• How to be the perfect girl in a relationship with your boyfriend? Ideal girl: who is she?


    Maintain good hygiene. Regular personal hygiene is the first step to looking beautiful and attractive every day. Try to make the following actions a habit:

    • Take a shower at least once a day. You don't have to wash your hair every day (more on that later), but you should wash your body often. Already showered but found yourself sweating during your workout or on the way home? Wash again.
    • Wash your hair at least every other day. How often you need to wash your hair depends on your hair type. If they're dry and rough, you can wash them every other day (and they'll look better than if you washed them every day). Thinner and oilier hair requires more frequent washing. Wash your hair daily only if it is really oily and gets dirty very quickly.
    • Brush, floss, and rinse your teeth. Do all three steps twice a day and you will have a healthy mouth and an attractive smile.
    • Use deodorant. Apply deodorant (or antiperspirant deodorant) under your arms in the morning as soon as you wake up, and repeat as needed. If you have problems with sweating, look for a stronger deodorant (usually available in pharmacies). Avoid spray deodorants - they are less effective and more environmentally harmful.
    • Take care of your nails. Get a quick manicure and pedicure once a week after your shower. Clean dirt from under all 20 nails, trim and file them carefully. If desired, you can use nail polish. Don't bite your nails: it's painful and messy.

    Take care of your skin. If your skin is glowing and clear, you don't need a lot of makeup to look amazing, which comes in handy on days when you're in a rush. If you are under 11, never wear makeup - you will ruin your skin and it will become noticeable as you get older. Teens can use decorative cosmetics, but in moderation to look natural. In addition, bright makeup is inappropriate at school.

    • Cleanse. Use a cleanser that suits your skin type. It is usually enough to use it once a day (at night), unless you are engaged in active physical activity. In the morning, you can simply wash your face with warm water.
    • Tone. Immediately after washing, wipe your face with an alcohol-free tonic or lotion to restore the acid-base balance of the skin. Use toner twice a day.
    • Moisturize. Apply moisturizer twice daily before applying makeup. If you have oily skin, choose a light product, for example in the form of a gel; if your skin is dry, you will need a richer cream.
    • Get rid of acne. You can use products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to treat acne on your own. If this doesn't help, visit a dermatologist. Whatever you do, don't try to squeeze pimples! This will leave you with scars and more acne! Plus, if you press or pick at them, you'll end up with red marks all over your face. If a pimple pops up at the most crucial moment, try to disguise it with a concealer.
    • Protect your skin from sun exposure. If you are going outside for more than 15 minutes, apply sunscreen to exposed skin. (You'll thank this advice in 30 years, when your tanned friends have wrinkles and your skin is still supple and firm.)
  • Get rid of unnecessary hair. How you take care of your body and facial hair is up to you, but most girls in Western culture remove all facial hair except the eyebrows, as well as underarms and legs. Choose the appropriate method:

    • Plucking. This is the best and most popular way to shape your eyebrows yourself. If you are not sure where exactly you need to pluck, go to a cosmetologist for the first time. After this, you will be able to maintain the shape yourself by removing newly grown hairs.
    • Shaving. Shaving is the cheapest and most popular way to remove hair under the arms and legs. Making sure your razor is sharp and applying shaving cream or conditioner to the area you're shaving will help keep the process under control, give you a smoother shave, and help prevent nicks. If you are afraid to shave, you can remove hairs with a trimmer: the risk of cutting yourself is much lower. If you don't want to use a razor, the tips in the article "How to get smooth legs without shaving" will help you.
    • Hair removal with wax. Waxing your own hair can be a terrible process, but... waxing at the cosmetologist - effective method get rid of it for a long time unwanted hair, if you have the money for it. Make sure the professional you choose adheres to strict health and safety standards.
  • Do your hair. Which hairstyle suits you best depends on a variety of factors—like your face shape and hair type—but there are a few basic tips, which will be useful to everyone.

    • Brush or comb your hair, trim split ends every 6-8 weeks, and try not to use styling products such as gel or hairspray.
    • More concrete ideas you will find in the article "How to make a simple and beautiful hairstyle".
  • Do your makeup. Not all girls use decorative cosmetics, but it can highlight your natural beauty: the main thing is not to overdo it. Here are some basic recommendations:

    • Choose the lightest one foundation. The makeup base should hide skin imperfections, but not hide it like a mask. Start with compact powder, and if that’s not enough, try a liquid mattifying tone.
    • Lighten under eye circles. If you're prone to dark purple circles under your eyes (due to allergies or lack of sleep, for example), you can apply concealer under your eyes to make your skin appear brighter.
    • Touch up your eyes. You can get by with only light shadows, or you can use all means: shadows, eyeliner or pencil, mascara.
    • Use blush to make your cheeks glow. Choose a shade close to your natural blush color and apply a little at a time - don't overdo it.
    • Use lipstick or lip gloss. For daytime makeup, use a shade just a shade or two darker than yours natural color lips For special occasions, try a shade close to the color of the inside of your lips.
  • Wear perfume. If you take care of your hygiene, you'll already smell good, but you can go even further. Use scented soaps and moisturizers, and try wearing a little perfume or eau de toilette in the morning.

    • Determine which scents suit you. What smells great on your friend may not be great on you - chemical composition Each person's skin is a little different.
    • Use samples. Some websites sell small samples of perfumes at a discount, but it's easier to go to a perfume store and try out the scents on pieces of paper and try out your favorites directly on your skin. Try several different perfumes to find yours.
  • Dress nicely. Dress to look attractive but modest. Here are some general ideas to consider when choosing your wardrobe:

    • Buy a few classic pieces. Straight fit jeans, White shirt buttoned, simple beautiful sweater and a pair of elegant boots are versatile pieces that can be paired with almost anything.
    • Don't fall victim to trends. Fashion comes and goes, so resist the urge to buy something extravagant just because it's in fashion. Chances are it will go out of style before it pays for itself.
    • Don't go overboard with accessories. Follow the old adage: remove one accessory before you leave the house.
    • Make sure your clothes are always clean. Your outfit may be filled with great pieces, but it's all wasted if they're dirty. Set a laundry schedule so you never have to hunt for clean clothes in the morning.

    How to become the best version of yourself

    1. Be confident. Most people like confident and optimistic personalities. Why? Probably because people can be sad and withdrawn without outside help, but the company of a cheerful and happy person lifts their spirits. Even if you don't always feel confident and happy, here's how to pretend you have magnetic confidence:

      • Practice good posture. Keep your shoulders back, your back straight, and your chin high. The way you present yourself says a lot to people, so show that you are confident in your abilities and able to keep things under control.
      • Compliment others instead of competing with them. If you notice that someone does something better than you, or can do something that you can't, give that person a sincere compliment instead of being jealous. You will feel good about yourself and also show that you are not intimidated by the achievements of others.
      • Fake it until it's true. Nobody feels confident and great all the time. But if you pretend that you feel this way, you can really feel more confident throughout the day.
    2. Smile more often. A smile is one of the best ways make sure you are considered ideal.

      • The smile should be natural and relaxed. Don't try to stretch your lips too much.
      • The eyes should laugh too. When a smile causes wrinkles in the eyes (also called a Duchenne smile), people seem to think it is more sincere.
      • Have a sense of humor. Laughter not only improves your mood, but also helps others around you relax. Try not to take yourself or anything else too seriously.
    3. Be polite and treat others with respect. If you behave in such a way that the world sees your dignity and elegance, you will earn the respect and sympathy of other people. Here's what to try:

      • Work on your good manners. Say "please" and "thank you" and don't talk about people in public.
      • Try not to swear. If you swear, others may think that you are uneducated and immature and will most likely ignore you. If you accidentally let slip a rude word, it can be considered an awkward moment, but bad language should not become a habit.
      • Don't put yourself or others down. No one is perfect, and there are times when criticism is necessary. In most cases, however, try not to criticize yourself or other people in everyday life.
      • Remember your values. Peer pressure can be cruel or tempting, but it's all temporary. Your values ​​are your reputation and your future. This is what you actually have; They work on them all their lives and destroy them in a second. Once you lose them, what do you have left?
      • Be mature. Learn to handle situations maturely and intelligently. You don't have to whine or cry to get what you want. It's good to be funny and cheerful, but remember that you don't have to make a complete fool of yourself. Stay cool, calm and collected whenever possible.
    4. Let you have your own interests. Your interests are what make you interesting and unique, so make time for them. Engage in sports, music, reading, any other hobby - this way you will be a comprehensively developed and interesting person.

      • Take part in extracurricular activities, attend clubs and sections. This is a great way to meet new people!
      • Keep busy. Keeping yourself busy will make you interesting, so that when you meet new people, you'll have something to talk about. Think about it: you would be more interested in someone who has interests and always has something going on in their life, rather than someone who sits at home all the time.
    5. Focus on your education. The ideal girl always tries to be smart and get good grades. Make time to study, create a schedule for your homework, and try to show genuine interest in what you are learning. This will help you in the future.

    6. Respect each and everyone. Always respect others and never let others bully you, this will only help you rise even higher. Listen to your parents and respect them. Clean the house or do the dishes from time to time, they will appreciate the help.

      • Always listen to your parents, older relatives and teachers. You may not agree with what they say, but recognize that they have more life experience. If you are obedient and respond to requests without arguing, they will notice and appreciate your maturity.
      • Adviсe
        • People value those who can always have a good time with, rather than those who are always in a bad mood and difficult to talk to. If someone invites you to do something together or asks for something, don't say "oh no, I can't, sorry" and don't run away - people will think that you don't want to spend time with them. If you're just going to sit around at home, when you could go out with friends, choose the latter. If you really can't, explain it politely. Finally, offer to do it at another time - this will make you seem soft, open, polite, and people will understand that you do not want to upset them.
        • If someone criticizes you, don't take the criticism personally, but acknowledge it. Don't let criticism get you down.
        • Be kind. If Small child comes up to you and asks you to play with him, do it. Children will love you! Also be kind to animals.
        • Don't let rude or impolite people bully you. You don't have to listen to them. Stand up for yourself politely and quietly, but don't be rude or arrogant. Show them that you are above it by ignoring them or showing them that you don't care. Most importantly, never talk about anyone in public, you never know who might hear you. Imagine if you were just unlucky and the teacher you were discussing ended up behind your back!
        • Respect the opinions, dreams, views and interests of others. If your friend supports a football team you hate, don't talk about it. Try not talking about football at all. Start a conversation about something else.
        • Be a person who is easy to talk to. Getting close to people will help you stand out from the crowd. Don’t be afraid to tell your interlocutor about your affairs, and let him tell you about his: this way you will become closer, and he will appreciate it. Guys often act as if they don't have feelings, but they do, and they are no less complex than girls.
        • Let people feel that you are welcome. Try not to say “oh no, I don’t have time.” If you are in a hurry, stop, smile and ask what the person needs. He will respect you and treat you with sympathy, and if you behave this way with everyone, then people's faces will shine when they see you. And any girl is pleased when she is welcome and accepted!
        • Be prepared to laugh, even if it's your sworn enemy who's making a joke.
  • Becoming perfect is not the ultimate dream of any girl. To be the only one, the most beautiful and desirable, the embodiment of a dream - this is real happiness. However, it should be understood that ideal people are not born. A little effort on your part can take you to cherished goal. So how to become ideal girl for your boyfriend?

    How to be the perfect girl for your boyfriend

    First of all, you need to look not at others, but at yourself.

    First, try to look at yourself from the outside with maximum objectivity. Without excessive criticism and self-criticism, but without turning a blind eye to the shortcomings, as well as to the advantages that you may not have noticed in yourself until recently. Is the list of external and internal qualities that need adjustment ready? Go ahead.

    By selecting right moment In order not to cause a storm in a glass, ask your loved one what exactly confuses him about you. Compare it and your “list”. It is possible that there will be many common points. If you understand quite clearly that the issue is not your shortcomings, but a crisis of feelings, then we say: “Stop!”

    And we are trying to understand how long your relationship will last. If the guy gave delicate and useful recommendations– we begin to implement them.

    Many guys like it when girls change their image: hair color and length, clothing style, makeup, get tattoos or decorate themselves with piercings. To taste and color, as they say... This is how men unconsciously realize their dream of a “small harem”. If the proposed changes suit you - a hairdresser, a gym and a company store are at your service. True, you shouldn’t give up things dear to your heart. Vintage in clothes, and in love, is always in fashion.

    The way to a man's heart lies... The grandmothers knew what they were talking about. We prepare new dishes, arrange romantic dinner for two. Works flawlessly.

    Looking for an answer to the question: “How to be the ideal girl for a guy”? - sometimes, the most important thing is not the end result, but the process itself. By improving yourself, you improve your love and prolong it. Those representatives of the beautiful ox who perform this real “feminine feat” have the right to small weaknesses and touching cute flaws.

    People will always talk. And very rarely they will say good things. If you're worried about how to be the perfect girl for a guy, don't forget that the only thing that matters to you is his opinion.

    Nobody else should worry you. Of course, your boyfriend should help you and support you - no girl will become perfect without the support of her beloved man;

    Don't go too far. In everything. In conversations, in errands, in help, in time spent on you. Otherwise, the guy will have the feeling that he is only needed for trips to the supermarket or trips to the country with your parents;

    Don't forget the most important thing: you love each other. Which means they are already ideal for each other. All it takes to be a guy's perfect girlfriend is to remember the little things, make time for each other, and care. After all, you are still so young, you have your whole life ahead of you;

    Be everything to him. Hope, support, air and happiness. If a girl loves and is loved, she always turns into a beautiful swan, into the one and only one.

    If you want to become the ideal girl for a guy, the one he will idolize, do not forget to take care of yourself. Today, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, a natural girl.

    In an age when Hollywood is replete with glamor dolls, the era has finally arrived when naturalness and natural beauty are again valued. Therefore, it should not be neglected. Every beauty is different, but beautiful in its own way.

    Value yourself and never change for the sake of a person who is not worth it. There may be many guys, but you have one and only one. Don't forget about this, and everything in your relationship will always be wonderful.

    Do ideal women even exist? Probably not, if only for the reason that each person’s idea of ​​ideals is different. Opinions may not even coincide completely—for some, beauty is important, for others, intelligence is important.

    But, nevertheless, there are some factors, views on which differ in general nature, and most people agree in their judgments. So, what does the ideal girl look like?

    A woman is a beautiful and incomprehensible creature; poets and writers have always portrayed her as mysterious, magnificent, tender, loving, alluring, passionate, interesting, changeable and unusual. But the greatest merit of a woman is to remain the same in life.

    But, unfortunately, not every girl can be called ideal. And it’s not about dazzling beauty - you just always need to remember that you belong to female, and always look and act accordingly.

    Always be well-groomed

    Very often you see how girls, who have always looked inconspicuous, at a holiday manage to simply amaze with their appearance. But is it really possible to do makeup, hairstyle and dress fashionably only on holidays?

    This attitude towards oneself indicates low self-esteem, and men are primarily attracted to women who know their worth. To become the ideal girl for a guy, in Everyday life you also need to be well-groomed - light makeup, clean and beautiful clothes, washed and neat collected hair... Holidays should only highlight the opportunity to be even more beautiful.

    Don't be vulgar

    There is no need to explain much here. Men want to see a tender and defenseless creature in a girl (as a rule), and real woman must be cunning enough to hide her strength. Therefore, there is no need to swear, dress too loudly and revealing outfits and flirt with everyone around you.

    Get rid of bad habits

    Don’t smoke like a locomotive in front of a man and don’t get drunk - he’s unlikely to want to see such a person as the mother of his children. And if you already have a drink in front of him, let it be a glass of wine or champagne!

    Don't be materialistic

    Men are scared off by women who openly encroach on their money. Besides, it's simply indecent. If a man is “real,” he will make sure that his girlfriend doesn’t need anything.

    Of course, there can be a lot of similar advice about what an ideal girl looks like. But the main thing is to feel unique and beautiful!

    What a perfectly groomed girl looks like

    Looking beautiful is a rather difficult science, because you always have to take care of yourself. You can often hear that men are attracted to well-groomed girls. In this regard, the question may arise: “What does a well-groomed girl look like?”

    Every woman can be well-groomed and irresistible. And this has practically nothing to do with beauty - taking care of yourself and looking well-groomed is a woman’s responsibility.

    Firstly, you need to understand that you cannot look well-groomed if you do everything in a hurry. What clothes you will wear and what color you will dye your hair is a personal matter for everyone. But some rules must be followed unquestioningly. Looking well-groomed doesn't mean you need to spend a lot of money - you just need to take care of yourself regularly to become the ideal girl for a guy.

    It's rare when you can short term bring yourself back to normal if you don’t take care of your appearance at all. But if you take care of your figure, face, hair and nails, when you unexpectedly need to go to a party, your appearance will not let you down. So what does a well-groomed girl look like?


    No deodorant will hide the smell of sweat if you don't shower every day. It’s impossible to look well-groomed even if your hair hasn’t been washed for several days – that’s why water procedures required. In addition, before applying any cosmetic product, you must first cleanse your skin, otherwise the result will be zero.

    2. Clear lines

    Nails different lengths, hairs straying from the eyebrow line, split ends give an unkempt appearance. Therefore, you should always have a nail file in your purse. Be sure to visit your hairdresser once a month, even if you are growing your hair.

    3. Color

    Many women dye their hair. If you have already decided on this, then touch up your roots once a month - growing hair of a different color will make you look unkempt. If you decide to return natural color, then dye your hair the color that is as close as possible to your natural color.

    4. Leather

    Regularly cleanse your facial skin, fight wrinkles, pimples, use scrubs to become the ideal girl for a guy. Don't forget about depilation - no matter what you choose (laser, epilator, razor), you should not have a single hair at any time of the year!

    5. Nails

    Don't forget to get your manicure and pedicure done on time. Regardless of what kind of nails you have - natural or extended, they should always look well-groomed, not flake, be clean and the same length. Peeling varnish looks very untidy.

    6. Aroma

    Try to select cosmetical tools from one series - a variety of scents will turn you into a perfume factory. There is also no need to douse yourself in perfume - the smell should be light and unobtrusive, and not leave behind a trail of suffocating odor.

    5 signs of an ideal girl for a guy

    1. The ideal girl is independent

    The ideal girl should have her own interests and hobbies. She does not live only the life of her man. A girl needs to have her own hobby, communicate with friends, work or study, or she can combine both activities. If you are not yet married, then you can even disappear for a while to let the man feel how much he misses you.

    2. Beautiful

    Everyone knows that men love with their eyes, take care of yourself, emphasize your advantages with makeup, hairstyle and clothes. However, do not forget that the ideal girl should hide her inner beauty behind the external gloss.

    3. Sexy

    The main thing here is to know and feel what exactly your man wants and correspond to his ideas about sexuality. After all, some people are driven crazy by revealing outfits, while others, on the contrary, are driven by modest attractiveness. The ideal lover should know how to become the ideal girl for a guy in bed, and therefore about the most secret dreams of her man.

    4. Intelligent and tactful

    No matter how beautiful you are, tactlessness and empty talk will bring all your efforts to naught. A man's dream is to be able to carry on a conversation and know about manners; it shouldn't be boring with her.

    Most annoying feature feminine character- grouchiness. To become an ideal girl for a guy, don’t be too grouchy and picky; no one will listen to your whining and nagging for a long time. This behavior will only provoke aggression on the part of your chosen one.

    As you can see, this is very simple rules, following which daily, you can become for your chosen one, and maybe not only for him, an ideal girl, a real dream of men.

    5. The perfect girl respects her boyfriend.

    An ideal girl will not insult her man or belittle his dignity, even if he is wrong. A woman must listen and understand her chosen one.

    An ideal girl should appreciate and respect her man, which means she should not demand constant presence nearby and give the man time to realize his hobbies and habits.

    The further humanity goes, the more demanding we become of our future partners. Yes, in some ways this is possible and wrong, but this process is irreversible. If a couple of decades ago we were worried about the spiritual world of our partner, now appearance is added to this, social status and so on, so on, so on.

    Disadvantages and advantages

    Of course, any girl encounters a wave of criticism on social networks and on the streets. Among friends who have long been openly expressing their dissatisfaction with everything they may like or dislike.

    And then the search and questions begin: what’s wrong with me? Why am I worse than others? Why don't you like me? Becoming the ideal girl for a guy means being yourself, and not copying others.

    She will have someone. Can not beautiful girls to be alone. She has someone or even a couple of men in mind. She might be dating someone. But what did you want? Tidbits do not go unnoticed. You need to be the best, special and different. Then you can win her.

    How to be the best for a girl?

    Give unexpected compliments

    She has beautiful eyes, beautiful legs, sexy figure, sensual lips, amazing hair and a charming smile? You are late. Three other unshaven competitors had just told her this. It's best to avoid obvious compliments. They won't impress her. Try to be more original.

    Say something unexpected new girl: about a radiant smile, a cute mole, moist sparkling eyes, a mysterious look, a melodious voice, a light gait. Pay attention not only to her appearance, but also to her internal qualities. She is funny, funny, smart, quick-witted, kind, insightful, erudite, crazy, unpredictable. Tell her this.

    Have some stories to spare

    Girls like to say: “Tell me something interesting.” 70% of your competitors will be confused, but not you. In this case, you have prepared several curious and interesting stories. Depending on the girl, the stories may be told differently. Try to guess what exactly the new baby wants to hear. About travel, your friends, music, art, show business or literature. When communicating, new jokes, quotes and the ability to weave tall tales will come in handy. Prepared, erudite and clever man is a stunning and exciting mixture for any woman. (see 7 lessons of seduction)

    Play and flirt

    Be polite to your new baby. She had met enough rude people in her life. A woman falls in love with a man's attitude towards her. Gallantry, tact and politeness are the friends of a gentleman. But this does not mean “bending” under a woman. Only respect for the girl as an individual.

    In addition to nobility, you will need the ability to flirt. Excitement, flirting, jokes, intrigue, improvisation, gestures and body language. This is a game that increases the heart rate and blood flow to certain parts of the body.

    With all due respect, do not forget to tease the girl without affecting her pride. Be funny, cheeky, teasing.

    Showcase your versatility

    Athletes talk about sports, musicians talk about music, businessmen talk about business. Talk about a variety of subjects. Don't get carried away by talking about work or past relationships. Jump from topic to topic and try not to bother her with one thing. Give the girl the opportunity to talk about something. This is a conversation, not a monologue. Listen carefully to her words.

    Entertain the baby

    A sense of humor is a wonderful quality. Don’t be lazy to joke, tell jokes, come up with interesting pastimes. Girls need to be walked, given drive, emotions and a positive mood.

    Be unpredictable

    Act like good guy and then how bad. Say extraordinary things. Change plans unexpectedly. Offer unusual dates and things. Show emotion. Open up and show new sides of your character. Say the words: “no” and “I said so.” Scare her with your severity and show tenderness. Lead active image life and don’t become domesticated. A wild, wayward mustang on the prairie is much better than a sleeping horse in a stall. (see How to develop charisma)

    She will tremble when she meets a man who is not afraid to be himself. Which is strong and positive. A man of strength and integrity. With dominant behavior. With a smile on your face and kind hearted. She will be emotional and unpredictable with only one goal - to please you.

    8 199 0 Hello, dear readers of our site. Today we will talk about how to become an ideal girl and wife, as well as what an ideal girl should be like, her character, appearance and others important points. It is always good to strive for the ideal, the main thing is that it does not contradict your natural essence.

    “All men are the same!” How often do girls say this phrase in relation to the stronger sex? But they forget that men also have a language and can also say to them: “All women are the same!” And such words touch the heartstrings. After all, not a single girl or woman wants to be equated with everyone else. In her soul, every woman believes that she is unique and inimitable. And how much of everything such a girl will give to the man who emphasizes, notices and appreciates it... wow!

    Every man has his own ideal woman. Everything is a certain “Skeleton” according to which men try to choose the very ideal woman.

    For some men it is important that they ideal woman she was economical (like her mother), sociable (so that her friends would appreciate), while others are looking for an enterprising and business woman (so that she can provide for herself), passionate and flexible (so that she satisfies the basic instincts of a man).

    So how is the article about that very ideal girl and wife? More on this later.

    Why do you need to be perfect?

    It’s clear that becoming the ideal girl for a guy is not an easy task. But as the Russian proverb says: “If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sleigh.” It means that if you want to enjoy life, you must constantly work! This also applies to relationships! When a girl wants to have a handsome, smart, athletic, caring and loving young man, she needs to match him herself.

    Such guys do not lie on the road and they want a worthy partner next to them, and not just a girl whose brain is filled with endless fantasies and illusions.

    If a girl has never achieved anything in life, has not developed comprehensively, then she will definitely find a man like her.

    If the girl’s main goal is to get married as quickly as possible, no matter who, then naturally, there is no need for great intelligence and there is no need to try very hard. She will marry after facing difficulties family life, she will wonder why this is all happening. And soon the couple will come to the conclusion that they are completely different personalities and want different things from life.

    Conclusion: the set high bar requires a lot of effort and patience!!! Remember Generals' wives married lieutenants.

    Even the most cute girls sometimes they worry about the lack of male attention, or this attention is there, but it doesn’t come from the one they would like. What attracts young people to girls and what repels them? How to attract and keep the attention of the guy you like?

    No guy will, first of all, look at the rich inner world of a girl. First, she must interest him externally. As they say, people are greeted by their clothes, but men love with their eyes. It is clear that for every product there is a merchant. And sometimes young ladies who don’t take care of themselves are also lucky - there is such a merchant. But, basically, men prefer more sophisticated people to sluts.

    IN modern world, the vector of professional success is slightly shifted. Modern businesswoman must not only be smart and responsible, but also look appropriate for the position held. Of two identical candidates for the position, they will certainly choose the one who is more well-groomed and neatly dressed, because this means that she is more scrupulous and every little thing is important to her. The staff is also the face of the company and the leader. That's why directors' secretaries are always brand new.

    Many surveys have been conducted regarding men's preferences regarding a woman's appearance. Men expressed the most unusual preferences. In general, they can be combined into some generalized group of what an ideal girl should look like:

    1. Well-groomed appearance

    The ideal girl should first of all take care of herself. The way a girl is dressed, what her hairstyle is, says a lot about herself. She still may not say a word, but the guy either develops interest in her or instantly disappears. An important role in making an impression is played by:

    • Clean, washed, beautifully styled hair . Curls or hair slicked into a ponytail greasy shine will not increase anyone's chances. It's worth trying to experiment with different hairstyles. If you don’t have enough imagination, then on the Internet you can find a huge number of suggestions on how to quickly and using improvised means make a beautiful, interesting and unusual hairstyle(and not just loose hair, a ponytail and two braids). But even loose hair can be styled beautifully and elegantly. .
    • Beautiful manicure, well-groomed arms and legs . Not everyone has the opportunity to go to expensive beauty salons and change their nail color 2-3 times a week. But you can always find 5 minutes of free time and file your nails. Another 5 minutes to remove cracked varnish with acetone. And 10 minutes to apply new varnish. Trim excess cuticles from your nails once a week. Get a pedicure once every two weeks (scrape your heels with a foot file, paint your toenails and lubricate your feet with moisturizer). A small procedure will give you ease and self-confidence.
    • Nice smell . The exquisite aroma of eau de parfum will intrigue a man. Oral hygiene is of great importance. It is important to keep your teeth and tongue clean so that when speaking you make not only sounds, but also nice smell. The use of deodorants will enhance the effect of a girl’s beauty, and the smell of a gentle, feminine perfume will attract fans like bees to honey. However, if you use these cosmetics but do not shower, there will be no benefit. No amount of perfume or antiperspirant can eliminate the smell of sweat from a body that has not been washed for a long time.
    • Skillful use of cosmetics . Too bright war paint will repel a guy, and modest makeup will add femininity and show the chastity and inner beauty of the girl.
    • beautiful and clean face . If there are problems in this regard, it would not be superfluous to visit a cosmetologist, make facial masks, as well as cleansing and peeling. A little expensive, but effective! The result is worth it. If there are small problems with your face - a couple of harmful pimples have popped up - carefully and discreetly retouch them foundation. But don't forget to moisturize your face. A lot of healthy recipes for facial care you will find in our section ““.
    • Removing unnecessary body hair . Legs, arms, armpits, eyebrows, mustache, white line of the abdomen, bikini area - this is what many girls need to correct in themselves. The ideal girl will choose the method that is convenient and accessible to her and will use it regularly, avoiding overgrowth in these places. Everything you need to know about .
    • Good body . Some people were naturally blessed with a beautiful, athletic figure. But this is rare! The ideal girl will give this point paramount importance, doing sports exercises at home or in a fitness club. Thanks to such regular efforts, her body will be toned and attractive! .

    Conclusion: If you want to be perfect, don’t be lazy! It is important for an ideal girl to take care of herself, then men will watch the girl!!!

    Clean and appropriate clothing for the occasion is a +1 in your favor.

    It doesn't matter how much money you have. Today there are many stores where you can choose universal looks for any occasion. Let's remind you 2 simple secret, which for some reason many girls forget about.

    1. "Small black dress» should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting girl. When choosing this dress, try to make it universal: for business meetings and dinners, important events and even for dates. You should feel as comfortable as possible in it. No wonder this outfit has remained in fashion for several decades.
    2. White top black bottom- so far the most advantageous option in clothing, which is outside of time, outside of culture. It is absolutely universal! Combine blouses, jackets with skirts and trousers and you will always be in trend.

    A little is better - but beautiful and stylish; modest, but tasteful! It's not hard to chase the latest news fashion, but you shouldn’t be the last to take off an old-fashioned item.

    And a few more rules:

    • Keep your clothes clean. Wash it on time and be more careful.
    • Appropriate outfit. You don’t need to strive to show off all your charms; you need to be able to create a mysterious image and intrigue a man so that he becomes interested in getting to know you better. By showing everything to a man at once, he is unlikely to be interested in you, and if so, then only for fleeting pleasures. Clothes that are too revealing will show that the girl desperately demands attention and surrenders to the first person she meets. Such behavior will not earn respect from the guy. In addition, dirty, unironed clothes will show that the girl is perfect... dirty and slobby!
    • Moderation in details. The ideal girl for a man is one who knows how to choose jewelry, accessories and clothes to match the tone, style and color. At the same time, she will not overdo it with the amount of clothing she wears, but she will not diminish the importance of these little things in creating her unique image.

    3. Ideal character

    Character is what couples agree on; it is something they are not alike in. Couples with similar personalities live in more harmonious relationships.

    Naturally, a girl should not obey her man unquestioningly in everything. Undoubtedly, men value calmness and obedience. But a “voiceless” girl can alarm and even repel some men. When a girl does not have her own voice, her own opinion, she is like a pet. Men appreciate it when a girl knows how to explain herself respectfully, unobtrusively, without humiliating male opinion and without imposing your own on everyone around you.

    “Market women” attract only the same “market” louts.

    Constant arguments, eternal showdowns, complete control, jealousy and mistrust - this is what does not paint the perfect girl!

    He is very sympathetic to men when a young lady is friendly, soft, gentle, loves animals, children, and shows respect for parents and older people. These same traits will also be appreciated by the parents of your chosen one, with whom you will have to link your destiny (if you are committed to a serious, long-term relationship).

    Even when something bad happens around, a girl should be able to control herself and get out of situations gracefully.

    Let's sum up the intermediate results.

    What should an ideal girl be like?

    1 The ideal girl does not lose her temper over trifles, does not become insolent, does not use foul language, knows how to control her emotions, and does not gossip about other people in the presence of a guy.
    2 An ideal girl will never embarrass her boyfriend in public. She will never make comments to him in front of his friends or parents. She will tell him everything she needs in private.
    3 The ideal girl should be an educated, well-mannered lady. She follows the rules of etiquette, knows how to correctly express her thoughts in words, and does not “back” and “mack”, not knowing how to connect two words into an articulate sentence.
    4 An ideal girl is a good housewife, or at least the desire to be one.
    5 The ideal girl knows how to cook something tasty and edible.
    6 Her house is in order. And this order does not mean that before someone arrives, all things are actively transferred to the closet and under the sofa, and then taken back as if nothing had happened. The ideal girl understands the importance of cleanliness and tidiness of her home or apartment!
    7 The ideal girl should be independent and respect herself first. She must stand confidently on her feet.
    8 Good taste in clothes is another quality of an ideal girl.
    9 The ideal girl always takes care of her appearance: paint overgrown roots, remove old gel polish, tighten sagging sides on the exercise machine, remove plaque on her teeth at the dentist.
    10 The ideal girl is also wise woman. A man next to such a woman will never feel that his rights are being infringed upon.
    11 The ideal girl is a faithful girl. There are a number.
    12 The ideal girl has no bad habits. She does not smoke and knows when to drink alcohol.
    13 An ideal girl knows the value of her time and never wastes it.
    14 The ideal girl knows how to create beauty around herself and notices only the good in others.
    15 The ideal girl always thinks positively. She will always find the right words in a difficult situation.

    For girls, the main thing is that they are loved, and for men it is more important that a girl respects them. Respect is manifested in the manner of behavior, communication, the ability to take into account the opinion of a man, to praise and respect him.

    4. The ideal girl knows how to build the ideal relationship

    Relationships between a man and a woman are not easy work. They cannot be built overnight, but they can collapse in an instant. Therefore, do not forget about simple rules behavior, and it doesn’t matter how long your relationship has lasted.

    What qualities spoil a relationship?

    The 3 most common causes of disputes and separations in couples.

    Deception Resentment Ignorance and Flirting
    Men feel when something is not being told to them and some details are being hidden. Therefore, no matter what serious and terrible happens, there is no need to hide it from your boyfriend. By honestly telling him everything, you can gain his trust and respect for yourself in the future.

    You should also not monitor his life by checking his phone, contacts, messages, email, social media. He is not your property and has the right to an uncontrolled life.

    We are all imperfect. A guy can also make a mistake, lose his temper, and forget important dates. If a girl constantly nags her significant other, then soon he will get tired of it, and he will begin to think that he will live well in the world even without a girl. And such relationships only infringe on his freedom and right to vote. You need to be able to forgive men for their little weaknesses, and in return they will forgive and not pay attention to women’s whims and shortcomings.When a girl doesn't use pleasant words in her speech sweet words, this is very annoying. The ideal girl will not imitate the conversational style of men. She is woman! And this is manifested in her soft voice, good manners, words “sorry”, “please”, “thank you”.

    But you need to know the limits of what is permitted and not allow such tenderness to develop into flirting with people of the opposite sex. Otherwise, a girl’s intelligence and tact will turn into a disadvantage for a guy.

    What qualities should you develop in yourself to become the ideal girl?

    Qualities of an ideal woman

    1 Devotion and fidelity.It is important to show through your actions that no one else will take the place of the chosen one. It is the most expensive and significant person in life. And since fidelity, in our time, is a rather rare quality, a man will certainly appreciate it. Let the proverb be true for him: “In life, like in chess. If you lose the queen, then you have to be content with the pawns.”
    2 Respect for a man, his family and friends.For a guy, his social circle is very important. If a lady begins to be capricious, grumble and be indignant about his surroundings, then trouble and a break in the relationship, in many cases, cannot be avoided.
    3 Ability to listen and not interrupt.Men rarely share their feelings and experiences. But if such a rare moment has arrived, the ideal girl will not miss the opportunity to listen to him, understand the feelings of her loved one and, if necessary, help, support, caress, hug.
    4 A positive attitude is very important.After all, in life there are enough problems and sour faces. If the woman you love is also sad and whining about her difficulties, then this will become boring and repulsive. A smile is a great way to look happy and beautiful.
    5 Praise inspires.And the ability to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings will cause a positive reaction from your partner and respect for the girl’s person.
    6 Self-development.This is the development of not only the mind, but also the body.

    Dedicate enough time to self-development, increase your education, monitor appearance and body composition.

    7* And a bit more…It is important to develop worthy qualities in yourself: humility, politeness, gentleness, responsiveness, kindness, naturalness, punctuality, self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Considering all of the above: you don’t have to stop until you have a reason to be proud of yourself!!! Then you can easily become a loved, desired and ideal girl for a man.

    Dreams Come True! The perfect girl married the man of her dreams. How to get a new title: “Ideal Wife”? It’s simple, don’t forget who you were before marriage.

    After getting married, many women stop taking care of themselves, are lazy to exercise, allow themselves to scream and grumble at their husbands, referring to extreme fatigue, they forget that a man needs to be fed, respected, listened to and put to bed.

    But for men, such changes are stressful and a big blow. After all, they married sophisticated beauties, ideal women. And what's the result? The ideal turned into the most ordinary. Sadness is sad!!!

    What to do to family bonds Hasn't it become a routine? Basically, everything is the same as before the wedding. Only now there is twice as much effort and dedication. Why?

    Because before marriage, on dates, everyone tried to show themselves with best side. Once you get married, a completely different life begins. The spouses see each other day and night. They are always together. And now the fullest bouquet of shortcomings and weaknesses is revealed, in all its glory.

    And at this time, more than ever, it is simply necessary to work on yourself and improve your personality and your relationships.

    The ideal wife for a man is a woman who:

    When a woman gets married, they say about her: “She is married,” and the man is “married.” But sometimes the roles in the family change and the man becomes “ behind married" and the wife " husband", without the prefix "for"? If this happens, this is a serious reason to think about your relationship!!!

    Woman was created by God from the rib of a man, and not from the head, so as not to rise above him. Not from the leg, so that her husband humiliates her and does not value her. And at hand, so that she feels protected and close to her heart, so that she is loved and desired.

    Being perfect is not easy, but it is possible and necessary!

    Video about the ideal woman through the eyes of a man

    What should the ideal woman/girl be like? How to become a desirable woman? How to please men?

    Why be perfect?

    Every girl dreams of being ideal wife, mother, friend, sister. We all strive to achieve excellence in work, school, personal life and society. We strive for self-development and achieving our goals, and this is very cool. Our days are not aimless, they are filled with meaning, we move towards perfection every day and, when we achieve our goals, we feel joy because we did not give up halfway. Being perfect is not easy, it’s hard daily work, but it’s so nice to become a little better every day and be an example for others.

    The ideal is different for everyone, but there are generally accepted concepts and principles that have developed over the years in society that an ideal girl must meet.

    Let's look at them in more detail.

    How to become perfect?

    What should an ideal girl be like? What do you need to do to achieve the ideal? Many girls who decide to become ideal rack their brains over these questions.

    So, the ideal girl:

    • does not have bad habits. The ideal girl will not poison her body with alcohol and nicotine.
    • controls his appearance. A perfect girl will not go out with a dirty head in an old robe; she always looks impeccable.
    • playing sports. Yoga, Pilates, fitness, swimming, golf, gym classes - there are a lot of options, the main thing is to lead an active lifestyle and always be fit and toned.
    • erudite and comprehensively developed. The perfect girl reads many books of different genres and directions, watches films, solves crosswords and sudoku, puzzles and charades, attends courses in learning Spanish, Thai massage techniques, cooking and gardening. With a girl like this you will always find general theme, she is a fascinating conversationalist and has a wonderful sense of humor.
    • controls her figure and nutrition. The ideal girl does not eat at fast food cafes, she lives by the principle “I eat in order to live, and I do not live in order to eat”; her dietary restrictions do not go to extremes and do not irritate others. A perfect girl eats a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinks vitamins, and doesn’t count calories every minute.
    • perfect girl smiling all the time, she exudes cheerfulness And great mood. After communicating with such a girl, my soul is light and joyful.
    • does not lie, is not rude, is not rude, does not shout. She knows how to control herself, control her feelings, and even if she is overwhelmed with anger, rage and other negative emotions, the girl will not throw them out on the people around her.
    • respects his parents, older, loves kids and animals. Open to communication and contact with people.

    The path to achieving the ideal is long and thorny; to begin with, you can take the following actions:

    • Plan your day, don’t waste time aimlessly sitting for days on the Internet or playing on the computer or phone. If you have a free minute, it is better to spend it reading a book.
    • Let every hour of your day be rich and interesting, learn something new, learn something.
    • Get rid of bad habits, sign up for language courses or go to a driving school.
    • Take care of yourself, do something pleasant and healthy for your body every day (mask, peeling, manicure).
    • Make a list of goals and a list of your achievements. It is very important to complete the assigned tasks, and not deviate from the path and not give up.

    An ideal girl is the pride of her chosen one; he values ​​her, loves her and is afraid of losing her.

    What girl doesn't dream of achieving perfection for her beloved?

    What does it take to become the ideal girl for your loved one:

    1. Be yourself, don’t play a role, don’t close yourself off, don’t imagine yourself as Marilyn Monroe or a princess. You are you, be sincere and open to your loved one.
    2. Always take care of your appearance, appearance is not the most important thing, but guys love well-groomed girls who play sports, have impeccable style and taste, and don’t overdo it with makeup. Everything should be in moderation.
    3. Develop, improve yourself. Spend time on education, work, courses. Guys in the company of such a girl are always interested and have something to talk about; she will support the given topic of conversation.
    4. Smile, be positive and cheerful. It’s a pleasure to spend every minute with such a girl; she lights up our days like a little sun.

    Don’t forget that your loved one chose you, you are a couple and this means that he liked you for who you already are.

    Trying to be perfect for the guy you love is a good idea, but don't go overboard. In the quest for ideal and self-improvement, you can change beyond recognition, you will no longer be the girl he fell in love with, so remember the basic rule: “Everything is good in moderation.”

    How to become the perfect teenage girl? How to become perfect at 14 years old?

    Is it possible to be the perfect girl if you are only 14 or a little older? Of course yes! All ages are submissive to the ideal.

    Self-improvement is long work and it’s better to start it from a young age, then by the age of 20 you will achieve more than your peers.

    Where should a teenage girl start:

    • Don't be rude or rude. Adolescence is a difficult time for girls; they sincerely believe that they are misunderstood or ignored. Try to put yourself in the shoes of your parents, be more loyal. Your family is the most dear people who love you very much and wish you only the best, so try to understand their position and discuss it without showdowns or unnecessary quarrels.
    • Take care of your appearance and style. Don’t go overboard with your makeup, it’s better to lightly highlight your eyes with mascara and your lips with gloss, rather than disfigure yourself and add years of visual impact with tons of makeup. Choose comfortable clothes, do not buy frilly or very bright things, otherwise you risk looking like a parrot or Christmas tree. Don’t “decorate” yourself with tattoos and piercings; over the years you will only regret it.
    • Keep track of your academic achievements and grades at school. Education and intelligence are highly valued and, if you don’t realize it yet, you definitely will when you get older.
    • Do some sports. You grow and develop, and an active and sporty lifestyle will help you develop a figure that will be the envy of all your friends.
    • Read more books. This way you will become a wonderful conversationalist and form your own views on various topics and issues.
    • Do not use swear words, make sure your speech and pronunciation are correct.
    • Don't have bad habits. Drinking and smoking are unfashionable, and a healthy lifestyle is always highly valued.
    • Don't gossip. Only those who have nothing else to talk about discuss others, because they are narrow-minded and limited.

    Guided by these rules, you will achieve harmony with yourself and society. Isn't this ideal?

    An ideal girl and wife is a reliable support for her boyfriend and husband, she loves and is loved, such a girl is valued and afraid of losing, she is treasured.

    In order not to destroy the relationship and be in harmony with your chosen one, you need to be guided by the following rules:

    1. Value and respect your boyfriend's opinion. Everyone has the right to have their views respected and accepted.
    2. Trust in relationships- the key to their longevity. You shouldn’t torment your boyfriend with scenes of jealousy, search his pockets, monitor mobile phone, page on a social network.
    3. Loyalty. If you love your boyfriend, then why do you need another? If you like another person and are attracted to him, it means your boyfriend is not your soulmate at all, you should not torment a person and hide your feelings for another, this is dishonest towards him.
    4. Respect and do not discuss his family, relatives and friends. These people have known him for many years, they are important to your boyfriend, you shouldn’t create a situation where the guy has to be torn between you and his mother or friend. The choice may not be in your favor at all.
    5. Listen and listen. Be a good listener and adviser, encourage and support your loved one in problematic situations. Motivate your chosen one to achieve the goals he has set. He needs to know that he can always rely on you.
    6. Don't limit his freedom and don't be fixated only on your relationship. The fact that you enjoy spending time together is great, but everyone should have their own personal space, for example, you can spend a couple of hours on a weekend with your friends in a cafe, and he can spend a couple of hours with his colleagues at the bowling alley.

    Beauty is a subjective concept, but well-groomed girls always attract attention and become the envy of their friends.

    What needs to be done to achieve the ideal externally?

    • Control the condition of your hair and skin. Make regular homemade and store-bought masks, take vitamins and mineral complexes. Regularly trim the ends of your hair and pluck your eyebrows. Nutritional control is also important; very often pimples, acne, and rashes are the result of poor nutrition and abuse of sweets, starchy foods, and spicy foods.
    • Take care of the condition of your fingernails and toenails.
    • Remove excess hair. Exists a large number of ways - waxing, laser, creams, machines.
    • Choose the one most suitable for your skin.
    • Choose your own style. Combine clothing colors wisely. Also keep an eye on the state of things. Fashionable, expensive things, but dirty or with holes, raise doubts about the girl’s neatness and neatness.
    • Choose your perfume. Smells play a big role, but don't overdo it, don't pour a bottle of perfume on yourself every morning.

    How to become perfect for yourself and for everyone? Is it possible to be perfect in everything?

    If you want to become perfect for yourself and for those around you, then follow all the tips given above in order to become a perfect girl, ideal for your boyfriend and in a relationship, and also remember the following:

    • Be confident. Never doubt your strengths and capabilities, you will definitely succeed!
    • Don't be complex. Everyone has their own shortcomings. Accept yourself for who you are.
    • Love yourself. How can you please someone and find your soulmate if you don’t love yourself? But love should not transform into selfishness or narcissism, everything should be balanced.

    Remember that how many people - so many opinions and everyone has their own ideals. It is impossible to be perfect in everything, but this is not a reason to relax and give up. The desire for self-improvement is an exciting and, most importantly, productive process.

    Useful tips from a psychologist

    All psychologists insist that working on oneself is a mandatory process in the development of personality. But don’t forget that there are no ideals, don’t get hung up and don’t mock yourself, the process of self-improvement should bring joy and not be torture.

    And the main rule is: be yourself, don’t create an idol for yourself, don’t imitate. All people are unique and inimitable.

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