• Choosing baby massage oil. Baby oil for newborns: reviews of manufacturers


    About what to lubricate with oils delicate skin newborn for cleansing, protection and nutrition, mothers know or guess. Tiny children are defenseless and subject to outside influence; they are unable to take care of themselves. Responsibility for the health and protection of the baby falls on the parents. Careful adherence to hygiene rules will keep your baby's skin clean, soft, velvety, elastic, and healthy.

    Newborn skin

    During the first period after birth, the skin of infants partially replaces the baby’s organs of hearing and vision. By using tactile contacts baby will know the world. That’s why it’s so important to keep your baby’s skin clean, dry, and at a comfortable temperature.

    Nature has created a so-called mantle on the surface of human skin, that is, a surface water-lipid layer. This layer is designed to protect the skin from environmental influences, temperature changes, and promotes the production of vitamin D.

    Lack of keratin in the skin of infants, a thin stratum corneum, and the proximity of blood vessels make it dry, easily flaky, and vulnerable. To prevent irritation, diaper rash, and diathesis, protect your baby’s skin from birth. Oil for newborns will help take care of the health of baby skin.

    What are there

    Oils have long been valued as a source of vitamins, especially vitamin E, D, microelements, and antioxidants. Vegetable oils squeezed from seeds and fruits of plants, used in food: sunflower, olive, nut, sesame, cocoa, avocado. They are useful for containing oleic, linoleic and other fatty acids.

    In aromatherapy and cosmetology, essential oils are valued, which are produced by extraction or distillation of flowers, fruits, leaves, and rhizomes. They are distinguished by pleasant aromas. The raw materials for preparation are plants with a bright smell: eucalyptus, calamus, juniper, camphor, anise, oregano.

    Vegetable, medicinal, mineral and essential oils are suitable for hygiene procedures for children and adults.

    In medicine, oil for newborns is used on a plant or mineral basis, for example, castor, vaseline, sea buckthorn, which have analgesic, wound-healing, and antiseptic properties. The therapeutic effect on the skin is determined by the substances dissolved in them.

    Use in medicine as a solvent for injections and as independent drugs is due to useful qualities. For example, mineral Vaseline oil It is used as a means for healing wounds and cracks, softening rough areas; it is used to clean cold crusts of the nose and infant crusts on the crown of the head.

    For babies

    Among the many produced by the industry, it is difficult to choose one oil for newborns that meets all the requirements of child care. Each has some useful property, often unique to this variety.

    So, let's consider the following types.

    • Sweet acacia is a good antiseptic, nourishes and soothes the baby’s skin.
    • Oil apricot kernels promotes tissue regeneration, helps with dermatitis.
    • Vanilla ─ has balsamic properties.
    • Clove oil is deodorizing, antihistamine, antioxidant, bactericidal.
    • St. John's wort is an anti-inflammatory for skin diseases, relieves itching from insect bites.
    • Ginger ─ softens the mucous membranes during colds, relieves inflammation.
    • Cocoa ─ softens lips, relieves muscle pain.
    • Sea buckthorn ─ wound healing, especially for burns.
    • Olive ─ light antiseptic, moisturizes and softens the skin.
    • Peach ─ relieves irritation and redness of the skin.
    • Sunflower ─ moisturizes and regenerates the skin.
    • Rosemary is an analgesic antidepressant.
    • Thuja ─ relieves itching, allergies, wound-healing antiseptic.
    • Tea tree ─ against insect bites, anti-inflammatory, strong antiseptic.


    The use of oils for child hygiene is necessary and justified. During the morning toilet and after water procedures The mother carefully examines the baby and wipes problem areas with clean, sterilized oil. Vegetable or Vaseline applied to a cotton pad gently cleans the nose and ears.

    If the neonatologist or pediatrician has not recommended another remedy to prevent diaper rash, immediately after bathing, lubricate the problem areas with an oil-based cotton pad. The crown, behind the ears, folds of skin, neck, armpits, elbow and popliteal folds, groin and butt are also lubricated.

    Such procedures are especially useful for premature babies. Lubrication cleans folds and folds, prevents redness, peeling, diaper rash, and promotes rapid healing of infant crusts on the crown of the baby.

    During the massage, both baby and mother feel more comfortable if the skin is lubricated. You should not pour oil on your baby's skin. It is used like this: mom applies Not a large number of─ a few drops ─ on your palm, rubs it and warms it. Rubs the palms into the baby's delicate skin.

    Baby hygiene includes rubbing oil on the folds and folds of the body, this is especially true in the presence of diaper rash, redness, and peeling.

    Testing and sterilization

    Before using any products on your infant, check them for allergies. Apply a drop of the product to your child's skin and observe the smear. This test will show the reaction within 24 hours. If redness or rash appears in this area, this product should absolutely not be used. Do not ignore such testing, make it a rule. Allergy is a very unpleasant disease, do not provoke it.

    Remember that all oils are sterilized and cooled before use. You can’t buy it at the grocery store (even simple sunflower) and immediately smear it on your baby. After sterilization it the best remedy for hygiene procedures and solving skin problems.

    The ideal method of sterilization is in a water bath. There is no point in sterilizing a large portion, since the beneficial substances are destroyed during storage. Sterilizing it at home is not difficult and does not take long, so prepare a small portion for the near future.

    To prepare the product for babies, place a small container of oil in a bowl of cold water. This could be a small glass jar or a medicine bottle. Make the water level in a large container less than 1/3 of the top of the jar or bottle. Lay a cloth in 3-4 layers under the dishes with oil to protect the oil from overheating and burning. After the water in the large container boils, continue sterilizing over low heat.

    Young mothers ask how long to boil the oil during sterilization. Do not boil at all, keep it on low heat without boiling. For small quantities, 20 minutes of heating is sufficient. When air bubbles appear on the surface, sterilization is stopped.

    Leave the bowl with the butter in a large container until it cools completely. When it has cooled, close it with a tight lid and place it in a cool, dark place. This way, sterilized oil lasts for quite a long time. It is not recommended to pour the prepared oil into another container. Use as needed.

    Bubchen oil is the most popular. German manufacturers took care of the delicate skin of babies, creating an environmentally friendly oil without preservatives or other harmful substances.


    Some companies produce special baby oils that mothers use to lubricate the skin of their babies.

    High-quality, natural, environmentally friendly products from the German company Bübchen were developed using the latest scientific developments and are intended to actively protect the skin of babies. The products of this company are made from natural ingredients, without preservatives. Oils for babies up to one year old gently and delicately cleanse, soften and moisturize all areas of the body.

    Bübchen products actively protect, relieve irritation, restore after inflammation, without clogging pores, and the skin remains clean. They have a pleasant subtle aroma and are used from birth.

    The German company Weleda has released a line of oils for babies based on calendula and sesame oil. Baby oil with calendula not only carefully and reliably protects the baby’s skin, but also activates the natural functions of the skin. The company grows the medicinal and cosmetic plant calendula in its own garden in southern Germany. Skin treated with Weleda with calendula quickly recovers from wounds and is in a naturally healthy state. Mom and infant I will like the oil, it can be used daily and for massages.

    Another German product that can be used on a newborn without fear. Weleda with calendula will provide gentle and gentle care for baby's skin

    Which one to choose

    In pharmacies, children's and cosmetic stores, a large assortment of vegetable, essential and mineral oils is available. Mothers are wondering which one to choose for their baby, which one to use all the time, and which one is best for baby hygiene.

    Perfect baby remedy without preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, fragrances. Experienced mothers with children recommend what they have already tried. Some people like peach or St. John's wort oil, others recommend sea buckthorn or Vaseline, and some recommend regular butter.

    There are many oils – and it’s difficult to choose. There are cleansing, nourishing, massage, relieving irritation and so on. For home care plant-based foods are suitable for a newborn unrefined oils cold pressed. This product is obtained from raw seeds, without heating; after pressing, it is only left to settle and filtered. Therefore there is more in it useful substances than in refined. The usual vegetable oil - olive or sunflower, bought in a trusted store - is healthy and safe.

    When choosing any product for a newborn, consult your doctor, look carefully at the baby’s body, think about what you need this product for. Read the instructions to find out what ingredients are included and what they are recommended to use for. If the composition contains not only oil, but also other components, you should discard it.

    Remember: the wider the list in the composition, the more allergens it may contain.

    Some producers mix two or more varieties. That is, one acts as a base, and the second as an active substance. This is how vegetable and essential oils are often mixed, where the essential oil is the active ingredient.

    You need to look at production and storage times. While sealed essential oils last indefinitely, others last no more than a year. Choose something that is clean, not cloudy, with a pleasant natural scent, and your baby’s skin will always be healthy, smooth, and radiant.

    Massage procedures are prescribed to children from birth. Some people completely trust a specialist, while others master this science on their own. When preparing for the first home sessions, the question arises which oil will be suitable for massaging a child. It is clear that the products for adults and for children will be different. What should you choose in favor of?

    Pediatricians advise focusing on massage oil. The cream is more suitable for adults, while children's skin needs additional hydration. The procedure helps babies relax and recover from the experience of childbirth, so the mother’s touch should be gentle and smooth. This can be achieved by using baby product for the little ones.

    When selecting, consider the following points:

    1. Products used on children must be tested. Even when certain massage product advised by the attending physician, it may suddenly occur allergic reaction. Apply a drop to the child’s leg or arm and observe the skin reaction during the day.
    2. Make sure that the ingredients are exclusively natural. Artificial additives can penetrate the skin and poison the child’s body.
    3. The composition should not have a strong, pronounced aroma. Newborns are very sensitive to smells and may become frightened and cry.
    4. Please note that products for children are made on the basis of plant, mineral components or petroleum jelly. Other additives are prohibited.

    A popular remedy is olive oil, which must be calcined before use. You can also find natural squeezes from almond, peach or apricot kernels in pharmacies. Such products are fragrance-free, healthy and do not cause allergies. Among industrial products, you can try Johnson's Baby, which is recognized by many mothers around the world.

    Sometimes pediatricians have different opinions. Some people believe that products with an oily base wrap the baby's skin in a film that makes it difficult to breathe. Nevertheless. This relieves excessive dryness of the skin.

    Which oil is the healthiest?

    It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Each has its own advantages over the others. Even doctors disagree on which one is better and outperforms the rest.

    Essential oils

    Before 2 weeks of age, essential oils are prohibited. But even after that you need to consult a doctor regarding use. Suitable oils It is considered to be: chamomile, lavender, sandalwood and bergamot. They relieve excessive irritability in a newborn baby

    Vaseline oil

    It was used to treat children's skin by our grandmothers. Responsible mothers consider Vaseline an important ingredient home first aid kit. It is completely hypoallergenic, has no unpleasant taste or pungent odor. It perfectly heals microcracks, moisturizes and is a good protective barrier for children's skin. It is also recommended to use in places where the diaper rubs.

    Be sure to look for Vaseline oil at the pharmacy. Use an open jar within the first ten days.

    Apply a thin layer to avoid unwanted film.

    Vegetable oils

    In order not to get confused by the diversity, you need to study each option.

    1. Wheat. Ideal for babies up to one year old with visible dry skin. It perfectly moisturizes the skin and makes it soft.
    2. Lavender and avocado. Use a combination of oils to calm your baby's nervous system. Avocado increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation, and is a wonderful antiseptic. After a session with lavender oil, the baby will sleep peacefully at night.
    3. Coconut. Similar to Vaseline, as it does not have a strong smell. It is not used in pure form, adding to other oils. Has a high moisturizing effect.
    4. Almond, apricot, peach. Oily extracts of stone fruits stimulate the nervous system and increase the body's defenses. In addition, they prevent colds and skin diseases.
    5. Corn. Suitable for newborns. You can add drops of essential compounds to it to enhance the effect. Used to normalize a child's sleep.
    6. Olive. Establishes water-lipid balance and moisturizes the skin. There are many massage products on the market based on olive oil, as they are considered the most beneficial. It enriches the body's cells with minerals and vitamins.

    Manufacturers that have earned the trust of specialists and parents

    In children's stores you can find ready-made products from Soviet or foreign manufacturers, which are also recommended for use for young children.

    • "Tender mother";
    • "Eared Nanny";
    • "Mustela"
    • "Bubchen"
    • "Johnson's Baby";
    • Natura Siberica.

    Buy industrial baby products only from trusted places. It would be better if it was a pharmacy. In supermarkets and markets there is a possibility of buying counterfeits that will harm the child. Be sure to look at the expiration date.

    Do not rush to get rid of the oily composition that caused an undesirable reaction in the child. If it is not suitable for the baby, the mother can always use it to massage problem areas.

    We prepare the massage product ourselves

    If you don't trust pharmaceutical products, prepare the composition yourself. This way you can be sure that it is 100% hypoallergenic. In addition to massage, a homemade remedy can be used for redness and peeling.

    To prepare, you will need Vaseline from the pharmacy. It can be replaced with camellia sasanqua oil. Add essential lavender or tangerine oil in a ratio of 10:1. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly in a glass container with a closing lid. It can be stored for several months in the refrigerator.

    If you wish, you can replace the suggested oil with lavender or chamomile or grape seed oil.

    Helpful tips for massage using oils:

    1. Do not attempt to use essential oil on a child. For examination and diagnosis, consult a doctor.
    2. Any baby massage product must be approved by a pediatrician.
    3. Don't use too much oil in one session. How smaller child, the less you apply.
    4. Store the composition in a place inaccessible to the baby.
    5. Essential oils are not applied to the skin in their pure form.
    6. When performing a massage, avoid the area of ​​the child's eyes and mucous membranes.
    7. Hands should glide easily over the skin. The baby does not need unnecessary irritation.
    8. Start the massage with the legs and arms, gradually working through all areas of the body. The oil is applied evenly to all areas of the skin.
    9. Before the massage, the composition is heated in a water bath. Mom's hands should be very warm.

    Don't go overboard when choosing baby oil for massage. First of all, the baby should benefit from massage treatments. Warm hands moms and sweet words will calm the baby and benefit his health.

    What oil is needed when massaging a child? Video

    Every parent who is actively interested in and involved in the development of their child knows firsthand about the benefits and importance of baby massage. This is not only a means of strengthening the body, complex development or prevention/treatment of diseases. Massage also allows you to establish tactile and psychological contact with your baby and convey your feelings to him through touch.

    But in order not to harm the tender and sensitive skin baby, you should buy baby oil for massage. And this is where parents may have difficulties: what oils are available, are they all equally suitable for massage, which manufacturer should be preferred, etc. Let's try to understand these issues together.

    The achievements of modern medicine, cosmetology and pediatrics provide parents of little people with a huge selection of the most different means for caring for baby's delicate skin. Each of them has its own characteristics and purposes.

    The main task of most is to moisturize, nourish and protect the baby’s skin. But not every baby body oil is suitable for massage. To such special means There are also certain selection criteria:

    • the oil must be made from natural ingredients;
    • on a plant or mineral basis;
    • the composition should not contain dyes or fragrances;
    • without preservatives, stabilizers and strong odors;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • the instructions must specify the purpose for use in massage;
    • provides good glide and absorption;
    • the product must be appropriate for the baby’s age;
    • before use, you should test the reaction to the oil on a small area of ​​the child’s skin;
    • For newborns, it is also recommended to pre-sterilize the oil.

    For massage for children, you can use both oils purchased in pharmacies or specialized stores, and those prepared independently from simple and affordable ingredients.

    Types of massage oils for children

    Available from modern parents there are a large number different types massage oils. But if we talk about the basic components of these funds, then there are not so many of them.

    Vaseline oil

    This proven product is liquid paraffin, which has been used for centuries and continues to be used in children's massage. It's good because:

    • has no smell;
    • has no taste;
    • does not cause allergies;
    • has moisturizing and healing properties;
    • goes well with other types of oils;
    • can be used from birth.

    Vaseline oil should be applied in a very thin layer so as not to clog the pores.

    Mineral oil

    Oils of this species group are produced from petroleum. They are also recommended for use in baby massage due to their positive properties:

    • soften and moisturize the skin;
    • safe;
    • have medicinal properties(for example, for eczema);
    • increase the protective function of the skin of premature babies, helping to retain moisture;
    • Ideal for post-swim massage.

    When using mineral oils, you should pay attention to the baby's skin sensitivity test and become familiar with the shelf life and use of oils of this type.

    Vegetable oil

    The largest number of varieties of massage oils for children (and not only) are represented by the group of vegetable oils. They are obtained through the process of squeezing from natural plant products.

    But just as each plant has its own properties and unique composition, each type of oil has its own characteristics and recommendations for use:

    • olive oil– rich in minerals and vitamins, linoleic and oleic fatty acids, softens the skin, strengthens the protective function of the skin, is well absorbed, baby olive oil is most often used for massages;
    • Peach oil– moisturizes well skin covering, prevents skin diseases, can be used for newborns;
    • apricot oil– increases muscle tone, activates the immune and nervous systems;
    • wheat oil– actively moisturizes dry skin, removes flaking;
    • Coconut oil– acts moisturizing and antiseptic, hypoallergenic, used only in diluted complex form.

    It is difficult to list all types of vegetable oils that can be used for infant massage, but it should be noted that mustard, peanut and camphor oils are strictly not recommended for children.

    Despite the naturalness of the product, you should not use any vegetable oil if your child has skin diseases or rashes.

    Essential oil

    Oils that promote not only physical but also psychological and emotional relaxation include essential oils. True, like baby oil, they should be used with caution and after consultation with a pediatrician. Essential oils for babies under two weeks of age are not recommended for use at all. From a month you can start using chamomile, lavender, rose or dill essential oils, and later - oils with bergamot, fennel, patchouli. After a massage with these oils, babies are calmer and sleep better.

    Popular baby massage oils

    For baby massage procedures, parents can use both single-component natural products, and oils made independently from compatible base components. But more often, adults prefer ready-made and proven products for caring for babies and their skin from well-known manufacturers.

    1. Johnson Baby oil(Johnson's Baby). Presented with high-quality oils with herbal aromas, does not contain parabens. Moisturizes, softens and soothes baby's skin.
    2. Mustela massage oil. Rich in vitamins C and E, facilitates the massage process. Has a moisturizing, relaxing and soothing effect on the skin. Suitable for babies.
    3. Company B oilsübchen. The range is represented by oils with extracts of various herbs. The product is soft, absorbs well, gently moisturizes the skin, relieves inflammation, does not clog pores, and does not contain preservatives.
    4. Weleda baby oils. Oils based on calendula and sesame are intended for daily care and for massage. Moisturize, nourish and activate the protective functions of the skin.

    When choosing products from even time-tested and time-tested manufacturers, you should pay attention to individual characteristics each child, his condition and skin reactions to oils.


    Caring for a child is a labor-intensive and responsible process. A baby who has just arrived in a new and unfamiliar world needs the love and care that his parents are obliged to give him. The latter, of course, can count on the support of generations, the experience of experienced parents, specialists in children's fields of medicine and cosmetology. But the main critic and judge in making the final and only right decisions there must be children, their well-being and comfort.

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    For mothers, it is imperative to know everything about oils for babies, since mineral oils and those recovered after extraction can cause serious harm to the baby’s health, and it is better not to use some essential oils for up to a year.

    So what can you use for massage and to moisturize your baby’s skin? Naturally, it will be better to use everything natural. So let's talk about ten of the healthiest oils.

    1. Coconut oil. It is recommended to use only refined and add up to 30% to finished cosmetics. Used as an excellent moisturizer, suitable for treating diaper rash and seborrheic dermatitis. It is hypoallergenic and odorless. Creates a barrier on the skin that protects the child from the effects of adverse environmental factors. It has bactericidal properties and is suitable for the complex treatment of dermatological diseases. Ideal for dry skin, but should not be used on the face and neck.
    2. Corn oil. It is produced from corn seeds, it is transparent and practically odorless, which is very good for a child. It contains vitamin E in an amount that is 10 times higher than the content of the same vitamin in olive oil. Used as a base for massage, if desired, you can add a couple of drops essential oil: lavender - to calm the nervous system, chamomile - to relieve flatulence. If a child does not sleep well, you can rub corn oil on his feet, palms, back of the head, knees and elbows for 5-7 minutes.
    3. Peach oil. Can be used in its pure form for children starting from two weeks of age. If your baby has dry skin, then peach oil will be indispensable in this case. With constant use, the skin will become soft and velvety. You can also put 1-2 drops into your nose before cleansing it. Suitable for the prevention of various skin diseases.
    4. Apricot kernel oil. For massage, it can be used in its pure form, which is very convenient and practical, because daily massage promotes muscle tone, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, thereby accelerating the flow of lymph, and stimulates the activity of the nervous system. Perfect for moisturizing and eliminating rashes, to combat seborrheic dermatitis and prickly heat. Usually does not cause allergies.
    5. Sweet almond oil. Contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, suitable for use in pure form. Helps in the fight against diaper rash in babies, and helps with abrasions and dermatitis. Suitable for massage of all skin types, used only in refined form, which reduces the risk of allergies.
    6. Shea Butter. Solid oil, can be used for sensitive and flaky skin. The oil contains a large amount of vitamins that help it fight dermatitis and diaper rash and produce a healing effect. Used to relieve inflammation, irritation and redness. In vulnerable areas you need to apply it every day.
    7. Olive oil. Ideal as an additive to complementary foods. It is better to choose first cold pressed oil. You can start giving it to children from six months of age, adding it to ready-made dishes so that there is no thermal effect on the oil, during which it can lose its properties. beneficial features. Olive oil contains Omaga-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D and K, which help the baby in its development. It should be added to food gradually, starting with 1-2 drops, increasing to half a teaspoon by the baby’s first anniversary, and be sure to observe the child’s reaction. Olive oil will help you easily transition your child to adult food.
    8. Avocado oil. Used in mixtures for application to the skin up to 10-15%. It has a healing effect - heals wounds, fights viruses, fungi and bacteria. Can be used in complex therapy for treating skin diseases. Increases the protective properties of the skin, improves blood circulation. It can also be added to baby creams to protect your baby from sun rays.
    9. Lavender essential oil. You can add it when bathing a child or for massage; after these procedures, the baby will calm down and fall asleep easier. To apply to the body, add just 4-5 drops per 2 tablespoons of base oil. Massage will help relieve inflammation and irritation, and improve the skin's resistance to adverse factors.
    10. Wheat germ oil. Very fatty oil, therefore it is independently used for rubbing children with excessively dry skin. It may also have a beneficial effect on oily skin, because it reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands, preventing dirt from entering the skin pores. Speeds up metabolism, detoxifies and improves elasticity.

    In order for a massage to bring a pleasant sensation to your child, the following rules must be followed:

    • hands should move easily over the skin, that is, if the glide is poor, additional irritation may occur;
    • We apply the oil to our palms, rub it and warm it so that it is never cold;
    • It’s worth starting from the feet and then moving up;
    • When using the oil or ready-made mixture for the first time, first apply a small amount to the wrist, and the next day check if the child has allergies;
    • Be sure to monitor the baby’s reaction; it is very important that all procedures evoke only positive emotions in him.

    How to choose baby oil for massage?

    For infant massage, you cannot use powder, petroleum jelly, products containing liquid paraffin, silicone and mineral oil. The powder dries out the baby's skin; in addition, the talc in its composition clogs pores and provokes rashes. Synthetic (mineral) oils form a greasy film that acts like a “rubber glove”: it prevents the natural breathing of the skin, stopping the access of oxygen, and prevents the release of toxic waste products, which leads to their accumulation inside the baby’s body. Consequently, the use of synthetic oils leads to diaper rash, dermatitis and allergies.

    Oils obtained from plant materials are better suited for baby massage. Vegetable oils are similar in lipid structure to human skin lipids. Cosmetical tools, created on their basis, are able to easily penetrate the skin and moisturize it. Vegetable oils do not form a greasy film on the baby’s skin and support all its natural functions. Therefore, when choosing a massage product, pay attention to the composition. Chicco Baby moments massage oil with rice bran oil [link-1] is created on the basis of rice bran oil, which contains oleic, linoleic, palmitic acids and vitamin E. Rice oil has a softening, moisturizing and soothing effect on the baby’s skin. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in the oil restore the hydrolipidic barrier, so it is ideal for dry and sensitive baby skin.
    Photo credit: dbdavidova/Shutterstock

    Do you pay attention to the composition of baby oil when choosing?
    1) Yes
    2) No

    17.09.2016 13:00:42,

    Good afternoon And don’t even save on yourself → Good afternoon And you shouldn’t even skimp on yourself; many mothers use high-quality baby oil to care for their skin. This is especially true for dehydrated skin and flaking.
    Health to you!
    Sincerely, Elena Korsakova
    09/18/2016 18:52:16, DoktorMed

    Yes I agree with you! Save on yourself → Yes I agree with you! It’s also not worth saving on yourself, but I don’t mean that I’ll take a good massage oil for my child and a bad one for myself. By saving on myself, I didn’t intend to buy some chocolate for myself, but to buy it for my child. Or buy not branded clothes, but a little cheaper, but also of good quality.
    And I also use the Chicco oil that I buy for my child on problematic dry elbows, knees and ankles.
    20.09.2016 15:28:08,

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