• How to soften the leather on shoes that chafe. How to soften shoes at home


    There are several ways how to soften shoes at home, make it comfortable and soft. Man buying quality leather shoes and rightly so, he hopes that he will be comfortable in it. However, sometimes a new thing does not live up to expectations, and unexpected problems appear (the backs or socks turn out to be very hard). There is no point in throwing away your purchase.

    Ways to soften shoes at home

    There are many special products on sale that soften hard shoes (various creams, sprays, emulsions). However, this can be done at home:

    1.To soften shoes, you need to use glycerin ( Castor oil). Apply it for a few minutes and then polish the shoes. This method will soften a hard product and extend its service life.
    2. If you lubricate the seams of the product several times with linseed oil, the shoes will become soft and waterproof.
    3. To prevent the new thing from squeezing your toes, rub a 3% vinegar solution on the inside of the product and dry the shoes before use.
    4. Winter and demi-season shoes are softened with unsalted pork lard, which also protects shoes from moisture.
    5. If you treat hard backs with a paraffin candle, they will become much softer and more comfortable.
    6. To make leather shoes shiny and soft, prepare a special cream: melt beeswax in a water bath, add turpentine and castor oil. In addition, this ointment protects the product from moisture. When using such products, artificial leather may deteriorate.

    Features of softening shoes at home

    The legs constantly experience pain (and even bleed), calluses and swelling appear. How to soften shoes at home if the purchased ones turned out to be too hard or narrow?

    Old shoes can be softened with castor (vegetable) oil or Vaseline. After soaking a cotton swab in oil, you should thoroughly wipe the rough skin of the product. After some time, the shoes need to be cleaned (it is advisable to repeat this procedure).

    To soften leather shoes, you should pour boiling water over the inside of them, pour out the water and, after putting on the shoes, wear them until they dry completely. At the same time, leather shoes will become soft, expand and take the required shape. This method is not recommended for artificial leather shoes, as they may lose their attractive appearance.

    To give the skin softness, you should lubricate the pre-wetted product with kerosene. Then dry the shoes well.
    It should not be forgotten that the key to the comfort of shoes is their scrupulous selection in the store and proper care during service.

    There are several ways to answer the question of how to break in tight shoes. But before you take action, you must remember that only natural leather is subject to noticeable stretching. It is extremely difficult to stretch other materials without compromising their integrity. There is no point in stretching shoes that are too short in length.

    There are several reasons why we buy shoes that are smaller than we need. Knowing them, you can avoid mistakes and choose the most comfortable pair for your feet.

    • If your legs are noticeably swollen, it is better to make a purchase in the afternoon. Then you choose a little larger size, and you won’t have to worry about deciding how to wear shoes that are too tight.
    • Take your time when buying a very nice and cheap pair, because in a hurry you may not notice that it is a little too small for you. Try it on, walk around the store a little, making sure that neither the left nor the right shoe is squeezing your feet.
    • For those who change their minds when they come home and want to return their shoes, there is always such an opportunity. Therefore, keep your receipt and become familiar with your consumer rights.

    To stretch the skin, there are folk remedies and products produced by specialized companies.

    Sprays, creams and pads

    Some shoe stores sell special foam in cans and cream. The products are applied to areas of shoes that are especially pressured. On delicate suede shoes, foam is applied only from the inside, and on smooth skin inside and out for greater effect. It softens the material, making it stretch easily.

    After this, you should put on socks, put on your shoes and walk around in tight shoes until the foam dries. If necessary, this stretching procedure is repeated for several days in a row.

    For those who want to break in new shoes quickly, you can suggest using a last, such as those found in shoe workshops. After treating your skin with the same spray and using the pad at night, you can test the result in the morning.

    Alcohol solution or vinegar

    A well-known recipe for breaking in shoes is the use of vodka or an alcohol solution. Let us immediately note that suede shoes cannot be stretched in this way. Moisten the inner surface with vodka, put on shoes and walk in them until the skin dries. Since the alcohol evaporates quickly, you won't have to wait long. Then the process is repeated until the shoes take the desired shape.

    For those who know how to break in tight shoes using vodka, we offer another method that uses vinegar. Take 3% vinegar, moisten the inside of a sock with it and stretch a new pair by wearing it. This allows you to slightly expand the lower part, giving more freedom to your fingers.

    Water use

    When there are no special tools at hand, you can use plain water. To do this, you need to wet non-fading cotton socks, put them on and put on your shoes. You should walk like this until your socks are dry.

    This method is also applicable to suede shoes. Although it stretches very well, it happens that the first days the shoes are very tight. You can quickly break in a new pair of suede using the method described above. Just be careful with suede and do not allow water to get on its surface, otherwise the shoes will lose their appearance.

    If the model requires special careful handling, then you can moisten it by wrapping the shoe box with a wet rag and leaving it like that for several hours. This is the most gentle method of exposure to moisture. Then the moistened shoes or sandals are broken in in the usual way.

    Sometimes, in order to make leather shoes more comfortable, boiling water is poured inside for a few seconds. But this method should be used with great caution on shoes or boots, as they may simply fall apart.

    The original way is to use water that is frozen. It is known that water expands when frozen. If you place a tightly sealed bag of water inside your sneakers or shoes and then put it all in the freezer, the ice will expand the leather shoes.

    How to soften skin

    Many people wonder whether it will be possible to wear leather shoes after long-term storage. You've probably noticed that if you don't wear your shoes for a long time, they become a little tight and seem to narrow. The material dries out and hardens, and at the same time discomfort arises when worn, and calluses appear on the feet.

    In this case, you can soften it with Vaseline or vegetable oil. The same products are suitable for artificial leather. Just remember to dry your boots thoroughly afterwards. In addition to softening, natural vegetable oil helps get rid of skip soles. Just drop a little oil onto a clean, dry sole and rub it in.

    It is best to use castor oil because it leaves no odor, is quickly absorbed and gives elasticity to the skin.


    An old and proven method for expanding shoes is newspapers. With its help, the fullness of even things made of artificial materials, as well as fabric, is increased.

    First, the shoes are held over steam for several minutes so that they are slightly moistened and warmed up. The newspapers are soaked in water, wrung out, and I begin to place them inside the shoes. You should lay it very tightly and carefully, repeating the shape of the shoe, otherwise after drying your shoes will become crooked. Stuff the newspapers as tightly as possible so that they slightly expand the rise, as if increasing the volume.

    After this, you need to leave the shoes to dry naturally at room temperature. You cannot place it on a heater, radiator or leave it in bright sun. The drying process should take place evenly and gradually.

    When the newspapers are completely dry, they are taken out and slightly increased in size. Instead of newspapers, you can use any paper or old socks.

    You can find other ways to increase the size of beautiful, but not very comfortable shoes. Some of them use beer, others use paraffin or oatmeal, which swells when wet, or even peeled potatoes to slightly stretch the skin. But it’s still better to buy boots, sneakers and shoes correct size and not suffer.

    Video about stretching techniques

    Nothing can give such a spectrum of emotions, from joy to suffering, like new shoes. While trying on in a store stylish shoes may seem amazingly comfortable to you, just imperceptible on your feet. But as soon as you take a few steps down the street in them, you can only think about one thing: how to soften the heel of your shoes?! Rubbed heels can ruin the pleasure of even the most desired purchase. It is impossible to ignore them, and to tolerate them is dangerous to health. Therefore, if you also happen to buy boots or shoes that are too hard, we are here to help you with tips on how to quickly soften the backs of your shoes.

    How to soften the heels of leather shoes
    The material a shoe is made from plays a key role in finding heel softeners. Let's assume that you bought high-quality leather shoes of the wrong size or with an uncomfortable last. There is an opinion that shoes from genuine leather“It wears itself out.” But until this happens, you will disfigure your heels and fray your nerves. So don't expect miracles from natural shoes, and ensure your own comfort:
    1. With a hammer. An old-fashioned method that helps soften even the most “oaky” backdrops. You need to tap them with a hammer: from behind, from above, from inside from outside. This treatment will certainly soften the skin, but there is a risk of damaging its surface. Therefore, you need to handle the hammer very carefully if the leather is thin, light, or decorated, and it is better to completely abandon this method if the shoes are patent leather. If you want to take a risk, take additional protective measures by placing a piece of fabric between the back of the shoe and the hammer.
    2. With pliers. An improvement on the previous idea, allowing you to simultaneously soften the backdrops from the outside and inside. But only if the problem arose with low-rise shoes: shoes, low shoes, etc. The pliers simply won’t reach the heel through the tops of the boots. And it won't hurt to use the safety cloth again.
    3. Vinegar. Also quite a popular folk remedy. To soften the backs of shoes, they need to generously moisten the hard areas of the leather and knead them thoroughly. You will probably want to use pliers again, but we leave any possible damage to your shoes in this case to your discretion.
    4. Glycerin. You can buy glycerin at any pharmacy, but the backs of your shoes need to be prepared for its application. To open the pores of natural leather, place a hot, wet towel inside it. After 15 minutes, lubricate the backdrops with glycerin and leave overnight.
    5. Stretcher. Special means contain chemicals that soften the heels of leather shoes without damaging them. This is the simplest, most modern and effective, but not the cheapest way.
    Finally, you can simply take uncomfortable shoes to a workshop, where they will be stretched a little in length or the heels will be softened. But this also depends on your capabilities and availability of free time to visit the shoemaker. Either way, you now have a choice of several ways to soften your shoes.

    How to soften backdrops artificial shoes
    Artificial shoe materials usually mean different types leatherette, as well as textile materials, natural and synthetic. Even if the base of the shoe fabric is natural fibers, it is still treated with synthetic impregnation for strength and water repellency. So the same means for softening the backs are applicable to most textile, and even more so oilskin shoes:

    1. Vegetable oil. Using a cotton swab, apply it to the inside of the back of your shoes and leave it to absorb for several hours (about overnight). Usually used for this purpose linseed oil, and it’s better not to spare it - then you’ll blot off the excess with a napkin.
    2. Alcohol. Its softening effect is similar to that of vinegar, but alcohol does not contain acids that can corrode synthetic material. However, use alcohol carefully, dilute it with water or simply wet the backdrops with water and then rub with your hands. But before you dampen your shoes, check to see if there is a cardboard seal in the heels. When cardboard gets wet, it can not only soften, but also completely lose its shape, that is, the shoes also become deformed.
    3. Glycerol. This universal remedy Suitable for both leather and synthetic shoes. True, the probability of a successful result with artificial materials lower, but you won't ruin your shoes if you try to soften the heels with glycerin.
    4. Mechanical impact. A hammer, pliers and a workshop stretcher are just as effective on synthetic shoes as they are on real ones. The risk is also comparable: you can damage the shape of the shoes yourself, but in a workshop, when stretched, the backs themselves can remain just as rigid.
    After you take these measures, do not rush to go outside - first walk around the house in treated shoes. And if such a check shows that it was possible to soften the backs of the shoes, feel free to go out the door in new shoes.

    How to soften the heels of boots
    Hard shoe backs are a problem that takes effort and time to solve. But if the backs of the boots turn out to be hard, the task is complicated by the inability to get close to them due to the high tops. Neither a hammer nor pliers will help here, and it will not be easy to wet the backdrop from the inside. All that remains is to try to protect your heels. What can you do to avoid rubbing your feet with hard shoe backs?

    1. Pencil for calluses. A multifunctional product in a convenient stick packaging. At the same time, it softens the heels and creates a lubricating effect, that is, it makes the inner surface of the shoe sliding, which additionally protects the heels from rubbing. Does not spoil shoes, does not leave marks on them or on tights. But it’s not cheap and you’ll have to look for it in stores and on the Internet.
    2. Band-Aid. A good old remedy for chafing heels. To protect against hard backs of shoes, you can stick a double layer of plaster: one directly on the foot, and the second on the inside of the shoe. It can peel off when worn and bunch up, causing it to rub even more.
    3. Silicone pads. By themselves, they will not protect the heel, but in combination with an adhesive plaster they improve the result. The silicone cushion under the foot prevents the foot from slipping inside the shoe, which means it reduces the friction of the heel on the heel.
    4. Patch-gasket. Solving the problem of adhesive tape coming loose. Helps not only against hard heels, but also if the heel is chafed by the seam on the heel of the shoe. Sew or glue a patch from the inside of the shoe. soft fabric, which will cover the seam. This method is only suitable for shoes that are suitable or even slightly too long in size. IN otherwise you will further reduce the free space inside the boot.
    How to return shoes to the store?
    As you can see, there is no universal and 100% effective way to soften the heels of shoes. The choice of one or another product depends on the style, material and other features of a particular pair of shoes. But you must remember that you have the right to return an unsuccessful pair to the store if you are sure that you cannot walk in it or correct the defect. You can get rid of the tormenting shoes and get back the money spent on them under the following conditions:
    • You did not walk on the street in these shoes, that is, the sole remained clean without traces of earth, asphalt, etc.
    • You have not damaged the shoes either outside or inside, that is, the pair has retained its presentation and can be put back on display.
    • You carefully removed the shoes and placed them in the original box or other packaging provided by the manufacturer and given to you by the seller.
    • You have saved the receipt for the purchase of these shoes, it is intact (not torn, not erased) and the information on it is readable.
    • You decided to return the shoes within 14 days from the date of purchase, no later than.
    Please note that all the manipulations listed in the article to soften the heels of shoes may affect their appearance. In this case, according to the first paragraph of the conditions, you will no longer be able to return this pair to the store. Therefore, you will have to make a decision right away: return the shoes or try to adapt them and wear them. We, for our part, wish you to accept correct solution and face such a choice as little as possible, and also face the need to soften the heels of your shoes as little as possible.

    Are hard backs pressing? Are the top edges of your new shoes or the straps of your sandals chafing terribly? Of course, you can wear a pair for a long time and painfully, waiting until it fits your leg. Or you can immediately soften your leather shoes and not torture your feet with hard heels and rough straps.

    The most radical way to soften shoes

    An old army method that helps make even military boots as soft as slippers. Ideal for softening hard backs.

    1. Moisturize your skin from the inside with water or stretching foam.
    2. Place a wool, flannel or felt cloth soaked in the same liquid on the backdrop.
    3. Gently hit the hard strap or back with a hammer, trying to hit only the fabric.
    4. Periodically check how soft the shoes have become. It's important not to overdo it.

    Of course, you should not soften the leather on Alexander McQueen and Oscar de la Renta shoes in this way. Dress shoes are not designed for such harsh measures. This technique is not suitable for shoes made of patent leather and fine suede.

    The cheapest ways to soften shoes at home

    If you don’t have a hammer, and you don’t know how else to soften your shoes at home, rummage through your medicine cabinet and bathroom shelves. Paraffin candle and pharmaceutical products can be found in any home.

    To soften shoes at home with paraffin, you will need 1 candle and 5 minutes. From the inside, rub paraffin on areas of the shoe that are pinching or rubbing.

    Paraffin is included in many shoe care products, such as Twist Casual Care. It softens the skin and makes it smoother. No paraffin? Natural beeswax will also work.

    Almond, flaxseed, coconut, castor or any baby oil They are inexpensive, but at the same time they perfectly soften leather shoes. So, how to soften leather shoes at home with oils:

    1. Apply 1/2 teaspoon of oil to a cotton pad.
    2. Rub it into the heel, hard edge or strap. Apply the oil to the inside of the skin.
    3. Leave the leather shoes to soak for 8-10 hours. After soaking, try on a pair. Hard, pressing? Repeat the procedure.
    4. The final absorption of the oil will take a little more than a day. Before putting on your shoes, go over the inside with a soft cloth. Check that the oil is completely absorbed and that there are no greasy stains left on the socks.

    Glycerin can also be used instead of vegetable fats. It is well suited for softening certain areas of leather shoes and restoring leather that has dried out after long-term storage.

    Please note that paraffin, vegetable fats and glycerin are not applied to the entire surface of the skin, but pointwise to individual areas. The principle “the more the better” does not work here. If applied too much, these substances will clog the pores of the skin, turning the shoes into a greenhouse.

    How to soften leather shoes: methods for the careful and patient

    Don't want to experiment with expensive leather shoes? Quite understandable concerns. Not all shoes can survive beating the heel with a hammer or rubbing castor oil.

    The safest option to soften leather shoes at home is to treat them with a special cream or softening foam before wearing them. The best are: Leather Cream Collonil, Shoe stretch Salamander Professional, Complex comfort Salton Professional, Shoe stretch Tarrago aerosol. These products contain vegetable fats and wax. They will gradually soften the rough skin and make the shoes soft. You will still have to break in a pair, but there is a way to do it without pain, blood and calluses.

    Before putting on new shoes, sandals or boots, use a drugstore stick or pencil to prevent blisters. Such pencils (sticks) soften not shoes, but the skin of the feet. Acting as a lubricant, they reduce friction, preventing the formation of watery calluses and corns.

    It happens that when you buy shoes in a store, they seem comfortable and fit exactly, but at home you discover that they fit a little harshly on your feet. At such moments, the question arises: “How to soften new shoes at home?” Of course, many fashionistas and fashionistas do not want to return their favorite purchase, especially if it was the last size, and the shoes look just perfect on their feet.

    It is possible to soften new shoes at home without resorting to the help of specialists. There are many methods that are suitable for different materials and types of shoes. All the options listed below are only suitable for softening, and not increasing the size of shoes or boots.

    Precautionary measures

    In order not to spoil only the purchased pair, you need to follow some recommendations before softening it:

    • not all methods are suitable for every material;
    • pay attention to the labels containing the operating instructions;
    • Before softening the material, try it on a small area first.

    Hot air and boiling water

    Using the hot air and boiling water method at home is very simple. If almost everyone in the house has a hairdryer, then certainly everyone has hot water. In extreme cases, you can boil it. A hairdryer and water have approximately the same effect, so you can choose any method you like.

    To soften the material using a hair dryer, turn on the hot air mode on the device. For several minutes, direct the hair dryer to the areas where you need to soften the fabric. If using water, apply it to the inside of your shoes. After hot air and water procedures Wear a stiff pair with thick socks and walk around in it for 30 minutes.

    For hot temperatures, new shoes, shoes or boots made of genuine leather are suitable. It withstands high temperatures well, up to 300 degrees. It is better not to test artificial materials for strength; leatherette may burst from overheating.

    A more gentle method, which includes exposure to temperature and moisture, is to use a box. Place the hard shoes in the box and close the lid. Wrap everything in a cloth after soaking it in hot water. In a kind of sauna, your shoes will also become softer.

    Alcohol and vodka

    Alcohol has an aggressive effect on shoes, softening them. This method is also not suitable for all materials. Before you start processing, check its reaction to alcohol.

    To soften shoes at home using vodka or alcohol, pour a small amount of alcohol into a spray bottle or onto cotton wool. Treat the areas that are pinching with an alcohol solution. After the procedure, to enhance the effect, walk around the house in your shoes for a while or place newspapers in them.

    You can use cologne instead of alcohol; it will also help soften hard shoes.

    Oil and Vaseline

    Using oil or Vaseline will not only soften the shoes, but also make the material more elastic. Do not use oils when treating light-colored shoes or suede ones. Oil tends to leave stains and make the material darker. Castor oil has the strongest effect on the material; it can soften even the thickest skin.

    As in previous cases, shoes need to be processed from the inside. After you have coated the necessary parts of the shoe with oil or Vaseline, walk around in it so that it conforms to the shape of your foot.

    Paraffin candle and solid soap

    This method is suitable for those who need to put on shoes right away. Imagine you bought new shoes specifically for an upcoming event, after which you successfully placed them on the shelf and temporarily forgot about them. When it's time to take them out, you discover that the shoes are quite hard, and staying in them all evening is pure torture, and you have to leave the house in a few minutes. This is where a paraffin candle and bar soap come in handy.

    They act on the material immediately, and due to their composition they will not only soften the shoes, but also protect the feet from calluses. You need to treat your shoes from the inside by simply rubbing them with paraffin. Immediately after this, you can safely put on your shoes. This method can also soften suede shoes.

    Freezing shoes

    The method for freezing is suitable for winter shoes, since she is immune to cold. Be careful with artificial materials, unlike natural leather, they can deteriorate.

    Before placing shoes in the freezer, fill bags with water. They need to be placed in hard shoes and placed in the freezer overnight. As water freezes, it expands and softens uncomfortable shoes. In the morning, take the pair out of the freezer and let it defrost, first removing the bags of water.

    Newspapers and fabric

    This method can soften any shoes, including suede ones. Most people in the house have newspapers or unnecessary fabric that you don’t mind crumpling well, so they come in handy for softening.

    To soften individual parts of the shoe, as well as to increase its size, fill the shoes with a large amount of paper or fabric. Try to make sure that the shape does not deform during the process. If distortion is present, correct the newspapers, otherwise you will not be able to walk comfortably. Leave stuffed shoes in this condition overnight. This time should be enough for mitigation to occur.

    Using the pad

    One of effective methods To soften shoes at home, use shoe lasts. The device can be purchased at specialized shoe stores. The last is a screw structure, shaped like a foot.

    Place your shoe or shoe on the last, then adjust the size so that it fits snugly. In a few hours the material will become softer and more pliable.

    Use of kerosene

    Kerosene perfectly softens the material. The only disadvantage of this method is the smell. Not everyone will like it, but if you perform the process, for example, on a balcony or on the street, you will not feel any discomfort, the main thing is to let the smell dissipate later.

    Apply kerosene using cotton wool to the heel and leave the shoes for several hours. It is not recommended to wear shoes until the smell has dissipated.

    Using a Hammer

    If the boots are very hard, you can increase their softness using a hammer. You need to choose a hammer that is not very heavy, so as not to damage the material. Also, for safety, place a cloth on your shoes and start beating through it.

    Tapping with a hammer must be done as carefully as possible; leather and other materials may be damaged by impacts. Check the softness periodically to avoid overdoing it.

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