• Tips from stylists: how to choose and buy clothes correctly. How to dress at home? Let's talk about the perfect loungewear


    Every person has, to one degree or another, the desire to look good and this is natural. After all, we do not live on a desert island and the opinions of the people around us matter important for every person. Women have a special desire to please, this is their nature. But the ability to dress well and with taste is not given to everyone from birth and when asked , Experts will give their recommendations on how to dress stylishly for a girl.

    Most main advice here, measures and harmony with oneself. That is, in order to look stylish, you need, accordingly, to have your own style, which is expressed in harmony between inner world person and his appearance. A stylish person may not be fashionable, that is, he does not pursue the latest news fashion shows and does not seek to copy TV stars. Such a subject understands how to dress stylishly with his inner instinct. What should the rest of us do? Is it really impossible to learn? If you want and use some tips, of course you can.

    So, what recommendations do stylists give when answering such a delicate and important question for many? : How to learn to dress stylishly and feel confident and comfortable? Professionals advise: the first thing is minimalism. It is better to have not a lot of things in your wardrobe, but high-quality, expensive and perfectly complement each other. Initially, you need to take care of which others can be added.

    To understand how to dress stylishly for a girl, you need to listen to these recommendations.

    Buy from expensive, high-quality fabric that will last a long time and will go well with other things.

    Small black dress- this is a necessary item women's wardrobe.

    Shoes. Shoes must be expensive and High Quality, on high heels. What you should never skimp on is shoes. It immediately creates one or another impression about a person. with open toes and heels requires necessarily well-groomed feet with manicure and pedicure.

    Bag. This accessory should also be up to par. All things should be combined with each other in texture and color. This also applies to other accessories - a neckerchief, jewelry.

    The most important thing, of course, as mentioned above, is harmony between the external appearance and the inner world. You need to buy clothes that are comfortable and that make the girl feel most charming and attractive. If an item causes discomfort, there is nothing to wear it with, it does not harmonize with any other clothing - just get rid of it.

    Sometimes women complain that in order to dress fashionably and stylishly, you need crazy money, because couture items are very expensive. But this is far from true! Girls with taste, going shopping, will always be able to pick up some that will perfectly complement their elegant look. And to complete the recommendations on how to dress stylishly for a girl, experts give a few more tips.

    You shouldn’t buy a lot of things in stores at once, even if you really liked them at first sight. It is unknown whether they will be able to combine with each other into a single piece and the money will be wasted. When combining clothes, various little things are important, because even one of them can ruin the whole look. And one more thing: when advising how you can dress stylishly, experts recommend: not low quality. Such things immediately catch the eye of others, and a person cannot feel confident and comfortable in them.

    High-quality things, on the contrary, tend to give their owner a sense of self-confidence. And then, if a girl puts on a chic dress and her shoes are cheap, the dress will lose all its chic. Is it worth the risk? Everything should be harmonious, and then stylish look will appear on its own.

    Any wardrobe must match the subject of the event. But how to dress correctly and fashionably?

    Before you get dressed, think about what the atmosphere of the event will be like. Among the fashion trends now you won’t find loose and shapeless outfits. But at the same time, a self-respecting girl will not allow herself to expose all the advantages of her figure, even if everything is fine with her. She should look fit, and her clothes should fit perfectly. This factor provides a feeling of one hundred percent confidence.

    Basic Rules

    Researching your body type will help you learn how to dress correctly and stylishly. This will help you create a basic wardrobe for all occasions. If you're struggling with extra pounds, don't choose tight-fitting or loose-fitting outfits, but rather find a dress or suit that will flatter your figure. If you have a heavy bottom, wear bell skirts. And if the problem is with “invisible” hips, wear barrel skirts. Same with the top. Women with big breasts who know how to dress correctly choose tops with V-neck. And ladies with small breasts prefer T-shirts with frills and all kinds of decorations in the chest area.

    Also worth mentioning are the style elements. Look through glossy magazines and you will understand how to dress beautifully in the photos of the pages of these magazines.

    Often photo of how to dress a girl correctly, can be found on fashion sites on the Internet.

    For each occasion, as mentioned above, there should be a specific outfit. Let's look at situations that require you to adhere to a special style of clothing.

    Public performance

    When preparing for a public speaking, defending a thesis or giving a presentation, first of all, you should know how to learn how to dress stylishly as a girl. You need to create an image in advance in the same way as you prepare your speech (prescribe a report, abstract, theses). You must understand that your clothing must fully correspond to the subject of your work. Appearance favors or rejects others.

    It is a thoughtful external image that can convey confidence and provide you with a feeling of comfort.

    Therefore, when preparing for a public event, you must remember that it is appearance that can have an impact on others. Don't be lazy and take the time to learn how to dress properly. At the same time, it is also important to preserve individuality at such events, because public speaking should not deprive a person of his own “I”. How should you dress beautifully? Classic restrained lines, a strict silhouette, restraint of forms matter. But it won’t hurt to use fashionable shades season. Trendy tones like this will help you fit in with today's times. Perhaps, in public speeches, it is important for the viewers and listeners themselves to see that you reflect the spirit of the times in which you live. If you are presenting creative project, then you don’t have to hold yourself back with black, gray or brown tones. Give preference to violet, lemon, beige shades. But at the same time, choose a strict and discreet bottom. If you are, for example, an economist, you realize that people listening to you want to hear and see a confident person. You must not only know your business well and memorize your speech, but also how to dress correctly. Of course, an economist needs to choose a suit. Whether it's pants or a skirt is not so important. Pay attention to the photo to see how you can dress beautifully business women.

    In addition to clothes, many people worry about their hair. Here you also need to maintain a certain style. You can find out more about this in this article. And don't forget that the scent of your perfume also affects the audience's perception of your speech. You can find out about this.


    For gatherings in a cafe or walking the dog, denim clothing or a light cotton dress are suitable. If it's autumn, a long cardigan and jeans will look good. And don’t overuse tracksuits, thinking that no one will see you in your yard anyway. A woman should always remain a woman. And the rules on how to dress stylishly and beautifully also apply to walking in the yard with a dog.

    Romantic date

    Usually girls who don’t know how to dress correctly and beautifully wear all the most beautiful things in their closet on a date. Also, quite often girls try to conquer everyone by showing their knowledge of fashion news as an example. But not all fashionable things suit absolutely everyone. Most of them look quite flashy and are suitable only for fashion shows. But the guy needs you and your inner beauty, not your outer gloss. Men are put off by ostentatious luxury and too much gold on a woman.


    Tips on how to dress correctly include rules for wearing and using accessories. To highlight your individuality, complement your look with a classic handbag or business briefcase made of smooth leather in black or brown color. Also choose shoes with heels, albeit low, but stable. And, of course, decorations. Modern woman, who knows how to dress stylishly, cannot imagine her wardrobe without stylish accessories. They complement any look. The only question is: how much jewelry should you wear when going out with friends or on a date? Stylists recommend wearing a single piece of jewelry: either it should be a necklace, a bracelet, or a small miniature hairpin on the head.

    Everything you have in your box should not be worn on yourself.

    As you can see, it’s not that difficult to master the science of how to dress properly as a woman. Girls with any body type and any age can choose a beautiful and stylish wardrobe. Consulting a stylist will help you understand how to dress stylishly.

    If you are a girl who dreams of conquering the world, but don’t know how a girl can learn to dress stylishly, read our article. Yes, stylish clothes and flawless appearance– the key to success in almost all matters. This is how it is customary for us: to greet people according to their clothes, and to see them off according to their minds. And if you look your best, then the people with whom you have to communicate or conduct business negotiations will appreciate it.

    And if you have to undergo an interview, the first thing the employer pays attention to is your appearance, and only then does he look at your resume. Therefore, do not neglect advice from stylists if you are not good at it yourself.

    How a girl can learn to dress stylishly in order to pass an interview, please a guy, his parents and much more - read our article.

    How much does a stylish look cost?

    Stylish does not mean expensive, and expensive does not mean stylish. The main rule of a stylish look:

    • fewer flashy flowers, pellets;
    • uneven lines;
    • rhinestones;
    • rivets;
    • lightning;
    • metal
    In general, everything that screams, burns, glows and shimmers.

    The 90s are long gone. Lambada skirts, light green leggings and shiny cupcakes remained in the 20th century. At 21, stylish means reserved. Neat sheath dress in beige or gray will look much more stylish than a white dress with large bright colors and guipure elements.

    When you go shopping for stylish items at low prices, first determine your body type and write down on a piece of paper which items suit you. Style is also the ability to dress and soberly assess your parameters. Sorry, but if you have massive thighs and short stature, and you are trying to put on the same sheath dress with a straight cut, which is designed for a thin girl, then it will simply stretch on you, in some places it will be tight, in some places it will fit loosely, and the sheath dress will turn into something that is not worn according to the size of your figure.

    First of all, pay attention to plain, discreet things from natural material. Decide for yourself what you want: a trouser version, a skirt, a suit, a dress or something like a casual casual style.

    Trouser option

    Strict straight-cut trousers look stylish. It can be with arrows, it can be without them. The main thing is that the trousers have as many darts as possible, then they will fit better. Yes, cheap trousers are sewn according to the principle: fewer seams - less work. Such trousers are unlikely to look beautiful or stylish. Rather, they will fill out the hips and buttocks.

    If you have good slim figure, you can afford a more fitted option.

    Black trousers are a classic, but if you are a neat girl, you can consider lighter options in beige and gray colors.

    A blouse or thin knitted blouse will look good under trousers. Another style rule: the top should be lighter than the bottom.

    The color scheme is selected according to a combination of colors and shades. If you don't understand this, then buy only black trousers, because it is very easy to combine almost any top with them.

    Stylish clothing is neat clothing that is appropriate for a particular occasion.

    Let's give an example. Let's say tight-fitting faded jeans for 2 thousand dollars with a shirt made of special crumpled fabric for 1500 conventional units - and everything was bought in GUM or TSUM - it’s very stylish, expensive, beautiful. But if you come to the theater wearing all this, they may not appreciate your outfit.

    Same with business suits. For example, Tom Clym boutiques have very stylish and high-quality office suits. They are sewn to perfection, neatly; They have many darts, even seams and are made of high-quality material. But if you wear it to a club, this style will not find a response there. But jeans with a chewed shirt at the club will be 100% appreciated. Therefore, any stylish clothing will not be stylish where it is inappropriate.

    Stylish clothing rarely reveals the figure, unless it is a cocktail or evening dress.

    When choosing your pants, pay attention to the fit. Pants should not expose your buttocks and show off underwear. It will not be stylish, but very vulgar.

    The same goes for thin materials. If the trousers have a fabric that makes it clear at the seams the style of your panties, this is also not stylish, but vulgar.

    A thing that, due to its deep neckline, allows you to look at part of your chest cannot be stylish.

    When choosing accessories for clothes, remember that stylish is. Don't hang yourself from head to toe with cheap trinkets, especially if it's really inexpensive jewelry.

    Since we're talking about jewelry, it's worth mentioning shoes. If you wear a short skirt and high boots, you automatically remind people of Julia Roberts from the movie Pretty Woman. And she, if you remember, played the role of a representative of the oldest profession.

    TO stylish things does not include stockings, fishnet tights, flowers and other designs.

    Leopard print dresses are a thing of the past and are no longer associated with style.

    Fur coats and style

    Many people think that natural fur is stylish outerwear. But no. Some faux fur coats are more expensive than mouton fur coats, which are very similar to mink. There are a lot of reasons. One of them - faux fur coat may have very high-quality eco-fur, which does not lose its marketable, presentable appearance with repeated wear. While natural fur from a mouton it can turn into a rag with shabby fur after the first wet snow. Therefore, when choosing such things, look at the quality.

    The point is not how long you carry one or the other fur coat, but which of them will not lose its presentation for a long time, which was while it was hanging in the store. But this rule applies not only natural fur or artificial fur coats.

    We can observe a similar parallel, for example, in sportswear. After all, when you come to the gym, it also has its own fashion and style. And we will look at the example of suits from two specific companies: “Adidas” and “Your”. Both companies have own production for tailoring branded clothing, release collections annually, and their boutiques are scattered throughout the country in the largest shopping centers. The pricing policies of these two companies are too different.

    For example, it is very difficult to buy in Adidas stores a good suit for 2–3,000 rubles, because prices there start from 6 thousand and above. Moreover, for this price an almost completely synthetic suit is offered. And in Tvoye stores, on average, a tracksuit can be purchased from 800 to 2 thousand rubles, despite the fact that the composition is 90% cotton and higher.

    So, synthetic suits from Adidas can withstand many years of washing and practically do not lose color, do not stretch, or tear. They seem to be eternal. Tracksuits from the Tvoe company become deformed even before washing (knees and elbows stretch out), and after the first wash you can feel that the color is not the same as when you bought it.

    Accordingly, what suit will you look stylish in at the fitness club? The answer is obvious - in suits from Adidas.

    Stylish shoes

    This rule also applies to shoes. At Adidas you can buy eco-leather sneakers that won’t wear out after several years. While little-known companies have sneakers made from genuine leather and suede will begin to lose its presentation after several training sessions. Thus, we learned how a girl can learn to dress stylishly. To summarize, it remains to write that style means fewer colors, accessories and rhinestones, more high-quality seams and materials.

    With the advent of the new year, and even more so the new season, every representative of the fair sex observes change fashion trends . Fashion is fickle, changeable, but also cyclical. There is something that is beyond any fashion trends - it is a classic.

    Classic elegant style has remained unchanged for a century. Elegance is always alive - there can be no variations “on a theme”. Elegance is a very multidimensional concept, including the cut of clothing, wardrobe style, and demeanor. It is also a special state of mind.

    How to dress beautifully

    Elegance is charming. She always attracts attention and is admired and admired. She is always remembered!

    Every woman who wants to always be on top should have the ability to create such a perfect elegant image. That's why the editors "So simple!" prepared for you 11 ideas fashionable wardrobe , which will make even stylists' pulse quicken.

    1. Remember the main rule: feminine, elegant style does not accept kitsch, crazy colors and prints, baggyness and excessive exposure! This style is similar in almost every way to the formal style of clothing, but still has some differences.
    2. One of the essential attributes of an elegant style is the right coat.

      The right coat It should be of medium length, a fitted cut and always made of natural material, because nothing makes your clothes cheaper than synthetic fabrics.

      And here's another life hack. When choosing a coat, exclude everything to which the word “very” can be applied: very short, very long, bright, and so on.

    3. A sense of style, restraint and sophistication - this is the motto of a real lady!

    4. A closed dress, well tailored to the figure, is beautiful, elegant clothing.

      What should a real “Miss Elegance” dress look like? It fits well, he has average length and the absence of any decor.

    5. For creating exquisite style, you need to choose clothes from plain fabrics in delicate pastel colors, avoiding sharp contrasts.

    6. Inexpensive clothes cannot be elegant. This doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune to put together an elegant wardrobe. But clothes shouldn't look cheap.

      Natural materials, good cut and thoughtful details are what you need to consider when choosing elegant clothes. Many brands produce very high-quality clothes at reasonable prices, and if you cannot buy things in expensive boutiques or use the services of a personal tailor, pay attention to them.

    7. The less unnecessary details and pretentiousness there are in clothes, the easier it is to look sophisticated. This also applies to accessories. One of the rules of elegance says: “Before leaving the house, put on as much jewelry as you think is necessary, then look at yourself in the mirror and take off one of them.”

      There are almost never too few accessories, but often too many!

    8. Elegant style is a perfect cut, the absence of any frills, impeccable quality, restraint and a clear silhouette.

      It doesn't matter what price tag is on your dress, it should look expensive. You must look as if you could be invited to tea with the Queen of England at any moment.

    9. Elegance is not compatible with vulgarity. A sophisticated woman will never seek cheap popularity by flaunting her body. Forget about super minis, deep necklines, outrageous slits and transparent dresses. Aggressive sexuality has a right to exist, but it has nothing to do with elegance.

    10. Another important attribute is quality shoes. Elegant style means, first of all, good shoes!

      A sophisticated lady needs heels, at least small ones. However, remember that high heels, especially in combination with a platform, do not contribute to creating the desired image.

    11. No woman who claims to be a sophisticated lady will leave the house in wrinkled, dirty or washed-out clothes, no matter how expensive they are. Therefore, remember that accuracy is a mandatory attribute when creating an image, both elegant and any other.

    I also suggest you read 15 useful ones from Evelina Khromchenko. Having mastered a few secrets from a fashion professional, you will be able to choose the right budget items for yourself and look your best. These tips will definitely help you improve your style!

    And to understand whether you managed to create the desired image, before going out, look in the mirror and ask yourself: “What would the Queen of England think about this choice?” If Her Majesty would approve of your choice, then you did everything right!

    Tell your friends about this formula for creating an elegant look. I wonder what they think about this?

    Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

    Do you know how? Most girls will say no, because I don’t have the means to answer yes. Other girls will answer - my husband earns little. There may be such answers - how can I dress with such a figure.

    True, dressing stylishly does not mean wearing expensive things and jewelry. Expensive clothes will not automatically make a girl stylishly dressed.

    You can and should learn to correct your figure flaws. No, no, don’t be alarmed, we won’t be talking about a fitness club, but only about clothes. Yes, it is clothes that can help us fix what even exhausting people cannot do. physical exercise. How? Yes, very simple.

    First, you need to stand in front of a mirror in your room and alone, so you will better see your flaws if you are completely naked.

    Look at yourself critically and write down your shortcomings in one column and your strengths in another (we all have strengths). Now you know what you need to emphasize and what to hide. And remember, one way or another, we are all imperfect.

    First of all, accuracy. Dressing casually, even in the most expensive clothes, will never make you stylishly dressed.

    When choosing for yourself, be sure to consider who you are meeting and where you are going.

    Pay attention to how your clothes fit your figure. If the butt is too large, then a short jacket or too-tight trousers will increase the volume. Who doesn't like to show off their belly with a crop top and low-waist pants? But remember, most of us look unattractive in such clothes. - ABOUT! What short legs this girl has! – you may hear yourself following. And this is not the worst remark yet.

    Now you need to think about what colors suit you. The choice here can be huge. Sometimes you get very interesting finds. Let’s say beige color doesn’t suit me at all, but it’s so noble. Take a closer look at him, he's with different shades(pink, olive, raspberry, etc.). Choose either a color that is present in the shades, or a vest, if this is a dress. There are a lot of interesting combinations.

    If it’s difficult to choose clothes for yourself, pay attention to how women who have a figure similar to you are dressed. But be careful! The outfit that makes your friend look beautiful may not suit you at all.

    Shoes. If you are uncomfortable in high heels, they will not give you confidence. You will feel tired and it will show on your face. Choose your shoes very carefully.

    Don't forget what kind of underwear you are wearing - this also gives you a chance to look stylish. Pay special attention if your trousers or skirt are made of thin fabric, through which the laundry will be visible.

    Pick up matching accessories: be it a hat, scarf, scarf or gloves.

    No one will admire you if you wear all your jewelry. We must strive not for the “golden mean”, but for the fact that the less, the better. Sometimes in simple dress, decorated with a string of pearls, you will look irresistible.
    (“To decorate the morning roses, only dew is enough.” Lope de Vega)

    For a girl they should be of paramount importance. The right hairstyle to match the clothes you are wearing today will make your appearance flawless. When hairdressers say new hairstyle can change your life, it's true.

    You also need to be able to present the clothes. What is it about? How you carry yourself, how you communicate, how you smile, how you speak. Do you bite your nails, bite your lips, etc.

    Just like clothes, makeup will help you correct some flaws or highlight your strengths. Just don't overdo it. Excessive makeup at work will leave a bad impression on you. best experience. Start with a clean face.

    When you are dressed correctly, it will give you confidence.

    There are girls who, without being supermodels, achieve success by demonstrating a good appearance despite their shortcomings.

    Sometimes your friends may criticize your appearance... out of envy. Keep this in mind too.

    For Militta Magazine

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