• Sports entertainment for children of the middle group "Journey to the underwater world." Integrated lesson in the second junior group: “Dolphins”



    — consolidate ideas about marine life and water transport;

    - develop imagination, memory, pantomimic and verbal expressiveness, spatial orientation, physical skills;

    — to develop the ability to play together, interest in sea creatures, and professions of people associated with the sea.

    The teacher tells the children that they will go on a sea voyage and become real sea wolves, as experienced sailors are called. He asks what type of transport can be used to travel across the sea, on its surface and under water.

    The children answer.

    The teacher suggests taking the train to the sea. Children are built like a train. “They go” and sing the song “Cheerful Friends.”

    Journey to the sea

    (Difficult words)

    Good old diesel locomotive

    He took us to the sea in the summer.

    The beach and waterfalls await us,

    We will also be glad to have fruits.

    Fast motor ship

    We'll be lucky by sea.

    We will become divers

    We'll get various treasures.

    Children come to the warm sea. The teacher asks who was at sea? What did you like about your vacation? What unusual did the children see there? How does a holiday at sea differ from a holiday on a river in our area?

    The children answer.

    The teacher suggests exploring the bottom of the sea. Put on a diving suit and go underwater. Underwater, you can’t normally communicate or talk, so you can communicate through movements.

    My skillful hands

    My hands are waves

    (Children depict a wave with their hands.)

    The wind drives them forward.

    (They throw their hands forward sharply.)

    My hands are the wings of seagulls,

    (Smoothly raise and lower your hands.)

    The sky is calling them to itself.

    (They raise their hands up.)

    My hands are like fish in the sea,

    (Connect fingers with pads and perform smooth movements.)

    They swim back and forth.

    (Half-bent fingers point down and move them.)

    My hands are crabs

    They ran away in all directions.

    Let's go down to the bottom of the sea -

    (They squat.)

    There are corals there, like branches,

    (Depict branches with hands with fingers spread.)

    Algae along the current

    We swayed without wind.

    (They lower their hands and shake them smoothly.)

    Here a playful horse floated by,

    (One arm is bent at the elbow, the hand is lowered, depicting the head of a skate.)

    A moray eel crawls like a snake,

    (Depict a wave with their hand.)

    And the shark is resting.

    (Fold two outstretched arms.)

    She's probably dreaming of the sea.

    (Place palms under cheeks, close eyes.)

    The teacher asks the children what else they saw underwater.

    Children talk.

    The teacher draws attention to the sea. It's worried. Offers to play the active game “The Sea is Troubled”, depicting sea animals.

    The teacher says it’s time to go to sea on a ship. Before going to sea, you need to sing the favorite song of Norwegian sailors. She asks the children to help her with this.

    We are raising anchors

    And we set sail a little before dawn.

    The sea is calling

    The wind sings.

    We are raising anchors

    And we set sail a little before dawn.

    Remember your land!

    Cheer up!

    The captain is chosen. The teacher offers to test the captain's courage.

    Brave Captain

    I'm standing on the bridge

    (Children spread their legs wide, hands on their belts.)

    And I hold binoculars in my hands.

    (Image binoculars with fingers and bring them to eyes.)

    The waves splash lightly

    (Depict lightly with your hands wave.)

    The pitching is quiet for now.

    (Sway slightly from side to side.)

    The waves suddenly became strong,

    (Depict a strong wave with their hands.)

    And everyone fell from the pitching.

    (They squat.)

    I hold on to the rope tightly,

    (They clench their fists tightly, pretending to tread a rope.)

    Suddenly the wind blew off my cap,

    (The hand is brought to the head and sharply pulled to the side.

    I began to catch with my hand,

    (Imitate catching a cap.)

    Almost fell off the bridge.

    (Balance with hands.)

    The captain passed the test. The ship moves on. Dolphins appear ahead. The teacher offers to show how dolphins spin, jump high, dive, etc., and sing a song about dolphins from the cartoon “Katerok”.

    The captain sees a sailboat ahead.


    Under white sails,

    Blown by the winds

    A beautiful sailboat glides

    Splashed by the waves.

    He doesn't need peace

    He strives forward.

    And for movement the wind

    It will only come in handy for him.

    The teacher notices that the sailboat suddenly stopped. The wind stopped blowing. The sea is calm. Offers to help the sailboat - ask the wind to blow again. The teacher asks the children to remember how Prince Elisha from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" was requested by the wind. Only we will ask him not for the princess, but for him to help the sailing ship.

    Wind, wind! You are powerful

    You are chasing flocks of clouds,

    You stir the blue sea

    Everywhere you breathe in the open air...

    Enough for you, wind, to sleep,

    Inflate the sails again.

    Children turn to the wind and then imitate it.

    The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sailboat has moved and is approaching them. It turned out to be a small sailing motor vessel - a bot. Offers to sail on a boat.

    Sea adventure


    By chance we came across a bot.

    Haven't been on the ship before.

    We rush forward under sails,

    The distance of the sea calls to itself.

    For some reason they took the bots with them.

    The bot was immediately lost.

    The wave took them for itself -

    She's such a fashionista!

    Two children use their hands to depict a sail, the rest depict a pitching motion.

    You can use the song “White Cap” (music by V. Model, lyrics by 3. Alexandrova), to which children dance a sailor dance on the deck of a sailboat.

    The teacher notices that there is some kind of pipe sticking out of the water ahead. He asks what could it be? The children come to the conclusion that this is a submarine periscope. The teacher invites the children to become such a military submarine, to swim underwater so quietly that the enemy does not hear the movement of the vehicle.

    Children stand in a column one after another, squat down, cling to each other's shoulders, and lower their heads. In complete darkness at the bottom of the sea, the boat is controlled by the captain (the very first). The children follow him squatting very quietly, walking around coral reefs, underwater mountains, swimming past whales and sharks.

    The submarine sails into the harbor. All the sailors are happy, congratulate the captain, sing him the song “Once upon a time there lived a brave captain” (music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach).

    Finally, the children remember where they were and what they saw. They are planning further sea voyages.


    "Journey to the underwater world."


    1) introduce children to marine life;

    2) teach to work in a team;

    3) develop agility, speed, jumping ability, balance, coordination of movements, imagination.

    Progress of the lesson.

    Educator: Guys, have you been to the sea? Do you like sea adventures? Let's go to the sea with you.

    I will become a waterwoman - the queen of the sea.

    For this you need to dress up.

    (Puts on a crown and cape.)

    Educator: But before we go on our journey, first solve the riddle:
    And who is the ruler of the seas and oceans?
    He has a trident without flaws.
    He is a wizard, but not a sorcerer,
    He is the king of the underwater. Who?

    Children: Neptune.

    Educator: Guys, it was not in vain that I asked you this riddle, because this morning I received a letter in an unusual subject.
    Shows a large shell.

    Educator: What do you think this is?

    Children: Shell.

    Educator: That's right, but on the shell there is written from Neptune, there is a letter inside, shall we read it?
    He takes out the letter and reads:
    "Greetings from the depths of the sea!
    The Tsar writes from the seabed.
    I'm crying and there's a reason
    Unfortunately, not alone.
    I'm lonely and bored.
    At the depths of the sea.

    I'm glad to meet you
    I invite you to visit!
    Maybe you will come to me?
    And will you bring some fun?
    Pamper the king
    So that all the seas know
    How they know how to have fun
    Both towns and capitals!

    Educator: Well, guys, are we going to visit the king of the sea? How will we get to it? You can go to the bottom of the sea using a bathyscaphe. A bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it there are many different instruments to observe sea life.
    Children stand in a circle. They take the “porthole” hoop and hit the road (the music “The Sound of the Sea Wave” sounds)

    Neptune appears.
    - I am a proud ruler of the seas,
    Pisces, dolphin lord.
    My palace is at the bottom of the sea,
    All strewn with amber.
    Neptune: Hello my friends! I see that the shell delivered my message to you. And you are here! I am very happy!
    Educator: Dear Neptune, we are glad to have your invitation and will be happy to play and have fun with you!
    And now the children want to read you a poem:

    He is the smartest of animals Sonya
    At sea and on land.
    Saves drowning people.
    He's the best at this.

    Shark is trouble of all seas, Zhenya
    The culprit of revelry.
    She's not hungry right now:
    The shark ate the mule -

    Sea Horse.
    Seahorse like a little hunchback, Gleb
    Frozen with a silent question:
    Will he get his comb?
    He has a long, sensitive nose.
    Neptune praises children for poetry

    Neptune: Guys, I received a message that during a storm the waves washed ashore jellyfish. We need to help them return to the sea. But a strong wind destroyed the rocks, and the passage to the sea was blocked with stones.

    Educator: Don't worry, Neptune, the children will save the jellyfish and return them to the sea. Can you help, guys?

    Relay race “Saving Jellyfish”.

    Children are divided into two teams. Everyone is given a jellyfish (craft). On command, the child runs like a snake between the modules (stones), throws the jellyfish into the basin (sea), comes back like a snake, passes the baton to the next one.

    Neptune: Well done guys, you saved the jellyfish. If you want to play some more, then you need to solve the riddle.

    He is gray, he is black,

    Very playful and agile.

    He swims and dives

    And sometimes he saves people.


    Children: dolphins

    Educator: Children, dolphins love to play, just like you, let’s turn around ourselves and turn into dolphins

    Relay "Dolphins".

    Task: jump over the bar, crawl into the “tunnel”, ring the bell, go back, pass the baton to the next one.

    Neptune: I see that your guests are somehow bored, and now I’ll tell riddles about sea creatures, and see how well they know who lives in the sea.

    Don't you know me?

    I live at the bottom of the sea.

    Head and eight legs

    That's all I am...(octopus).

    Island with fountain

    The seas roam

    It won't hurt you

    His name is...(whale).

    Predatory, big fish

    It hit like a block.

    Instantly swallowed the victim


    Educator: Well guys, let's continue to amuse our king Neptune.

    Let's Play.

    Relay race “Catch a fish, both small and large”

    Children are divided into two teams.

    The basins contain balls (“sea urchins”) and fish according to the number of players. And opposite there are baskets. On command, the child takes the fish or “ sea ​​urchin" from the basin, runs and throws into the basket, comes back, passes the baton to the next one.

    Neptune: Well done boys!

    Relay race “Water, water...”.

    Children are divided into two teams.

    There are transparent buckets of water on the tables. Opposite are chairs with empty transparent buckets. The child takes a mug, draws water and runs, runs to an empty bucket, pours water into the bucket, returns to the team, passes the baton to the next one.

    Educator: Guys, did you like sea adventures? And King Neptune liked it too, look how cheerful he has become, he will even dance with you.

    Rhythmic cheerful dance.

    Educator: Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, dive into the submersible, take your seats, let’s go. (to the soundtrack “The Sound of the Sea Wave”)

    World Sea Day holiday for children senior group preschool educational institution

    Author : Salimova Evgenia Igorevna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten No. 65 in Orel.
    Description of work: I bring to your attention a lesson summary for the senior group kindergarten. In this work, the guys will get acquainted with the amazing holiday that is celebrated in our country in last week September, World Maritime Day. In the process of getting acquainted with the tasks of this holiday, we will get acquainted with the marine inhabitants and flora of the sea.
    Relevance of the topic : interest in sea creatures evokes positive emotions in children. And if you add a festive mood to the emotions, you will get an amazing event that will remain in the memory of the children. This way the child learns the material better.
    Target: Introducing children to the holiday<< Всемирный День Моря>>.
    Developmental: introduce children to the purpose of this holiday. To form an idea of ​​the richness of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them.
    Educational: Expand children's horizons about the flora and fauna of the seabed.
    Educational: To foster a caring attitude and a desire to help preserve the seas and their biological resources.
    Preliminary work: Making various fish, corals, algae to imitate the seabed, conversations on marine topics, making masks on this topic, reading fiction, observing on a map and getting to know different seas.
    Material for work: decorative fish, algae, corals, shells, Carnival masks, soundtrack (you can choose any music), Crab toy.

    Progress of the event :
    Educator: Hello guys. Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Sea Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1978. It is celebrated in the last week of September. What do you think is the purpose of this holiday?
    Children's answers.
    Educator: The purpose of this holiday throughout the world is to attract the attention of the public, government and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Traditionally, Sea Day is held in kindergartens, schools, and libraries in the form of competitions and festivals that tell the younger generation about the richness of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them. Tell me, how do you think the seas and oceans are useful to us?
    Children's answers.
    In their waters, people catch fish, which they then eat. Some algae, such as kelp (seaweed), are beneficial to our body. It contains a high content of vitamins and minerals. One of the oldest Japanese legends tells us about the wise ruler Shan Gin. On the verge of death from cruel conquerors, he appealed to the gods. And the gods brought a wonderful drink that gives strength, durability, fearlessness and longevity. To deliver the drink to all the islands of the state, the daughter of the ruler, the beautiful Yui, drank it and threw herself into the sea. The gods turned Yui into kelp, which absorbed all the power of the divine drink. The algae quickly spread around the islands. Having tried them, the exhausted residents gained resilience and strength, and the enemy was defeated...

    During the story, an image of kelp is shown.
    Educator: Often enough public organizations This holiday is celebrated by cleaning public beaches, as well as rallies and marches in defense of the seas. What can we do?
    Children's answers.
    I suggest you go to the bottom of the sea and see what kind of inhabitants live there.
    Physical exercise "Sea"
    The sea is very wide
    (Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
    The sea is very deep.
    (They squat, touching the floor with their hands.)
    Fish live there, friends,
    (Perform the “Fish” movement.)
    But you can’t drink water.
    (They spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)
    Educator: Now we can dive to the seabed. Look around, what do you see?
    Children's answers.
    Let's meet some of the inhabitants. Look, there's a crab hiding under a stone. Hello, Grandpa Crab.
    Children greet the Crab.
    Crab: Hello Hello! Who came to visit us?
    Educator: Children from kindergarten came to visit you. They want to get to know the inhabitants of the seabed.
    Crab: This is good! I really love riddles, listen to this:
    A flock is sailing on the sea,
    It makes a wonderful sound,
    Curious, playful,
    With fins, but not fish!
    Answer: Dolphins
    Author: Leonov V.A.

    Educator: What do you know about dolphins?
    Children's answers.
    Dolphins are very smart and amazingly developed mammals. An inexplicable love for people, the amazing process of sleep - these and many other mysteries about dolphins are constantly being studied and confirmed by new facts. It seems that a dolphin looks like a shark, but this is not the case at all. Although they have a fin and impressive teeth, they are not predators at all and, strictly speaking, are not even fish. You talked about how dolphins love children. Some children are specially brought to the dolphins and allowed to swim in the pool together. The child emerges from the water as a completely new person. This is explained by the fact that the dolphin seems to see right through a person and if something hurts, he feels it and can help. Being near them, we calm down and tune in to an optimistic mood, we gain new strength, lightness and joy. Let’s not forget that dolphins always treat us with selfless love and tenderness; any person should learn this attitude.
    Across the sea-ocean
    A huge giant is swimming.

    Educator: Whales are the largest animals on Earth. These are wonderful creatures, and not at all evil inhabitants of the oceans. Whales get their name from the old Greek word ketos (sea monster). They look a little scary, but they are not at all dangerous to people, whales are not predators. And even though outwardly they are huge fish, inside they are not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the oceans. The whale cannot chew anything and has to swallow his entire meal. Scientists often talk about the extraordinary ability of whales to communicate with each other. They send signals at their own frequency and can tell their relatives about anxiety or fear, even complain about pain. The whale is a family animal that prefers to stay in large groups. Whales are on the verge of extinction and we must take care of them and show respect for these huge creatures of nature.
    Crab: What other inhabitants of the seas and oceans do you know?
    Children's answers.
    What a great fellow you are! Look, do you see?
    Islands in the ocean
    From living matter.
    And the polyps are hard,
    Very, very proud -
    Without stones and without earth
    They were able to build reefs. (Corals, coral polyps, coral reefs)
    Educator: Fish live on reefs, let's see what they are like.
    The children and the teacher are looking at the reef, near which many different fish have gathered.
    Educator: Let's play a little.
    Outdoor game<<Море волнуется>>.
    Head and many legs
    And the character is very strict:
    If the guest is not invited to me,
    I'm acting nice -
    I release it into the ocean
    Black ink.(Octopus)

    Educator: There are 200 species of octopuses in the world. If you look closely, you can see a hole or a short tube under the eyes - this is a siphon. The siphon leads into the mantle cavity, into which the octopus draws water. By contracting the muscles of the mantle, he forcefully squeezes water out of the mantle cavity, thereby creating a jet stream that pushes his body forward. It just turns out that the octopus is swimming backwards. These animals have three hearts. Octopuses' blood is...blue! Octopuses have a special ink sac that stores dye for protection. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, or yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons. Octopuses live alone and are very attached to their area. These animals are active in the dark, they sleep with with open eyes(they only constrict their pupils), octopuses turn yellow in their sleep.
    Crab: I see you guys are very inquisitive! Did you know that today we have a carnival on the reefs in honor of Sea Day! I would like to invite you.
    Educator: Thank you, Grandpa Crab. The guys and I just brought masks for the carnival.
    The teacher takes out the masks. Children get dressed. The sounds of the ocean + melodic music are turned on. Children are having fun and fish are swimming next to them (the fish can be hung on a fishing line, thus creating the effect that they are on the seabed).

    Holiday on the water “In the land of dolphins”

    Target : create conditions for the creative manifestation of children’s skills in games and exercises, to strengthen their friendly relationships.


    • to promote the health of children and the development of their physical qualities in various play situations;
    • promote the development of swimming skills;
    • foster feelings of camaraderie, mutual assistance and the desire to achieve team success.

    Material and design:queen costume, throne, scepter, sea scenery, letter, floating and sinking objects (packages, leaves, etc.), hoops according to the number of children, stand with cards, “key” and “water” sheets, each consisting of six cards, boxes, 4 keys, chest, shell, multi-colored balls, kinder surprises, chain, 2 tunnels, amulets according to the number of children, armbands.

    TCO: music center, soundtracks with energetic, cheerful music for performing a complex of water aerobics, games and game exercises, as well as relaxation music for low-mobility play.

    Duration of the holiday: 40-45 min.

    Celebration progress:

    Children enter the pool and line up.

    HOST: Guys, a postman has just sailed from the distant country of Dolphin and brought me a letter saying that in the distant kingdom of the sea, a disaster happened, the water became muddy and dirty. All the sea inhabitants have left this region, only the Queen of the Sea sits and is sad. Silence and sadness fell in the country. Let's go there and help the kingdom return to its former life.

    CHILDREN: Let's go!

    The children go on a journey to the country of Dolphinho.

    HOST: Look how dirty the sea is. Let's clean up the sea.

    CHILDREN: Let's go!

    Game "Clean Sea" ( cm.

    Children enter the water by jumping upside down or with their feet. They “clean” the sea by collecting objects floating on the surface of the water and lying on the bottom.

    The sad sea queen comes in.

    QUEEN: What a miracle the water suddenly became clean. Who tried so hard, weren’t you, dear guests?

    CHILDREN: We cleaned the sea.

    QUEEN: I see you guys are newcomers. You are trying in vain, there is trouble in this kingdom, fun and play have disappeared, all the inhabitants have sailed to distant lands.

    HOST: It’s not a problem. We know good recipe from sadness and blues. You need to do fun exercises to become cheerful and cheerful. Do with us Queen.

    Water aerobics complex with hoops “Fun”" (cm. Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No. 2).

    QUEEN: Oh, thank you, I kneaded the bones well. She became cheerful and cheerful.

    HOST: What’s more, we can not only do exercises in the water, but also dive.

    (cm. Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No. 1).

    Children dive into a hoop lying on the water in front of them.

    QUEEN: Well done, you are very similar to my children - dolphins. But this is not enough.

    HOST: And we not only know how to imitate dolphins, but also other sea animals. Really, guys?

    CHILDREN: Yes!

    (cm. Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No.).1

    The presenter names the sea dweller, the children show him, imitating his movements.

    • “Starfish” - lying on the chest;
    • “Octopus” - on the count of times - “float”,

    On the count of two - lie on your chest;

    • “Seahorse” - jumping forward with your legs crossed, hands behind your back;
    • “Nerpa” - lying on your back, hands on your chest.

    QUEEN: Yes, you know many animals. Help me.

    HOST: Our guys are brave and skillful. How can I help you?

    QUEEN: An evil sea witch has bewitched me and my kingdom. My sea inhabitants have been scattered all over the world, but I can’t remember how to call them back. I really need two brave teams.

    The leader divides the children into two teams.

    QUEEN: On the other bank there are sheets on which are drawn what I must remember. Ready to get them.

    "Sea Relay" ( cm. Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No. 1).

    Stage I

    There are cards on the opposite side. Children start on command one at a time, swim to the side, take one card, swim back, trying not to get the card wet.

    After the last participant arrives, the team collects the cards into one whole sheet and names what is drawn there (the first sheet is “key”, the second sheet is “water”).

    QUEEN: Well done, guys! I remembered that I had to say the cherished phrase “Water is life” into the seashell that lies on my chest, and I can only open it with keys, but I need to find them.

    Stage II

    On the opposite side there are boxes with multi-colored balls. Children on command start one at a time, run to the side, take two balls and run back. At the finish line, the balls are placed in boxes according to color, standing on the side.

    HOST: Guys, what a great fellow you are for sorting everything out by color. Look, the keys have appeared. Take them, Queen.

    The queen takes the keys and tries to open the chest, but nothing works.

    QUEEN: Nothing works, apparently I don’t have enough royal strength. The sorceress took my chain of power and scattered it across the sea. Help me collect.

    Stage III

    On the opposite side there are Kinder surprises with chain links in them. Children on command start one at a time, swim through the tunnel, take the kinder and swim back through the tunnel. As soon as the last participant finishes, the links are collected into one chain.

    HOST: Here is your chain, Queen.

    QUEEN: Thanks, guys! Now I can open the chest and call my subjects. Fun will return again to my country Delphinho. You are so brave and dexterous. Finally, I want to invite you to play a game that my jellyfish like to play.

    (cm. Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No. 1).

    Children wear inflatable sleeves to the music. Standing, arms to the sides, inhale, hold your breath, sit down in the water, and calmly lie on your back. Head on the water, raise your legs, pull your stomach to the surface of the water. Relax and, breathing calmly, imagine that you are lying in the sun and warming yourself.

    HOST: Thank you too, Queen. It's time for us to head back.

    Children come out of the water.

    QUEEN: Because you helped me, I want to give you amulets that will help you return to my country Delphinya whenever you want. You are welcome guests. Goodbye!

    Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No. 1

    Games and play exercises




    Game "Clean Sea"

    They lower themselves into the pool before playing various toys and objects, sinking and floating, packages. Then the task is given to collect all the items. Children enter the water by jumping upside down or with their feet. They “clean” the sea by collecting objects floating on the surface of the water and lying on the bottom.

    4-5 min.

    When jumping, follow the rules of execution. Collect items one at a time, then return to the task again.

    Game exercise “Happy Dolphin”

    Each player is given a hoop. Children dive into a hoop lying on the surface of the water in front of them.

    3 min.

    Make sure you have the correct body position: hands in front, head on hands, feet together.

    Simulation exercise “Inhabitants of the Sea”

    The sea dweller is called the player and then shown in the paintings. Children imitate his movements.

    • "Starfish":
    • - lying on the chest;
    • "Octopus":
    • 1 - “float”,

    2 - lying on the chest;

    • "Sea Horse":
    • - jump forward, legs crossed, hands behind back;
    • "Seal":
    • - lying on your back, hands on your chest.

    3 min.

    "Sea relay":

    Stage I

    Stage II

    Stage III

    There are cards on the opposite side. Children start on command one at a time, swim to the side in any way, take one card, swim back, trying not to get the card wet.

    After the last participant arrives, the team collects the cards into one whole sheet and names what is drawn there. On the first sheet is drawn “key”, on the second - “water”.

    On the opposite side there are boxes with multi-colored balls. Children on command start one at a time, run to the side, take two balls and run back. At the finish line, the balls are placed in boxes according to color, standing on the side.

    On the opposite side there are Kinder surprises with chain links in them. Children on command start one at a time, swim through the tunnel, take kinder surprises and swim back through the tunnel. As soon as the last participant finishes, the links are collected into one chain.

    2-3 min

    2-3 min

    2-3 min

    The sheet is laminated to prevent the design from spreading, then cut into pieces according to the number of participants.

    The balls are distributed by color.

    The tunnel passes by sliding on the chest.

    Relaxation exercise “Medusa”

    Children wear inflatable sleeves to relaxation music. Standing, arms to the sides, inhale, hold your breath, sit down in the water, and calmly lie on your back. Head on the water, raise your legs, pull your stomach to the surface of the water. Relax and, breathing calmly, imagine that you are lying in the sun and warming yourself.

    3-4 min

    Eyes are closed, make sure that the children relax, the body should lie on the surface of the water.

    Supplement to the holiday “In the Land of Dolphins” No. 2

    Water aerobics complex with hoop “Vesele”

    (accompanied by upbeat energetic music)

    Exercise name




    I.p. - O. With. ; walking in place, hoop in front of you

    10-20 s.

    The back is straight, hands with a hoop in front of you, do not bend your elbows


    I.p. – legs apart, hoop in front; 1 - straightening your arms with the hoop up, look at the hoop; 2- return to I.p.

    6-8 times

    Arms straight


    I.p. - Same;

    squat, arms extended forward

    5-6 times

    Back straight


    I.p. - Same;

    bend to the sides, hoop in front of you

    6-8 times


    I.p. - Same;

    raising legs bent at the knee

    6-8 times

    Knee sticking out of hoop


    I.p. - Same; turns

    left to right, arms straight in front of you

    6-8 times


    I.p. - Same; movement of hands with a hoop in the water left to right

    Lyudmila Basova

    Subject: Dolphins.

    Target: Deepen children's knowledge about dolphins. Teach children to portray dolphin outline using cereal. Strengthen children's ability to draw wavy lines with paints (waves). Continue to strengthen children’s ability to use glue and napkins. Develop your eye. Cultivate a love for animals.

    Progress of the lesson:

    V. -They swim in the sea dolphins,

    Backs flash among the waves.

    They were just here

    They played and sailed away.

    Guys, look how beautiful they are! Dolphins move easily and quickly in the water. With a sudden jump, he throws his body out of the water in order to take a breath. Their shiny bodies amaze with their perfectly streamlined shape, reminiscent of a drop or a torpedo. Dolphins They pick up sounds very well in water. They can detect objects from a distance. One day a passenger ship crashed. Several people survived. None of them believed that they would be able to survive. And when they saw a school of sharks approaching them, they said goodbye to each other. But suddenly a miracle happened. A flock rushed swiftly from the open sea dolphins, fearlessly dispersing a school of sharks. And she helped people stay on the water until help arrived.

    Dolphins are very playful. They are peaceful. Once upon a time on the Black Sea, a dolphin. He swam to group bathing children and began to play with them. He allowed himself to be stroked and even to sit astride him. Having had enough fun, dolphin retreated back to sea.

    Dolphin - with fins,

    Big mistake.

    After all, he is extremely

    Talented beast

    Much smarter than fish

    And the focus will show

    And the trick will repeat.

    All fish are silent

    And he says!

    In our Moscow dolphinariums You can see dolphins. They are trained by special trainers. And also dolphins They live in our zoo. (showing photo).

    Today we will do with you dolphins, or rather, we’ll lay it out using cereal. For work you have an image on your desk dolphin on a sheet of paper. I carefully apply glue along the contour and sprinkle with cereal. Shake the excess grains back into the container. (showing). Distribute the cereal equally throughout your body! Now we will place our dolphin in the sea. For this I will take paints. Guys, what color do I need for the sea color? (answers) I type on a brush Blue colour and with wavy movements I draw waves (showing). Take your brushes in your hands and together we’ll create waves in the air. (we do everything together).

    (Independent work with children)

    Look what beautiful work You did it! We will connect them together and we will get a sea, and they float in the sea dolphins!

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