• Entertainment in the second junior group "winter fun". Sports entertainment in the junior group “Winter fun”


    Irina Tolmakova
    Leisure in the second younger group"Winter games and fun!"

    Leisure summary "Winter games and fun"

    for children of the second younger group.

    Goals: entertain children, promote a good, joyful mood in them; learn to play in a team.


    1. Consolidate knowledge about the winter season, games and fun.

    2. Develop motor qualities and skills in children. Learn to coordinate your movements.

    3. Develop children's abilities for imagination and improvisation

    4. Develop interest in folk games.

    Material: six snowflakes, six cubes, three sets of cardboard snowmen.

    The teacher remembers with the children what time of year it is: winter. He talks about how many games and fun there are in winter in Russia.

    There is a knock on the door and Petrushka appears in the group to the music!

    Parsley:I am a funny toy, and my name is. (Parsley).

    Parsley: Hello guys!

    Children: Hello!

    Parsley gets to know the children, turning to each child with the question: “What’s your name?” The children answer Petrushka.

    Petrushk a: So we met. I wonder where I ended up?

    Children: IN kindergarten.

    Parsley: So, I wasn’t mistaken when I was getting ready to go on my journey. I came to you from a fairy tale. Do you like fairy tales? (Listens to the children's answers.) Do I love them too? What time of year is it now (Children's answers).

    Parsley: What great guys you are, you know so much! Do you like to play?

    Parsley divides the children into three groups and suggests calling one team “Snowflake”, the second “Snowman”, and the third “Winter”.

    First competition "Blow away a snowflake"

    There are snowflakes cut out of paper on three tables. One representative from the team is invited to the tables. Children must blow on the snowflake, thus moving it from one edge of the table to the other.

    The game is played several times.

    Second competition “Let’s build a tower”.

    Children move cubes one by one from one place to another, building a tower. The game is repeated several times.

    Third competition “Build a snowman”

    Parsley asks the children if they like to play with snow.

    Parsley Let's build a snowman too.

    Three sets of cardboard snowmen (white circles of different sizes, buckets and buttons) are laid out on the table. Team representatives are invited. They must assemble the snowman quickly and correctly.

    Then Petrushka offers to play the outdoor game “Santa Claus”. The game is played by teams.

    Goal: to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements.

    Progress of the game: Parsley invites the children to start the game. Everyone remembers together that Santa Claus lives in the forest and brings gifts in winter.

    I am Frost Red Nose,

    Overgrown with a beard.

    I'm looking for animals in the forest.

    Come out quickly!

    Come out, bunnies!

    (Children jump towards the teacher like bunnies)

    Parsley tries to catch the guys: “I’ll freeze you!” I'll freeze you!"

    The children run away. The game is repeated every time." Santa Claus invites new “animals” (bears, foxes, forest birds) to come out of the forest. Children imitate their movements and then run away from Santa Claus.

    The game “Let’s not let Parsley out”... the children, together with the teacher, stand in a round dance around Parsley and do not let him out of the circle, holding hands. The children, together with the teacher, lower their hands and squat as soon as Parsley tries to get out of the circle.

    Parsley: So we played with you. Guys, did you enjoy playing? (Children's answers). It's time for me to leave; there are other guys waiting for me.

    Parsley says goodbye to the children and leaves

    Used Books:

    1. V. N. Kastrykina, G. P. Popova “Organization of children’s activities during a walk” (second junior group);

    2. M. B. Zatsepina, T. V. Antonova “Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. For classes with children 3-7 years old."

    Publications on the topic:

    MBDOU No. 50 Physical education « Winter fun» Teacher Bugrova Marie Nikolaevna Ivanovo, 2014.

    Physical education "Winter fun" The teacher brings a letter to the group and reads it: “Dear guys! On Wednesday after afternoon tea I’ll fly to visit you, I want to play with you.

    Photo collage “Winter fun” in the second junior group. Like on a hill, on a mountain, in a wide yard, some on sleds, some on skis, some taller.

    Summary of entertainment in the second junior group "WINTER"

    Program content:
    1.Consolidate knowledge about the winter season, games and fun.
    2. To develop motor qualities and skills in children. Learn to coordinate your movements.
    3. Learn to hear music and perform movements to music, develop a sense of rhythm.
    4..Develop children's abilities for imagination and improvisation. Develop the ability to express your emotions through facial expressions and pantomime.
    5.Evoke positive emotions, create a joyful mood from meeting fairy-tale characters.

    Progress of entertainment:
    (Masha enters the group and greets the children, examines the group, notices a winter picture where a spruce, linden, cloud, and snowflakes are depicted on a blue background.

    Masha: Hello, guys. What is your beautiful group. What interesting toys do you have? Which beautiful picture hanging. What kind of picture is this? (Children's answers). This picture is a real winter fairy tale. I'm going there, are you with me? Oh, it must be cold there, so we need to get dressed to go to a winter wonderland.
    (Masha notices the tracks)
    Masha: Oh, whose tracks are these? Who walked here? I really want to know whose they are. Let's follow these tracks and find out whose they are.
    (Masha and the children follow the tracks and meet the Bunny (child), who is trembling from the cold.
    There are footprints left in the snow,
    But they suddenly stopped.
    Maybe a bird was sitting here
    And flew off somewhere?
    It was the hare who jumped cleverly,
    He's got a knack for it
    Mixed up all the tracks
    So that there is no trouble,
    And sits in the dense forest
    In a hole under a large bush.
    White snow and white fur
    They hide the hare better than anyone else.
    I'm a runaway bunny
    I live in a dense forest.
    Tired, frozen from the cold
    And I hide under a bush.
    Masha: Our bunny is frozen. What to do now? (children's answers). Oh, I came up with an idea. Let's dance with him. I always dance when I'm cold.
    Masha: Bunny, are you warm?
    Bunny: Yes. Only I'm very sad because last year I had a friend, Snowman. We had a lot of fun with him - we played different games, sang songs. But this year it’s not there.
    Masha: Where is he? Guys, if he was there last year, where did he go? (spring came and it melted). How can we help the bunny now? (make a snowman out of snow).
    Imitation game “Making a snowman”.
    Masha: And here is your friend - the Snowman. Let's play with him. How can you play in winter? (children's answers). The Snowman secretly told me that he likes to play snowballs. (Masha scatters snowballs).
    Game "Snowballs".
    (Masha and the children play snowballs with the Snowman).
    Game "Freeze".
    We stomp our feet
    We clap our hands
    Shaking our heads
    We raise our hands
    Then we lower them
    We shake hands
    And we run around.
    One, two, three, the snowballs freeze!
    Masha: I really liked the fairy forest, but I really wanted to go back to kindergarten. What about you guys?

    Masha: Look, the snowman and the bunny are still looking at us, let's wave to them. Guys, I'm feeling hot, let's take off our clothes. (They imitate taking off their clothes.) Friends, what games do you play in the group? Can I play with you? (Masha and the children play in a group.)

    Entertainment in the second junior group on the theme “Winter fun”

    Target: bring joy to children from fun games, songs, dances; give every child the opportunity to express their physical abilities, emotional sensitivity; help children understand that group games are always more interesting.


    1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about winter, about winter games, fun.

    2. Develop motor skills in children; learn to coordinate your movements.

    3. Develop auditory attention, the ability to move in accordance with words.

    4. Stimulate joint musical and gaming activities. Develop emotional responsiveness. Encourage children to actively participate in entertainment.

    Equipment: Snowman costume, Snowman house. Audio equipment.

    Progress of entertainment:

    Children enter the hall to the music.

    Leading asks a riddle:

    The streets were covered with snow,

    That's it.

    She was in a hurry to visit us,

    Winter... (winter).

    Leading: Children, do you like winter? What do you like to do in winter? Do you like skiing?

    Then pick up the sticks. Turn behind each other, let's go skiing.

    (Children imitate skiing to the music.)

    The whole earth is covered in snow,

    I'm skiing.

    You're running in winter

    It's good in the forest in winter!

    Leading: Do you like sledding? Become in pairs, hold hands, sit on the sled. Go!

    (Children ride sleds to the music and fall. They dust themselves off and change places.)

    There is a mountain in the yard,

    We've been riding since the morning!

    We've arrived!

    Leading: Guys, do you like to sculpt from snow? Guess the riddle, who are we going to sculpt now?

    We made a snowball

    The hat was made later.

    The nose was attached and in an instant,

    It turned out... (snowman).

    To the soundtrack “Raking up fluffy snow” - children make a snowman .

    We shovel fluffy snow,

    Let's sculpt, sculpt the first piece.

    And once again we rake,

    We sculpt, we sculpt another one.

    We sculpt, we sculpt the third lump,

    He will be a snowman!

    Eye-eye, nose like a carrot,

    Big mouth, upside down!

    It turns out that the Snowman is coming out of the house.


    I'm Snowman guys,

    I'm used to snow and cold.

    You blinded me cleverly,

    Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

    I'm not a simple snowman.

    I'm cheerful and mischievous!

    I will play with you.

    Have fun and dance!

    Snowman: The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand! Probably frozen? Now let's warm up.

    A game"Let's warm ourselves up"

    It's frosty outside-

    Well, everyone rubbed their nose... ( rub your nose)

    There is no need for us to beat our heads,

    Everyone quickly grabbed their ears ( let's grab our ears).

    Twisted and turned.

    So the ears flew off ( twist our ears).

    They shook their heads ( download),

    They knocked on my knees ( knocking).

    Patted on the shoulders ( clap),

    And now they've drowned ( stomp their feet).

    Snowman: Who is not afraid of Frost? Put your hands up. And as soon as I touch you, quickly remove them.

    The game “I’ll freeze” is being played

    I walk, walk, walk!

    I'm looking for a small nose!

    I'll freeze it now! ( freezing nose).

    I walk, walk, walk!

    I'm looking for the guys' ears!

    Who hasn't hidden their ears? ( freezes ears).

    (Cheeks, arms, legs.)

    Snowman: A do you like to dance?

    (Children with a teacher perform a New Year's modern dance )

    Snowman: Well, you are having fun and are not afraid of Frost! Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye and get ready for the journey. Happy New Year kids! Goodbye, kids!

    (D The children say goodbye to the Snowman and go to the group.)

    Yulia Shabelnikova
    Winter fun on the street in the second junior group “We love winter - we won’t get sick!”

    Winter fun outside in the second junior group

    “We love winter - we won’t get sick!”

    Goals and objectives:

    1. Consolidate knowledge about the winter season, games and fun;

    2. develop motor skills and movements in children; learn to coordinate your movements;

    3. develop children’s auditory attention and the ability to move in accordance with words;

    4. develop orientation in space;

    5. evoke positive emotions, create a joyful mood from playing outdoors.

    Equipment: a basket with colorful balls, a ball, snow buildings - a labyrinth.

    The teacher brings the children to the playground:

    Spun above the ground

    Winter has its round dance again.

    May health, joy, strength

    Winter sports will bring us!

    The Snowman appears and says hello:

    I'm a funny Snowman

    I've been used to games since childhood,

    I can play snowballs skillfully

    And I hold my nose with a carrot.

    Let's have fun playing

    And we’ll help me collect snowballs!

    Game "Collect snowballs". The Snowman has a basket with multi-colored balls, which he scatters around the playground.

    -I brought you not ordinary snowballs, but magical multi-colored ones, help the clumsy Snowman collect them. The game continues at the request of the children 2-3 times.


    Guys, do you like winter? I love it, the kids blinded me in winter.

    In winter I like to engage in winter sports, skiing. What do you like to do in winter?

    Are you guys attentive?

    Let's play a game of attention, I will show you the movements, and you repeat after me.

    And there are snowdrifts all around, we shrug our shoulders

    The roads are covered with snow! Pointing around at the snowdrifts

    Snowflakes are falling from the sky, we move our hands from top to bottom

    Like in a fairy tale picture.

    We will catch them with our hands, we will catch them

    And then we'll show it to mom. Walking with clapping

    Let's go on a hike, walk along the site

    How many discoveries await us!

    We walk together joyfully, walking with high knees

    We raise our legs higher.

    A path runs through the forest, we run like a snake after the snowman

    And it curls like a snake,

    Try to run fast

    And be careful not to fall.

    Snowman: “Oh, I’m so tired, I’ve been running all over you, I need to rest a little.

    Educator: And you play games with us, Snowman.

    The first game " Hot ball" The guys pass the ball around in a circle, trying to pass it as quickly as possible.

    We also suggest playing a game "My funny ringing ball." The teacher reads the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “My cheerful ringing ball”, the children turn into balls, jump merrily, after reading the poem, the teacher says: “I’ll catch up now”, the children run away.

    My cheerful ringing ball,

    Where did you start galloping to?

    Red, yellow, blue,

    Can't keep up with you.

    While the children are playing, the Snowman runs away.

    Foxy appears, holding a letter in her hands, and asks the guys:

    Guys, have you met the Snowman here?

    I wanted to send a letter to Santa Claus.

    Educator: -What did you want, Fox, to convey to Santa Claus? You are late, New Year has already passed, Grandfather Frost will come to us only in a year.

    I wanted to ask him to cancel winter, it’s cold in the forest in winter, frosty, you sit and freeze.

    What are you saying, Foxy, the guys and I love winter; in winter you can play snowballs, go sledding, skating, and skiing.

    True, but I didn’t know.

    Come on, Fox, we will teach you how to play a very interesting game “The Fox and the Hares”.

    Game "Fox and Hares". The teacher begins to read the poem, and the children perform actions according to the text:

    Bunnies ran around on the forest meadow, that's what bunnies are, bunnies - runaways. (children jump, pretending to be bunnies)

    The bunnies sat on the meadow, digging a root with their paws. (sitting, making movements with their hands)

    Suddenly a fox runs - a red-haired sister (runs around the sitting children)

    He sees the hares and says, “Where, where are you bunnies?” Ah, there you are!” (the fox catches up with the hares, and the bunnies run away to their houses)

    The game is repeated several times at the request of the children.

    The fox says goodbye, says that now she loves winter, she will play games with bunnies in the forest and will not freeze.

    Tatyana Pogodaeva
    Summary of sports entertainment in the second junior group “Winter Fun”

    Summary of sports entertainment in the second junior group« Winter fun» .

    Made up: FC instructor Plynskaya T. Yu. MBDOU "DSOV No. 91" "Voice".

    Program content:

    1. Consolidate children’s knowledge about winter season, games and fun.

    2. Develop children's motor skills and abilities.

    3. Teach children to perform movements to music, develop a sense of rhythm.

    4. Strengthen the ability to restore breathing with the help of breathing exercises and self-massage.

    5. Evoke positive emotions, create a joyful mood from meeting fairy-tale characters.

    Equipment for the lesson: "snowballs"- soft balls, paper snowflakes, a snowman and a bear toy, footprints cut out of paper, musical accompaniment.

    Hall decoration: Snowflakes, snowdrifts made of white fabric, Christmas trees, den.

    Location: gym.

    Music is playing “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest...”, the children go into the hall.

    FC instructor:

    I froze the windows

    I covered up all the paths,

    Took us on a sled

    And she invited me to the Christmas tree.

    Guess who this riddle is about? Children's answers. (winter).

    Right. Guys, do you love winter? (children's answers). What do you like best in winter? What do you like to do? (children's answers).

    Let's build a snowman! But to do this, first we need to get dressed and go outside.

    Music is playing. The game is being played "Get dressed for the street". Children imitate the movements of putting on clothes.

    FC instructor: Well, guys, we got dressed, and now let's go for a walk!

    Children in a column, one after the instructor, walk in a circle to the music.

    FC instructor: So you and I went outside, and now let's build a snowman!

    The game is being played "We're making a snowman". Children imitate movements according to the words of the text.

    One, two, one, two,

    We are making a snowman

    A snowball rolled

    Somersault, somersault,

    We sculpted him cleverly,

    There is a carrot instead of a nose,

    Instead of eyes - coals,

    Handles and twigs were found,

    And a bucket on your head

    Look - here it is!

    Snowman enters (sad).

    FC instructor: Snowman, why are you so sad? What's happened?

    Snowman: The guys blinded me, ran away, and forgot about me. I'm standing here alone and I'm bored. I'm sad.

    FC instructor: Well, don’t be so sad, snowman, the guys and I are going to see you now let's cheer up! We'll dance you a happy dance!

    Dance "If only it weren't winter" cartoon music "Winter in Prostakvashino".


    Guys, you got me amused

    And they invited me to dance,

    Do you want to play? (children's answers)

    We will all freeze!

    A game "Freeze"

    We clap our hands

    We stomp our feet

    Shaking our heads

    We raise our hands

    We give up

    We shake hands

    And we run around.

    One, two, three - the snowballs freeze in place!

    A game repeated 2-3 times. The snowman praises the children.

    Snowman: Oh, guys, what big snowdrifts there are! Just like in the forest! Do you want to visit winter forest ? Children: Yes!

    FC instructor: Then the guys go on a trip to winter forest!

    Children walk with their legs raised high, knees bent, imitating walking through snowdrifts.

    FC instructor:

    We stepped onto the path of snowdrifts,

    They shook off the snow from their feet.

    Children stomp their feet.

    So as not to end up in a snowdrift,

    You need to walk along the paths.

    Children walk along paths with footprints painted on them.

    FC instructor: We walked, we walked, we walked, and we came to a bear’s den. Guys, what does a bear do in winter? Children: Sleeping!

    Let's call the bear and tell him what a wonderful time of year it is - winter!

    Children call the bear. The bear comes out sleepy.

    FC instructor:

    Bear, bear, what's wrong with you?

    Why do you sleep in winter?


    Because in winter there is frost, snow and ice outside,

    And this is not raspberries, and not honey! Here! (sneezes).

    FC instructor:

    So as not to catch a cold in winter,

    You need to do charging.

    And you, little darling, get up,

    Start doing exercises!

    Gymnastics to music "Three White Horses".

    FC instructor: Mishenka, the guys also love to play snowballs. Do you want to play with us?

    Bear: Of course I want!

    Outdoor game "Snowballs".


    I liked playing in the forest with the guys,

    But now I need to sleep until spring.

    Goodbye, guys! (goes into the den).

    FC instructor: Well done boys! Cheered the bear. Now he will sleep sweetly until spring.

    And now, my children, guess the riddle!

    White midges fly

    They don't buzz or bite,

    Just sitting on our eyelashes,

    They turn into water.

    Very small tears

    Are they called….? Children: Snowflakes!

    FC instructor: Now let us turn into snowflakes, fly, spin and dance!

    Children pick up snowflakes on the rug and dance with them. Celtic music sounds "Snowflakes".


    Oh, the water is flowing off me

    I'm melting, I'm melting, friends!

    FC instructor:

    Hurry up, snowflakes fly,

    Help the snowman quickly!

    Let's blow on the snowman so that he doesn't melt.

    Children blow on a snowman (breathing exercises).

    Snowman: Thank you guys, you helped me out and didn’t let me melt. Now I’ll go stand in the yard, come and play with me! Goodbye!

    Children say goodbye to the snowman.

    FC instructor:

    We had a good walk

    We had a lot of fun playing!

    We spun around together

    And they turned into kids!

    It's time for us to go back to kindergarten!

    Music is playing "Ice ceiling", the children leave the hall.

    Publications on the topic:

    Integration educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development.

    Summary of a lesson on speech development based on the poems of A. Barto in the first junior group “Visiting the Bunny and the Bear” Goal: Repeat and consolidate the previously studied works of A. Barto. Activate children's vocabulary and develop intonation.

    Summary of a lesson on speech development in the first junior group “Visiting the Bear” Purpose of the lesson: implementation of new forms of interaction in the system " adult-child”, aimed at the full development and adaptation of children.

    Model of a lesson on speech development in the first junior group “Visiting the Bear” Model of a lesson on speech development “Visiting a bear.” Objectives: To consolidate purposeful action with objects and interaction in society.

    Sports entertainment for children of the younger group “Visiting the Snow Woman”"Visiting the Snow Woman" Sports entertainment for children younger age Venue: sports hall. Tasks: - introduce children.

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