• How to become a good wife for your husband. Fashion tips - women's online magazine


    Wife, plays a big role in the family, especially for children, and for the husband, but the problem is that not all girls and women understand how to become a good wife for your husband, making him happy. In fact, everything is simple, but when girls and women turn to unknowing relatives and friends who, without knowing the answer to this question, give you the wrong advice that will not help solve the problem, but will only worsen it.

    Psychologists have already studied this issue, and families where there is good wife and correspondingly, happy husband and the family, and following the recommendations and advice of these parents, have proven in other families the effectiveness of these methods. Therefore, you can safely put the advice given here into practice, and you will soon become an excellent wife for your husband.

    Don't abuse attention and affection

    To become a good wife for your husband, you need, first of all, to stop spending too much time on him and on your family. This is due to the fact that men get used to their wife doing almost everything for them and paying a lot of attention attention for husband and family, and then the husband ceases to appreciate his wife. You need to devote time and attention to your family and husband, but not too much. You should have time for yourself to take care of yourself, relax, have fun, and look at your own beauty. Then your husband will notice that you are becoming better every day, and will begin to run after you so that you devote more time to him, and for this, he will begin to pursue you like the first days you met. But there is no need to abuse this method, since attention is important for the family, especially for raising children, and for the husband.

    Carry out only your duties and no more

    to you, in order to become a good wife For your husband, you need to stop doing extra work that doesn’t concern you at all. Do what you know how to do and what the girl needs. The work that is intended for a man should be done by him, not by you. For this, it will be useful for you to read: the role of a man in the family, where the responsibilities of a man are described in more detail. If you continue to do work that does not concern you, then you will not be so valued by your husband, and you will simply spend all your time on your family, and there will be nothing left for yourself.

    Learn to cook deliciously

    To become a good wife, you just need to learn how to cook delicious dishes. But this preparation of dishes should not be frequent. You need to make sure that every dish you prepare is appreciated by your family and husband. There should be days when you and your husband cook together so that he can see the work you do every day. There should also be breaks so that your husband can take you to a restaurant or cafe, then you will become more significant in the eyes of your husband. Since, continuing to cook 3 times a day, every day, my husband will not value it so much, and will begin to consider it as a necessary thing. Make sure your work is appreciated.

    Solve problems with your family

    The best way, to become a good wife is to start all the problems, solve them together with your family. Then you will become a team and begin to respect and support each other. There are different problems, if you can deal with them quickly and easily yourself, then you don’t have to take time away from your family. But it is necessary that there are problems that need to be solved together; this brings even the worst relationships together.

    Clean up your house together

    The stereotype that a girl should keep the house clean has long disappeared. Today, in order not to be considered, but to be a good wife, in my husband's eyes, order in the house, you need to restore order with your family. You don't need to do everything yourself all the time. Choose those days when you need to clean up the house, together. This is done so that your work begins to be more appreciated, and also, a joint business brings the family closer together and makes it stronger.

    Love your husband and receive reciprocity

    You need to become an excellent wife for your husband, but for this it is enough to simply fall in love, truly with him, with all your heart, and show this love for him. Then any man will melt and love you. Do everything to truly love your husband and receive reciprocity, there are many methods, choose the one you come up with. The main thing is that you are trying to improve your relationship, and as you know, all efforts pay off handsomely.

    Spend more time with your husband

    The easiest way to become a wonderful wife is to start spending more time with your husband. Write down all your husband's hobbies and interests on a piece of paper, and try to find or create something in common. Then your husband will be interested in spending more time with you, which will make you an excellent wife.

    Sometimes you have to be bad wife

    Always be good wife , boring and uninteresting, for you and for your husband, so take breaks and become a bad wife. Then you will relax as much as possible, and your husband will be surprised and appreciate you every day. When you show your husband that you are the best wife, and that you know how to be not only good, but also bad, and also take care of yourself, then the husband himself will begin to think about how to become a good husband for his wife. Then you will, in fact, live happier and more beautiful, since you will feel emotions for each other, and constantly deliver as much pleasure as possible, in the form of competition, who best husband or wife.

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    Hello dear reader!

    Good wives, as they say, are not born, they are made. But not every girl about to get married knows simple rules that will help you learn how to become a good wife for your husband. Let's look at the subtleties and secrets that will answer all the questions.

    In fact, there are no secrets, but there are tips from experts on how to become a truly good wife for your husband, and how to be happy in marriage.

    A good wife - who is she? If you want to become a full-fledged homemaker, then searching for answers to this question could not be more relevant for you. No ideal relationship, in which there would be no conflicts.

    But a woman, being the “neck”, while the husband is the “head”, can influence not only the situation as a whole, but also the behavior of her man. Let's look at the 10 commandments married woman, compliance with which will lead to family happiness and harmony.

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    To create durable harmonious relations In a family, both need to work on them. But you set the tone of the relationship, the atmosphere and the emotional component in general, because this is the area of ​​women’s responsibility.

    And if you show true feminine qualities next to your husband, your marriage will be strong and happy.

    What does a man need?

    To become a good wife, alas, it is not enough to be “an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty.” If everything were so easy, so many women in the world would not suffer from family problems, the advice of family psychologists would not have happened and would not have been required.

    Need to understand male psychology what a man needs and how to achieve it.

    Have you ever wondered why men get married at all? They also have needs that they fulfill in family life. And this is not only regular sex, pies on the table and comfort in the house...

    A man needs to feel needed, loved, he expects support and respect, devotion, understanding. Conditionally and schematically, psychologists reduce the basic expectations of a man from a woman to the following:

    • equipped life;
    • ease;
    • devotion;
    • calmness.

    What does it mean? That he feels good at home physically and mentally, it is pleasant and easy for him to communicate with his wife, he is confident in her fidelity, devotion and love, and he is “filled” with her state of calm confidence and enjoys femininity.

    And now specific advice, point by point.

    Make your home warm, cozy and smell delicious

    You may not have surgical sterility at home, but it should be cozy. Even if he says that he doesn’t care, he doesn’t. Every man wants to come home and relax. Delicious meal.

    Creating an appropriate environment is a woman’s task. This does not mean that you need to be busy with household chores from morning to night - you can organize a housekeeper to help around the house or children, if they are already grown up, and order pizza.

    But keep in mind that food prepared by you with your own hands and with love for your husband has a completely different energy. This is your form of caring for him.

    Be positive, light and playful

    Not like in the joke: “It’s okay that my character is heavy, but my behavior is easy.” No. Here we are talking about the ability to enjoy simple things, a smile on your face. A man can look at a cheerful, smiling, satisfied woman endlessly.

    When you know how to find and manifest in yourself that little girl, enthusiastic and light, who you want to carry in your arms, protect and pamper. When you're in good mood, and the eyes radiate light and love.

    Who said that if he is your husband, then you don’t need to flirt with him and or sometimes arrange pleasant surprises?

    Believe in him and be faithful to him physically and mentally

    Devotion to a man is not only about cheating. “Faith” and “loyalty” are words with the same root. This means devotion to your man, trust, acceptance, belief in his strength and masculinity and that this man is the best for you.

    After all, you chose him. It's about respect. About being proud of your husband. That he is your hero.

    If you see him as a winner, appreciate him, admire him and thank him, he simply grows wings! This is the very “” that is talked about so much at women’s trainings.

    I’ll surprise you: respect for a man is even more important than love for him. And criticism expresses distrust and disbelief in him.

    Be calm and confident

    It is always uncomfortable to be around a nervous and always fussing and dissatisfied woman. A woman, with her inner state, creates a field around herself in which people, when they find themselves, experience a certain state.

    So, a man loves precisely his condition next to his ideal woman. First of all.

    And then - everything else. If your condition as a woman is not improved, if you suffer from low self-esteem, are unsure of yourself, prone to hysterics, whining, outbursts of anger, attacks of jealousy - it will be difficult to call you a good wife.

    • Don't whine or complain

    You don't like whiners yourself. A man will help you solve all your problems if you don’t burden him from morning to night and dump all your fears and complexes on him. He is not your psychologist, not your mother or girlfriend.

    • Don't compare him to anyone

    Comparisons are unacceptable, neither with Steve Jobs, nor with Vasya from the next door. If you want to continue being with this man.

    • Don't feel sorry for him

    Never feel sorry for a man! back side pity is faith. If you regret it, it means you don’t believe in him. And keep in mind: supporting a man and feeling sorry for him are completely different things. Support. But don't be sorry.

    Here I am deliberately not talking about regular good sex and the fact that you need to take care of yourself, watch your figure and develop as a person. And different ways- It is obvious.

    If you use the tips above, believe me, receiving all this from you, your husband will throw the whole world at your feet!

    Becoming an ideal wife for your husband is a very difficult task, but this, as many say, is also a profession, a subtle art. Wise women they know that a man loves a pliable life partner, so that he can surround him with his care, love, honor, and respect. A good wife should be able to do everything and even more. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex often wonder how to become an ideal wife, succeed and be able to do everything. Here without wise advice It’s hard to figure out, so read the information below about this and much more.

    How to become an ideal wife for your husband: useful tips

    To become ideal for your chosen husband, the first thing necessary condition– this is common mutual love. Then each spouse will strive to become ideal for their partner, to make each other happier, so that both feel comfortable together under a variety of circumstances. However, the wife must also make her significant contribution to the relationship with the man, consisting of wisdom, understanding, feminine. Some useful tips how to become an ideal wife for your beloved husband:

    Always be feminine and attractive

    You, as an ideal wife, should become an example of attractiveness and make sure that your husband is always proud of you, can happily go out with such a lady in public, and consider in every situation what a wonderful wife he is. Always remember that you are, first of all, a woman, be yourself. This man chose you because he initially understood that you were ideal and immediately saw the qualities that were most important to him. Do not disappoint your beloved husband, remain as you were originally.

    Don’t forget that time is fleeting, beauty may not be your main weapon, so try to arm yourself in advance with some secrets of women of eternal youth, take care, maintain an ideal appearance, improve yourself, and emphasize your strengths. This should become a life motto so that your husband loves you all your life. Below, watch a video that will introduce you to how to always remain a feminine, attractive, ideal wife for your husband:

    Know how to cook well

    No matter how people say, what for ideal wife the main thing is beauty, and it is possible to eat in a restaurant or the housekeeper will cook it, but your spouse must know the taste of the dishes prepared by your hands in order to love and eat these delicacies again and again. An important aspect The ideal wife is the ability to feed her husband deliciously, to become a skilled cook, so that this man I knew that they wouldn’t serve such delicious food anywhere else. If such abilities are missing, then it is never too late to start developing them.

    • Today, this situation does not create any problems: there are a lot of culinary courses where professional chefs will be happy to share with you several useful secrets;
    • Use it external sources: Today's television is replete with daytime programs or grandiose culinary shows;
    • Don’t miss the opportunity to consult with your mother-in-law, find out family culinary masterpieces, find out what your beloved son loves, how to cook it;
    • Gain experience from dear mother, grandmothers, remember family recipes, adopt proven recipes.

    Don't turn sex into marital duty

    In order for your beloved spouse to be interested in you in bed, be able to become yourself ideal lover. Don’t make sex routine, don’t turn this process into something comparable to taking out the trash. Both of you should constantly receive pleasure from each other, give your husband all your love, your husband will certainly give everything in return. Experiment in sex, find common ground, do not be afraid of anything, because in front of you is a person whom you trusted, like a woman, when getting married, so go to the end.

    Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home

    From time immemorial, a woman was the keeper of the home, and this has come to this day, so God himself commanded you to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home. When a man knows that there is a faithful back at home, that they are always waiting there, they will welcome you with open arms, they will be incredibly happy.

    • Don’t make scandals for your husband when he comes home late from work, tired, just greet him with a smile, feed him, warm him up, hug him, and then talk to him about what’s troubling you.

    • Create all the conditions for home comfort, like an ideal wife, so that your loved one wants to return home after a hard day at work.
    • Keep order, neatness, and comfort of your hearth. Change bed linen, towels, and iron shirts on time.

    Give him the lead role in the relationship

    The spouse, under any circumstances, should feel like a man who will “attract a mammoth into the house,” resolve absolutely any difficulties, and make the right decisions. An ideal wife is a neck for her lover: where the wife turns, the husband looks. Just guide him and let him do the actions himself. So he will understand that he must retain the duties of the head; behind his broad back, like behind a stone wall, you completely give the reins of power into the hands of your spouse, including yourself. This instills a great sense of responsibility, determination and success later on.

    Support your spouse in everything, appreciate him for who he is

    An ideal wife values ​​her husband and supports him in every failure, endeavor, and undertaking. For your husband, you must become someone who inspires hope, believes in the strength of your spouse, will not betray, and will support you in any situation. You initially fell in love with your man for his masculinity, as he is, and it is of great importance that you need to perceive your loved one only this way, respect him, know all the shortcomings, but continue to love, carry him through many years, be happy together until old age.

    Don't restrict his freedom and don't be jealous

    Your husband is, first of all, a man who is not used to being under his wife’s thumb all the time; do not humiliate his dignity, give him freedom of action, actions, and desires. It is common for a spouse, like any other person, to have their own world of activities, affairs, and hobbies; accept this and cultivate a special level of trust in each other. Even if this activity takes place at night (for example, hunting, fishing), it drags on for more than one day. It’s okay, the main thing the beloved knows: an ideal wife is waiting for him at home, whom he will never even think about cheating on.

    It’s difficult to be perfect in everything, but it’s possible: a little psychology

    The psychology of a man and a woman is radically different, the ideal wife should understand this, as well as the fact that the key to any successful relationship– this is constant correctness towards your partner. Let's take a specific situation: your spouse returned home from work in a bad mood, and you spent the whole day preparing dinner by candlelight, did evening make-up, dressed up beautifully, but the husband paid absolutely no attention.

    • Try to understand the situation, take the side of your husband, leave the man alone with his thoughts, because he came home as if to his favorite haven, where he can lick his wounds, analyze the situation, and gain strength for further city battles. And only then, when the storm subsides, begin your duties as an ideal wife who will feed, caress, calm, instill hope, and give strength.

    • The psychology of an ideal woman should become like this: “I am a representative of the fair sex, loving wife her husband, which gives every opportunity to remain a real man to the end under any circumstances.”

    Having decided to become ideal, you will probably decide that this is simply unrealistic and refuse to follow these tips. However, believe me, you have already become such a wife, you have long received the name ideal, precisely for these very features of appearance, character, ability to listen, encourage, feed deliciously, and please. The husband chose the one and the ideal woman, with whom I am ready to live until the end of my days. Simply, do not lose over the years the female abilities given by nature, but on the contrary: acquire, increase, develop, share experience with your daughters. Be happy!

    Becoming a good wife is not difficult: you just need to learn it. You probably already know how to do almost everything. You learned this a long time ago.

    A mother teaches her daughter to cook and do housework, and her daughter learns to be a housewife. This is probably the very first skill of a wife: to feed her husband and children, to create comfort in the house when everything is washed, ironed and tidy. Can every woman do this? No. And a good wife not only knows how, but also loves.

    The grandmother called her granddaughter Sunshine, admired her smile, taught her to be caring and enjoy life. This is the second skill of a wife, although many smart men They consider this her main quality. A woman is a smile, a woman is joy; how wonderful it is when it is filled with light and love. Indeed, it is the wife who primarily decorates the life of the family. How joyful and happy this life will be depends on her attitude and mood, on her attentiveness and responsiveness.

    The third skill of a wife is the ability to be a friend and helper for her husband. Who taught her this? Maybe dad? Dad believed that his daughter must be smart. To be able to put aside your emotions, turn on your head, think about others and be responsible for your words - these are the qualities of a wife that command the greatest respect.

    Respect... Is this so important in a man’s relationship with a woman? Perhaps this is the secret happy couples who managed to create good and strong ones. We all know that men fall in love with some people, and often marry others. The ability to charm a man, awaken his imagination and passion is what relationships often begin with, but only the woman who then manages to arouse respect in a man can lay claim to the role of his lifelong friend, the role of his wife.

    A good wife is always attentive and wise mother. A woman is ready to love her children, no matter what they are, but it is important for a man that his children grow up worthy people. Who raises children first? Still, first of all, mom. And if your husband sees how you cheerfully and patiently solve all their issues with your children, organize games for them and reconcile them, teach them to do their homework on their own - you can be sure that a real man will always appreciate it.

    The next quality is a difficult, rare quality, but who said that being a good wife is easy? A good wife is a good organizer. Firstly, she knows how to organize herself. She has a plan for the day, and in the evening the main tasks are completed. Moreover, she has thought out not only family matters, but also everything that concerns her own affairs - beauty and health. She knows how to organize herself for exercise, and relax during the day (oh, how difficult this can be!), and go to bed on time in the evening. who have abandoned themselves for one reason or another, after some time they stop liking themselves, and sometimes even worse - they stop respecting themselves. And then life with them becomes very difficult.

    By the way, organizing does not mean doing everything yourself. It means making sure everything gets done. A family – it doesn’t matter whether it consists of two people or more (add children and relatives here) – is already a group that needs to be organized. Starting with the one who goes into the shower first, and moving up to those who need to go to the store or cook dinner today. And you don’t have to exhaust yourself with a heap of endless household chores; sometimes it’s easier to ask someone for help. True, for this you need to be able to ask in such a way that it would be easy and pleasant for your loved ones to help you, to ask cheerfully and affectionately, and also understandably. Ask for what is reasonable and doable. It sounds easy, but do you always choose words and intonations, do you know how to choose the right moment, ask in advance so that the one you ask to help can not strain and complete their business?

    Let's rise higher: if the husband is the head of the family, then a good wife is a hidden family leader, setting the atmosphere in the family and setting tasks for the husband that he must voice and solve in a manly manner. Family is a woman’s business, and thinking through all the main family matters is a woman’s concern. The housewife and the owner of her business have in common the need to independently set goals for themselves. Maybe this is the most difficult thing in the profession of “being a good wife”? Organize yourself, knowing that no one will ask. Knowing that someday you can oversleep extra hour, - both today and tomorrow. Or not doing exercises. And don’t try too hard - no one will notice anything right away, not even you. That is, of course, everything will become noticeable, but later - in 10 years... Probably, this is a small feat for women: to do your work every day, even if not everyone will notice and appreciate it. But if you do this, if you know how to lift yourself and your loved ones, they will take you seriously. You will also take yourself seriously.

    Running a household, raising children, taking care of her husband and elderly parents, gathering friends and relatives, congratulating them on holidays and remembering their birthdays - the mistress of the house has plenty of troubles. The faster you learn to do all this, the sooner the moment will come when it becomes easy for you, and creativity will replace the tedious and heavy monotony. Making pies when you know how to do it well and are proud of your talents is a joy. The same joy as choosing beautiful cards, having time to write emotional and nice words. Or - make your home comfortable, glad that you have someone to clean up after, and knowing that helpers will come at your first call.

    And admire the most loving husband in the world, whom you yourself found and - only quietly! - Of course, she raised her herself. Have you noticed that good wives have better husbands? A good wife raises not only children, she will also teach her husband to wash his hands and talk calmly, without shouting, even when he wants to solve everything the way they are used to - quickly and forcefully. A good wife is patient. A good wife knows the magic words: “Yes, darling”, “Of course, dear!”, “As you say, so we will do”; after which the husband stops insisting on his most right decisions and begins to listen to other smart people. That is, his wise wife. You, beloved and wonderful, the most beautiful in the world!

    When you become a good wife, the simplest thing left is to find the man who is looking for you. More precisely, to choose from the many who want the most good husband, - someone you can love. Because a good wife is such a rarity that she can afford to choose.

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