• How to raise the top of your head on medium hair. Women's hairstyles gathered at the top of the head. Ideas for creating updo hairstyles for medium hair with photos: everyday, holiday and formal styling options


    It's no secret that hair of any type will hardly look well-groomed and attractive if you don't give it volume. Moreover, most fashionable ones today involve daily styling.

    Of course, before any important event, it is better to entrust this procedure to a master by going to the hairdresser. But to create a voluminous hairstyle “for every day”, your own strength is quite enough, if only you had the right tools at hand!

    Voluminous hair requires proper care

    Fortunately, these days, when store shelves are simply bursting with an abundance of professional decorative and care cosmetics, choose good means styling your hair is a matter of five minutes.

    In addition, if necessary, suitable tools for adding volume to your hair can be found on the shelves of the nearest supermarket among other general consumer goods.

    However, we should not forget that the key to a full hairstyle is, first of all, proper hair care.

    Surprisingly, by following some simple recommendations in your daily routine, you can achieve simply amazing results! The tips below will help you style your hair healthy looking and natural volume without the use of expensive cosmetics and visits to professionals.

    Choose the right skincare products

    Hair conditioner is a healthier hair care product

    When purchasing a new product, always pay attention to this parameter. Pay attention to the composition of the chosen shampoo.

    Give preference to those cosmetics manufacturers who do not use silicone or hair-weighting oils in the manufacture of their products.

    Once and for all, stop using conditioners that stick your hair together, replacing them with more useful remedies– air conditioners. Invest in cosmetics from a reputable hair care brand, but be careful.

    Concentrated shampoos and conditioners provide an almost instant effect, but in return they are addictive.

    If you stop using such cosmetics, subsequently give your hairstyle well-groomed appearance will cost you a lot of work.

    Make hair masks!

    Honey hair mask is a dessert for them

    Regular application is one of the most the right ways give hair natural volume and healthy shine.

    In addition to ready-made products from cosmetic stores, you can also use products for hair care that you can make at home yourself.

    Below you will find several time-tested recipes useful masks for hair volume.

    Cognac-egg mask

    For 2-3 beaten egg yolks (without whites) take one tablespoon of cognac. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, focusing Special attention root zone. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes. In this case, it is better to wrap your head in a towel so that it is constantly warm.

    Honey mask

    Freshly heated in a water bath until it becomes completely liquid. Before applying to the scalp, add aloe juice or egg yolk to the product. Keep the mask under an insulated hood for at least one hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

    Clay mask

    Purchased at a pharmacy blue clay diluted with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply the mask with massage movements directly to the scalp and leave under an insulated cap for about half an hour.

    It is better to wash off the clay with cool water and lemon juice.

    Lush hairstyle at home

    Hair needs to be dried correctly

    Of course, for hair to look healthy and voluminous, it is very important to choose the right cosmetical tools for hair.

    The very order in which the procedures are carried out should be treated with no less responsibility.

    So, by following certain simple rules, you can achieve amazing results, even doing what is called “in a hurry”:

    • Start the process of getting your hair in order by washing your hair as usual. Firstly, your hair will look much fresher. And, secondly, after shampoo you can use conditioner, which will give your hair extra volume. But you should avoid using special balms. Such products, although they improve hair health, can make it very heavy, which will adversely affect the hair. appearance hairstyles
    • Don't neglect scalp care. Some tonic procedures, for example, washing your hair in cool water with lemon juice, have a beneficial effect on the hair, lifting it from the very roots and thereby giving additional volume to the future hairstyle.
    • Use a hairdryer with caution. It is known that frequent drying damages hair, making it brittle. However, daily styling without a hairdryer is simply impossible. How to be? There is a way out of the situation - dry your hair correctly! Take a comfortable position, tilting your head so that your hair hangs towards the floor. Direct the air stream from the hair dryer strictly from top to bottom. This way the risk of hair damage will be much less. Don't overdo it with high temperature. For example, you can fix the finished styling with a stream of cold air.
    • Save styling product. If you use foam, literally one “pea” the size of a chestnut is enough to create a beautiful hairstyle. For the product to work most effectively, use it on already dry hair. However, be careful - the foam weighs down the curls. Therefore, to make your hairstyle voluminous enough, use the product only on the roots of your hair.
    • Use the tools that are convenient for you. So, beautiful curls can be created using a round comb or curlers - the result will be almost identical. And if your goal is voluminous hairstyle no effect curly hair, a regular comb with which you can backcomb your hair will be enough.
    • Avoid the “shaggy” effect. So, when combing your strands, do not overdo it - giving your hair too much volume in in this case will make you look as if you didn’t preen yourself at all. Fortunately, this problem can be easily avoided. Before backcombing, divide each strand into two parts - the lower one, which you will work with, and the upper one, which should be left smooth for better results. visual effect. The result will be simply amazing!
    • Select suitable varnish. It is known that fixing products can weigh down hair, depriving it of volume. Therefore, for everyday styling, choose light, non-persistent varnishes. But for hairstyles for important events, choose a product with high degree fixation. Your hair will feel noticeably heavier, but the stunning, long-lasting style that lasts throughout the evening will be worth it.

    Required Tools

    A round comb is the main assistant in creating curls and giving your hair lasting volume.

    To create a beautiful voluminous hairstyle at home, every girl should have on hand a set of tools and tools necessary for this procedure.

    Similar cosmetics and devices High Quality can be purchased at specialized hairdressing stores.

    However, their cheaper analogues, which can be found in any supermarket, are quite suitable for styling hair at home. What does a fashionista need to have in her arsenal to create beautiful voluminous hairstyles every day?

    - This is not only an extremely useful item in everyday life, but also your main tool for styling hair. When purchasing it, do not try to save money: the more powerful the purchased equipment, the less time you will have to spend on daily fiddling with your hair.

    Don't skimp on spending money on a professional hairdryer with two drying modes - cold and hot (to create beautiful styling you'll need both of them). But the number of attachments supplied with the equipment does not matter. Their presence is not important at all and provides, perhaps, greater scope for creativity.

    A round comb is your main assistant in creating curls and giving your hair lasting volume from the roots. The larger the diameter of the brush, the more beautiful the strands wound onto it will lie (although the complexity of working with the tool will increase in direct proportion to this characteristic).

    Today, even in the most ordinary store you can buy combs with different types bristles: from natural materials, made of plastic or combined. Which one is right for you - decide for yourself, based on your own hair type, as well as its length.

    You will need a flat comb mainly for combing individual strands. Which comb - with sparse or fine teeth - will be more useful in your case, judge for yourself, focusing on the thickness of your hair.

    In any case, give preference to a comb made of natural materials, such as wood. When combing, such a comb will cause much less mechanical damage to your hair than a plastic one.

    Styling products are necessary to ensure that the hairstyle, even when exposed to external influences, lasts as long as possible. From the entire huge range of such cosmetics, choose the one that suits the length of your hair.

    For styling short haircuts The most effective will be gel or wax. For long hair It is better to give preference to foams or liquid sprays for volume.

    Curlers are effective method giving hair volume from the very roots

    – this is the necessary final chord of any styling. After all, no matter what products are used to create a hairstyle, it will not last long without fixation.

    ABOUT making the right choice varnish, depending on the type of styling being created (everyday or evening), we have already said a little higher.

    Curlers are a fairly effective, although time-consuming, way to add volume to your hair from the very roots.

    Today, the most popular are two versions of this device, and it is not possible to clearly name the best among them.

    For example, Velcro curlers are very easy to use and absolutely safe for hair. But the thermal option, which injures the hair, allows you to create a beautiful, long-lasting hairstyle literally in a matter of minutes.

    An electric curling iron is essentially a universal tool that combines the functions of a round comb and a hair dryer, which can significantly save time on curling curls.

    It is best to consult with professionals about which particular model of this device you should purchase. On our own behalf, we would like to add that use in combination with styling products is unacceptable: it can seriously injure the hair.

    You will also learn how to create volume at the roots of your hair from the video:

    In contact with

    At least half of the girls in the world dream of “dizzying volume” and “stunning thickness” of hair. Thanks to many years of intrusive advertising. But the manufacturers of cosmetics always modestly keep silent about the fact that one advertised shampoo clearly cannot cope with this task. And transformation fine hair into a daring mane often requires diligence and small beauty tricks. We will tell you about the most effective of which today.

    Do you want root volume hair like Victoria's Secret models? Then be patient. Or immediately make an appointment with a celebrity stylist. Okay, okay, not everything is so hopeless. It is very possible to temporarily but quickly increase hair thickness. Naturally, only visually. You can start with these simple beauty hacks. They are used by hairdressers and girls all over the world.

    1. Use dry shampoo

    The people who invented dry shampoo definitely need a monument. At a minimum, paint their portrait in full height. After all, this remedy saves you not only in cases where the water is turned off, you overslept your alarm clock, or find yourself in a hostel without a shower and your head is dirty. Dry shampoo will add noticeable root volume to clean hair. The perfect solution for a hairstyle a la “I just got out of bed and already look good.”

    2. Curling iron and curlers

    A simple truth, known even to Marilyn Monroe, our mothers and all girls in the 80s: curls always make your hair look bright and voluminous. But even here it won’t hurt to repeat a couple of subtleties. Eg, If you use curlers for root volume, always choose the largest ones. With a curling iron everything is a little simpler. For more volume, start curling your curls as close to the roots as possible.. And to emphasize the shape, always curl the strands in the front in the direction "on behalf of". And never vice versa.

    3. Corrugation

    Sounds old-fashioned and brings back nostalgic memories? We understand perfectly. But a corrugated curling iron can still serve as an excellent assistant in creating voluminous hairstyles. The trick is to crimp exclusively the “bottom” strands, as close to the roots as possible. Leave the top ones untouched. This way, the least up-to-date perm will be hidden from prying eyes, and your hair will instantly gain volume.

    4. Dry properly

    It turns out that even without “brushing” and other hassles, blow-drying has a great effect on the shape of your hair. Want to squeeze maximum volume out of your hair? Then Dry your hair with your head down. Direct the air stream from bottom to top, gradually moving towards the roots. Dry them as thoroughly as possible. After all, even slightly wet hairstyle will destroy the entire volume. For better effect It is better to use a large round brush. And in this case, “for volume” shampoo will come in very handy.

    5. Hair powders and other “sealants”

    If you are not one of the girls who faint from “bad” formulations, you can try special powders or sealants. They are applied exclusively to the root zone. And thanks to the presence of large particles, fibers or special fixatives, the products visually (and to the touch) add thickness to the hair. True, all this beauty is kept in better case before the first wash. A kind of “push-up” for hair.

    6. Gather still damp hair into a bun and secure with an elastic band.

    With this method, even naturally, your hair will dry with volume. True, complete with small waves and curls. But fans of “beach curls” will be delighted.

    7. Massage

    The simplest and affordable way to achieve volume - actively massage the scalp at the very roots for a couple of minutes. No miracles: you just fluff your mane with your hands. But this method is even useful: massage improves blood circulation, which should stimulate new hair growth. For the best effect and natural volume in the future, repeat every evening and, preferably, using healthy oil.

    8. Correct color accents

    Playing with hair shades can also make it look more voluminous. For a thickening effect, stylists suggest either lighten individual strands(create “flares of light”), or, on the contrary, make the lower zones a tone or two darker than the upper ones, thereby adding depth to the shade. But with these questions, of course, it is better to contact a specialist.

    9. In short!

    And yet, the most in a simple way To make hair more voluminous, the only option is to cut it. Not exactly radical. But the square will always keep its three-dimensional shape better than braids to the waist. Why not refresh your image?

    A beautifully styled hairstyle always attracts the admiring glances of men and the envious glances of women. This is especially appropriate if this is a high hairstyle with a backcomb. Many girls wonder: how to do a bouffant with your own hands? You can find the answer to this in this article.

    In order to properly comb your hair at home, you will need a hair dryer, a pair of combs and hairspray. In order for the result of the work you have done to look natural and delightful, you need to take into account some simple rules.

    1. Before combing, you must first wash your hair. Particles of dust and dirt significantly weigh down the hair and therefore do not hold its shape well. In addition, fat has a sliding effect, resulting in poor hair adhesion. Well-washed hair must be dried. Do not comb wet strands! Since in this state they are more sensitive, and when combing you can damage their structure.
    2. In order to comb your hair, you need to use a comb with fine, non-sharp teeth.
    3. It is recommended to start combing from the roots of the hair, and gradually move towards the ends.
    4. To disguise a combed mop, you need to leave a few top curls untouched and then use them.
    5. To obtain a weather-resistant styling, you need to select small strands of 0.5-1 cm thick. Each strand must be sprayed with varnish or spray for a more durable and reliable fixation.
    6. After you comb all the strands and arrange them the way you want, the “result of your efforts” should be varnished.

    Hairstyles with a backcomb on the top of the head - fashion trend this season, but they gained their popularity back in the 50s. This hairstyle can be varied, so every fashionista can choose the option that suits her look.

    For those with long hair, you can do spectacular styling with curls and backcombing. To do this you need:

    1. Curl your hair with a large curling iron.
    2. Gently straighten the strands with your fingers.
    3. Spray the hair on the crown with hairspray.
    4. Use a fine, fine-toothed comb to create a light backcomb.
    5. Gather your backcombed hair with a bobby pin and leave the curls loose.

    Glam rock styling looks impressive and stylish. In order to do it yourself you need:

    1. Separate your hair with a side parting.
    2. Select bangs or a small section of hair at the front.
    3. Create a light backcomb on the top of the head and secure at the back with a bobby pin.
    4. Place your bangs to one side and slightly curl the ends.
    5. Secure the result with varnish.

    Build original hairstyle with a backcomb and a headband of braids can be done in just a few minutes, and as a result you can get a true “work of hairdressing art”.

    1. Backcomb your hair as high as possible and pin your hair at the back of your head.
    2. The remaining hair must be divided into two equal parts and braided into tight braids.
    3. Cross the braids and secure behind the ear.
    4. You can decorate this style with a fresh flower or an exquisite brooch.

    You can experiment with fleece and look for suitable option We hope that our master classes will inspire you to create creative hairstyles.

    How to make hair voluminous? At the ends it’s quite simple - just wrap it on curlers or a curling iron. But the root volume is much more difficult to create. There are a lot of methods, from simple combing to salon procedures, but they are not universal, and they should be selected based on the type and condition of the hair, as well as the time and money you are willing to spend on it.

    I have coarse and porous hair, which has only one advantage - volume. And when I try to smooth them out and “tame” them (for example, with the help of ), they acquire shine and silkiness, but the volume goes away. It is especially lacking at the roots, where the hair simply “sticks” to the head. With a flat back of the head, this looks especially unsightly, so I tried many ways to create root volume in this area.

    Method 1 – regular backcombing

    This is the simplest and old way for root volume, which our grandmothers used. All you need is hairspray and a comb. You can use a regular comb or this special brush for backcombing:

    How to backcomb the back of the head:

    1. We separate the strands of the occipital zone, which we will comb, and pin them on the top of the head.
    2. Starting from the bottom, separate a layer of hair with a horizontal parting, spray it a little with hairspray and comb it.
    3. Having combed the entire area in layers, upper layer we leave it without combing and cover the previous ones with it. We spray the entire “structure” with varnish.

    Who is this method suitable for?: only for owners thick hair. Sparse hair will not block the backcomb, and it will be visible. For oily, thick hair, this method is also not very good, since the root volume will not last long. On dry hair, the bouffant will hold very well, the main thing is not to overdo it with styling products, which can also contribute to drying.

    Advantages of backcombing:

    • It's very easy to do, any girl can handle it
    • does not require expensive products, devices or electricity, combing can be done anywhere, even on a hike


    • when combing, the hair gets very tangled, and it is very difficult to comb it later, you can even damage it when combing it
    • if you comb it too much, this “nest” may be noticeable from under the top layer, especially in windy weather
    Method 2 - corrugation

    It’s a little more complicated, but also quite doable at home. Due to small zigzag bends, the strands overlap each other with “gaps”, which creates a root volume, or even a full volume if the entire length is corrugated. I have corrugation from Aliexpress, it copes with the task quite well:

    This method is similar to the previous one in execution:

    1. I separate the area where I will do root volume and pin it.
    2. Starting from the bottom, I separate thin layers of hair with horizontal partings and crimp them using special curling irons at the roots. In this case, an indent of about 1 cm is made from the roots so as not to damage them and burn the skin. The length of the corrugation itself can be any - from a few centimeters to the entire length. But the more corrugation is made, the more noticeable it will be. For the root volume, 5-7 cm is enough.
    3. I crimp all the layers of the selected area, except the last one, and just like when combing, I put the last layer on top to hide the previous ones.

    Who is corrugation suitable for: for everyone who wouldn't like a bouffant. That is, it will look good on rare hair ah, even if it is visible. Will dry out a little greasy hair and due to heat styling, the root volume will last longer. But those with dry hair should not get carried away with corrugation, so as not to completely ruin it.

    Advantages of corrugation:

    • hair does not get tangled, it will be easy to comb
    • does not require hair styling products
    • even if the wind suddenly blows, and crimped hair “looks out” from under the smooth layer of hair, it will look much nicer than a tangled tangle of hair.


    • crimping, like ironing with a curling iron, is harmful to hair due to the high temperature
    • non-moisture resistant effect. Your hair will straighten in the rain

    Advice: in order not to spoil your hair, do crimping after washing your hair on thoroughly dried hair, and do not repeat it until the next wash. Even if during this time the root volume decreases slightly, it is better to lift the strands and spray with hairspray at the roots.

    Method 3 – hair powder

    A styling product that appeared relatively recently. Represents a small White powder and in use it is very similar to... baby powder!

    Powder for root volume is applied to the roots and rubbed into the hair, after which it becomes stiff and literally “stands like a stake.” This product (professional line) is often used in creating holiday and wedding hairstyles. In combination with corrugation and backcombing, this is what happens:

    The effect of such powder from the mass market is much less bright and lasting:

    A post shared by Olga Lisa(@okosmeo) on Mar 20, 2017 at 2:59am PDT

    Who is suitable for root volume powder: for those with fat roots! The effect is very similar to dry shampoo, only with the added benefit of fixation.

    Advantages of hair powder:

    • ease of use
    • reduction of oily roots
    • long-term fixation (for professional products)


    • cheap powders give the effect of dirty hair
    • good powder for root volume is quite expensive
    Method 4 – Bust-Up procedure

    This salon procedure based on chemical perm. Its mode of action is the same as with corrugation, only the effect lasts for a long time - until it grows back.

    How to do it (I still haven’t decided, so the photo is someone else’s):

    A root chemical or bovine perm is applied to the selected area using very thin bobbins. The length of the curled section of hair is about 5 cm. The top layer of hair remains without curling, and curls are not visible underneath.

    Who is Bust-Up suitable for?: those with oily roots. This procedure will dry them out. In general, hair for Boost-Up, as well as for chemistry, should be healthy, preferably not bleached or over-dried.

    Advantages of Bust-Up:

    • long-term effect that will last for 4-5 months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once every six months.


    • harmful to hair. This is the same perm, especially for the small diameter of the bobbin, which makes the creases in the curls more fragile. When repeating the procedure, the curl is partially layered on top of the previous one, which can lead to fragility after just a few times.
    • As it grows, the root chemistry doesn’t go away. The curls will remain in the same place, only they will be further and further away from the roots.
    • Not cheap. Like any salon procedure, Boost-Up is quite expensive.
    Method 5 – braiding or twisting at the roots

    If root volume by combing, crimping or chemicals does not suit you because these methods are unsafe, then you can try this method, which is absolutely harmless to the hair, but will take quite a lot of time.

    It's best to do this before bed:

    1. We select the area to create root volume in the same way as in the previous methods.
    2. Divide hair into small strands
    3. We braid each strand at the roots into a short braid (4-5 cm) or twist it onto a thin bobbin.

    The same effect is obtained as in the previous methods.

    Who is it suitable for: those who have a lot of time and patience. Weave so many small ones, even if short braids– it’s a painstaking task, and I personally have never been able to complete it. And sleeping on bobbins is very uncomfortable.

    Advantages of weaving or twisting:

    • completely harmless to hair
    • good effect comparable to professional


    • hard to do by yourself
    • takes a lot of time
    • causes discomfort during sleep
    • the effect is not permanent, since there is no thermal curling or chemicals
    Method 6 – special inserts: rollers and pins

    Now there are a lot of accessories with which you can create root volume at home. In stores they are inexpensive, but on the Internet (for example, on AliExpress) you can buy them for pennies.

    They are used approximately the same:

    1. Using a horizontal parting from the temples to the back of the head, we separate the top layer of hair and pin it on the top of the head.
    2. Under this layer, at the back of the head, make a small bun and tie it tightly with an elastic band.
    3. We insert a roller or hairpin over the bun so that the teeth fall behind the elastic band.
    4. Unravel the top layer of hair over the roller and tie it again in the form of a “malvinka”

    The root volume is obtained due to the insertion.

    Who are the inserts suitable for: everyone except those with sparse hair, in which these rollers will be visible. They are also not suitable for those who like loose hair, because they won’t hold up without a hairstyle, or they will become noticeable at the first gust of wind. But a ponytail, braid and any high hairstyle with root volume on a roller will look great


    • quick, simple, easy to do at home
    • harmless to hair


    • not suitable for loose hair, such rollers are worn only under the hairstyle
    • when you let your hair down and remove the roller, not a trace remains of the root volume
    Method 7 – shampoos and masks for hair volume

    Theoretically, their scheme of action is to envelop each hair with a composition containing silicone, due to which the hair becomes thicker and more voluminous. But I never found a shampoo or mask that would give real, noticeable results. Therefore, I will not recommend it, since I consider this to be another scam of money from us, gullible consumers.

    / 17.12.2017

    How to do a hairstyle with a raised crown. Casual and festive updo hairstyles for medium hair

    It's no secret that hair of any type will hardly look well-groomed and attractive if you don't give it volume. Moreover, most fashionable ones today involve daily styling.

    Of course, before any important event, it is better to entrust this procedure to a master by going to the hairdresser. But to create a voluminous hairstyle “for every day”, your own strength is quite enough, if only you had the right tools at hand!

    Voluminous hair requires proper care

    Fortunately, these days, when store shelves are simply bursting with an abundance of professional decorative and care cosmetics, choosing good products for styling your hair is a matter of five minutes.

    In addition, if necessary, suitable tools for adding volume to your hair can be found on the shelves of the nearest supermarket among other general consumer goods.

    However, we should not forget that the key to a full hairstyle is, first of all, proper hair care.

    Surprisingly, by following some simple recommendations in your daily routine, you can achieve amazing results! The tips below will help you give your hair a healthy look and natural volume without using expensive cosmetics or visits to professionals.

    Choose the right skincare products

    Hair conditioner is a healthier hair care product

    When purchasing a new product, always pay attention to this parameter. Pay attention to the composition of the chosen shampoo.

    Give preference to those cosmetics manufacturers who do not use silicone or hair-weighting oils in the manufacture of their products.

    Once and for all, stop using conditioners that stick your hair together, replacing them with more useful products - conditioners. Invest in cosmetics from a reputable hair care brand, but be careful.

    Concentrated shampoos and conditioners provide an almost instant effect, but in return they are addictive.

    If you stop using such cosmetics, subsequently giving your hair a well-groomed look will cost you a lot of work.

    Make hair masks!

    Honey hair mask is a dessert for them

    Regular application is one of the surest ways to give your hair natural volume and healthy shine.

    In addition to ready-made products from cosmetic stores, you can also use products for hair care that you can make at home yourself.

    Below you will find several time-tested recipes for useful masks for hair volume.

    Cognac-egg mask

    For 2-3 beaten egg yolks (without whites) take one tablespoon of cognac. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, paying special attention to the root zone. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes. In this case, it is better to wrap your head in a towel so that it is constantly warm.

    Honey mask

    Freshly heated in a water bath until it becomes completely liquid. Before applying to the scalp, add aloe juice or egg yolk to the product. Keep the mask under an insulated hood for at least one hour. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

    Clay mask

    Blue clay purchased at a pharmacy is diluted with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply the mask with massage movements directly to the scalp and leave under an insulated cap for about half an hour.

    It is better to wash off the clay with cool water and lemon juice.

    Lush hairstyle at home

    Hair needs to be dried correctly

    Of course, to make your hair look healthy and voluminous, it is very important to choose the right hair cosmetics.

    The very order in which the procedures are carried out should be treated with no less responsibility.

    So, by following certain simple rules, you can achieve amazing results, even doing what is called “in a hurry”:

    • Start the process of getting your hair in order by washing your hair as usual. Firstly, your hair will look much fresher. And, secondly, after shampoo you can use conditioner, which will give your hair extra volume. But you should avoid using special balms. Such products, although they make hair healthier, can make it very heavy, which will adversely affect the appearance of the hairstyle.
    • Don't neglect scalp care. Some tonic procedures, for example, washing your hair in cool water with lemon juice, have a beneficial effect on the hair, lifting it from the very roots and thereby giving additional volume to the future hairstyle.
    • Use a hairdryer with caution. It is known that frequent drying damages hair, making it brittle. However, daily styling without a hairdryer is simply impossible. How to be? There is a way out of the situation - dry your hair correctly! Take a comfortable position, tilting your head so that your hair hangs towards the floor. Direct the air stream from the hair dryer strictly from top to bottom. This way the risk of hair damage will be much less. Don't overdo it with high temperatures. For example, you can fix the finished styling with a stream of cold air.
    • Save styling product. If you use foam, literally one “pea” the size of a chestnut is enough to create a beautiful hairstyle. For the product to work most effectively, use it on already dry hair. However, be careful - the foam weighs down the curls. Therefore, to make your hairstyle voluminous enough, use the product only on the roots of your hair.
    • Use the tools that are convenient for you. So, beautiful curls can be created using a round comb or curlers - the result will be almost identical. And if your goal is a voluminous hairstyle without the effect of curly hair, a regular comb with which you can backcomb it will be enough for you.
    • Avoid the “shaggy” effect. So, when combing your strands, do not overdo it - giving your hair too much volume in this case will give you the look as if you didn’t preen yourself at all. Fortunately, this problem can be easily avoided. Before backcombing, divide each strand into two parts - the lower one, which you will work with, and the upper one, which should be left smooth for a better visual effect. The result will be simply amazing!
    • Choose a suitable varnish. It is known that fixing products can weigh down hair, depriving it of volume. Therefore, for everyday styling, choose light, non-persistent varnishes. But for hairstyles for important events, choose a product with a high degree of hold. Your hair will feel noticeably heavier, but the stunning, long-lasting style that lasts throughout the evening will be worth it.

    Required Tools

    A round comb is the main assistant in creating curls and giving hair lasting volume.

    To create a beautiful voluminous hairstyle at home, every girl should have on hand a set of tools and tools necessary for this procedure.

    Similar high-quality cosmetics and devices can be purchased in specialized hairdressing stores.

    However, their cheaper analogues, which can be found in any supermarket, are quite suitable for styling hair at home. What does a fashionista need to have in her arsenal to create beautiful voluminous hairstyles every day?

    - This is not only an extremely useful item in everyday life, but also your main tool for styling hair. When purchasing it, do not try to save money: the more powerful the purchased equipment, the less time you will have to spend on daily fiddling with your hair.

    Don't skimp on spending money on a professional hairdryer with two drying modes - cold and hot (you'll need both of them to create a beautiful hairstyle). But the number of attachments supplied with the equipment does not matter. Their presence is not important at all and provides, perhaps, greater scope for creativity.

    A round comb is your main assistant in creating curls and giving your hair lasting volume from the roots. The larger the diameter of the brush, the more beautiful the strands wound onto it will lie (although the complexity of working with the tool will increase in direct proportion to this characteristic).

    Today, even in the most ordinary store you can buy combs with different types of bristles: made from natural materials, made from plastic, or combined. Which one is right for you - decide for yourself, based on your own hair type, as well as its length.

    You will need a flat comb mainly for combing individual strands. Which comb - with sparse or fine teeth - will be more useful in your case, judge for yourself, focusing on the thickness of your hair.

    In any case, give preference to a comb made of natural materials, such as wood. When combing, such a comb will cause much less mechanical damage to your hair than a plastic one.

    Styling products are necessary to ensure that the hairstyle, even when exposed to external influences, lasts as long as possible. From the entire huge range of such cosmetics, choose the one that suits the length of your hair.

    For styling short hair, gel or wax will be most effective. For long hair, it is better to give preference to foams or liquid sprays for volume.

    Curlers are an effective way to add volume to your hair from the very roots.

    – this is the necessary final chord of any styling. After all, no matter what products are used to create a hairstyle, it will not last long without fixation.

    We have already talked about the right choice of varnish depending on the type of styling being created (everyday or evening).

    Curlers are a fairly effective, although time-consuming, way to add volume to your hair from the very roots.

    Today, the most popular are two versions of this device, and it is not possible to clearly name the best among them.

    For example, Velcro curlers are very easy to use and absolutely safe for hair. But the thermal option, which injures the hair, allows you to create a beautiful, long-lasting hairstyle literally in a matter of minutes.

    An electric curling iron is essentially a universal tool that combines the functions of a round comb and a hair dryer, which can significantly save time on curling curls.

    It is best to consult with professionals about which particular model of this device you should purchase. On our own behalf, we would like to add that use in combination with styling products is unacceptable: it can seriously injure the hair.

    You will also learn how to create volume at the roots of your hair from the video:

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    Making beautiful updos with your own hands, without turning to a hairdresser for help, for medium hair is quite accessible to every woman. Many of them are quite simple to implement and do not take much time. Once you become familiar with the creation technique and other nuances, you can easily use them in Everyday life

    , and also do it at home on the occasion of celebrations.


    Babette The hairstyle, which became popular thanks to the light hand of the great Brigitte Bardot, has several varieties. You can do it on medium hair at home using backcomb or overlay roller

    . Consider the classic version of a high babette hairstyle.

    Gather all the strands into a high ponytail using a strong elastic band.

    Place the tail forward and secure it with bobby pins above the elastic. Lift up and fix the junction of the hair with hairspray.

    Gently straighten the bun and secure it on the sides with hairpins.

    Add a decorative element.

    With this hairstyle you can safely go to a restaurant or for an evening walk.

    You can learn more about the types of babette hairstyles, as well as how to make it yourself, by watching the video.

    Babette with loose strands

    If in this version the babette seemed too mature and serious styling to you, then you can build more romantic option This hairstyle is for medium hair with loose strands.

    1. Separate a large section of hair from the top of your head.
    2. Create a backcomb using a brush.
    3. Carefully lay the combed strand back.
    4. Separate a small strand from your face.
    5. Use a curling iron to curl them into elegant curls.
    6. Connect the curls under the backcomb with an elastic band.
    7. Decorate with a beautiful hairpin.

    This styling can be done with or without bangs. Strands loose hair You can curl it if you want.

    You can find out how quickly this type of hairstyle can be done with your own hands, as well as get acquainted with interesting decorating techniques from the video.

    Despite the fact that this is a fairly simple hairstyle, it can easily be done for a celebration or a date.

    Tie a high ponytail using a thin elastic band.

    Divide it into separate strands. The number of strands can be arbitrary.

    Take one of the strands, twist it into a rope and, laying it beautifully on your head, secure it with a bobby pin.

    Do the same with all other strands. Secure your hair with hairspray.

    Please note that the final result of this hairstyle depends entirely on what curls you will arrange the hair on your head. With a little practice and using your imagination, you can build a real masterpiece on top of your head.

    Backcomb bun

    Another hairstyle based on a high ponytail. Done in a matter of minutes. You can wear it with bangs, like the model in the photo, or without it.

    Gather the strands into a regular high ponytail. Backcomb it. It will help medium-length hair get extra volume.

    Secure it with pins. Style your bangs beautifully.

    High bun with a regular base ponytail can be done in a variety of ways, for example, with pigtails. First, braid two or more braids from the ponytail, and then arrange them beautifully around the elastic.

    Three more simple high hairstyles for medium hair based on a ponytail are presented in the video.

    This is a more complex version of a hairstyle for medium hair, but with a little practice, you can learn how to do it yourself. The styling looks great at special events and even suits as a bride's hairstyle.

    Comb well washed and dried hair. Separate a wide section of hair from the crown of your head. Pin it up with a bobby pin or tie it with an elastic band to keep it out of the way.

    Carefully comb the remaining hair to one side and pin it with bobby pins. At this stage, a frame is created for the future hairstyle.

    Attach a roller to the resulting frame. Choose the size of the roller depending on how voluminous you want your hairstyle to be.

    Separate a strand from the back of your head, comb it thoroughly and place it on a roller. Secure the curl with bobby pins.

    Do a similar procedure with the rest of your hair. Divide the hair on the crown of your head into 3 parts horizontally and curl each of them using a curling iron.

    On the first part, do a light backcombing at the roots. Lay the strand in a beautiful wave on the top of the roller. Secure with pins.

    Repeat the same procedure with the second strand. Fix the laid strands with varnish.

    Divide the third strand into several curls. Comb lightly at the roots and style in elegant waves over the top. Fix the result with varnish.

    How a professional stylist does an evening look for medium hair, and what techniques she uses to create volume, watch the video.

    Lush bun

    This hairstyle is for those who are not afraid to put in a lot of effort and show their hairdressing talent to the fullest. If successful, you will get a simply stunning result on your medium hair: a high festive hairstyle with a sleek silhouette and a skillful fluffy element.

    Apply gel to clean hair to create a smooth base. Comb your hair back thoroughly.

    Secure your hair well with bobby pins horizontally to create a styling frame. Separate a small strand. Twist it into a rope.

    Using your fingers, add volume to the bundle, lightly pulling the strands out of it. Place the resulting lush plait in a ring and attach it to the base with bobby pins.

    Perform the same operation with the following bundles.

    When the first volumetric row of bundles is ready, begin forming the next one. Using the same technique, lay the third row in voluminous strands, twisted into rings.

    Work a little more with the laid elements, giving them even more volume and forming beautiful curls.

    Fix your hair with hairspray.

    Another interesting option installations with a similar execution technology are presented in the video. With a little practice, you can easily do your hair yourself.

    As you can see, from the hair middle length You can create many high hairstyles: simple and complex, everyday and festive. Try making them yourself, and you will always be ready for any unexpected celebrations!

    At the roots - this is to properly dry them with a hairdryer. Apply a special foam or mousse to the roots of your hair, which adds volume, tilt your head down and dry it in this position. You can also use a special attachment on a hair dryer, which increases the volume of your hair. Fix the result with hairspray.

    In order to hair looked voluminous at the roots, it is very important to choose the right care products. Choose shampoos and conditioners that do hair more voluminous, be sure to use creams, mousses and foams that provide lasting volume, do not forget about varnishes. Today you can find varnishes with special thin noses on sale. They are needed to spray the strands at the very roots, thereby firmly fixing the volume.

    Sometimes you have to try many products before you find the one that suits your hair. The search is worth it, because the reward for it will be beautiful hair with great volume.

    You can also create volume from the roots using a large round comb and a hairdryer. Apply foam to hair, wrap the strands on a comb and dry. For a more lasting effect, secure with varnish.

    Consult your hairdresser, because there are haircuts that visually increase hair volume. You can also purchase professional cosmetics, which contains products to add volume to hair at the roots. Some companies have developed entire lines of products that add volume to even the thinnest hair.

    Every representative of the fair sex always wants to look good. One of the most important aspects of a flawless appearance is the hairstyle. You need to know some tricks to raise hair at roots, and then the styling will be perfect.


    Wash your hair. If hair will be dirty and will not be able to be lifted. Use special shampoos for hair volume. When washing your hair, do not apply balm or mask directly to the roots, otherwise these products will weigh down your hair. hair, and the volume will quickly drop. Then apply styling products to your wet head. It can be foam or mousse. Dose them or else hair will become stuck together and take on an unkempt appearance. After this, divide them into strands and use a hairdryer to lift them up. hair at roots. Hold the hairdryer so that the air flow is directed towards hair from below to the roots, and not vice versa. Fix your hair with hairspray and your volume will last for a long time.

    Question: Please tell me how I can raise my hair at the roots? What methods are there? Is it possible to do this with any means, for example, oils or masks?

    A beautiful, voluminous hairstyle is the dream of any woman, to achieve which you have to make a lot of effort and buy a lot of hair care and styling products. To add volume, you have to resort to various means and tricks that help get the desired result.

    Wash your hair, because dirty hair becomes heavier and it is almost impossible to give it volume;

    When using balms and rinses, apply them from the middle to the ends of the hair, in no case on the roots, as you will get the exact opposite result (conditioners make the curls heavier);

    You cannot wash your hair with hot water, after washing you need to rinse with cool water, or mineral water, this will add shine to your curls;

    An effective remedy for adding volume to your hair is a decoction of nettles. When in contact with nettle, the scaly membrane of the hair swells and makes it more voluminous. Leave the nettle leaves for half an hour. Rinse your hair with this decoction after washing and, without rinsing off the decoction, proceed to drying and styling;

    Don’t forget about masks, which can also delight you with spectacular volume, will also strengthen your hair and saturate it with essential vitamins. To get volume, you can make an egg or honey-lemon mask, as well as masks using white clay, which does not weigh down the curls and gives them lightness and fluffiness.

    Honey-lemon hair mask for voluminous hair

    Combine 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon castor oil, 1 egg yolk and lemon juice. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap your head with plastic wrap, and top with a towel, rinse off after an hour.

    Egg mask for voluminous hairstyle

    Combine 1 egg yolk with a couple of tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil. Apply to hair, rinse with warm water after half an hour.

    A voluminous hairstyle can be achieved with proper styling.

    • when drying with a hairdryer, tilt your head down and direct the air flow directly to the roots, after drying with hot air, blow cold air so that the hair scales close and they do not lose their shine;
    • when drying with a hairdryer, use a round comb (the size of which can be selected based on the length of the strands), twisting each strand near the root;
    • large curlers also add volume, since they do not need to be heated and do not damage the hair;
    • A diffuser attachment is very useful in the fight for volume; it lifts the strands at the roots and, passing a powerful stream of air through it, softens it;
    • if you lay each strand using a straightening iron or large-diameter tongs, you can significantly lift the strands at the roots;
    • Using a comb, you can comb each strand a little at the roots, which will give them volume, but will not add any benefit, since it damages their structure;
    • usage various means fixation (varnishes, mousses, gels, foams) allows you to create the desired volume, the main thing is not to overdo it, because in large quantities they can weigh down the curls and create the opposite effect.

    A beautiful and voluminous hairstyle is a reality, you just need to put in a little effort!

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