• Vaseline oil for newborns: instructions for use, indications and dosage. Cases when you should not use Vaseline


    Vaseline - universal remedy used in childcare. The oil is great for babies when their delicate skin is rubbed with a diaper or when prickly heat and diaper rash occur. The oil is also recommended for nursing mothers. You will learn how to properly use oil for baby care, as well as how to make sterile oil for newborns.

    The composition of the drug

    Vaseline oil, or, as it is called, liquid paraffin, is a synthetic product of the refined fraction of oil obtained after distillation of kerosene. There are no harmful chemicals in the product. Vaseline oil is a colorless oily liquid used as a base in ointments.

    Instructions for using vaseline oil

    Liquid paraffin is available in glass bottles of 30 and 100 ml. The oil is also sold in ampoules of 2 ml. The main action of the oil is a laxative. It facilitates bowel movements and softens feces in the intestines. It is also used in cosmetics and in pharmacology: as a basis for all kinds of creams and ointments.

    In the annotation to the drug, the following methods of application are prescribed:

    Internal application:

    • At . Vaseline oil softens the feces and coats the intestinal walls, making it easier for the stool to move through the intestines and the actual process of defecation.
    • In case of poisoning with fat-soluble poisons, for example, gasoline or kerosene.

    External application:

    • To lubricate dry skin. Vaseline oil has a softening effect.
    • For lubrication of catheters and as a lubricant for other medical procedures.
    • As a base for ointments.

    When is vaseline oil used for newborns

    Range of use vaseline oil for newborns is much wider than indicated in the annotation. Let's see what vaseline oil can be used for.

    When crusts appear on the scalp

    • Small children often have flaking of the scalp. At the same time, yellowish diathesis crusts appear, which disturb the baby and scare the parents. In itself, this phenomenon is not dangerous, since diathesis crusts in infants occur due to the not yet normalized work of the sebaceous glands on the head. They can not be torn off, as they can be damaged delicate skin baby and get an infection. For this, Vaseline oil is useful. Pour a little oil on a cotton pad and brush the crusts with it. Let the formations soften, then carefully remove them.
    • Do not rush during this procedure, and do not be upset if something did not work out the first time. Repeat the procedure several times.

    With the appearance of diaper rash and prickly heat, if the diaper or clothes rub

    • The skin of a child is much softer and more receptive than that of adults. She reacts more strongly to friction that occurs in the folds on the legs, arms, neck, as well as in places where the diaper rubs.
    • In such cases, use petroleum jelly to soften the damage. You should not apply it completely to the whole body, as the oil covers the skin with a thin film. Pay attention to areas where friction occurs and lubricate them after bathing. a small amount oils. This manipulation can be carried out when changing diapers.
    • In addition, keep in mind that the skin also needs to rest from all kinds of products and preparations, so do not abuse the oil.

    For massage

    • Many doctors believe that a general strengthening massage for a child is a very useful and necessary manipulation. Moms on the forums are interested in whether Vaseline is suitable for these purposes.
    • Dr. Komarovsky, for example, does not recommend using vaseline oil for massage in the first years of a child's life. The pediatrician believes that the best solution would be olive or sunflower. In addition, remember that the oil must be odorless.

    With accumulation of mucus in the nose

    • This is one of common problems faced by parents in the first year of a baby's life. It becomes difficult for the child to breathe. In such cases, the baby tries to breathe through his mouth. This, alas, can develop into a bad habit that can affect the development of the baby's dentition.
    • Vaseline oil lubricates the nasal passages, the crusts in the nose soften, and it becomes easier for the baby to breathe through the nose.

    For constipation

    • The digestive system of a child in the first years of life is very sensitive to literally the slightest changes in nutrition. Many mothers complain about the occurrence of “constipation in a child” when introducing new foods to the food menu.
    • Vaseline oil is used as a lubricant for the catheter during enema. In this case, the catheter will be inserted very easily and does not injure the mucosa. Also, instead of an enema, you can use - microlax for newborns -. This is a solution for rectal administration, which is used for constipation.

    With milk stasis

    • Liquid paraffin is also useful for the mother of the baby. If you have hardened breasts due to lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breasts of a nursing woman), apply a compress with liquid paraffin at night. It will help soften hardening, improve the outflow of milk and help relieve pain.

    Application and dosage

    • The skin of a newborn must carry out gas exchange with the external environment, and vaseline oil prevents this due to the formation of a thin film on the surface of the skin. Therefore, apply liquid paraffin in a thin layer and on small areas of the skin.
    • The shelf life of vaseline oil after opening the bottle is 10 days.


    • Individual . This happens very rarely, but it does happen.
    • With an increase in body temperature.
    • As a laxative drug, petroleum jelly is not used in infants.
    • Pregnancy. The drug should not be used by pregnant women, because vaseline oil can provoke uterine tone.
    • With intestinal obstruction and any inflammatory processes abdominal cavity. This contraindication is relevant for adults.

    Vaseline oil for babies - video

    This video will show you how to sterilize baby oil. It is used in infant care along with sunflower and olive oil. Possessing an antiseptic property, vaseline oil does not require sterilization, however, some mothers still additionally disinfect it, trying to protect the child from infections.

    You will need a stove, a saucepan and a jar, as you need to boil the water in which you put the jar of Vaseline oil for the newborn in advance.

    Vaseline oil is a synthetic petroleum distillation product with many useful properties. It is used for both babies and mothers who are breastfeeding. Vaseline oil can also serve as the basis for the ointment. Tell us in the comments, have you used vaseline oil to care for your baby?

    Vaseline is a time-tested remedy, familiar to each of us from childhood. Now many new, modern creams and ointments are being produced that have a subliminal effect. But good old Vaseline takes its toll place of honor in almost every home first aid kit. And when you need to put cans on your back or lubricate the tip of a rubber pear (enema) or soften chapped lips, they remember about it.

    The main property of Vaseline is to have a softening effect on the skin. When it is applied, its hydrolipidic protective layer is restored, which prevents the evaporation of fluid from the epithelial cells. Moreover, when applied to the skin, it does not penetrate into its deeper layers and does not enter the systemic circulation.


    There are natural and artificial vaseline, and depending on the thoroughness of cleaning, on its purpose, it can be technical, medical and cosmetic.

    A natural remedy is produced by processing hardwood paraffin resins. The resulting substance is purified and then bleached in a special way. It differs from an artificial agent in density, viscosity. Natural Vaseline is transparent, colorless and odorless. It has a highly effective antimicrobial effect. Once applied to the skin, it attracts moisture but is difficult to wash off due to its stickiness.

    Artificially synthesized petroleum jelly is a product made by processing synthetic products. To give it viscosity, the necessary components are added to the composition of the mixture. The result is a yellowish or cloudy white ointment, odorless, tasteless. Technical petroleum jelly is not as viscous and sticky as natural.

    The vast majority of our first-aid kits contain medical and cosmetic vaseline. We will talk about it today. Why do we need Vaseline?

    What is the composition of Vaseline?

    It consists of solid, liquid carbohydrates, which are obtained during oil refining. It cannot be dissolved in water. This will require ether or chloroform. It is quite problematic to wash it off the skin or wipe it off with alcohol. But, it mixes well with any creams and oils (except castor).

    What is the use of Vaseline?

    The product is for external use only. Most often used to soften the skin. This is his property and makes him so popular. It is applied to the surface of the face, hands to prevent chapping, to protect the skin from negative impact environment (dust, dirt, wind, temperature changes).

    The positive point is that petroleum jelly does not penetrate into the layers of the epidermis, is not absorbed by cellular tissue. But, at the same time, it is a strong, effective barrier that protects the skin.

    Vaseline lubricates small cracks, scratches, abrasions, peeling and other skin damage. In these cases, it is applied in a thin layer to the damaged area and gently rubbed.

    It is used for fast effective mitigation rough, tough areas of the skin. Usually such coarsened areas are located on the heels, soles, elbows. To soften them, Vaseline is applied in a thin layer to the skin. Do this before going to bed, leave it all night.

    It is very useful to lubricate chapped, dry lips with it. Or use it as such for prevention during wind, frost. No other product will protect the delicate skin of the lips better than this.

    When using this remedy, try not to allow it to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. And don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap afterwards.

    What are the side effects of Vaseline?

    Usually the agent is well tolerated and does not cause negative reactions of the body. Sometimes, in very rare cases, there are signs of hypersensitivity to its components.

    What are the contraindications for Vaseline ointment?

    Individual sensitivity

    Application during pregnancy

    Vaseline is positioned as a drug that has no contraindications during pregnancy. It can be used during breastfeeding.


    There is a common but erroneous belief that petroleum jelly moisturizes the skin. This is wrong. After application, it prevents the loss of fluid, as it covers the skin with a thin film and does not allow moisture to evaporate. You need to understand that it should be applied in a very thin layer. If it covers the skin thickly, oxygen stops flowing to the cells and their natural respiration stops.

    Therefore, never use petroleum jelly instead of a cosmetic nourishing or moisturizing cream. It can only be used occasionally, in bad weather, to protect the skin. In this case, its use is fully justified. After all, no cream can cope with the task of protecting the skin in winter. In frosty weather, the cream freezes right in the skin cells, while cell fibers are injured. But it does not penetrate into the cells, it simply covers the skin with a protective film.

    Therefore, do not replace your cosmetic cream with it. Use petroleum jelly only when necessary and only on certain areas of the skin. Be healthy!

    Young parents must have heard from grandmothers and mothers that there should be vaseline oil in a child's first aid kit. Is it suitable for newborns or not? With such a question, mothers often turn to pediatricians.

    Doctors have different opinions on this matter. Most believe that the correct use of a mineral emulsion benefits the baby, but the line between positive effects and side effects is quite thin. find out more information about vaseline oil, properties, action of the product.

    General product information

    The product is obtained by distillation of oil to complete cleansing from harmful fractions and impurities. The vacuum distillation method makes it possible to obtain a mineral product that does not contain toxic components. Vaseline oil is often referred to as "liquid paraffin".

    For outdoor and internal use a colorless oily liquid is used. The mineral product belongs to the category of "medical" compounds. A product with a lower degree of cleaning is not suitable for processing skin, internal use regardless of the age of the patient.

    Proper use of the tool gives positive results. Warn side effects knowledge of the properties, characteristics of the emulsion will help.

    Indications for use

    Vaseline oil is applied externally and internally:

    • for the treatment of delicate skin in newborns with irritation, dryness;
    • prevention, lubrication of folds in young children;
    • softening of the epidermis, prevention of irritation;
    • treatment of the skin against cracks through which the infection easily penetrates;
    • fight with infants;
    • processing the tip of a soft syringe when setting an enema in a newborn;
    • as an aid in hygiene measures;
    • relaxation in the newborn.


    Medical vaseline oil should not be used in the following cases:

    • intestinal obstruction;
    • infectious lesions of the abdominal cavity;
    • intestinal bleeding;
    • fever;
    • increased sensitization of the body.

    Note!"Liquid paraffin" envelops the walls of the stomach, intestines, prevents the absorption of toxins. At the same time, they do not penetrate into the mucous useful material. With prolonged oral use, hypovitaminosis develops, the child receives less vitamins K, E, A.

    On our website you can find out useful information about the symptoms and treatment of diseases in infants. For example, read about diathesis; about jaundice -; learn about rickets page; we have an article about thrush in the oral cavity.

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Mineral emulsion causes a lot of controversy. On the one hand, a completely purified product is not absorbed by the intestinal walls and does not have a toxic effect on the body. On the other hand, "liquid paraffin" is derived from oil, which is a concern for many mothers.

    A few decades ago, a mineral emulsion was in every first-aid kit for a newborn. Now there are many new products on the market for the care of babies, modern means with optimum performance. So is it worth using "liquid paraffin"?

    Here are some common questions new moms ask pediatricians. Listen to the arguments "for" and "against", draw conclusions.

    Question number 1. Is it possible to treat sweating in babies with "liquid paraffin"?

    Answer. After application, the oily liquid covers the skin with a thin film that prevents the penetration of moisture. The skin does not breathe, sweat is weakly secreted in a natural way, the symptoms of sweating only intensify.

    To treat skin areas, use gels, creams with a delicate structure, for example, Bepanten, Zinc ointment. At strong irritation Chlorophyllipt will help. Effective baby powder with antiseptic components: panthenol, anestezin, zinc. Bathe the baby with the addition of a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, succession, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    Question number 2. Can the tip of a rubber enema syringe be lubricated?

    Answer. Vaseline oil - suitable remedy, facilitating the introduction of a rubber "pear". Irritation, toxic effects on the anus, intestinal wall no.

    Question number 3. Is it allowed to treat crusts on the crumbs on the head with “liquid paraffin”?

    Answer. Yes, petroleum jelly is a suitable remedy for quickly softening crusts. Pediatricians advise moistening a cotton pad, gently wipe the treated area. It is important to remove residual oil so that a thin film does not form on the skin.

    Question number 4. Is vaseline oil suitable for treating the nasal passages of crumbs during morning hygiene procedures?

    Answer. Despite the antiseptic, emollient properties, doctors do not recommend the composition for lubricating the spout. After applying the mineral emulsion, the mucous membrane is covered with a thin film, the outflow of mucus is disturbed, the surface “does not breathe”.

    Treat the nose of the newborn with saline. Hypoallergenic product perfectly rinses, moisturizes the nasal passages. Do not use any oils that create a greasy film.

    Question number 5. Is it true that "liquid paraffin" heals wounds and cracks on the skin?

    Answer. The product softens the epidermis, but for the treatment of skin irritation, use formulations with a more delicate, light structure. Vaseline oil creates a film that does not allow air to pass through: after treatment, inflammation may increase.

    Advice! Herbal baths, lotions will help relieve irritation, with severe inflammation - applying therapeutic emulsions with an antibacterial effect. An oily liquid is not a suitable option for dealing with cracks or wounds.

    Outdoor use

    The previous section describes situations where “liquid paraffin” is suitable for skin treatment:

    • apply the composition on the crusts covering the head, the area behind the ears;
    • use the minimum amount of mineral emulsion: this way you prevent the formation of a film on the treated areas;
    • in the absence of other formulations, use vaseline oil for limited areas of the epidermis. A thin layer is required.

    Keep vaseline oil in the first aid kit to treat the tip of the syringe. A mineral emulsion will help if the baby cannot empty the intestines. For external use (application to the skin), use the composition as little as possible.

    Vaseline oil for constipation in newborns


    • gently envelops, softens hardened feces;
    • does not irritate the intestinal wall;
    • the emulsion is chemically inert, does not interact with the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract;
    • oily liquid is not absorbed into the walls of the stomach, intestines;
    • the effect appears rather quickly.

    Consult a pediatrician find out his opinion on "liquid paraffin" as a laxative. Did the doctor approve the application? Use mineral emulsion correctly.

    On the page, read about the causes of dyslexia in children and how to correct the pathology.

    Instructions for the use of petroleum jelly for constipation in infants:

    • for babies under 1 year old, measure ½ teaspoon of mineral emulsion;
    • give your child a laxative 2 hours before or after a meal;
    • per day it is allowed to give the crumbs no more than 15 ml of the composition;
    • often do not use the mineral composition: the “lazy bowel” syndrome develops, the activity of the digestive tract is disturbed;
    • duration of treatment - no more than 5 days.

    Note! After taking the oil is not absorbed, it is excreted through the anus. The oily liquid contaminates the linen: keep this in mind, put on the right clothes for the crumbs.

    Cost of mineral emulsion

    "Liquid paraffin" is an affordable, cheap remedy. The price of vaseline oil is available to all segments of the population and is sold in any pharmacy.

    On sale there are bottles of different sizes:

    • 25 ml - price from 22 rubles;
    • 40 ml - price from 30 rubles;
    • 50 ml - price from 42 rubles;
    • 100 ml - price from 47 to 55 rubles.

    Take note:

    • some pharmacies offer parents a useful newborn care product - napkins for treating the skin. The material is impregnated with vaseline oil and chlorhexidine;
    • use soft wipes to treat irritated areas with sweating. The combination of a mineral emulsion with an antiseptic solution provides a good anti-inflammatory effect;
    • the light structure of the therapeutic liquid, which the napkins are impregnated with, prevents the appearance of a film that interferes with skin breathing and sweating.

    Additional Information

    Properly store mineral emulsion:

    • the optimum temperature in the room is not higher than +25 C;
    • choose a place without access to sunlight;
    • keep the mineral emulsion in an airtight container;
    • Keep vaseline oil out of the reach of children. Children grow up quickly, before you have time to look back, the baby will begin to crawl, explore the contents of drawers, cabinets;
    • Watch the expiration date: do not use an expired product. "Liquid paraffin" is suitable for use for 5 years.

    The mineral emulsion does not have preparations that are identical in structure and composition. A unique product, obtained by thorough refining of oil, has characteristic properties and effects on the body. Always consult a pediatrician if you are in doubt about how to replace "liquid paraffin".

    The opinion of pediatricians and parents

    Many parents get into quite difficult situation related to the choice of children's products for the care of the baby, and are asked to advise the most suitable product for this. Indeed, it is not very easy to understand the modern assortment of various creams, oils, ointments, powders. Or maybe you don't need to do it?

    I want to remind you of one simple truth: “Everything new is a well-forgotten old”. Therefore, I recommend using the popular remedy of our grandmothers and mothers, which helped to cope with various problems on the baby's skin. This is petroleum jelly for newborns.

    In terms of quality, it is in no way inferior to fashionable counterparts, and at a price it will be three times cheaper. So the question is: “Why pay more if the same result gives an excellent domestic remedy?” Let's get acquainted with its properties in more detail.

    Vaseline oil - what is it?

    Vaseline oil has been known for a long time. It was invented back in the 19th century to lubricate wounds and abrasions. It is a colorless oily liquid, which is a purified fraction of oil obtained after distillation of kerosene.

    The composition does not contain any harmful organic substances or their compounds. This tool has no analogues identical in composition and structure. It includes:

    1. liquid paraffin;
    2. Microcrystalline wax;
    3. Mineral oil.

    Vaseline oil has a wide range of uses:

    • applied to wounds, cracks in the corners of the mouth and lips, abrasions, diaper rash to prevent bacteria from entering the damaged areas;
    • prescribed as a mild laxative;
    • serves as a solvent for a number of injectables;
    • is the basis for many cosmetic and medical ointments;
    • used to lubricate split ends of hair;
    • used as a lubricant or impregnation.

    Purified medical vaseline oil is also suitable for the skin of a newborn. See what properties it has:

    1. It does not contain impurities, fragrances and aromatic additives, so it is hypoallergenic and will not cause irritation even on the baby's delicate skin;
    2. Does not affect operation internal organs, is completely eliminated from the body without accumulating in it, so there will be no harm to the baby;
    3. Creates a film on the skin that prevents moisture loss and prevents dryness;
    4. The liquid paraffin included in its composition has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, which helps to heal wounds;
    5. Paraffin also softens the skin, protects against chafing.

    Instructions for use

    Consider the instructions for using vaseline oil for newborns:

    • You will need this tool even in the hospital. Doctors recommend using it to remove yellow crusts on the scalp of a newborn (read the current article: Crusts on the head of a baby >>>). Usually, they adhere strongly to the skin, but you cannot peel them off with a fingernail or with a thick comb. It is necessary to soften such crusts and they will easily peel off without much effort.

    To do this, one hour before evening bathing, grease the crusts with vaseline oil and put a cotton cap on your head. After the time has elapsed, gently massage the scalp and start bathing. Very soon the crusts will disappear.

    • It is also well known that vaseline oil has other uses for newborns, such as preventing them from diaper rash. If you often use diapers, try to lubricate all the folds on the skin in the groin and buttocks every time before putting them on. But even without diapers, such treatment should be carried out after each washing;
    • However, if you didn’t manage to do this regularly and irritation still appeared, then petroleum jelly can help in this case too. It is necessary to lubricate the reddened areas on the body. This will reduce skin contact with clothing and prevent inflammation from appearing;
    • Vaseline oil is used in an enema given to an infant to relieve constipation. But to be honest, I have not yet met a baby on breastfeeding with true constipation. And my 3 daughters also did not observe constipation.

    Contraindications, side effects

    Liquid paraffin has contraindications:

    • Individual intolerance. Rare, but possible;
    • Bleeding in the intestines, intestinal obstruction;
    • Fever, fever;
    • Pregnancy. The drug can cause uterine tone, that is, the likelihood of miscarriage increases;
    • Any inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

    Errors in the use of oil

    It is possible to speak about the high efficiency of the use of vaseline oil for a newborn only if it is correct application. To avoid mistakes, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. Vaseline oil creates an airtight film on the skin, which does not allow it to “breathe”, prevents perspiration. Therefore, it must be applied in a very thin layer and only in limited areas;
    2. Lubrication of the nasal passages of a newborn with this remedy leads to a violation of the outflow of mucus, and for these purposes it is better to use saline. For proper handling of the nose of a newborn, see the article: How to clean the nose of a newborn ?>>>
    3. After treating the crusts on the head, the remaining oil must be thoroughly washed off;
    4. It is not necessary to use petroleum jelly as a laxative to treat constipation in a newborn. First you need to make sure that there are really problems with the chair!
    5. You also need to consider that a poorly purified or unpurified substance has an irritating effect on the skin. Therefore, for a child, it is necessary to buy only medical vaseline oil, which is sold in pharmacies.

    Important! Do not forget about the expiration date of such a tool. After the bottle is opened, its contents can only be used within 10 days.

    What is an alternative to vaseline oil?

    A study of reviews on the use of petroleum jelly for newborns shows that the opinions of parents are mixed. Many are very satisfied with its effectiveness and affordability. However, some mothers are frightened of its origin and categorically do not want to smear their baby with a “refined product”. It's up to you, my job is just to give you information.

    Vegetable oil - how to cook it, sterilize it

    Most often in folk recipes recommended for newborns vegetable oil. It is used to wipe the folds of the skin, places where diaper rash and crusts appear on the baby's head. Also, this remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Vegetable oil must be subjected to special processing. You can do this procedure yourself at home. Consider how to sterilize the oil to use it for newborns:

    • Sterilize the glass jar and the lid to it;
    • Pour 250 ml of oil into the prepared container and carefully lower it into a saucepan with warm water. The water level should be 1 - 2 cm above the level of the contents of the jar.
    • Put the container on a slow fire. You do not need to cover the jar or pan with a lid! If water gets into the jar during boiling, it's okay, it will quickly evaporate;
    • Sterilize should be within 20 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan. The contents of the jar should not boil! It must be periodically stirred with a wooden spatula;
    • When bubbles appear on the surface of the oily liquid, the sterilization procedure is over;
    • The oil must be cooled, and it is ready for use;
    • The sterilized product is stored in glass jar with tightly closed lid.

    For sterilization, you need to choose only high-quality natural raw materials. It could be olive oil first pressing or unrefined sunflower.

    Peach oil for a newborn

    Also great for very young children Peach oil. It helps to maintain the normal condition of the baby's skin. This tool has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and tonic properties.

    You can use peach oil for a newborn for the following purposes:

    1. Eliminate dryness and irritation on the skin;
    2. Prevent the appearance of diaper rash;
    3. Clean the nose, soften the crusts that appear in the nasal passages;
    4. Prepare on its basis healing balms to relieve inflammation in diseases of the throat or ear, to treat skin problems.

    You also need to pre-sterilize peach oil.

    Try to use in the care of your baby as much as possible natural remedies. Yes, and they should be resorted to only as needed!

    Composition of medical vaseline

    Vaseline medical, Petrolatum (USP), Vaselinum flavum (Ph Eur), Yellow soft paraffin (BP), Yellow petrolatum (JP) - a purified mixture of semi-solid, solid and liquid hydrocarbons having the general formula СnH2n +2. The composition of vaseline medical - a mixture of hydrocarbons consists mainly of branched and unbranched chains, it may contain some cyclic alkanes and aromatic molecules with paraffin side chains. According to the European Pharmacopoeia (EP) 2005 and US Pharmacopeia (F) 28. Medical petrolatum may contain a certain stabilizer (antioxidant, eg butyl hydroxytoluene, butyl hydroxyanisole or α-tocopherol), which is noted on the label. Introduced into pharmacy in 1876.

    V. is obtained during the processing of oil from a semi-solid residue, after steam or vacuum distillation. V.'s purification is carried out by high-pressure hydrogenation or by treatment with sulfuric acid after filtration through adsorbents. A specific antioxidant may be added to the finished product.

    Vaseline medical - a homogeneous greasy mass, stretches with threads, odorless, white or yellow color, slightly fluoresces in daylight. White vaseline in composition and properties corresponds to yellow, only it is more completely freed from coloring substances (by bleaching). Due to the composition of medical vaseline, the applied substance on a glass plate forms an even film that does not slip or crack. Drop point - 40-60°C (EF), melting point - 38-60°C, density at 60°C - 0.815-0.880 (US F), refractive index = 1.460-1.474; practically insoluble in acetone, ethanol, hot and cold 95% ethanol, glycerin and water; soluble in gasoline, chloroform, ether, hexane and most volatile and fixed oils. Dynamic viscosity not lower than 2.5 at 60 ° C (according to Engler) rheological properties are determined by the ratio of straight chains to branched and cyclic components of the mixture. V. contains relatively a large number of branched and cyclic hydrocarbons compared to paraffin, making it an ideal ointment base.

    Due to its composition, medical vaseline is saponified by alkali solutions, does not change under the action of concentrated acids, does not oxidize and does not taste bitter in air. Miscible in all proportions with fatty oils(except castor) and fats. When kindled, it forms a homogeneous transparent, slightly fluorescent liquid. Vaseline medical is a stable product due to the non-reactive nature of its components; Stability problems arise from the presence of impurities that oxidize when exposed to light and cause an undesirable odor. The degree of oxidation of petroleum jelly varies according to its purity and the presence or absence of an antioxidant stabilizer. Therefore, it is recommended to heat it very much (not > 70 ° C until fluidity is achieved). Vaseline medical practically does not react with active ingredients applied to it.

    Vaseline medical application

    Vaseline medical is used as an ointment base and emollient, which is poorly absorbed by the skin; in emollient creams for topical use, they are used at a concentration of 10-30%, in emulsions - 4-25%, ointments - up to 100%. Included in non-adherent gauze therapeutic dressings containing APIs. Widely used medical vaseline in the manufacture of cosmetics and some food products.


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