor”, the second - a “snowman”. The sculptor's task is to create a snowman using toilet paper and other props. The winner is the pair that completes the task better and faster than anyone else.

    Game 3. Santa Claus Cookies

    Dikmi: In Hollywood, there are many New Year's films and cartoons that retell the belief that Santa Claus, in gratitude for the gifts he brought, must leave his favorite delicacy under the tree - milk and cookies. Play with this cute idea!

    Number of participants: no more than 7-10 people.

    Props: chocolate round cookies.

    Rules: Each participant receives one chocolate chip cookie. Places it on his forehead so that the treat does not fall on the floor. After the presenter’s command “start!” he must roll the cookie so that it ends up in his mouth. In this case, it is forbidden to use hands and the help of the audience! If the cookie falls, the participant leaves the game.

    Game 4. Fun snowballs

    Dikmi: Props for this game need to be prepared in advance. First of all, you need to make snowmen. For this you will need disposable plastic cups, cardboard (black and red), glue. Cut out circles for the eyes and mouth of the snowmen from black cardboard, and a triangle-carrot from red cardboard. Glue everything to the glasses. Snowmen are ready! Now make the balls. You can use old socks for this. Fill them with unnecessary scraps and cotton wool. Sew and cut off excess. That's it, you can go into battle!

    Number of participants: 5-7 people.

    Props: 10 plastic snowman cups, fabric balls.

    Rules: The task is to knock down a pyramid of snowmen with a ball. It is complicated by the fact that the distance from the player to the pyramid must be at least 10 steps. The winner is the one who knocks down all the snowmen. Three attempts are given to complete the task.

    Game 5. Santa Claus's beard

    Number of participants: doubles

    Props: shaving foam, plastic spoons, paper towels.

    Rules: Divide all participants into pairs. One will be “Santa Claus”, the second will be his barber. Santa Claus is given a beautiful foam beard on his chin. Barber task using plastic spoon, shave Grandfather. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Game 6. New Year's gifts

    Number of participants: doubles (at least 8 people)

    Props: wrapping, a roll of adhesive tape, scissors, boxes, satin ribbons (each team has its own set)

    Rules: All players are divided into pairs and given a set of props. The challenge is to pack New Year's gift using only one hand. Let's say one player - right, the second - left. At the leader’s command, “start!” couples start working on gift boxes. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and better.

    Game 7. Marmalade tower

    Number of participants: at least three

    Props: 15 pcs. marmalade of the same size for each participant, toothpicks, timer
    Rules: Each player on the command “start!” assembles a tower of marmalade using toothpicks (the result should be something similar to a crystalline metal lattice, visible under a microscope). The winner is the one who completes the task faster and whose tower is the strongest.

    Game 8. Candy Friendship

    Dikmi: And we usually play this game at the very end of the party! It is like an indicator with which you can determine whether guests will be able to get home on their own! Very fun! A sea of ​​positivity in the scale of impressions about New Year's holiday!

    Number of participants: everyone (at least 10-12 people)

    Props: lollipops.

    Rules: All players are divided into two teams and stand in a row, one after another, facing the leader and opponents. Each team member receives a lollipop and clamps the lower, smooth end with his teeth. Another lollipop hangs like a fishhook on the “stick” of the first one in the row. At the leader’s command to “start,” the hanging candy is passed along the chain to the last player, using only the candy held in the mouth. The team that completes the task first wins.


    Competition 1. Santa Claus sweater

    For each participant you need to prepare: a sheet of white paper, scissors, a small piece of felt, PVA glue, glitter, sequins, rain.

    Rules: The task is to draw a template on paper, cut it out of felt and decorate a sweater for Santa Claus to your own taste. But it is complicated by the fact that you need to do everything in 5 minutes! The most beautiful sweaters must definitely take their place place of honor on the branches of the Christmas tree!

    Competition 2. New Year's chime

    Props: pedometers, New Year's bells, headbands.

    Rules: The competition determines the best New Year's ringer. Two participants put headbands with bells on their heads and attach pedometers. At the command “start!” they begin to shake their heads, creating a bell ringing, a melody, just sounds. A pedometer records the number of movements. The one with the highest number on the monitor wins.

    Competition 3. One step to the dream

    Props: three boxes with small gifts and sweets, notes with tasks.

    Rules: Each participant chooses a box from which he wishes to receive a gift. Then, from a large hat or bowl, he takes out a note with a task. Only after completing this task will you be able to put your hand into the box and pull out a small prize for yourself.

    Examples of possible tasks:

    1. Walk around the room three times in a duck walk.

    2. Play basketball with an imaginary ball

    3. Sing a New Year's song to the person sitting next to you.

    4. Jump like a gorilla for 10 seconds

    5. Sing “I am a huge teapot!” as long as possible

    6. Walk around the room like a crab

    7. Pretend you're watching a horror movie and make the world's scariest eyes

    8. Dance like a chicken, and let the other players sing the accompaniment song for this dance

    9. Imagine that you are under water! Hold your breath for 10 seconds!

    10. Stroke the stomach and head at the same time in a circular motion

    Competition 4. Christmas tree

    Props: 36 plastic cups same size

    Rules: The task of all participants who decide to test their luck is to build a pyramid from all the glasses, and then collect all the glasses back into the stack. The player who completes the task the fastest wins the competition.

    Competition 5. Do you hear what I hear?

    Props: 7 gift boxes equal size, 140 small bells.

    Rules: When preparing for the competition in advance, you must place the following number of bells in all boxes: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and close them. Then place the boxes on the table. The participant's task is to place the boxes one after another in increasing order of the number of bells in them. Boxes can be lifted and shaken, but under no circumstances should they be opened! The one who completes the task correctly wins the competition. There is no time limit.
    Dikmi: But what if Santa Claus gives amazing snow, a little minus and a lot of light on New Year’s Eve? Then you can invite all your guests to a New Year's walk! And, of course, accompany it with an interesting entertainment program!


    Snowballs. Remember this wonderful children's fun? Divide your company into teams and start the battle! A lot of fun and incredible, emotional photos are guaranteed! And promise the winners hot chocolate with cinnamon upon their return!

    Treasure Hunt. Hide something (for example, a red apple in the snow) and challenge your guests to find the treasure, after giving incorrect directions and search clues.

    New Year's faces. Use snow to paint cute portraits on tree trunks. Be sure to reward the most creative author with something sweet and hot!

    New Year's hula hoop. Take some hoops and try twirling them around your waist, safely hidden under your down jacket! The spectacle is funny! Naturally, the one who can keep the hoop active the longest wins!

    Cool critters. Create hares and monkeys, dragons and caterpillars from snow! Give the author of the most grandiose snow sculpture a huge chocolate medal!

    Dikmi: Nothing warms you up in the New Year like the warmth of smiles, movement, and infectious laughter! Give your guests a wonderful mood, treat them to something sweet, let the year start with a positive attitude and remain so until the very last page of the calendar!

    Many of us think about how exactly to celebrate the New Year long before it arrives - however, this often only applies to the choice of outfit and holiday menu. And yet, the celebration will be much more fun and entertaining if you have exciting competitions prepared for the New Year. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all in which company you plan to celebrate the New Year - in family circle or with friends - after all, fun is appropriate everywhere. Of course, it is worth considering that there are very shy people, and participation in such events causes them to panic - be respectful of other people’s desires, and if you see that a person is not inclined to take part in active competitions, then do not insist, believing that he will “get involved”. In addition, in addition to active and active competitions, there are others that do not require special movement - for example, riddles for ingenuity. Choose a varied program in which any participant in the celebration will find something interesting for themselves! If you want your fun to be remembered for a long time, then do not forget to take photos of what is happening. By the way, this task can be entrusted to particularly shy guests who do not want to participate in the general “madness” - this way they will feel like they are part of what is happening and at the same time will not feel tense or uncomfortable. In general, take care of the holiday program in advance, as well as small gifts for the winners, and your efforts will be remembered by all guests for a long time!

    Cool competitions for the New Year

    Competitions for the family at the table

    1. New Year's predictions. For this part New Year's program you should prepare in advance. You will have two bags at hand (can be replaced with hats) in which you should put pieces of paper with notes. So, put pieces of paper with the names of the participants in the prediction in one bag, and in the other - with the prophecies themselves. The bags are passed around the table in a circle, and all guests take a piece of paper from each. First, the name written on it is read from the first piece of paper, and then from the second the prospects that await the owner of this name in the New Year are announced. 2. Honest confession. This game also requires preliminary preparation - write funny words on small pieces of paper (kikimora, deer, capricious, booger, and so on). So, someone pulls out a candy wrapper with one of the words (for example, capricious), and with a serious face, looking into the eyes of his neighbor, tells him: “I am a capricious person.” If no one laughs, then the neighbor picks up the baton, and so on in a circle until someone laughs. After this, the laugher begins the fun again. 3. Phrases of congratulations. This is very funny competition, in which it is better to know when to stop. Fill your glasses and make a celebratory toast. Each person sitting at a common table should say a congratulation phrase in turn, but it is important that they begin with the letters in alphabetical order(first a toast is made with the letter “A”, the next participant says a toast with the letter “B”, and so on until everyone has spoken). You can start the next round of toasts with the letter you stopped on. Prepare small prizes in advance - each time one of them should be awarded to the person who comes up with the funniest toast in the round. 4. Guess the riddle. For this competition you should stock up on regular balloons, as well as small notes with funny riddles. Roll up the pieces of paper and place them inside the ball, subsequently inflating it. The participant needs to burst the balloon and guess the riddle. If there is no answer from his lips, then he will need to complete the task invented by all the participants in the game. Examples of such funny riddles: “What does a student have in common with a lizard?” (Ability to get rid of the “tail” in time), “How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be happy?” (One more pair than we already have), “What goes from one city to another, but remains motionless?” (Road) and so on. You can come up with similar riddles yourself or download them below.

    New competitions for 2018 for adults

    1. Drunken checkers. For this entertainment you will need a real checkers board, only the checkers themselves are replaced with stacks. How to distinguish between white and black new “checkers”? Replace black ones with shots of red wine, and white ones with white wine. The rules are the same as in regular checkers, but once you get your opponent’s “checker”, you will have to drink it! Of course, you don’t have to use wine - it can be any alcoholic beverage, just different in color. 2. Driven. For this competition you will need two radio-controlled cars. Accordingly, two people play, each of whom places a glass of alcoholic drink on their machine. Now a certain point is randomly selected in the room, which will become the final destination for the cars. The goal is to get your car to the finish line without spilling your drink. The winner drinks his shot. Then the baton passes to the next pair and so on. 3. What's in my mouth. To conduct a competition for the New Year, prepare in advance a separate container with products that will be used in this experiment, but will not be on festive table. Let it be seven or eight unusual products. The player is blindfolded, and you give him a taste of this or that food - the contestant must guess on the first try what exactly is being offered to him. You can use other products with the next player. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

    Funny and interesting games

    1. Snowballs. The competition will take place indoors, and, of course, not with real snowballs, but there is still an alternative - just crumple up napkins or paper towels (you should stock up on this material in advance). You will also need chairs according to the number of players, who, in turn, should be divided into two teams. The competitors of one team stand in a line on their chairs, and the participants of the second, in turn, try to hit their opponents with a snowball. By the way, the “targets” have the opportunity to dodge the snowball. When all opponents on the chairs are defeated, the teams change places. The team with the highest performance (more snowballs reaching the goal) will win.

    2. Roll the ball. Competition for several couples. Each team is given two balls, which are usually used to play ping pong. The man should roll the ball from his partner's left sleeve to his right, and the woman should roll the second ball from her partner's right pant leg to his left. The team that manages to cope faster wins. 3. Clothespins. Another game for couples. Participants in the competition are blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to any part of the clothing of all players. After the sound signal, you must try to remove all the clothespins from your partner. The couple that completes the task faster than others will win. Of course, we need a leader who will control this process. 4. To the touch. The two players are blindfolded and have thick gloves or mittens placed on their hands. Guests stand in front of each contestant and are given 10 seconds to guess each guest by touch. Players play in turns. The participant who completes the task faster will win. Subsequently, the next pair of players is determined. 5. Pop the balloon. Different-sex couples are selected for the game and are given balloon. The couples must hold the “props” between their bodies, and at the sound signal the balls must be “burst.” The first couple to complete the task will win. This is followed by the second round with a more complicated task: the balls need to be “burst” with their backs or even their butts.

    New Year's competitions for a fun company

    1. New Year's crocodile. Famous entertainment that will appeal to contestants of all ages! So, we remind you of the principle of this rather simple and exciting game. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which selects one person. The presenter says a word to those chosen, and they must “show” it to their teams without making any sounds. The team that completes the task faster will win. You can play differently - one of the participants “shows” the word to everyone else, and the one who guesses first wins. To avoid suspicion that the word was invented on the fly, we recommend writing it down on a piece of paper in advance. Since we are talking about celebrating the New Year, it is advisable to come up with words on this topic. 2. Bows. Funny and cheerful fun. To participate in the game, you need at least six people to be divided into teams of three. The gender of the players does not matter. One of the participants stands in the middle of the room, while his two teammates are blindfolded. One of the partners is given ten ribbons, and, according to a sound signal, he must tie them on the one who is standing in the middle of the room. The second partner, who is also blindfolded, looks for the bows by touch and unties them. Similar actions occur in the second team. The company that completes the task first will win. 3. Drawing blindly. The competition is played by two people. So, the participants have their hands tied behind their backs and an easel is placed behind them. Now the players must arm themselves with felt-tip pens (hands remain behind their backs) and draw on the canvas the symbol of the coming year - the Dog. The rest of the guests should act as fans and suggest in which direction the contestants should draw next - to the left, higher, and so on. The winner will be the player who manages to more accurately portray the cheerful guardian of 2018. Then the next pair of competitors enters the game, and the competition follows a similar principle. 4. Hat. Another exciting competition in which absolutely everyone celebrating can take part. The essence of the entertainment is quite simple - players must pass a hat to each other, putting it on the neighbor’s head without the help of their palms (you can use your elbows or mouth). The one who drops the headdress is eliminated. The winner is the participant who will be left alone in the end. Of course, this game is unlikely to appeal to ladies who have decided to make a complex hairstyle, but, as you know, New Year's hairstyles for 2018 imply simplicity and carelessness, so there should not be any special difficulties. 5. Song in a hat. A very funny and memorable competition that will especially appeal to people who love to demonstrate their vocal talents. You need to stock up on small pieces of paper in advance, on each of which you should write a word. Since we are talking about a winter holiday, you can write words related to this topic: Christmas tree, Olivier, cold, snowflakes, reindeer and so on. Place all these candy wrappers in a hat and invite each guest to take out a piece of paper in turn. Now the contestant must perform a short song, invented personally on the spot, making sure to use the word he was given several times.

    Children's games for New Year's celebrations

    Check out our list of fun new activities for kids. Draw the symbol of the New Year As you know, children like to portray various characters, so they will probably take part in this competition with particular enthusiasm. Tell the kids that the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2018 is a dog, and invite them to portray this animal and also talk about it. The participant who manages to most reliably show an adult dog or puppy will become the winner of the competition. However, there may be several winners. Of course, don’t forget to prepare some sweet incentive prizes for the most diligent guys. Sweets This game is more suitable for younger children school age, and not for babies who have barely learned to walk. The fact is that this entertainment requires precise coordination of movements and the ability to control one’s actions. Also note that only one child can play the game. So, first, hang a couple of your child’s favorite candies on the holiday tree - the child should not see exactly where you placed them. Blindfold your child and lead him to the tree, asking him to find candy on the tree within a certain time. Of course, the player will have to act very carefully so as not to damage the toys, tumble the tree itself, or fall himself.

    Round dance This game has many variations. For example, “The mice dance in circles.” First, using a counting rhyme, you need to choose a “cat” among the children. The “cat” sits down on a chair or directly on the floor, closing his eyes. The other participants turn out to be “mice” who begin to dance around the “cat”, saying:

    “The mice dance in circles,
    The cat is sleeping on the stove.
    Quiet the mouse, don't make noise,
    Don't wake up Vaska the cat,
    How Vaska the cat wakes up -
    It will break up the whole round dance!”

    When the last words of the final phrase begin to sound, the cat stretches and at the last word “Round Dance” opens his eyes and runs after the mice who are trying to escape. The caught “mouse” turns into a cat, and so on in a circle. Drawing or letter to Santa Claus Most likely, all children will enjoy this entertainment, but for this you should stock up on sheets of paper and markers or colored pencils in advance. Tell the children that now they have to prepare a letter for Santa Claus, but they don’t need to write anything in it - they just need a drawing. In this drawing, invite the children to depict how they see the coming New Year and what they want. We can talk about some trips, gifts and the like. Make it clear right away that, most likely, Santa Claus will not be able to fulfill all your wishes, but he will still take some of them into account.

    Let's make a snowman Making a snowman is fun and exciting, even in cases where we are not talking about winter fun on the street. For this game you will need softened plasticine. So, two participants get down to business and sit at the table next to each other (you can even hug). Now these players must act as one. Right hand let one child and the other’s left act as if we were talking about the hands of one person - in this way the children will have to make a snowman out of plasticine. The task is quite difficult, but if the kids start working together, then everything will certainly work out! Competition for the best snowflake Most children love to do their own crafts. Tell the children that they need to decorate the room in which they play with snowflakes. Of course, to do this, you will first need to make those same snowflakes. You can demonstrate a master class yourself on exactly how to cut out such snowflakes, or simply set a general direction and let the kids act at their own discretion. Even if the result is far from perfect, in no case do you need to declare it - together with the children, decorate the room with the snowflakes they made (stick them to the window, hang them on strings from the chandelier, and so on). Also encourage the most beautiful work sweet prizes.

    Competition - guess the hero For this activity, seat young participants in a circle. Now invite the players each in turn to name the continuation of the name of the fairy-tale character, for example; “Zo (lushka)”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Belo (snow)” and so on. A child who could not give the correct answer is eliminated from the game, but those children who remained continue the competition. It is important for you to take into account the fact that you will have to ask a lot of questions, so you will have to prepare in advance by writing names for yourself on a piece of paper fairy-tale heroes. If there are many children, then it is not necessary to wait until there is only one winner left - you can designate in advance that, for example, the remaining three will win. Hide and seek It is perhaps difficult to find a person who has never heard of such fun. However, the principle of this entertainment is quite simple and is hidden in its name alone. So, while one kid counts, for example, to ten, closing his eyes or hiding in one of the rooms, the other kids scatter around the house and hide. When the set time has passed, the child goes in search of his friends - the one who is found first is considered the loser. You can start the game again at this point, or continue searching for other participants. The child who was discovered first subsequently takes up the search himself, also counting to ten.

    Fun entertainment for corporate events

    If you want your corporate party to be fun and unforgettable, pay attention to some exciting games.

    1. Mandarin relay. We offer very interesting option This entertainment requires two teams with the same number of participants. Each team represents a player who puts a tangerine in a spoon and holds the spoon itself with both hands. Now the opponents must reach a certain landmark with the spoon and back to their team without dropping the citrus - if this happens, then the loser with the spoon returns to the starting point. Having reached the landmark and back, the participant passes the spoon to the next player. The team that can complete the task first will win. Please note that when carrying a tangerine, you cannot hold it with anything. 2. Bottle. This is a fairly famous game that marked the beginning of many office romances. Be that as it may, it's true fun entertainment. So, at least 4-6 people take part in the game, who should sit in a circle, after which one of them spins a bottle lying in the center of the circle clockwise. As a result, the player who set the bottle in motion will have to kiss the person to whom, like an arrow, the stopped neck of the vessel (or the person of the opposite sex closest to the pointer) will point. After this, the bottle is offered to be twisted by the one who came under “her sights.” 3. Comic forfeits with predictions about work. Many of us have a positive attitude towards various kinds of predictions, and some even believe in them. The New Year has long been directly connected with all sorts of fortune-telling, and let your corporate evening be no exception, despite the fact that the predictions will be made in in a comic form. How exactly to give forfeits is up to you to decide. Anyone can take a note with a prophecy from the bag. In addition, you can make special, rather simple cookies with such predictions. Write only positive predictions related to work - about an increase in salary, about new ideas, and the like. 4. Lottery competition. A very interesting lottery that will certainly evoke positive feelings among its participants. Having made a list of participants for the upcoming holiday in advance, ask each guest to come with their own craft, packaged in a colorful wrapper. However, for this draw it is not at all necessary to use crafts - we can talk about souvenirs or sweets in a certain price range. Stick numbers on all the packages, and write the same numbers on small pieces of paper. Subsequently, each lottery participant will have to draw his number from a special bag or just a hat. 5. Game “I have never...” A very popular and exciting game that you could see in some foreign films. Each participant in the festive evening must utter a confession phrase that begins with the words: “I have never...”. Example: “I have never slept in a tent.” People to whom this statement does not apply take a sip of wine. Next, the next party participant makes a certain confession, and those guests to whom the next confession is not related again take a sip of wine. Phrases can be funny, but each time they should be more and more personal, for example: “I have never slept naked.” However, you shouldn’t get too carried away, so as not to give away your biggest secrets.

    We carry interest and love for the New Year holiday throughout our lives, there is something bright and childishly joyful in it, from it we expect gifts, miracles and special fun. What's the fun without New Year's games, competitions, dress-up fairy tales and fun entertainment?!

    New Year's games, competitions and skits are the same obligatory attribute of the holiday as a Christmas tree, champagne and gifts. After all, the New Year is a time of general joy; time when you want to make noise and play. Don't deny yourself - have fun! Moreover, everyone wants to move a little and fool around after New Year's table, traditionally generous with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

    Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

    Entertainment program for the New Year 2019

    We offer you a wide variety of New Year's entertainment, which can be viewed via the links. They are also suitable for corporate holidays, and for home parties, and for a close group of friends. There are a lot of games and competitions, and you can easily create an interesting entertainment program from them.

    To save time, we suggest purchasing collection “Entertain the People for the New Year? Easily!"

    The collection is intended:

    • for leading festive events
    • for employees of organizations who are planning to celebrate New Year's corporate party on your own, without the involvement of a toastmaster
    • for those who are planning to spend new year party at home
    • for active people who want to have fun and have fun throughout the New Year holidays with family, friends and relatives

    The proposed games, competitions and sketches will be more than enough for you not only for entertainment program for this New Year, but also for future New Year holidays!

    All buyers of this collection will receive New Year's gifts:

    Contents of the collection“Entertain people for the New Year? Easily!"

    Skits and impromptu fairy tales included in the collection

    The collection includes funny sketches and impromptu fairy tales, the plot of which is connected with the wonderful New Year holiday. All sketches have funny and original plots; in addition, the texts are well edited, and for impromptu scenes there are signs with the names of the characters, which is very convenient for the organizer holiday program; It is also provided that when printing a specific scene or sheet of signs, nothing unnecessary is printed. Here short description sketches included in the collection:

    Guests from Italy at the New Year's party(very funny costumed New Year's greetings With original text). Little preliminary preparation is required. Age: 16+
    Happy New Year, or let's drink to happiness!(impromptu fairy tale with chants, presenter and 7 actors; everyone else present also participates). Especially suitable for corporate New Year celebrations.
    Beauty and the Beast, or the Wrong Fairy Tale(funny impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 11 actors). For any conscious age :).
    New Year's story in the forest, or Love at first sight(small impromptu fairy tale, presenter and 6 actors).
    A long-awaited gift(miniature pantomime scene, impromptu, from 1 to 3-4 people can take part in it). The scene is universal, suitable for both children and adults.
    Magic staff(New Year's theatrical skit, costume performance for adults, Storyteller (reader) and 10 actors). Long (at least 30 minutes), but at the same time An interesting funny scene with an original New Year's plot. Advance preparation is required. Age: 15+

    Collection format: pdf file, 120 pages
    Price: 300 rubles

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    This competition should please all guests. Everyone participates. Each participant chooses a face-down card on which a role specific to him is written. Within a few seconds, the participant thinks through what position and with what emotions he will show and play his role. The presenter picks up the camera and the show begins. One by one, introducing the participant and his role, the photographer takes a couple of photographs of the actor or actress. If possible, you can immediately view the photos on the big screen using a flash drive, or then send the photos to each of the guests by mail. Sample roles:
    - tired deer;
    - depraved Snow Maiden;
    - a Chinese man suffering from obesity;
    - a black man playing the drum;
    - Baba Yaga with a hangover;
    - smiling beaver and so on.

    Not without me

    The competition consists of the fact that each participant answers each question from the presenter with his first and last name. As a result, you can identify all the pranksters, villains and hooligans. Questions may be of the following nature:
    - who stole Michael Jackson's car? The first participant stands up and says his first and last name, for example, I, Vitya Petrov;
    - who ate all the sweets from the bowl?
    - who sawed off the wing of the president's plane?
    - who ate too much garlic today?
    - who sits here without panties?
    - who will die from a hangover tomorrow? and so on.

    I'll make a toast from the bottom of my heart

    The essence of the competition is that each of the participants in turn stands up and introduces himself by name, and then says the phrase “My friends, I wish everyone...” and adds three words starting with the letter with which his name begins. It will be interesting to see how the guests whose names are, for example, Elizaveta or Yuri will get out, because there is not much that can be desired with “e” or “u”.


    Guests are divided into teams of 3-4 people. At the command “start”, each team must write its decoding on a piece of paper - GRANDFATHER Frost and the Snow Maiden, for example, Kind, Unique, Soulful, Sweet, Prudent, Russian, Responsible, Winter and Brave, Tender, Natural, Ingenious, Smart, Joyful, Charming , Sensitive, Sociable, Angelically sweet. The team that deciphers the New Year's characters the fastest and most creatively will receive a prize.

    Fruit dance

    For the New Year there is always an abundance of fruit on the table: bananas, coconuts, oranges, apples, tangerines, kiwi, pineapples and so on. So, each guest in turn stands up and names any fruit he likes, for example, banana. Then the presenter asks: where did the banana come from? And the guest must answer: for example, from Africa. Okay, so dance us an African fiery dance. The guest dances a merry dance African tribe. Then the next guest enters the game, naming another fruit, for example, an orange. Where did the orange come from? The guest answers: for example, Spain and dances a fiery Spanish dance. The game continues until everyone has listed one fruit and danced their dance. And at the end, the best performer of the Motherland of Fruits is determined by applause and given a prize - a basket of juicy fruits, for example.

    New Year's bustle

    Guests are divided into two teams of 5 people. The first participants stand at the same distance from their teams, which, in turn, wait for their first participants near the Christmas tree. So, on the command “start”, the first participants receive a bottle of champagne, put their bottles between their legs and head to their teams. When they arrived at the place, the first participants pass the bottle to the second, who must open the champagne, the second participants pass the open bottle to the third, the third pour the champagne into 5 glasses, the fourth participants quickly say the phrase: “They say - on New Year’s Eve, whatever you don’t want, that’s it.” will always happen, everything always comes true” and only after this phrase the team members drink champagne, and the fifth participants take an empty champagne bottle, put it between their legs and carry it back to where the first participants started. The fastest team is the winner.

    Put on your gloves

    All guests stand in a row, and two participants are located at both ends of the row. Participants receive the same number of pairs of gloves (according to the number of guests + two or three pairs). At the command “start”, the participants begin to put on gloves for the guests. Whichever participant puts on the most gloves before the meeting will win.

    New Year's butts

    Participants are divided into pairs. All couples stand in the same “butt to butt” position. The same number of tangerines are placed on the resulting “niche” of each pair, for example, 5 pieces. At the command “start”, all pairs must run as quickly as possible in this position to the finish line, without losing their tangerines. The couple that finishes first and delivers all the tangerines will become the winner, and its participants will receive the title of “the most elastic and friendly butts.”

    Shine Christmas tree

    Each participant receives a garland of the same length. At the command “start”, each of the guests turns into a Christmas tree - he must wrap himself in a circle with a garland and quickly plug into the socket. Whoever is first wins.

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