• Aphorisms about adults and children. Adults and Children Adults Like Children Quotes


    Teachers who hate children, lay down your arms and go out to the square to form a formation - the country is suffocating without trainers. (M. Zhvanetsky)

    Educating does not mean telling children Nice words, to instruct and edify them, and above all to live like a human being. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty regarding children must begin education with himself.

    By educating others, we are educating ourselves first and foremost.

    The only people who shouldn't have children are their parents.

    Everything in this world is balanced. Perhaps others are doing better than us, but their children are much worse.

    All the children in the world cry in the same language

    Everything unnecessary is for children (N. Fomenko)

    It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

    There are as many humanisms in the world as there are murderers. And everyone

    Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

    Even the devil in his hell would like to have polite and obedient angels.

    Even the most dull room will be enlivened by the most ordinary children, neatly placed in the corners

    Let childhood mature in children.

    Jackpot Deodorant: Might Protect You, But It's Made Especially for Jack!

    Children are the living flowers of the earth.

    Children are not a luxury, but a means of transportation in old age.

    Children are the flowers of life.

    Give the girls flowers!

    Children are the flowers of life. And they need potties too.

    Children are the flowers of life... Hey, weed, get out of here

    Children mean worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, chaos. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss their nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life!

    Children are our judges of tomorrow.

    Children are our living hope, which deceives us just as often as all other hopes.

    Children of Weismannists are similar to their parents, children of Lysenkoists are similar to the environment (M. Zhvanetsky)

    Children listen most attentively when they are not being spoken to.

    Children share grief with their parents and joy with their peers.

    Children and courtiers make mistakes much less often than parents and monarchs. Children don't suffer unrequited love

    , they come up to the kid they like, kiss him on the cheek and say: “let’s be friends.”

    Children are more moral, much more insightful than adults, and they, often without showing it or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - the hypocrisy of their parents, and lose respect for them. older than parents: fathers' ages are added to their ages.

    Children shame us when they behave in public the way we behave at home.

    Children are a strict assessment given to parents by Life itself.

    Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house

    The charm of children lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world is presented anew to human judgment.

    Childhood should be given the greatest respect.

    Children and parents sometimes take years to meet face to face.

    It’s a shame that tomboys grow into decent and useful people for society no less often than obedient children. (M. Twain)

    One child is enough to fill the entire house and yard. (M. Twain)

    others are so quick that you actually cry.

    A devil's spawn is a child who acts like your own but was born into a neighbor's family.

    The only advantage of my children is that each has their own mother (M. Zhvanetsky)

    If only parents could imagine how annoying they are to their children!

    If you yield to the child, he will become your master; and in order to make him obey, you will have to negotiate with him every minute.

    If parents and teachers value the goal and guide the younger generation towards it, then they become partners with the children, moving forward and developing with them.

    Life is a boomerang. In our old age, we will receive as much attention and love from our children as we now give to our parents! And then don’t be offended!

    Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

    Toys are devices invented by adults so that children do not interfere with adults playing their games.

    Ideal children appear perfect on the outside and are perfect on the inside.

    Each child should be applied to his own standard, encouraged to his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own deserved praise. It is not success, but effort that deserves reward.

    By the time we realize that our parents were right, we already have children of our own who think that we are wrong.

    Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.

    Every little son belongs to the category of those boys with whom his mother forbids him to play.

    Every person on earth dreams of this - to feel the warmth of the palm of their baby...

    What a wonderful child you have! Is it a cute boy or a scary girl?

    When the baby is at home, the mother's neck hurts; and when he is on the street her heart hurts.

    When I was fourteen years old, my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him. When I turned twenty-one, I was amazed at how wise the old man had become in those seven years! (M. Twain)

    When our children call us backward conservatives, we can take comfort in the fact that our grandchildren will take revenge on them for us.

    When the child has grown up, it is time for parents to learn to stand on their own two feet.

    When a man is not with a woman, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not with a man, she starts doing dirty tricks

    Once it was a good hotel, but then I was once good boy. (M. Twain)

    When a man had a son, he became a father; if a daughter was born, he became a daddy....

    Love your grandchildren - they will take revenge on your children!

    It’s curious: with each generation, children are getting worse, and parents are getting better; it follows that from all the more bad children More and more good parents are growing up.

    The boy explained with gestures that his name was Juan

    The boy explained with gestures that his name was Juan (N. Fomenko)

    Mother's love- the most common and most commonly understood example of productive love; its very essence is care and responsibility.

    Motherhood is the most difficult and rewarding job.

    My son meditates - after all, it's better than sitting around.

    We shower children with gifts, but the most valuable gift for them is the joy of communication.

    (M. Twain)

    We love our children too much and our parents too little.

    Rely on yourself. There are two strong anchors in life - work and children. All other adversities can be endured.

    You won't be nice by force. You will never tie anyone to you with any children.

    Real woman

    must cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.

    Our understanding of the world, at its very core, is a model of our relationship with our parents.

    Don't teach your father. And that's it!

    An unbreakable toy is a toy that a child can use to break all his other toys.

    No two children are alike - especially if one of them is yours.

    No child can dishonor his parents as much as a parent can dishonor a child.

    Fatherhood greatly simplifies and makes sense of the life process, protects you from crazy and vulgar actions and steps, and keeps you in balance. Because it’s so simple: you need to work, be strong, decent, not completely proud and not be a complete egoist if you have children.

    Dad, urgently bring penguins to Africa, I’m rambling about geography!

    The first half of our lives is poisoned by our parents, the second by our children.

    A bad teacher of children is one who does not remember his childhood.

    Proper education children is that children see their parents as they really are.

    The difference between adults and children is the cost of their toys

    The difference between adults and children is the cost of their toys (R. Frost)

    Tell the children something – all the way through. But they will certainly ask: “And then, why?” Children are the only brave philosophers.

    The child is the only thing in the house that has to be washed by hand.

    A child is the most effective weapon of female terror.

    A child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least.

    My child looks like his mother... Yells loudly, piercingly! But my eyes are guilty, running around... (M. Zhvanetsky)

    A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathizing, wishing well, if you have not been able to evoke in him wise and kind smile, he will laugh evilly, his laughter will be mockery.

    A child is a rational being; he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.

    Parents are such simple devices that even children can operate them.

    We get parents when they are too old to correct their bad habits.

    Parents: something kids wear out faster than shoes.

    Be gentle with this boy: you are dealing with an extremely sensitive, easily excitable bastard.

    The best part about babies is the process of making them.

    I'll hand over my father. Inexpensive.


    Adults and children, children and adults, aphorisms and more...

    The most cowardly people, incapable of resistance, become implacable where they can demonstrate absolute parental authority.

    If I were given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but without children, or with people like now, but with children, I would choose the latter.


    If one cannot see the ideal of moral perfection in children, then at least one cannot but agree that they are incomparably more moral than adults.

    Without children it would be impossible to love humanity so much.


    All the charm of children for us, their special, human charm is inextricably linked with the hope that they will not be like us, they will be better than us.


    How terrible the world would be if children were not constantly born, bringing with them innocence and the possibility of every perfection!


    The charm of children lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world is presented anew to human judgment.


    Children are more moral, much more insightful than adults, and they, often without showing it or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - the hypocrisy of their parents, and lose respect for them.

    If I were given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but without children, or with people like now, but with children, I would choose the latter.

    Be yourself both a person and a child in order to teach the child.


    Speaking of honor, speaking of truth, are you really honest and truthful? If not, then you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; He will not listen to your words, but to your gaze, your spirit that possesses you.


    Before you start raising your children, check your own behavior.


    Being truthful and honest with children, without hiding from them what is happening in the soul, is the only education.


    Educating does not mean saying good words to children, instructing and edifying them, but, above all, living like a human being yourself. Whoever wants to fulfill his duty regarding children must begin education with himself.


    Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home.


    All moral education children comes down to good example. Live well, or at least try to live well, and as you succeed in living a good life, you will raise your children well.

    If I were given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but without children, or with people like now, but with children, I would choose the latter.

    Raising children is a risky business. For in the case of success, the latter is acquired at the cost of great labor and care, but in the case of failure, the grief is incomparable to any other.


    The guilt or merit of the children falls to a huge extent on the heads and conscience of the parents.


    Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad Education- this is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country.


    Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover’s life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved being into an idol.

    Issue topic: Quotes about adult children with meaning. Happy is the one who has a family where he can complain about his family. Jules Renard

    Advice is more than a service. Alexandre Dumas the father

    A bad teacher of children is one who does not remember his childhood. M. Ebner-Eschenbach

    Commerce? It's very simple. It's other people's money. Alexandre Dumas son

    We hate it when children make noise. But if they calm down, that's even worse. The fat is in the fire…

    Jealousy is the art of causing more harm to yourself than to others. Alexander Dumas son

    Education is a matter of conscience; education is a matter of science. Later, in an already developed person, both of these types complement each other. Victor Hugo

    Love begins with love; even the most ardent friendship can produce the faintest semblance of love. J. Labruyère.

    Our needs are determined mainly not by nature, but by our upbringing and habits. E. Fielding

    Each person receives two upbringings: one is given to him by his parents, passing on their life experience, the other, more important, he receives himself. E. Telman

    When your money runs out and you have nowhere to go, your family will always accept you and be happy to see you.

    Love, dreamily floating in the air, warms the soul. And love, dissolved in everyday routine, will add warmth to the family.

    The world has long been called a stormy ocean: but happy is he who sails with a compass! And this is a matter of education. N. M. Karamzin

    Respect your right to your privacy. Leszek Kumor

    The homeland and parents should come first, then the children and the whole family, and then the rest of the relatives. Marcus Tullius Cicero

    If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.

    Woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. Alexandre Dumas the father

    If there is no food at home and the children are crap, then mom has been on the Internet all day!

    Nothing surprises when everything surprises: this is the nature of a child. A. Rivarol

    Facts have unlimited power over the minds of most people, and what seemed impossible is placed alongside the ordinary as soon as it happens. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

    Hidden wisdom and hidden treasure - what is the use of both? Better man one who hides his stupidity than a man who hides his wisdom. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

    Every child is to a certain extent a genius, and every genius is to a certain extent a child. The affinity of both is revealed in naivety and sublime simplicity. A. Schopenhauer

    The family does not only consist of children, it includes a man, a woman, pets and colds.

    Remember that your children will treat you the same way you treat your parents. Thales

    The speed of sound is a rather strange thing. Your parents tell you something when you’re twenty, but it only comes to fruition when you’re forty.

    The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves.

    There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips. Victor Hugo

    The wise of this world can stop the disintegration of the atom, but they cannot stop the disintegration of families.

    It is an amazing fact that most brilliant people had wonderful mothers, that they acquired much more from their mothers than from their fathers. G. Buckle

    A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. P. Beranger

    When our children call us conservatives, let us console ourselves with the fact that our grandchildren will take revenge on them for us. I.D. Wilde

    Absence is an essential component family life, and its dosage is an extremely important art. F. Stark

    A father's strictness is a wonderful medicine: it is more sweet than bitter. Epictetus

    By persisting in an argument you will lose more than you gain; Having won, you are not defending the truth, but your bad manners. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

    You have listened to the word, let it die with you: do not be afraid, it will not break you apart. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

    The best school of discipline is the family. Smiles S.

    A good example returns in a circle to the one who set it, just as bad examples fall on the heads of the instigators of evil. L.A. Seneca

    Children need to be pampered, then they grow up to be real robbers. Evgeny Schwartz

    In a family, the one who is loudest is right. A. Markov.

    Be gentle with this boy: you are dealing with an extremely sensitive, easily excitable bastard. L.&N.Magazin

    Jealousy is always born simultaneously with love, but does not always die with it. Fr. La Rochefoucauld

    Nothing teaches you more than realizing your mistake. This is one of the main means of self-education. Thomas Carlyle

    One mirror is more important than a whole gallery of ancestors. V. Menzel

    Each of us is the son of our own deeds. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

    Beware not of dead rivals, but of living enemies! Ghosts appear only to those who must see them. Alexandre Dumas the father

    Rod always gives courage to fight for life.

    Childhood should be given the greatest respect. Juvenal

    Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy is to teach him not to refuse anything. J.-J. Rousseau

    You have to get married when you’re young... out of stupidity... out of love... Otherwise you’ll grow up, get wiser and realize that you don’t need anyone in the world.

    As a child, Petya dreamed of becoming an astronaut, Vasya an athlete, and Vanya an alcoholic. As a result, the first two drank themselves to death, and the third finally achieved his goal.

    It is pointless for a teacher to talk about curbing passions if he gives free rein to any of his own passions: and his efforts to eradicate in his pupil a vice or an obscene trait that he allows in himself will be fruitless. D. Locke

    Family replaces everything. Therefore, before you get one, you should think about what is more important to you: everything or family. Faina Ranevskaya

    Mom is a synonym for the word love.

    A story at the wrong time is like music in a time of sadness; punishment and the teaching of wisdom are appropriate for any time. Book of Wisdom of Jesus, son of Sirach

    Anyone who, even as an adult, knows how to speak only in words and not in deeds, has no right to be considered a human being. Jan Amos Comenius

    The most reliable, but also the most difficult means of making people better is bringing education to perfection. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

    Everything that happens is for the better, to make life more interesting and happier. Well, live: don’t look back, don’t think about the thoughts of Pavel, Daria’s son Farewell to Matera by Valentin Rasputin

    A considerable benefit for a family is the expulsion of a scoundrel from it. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

    No progress in public life will not be able to compensate for failure at home.

    It is not enough for education not to spoil us; it must change us for the better. Michel de

    I married the man I kissed for the first time. When I tell this to my children, they are simply speechless. Barbara Bush

    If you want your children to finally grow up, try to grow up first.

    Somewhat frightened and alarmed love becomes more tender, cares more carefully, from the selfishness of two it becomes not only the selfishness of three, but the selflessness of two for the third; family starts with children. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

    If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends. Sun Tzu - Quotes about adult children with meaning.

    It is necessary to watch over the school, as over the cradle of the people's spirit, with tragic attention and spare no effort to defend its tasks. Menshikov

    The power of kinship and friendship is great. Aeschylus

    "The Little Prince" quotes about adults are filled with wisdom. These statements show the child’s view of the world and adults’ attitudes towards life.

    "The Little Prince" quotes about adults

    • All adults were children at first, but few of them remember this. ( epigraph-dedication)

    Adults never understand anything themselves, and for children it is very tiring to endlessly explain and explain everything to them.

    • Adults are very strange people.

    Adults<…>They imagine that they take up a lot of space.

    Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them what you have new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like? What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies? They ask: “How old is he? How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn? And after that they imagine that they recognize the person.

    Children should be very lenient towards adults.

    • ...kings look at the world in a very simplified way: for them, all people are subjects.
    • Look at the sky. And ask yourself: “Is that rose alive or is it no longer alive? What if the lamb ate it?” And you will see: everything will become different... And not a single adult will ever understand how important this is!

    People get on fast trains, but they themselves don’t understand what they are looking for, said the Little Prince. “That’s why they don’t know peace and rush in one direction, then in the other...

    • People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and do not find what they are looking for.

    Vain people are deaf to everything except praise.

    We are unlucky with children - they always grow up to be adults.
    Christopher Morley

    He who has never been a child will never be an adult.
    Charles Chaplin

    At the age of six I wanted to be Columbus, at seven - Napoleon, and then my aspirations constantly grew.
    Salvador Dali

    Acceleration is when people are getting higher and the ceiling is getting lower.
    Anton Ligov

    Acceleration: girls look like girls, girls look like women, and women look like men.
    Arkady Davidovich

    Acceleration: girls become women before they even become girls.
    Arkady Davidovich

    When I grow up, I want to be a little boy.
    Joseph Heller

    Allowing a child everything means treating him like an adult; and this the surest way ensure that he never becomes an adult.
    Thomas Szasz

    Growing up is damn hard. It is much easier to move from one childhood to another.
    Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    Growing up: when a boy already notices that the girl he notices notices it.

    As we grow up, we most often become the very men our mother told us to stay away from.
    Brendan Francis

    As a child, I did what my father wanted. Now I do what my son wants. When will I do what I want?
    Sam Levenson

    A child becomes an adult when he realizes that from now on he is allowed not only to be right, but also to be wrong.
    Thomas Szasz

    You can be an adult without imitating the stupid skills of adults.
    Gustav Janouch

    A young man becomes an adult when he finally realizes that adults do not exist.
    Gilbert Sesbron

    I'm growing. I judge this by the fact that I stopped understanding anything.

    A boy becomes a man when he stops begging his father for pocket money and begins to borrow from him.
    American wisdom

    Here best advice, which can be given to youth: “Find something you like to do, and then find someone who will pay you for it.”
    Katherine Whitehorn

    Every young man has a hobby, and the best of them is the passion for the art of making money.
    Jack Hurley, American boxing manager

    Marriage is our last and best chance to grow up.
    Joseph Barth

    Growing up: the period of time between childhood and adultery.
    Unknown American

    Only when you reach a reasonable age do you begin to behave recklessly.

    Children today grow faster and remain children longer.

    A young man always faces the same problem: how to be a rebel and a conformist at the same time? He solves it by rebelling against his parents and copying his peers.
    Quentin Crisp

    A person becomes an adult on the day when he laughs sincerely for the first time - at himself.
    Ethel Barrymore

    People, for the most part, do not grow up, but only gain weight.
    Leo Rosten

    Adults are aged children.
    Theodor Sus Geisel

    We grow until we are twenty-three, but the last ten minutes are very slow.
    Yanina Ipohorskaya

    John Lennon couldn't stand children: he was too childish to tolerate rivals around him.
    Albert Goldman

    My wife doesn't want to grow up. I take a bath, and she sinks my boats.
    Woody Allen

    Would the boy you were be proud of a man like you?
    Lawrence Peter

    How older man, the more expensive his toys are.
    Marvin Davis

    He who becomes a man at sixteen will be a child at sixty.
    Thomas Fuller

    Men mature at the age of sixty, women at about fifteen.
    James Stevens

    You can return to childhood only by falling back into it.
    Emil Krotky

    Being an adult means being lonely.
    Jean Rostand

    Growing up is when a child begins to raise his mother.

    Growing up is when children begin to ask questions that parents can answer.

    When a child notices that all adults are imperfect, he begins to grow up: when he is already able to forgive them, he becomes an adult; and when he is able to forgive himself, he becomes wise.
    Alden Nowlan

    To live means to change, to change means to grow up, and to grow up means to constantly create yourself.
    Henri Bergson

    In fact, over the years we do not grow up, but only learn to look like adults.
    American saying

    Men mature at the age of sixty, women at about fifteen.
    James Stevens

    As we grow up, we become more serious, and this, let me say, is the first step towards becoming stupid.
    Joseph Addison

    Most people do not grow up, but only gain weight.
    Leo Rosten

    Growing up is a terribly difficult thing. It is much easier to jump from one childhood to another.
    Francis Scott Fitzgerald

    For many, immaturity is not a flaw, but an ideal.
    Mason Cooley

    Today's youth are growing up so quickly that they are deliberately prolonging the stage of infantilism.
    Alexander Kumor

    Many girls never grew up and see Santa Claus in every man.

    Age is too high a price to pay for maturity.
    Tom Stoppard

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
    Wayne Dyer

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