• Baby and the heat: how to help your baby survive the heat? Infant and heat - how to help a child in the heat? How to save a newborn from the heat in an apartment


    How to help your child cope with the heat. Particularly hot days are quite difficult for adults to endure. But for babies this test is even more difficult. Therefore, they require some care.

    How to help your baby during the heat?

    Below we suggest considering tips that will help your child cope with extreme heat.

    How to dress newborns outside in the summer

    For a baby, you need to buy clothes made exclusively from natural fabrics. Not only are such clothes absolutely harmless to the baby, they also provide good air circulation. This way, the baby's skin will breathe all the time. In addition, clothing should be completely comfortable. No need to wear underwear small size or fasten it with all the buttons. After all, this leads to skin irritation.

    How to help your child cope with the heat at home

    For babies, you should also use cotton bedding. It absorbs moisture, including human sweat. This will allow your baby to sleep peacefully and not wake up again due to high heat.

    As for drinking water, it all depends on whether you are breastfeeding your baby. considered more than just food. It also serves as a thirst quencher. If you are breastfeeding, be sure to consult your pediatrician. He will tell you exactly what norm is acceptable for a baby. During hot weather, the optimal dose of water per day is considered to be up to 60 ml. If you are not breastfeeding, then by all means.

    Don't forget to normalize the room temperature using an air conditioner or fan. This will significantly improve the baby's condition. But do not allow the air temperature to drop below 22 - 23 degrees.

    Throughout the day, you can moisturize your baby with a spray. And when bathing, do not make the bath hot. For a baby, it will be enough to heat the water to 27 - 30 degrees.

    How to walk with a baby in hot weather

    Now let's look at safety measures while walking. In general, there is no need to take your baby outside during the hottest part of the day, namely from 11 am to 4 pm. In any case, it is necessary to wear a hat and clothing that will prevent overheating, heat stroke or burns. You can smear the baby's skin sunscreen. Walk with your child mostly in the shade.

    If you are traveling in a car, place your baby in the middle so that the sun's rays do not fall on him through the windows. Since the skin is still very delicate, this can lead to burns.

    Symptoms of overheating and dehydration in a baby

    Typically, overheating and dehydration occurs if a child has been in the sun for a long time without a hat and has a lot of clothes on. Often the cause may be a lack of water.

    If the baby has a fever, reddened skin, increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting and, in exceptional cases, loss of consciousness, then it may be heatstroke. To do this, move the baby to a cool place and apply a cold compress.

    If this option does not work, then heatstroke has progressed to the next level - sunstroke. Typically characterized by headache, loss of consciousness, bluish facial skin, uneven pulse and difficulty breathing. This condition is life-threatening. In this case, call urgently ambulance! Before her arrival, constantly moisten the baby’s head with cold water or apply compresses.

    Dress little man in summer weather is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is not enough to pay attention only to the weather outside the window; you also need to take into account the composition and cut of the rapashka, the color, shape and degree of adherence of clothes and a hat.

    How to dress a newborn baby in the heat?

    Let's start from afar. The main and main function of clothing in hot weather, oddly enough, is to protect the body from overheating and the skin from sun rays.

    And if in sunny weather adults want to almost give up clothes, then babies, on the contrary, really need clothes. But the fact is that the thermoregulation system in both newborns and, in principle, all children early age, not working yet. Therefore, children overheat and become hypothermic very quickly. Overheating can cause convulsions and even loss of consciousness for a child. And after hypothermia, the child, as a rule, gets a cold or runny nose. To avoid such troubles, it is enough to periodically check whether your baby is cold or, conversely, overheated. Most the right way To check this, touch the baby’s neck. Ideally, it should be warm, not cold or hot. The temperature of the nose, arms or legs does not always indicate the condition of the baby. If your baby is hot, he will most likely be capricious, his face will turn red, his skin will become wet, and his lips will become dry. If he is cold, then one can also expect whims; his condition can be determined by a reddened nose and a cold fold of the neck. But it should be recalled that all children are individual; in case of discomfort, a child can sit quietly and not be capricious. This is why it is so important to periodically check for yourself whether the baby is comfortable.

    How to pack a newborn for a walk

    When going for a walk, be sure to take into account the characteristics of babies described above. You should also keep in mind that the weather can be very changeable. Therefore, you should have things with you for all occasions.

    What you might need when walking with a newborn baby in the heat:

    • For a newborn baby in the heat it will never be superfluous light diaper, which, if necessary, can either cover the baby or use it as a canopy, a shield from direct rays above the stroller;
    • Warm blanket, oddly enough, can also be useful for a newborn baby on a walk in the heat. In case of a sudden change in weather, it will protect the baby from strong winds. And if the weather, on the contrary, is very good, then you can put it on the grass in the park, using it as a bedding for yourself and the baby;
    • Knitted blouse A must have in the kit of an adult who goes for a walk in the summer with a newborn in case of evening coolness. Remember - newborn babies can become hypothermic very quickly;
    • You can’t go out for a walk with a newborn in the heat, or without water bottles. Your baby should be offered a drink several times during your walk, especially in extreme heat.

    How to dress a newborn baby in hot weather:

    1. The most comfortable temperature for a newborn is +24-25C, no matter whether the baby is at home or outdoors. At this degree, the child will have enough of the following set of clothes: a) a vest with rompers; b) Body with long sleeve and "legs"; c) bodysuit - T-shirt, T-shirt, shorts, light socks. If the temperature is higher, then dress the child a little lighter - a) a bodysuit with short sleeves, light socks; b) T-shirt with shorts; c) a dress.
    2. Summer clothes should be made only from cotton, WITHOUT the addition of synthetics. Baby skin is very sensitive and delicate, it needs to breathe. Breathable fabric maintains constant air exchange underneath, which protects the baby's skin from overheating.
    3. Pay attention to the back of the clothing. It should be without seams, downsides Applications must also be made with high quality, otherwise you risk injuring the delicate baby skin.
    4. Newborn babies grow very quickly. In just the first four months of life, they are capable of doubling or even tripling their weight. And such cute, tiny clothes become too small very quickly. What a pity! Young mothers and fathers are so moved by the sight of a newborn in these tiny things, they lose their heads and, often, try to dress these things until the last minute. But you shouldn’t do this in the heat! A newborn's clothes in hot weather must be spacious. This applies to both clothes and panama hats! If a newborn’s clothes or headdress fit tightly, the thermal effect will only increase! In this case, the cap and clothes only cause harm!

    Safety measures when walking a newborn baby in the summer, in the heat:

    • In the summer, spend as much time as possible outdoors with your baby! But remember that in the period from 12 to 15 hours, the activity of the sun's rays is very dangerous. This is dangerous for the skin of an adult, let alone a newborn, whose skin thickness is hundreds of times thinner than that of an adult. During this period of time, refrain from walking;
    • It is recommended to relax with your baby only in the shade, at any time of the day;
    • When bathing or taking air baths in the open sun, a newborn or a child up to one year old can be left naked for no more than 15-20 minutes;
    • You should also not be in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes. The fabric also transmits ultraviolet radiation, so a baby can get sunburned even without undressing;
    • The skin of babies is especially vulnerable, so summer children's clothing should be light colors, and a hat should be white. This is ideal. These colors reflect sunlight better than others;
    • Only the sun's rays reflected from the foliage bring benefit to the baby, so stick to the shade. Try to take your child for walks in the park more;
    • Don’t be afraid of rainy or windy days in summer; in such weather you really need to go for a walk with your child. Per layer cotton clothes put on an additionally warm enough one-piece overalls, for example, made of fleece, or cover the baby with a light but thick blanket or diaper;
    • If you prefer a sling for a walk, then, firstly, you should think about the color of the sling, preferably it should be light in color. A child in a sling needs a minimum of clothing; in hot weather he can be there in a diaper and a Panama hat. But if you plan to take your newborn out of the sling during a walk, then be sure to put a bodysuit on him, and take rompers with you for the walk, which you will put on the baby after he leaves his secluded place.

      /  Child and heat: how to help your baby?

    Mothers who wrap their babies in warm socks, rompers, suits and overalls for half an hour wait for warmer weather with special impatience. But the long-awaited summer most often does not come alone, taking with it the heat and stuffiness. But the heat for a baby, with its thermoregulation system not yet strengthened, is far from the most Better conditions. How to help your baby during the hot season?

    In this article we will talk about how to help your child survive the heat.

    At home

    My home is my castle. And it would be nice if coolness reigned in this fortress in summer. To do this, you need to prevent the air from drying out and heating up. Be sure to ventilate the room, but do it in right moment: early in the morning before 7 o'clock or in the evening after 21. It is at this time that the air outside is the freshest and coolest.

    And here open windows throughout the day, they will most likely play a cruel joke on you. This measure will only warm the air in the house. It is better to close them and hang thick curtains to prevent sunlight from entering the room.

    You can humidify the air using an ordinary spray bottle, periodically spraying water from it around the room, or placing containers of water on high cabinets. Those who are accustomed to enjoying the benefits of civilization will prefer air conditioning. The main thing is to put it into action according to all the rules. So, the air conditioner should only work in an empty room. You must first cool the air, turn off the device, and only then bring the baby into the bedroom.

    Many mothers note that children sleep very restlessly in the heat, so pay close attention to the above tips.

    On a walk

    Is it possible to walk with a child in the heat and how to do it correctly? First of all, in the summer it is better to reconsider your walking schedule with your child. As they say, whoever gets up early is more comfortable walking on the streets that are not yet heated by hot air. It is better to plan outings with a stroller before 10 am and after 5 pm. The heat during this period has not yet reached its peak or, on the contrary, has already begun to lose its position.

    Escape the heat outside the city: 40 best places for a family holiday!

    But parents who love impromptu walks on the balcony are advised to give them up. The temperature inside a closed stroller is usually an order of magnitude higher than outside.

    In the car and bus

    Remember one more very important thing - never leave your child in the car in the heat! This way you are putting your baby in mortal danger. The temperature inside a locked car can reach up to 60 degrees!

    If a child becomes ill from overheating in the car, then you should take him out as quickly as possible to the coolest place with an influx of water. fresh air. Remove clothes, including a diaper, provide plenty of fluids, and wipe the baby with a handkerchief soaked in water. All this time you need to keep the baby in a position with his head raised. If necessary, call an ambulance.

    If you are planning a trip to public transport- stock up on children's wet wipes and plain drinking water.

    The right outfit

    The change of season is a great reason to update your wardrobe. Well, in the case of a baby - its correct composition. How to dress a child in the heat? Try to choose loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabrics for your baby. light shades. For example, cotton or linen. Such things allow air to pass through well and do not rub the skin.

    Include a hat on your shopping list. Panama hat, hat or cap - this is not only fashion accessory, but also protection from sunstroke. But socks and slippers are not at all obligatory; summer is the time to show the world the famous pink heels “like a baby’s.”

    At home, you can refuse to adhere to the rules of the dress code, giving preference to a free style. You can even be very “free” - naked or in a thin bodysuit. During particularly hot weather, try to avoid using diapers.


    We have already talked about what to feed a child in the heat. But what about baby nutrition? The hot season also affects their appetite. In the summer you want to eat much less, but drink more.

    At breastfeeding Most likely, the child will want to eat meals almost hourly. But at the same time, eat very little, thereby compensating for the lack of moisture. But giving water during breastfeeding is still not recommended. For kids on artificial feeding On the contrary, it is necessary to give water regularly, but not before feeding. A bottle of water should become your constant companion. It is quite enough to offer about 50-100 ml of liquid every hour and a half.

    But there is no need to change the amount of food. Do not reduce or increase the amount of the mixture, continue to act according to the instructions. Besides, the hot season is not the best best time for weaning, introducing complementary foods and new foods. Pediatricians recommend waiting out this stressful time and postponing what was planned for a month or two.

    All year long we look forward to the warm summer sun, but in the summer we usually begin to suffer from the heat and hide from it in houses and cars with air conditioning. Some people save themselves with cold kvass, others try to escape from the hot city closer to water and nature. For many people, exposure to heat is medically contraindicated. Heat can have a negative impact on work of cardio-vascular system and other organs and systems.

    It is very difficult for small children to tolerate the heat. Babies have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so they may be at risk of overheating, heatstroke, sunstroke, and sunburn.

    Many young mothers underestimate the danger of overheating, but we must remember that for a child under three years of age, overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia. Therefore, in the summer it is necessary to try with all your might to prevent the child from overheating.

    Water treatments help beat the heat

    Everyone knows how nice it is to take a cool, refreshing shower in the sweltering summer heat, but for this reason few people offer such pleasure to their child. Most people motivate this by the fact that a child can catch a cold from cool water. But this is not true, you can catch a child’s cold if you dip him in ice water, but water at room temperature will not cause any harm, especially in hot weather. If you want to ease your child's condition, you can bathe him in a refreshing shower three to four times a day.

    If this is not possible, then you can pour yourself from a jug or wipe yourself with a damp towel. This will help you tolerate high temperatures more easily and avoid overheating. Just wipe your face with a damp handkerchief, and it will become much easier. It is very important to dry your baby after bathing and use not too cold water for bathing. After all, none of us likes to take a bath in an ice-cold shower. If we are talking about older children, then they water treatments

    will also be very useful. If you have the opportunity to swim in an open body of water, you can do so, but only if you take all precautions.

    One of summer rules says - you need to drink in the heat. This rule applies to everyone without exception, even the smallest children. You can often hear the opinion that infants do not require additional supplementation, since they consume only liquid food - milk. This is a mistake, milk is a food, not a drink, and in high temperatures it cannot provide required amount

    liquids. The baby will ask for the breast more often, but not from hunger, but from thirst, and as a result, he will simply overeat without receiving the required volume of fluid. Most modern pediatricians insist that it is necessary to feed infants in extreme heat. You can drink from a bottle, but if you are afraid to accustom your baby to it, you will have to drink from a spoon. Babies up to one year old should receive approximately 130 - 150 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight every day. Children from one to three years old need 100-120 ml. In this case, all fluid intake into the body, including food, is taken into account.

    If your baby eats juicy fruits, purees, etc., he needs a little less clean water. What drinks can be offered to children? It is best to give infants plain purified water or special baby drinks. Compote from . For older children, you can offer almost any fruit drinks, compotes, unsweetened juices diluted with water, weak green tea

    or plain water. You can drink natural fermented milk drinks without sugar or fillers. What should you not drink? First of all, these are any sweet sodas. They contain a lot of sugar, carry extra calories, and are very poor at quenching thirst. For the same reason, you should avoid sweet juices. They contain too little water and too much sugar and pulp. Children under 3-4 years old should not drink kvass, as it is a fermentation product. Kvass is not prohibited for older children, but you need to choose a quality one natural product and drink it in small quantities

    . And, of course, children should not drink coffee, strong tea, energy drinks and other caffeine-containing drinks, since they have very little in common with quenching thirst, but they negatively affect the functioning of the nervous system and have a pronounced diuretic effect.

    Proper nutrition for a child in the heat It is very important to create the right summer menu, which should include light but nutritious food.

    The main meal should be moved to the evening, when the heat subsides a little. Then you can try to feed the child with other relatively heavy foods. Until the heat subsides, preference should be given to fruit and vegetable dishes. You can offer your baby low-fat yogurt or other fermented milk product. Light porridge is good for breakfast.

    If the baby is on breastfeeding, then you shouldn’t start introducing complementary foods in the heat of the day, It’s better to wait until the weather becomes more favorable or even until autumn. Also, you should not introduce new products in the midst of heat, especially if it concerns meat products that are quite complex for a growing body.

    The right summer clothes for your baby

    It is very important to choose the right clothes for your child in hot weather. It should be made from natural fabrics and have a simple, loose cover. It is best to choose light-colored outfits made from cotton or linen fabrics. Children tend to sweat a lot, and loose clothing helps them dry and cool faster. If you wear tight or tight clothing, you can get diaper rash and abrasions on the skin. Often in such weather a characteristic rash appears - prickly heat, which is precisely a consequence of insufficient ventilation.

    We must not forget about a hat in the heat.
    It, like clothing, should be made of natural light fabric and not too tight. A hat or panama hat should have a wide brim, a cap should have a fairly large visor. This will help protect your baby's eyes from the sun.

    If you are walking with a baby under six months old who is still in a stroller, do not forget to check whether the stroller is too hot and whether there is enough air in it. You should not swaddle your baby, since there is no wind in the stroller; you can get by with a diaper and a vest, or even just one diaper.

    Protecting baby's skin during the heat

    Many mothers and children try to escape the sweltering heat on the beach. This decision is not without common sense, since it is always cooler near the water and there is an opportunity to swim. But It’s important to remember that it’s much easier to get sunburned here than in the shade of trees. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of protecting the baby’s skin.

    Light clothing and a hat, as well as the right sunscreen, will help you avoid getting burned. If you choose a cream, you need to pay attention to the SPF number. It indicates the solar protection factor, or more precisely, how many times the time spent in the sun will increase the field of use of this cream. In addition, when choosing a cream, it is necessary to take into account the baby’s phototype, the color of his skin, hair and eyes.

    Doctors usually believe that children's skin can withstand exposure to direct sunlight for 5 minutes without damage. If we choose a cream with SPF 10, this means that we can stay in the sun ten times longer - 50 minutes. Of course, this does not mean that after using the cream you can send your child into the sun for 50 minutes; it does not protect from heat.

    For children it is better to choose creams with strong defense, with SPF from 10 to 30. It is very important that the packaging indicates the UVB, UVA markings, this means that the cream also protects against ultraviolet rays A and B. The cream must be applied 20-30 minutes before going outside and after each swim.

    The correct mode of walking in the summer heat

    Very often, parents, afraid of overheating their baby, begin to limit walks, preferring to sit under the air conditioner. This is not entirely correct, the baby needs walks and sunlight, because the sun helps us produce vitamin D. That is why walking is necessary, but the time of walking needs to be changed a little - you can go outside from 8 to 11 and after 16 hours of the day.

    It is best to walk in the shade of trees. When it comes to traveling and vacationing with children, moderation must also be observed here. It’s not worth going to the seaside or to a country where the climate is sharply different from yours with children under three years old.

    Adapting to new conditions may become too difficult for them. As soon as the child adapts to the new climate, he will have to go back and get used to it again, which will become additional stress. If you want to change the situation and go somewhere in the summer, then the best option there will be a dacha near his hometown.

    Here you feel the heat much less, you can set up an inflatable pool and splash around all day, you can relax under the shade of trees and you don’t have to strain your body to adapt. The seas will wait until the baby is at least three years old.

    Correct behavior in transport in the heat (Video)

    How can you help yourself and your child during the trip and prevent them from happening? If you plan to travel by public transport, you need to stock up on plain water and wet wipes.

    You can wipe your face and limbs with napkins, you can drink water, and you can use it to moisturize your skin. An improvised fan made from any paper or clothing will also help. If you are traveling in a car without air conditioning, then do not forget to open the windows and never leave your baby alone in the car, even for a few minutes. Even if it’s only +25 degrees outside, the temperature in the car can rise to 40 degrees in just a few minutes. Too many children have been harmed in this way for us to forget about

    simple rules


    Let's figure out how to protect a newborn from overheating.
    Abnormal heat is tormenting everyone this summer, young and old. Adults and older children adapt to it more easily thanks to air conditioning, cold drinks and ice cream, and swimming in ponds. It is much more difficult for newborn babies to adapt to the heat, because they have not developed a thermoregulation mechanism. What needs to be done to ensure that the baby feels normal in the most intense heat? Mother's care is the basis for the baby's well-being Modern pediatrics believes that a newborn child needs biological maternal warmth for thermal adaptation, a portion of which the baby needs every 20 minutes. With properly organized breastfeeding, holding (carrying the baby in your arms) and sleeping together, the newborn receives the optimal amount of mother's warmth. This ensures not only the baby’s gentle adaptation to life outside the mother’s womb, but also forms

    correct work

    all systems of the baby's body.
    Previously, pediatricians, mothers and grandmothers paid more attention to ensuring that the newborn child did not freeze. However, the problem of protecting babies from overheating is no less pressing. After all, a newborn baby with an undeveloped thermoregulation system can easily get heatstroke in the summer. He doesn't have to be in the sun to do this. Factors that cause heat stroke in infants are a stuffy room with high temperature air, insufficient water, incorrectly selected clothing.

    In hot weather, your baby should not be left alone at home or in a closed car, even if he is sleeping. During your absence, a newborn who has not undergone thermal adaptation may suffer from the heat. If the baby’s skin first turns red and then suddenly becomes pale, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is almost no sweating or urination, the heart rhythm is disturbed, convulsions begin - you need to call an ambulance, as these are signs heatstroke. Before doctors arrive, it is necessary to reduce the baby’s body temperature by wiping him with cool water and try to give him plenty of fluids.

    How to help your baby cope with the heat
    In order for your newborn baby to cope well with a very hot summer, you need to:

    Walk in a shady place in the morning (from 8 to 11 o’clock) and in the evening (after 18 o’clock); Do not leave the stroller in the open sun under any circumstances; wear cotton clothes with short sleeves and pants and a light cap; the stroller should be open, with the mosquito net raised to provide air access to the baby; take some water in a bottle with you for a walk; Windows should be kept open, but make sure there is no draft; The baby can be wiped with water at room temperature; On hot summer nights, do not cover the baby with a blanket; it is better to put on a light blouse or cover him with a sheet. During the night, it is necessary to regularly check whether the baby is cold.

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