• Cool New Year's games and competitions


    IN new year holidays, which last for several days, a large company gathers around the table. Some guests leave, others come. These days there is an opportunity to communicate with all your friends. It happens that people who do not know each other meet in one place. It's hard for strangers to find common topics for conversations, and awkward silent situations arise. In this case, the owners need to prepare New Year's pranks in advance to defuse the situation. After all, it is known that laughter liberates people and relieves tension. You can give each guest a task in advance so that he finds some fun game for several people. In this article you will find various New Year jokes, pranks, and competitions to entertain your company.

    Games to warm up modest audiences

    When getting together with friends, you can use the following New Year's pranks and jokes that do not require leaving the table. You can start by decorating the Christmas tree by replacing traditional toys with spoons, fruits, light bulbs, sweet decorations and small bottles of alcohol. Declare that this is your New Year's table. Greet your guests at the doorstep dressed in funny costumes of cartoon characters. At the table, don’t rack your brains trying to come up with a toast. Use the alphabet and start your wishes with the letter you get. The most original congratulations should be rewarded. In between drinks, you can play the newscast. To do this, the presenter writes several words independent of each other on paper. Anyone who wishes should compose a coherent and funny piece of news from the proposed list. New Year's pranks at the table will only warm up the audience, and they will be ready for something more original.


    Very funny prank, in which everyone present will have fun. Several volunteers and a hypnotist (leader) participate. Volunteers should be seated on chairs in a row. The presenter sits opposite the participants with a lit candle. One of the guests turns off the light.

    After this, the hypnotist hands each player a flat plate, and the hypnosis session begins. The presenter asks everyone to close their eyes, rub the bottom of the dinner plate, and then perform a simple action - for example, scratching their chin, forehead, rubbing their nose or cheek, alternating with shrugging their shoulders, tilting their heads, or stamping their feet. You can come up with a lot of actions, the main thing is that such New Year's pranks are based on the fact that the bottom of the plate (it can be any cutlery) is heavily smoked. At the end of the session, when the lights are turned on, the faces of the participants are smeared with soot. When the meaning of what happened reaches those present, everyone will have fun.

    Jokes with pepper

    After congratulations, entertainment at the table and a few glasses of champagne, you can remember New Year's jokes for adults and guests who know how to have fun.

    A very funny joke using flour has a long history. Two participants sit facing each other. An inflatable ball is placed between them, and the players are blindfolded. Everyone must blow the ball towards the opponent. At this time, the main item is replaced with a plate of flour.

    If you want to add a little creepiness to New Year's pranks, go with a volunteer in front of those present into the next room, while taking a burning candle with you. Without turning on the light, ask the participant to extinguish the flame by shouting. The rest of the guests will wait on you warily and wonder what is happening in the room where you are.

    For the next joke, choose a victim, place him in the middle of the room and throw a sheet over him. The rules are as follows: guests must wish for one thing that the participant is wearing, and he, in turn, will try to guess it. For each incorrect answer, the victim removes the named item of clothing. The joke is that guests must, according to the rules, make a wish on the sheet. Everything is within the law and in compliance with decency.

    Difficult choice

    New Year's pranks, home skits, and jokes can be much more fun than those hosted by the host at corporate parties. The fact is that people who are close and similar in many ways gather at home. As a rule, the guests being pranked are not offended, but have fun with everyone else.

    For the next game, a young man is needed who must choose one of two girls located in a pre-prepared room. The girls sit at the edges of a makeshift bench made from stools and covered with a blanket. The presenter tells the guy the rules of the game. They consist of the player sitting next to the girl he liked, without offending the other girl. You have 15 seconds to choose. A gentleman, and these are the majority in a cheerful company, will sit in the middle, demonstrating his affection for each participant.

    The funny thing is that there is no chair between the girls. A stretched blanket does not reveal its absence. The illusion of a long bench is created. As a result, the chooser falls into the hole with a roar.

    Fair debate

    Remembering New Year's jokes, practical jokes, and competitions, the owner can invite the participants to jump over a coin for a bet. After a person has been found, he stands in the middle of the room and prepares to jump. The owner calmly takes the penny and places it in the far corner of the room. Of course, no one can jump over it. Then the presenter, offering to jump over two rubles, promises that he will put them far from the wall. When the participant leaves, the owner puts in different sides on the ruble, but far from each other. And in this case the player will not jump over them at the same time.

    A similar prank with a newspaper. The host bets that the contestant will not be able to push him off a piece of newspaper before the host pushes him off. After a rival is found, the owner lays a newspaper under the door and stands on it from the side from which the door does not open. Who do you think will be the first to fly off the newspaper page?

    Fun maze

    Many New Year's pranks, home scenes, gags and jokes are familiar to those present. Therefore, you need to choose a game that has not yet been used in your company. You can supplement it with something or modify it a little.

    The following joke will make everyone present laugh throughout the entire competition. To do this, a clothesline must be stretched in the room so that it creates a maze with obstacles that you will need to step over, crawl under, or bend over. A guest who wishes to participate is shown a room and asked to remember the location of the obstacle course. Next, he needs to go through the maze blindfolded without destroying it. The audience is tasked with giving hints to the player.

    The joke is that after the participant is blindfolded, the rope must be removed. The victim goes into a non-existent labyrinth, stepping, climbing, bending under a rope that does not exist. The guests, laughing and giving hints, direct the player to the end of the maze.

    Competition with clothespins

    To conduct this competition you will need 20 clothespins. Two young men and two girls are participating in the drawing. The task is simple - find all the clothespins on the partners. Guys, blindfolded, look for 5 placed clothespins on their partner's clothes by touch. The spectators count the clamps found in unison.

    Next, the partners change roles with the condition that the guys will each have 10 clothespins. After hanging, the girls are blindfolded and begin to look for clips on the guys’ clothes. At the same time, the presenter quietly removes three clamps from each player. After seven clothespins have been removed, the girls are confusedly looking for the remaining ones, and the spectators encourage the players with clapping. After some time, the presenter stops the competition with the announcement that the girls failed and receive a consolation prize - three clothespins they did not find.

    New Year's lottery - drawing

    In addition to competitions, pranks and jokes, you can entertain guests with anecdotes or funny stories. New Year's drawings at the table can also be held in the form of win-win lotteries. To do this, you need to collect small things in the house that you have not used and that you will never need. You come up with funny names for them and write quatrains. For example, I found a spare school eraser for erasing pencil marks. What an elastic band is not washing machine? Write the name in lottery ticket. We write down the corresponding verse on a separate piece of paper. Eg: washing machine will correct all your mistakes. New guest at the beginning of the holiday he pulls out a lottery ticket and throughout the evening wonders what he will actually win?

    During the holiday, the host announces a prize draw and names the item written in the lottery. The owner responds, and the presenter reads the poem and presents the prize. This lottery is appropriate for any celebration.

    New Year's competitions and sweepstakes are very relevant, as they evoke a lot of positivity, have fun, and unite strangers and don't let you get bored.

    Thanks to New Year's competitions, a home holiday will become a bright, unusual and memorable event. Playing in a pleasant company is a great opportunity to laugh together, show ingenuity and Creative skills, discover new sides in old friends or meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. We offer several interesting ideas For thematic competitions Houses.

    Competitions for any company

    These are universal competitions for New Year for children and adults, they can be held at home (even if there is not much space in the room) or in a restaurant. Choose these games and the evening will be filled with surprises, laughter and communication.

    “For the holiday - by ticket only”

    This game will fill the holiday with a lot of unexpected and fun events.
    • a box, hat, vase or other container in which tasks are placed;
    • sheets of paper with written tasks.
    How to do it?

    A hat or box is placed near the door, from which each person entering takes out a task for himself. Cards are drawn blindly; you cannot inform other party participants about their contents. Violators are given symbolic punishment, for example, eating a piece of lemon without sugar or performing the Yellow Dog dance.

    Cards for the game are prepared in advance. What the tasks will be depends on the imagination of the owners of the house and the company that gathers. Usually they write something like: “crow every hour”, “find three people who agree to dance in a circle with you”, “spend the whole evening wearing a Santa Claus hat”, “climb onto a chair at exactly 23.15 and recite a poem”, “say a toast in which all words begin with the letter B”, “persuade the neighbor on the right to dance tango”, etc. The content of the tasks should be selected depending on the nature of the company; do not forget that they should be humorous, simple and enjoyable. If many children come to the party, prepare separate boxes with cards for children and adults. At the end of the evening, a vote is held to determine who handled the game better. The winner is given a prize.

    "Parade of Heroes"

    Funny New Year's competition for adults and children. It is always interesting, leaving a lot of pleasant memories and bright photos.


    • old glasses, masks, hats, mittens, garlands, clothes, newspapers, toilet paper, paints, lipstick, jewelry, etc. The more varied the items, the more fun the competition will be;
    • cards with characters, for example, the most inflated New Year's orange, cute dog, the fattest Snowman, the clumsiest snowflake, the most evil Teddy bear, a very drunk Santa Claus, a boring guest, a big greedy person and any others that your imagination tells you;
    • a hat or box in which tasks are placed.
    How to do it?

    If there are less than 15 participants, then everyone plays for themselves. It is better to divide a larger number of guests into teams of 2-3 people.

    1. The participant draws a character card. He (or the whole team) is given 2-5 minutes to come up with an image from the proposed things and present a mini-performance.
    2. The rest of the guests enjoy the performance, take pictures and guess who is in front of them. It is better to limit the display time to 3-5 minutes so that the players have time to prove themselves.
    3. At the end, the participants vote, the one who makes the guests laugh or surprises the most wins.

    Competition for attention

    Turn on fun competitions attention for adults in the New Year 2017 program, so that unfamiliar participants of the holiday get to know each other better, and old friends laugh sincerely. This game can be started spontaneously because it does not require any props.

    How to play?

    1. The first pair is chosen (at will or by lot). It is better to distribute teams so that they contain people who know each other equally. A couple is chosen immediately before the competition, so participants who are waiting for their turn will not be able to prepare.
    2. The playing couple goes to the center. For 30-60 seconds, participants are asked to look at each other.
    3. Then their backs are turned, and the rest of the guests ask them one by one questions about their appearance: “What color are Andrey’s eyes?”, “What’s on his left hand?”, “What color are his socks?” etc. Sometimes they ask deceptive questions, for example, they ask which hand the ring is on, even if there is no such accessory. This will help confuse players.
    4. Even though people saw each other a minute ago, you'll likely learn a lot about their appearance. The pair that gives the most correct answers wins.

    For lovers of intellectual games

    For those who like intellectual questions, you can offer a word knowledge competition. This game is suitable for adults. The competition requires cards with words and a presenter who knows the correct answers. Make a list in advance of rarely used words with unusual meanings, for example, myatka (hustle, crush), surplyas (starting position of a bicycle in track racing), babushi (mullets) durra ( tropical plant, which is used for the production of bread), austeria (tavern, hotel), verki (defensive building), colette (wide turn-down collar in medieval clothing), etc. You can find such words in dictionaries of ancient or foreign words, special reference books. In addition, non-existent words should be included in the list. This will make the game even more interesting.

    How to play?

    There are several options. You can come up with possible answers for each word and invite participants to guess the correct one. More complex, but also funny competition- guess the meaning of words without clues. An important condition in this case is that it is necessary to explain the meaning of the word. Guests play in teams or each for himself.

    "New Year's verse"

    If you are looking cool competitions for the New Year, we recommend preparing everything you need for this game. It is fun at youth parties, holidays with friends or good acquaintances. Everyone will be able to show their creativity and laugh heartily.


    • cards with words or phrases (2-3 times more than the number of participants);
    • hat or box;
    good mood and imagination. Cards with words are prepared in advance for the game. The more unusual the words, the funnier the result. If the game is played among young people, popular expressions from TV series and songs are used.

    How to play?

    1. A large company is divided into teams with an equal number of players. If there are few people, everyone plays for themselves.
    2. The team representative draws a predetermined number of word cards from a hat. Often 5-8 words are enough.
    3. Now, in 3-5 minutes, the player or team must come up with a poem or New Year's song with words on the cards and present it to the others.
    4. The winner is the one who composed the funniest verse and presented it in the most artistic way.

    "Guess the cocktail"

    Looking for table games for New Year 2017 that you can play with adults? We recommend trying this competition. Props:

    • several clean glasses;
    • scarf or other blindfold;
    • drinks (can be taken from New Year's table or cook extra).
    How to play?
    1. Participants are divided into teams of 2-4 people. Each one selects a representative who will taste the drinks. He is blindfolded.
    2. The rest of the players are given 1-2 minutes and one clean glass per team. During this time, they prepare a cocktail for a taster from the opposing team. The bartenders' task is to come up with a new drink, the composition of which is difficult to determine.
    3. When the cocktail is ready, the taster tastes it (you don't have to drink it all) and guesses the ingredients.
    4. The team whose representative correctly names the composition of the drink wins. The game can be played in several rounds. Before the start of the competition, it is better to limit the list of ingredients, for example, say that you can use everything that is on the table (in the kitchen), or select 10-15 drinks participating in the game. It is worth discussing the possibility of adding fruits, spices, olives, etc. Hosts can additionally bring tea, coffee, herbs, jam, etc.

    Competition “Who will get the cookies?”

    If you have already sat at the table, you can choose this game. Sweet lovers will especially like it.
    • 0.5 kg of delicious small cookies (as an alternative - several chocolate figures);
    • popsicle sticks.
    How to play?
    1. The participant is asked to hold the tip of an ice cream stick between their lips and place a stack of cookies (or a chocolate figurine) on the other end.
    2. Now you need to walk around the tree without dropping the sweets.
    3. The person who can hold the tallest stack of cookies the longest wins. The prize is won sweets.

      If you haven’t prepared the props in advance, hold a competition with improvised objects: a glass of champagne or an orange on your head.

    Competitions for 3-5 people

    For small companies A lot of interesting games and competitions have been invented. We offer some of them.

    "Results of the year"

    This competition is suitable for celebrating the New Year in close friendly company. Its participants will laugh and remember the important and pleasant moments of the past year.

    How is the game going?

    1. One participant comes up with a question (or 2-3 questions at once) about the events of the past year, for example, “How many times did we go to the cinema together?”, “How many times this year did Yulia change her hair?”, “In what month was the album of this or that another group or a movie? etc. It is important that the situations are familiar to all guests and remind them of pleasant events. The asker must know the correct answer. You can come up with questions that contain false information or describe non-existent events.
    2. The others take turns answering. The one who answered correctly receives one point or a piece of candy as a gift.
    3. At the next stage, another player asks the question, etc.
    4. The one who gives the most correct questions wins.

    "Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden"

    This funny game does not require props. The participant sits on a chair and looks as serious or sad as possible. He plays the role of Father Frost or the Snow Maiden in depression. As soon as the player is ready, the time is noted. The task of the others is to make the hero laugh so that he has time to congratulate all the guys on the holiday. You can mix it in any way you want, except for tickling. As soon as a player smiles or shows another emotion, he loses and a new one takes his place. The one who stays serious the longest wins.

    "Plans for the New Year"

    Such competitions in New Year's Eve relevant if only couples who have been together for quite a long time gather at the holiday. The game will help you discover new sides in your partners and become closer.


    • 2-3 lists of New Year's questions. The list includes the usual questions: “Where in next year does your other half dream of relaxing?”, “What is his/her favorite color?”, “What was the most exciting event last year? - or funny: “Will she go to Africa this year to save hippos?”, “If he/she flew into space, where?”
    How to do it?
    1. One of the pair is given a list of questions. He writes answers to them in two or three minutes, without showing it to his other half.
    2. When the first player has finished, the second player receives a list of questions and answers them out loud. The task is to guess the answers of the other half.
    3. The pair with the most matching answers wins.

      Have a fun holiday and don’t forget what’s at the table New Year's competitions there must be a lot. This year's symbol loves laughter and celebrations. If you celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way, the Dog will definitely remember you and bring you good luck in the coming year.

    After active dancing, sitting at the table, guests participate in the next competition. The presenter offers to remember all the New Year's attributes. Guests take turns naming the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc. The one whose name is the last one wins.

    Fun mitten

    Guests stand in a large circle near the tree, cheerful New Year's music plays and a mitten with forfeits goes around in a circle. The host can turn off the music at any time, trying to do it so that each of the guests has a mitten. Whoever the music stops on takes the phantom out of his mitten and performs a certain action, for example, dancing the hopak or transforming into the president and congratulating his people, or maybe doing the splits or kissing a neighbor. In general, forfeits can be absolutely anything (it all depends on the company).

    New Year's chimes (funny)

    When guests gather, some of them are given task tokens at the entrance; you can even sell them for more intrigue. The tokens indicate that the invitee must complete some task at a certain time. It’s very funny when, in the middle of a toast, one of the guests suddenly crows or starts dancing a twist on the table.

    New Year's Villain

    For this competition you need to print out several photos (pictures) of a New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yaga or the Grinch - the holiday thief. The presenter must use scissors to make a kind of mosaic from whole photos (simply cut each photo in a chaotic order). The mosaic of each picture with a New Year's villain is packaged in a separate box or bag. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 3 people. Each team receives a box with pieces of the picture and at the command “start” the guests begin to put together the puzzle. But that is not all. The whole picture (photo) with the New Year's villain will hang on the Christmas tree. And, as soon as a team has successfully completed the puzzle and seen who the New Year’s villain is, its participants must find this villain on the tree and save the New Year from him (simply tear the picture off the tree). Whoever did it won.

    Everybody dance

    Everyone is standing around the tree. The presenter turns on cheerful New Year's music and names a hero for each song. And the participants must dance in the appropriate style, for example, now snowflakes are dancing, and now - hares, and now - seals, and now - shy Snow Maidens and so on. The most artistic and active ones will receive prizes.

    Burn it with fire

    In China there is a ritual - to burn money for the New Year so that there will be prosperity and happiness in the coming year. This competition is best held at the height of the holiday, when guests after champagne are full of courage and enthusiasm. Whichever guest burns (with the help of a lighter and a bowl) more money than the rest (in total) is recognized as the winner, and at the same time the richest person of the coming year.

    Symbol of the year

    When everyone is tired of running, jumping and galloping, you can devote time to the competition for imagination and creativity. Each participant must, in 5 minutes, come up with something to make out of and actually make a symbol of the year, for example, make a muzzle or an entire pig (dog, rooster, etc.) from food on the table. The symbol of the year can be made from anything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas decorations or any other interior items). Based on the voting results of all guests, the most beautiful and creative crafts, and its author will be awarded a prize.

    Father Frost and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

    Guests are divided into pairs and not necessarily only: guy-girl. Each pair identifies its own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple takes turns taking their phantom out of the bag, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples have pulled out their forfeits and found out their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates the guests of the corresponding nationality. It will be fun and interesting for everyone to take New Year's greetings from Santa Claus - the Chinese and his Snow Maiden or from the Old Slavonic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, is for the most artistic and active.

    Wearing masks

    All guests honestly close their eyes, the host puts on masks for everyone. Only the host knows which masks will go to whom, but the guest himself will not see his own mask. When the masks are on, the guests open their eyes and look at each other. For some time, guests of the holiday should communicate with each other as it should be to communicate with a “hero” in a specific mask, for example, you can offer meat to a lion and call him “his majesty” or “king”; you can ask Santa Claus when there will be gifts or how long it takes to fly on a sleigh to our country, and so on. Guests who quickly guess which hero mask they are wearing will receive prizes.

    Dolphins in a snowdrift

    Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of people and line up. In front of each team there is a chair on which there is a basin or other container full of cut out snowflakes. Among these snowflakes there should be the same number of candies hidden as there are participants in the team. At the command “start”, each participant in turn runs up to the bowl, dives in with his head and takes out one candy, then a second, a third, and so on until the end. Whose team completes the task the fastest and passes its test is the winner.

    Dikmi: What is the main thing for you in the New Year's entertainment program? For me personally there are three criteria good script: clear rules, a minimum of props and the ability to involve as many participants as possible. In short, it’s simple, cheap and versatile. I have prepared just such a selection of entertainment for the coming year for you! You can assume that today I am trying on my Santa Claus costume! And I give you magical gifts!


    Dikmi: As a rule, guests who do not know each other are often embarrassed to go out on the dance floor at the very beginning of the holiday, or to participate in anything. Your task, as the host of the party and part-time chief magician, is to make sure that they quickly and easily join the team and get used to it. Start the entertainment program with games in the house. Moreover, in order to participate in most of them it is not necessary to even leave the table.

    Game 1. Magic watercolors

    Number of participants: everyone is interested.

    Props: plastic wide plates, black markers, timer.

    Rules: At the leader's command, all players must place a plate on their heads and take the marker in right hand. After the words “start!” everyone starts drawing a snowman on the bottom of the plate. The task is difficult because you have to draw without looking, intuitively. As a rule, this game is accompanied by a sea of ​​comments and cheerful laughter. Time to complete the task is 2 minutes. The author of the best “picture” (determined by applause and applause) is awarded a prize!

    Game 2. New Year's snowman

    Number of participants: unlimited (must be a paired number).

    Props: rolls of white toilet paper, New Year's hats, cardboard carrot cones with elastic bands for each pair of participants.

    Rules: The participants of the game are divided into pairs. One of the pair will be a “sculptor”, the second - a “snowman”. The sculptor's task is to create a snowman using toilet paper and other props. The winner is the pair that completes the task better and faster than anyone else.

    Game 3. Santa Claus Cookies

    Dikmi: In Hollywood, there are many New Year's films and cartoons that retell the belief that Santa Claus, in gratitude for the gifts he brought, must leave his favorite treats under the tree - milk and cookies. Play with this cute idea!

    Number of participants: no more than 7-10 people.

    Props: chocolate round cookies.

    Rules: Each participant receives one chocolate chip cookie. He places it on his forehead so that the treat does not fall on the floor. After the presenter’s command “start!” he must roll the cookie so that it ends up in his mouth. In this case, it is forbidden to use hands and the help of the audience! If the cookie falls, the participant leaves the game.

    Game 4. Fun snowballs

    Dikmi: Props for this game need to be prepared in advance. First of all, you need to make snowmen. For this you will need disposable plastic cups, cardboard (black and red), glue. Cut out circles for the eyes and mouth of the snowmen from black cardboard, and a triangle-carrot from red cardboard. Glue everything to the glasses. Snowmen are ready! Now make the balls. You can use old socks for this. Fill them with unnecessary scraps and cotton wool. Sew and cut off excess. That's it, you can go into battle!

    Number of participants: 5-7 people.

    Props: 10 plastic snowman cups, fabric balls.

    Rules: The task is to knock down a pyramid of snowmen with a ball. It is complicated by the fact that the distance from the player to the pyramid must be at least 10 steps. The winner is the one who knocks down all the snowmen. Three attempts are given to complete the task.

    Game 5. Santa Claus's beard

    Number of participants: doubles

    Props: shaving foam, plastic spoons, paper towels.

    Rules: Divide all participants into pairs. One will be “Santa Claus”, the second will be his barber. Santa Claus is given a beautiful foam beard on his chin. Barber task using plastic spoon, shave Grandfather. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Game 6. New Year's gifts

    Number of participants: doubles (at least 8 people)

    Props: wrapping, a roll of adhesive tape, scissors, boxes, satin ribbons (each team has its own set)

    Rules: All players are divided into pairs and given a set of props. The challenge is to pack New Year's gift using only one hand. Let's say one player - right, the second - left. At the leader’s command, “start!” couples start working on gift boxes. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and better.

    Game 7. Marmalade tower

    Number of participants: at least three

    Props: 15 pcs. marmalade of the same size for each participant, toothpicks, timer
    Rules: Each player on the command “start!” assembles a tower of marmalade using toothpicks (the result should be something similar to a crystalline metal lattice, visible under a microscope). The winner is the one who completes the task faster and whose tower is the strongest.

    Game 8. Candy Friendship

    Dikmi: And we usually play this game at the very end of the party! It is like an indicator with which you can determine whether guests will be able to get home on their own! Very fun! A lot of positive things to add to the list of impressions about the New Year holiday!

    Number of participants: everyone (at least 10-12 people)

    Props: lollipops.

    Rules: All players are divided into two teams and stand in a row, one after another, facing the leader and opponents. Each team member receives a lollipop and clamps the lower, smooth end with his teeth. Another lollipop hangs like a fishhook on the “stick” of the first one in the row. At the leader’s command to “start,” the hanging candy is passed along the chain to the last player, using only the candy held in the mouth. The team that completes the task first wins.


    Competition 1. Santa Claus sweater

    For each participant you need to prepare: a sheet of white paper, scissors, a small piece of felt, PVA glue, glitter, sequins, rain.

    Rules: The task is to draw a template on paper, cut it out of felt and decorate a sweater for Santa Claus to your own taste. But it is complicated by the fact that you need to do everything in 5 minutes! The most beautiful sweaters must definitely take their place place of honor on the branches of the Christmas tree!

    Competition 2. New Year's chime

    Props: pedometers, New Year's bells, headbands.

    Rules: The competition determines the best New Year's ringer. Two participants put headbands with bells on their heads and attach pedometers. At the command “start!” they begin to shake their heads, creating a bell ringing, a melody, just sounds. A pedometer records the number of movements. The one with the highest number on the monitor wins.

    Competition 3. One step to the dream

    Props: three boxes with small gifts and sweets, notes with tasks.

    Rules: Each participant chooses a box from which he wishes to receive a gift. Then, from a large hat or bowl, he takes out a note with a task. Only after completing this task will you be able to put your hand into the box and pull out a small prize for yourself.

    Examples of possible tasks:

    1. Walk around the room three times in a duck walk.

    2. Play basketball with an imaginary ball

    3. Sing a New Year's song to the person sitting next to you.

    4. Jump like a gorilla for 10 seconds

    5. Sing “I’m a Huge Teapot!” as long as possible

    6. Walk around the room like a crab

    7. Pretend you're watching a horror movie and make the world's scariest eyes

    8. Dance like a chicken, and let the other players sing the accompaniment song for this dance

    9. Imagine that you are underwater! Hold your breath for 10 seconds!

    10. Stroke the stomach and head at the same time in a circular motion

    Competition 4. Christmas tree

    Props: 36 plastic cups same size

    Rules: The task of all participants who decide to test their luck is to build a pyramid from all the glasses, and then collect all the glasses back into the stack. The player who completes the task the fastest wins the competition.

    Competition 5. Do you hear what I hear?

    Props: 7 gift boxes equal size, 140 small bells.

    Rules: When preparing for the competition in advance, you must place the following number of bells in all boxes: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, close them. Then place the boxes on the table. The participant's task is to place the boxes one after another in increasing order of the number of bells in them. Boxes can be lifted and shaken, but under no circumstances should they be opened! The one who completes the task correctly wins the competition. There is no time limit.
    Dikmi: But what if Santa Claus gives amazing snow, a little minus and a lot of light on New Year’s Eve? Then you can invite all your guests to a New Year's walk! And, of course, accompany it with an interesting entertainment program!


    Snowballs. Remember this wonderful children's fun? Divide your company into teams and start a battle! A lot of fun and incredible, emotional photos are guaranteed! And promise the winners hot chocolate with cinnamon upon their return!

    Treasure Hunt. Hide something (for example, a red apple in the snow) and challenge your guests to find the treasure, after giving incorrect directions and search clues.

    New Year's faces. Use snow to paint cute portraits on tree trunks. Be sure to reward the most creative author with something sweet and hot!

    New Year's hula hoop. Take some hoops and try twirling them around your waist, safely hidden under your down jacket! The spectacle is funny! Naturally, the one who can keep the hoop active the longest wins!

    Cool critters. Create hares and monkeys, dragons and caterpillars from snow! Give the author of the most grandiose snow sculpture a huge chocolate medal!

    Dikmi: Nothing warms you up in the New Year like the warmth of smiles, movement, and infectious laughter! Give your guests a wonderful mood, treat them to something sweet, let the year start with a positive attitude and remain so until the very last page of the calendar!

    New Year is a magical holiday. Many adults and all children are looking forward to it. Have a fun New Year's Eve in the company of family and friends entertainment. To do this, you need to prepare table and outdoor competitions in advance.

    Entertain and bring the team together new year party interesting and funny games for a corporate event. Can't do without fun and funny competitions for children and a festive matinee in kindergarten or school.

      Game "Upside Down"

      The presenter asks the players one by one questions in poetic form. The participants' task is to answer funny in rhyme and name the correct answer. Long thoughts lead to dropping out of the game. Hints from other participants are also prohibited (whoever gave a hint leaves the game). The last player remaining wins.

      Examples of questions and answers:
      Down from the branch
      On the branch again
      Jumps quickly... cow (monkey)

      The competition involves male-female pairs. Each pair receives 2 apples. Partners stand in front of each other. Then all participants are blindfolded. The essence of the competition is to eat an apple from your partner's hand as quickly as possible. At the same time, you cannot feed yourself. The winner is the pair that gnaws each other's apples faster than the rest.

      A minimum of 3 male-female pairs participate in the competition. A handkerchief is tied around the neck of one of the partners (in a loose knot). As soon as the music starts playing, the second participant must, without using his hands, using only his teeth, untie the scarf around his partner’s neck. It is forbidden to help him. The pair that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

      To conduct the competition you will need empty wine or champagne bottles, pencils and strong thread. As many players as there are empty bottles can participate.

      The bottles are placed in the middle of the room in a circle. Competitors use a long thread to tie pencils to their belts so that they hang almost to their knees. It is very important that the pencils are on the back side of each participant. With these dangling pencils, players must hit the bottleneck. You can squat, kneel, bend. You can't help with your hands. The winner is the participant who gets the pencil into the bottle the fastest.

      Game "Snowman"

      Anyone can participate in the recreational relay race. To play, you need to prepare an easel and attach whatman paper to it. On a large sheet of paper, you need to draw a big snowman in advance, but forget about such a detail as the nose. It should not be drawn, but separately cut out of colored paper and given a cone shape.

      Participants take turns approaching the easel. They are blindfolded and given a snowman's nose, which is secured with double-sided tape. Then the players are given a good spin and told to attach the nose to the snowman. The winner is the one who sticks the part in the right place on whatman paper.

      Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Trays are placed at both ends of the room. At the beginning of the room there are two empty ones, and at the end - filled with tangerines (the same number on each tray). The first two players from each team are given a tablespoon. The participants’ task is to run to a full tray with a spoon, put one tangerine on it without using their hands, and slowly bring it to their team’s empty tray. If the tangerine falls, you need to pick it up with a spoon and continue the relay race. Whichever team transfers all the tangerines from the full to the empty tray the fastest will win.

      Game "Hibernating Bear"

      To play the game you will need 3 gymnastic hoops. A group of children plays the role of bunnies, and one child plays the role of a hibernating bear. When the music starts playing, the bunnies go for a walk. They jump near the bear, trying to wake him up. They can sing, dance, laugh, clap and tap their feet on the floor as long as the music plays. When the musical accompaniment subsides, the bear wakes up, and the bunnies hide in hoop houses lying on the floor. If there is a large group of guys, and there are only 3 hoops on the floor, you can hide in them in twos or threes. The bunny that was caught by the bear (who did not have time to hide in the hoop) begins to play the role of a bear. The game continues until interest disappears.

      The game involves 10 people. For the competition you will need 9 chairs. All chairs should be placed in a large circle. It is better if they stand at a certain distance from each other. Participants, having heard the music, begin to walk in a circle. You cannot hold on to the back of a chair. At the end of the musical accompaniment, the children quickly sit on chairs. The participant who does not have enough chair is eliminated. After 1 player is eliminated, 1 chair is also taken. At the end of the competition, 2 participants and 1 chair remain. The one who sits on the last chair wins.

      The competition involves 2 teams of 2 people. Each group gets big air balloons, double-sided tape, scissors and markers of different colors.

      The participants' task is to connect the balls using double-sided tape to make a snowman. Then you need to decorate the snowman and prepare him for the New Year. You can draw his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, buttons, or any other element. You have 5 minutes to complete the task.

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