• Bath pleasure with the best body scrub recipes. Rules for using masks in the sauna. Rules for preparing homemade scrubs


    Boys, girls, grandmothers, grandfathers who want to instantly acquire a fresh, blooming body look need to fulfill the only condition: go to a hotly heated bathhouse.

    Well, if you need to smooth out any skin defects: cellulite formations, wrinkles - take with you a bath scrub made at home, preferably from fresh available products: coffee, honey, and sea ​​salt.

    It won't hurt either special masks for hair, face, décolleté, arms/legs, because only steamed clean skin can be deeply cleansed in a matter of seconds and be beneficially saturated with living biologically active healing elements of herbs, fruits, vegetables, and other gifts of nature.

    How to properly exfoliate in a bathhouse, what is better to choose as the main cleansing product?

    1. You can use the mask for any part of the body only after 15 minutes spent in the steam room, that is, when “7 sweats have come off,” not earlier, on a previously cleanly washed body. At the same time, the efficiency of pore cleansing increases by 3-4 times. If steaming is unbearable for the body, do the procedures at the end of bathing, but before the final rinsing with cool water, that is, in those minutes when the skin is glowing with heat.
    2. Do not use factory-made scrubs and bath masks. The greatest benefits will come from homemade products made from fresh berries, fruits, vegetables, honey, in combination with ground coffee beans (or dried grounds), salt, honey, clay, etc. Wonderful therapeutic effect spanking problem areas with brooms made of birch, oak, rowan, and medicinal herbs.
    3. To avoid losing healing vitamins while briskly splashing around in the heat and steam, take scrub products with you and make a scrub before applying it. Warm it up to body temperature, distribute it over the body in circular massage movements with a mitten, sponge or brush.
    4. When making a bath scrub with your own hands, be careful in selecting its components if you are prone to allergies or have difficulty breathing: the fewer aromas, if you are individually intolerant of strong odors, the better.
    5. If you use honey, remember that the optimal temperature for the bioactivity of its elements is no higher than 40 degrees.
    6. Keep the scrub on the body for up to 20 minutes (masks – 15).
    7. The first rinse after the procedure is warm, the second is cool. Then you definitely need a moisturizer.

    To avoid danger heatstroke Hair masks are always done in the last minutes of bathing, when everything else is perfectly cleaned, smoothed, and washed.

    Healing properties of products

    Sea salt

    The number 1 enemy of cellulite and wrinkles is sea salt.

    The unique cleansing abilities of salt are based on changes in the osmotic pressure of cells. It literally dissolves and draws out harmful toxic elements along with excess fluid.

    Exfoliates dead particles skin, heals microcracks, causes tissue regeneration.

    It has a lifting effect and helps return clearer contours to the figure. It enriches the body with healing natural minerals: magnesium, sodium, iodine, selenium, calcium, and many others.

    Ground coffee

    Fresh ground coffee or coffee grounds are a wonderful nutritious natural cleanser.

    Coffee bath scrub gives the skin silky softness, restores elasticity and soft firmness. The healing tonic substances of the product give the skin natural energy and saturate it with valuable vitamins, antioxidants, and enzymes.

    Hair masks with give a wonderful rich shade, treat dandruff, and give a natural healthy shine.
    Do not do the procedure before bed.

    Natural honey

    Fresh natural bee honey from the apiary is a unique healer for a fading and plump figure.

    A bath scrub made from honey and salt instantly restores the correct metabolism of cellular substances, eliminates new fat deposits, and breaks down old reserves in the form of rollers and compactions.

    It draws out toxins of any nature - organic microorganisms and non-living substances: heavy metals.
    Relieves tissue from swelling.

    This is a surprisingly generous substance in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants.

    Body scrubs in the bath, masks, honey wraps are a miracle of transformation of the most neglected figure from the first procedure. The only condition is that parts of the body must be treated one at a time, avoiding covering a large area of ​​skin at once.

    Attention! You cannot use honey in a body bath if you have varicose veins, allergies, scratches, or diabetes.


    Bath scrubs made from finely ground coffee or grounds

    1. Mixture of 4 tbsp. l. heat the powder and 3 honey to 39 degrees, carefully rub in a circle, pat each problem area in turn until the honey elixir is completely absorbed. Rinse, do not use cream.

    2. Mix coffee powder with olive oil, sea salt (or iodized table salt) in equal parts. Follow the cleansing procedure as first described.

    Bath scrub made from honey and salt

    A mixture of 3 tbsp. l. honey and 2 tbsp. l. Mix thoroughly with a heap of salt and apply evenly in portions to problem areas of the body, excluding mucous and delicate tissues. Press the elixir firmly onto the skin for 4 - 5 seconds, sharply remove your hand, then gently massage around the circumference until the honey component is completely absorbed.

    Particularly beneficial for very delicate sensitive skin a combination of applying a scrub in a bath and peeling with a broom. Soft patting will perfectly replace the procedure of rubbing and massage, will prevent possible skin irritation, and the effectiveness of the effects of medicinal substances is practically not reduced.

    Short-term treatment with leaf brooms and honey water is very valuable for old rheumatism, chronic diseases, pregnancy, when scrub bath rubbing and massage are not recommended.

    The beneficial properties of the bath are familiar to everyone. You can make your visit to this establishment more pleasant and healthy with the help of additional cosmetic products, with which you can cleanse your skin, improve its condition, enjoy pleasant moments of self-care and recharge with energy and positivity for the whole week. Recipes for masks and body scrubs for the bath, as well as the rules for their preparation and use will be discussed in this article.

    Rules for the preparation and use of masks and scrubs in the bath

    Correct implementation of all stages of the procedure will make it useful and effective, and will also protect your skin from unexpected problems. negative consequences. We will consider all the subtleties of performing cosmetic procedures in a bathhouse below:

    • All products should be prepared before visiting the bathhouse (if possible, mix the ingredients in the room itself). If the composition of the scrub/mask is stale, then no benefit will follow from the procedure.
    • Before leaving, check the availability of the necessary attributes for the bath: towel, slippers, brushes, shampoo, sheet, broom, ladle, drink, soap, etc. For peeling and masks, you should take a massage glove/brush, brush or spatula to apply the product evenly.
    • The prepared compositions should be used after 2-3 visits to the steam room. By this time the skin will already be steamed and through open pores useful material will easily penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect. Some recipes involve using the product in the steam room itself.
    • The scrub/mask should be warmed up before application. To do this, take it into the steam room and wait until the temperature of the prepared mixture rises. The mixture should be applied after leaving the steam room, in otherwise it will simply drain from the skin along with sweat.
    • Steamed dermis becomes more sensitive to external irritants, so all formulations should be applied with gentle, gentle movements. Avoid applying aggressive substances to sensitive, flaky and irritated areas of the body, and do not disturb areas with cuts, scratches and wounds. To perform peeling using a homemade scrub, it is better to use a massager brush or a special glove.
    • All masks and scrubs must match your dermis type. If discomfort occurs, immediately remove the applied product and avoid using it in the future.
    • You need to wash off the used scrub or mask with warm running water. Before going outside (especially in windy, rainy and frosty weather), apply cream to the skin to moisturize, protect or nourish the dermis.

    Recipes for body scrubs and masks in the bathhouse

    The bathhouse is an excellent place for cosmetic procedures. The masks and scrubs that you decide to use in this establishment should not only be effective, but also easy to prepare. We have listed these recipes below.

    Body masks for the bath

    1. Milk-oat mask with olive oil and yolk with a rejuvenating effect. Brew 120 g of rolled oats flakes ground into flour with boiling milk. Add homemade yolk and 20 ml of olive oil to warm oatmeal. We use a homogeneous mass according to the instructions, keep the mask on for 20 minutes.
    2. Curd and carrot mixture with milk and olive oil for normal dermis. Mix 40 g/ml homemade cottage cheese, olive oil, sour milk and juice extracted from fresh carrots. We use the mixture according to the points listed in the instructions. Wash off after 30 minutes.
    3. Yolk-yeast mask with oil to nourish any skin type. In homemade yolk, stir 20 ml of corn or olive oil and 15 g of brewer's yeast. We use the product according to the standard and wash it off after 15 minutes.
    4. Kefir mask with a moisturizing effect. We heat homemade full-fat kefir to a comfortable temperature and use it in the standard way. We keep this mask for no longer than 15 minutes.
    5. Creamy cucumber mixture with lemon juice to whiten the skin. Pour 60 ml of homemade cream and 15 ml of juice obtained from ripe lemon into 30 g of gruel obtained from fresh cucumber. Apply the mask according to the instructions given in the instructions, wash off after 20 minutes.
    6. Cucumber-oat mask with sour cream for oily dermis. Mix fresh cucumber gruel with 60 g of homemade sour cream and 80 g of flour made from rolled oats. We use the mixture according to the points given in the instructions. Keep the mixture for no longer than 20 minutes.
    7. Mask with salt, water and soda with anti-cellulite effect. Add 30 g of fine salt to 30 g baking soda, dilute the mixture with water until a mushy mass is obtained, which we apply before visiting the steam room. Keep the mask on for no longer than 25 minutes.
    8. Wheat-lemon mask with honey for problem skin. We extract juice from ½ lemon and mix it with 40 g of floral viscous honey and 15 g of wheat bran. We use the composition according to the instructions, rinse off after 20 minutes.
    9. Honey-salt mask to enhance sweating. Everyone knows that in a bath, with the help of high temperature, harmful substances are removed along with sweat, pores are cleansed and blood circulation is improved. You can increase sweating using this remedy: mix 30 g of fine salt with 30 g of melted honey. We use the mixture in the usual way (do not rub the mixture into the dermis, since this product is not a scrub), rinse off after 20 minutes.
    10. Creamy honey mask to eliminate cellulite. Pour 40 ml of homemade cream and 3 ml of ether from any citrus into 40 g of viscous flower honey. Use the mixture according to the instructions and wash off after 15 minutes.

    1. Creamy salt scrub for any skin type. Pour 130 g of chopped salt into 150 ml of homemade cream. Apply the product in a circular motion to the entire body and go to the steam room for 7 minutes. Wash off according to the instructions.
    2. Orange scrub for normal, mixed and oily skin. Grind the dried orange zest to flour and dilute it with warm water (this recipe can also be adapted for dry skin: add 30 g of olive oil or sour cream to the orange mixture). We use the resulting slurry according to the standard and wash it off after 10 minutes.
    3. Mustard-honey scrub with salt and esters for any skin type (except problematic and sensitive). Pour 35 g of ground salt and 5 g of mustard powder into 40 g of melted honey, mix the ingredients and pour 2 ml of orange ether into the mixture (you can replace it with your favorite oil). Apply the scrub according to the instructions and wash off after 7 minutes.
    4. Coffee-yogurt scrub for oily dermis. To 40 g of naturally low-fat yogurt add 40 g of grounds from ground coffee. We use the mixture taking into account the points described in the instructions. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes.
    5. Sugar-olive scrub with the addition of ether for any skin type. Pour 70 ml of olive oil into 90 g of granulated sugar, mix the ingredients and add 4 ml of any citrus essential oil. Use the scrub according to the instructions and wash off after 10 minutes.
    6. Honey-essential scrub for any type of dermis. To 60 g of candied flower honey add 2 ml of esters from bergamot, lavender, rose and orange, as well as 5 ml of coconut and olive oils. Apply the scrub in the usual way and wash off after 15 minutes.
    7. Creamy olive scrub with lemon and oatmeal for dry, sensitive and irritated dermis. In 60 ml olive oil add 60 g of ground oatmeal, 40 ml of homemade cream and 10 ml of juice obtained from ripe lemon. We apply the scrub according to the points given in the instructions, keeping the mixture for no longer than 10 minutes.
    8. Coffee-salt scrub with honey and ether to enhance sweating. To 60 g of melted honey add 40 g of fine salt and 50 g of grounds from brewed coffee beans. We apply the scrub to the body with massage movements and go to the steam room (stay in it for no longer than 5 minutes). We wash off the mass using the standard method.
    9. Coffee-essential scrub with shampoo and honey to eliminate cellulite. Pour 5 ml of esters from cypress, any citrus, bergamot and rosemary into 30 g of melted honey. Add 40 g of ground coffee grounds and 15 ml of natural (preferably herbal) shampoo to the mixture. We use the scrub taking into account the points described in the instructions. Wash off after 10 minutes.
    10. Coffee-cinnamon scrub with olive oil for dry dermis. Pour 30 g of coffee grounds and 5 g of cinnamon powder into 30 g of melted honey. We use the scrub according to the instructions and wash it off after 7 minutes.

    The choice of care product should be approached responsibly: those ingredients that cause allergies should be excluded from the composition of the product being created. cosmetic product. Prepare home remedies based on your skin problems and skin type. We also do not advise you to use masks and scrubs that are used by your friends who visit the bathhouse with you: this way you risk creating problems with the dermis, which may respond with irritation, itching or redness to the unknown components of the borrowed cosmetic product.

    The effectiveness of masks and scrubs in the bath increases by 2 times, so don’t be lazy to prepare these care products and be sure to follow the rules given in our article.

    A simple and affordable scrub for saunas and baths

    After visiting a Russian bath, hammam or sauna, your skin is renewed and becomes soft due to deep cleaning pores, which occurs during exposure to high temperatures and humidity. Try to fill your skin with additional beauty and youth by using bath body scrubs, nourishing masks and special cosmetical tools. The scrub will gently exfoliate un-steamed skin cells, renew its color and help smooth out the epidermis.

    Effective peeling at home

    To heal and renew your skin, it is much healthier and more effective to use homemade masks and bath scrubs. To prepare natural cosmetics, simple ingredients that are found in every home are usually mixed.

    You can use the scrubs below for a sauna or bath at any convenient time. Just keep in mind that these products are not suitable for soft skin faces.

    Olive oil scrub

    A simple and quick-to-prepare scrub can be made from coarse (rock) salt and olive oil, diluting them to a viscous consistency. Olive oil will soften your skin; the vitamin E contained in the oil activates the production of natural collagen, which is responsible for youth, skin elasticity and regeneration. And dissolving salt will provide gentle exfoliation. The scrub is perfect for sensitive skin or those prone to dryness.

    For an additional effect, add a few drops of essential oil to the resulting mixture, which will give your skin a pleasant aroma, such as citrus or almond.

    Coffee Whitening Scrub

    You can prepare a coffee bath scrub at home using any ingredients you like that are healthy for you, taking into account individual characteristics: skin type, body reaction to the components included in the composition, preferred scents.

    Dilute enough coffee grounds or ground black coffee with sour cream in a proportion of ½ and can be rubbed on your body while cooling, between visits to the bathhouse or sauna. And if you add a little shower gel or shampoo to the scrub, you can use it after finishing your bath procedures.

    This prepared body scrub in the bath is used for deep regeneration, combating fatty stretch marks and rejuvenation. Due to the high content of antioxidants and active substances, coffee has a unique property of breaking down fats, which is why women use it as a anti-cellulite agent. Using a coffee scrub will help remove toxins from the body, perfectly tones and improves blood circulation. In coffee a large number of essential oils and trace elements.

    Scrub with honey

    There are recipes for scrubs for baths at home based on a useful and indispensable product in the household - honey. Just mix in the right proportions salt with honey. In this case, it is better to use coarse salt, because small particles are not so effective for peeling in a bath.

    • Dissolving in the aquatic environment, the salt in the steam room penetrates into open pores, replenishing the lack of some important microelements - potassium and magnesium, as well as restoring the salt balance of your body.
    • Honey performs a nutritional function, accelerating skin renewal processes and healing small wounds. These two components go well together.

    This scrub is used on a well-steamed body, after 2-3 visits to the steam room of a bathhouse or sauna. Then your skin will be perfectly saturated with energy and vitamins, which honey is so rich in. When you next visit the tent, the interaction of the broom and the evaporating salt will have an anti-cellulite effect on your skin, replacing the anti-cellulite massage procedure.

    Chocolate scrub

    To prepare this scrub, you will need 2 tablespoons of olive oil, which must be mixed with half a glass of cocoa, add a spoonful of cane sugar and half a spoonful of ground cinnamon. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied during the break between steaming.

    Several ways to cleanse your skin

    • Of course for good peeling you can visit the spa or Turkish hammam. Spa peeling includes a massage that strengthens the skin, making it more elastic. Due to active blood circulation, the subcutaneous fat layer gradually decreases.
    • Peels are also made on the basis of various natural active ingredients: sugar, chocolate, sea salt, various herbal decoctions. This procedure will make your skin even, smooth and tightened.
    • Chocolate wrap is perfect for deeply moisturizing the skin.

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    Bath or Hammam

    Hamam is a type of bathhouse common in Turkey. This is a combination of massage with soap and exfoliation of your body. Soft Turkish peeling involves steaming with an oak broom, and then using special sleeves to exfoliate dead skin areas. This peeling has an excellent effect, affecting the circulatory system, comprehensively cleansing your skin, relieving stress and fatigue.

    Cosmetic peeling in a hammam differs from a Russian bath in its low temperature and maximum humidity (up to 100%). During peeling, all pores are additionally opened and the skin receives necessary nutrition. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft and tender, completely renewed. During peeling, the figure is corrected and cellulite toxins are removed.

    This procedure can replace home peeling in the bathhouse, but only with some special features.
    Peeling not only has a positive effect on the skin, but also creates a unique impression of lightness and fatigue. This is a great way to relax after a difficult day. working week or a busy day.

    Prepare your body

    Of course, before visiting a sauna, Russian or Turkish bath, you should follow a few simple rules so that the peeling procedure is effective.

    Apply the scrub to the body in a circular motion, onto a damp, steamed surface of the skin. Pay special attention to problem areas: buttocks, elbows and heels, use a natural prepared body scrub at home for a bath or sauna. Upon completion of all water procedures Apply a nourishing moisturizer.

    Test your homemade scrub on a small area of ​​skin, because sometimes the reaction of the scrub components can be unpredictable.

    The combination of peeling and bath is a combination of exposure to temperature and humidity with cosmetic procedures, which strengthen and complement each other. Then taking care of your skin can be combined with pleasant relaxation.

    Ecology of consumption. I dare to say that the greatest inventions of mankind are the bathhouse, sauna and hammam. Under the influence of high temperatures and humidity, our skin is cleansed, renewed and soft, we are hardened, the body gets rid of toxins and unnecessary moisture.

    I dare to say that the greatest inventions of mankind are the bathhouse, sauna and hammam. Under the influence of high temperatures and humidity, our skin is cleansed, renewed and soft, we are hardened, the body gets rid of toxins and unnecessary moisture. Warming up calms the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on mental capacity. Body and soul come into complete harmony. It is no coincidence that during the construction of private houses, a turnkey bathhouse is a faithful companion from century to century.

    To enhance the effect and additionally fill the skin with beauty and youth, it is recommended to use body scrubs and nourishing masks in the bath. These can be cosmetics from well-known manufacturers or made at home from natural ingredients: coffee, honey, healing clay, salt.

    Homemade masks and scrubs for baths are quite effective and more affordable, because most often they contain simple ingredients that are found in every home.

    How to make a homemade body scrub from coffee for a bath

    You can prepare a body scrub from coffee in several ways, depending on your skin type, preferred aromas and the body’s reaction to the components included in the composition.

    First, let's prepare the coffee. You can use both freshly ground beans and coffee grounds from the aromatic drink you drank the day before. The coffee grind should be fine enough so as not to injure the skin, but at the same time not completely dusty, so that a slight massage effect can be observed.

    What is added to homemade coffee body scrubs for baths?

    1. Coffee scrub with sour cream. Mix the prepared coffee with sour cream in a 1:2 ratio. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
    2. Instead of sour cream, you can use yogurt or heavy cream in a ratio of 1:3 and add a little cardamom.
    3. A very simple coffee scrub with shower gel. Add to a small amount of shower gel coffee grounds. An excellent exfoliator is ready.
    4. For dry skin, a scrub recipe made from coffee, honey and olive oil mixed in proportions 1:1:3 is perfect.

    Rub the body with a scrub using circular massage movements between visits to the bathhouse, sauna or hammam. Start after the second entry into the steam room. Special attention Focus on the hips, abdomen, buttocks, and elbows. After rubbing, you can cover yourself with a towel and lie down for a while, rest, then rinse off the scrub with warm water.

    Coffee grounds will gently exfoliate un-steamed skin cells, promote skin smoothness and give it a light golden hue. Heat makes application natural cosmetics more effective in a bath. Useful components coffee scrub penetrate deeper into the epidermis. Contained in coffee essential oils, antioxidants and active substances have unique properties. They help remove toxins from the body, perfectly tone, improve blood circulation, break down fat, and that is why they are more effective in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks.

    The effect of this procedure will be noticeable immediately - it will be smooth, delicate, velvety, rejuvenated skin. The unsurpassed coffee aroma will help you relax and have a lot of fun. published

    Today women's magazine JustLady offers readers several simple recipes scrubs for the bath, as well as masks for the face, body and hair, which are suitable for a sauna or bath.

    It is difficult to imagine a place that could not be more suitable for all kinds of cleansing and healing procedures than a bathhouse. After all, here everything you need is at hand: water, warmth, aromatic smells and, finally, just pleasant company and enough time for yourself.

    Therefore, let’s not hang around in the dressing room for too long and start taking action.

    Sauna scrubs

    The first step, of course, will be to thoroughly wash and enter the steam room. Here you need to warm up thoroughly in order for the pores to open. Then we’ll rinse ourselves in the shower again and begin cleansing our body and face with scrubs.

    A scrub, as you know, is a special substance that helps to cleanse not just impurities, but also dead skin particles, and at the same time make it light. Properly selected sauna scrub ingredients will also help remove waste and toxins from the skin, which contribute to the aging of the skin and body.

    An indispensable bath remedy in this regard is honey. It is useful to add it to tea, and to prepare a scrub for a bath or a mask: it will remove toxins and help you sweat better in the steam room.

    Sauna scrub with honey and cinnamon

    The product is effective and universal, can be used for the face and the whole body.
    To prepare it, you need to mix two parts honey with one part cinnamon.
    Apply the mixture to the body, massaging in a circular motion, with special care treating the areas on the elbows and knees, the back of the upper arms, and ankles.
    After the procedure, rinse off the scrub with warm water.

    When treating your face you need to be more careful. To avoid stretching the skin or scratching it, do not apply too much force.

    Bath essentials made from orange peels
    Grind the dry peels in a coffee grinder to a powder. Then add water to make a paste, and treat the skin with this mixture.

    If the skin is dry, then the powder can be diluted with sour cream or vegetable oil (preferably olive oil).

    Also good for dry skin natural coffee sauna scrub.
    To do this, collect the coffee grounds and add vegetable oil (unrefined) or heavy cream to it.
    When the whole body is treated with the mixture, leave it for ten minutes, and only then wash it off.

    Oatmeal bath scrub Gently cleanses the face and neck. To prepare it, you need to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder and mix it with milk or cream. Gently massage the skin of the face and neck with the mixture, and then rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

    So, the cleansing process is complete and you are ready to continue your bath procedures. This is where the time for hair masks in the sauna comes.

    Hair masks in the sauna

    The fact is that, unlike masks for the face and body, hair masks work best in a steam room.
    Before application, you must first wash your hair and dry it lightly with a towel (so that the composition does not spread).
    If you're ready, let's get started.

    Perfectly moisturizes hair oil-based sauna hair mask.
    Take 3 tbsp. spoons castor oil, mix it with two teaspoons of burdock oil and add 1 tsp. glycerin, apple cider vinegar and your regular shampoo.
    Apply the mask to your hair, wrap it in plastic and put on a bath cap. Now we go to the steam room and warm ourselves up.
    We wash it off after 30 minutes, but you don’t have to sit in the steam room all this time.

    For dry hair ends You can also prepare a mask. To do this, mix a tablespoon of olive oil with 3 teaspoons of burdock and thoroughly process the ends. You can “wear” such a mask for an hour, but this will only make it more effective.

    Hair mask in the sauna against hair loss prepared on the basis of honey and burdock oil.
    Heat the honey until it becomes more liquid (2 tbsp) and add oil (3 tbsp). Mix everything well and apply it to your hair before your next visit to the steam room.
    We wash off the mask when leaving the steam room with shampoo.

    Now that the body is cleansed and the hair is moisturized, you can begin body masks in the sauna.
    These procedures are done at the very end of the sauna pleasures, because there is no point in going to the steam room after smearing yourself with a nourishing composition - everything will drain together later.

    If you're ready to finish vaping, let's move on to this final step.

    Body masks in the bath

    At the very beginning, you need to clarify that there are masks that you can “put on” in the steam room. These are honey and/or salt based masks that are applied to the body to increase perspiration.

    For example, honey and salt scrub mask.
    It is prepared using approximately the same amount of ingredients. The honey is heated in the stove and salt is gradually added, making sure that it is thoroughly dissolved. Then the composition is applied to the body and they go to the steam room.

    After warming up, the composition is rubbed on the body, carefully treating rough areas, and then washed off.

    But the main part of body masks in the bathhouse, as already mentioned, is applied after all procedures.

    So, for example, to end a pleasant holiday you can do body mask for cellulite.
    To prepare it, we need grapes, or rather freshly squeezed juice.

    There may be problems with delivering the juicer to the bathhouse. But there is no need to be upset, we can make do with the means at hand, because we only need 5 tbsp. l. grape juice.
    Mix the juice with a tablespoon of oatmeal and a teaspoon of honey, mix everything and apply to problem areas after the steam room and shower.
    Keep the mixture for 10 minutes and then massage, simultaneously rolling the mixture off the skin. We wash off the remains in the shower.

    Good for moisturizing and nourishing the skin sauna body masks based fermented milk products and fresh fruit.
    Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, bananas, cucumbers, and other fruits and vegetables are suitable for this. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is dense enough so that it does not spread, and applied to the steamed, cleansed body for 10–20 minutes. Then wash off with water.

    For dry skin, it is good to add vegetable oils (observing the dosage), oatmeal, and egg yolk to such mixtures. Oily skin You will feel better if the mask contains protein chicken egg, lemon juice.

    The same principle applies to preparing face masks in the sauna.

    Face masks in the bath

    Steamed and scrubbed skin simply craves nourishment and hydration, so let’s not delay, let’s get started with facial masks in the sauna.

    Suitable for nourishing the skin and giving it greater elasticity yeast face mask.
    We prepare it from egg yolk (1 pc.), teaspoon vegetable oil and a tablespoon of brewer's yeast. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin. After 10–15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Suitable for skin especially prone to acne and pimples. honey face mask in the bath.
    Let's take a couple of tablespoons natural honey, pre-melted and cooled to normal temperature. Add juice from half a lemon and 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran.
    The same mixture can be used as a scrub for problem skin.

    You can also do whitening face masks in the sauna.

    For these purposes, a cucumber-lemon mask is suitable, which is prepared from 1 grated cucumber, a few drops lemon juice and a teaspoon of cream.
    A mask made from algae with cottage cheese has proven itself well. To do this, you need to grind dry seaweed in a coffee grinder and add it to the cottage cheese. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

    Also don't forget about masks from fresh vegetables and fruits, mixtures with the addition of essential oils.

    In general, you can make any mask in a sauna or steam bath, it’s just that its effect will be much deeper, and the effect will be more noticeable than under normal conditions.

    In conclusion, one important clarification: after all the scrubs and masks in the bathhouse, you do not need to apply any creams to the body and face. This can be done later, but now your skin has already received enough nutrition and hydration, so don’t overload it with pleasures.
    As they say, everything is good in moderation.

    Alexandra Panyutina
    Women's magazine JustLady

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