• When and how to potty train a child: Komarovsky advises. How to potty train a child - methods and tips for parents When is the best time to potty train a boy?


    Each mother always thinks about the question of what age is optimal for potty training her baby and how this is done. There are many opinions on this matter. Some people advise starting this business almost from the cradle, some recommend taking your time.

    But maybe it’s worth first assessing the baby’s psychological preparation and development. After all, if a child does not understand why this is needed new item, considers him just another toy, he will not learn to consciously use the toilet. Therefore, many experts recommend potty training at the age of one and a half years, when the psychological and physiological development the baby is allowed to do this.

    When should you introduce your child to the potty?

    It is believed that the most suitable age for introducing a new type of activity is the period from 18 to 24 months. Most pediatric doctors also approve of this.

    It is necessary to remember that each baby is individual, and while some are ready to make friends with the potty at one and a half years or earlier, others may delay this matter up to three years. Boys usually learn later than girls. Restless, excitable children also master the potty a little later than their more calm peers. Keeping a child in diapers for a long time also has an effect.

    So why is 18 months considered an acceptable age for potty training? Until the end of the first year, almost all babies do not feel the activity of the bladder or intestines. Filled organs push out the contents without awareness of the process. And even if loving mother will watch and put him on the potty on time, this will not mean that the child is accustomed, and his nervous system consciously controls the elimination process. This will help save diapers. But more often there will be wasted nerves and strength, and the child will develop a negative attitude towards the process of putting him on the potty.

    And already at the age of one and a half years, the child begins to feel the urge and try a little to restrain himself. But until complete control takes place, time must pass when the baby acquires some skills that make it easier to get acquainted with the potty:

    • the child can bend, squat, and then stand up;
    • collects small things from the floor and puts them back in their places;
    • understands what adults say and responds to speech;
    • can use interjections or simple words to express his desires;
    • during nap remains dry, and may not pee for two hours when awake;
    • feels discomfort when wearing wet or soiled underwear.

    It becomes clear that when it comes to potty training, you shouldn’t look at the age and the neighbor’s kid, who cheerfully runs to the toilet, taking off his pants as he goes. You need to take a closer look at your child's behavior. And at a favorable moment, gently and calmly, plant him on the potty.

    Every mother wants the most unusual and beautiful things for her baby. And how can you not choose a cute pot with various interesting things for your beloved child?

    Children's goods stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of items. They differ not only in color, but also in material and shape. Models with legs and high backs, in the form of cars and bicycles, with attached steering wheels and stands for games, prefabricated and camping ones, turning into a cute container, musical ones and imitating small flush toilets are sold.

    But many pediatricians advise not to rush to throw away money on advanced expensive models. It is advisable to first opt ​​for classic version, practical and convenient. A child who is being taught a new subject and developing a new skill may become too frightened. bright color or sharp sounds. And subsequently ignore all attempts by parents to master the potty. This is, firstly. And secondly, a child can accept a sophisticated model as a toy, and instead of using the potty for its intended purpose, get carried away by a new fun.

    Therefore the most right choice to develop a skill, this is an ordinary simple “toilet” without any frills or unnecessary functions. Later, when the child gets used to relieving himself in the “children’s toilet,” then it will be possible to choose a model to suit his taste.

    The following characteristics will help you choose the “right” pot:

    • Sustainability. Small child even on the potty he can be very active. And to prevent accidental falls, you need to choose a model with a wide base or with footrests.
    • Material. It is preferable to buy a plastic pot and only in specialized stores that have certificates of conformity for their products. The surface in contact with the baby's delicate skin should not be sticky, have seams, roughness or nicks.
    • Form. The convenience of a potty also depends on its shape. So, girls get a round model, boys get an oval one, with a protrusion in front. The difference in shape is due to the different anatomical structure of babies.
    • For a trip with a baby, it is better to purchase a potty with an existing lid or travel models in the form of containers with handles.

    The invention of diapers helped make life easier for mothers. But now the time comes when you have to, as they say, “roll up your sleeves” and be patient. The process of potty training a child is far from the easiest and fastest. Some tips are more experienced mothers will come in handy:

    • Don't insist too much on the potty on the first day, a new strange thing can scare you. Gently and calmly explain to the baby what this object is, first place your favorite toy on it. If the child is used to diapers, then you will have to take them off. Older children will be a good example, because kids often copy the behavior of their brothers and sisters.
    • Kids at this age are already trying to get to know their bodies. Mom’s explanation of why external excretory organs are needed will help to understand why the potty exists. Children are able to feel that being in the described pants is very unpleasant, and “friendship” with a new item will help to avoid this.
    • It is necessary to praise the baby if the potty training goes well. Positive emotions will help reinforce a new skill. If attempts are unsuccessful, do not despair and swear; you need to patiently and affectionately remind the child again about the potty and the opportunity to be dry and clean.
    • You will have to constantly monitor the time and put the baby on the potty after sleep, food, some time of wakefulness, until he himself begins to remind you of the toilet when the urge arises. Under no circumstances should you do this by force, as this may cause the child to develop a persistent aversion to using the toilet. You need to calmly and affectionately offer to go potty.
    • While the skill is being formed, the new object should be where the child is constantly located so that there is an opportunity quick use it if necessary. If the potty is, as they say, “at hand,” it is easier for the baby to reach it at the first urge.

    If your baby is stubborn and doesn’t want to go to the potty, you should come up with little tricks to make the process more fun. For example: reading a certain book at this time, playing with a selected toy, which will help the child relax and forget about his fears. However, you should not get too carried away with this method, so as not to replace the natural process with a game. Many kids are interested in mechanically flushing the toilet. You can also take advantage of this while developing a potty habit.

    There is no need to rush and forcefully plant it on the pot. Excessive efforts can cause a backlash in the baby, and as a protest he will do “his business” anywhere but where he should. In such a situation best way out– don’t think about the potty for a while. In the meantime, boys should be taught to urinate like an adult, standing like a man, and girls should “run a stream” in a bathtub or basin. After a few days, you can try to return to the potty, but try not to insist, but gently offer to sit down and pee.

    Never equate your baby with another child and don’t complain if things don’t work out right away. Each child is individual, and everything will work out if you treat him with love and patience.

    An attentive and calm attitude of parents will help the baby quickly understand what they want from him. If he strains, tenses, and blushes, this is a signal to quickly get out on the potty. A few successful attempts, and the child will ask to go to his own toilet.

    Summarizing all that has been said, we can conclude:

    • quick results are possible if the child has already reached a certain psychological age;
    • It is mandatory to sit on the potty after the child has woken up, and if his clothes are also dry, then the likelihood of quickly developing a new skill increases;
    • You should not toilet train an unhealthy child: a sore stomach, teeth coming out and fever are a reason to postpone training for a while;
    • you cannot induce urination using the sounds of pouring water; the resulting reflex can play a cruel joke on the child in the future;
    • When potty training, you should not immediately give up diapers;
    • If you fail, you cannot scold the child, you need to show more care and patience and everything will work out.

    Method No. 1: we train in seven days

    Every mother wants her beloved child to get used to the toilet as soon as possible. This not only allows you to clearly see how the baby has grown, but will also significantly save the family budget and reduce the woman’s workload with household chores.

    There are several potty training methods, one of which allows you to do it within seven days. A special system called “Satisfied Baby” was invented by a British woman, former nurse Gina Ford. It is intended for children over the age of one and a half years, who can understand the simplest instructions and follow them, try to dress and undress themselves, and know the parts of the body. The methodology is scheduled for seven days and is as follows:

    1. First day It begins with the fact that in the morning the child’s diaper is removed (how big you are, it’s time to wear panties!) and often put on the potty. You can take your baby to an adult toilet and clearly show what it is for. If not everything works out right away, repeat the process every quarter of an hour. The mother’s goal now is to stay on the potty for 10 minutes, which should be enough for the baby to complete all his tasks. You can sit down next to him and try to captivate him with something so that he doesn’t have the desire to get up from the potty. If, nevertheless, the panties were dirty, you should be patient and under no circumstances scold the baby.
    2. Second day needed to consolidate the skill. But at the same time, you need to be careful so that the baby does not get too carried away with the games, and replace the potty in time.
    3. The third day continues the chosen method. You need to forget about diapers even when walking, so that you don’t have the desire to urinate in them. Before going outside, you definitely need to hold your child on the potty. And periodically ask if he wants to go to the toilet. At first, you can take a “plastic friend” with you if you don’t want to take your baby to the bushes. After a few days, the child will learn to control himself, and there will be no need for a potty outside.
    4. TO fourth day Many children already go to the potty on their own. Just for now you need to remind the playful little one about the need to go to the toilet. And praise more and encourage more often, but never scold for mistakes. And so on until the end of the week. Later, the potty is placed in the toilet or bathtub so that the baby goes to relieve himself in a specially designated room.

    Method No. 2: quick training in 3 days

    In the process of potty training a child, it is usually not recommended to rush, so as not to instill in him an aversion to the action itself. And the formation of such a conscious skill can take more than one month. But if you need to speed up this process, for example, it’s time to go to kindergarten or you have a long trip ahead, special techniques for getting to know the potty can help parents.

    Quick potty training does not mean that the baby will immediately and forever learn to walk according to his needs without problems. But this will help you quickly realize the need to go to the toilet.

    In order to this technique worked, it is determined how ready the baby is for it. The feasibility of its use can be shown by several factors:

    • the child’s age is about 2 years, in extreme cases – 2 years 1 month;
    • the baby can calmly withstand 1-2 hours without peeing;
    • the child no longer wants to put on diapers;
    • The baby has developed the process of defecation every day and at a certain time.

    All the signs are there, now we need to prepare the baby for the upcoming changes. And you should start a couple of weeks before specific actions:

    • First, you should purchase a pot and explain the purpose of this item.
    • Repeat often that small children first sit on the potty, and then, when they grow up, on the toilet, and this is what all people do.
    • A few days before the planned event, explain to your baby that soon he will have to wear panties and go to the children's toilet. You can interest your child in new underwear with bright patterns.
    • Specially choose a time when you will be able to deal only with your baby for several days. It will be very good if grandmothers or husband help mom these days.

    The preparation is done, the time has been chosen, it's time to start potty training. It will take three days.

    The first day. For the first time, the baby will be without diapers all day. You can wear panties instead, or you can let them run around with your butt bare. You will have to watch your baby very carefully all day and literally not let go of the toilet. As soon as you see that the baby is about to urinate, immediately carry the potty. And so every time, so that the baby sees the connection between his desire and the appearance of the potty.

    If the baby manages to go to the toilet, this should end with praise and a specific explanation of his actions. Failures should be ignored so as not to develop a negative attitude toward the potty.

    Before you put him to bed, you need to remember to put your baby on the potty and put a diaper on him.

    Second day. On this day, you need to look after the baby again and try to have time to put him on the potty. In addition, you can go out for a walk, but without the usual diaper. First, be sure to take your child to the potty and plan the walk in such a way that you can quickly return home. It would be a good idea to take extra clothes and a travel potty.

    Remember that you must praise your child for every success!

    Day three. Today you can already go for a walk twice. The baby is already going potty at home, but you need to learn to restrain yourself even when he is not at hand. Be sure to visit this item before and after a walk, before going to bed and after waking up.

    Three such active and challenging days will help the baby adapt to the potty and even make his first attempts to sit down on his own. For these days, you need to choose clothes that can be easily removed and do not require outside help. After a certain period of time, we put on pajamas or panties at night.


    Sometimes situations arise when the baby sharply and categorically refuses to use the potty, although the skill has already been formed. This can happen up to two years, or at three or four years. The reasons are various:

    • Conflicts within the family always have a bad effect on children. Without the ability to influence them, the baby may rebel or withdraw into his own world as a sign of protest. Reluctance to go to the potty becomes one of the elements of an unconscious reaction to the world around us.
    • Some changes in the usual lifestyle (moving, the birth of another child in the family) come as a surprise to the baby and can lead to a refusal to do previously familiar things.
    • The crisis period of three years can also lead to potty abandonment. At this time, the baby begins to realize that he is an individual and tries to do as he himself wants, and is not demanded of him by those around him.
    • Potty refusal can also occur during a child’s illness, during periods when new teeth appear. Now all the forces of the little body are aimed at recovery, and during this period you should not insist on visiting the potty.

    Having found out the reason why the child stops visiting the “children’s toilet” that has already become familiar, you can think about solving it. In any case, you should not insist and plant by force.

    How to give up diapers

    As your child gets used to the toilet, you need to gradually wean him off wearing diapers. During the day it is easier to monitor the baby and have time to put him on the potty when the first signs appear. If the desired skill begins to develop, you can go to bed at night in panties or pajamas.

    At first, special waterproof diapers will help you avoid a damp crib. Over time, a habit will form, and the baby will be able to wake up and ask to go potty even at night. In the beginning, make sure your baby drinks less fluids before bed, and introduce the habit of going to the toilet before putting your child to bed.

    Causes of fear of the potty and what to do in such cases

    Fear and aversion to the potty may occur in the following cases:

    • Unsuccessful introduction to a new thing. It may be worth removing the pot for a while and trying again, adding something interesting to the visiting process, for example, sewing a cape or putting on a small performance with toys.
    • The baby periodically soils his pants and this is followed by frequent and strong swearing, which leads to all sorts of avoidance of the potty.
    • Planting a half-asleep baby on a cool potty can also perpetuate negativity towards the process itself.
    • The desire to buy a super new product with music sometimes leads to a fear of going to the potty; the melody that appears can discourage the desire to sit on this item. This problem also includes the fear of a sudden fall.
    • Fear of the potty also occurs with troubles such as constipation. The child may not understand that this problem has nothing to do with this subject.

    And to summarize all that has been said, we can add that everything will definitely work out, the child will get used to peeing in the potty. The main thing is to do everything with love and patience, and the problem will be resolved.

    In the “pre-diaper” era, mothers tried to teach their babies to go potty as early as possible. And this is understandable, because by doing this they wanted to make their life easier and reduce the amount of laundry that needs to be washed daily. Considering that automatic washing machines became a common household item relatively recently, then we can only feel sorry for our mothers and grandmothers.

    But modern mothers are often concerned with the question of when should they start potty training their child? After all, the cost of diapers is often a fairly significant item in the budget of a young family.

    Grandmothers, based on their own experience, advise starting to put your child on the potty early, as soon as the baby learns to sit confidently. “Advanced” mothers, having read different smart articles, on the contrary, they put off this matter until three or even four years. What do doctors think about this?

    The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that these days the problem of potty training is greatly exaggerated by parents. The doctor claims that any child, unless, of course, he has serious illnesses, will sooner or later learn to do his business in the designated places. But when should you try to teach your baby to use the potty?

    Pediatricians believe that a child learns to effectively manage bowel movements at the age of 20-30 months. And it’s worth gradually potty training him from about one and a half years.

    A child is considered ready to use the potty if he:

    • walks independently, can bend and pick up objects from the floor;
    • begins to show his independence, refusing to perform any actions;
    • acquires a desire to imitate elders;
    • knows how to pull off and put on pants independently;
    • may wake up dry after a nap;
    • feels discomfort from wet pants or dirty diapers;
    • understands the words of adults addressed to him, he himself can express his desires (with words or gestures).

    Read also: How to wean a child from night feedings: determine age and weaning methods

    If all of the listed signs are present, then the baby is completely ready for training.

    How to proceed?

    First of all, you should buy a potty and make sure that it is comfortable for your baby. If the potty is unpleasant for the child (too wide, narrow, cold, etc.), he will refuse to sit on it.

    Having bought a pot, you need to determine the place where it will stand. Most often, it is placed in the room in which the child spends the most time. You should not push it under the bed; at the training stage, the potty should be in a visible place.

    You need to show the child the potty and tell him why it is placed here. You can play with your baby by placing a doll, a bear, and then the baby himself on the potty.

    On daytime I'll have to give up diapers. Since periodic accidents are almost inevitable during the training period, the rugs should be removed from the floor and the sofas covered with diapers that absorb liquid well.

    It is necessary to put the baby on the potty before and after sleep (if he woke up dry), some time after eating and before a walk. In principle, an attentive mother will notice that when the child wants to go to the toilet, he begins to behave unusually - he clenches his legs, begins to grunt, or becomes quiet. At this time, you need to invite the child to sit on the potty.

    If everything worked out as it should, you should definitely praise the little one and say that he did a great job. Well, if there is no result within five minutes, there is no point in keeping the child on the potty.

    The child is growing, and every parent is faced with the question of potty training. The debate about at what age it is necessary to introduce a child to this subject does not subside. Some parents start almost from birth, others wait until the child learns to sit, and still others wait until he asks.

    Therefore, the question of when to potty train a child will have to be decided by every parent.

    The topic of potty training a child is quite relevant among parents. From how many months can a child master this skill? Many people try to start potty training their baby as early as possible, almost from birth. In this case, the child is held over the potty or bathtub for some time, repeating the sounds “pee-pee” or “pee-pee” and the like. Over time, the child develops an instinct to urinate based on this sound. However, this is just a developed reflex, and it has nothing to do with conscious action. That is, the child urinates unconsciously.

    According to experts, the child’s physiology is such that until the age of 1 year he does not feel the fullness of the bladder or the urge to urinate. The same situation applies to defecation. Only after 12 months, or even after 1.5 years, as the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system as a whole develop, the baby develops the ability to control discharge. And only by the age of three does the child develop persistent conscious desires to urinate and defecate.

    Therefore, it is not advisable to start potty training a child earlier than a year. How quickly the “toilet science” will be mastered depends on the child’s physiological maturity.

    Suitable age. Signs your baby is ready

    At what age to start introducing the baby to the potty, each parent chooses independently. Based on the child’s physiology, it is better to start no earlier than 1 year. It is likely that it will be even easier to teach a 1.5 year old baby to use the potty. However, you shouldn’t delay too much in getting to know the potty. To determine whether a child is ready for this science, it is worth paying attention to the following points in his development:

    • The baby can squat and stand up independently;
    • Able to withstand a break between urination of about 2 hours;
    • A certain rhythm of bowel movements has developed;
    • The child understands the meaning of the words “pee”, “poop”, and can express these desires with gestures or sounds;
    • Knows the necessary parts of the body and items of clothing;
    • Feels uncomfortable wearing wet clothes after urinating

    If your baby has at least a few of these skills, then it's time to introduce him to the potty.

    Which pot is better to choose

    Having decided on the age at which potty training should begin, parents think about purchasing this item itself. How to choose the right potty for your baby, which one is better? Many people are puzzled by these questions, because the assortment presented in stores is quite wide: potty chairs, musical ones, in the form of different animals, all kinds of shapes and colors.

    First of all, the potty should be comfortable and functional. A regular plastic pot will do just fine. The child should feel comfortable when using this item. It’s better if it’s not just another toy, but an object that people use to go to the toilet.

    You should not let your child just play with the potty. He must understand its purpose.

    It is important to choose a pot of a convenient shape and the right size so that there are no difficulties during its operation. For boys, it is convenient to use a model with a protrusion at the front, which will help avoid unpleasant puddles when the baby is sitting on the potty. If the potty has a back, this will give additional comfort to the child.

    This item should be within the baby's reach so that he can use the potty independently if necessary.

    The learning process should be comfortable for everyone

    Details about training - stages

    Getting a child to use the potty requires a lot of time and effort on the part of the parents. The following stages can be distinguished in acquiring this skill:

    1. Getting to know the potty. Parents purchase this item and explain to the child how to use it;
    2. Getting used to the potty. The baby gradually, under the guidance of an adult, learns to use the potty;
    3. Consolidation of acquired skills.

    Getting to know the potty

    To successfully master this skill, not only the child, but also the parents need to be ready. It is necessary that training takes place not from time to time, but constantly. This will take time. Need to pick up the right time so that the child has good mood. It’s good to start in the summer, when the child has minimal clothing. It is most successful to put your child on the potty after sleep, especially if the diaper is dry. If the baby has developed a bowel movement routine, for example, in the morning after breakfast, then you can put the child on the potty at this time.

    At the initial stage, it is necessary to show the baby the entire sequence of actions: take off panties, sit on the potty, pee or poop, where to then pour it, wash it, put it on. Of course, the child will not be able to perform these actions on his own yet, but they will interest him.

    You should definitely praise your child if he did it right. But it’s not worth scolding for not going where you needed to. Potty should not be associated with negative emotions.

    Getting used to the potty

    So, the child’s acquaintance with the potty took place. How long it will take a child to get used to this item depends on his physiological readiness and on the patience and teaching method of his parents. Some people master the potty in 7 days (Gina Ford “How to potty train a child in 7 days”), while others cannot achieve this for months desired result. It is clear that the more early age the child is potty trained, the more time and effort will be required from the parents.

    We gradually introduce the potty not only after sleep or after meals, but also when necessary according to the daily routine.
    At 1.5 - 2 years old, children can hold urination for a long time. If the child last peed 2 hours ago, then you can already put him on the potty.

    We continue to praise the child in every possible way for going to the potty, and do not show irritation if he did not succeed. The process should be accompanied only by positive emotions.

    Strengthening skills

    At 2 years old, the child feels well the filling of the intestines and bladder and the need to go to the toilet. He understands that wearing wet panties is uncomfortable and unpleasant. The child consciously begins to ask to go to the toilet. At this time, you can teach your child to take off and put on his pants, close the potty, and at 3 years old - wipe his butt, pour the potty into the toilet, and wash it. The child has already remembered the order in which to act and is able to perform these actions.

    Encourage your child’s independence, help consolidate acquired skills and acquire new ones.

    Causes of failures and mistakes in training

    Not all children are equally successful in potty training. Parents are often to blame for failures. In order for the acquisition of the “going to the toilet” skill to become successful, the following mistakes should be avoided:

    • Don't scold your child if he doesn't want to use the potty. It is possible that he is not ready yet, it is better to postpone it for a couple of months.
    • If the baby missed the potty or forgot to ask, there is no need to scold him or express dissatisfaction;
    • The potty should be dry and warm so as not to cause discomfort in the child;
    • Do not hold your child on the potty for a long time;
    • Do not force a seat;
    • When a child is sick or simply capricious, you should not start training;
    • Don't make a toy out of the potty.

    If everything doesn’t work out as you planned, watch the video of psychologist and mother of four children, Marina Romanenko:

    When to see a doctor

    It happens that even after 3 years a child does not urinate on the potty. This is not always associated with illness, but a possible illness cannot be missed. Therefore, if a child after 3 years of age has frequent involuntary urination during the day, and constantly wets the bed at night, then this may be a pathology.

    Enuresis can be caused by congenital abnormalities of the genitourinary system, inflammatory diseases and other factors. Often this situation can be caused by neurological problems.

    Therefore, the child must be shown to a doctor.

    Why does a child not want to go to the potty?

    There are situations when a child categorically does not accept the potty and does not want to use it. Most often, this situation is associated with mistakes that adults made when potty training the baby.

      1. Often parents shame the child for his “mistakes”, laugh or punish, humiliating the baby and traumatizing the delicate child’s psyche;
      2. Sometimes, if a child is immediately accustomed to the toilet, the baby may be afraid of him. It is necessary to use a special child seat or still purchase a potty;
      3. Some stress or problems in a child can lead to his reluctance to sit on the potty. No need to insist. Give him time.

    In any case, sooner or later the baby will master the ability to go to the toilet. There is no need to force him.

    Do diapers interfere with the process?

    Many people believe that keeping a child in disposable diapers interferes with his potty training. However, many pediatricians do not agree with this opinion. Studies have shown that babies with and without diapers learn to consciously go to the potty at approximately the same time. This skill is associated only with the development of the child’s nervous system and the ability to control the urge to urinate, which develops in the child closer to 2 years and later.

    Contrary to popular belief, diapers do not interfere with the process

    When a child is ready to use the potty, following these simple recommendations can help him:

      • You can leave your baby at home without pants or even panties to make it easier to use the potty;
      • Praise your child for successful “toilet trips”;
      • If your baby doesn't go potty, don't scold him for making a puddle. Remind him once again that he has a potty for this;
      • Make sure that the potty is dry and warm so that the child can quickly get it;
      • When planting the baby on the potty. Provide him with a quiet, calm environment. It's good that nothing distracts him

    A little effort and attention on the part of the parents and the baby will definitely master this “science”.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    Children's doctor Komarovsky E.O. advises not to rush into potty training your child. In his opinion, than before parents They try to instill this skill in a child, the more effort they will need on their part.

    Don't compare your child with other children who can already do something better than him. Remember that every child is individual.

    The time has come? The debate about when to start potty training a child continues. Some turn to the experience of mothers and grandmothers, who believed that it is necessary to teach a baby the skills of cleanliness from the moment he learns to sit, that is, from about six months. Others put off purchasing a potty until the child is one year old, while others are in no hurry at all and wait until the age of 2-3 years, when the baby becomes more conscious. Whenever you decide to begin the complex process of learning, the main thing you need to firmly remember is that children begin to ask to go to the potty when they are ripe for this, both physically and mentally. This natural process cannot be influenced either by gentle persuasion or severity. In the first year of life, the child is not yet able to control his discharge: his physiological functions occur reflexively - as the bladder and intestines fill. At this stage, you can only “catch” the baby - for example, there is a high probability that the child, having awakened from sleep, will want to have a little “little” - it is at this time that you can offer him a potty. In order for the attitude towards one’s functions to become conscious, it is necessary for the child to form nerve chains that ensure the transmission of a “signal” from the bladder and intestines to the brain, and for this the baby must grow up a little more. Cleanliness skills begin to develop in a child between 12 and 18 months: it is at this time that the muscles of the anus and the sphincter of the bladder become stronger, and the development of the baby’s brain reaches a certain level. Full control over bladder and the muscles of the rectum becomes possible by about three years. Typically, a child first develops bowel control at night, then during the day, then bladder control during the day, and lastly at night. In some children, bedwetting continues until they are 4-5 years old - and this is normal and quite common. Interestingly, girls start asking to use the potty about 2-3 months earlier than boys.

    Girls are ahead of the male sex in some other respects: as a rule, they learn to sit earlier and make grasping movements more deftly. They have better developed coordination of vision and motor skills. Scientists suggest that this fact is due to the fact that the left and right hemispheres of the brain develop differently in girls and boys.


    Starting to potty train a child is a difficult process that requires attention and a lot of patience from parents. Don’t chase quick results, don’t expect your child to master a complex “potty” science in a couple of days, the main thing is that he develops a positive attitude towards this process. First, introduce the baby to the potty, explain why it is needed. Let your child touch a new interesting object and offer to sit on it. You can “play out” the situation on dolls, soft toys. It is necessary that the baby understands what purpose the potty is intended for. In order for your child to develop a certain rhythm, put him on the potty before and after meals, before and after naps, before bedtime and after waking up (and this should be at approximately the same time every day). If a child manages to relieve himself in the “night vase,” be sure to praise him for it, tell him that he did well. But if there is no result, you should not leave him sitting on the potty for more than 10 minutes. Never scold your baby for mistakes, otherwise he will develop a negative attitude towards the very process of natural function. The child, feeling that he needs to relieve himself, may begin to hide from you, trying to do his business in secret, or will try to deliberately hold stool, which can lead to constipation. Try to remain very tactful and delicate in these matters and do not rush the time - after all, it is also unpleasant for the baby to walk around in dirty pants. There is no need to wake up your child at night in order to offer him to sit on the potty: most likely, the baby will be very unhappy, and in addition to this, he may not fall asleep later. While the baby is still peeing at night, you can put him to bed in disposable diapers or put a waterproof sheet on the bed. Try to keep track of those moments when the baby is about to “get things done”: usually, before going to the natural needs, the child stops playing, calms down, becomes concentrated - at this time you need to bring him a potty. Over time, the baby himself will begin to tell you that he is ready for an important task. True, for this it is necessary that the child has already begun to master speech. Perhaps he will come up with some of his own specific words to denote this process. From the very beginning of teaching cleanliness skills, the potty should always be in the baby’s room, in plain sight, so that the child himself can try to sit on it, taking off his pants, or bring the potty to you and thus ask you to help him.

    Experts agree on when it is best to potty train a child. The ideal time to get acquainted with the potty is summer. Since the baby usually has few clothes, he can easily cope with it on his own. And if the child wets his pants, they can be washed and dried in the sun. During training, it is better to stop using disposable diapers. When the baby is constantly in diapers, he does not experience discomfort after urination, which means there is no desire to get rid of this condition. Another thing is wet pants: walking in them is very unpleasant, and this is a good incentive to start using the potty.


    Fortunately, the days when kids had to master cold enamel pots are a thing of the past. Now the process has become pleasant in all respects: plastic pots are not only comfortable, warm, light, but also beautiful. Some of them are made in the form of toys - dogs, ducklings, cars, etc. A few minutes spent on such a potty discomfort they won't leave. Some parents, trying to give their child the best, buy pots with squeakers, flashing lights, and music. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away with this: the child should not forget what the main purpose of his stay in this subject is. The most suitable model a potty for boys - with a high front part: with such a potty there is less chance that splashes will accidentally scatter to the sides. From about two years old, you can teach a boy to pee on the potty while standing. As soon as your baby makes friends with the potty, it will become one of the most vital items for the child. Therefore, when going to the country, on a visit, or on a trip, do not forget that you definitely need to take it. This could be a “travel” option - a small, light-weight and simple-to-use potty (it’s better to introduce the baby to a new potty in advance, since some children, having already gotten used to their potty, sometimes refuse to use an object that is unfamiliar to them). You can gradually move from the potty to the toilet. To facilitate this process, you can purchase a special child toilet seat: it will be more comfortable for the child. In addition, you can buy a small footrest at a children's goods store so that the baby, using it, can climb onto the toilet and put his feet on it. No matter how difficult it may seem to you to teach your child the skills of cleanliness, sooner or later he will master this science, the main thing is to be patient and take what is happening calmly. Do not compare your baby with other children, do not point at your neighbor Vasya - each child develops at his own pace. And don't panic if the process takes a little longer for your child. Everything has its time.


    Children's bladder control skills are approximately the same from birth until about age four. How and when it is best to start potty training a child to relieve himself depends on age characteristics.

    0-18 months. In the first months of life infant urinates up to 25 times a day. This happens unconsciously - at the moment when the muscles of the bladder wall contract. At about six months of age, the baby begins to urinate a little less often (about 20 times). This is a sign that your baby's neural pathways are continuing to develop, the bladder muscles are no longer constantly contracting, and the bladder is now able to hold more urine.

    18-30 months. The baby gradually develops the perception of bladder fullness and the feeling of the urge to urinate. Now the child can already connect the signals of his body with the filling of the bladder - before he was simply not capable of this. Many children can control the bladder sphincter from the second year of life at the earliest, and in most cases not until the third year. Then they feel the urge to urinate even before the bladder becomes full.

    From the fourth year of life, most children can delay bowel movements for some time, even if they feel the urge to urinate. They are also able to pee “just in case” even when the bladder is slightly full. The main thing is that this does not become a habit.

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