• How to lengthen your fingers: special exercises, visual effect. What to do to lose weight on your hands and fingers


    Almost all people on the planet would like to change something about themselves (98% of the population) and this is statistical data. The desire to lengthen your fingers and make them thinner only at first glance seems absurd, but in fact for some people it is a real mania.

    Why do this?

    In most cases, this is not an extreme necessity, but a desire to make the fingers more aesthetically attractive. One has only to look at the hands of musicians, especially pianists, their fingers are thin and long. But you shouldn’t think that all musicians are born with just such fingers - this is the result of their professional activity. This means that anyone can adjust the length and thickness of their fingers.

    There are a lot of tips on this matter, among the most popular and effective:

    1. Playing musical instruments.
    2. Embroidery and knitting.
    3. Massage. It is the simplest of all methods, as it does not require too much time and material costs.

    Visual lengthening

    If the length and thickness of the fingers is not so critical, then you can give them the desired look using certain techniques, for example:

    Exercises to lengthen your fingers

    A whole set of exercises is designed to stretch, improve flexibility and strengthen the fingers. The first thing you need to do is warm up your fingers, to do this you should stroke each finger from tip to base, make movements as if you were washing your hands.


    This is the next stage of gymnastics, it is carried out in the following steps:

    1. Take your finger by the base and extend it as far as possible. Hold in the extended position for about 15 seconds, then release. Do 20 repetitions for each finger.
    2. Grab your finger lengthwise and twist it. Also hold in this position for 15 seconds. Thus, twist all fingers 10 times clockwise and counterclockwise.
    3. Grab your finger by the nail phalanx and pull 20 times. Repeat with all fingers in turn.
    4. Make finger tilts left and right, 30 repetitions for each.
    5. Bend and straighten each finger 40 times.
    6. For the last stretching exercise, you will need a book; it should be placed in the center of a table or other flat surface. Place your hands on the table, with your thumb going over the edge, and with the rest you need to reach for the book for 10-15 seconds. After this, relax your hands by shaking them and repeat 4 more times.


    This complex consists of the following stages:

    • Place both hands on the table and alternately lift each finger. In this case, an important condition is that each finger is raised one at a time, all the others must be pressed to the table.
    • Next is an exercise for the entire hand. One palm needs to be relaxed, the other should press on it, pulling it back. So stretch each palm in turn. Between approaches, relax your hands, as if shaking water from your hands.
    • Another exercise is to roll a small ball between the fingers of each hand in turn. At the same time, do not help yourself with your other hand. You can do this exercise without any limit on the number of approaches and anywhere.


    These exercises are the final ones in the complex for lengthening the fingers, consisting of the following actions:

    1. Clench your fist 40 times for each hand.
    2. Fall onto the wall using your fingers.

    Efficiency and features of the complex

    The proposed complex belongs to the qigong technique and helps to clearly lengthen the fingers. The results can be seen after just a month of regular exercise. Since there is a mechanical effect on the fingers, all stages of the warm-up and any actions should not cause pain or discomfort. If you try too hard, you may damage your fingers rather than lengthen them.

    How to make your fingers thinner?

    In other words, how to lose weight in your fingers. Of course, such local weight loss is impossible; in order for your fingers to not look like sausages, you need to lose excess weight. If everything is fine with your weight, but your fingers are still far from graceful, especially swollen, then you should visit a doctor; there may be pathologies internal organs, in particular, the kidneys and excretory system.

    Often fingers become plump if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, that is, fat accumulates in the fingers. Often the visual effect of thick fingers is created by wrinkled skin; in this case, exercise alone will not correct the situation; you need to take special baths and moisturize the skin of your hands. A daily massage from the tip of the finger to the base will help.


    It can also make your fingers thinner and also help you lose weight. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations:

    Conclusion. Fingers simply must be beautiful and well-groomed, especially for women. There is such a designation as “musical fingers”, which confirms that thin and long fingers are beautiful and therefore many strive to lengthen them using the above exercise technique.

    If the bones do not stick out, then quickly start the exercises. Bend and straighten your fingers 10-20 times in five approaches in the morning and evening. You can do this everywhere: at home, at work, on the subway, in the cinema. And don’t even think about shirking! The next method is no more difficult, but requires the presence of a horizontal surface nearby. Spread your fingers like a fan and tear off each of them alternately. Repeat 2-3 times a day, and in a couple of weeks you will see the result.

    If you ever played the piano, you should remember what beautiful and aristocratic fingers your teacher had. Renew your playing skills, and if life has deprived you of musical talent, just imitate cheerful melodies or take a needle and thread or knitting needles, and go ahead - create beauty, just like in labor lessons in childhood. The exercise is extremely simple, but incredibly effective in terms of stretching, flexibility and strengthening.

    Massage routine

    The exercises themselves are not difficult and take only a few minutes a day, but require daily repetition. You can cheer yourself up with the thought that thanks to them, not only your fingers become more graceful, but also the health of your joints improves. After gymnastics, rinse your hands with cold water and give yourself a massage with moisturizer. Wrinkles will smooth out, the skin will tighten, and your fingers will finally lose weight.

    According to statistics, 98% of the world's inhabitants would like to change something in their appearance. There are people who are unhappy with the length of their fingers. Is it possible to lengthen your fingers and how to do this, we will tell you below.

    How to make your fingers longer and thinner

    Many people would like to have long, elegant fingers. Musicians are the lucky owners of beautiful hands. It is precisely people who play the piano or piano whose fingers are always long and thin. But not all of them were born with perfect hands, which means it is still possible to correct their deficiency. How to lengthen your fingers at home?

    You can replace playing instruments with any fine motor skills. This could be embroidery, knitting. Even working on the keyboard can help.

    Massage has a great influence on the length of the fingers. The procedure is not complicated and will not require much effort from you. Massage each finger separately, starting from the tips and ending with the base. We perform twisting movements. From the side of the palm we press on the joints.

    How to lengthen your fingers at home: exercises

    You can lengthen your fingers with simple exercises. What should you do to make your fingers long? A whole set of exercises for the fingers has been developed. It is divided into three blocks: stretching, flexibility and strengthening.

    Stretching complex:

    1. Take each finger in turn by the base and stretch for 15 seconds, doing twenty approaches per finger.

    2. Using rotating movements, massage the fingers 10 times in one direction, 10 times in the other.

    3. Lightly twitch each finger, repeat 20 times.

    4. Bend your fingers 30 times.

    5. Bend exercises – 40 approaches.

    6. The next exercise is as follows.

    Place the book on the center of the table. Hands on the table. Thumb should go over the edge, and with the rest we try to reach the book. We perform 5 repetitions.

    A set of exercises for flexibility.

    1. Place both hands on the table and begin to raise your fingers one by one. The main thing is that only one finger should rise, the rest remain tightly pressed to the table.

    2. Connect both palms and press one on the other in turn. This way we knead the entire palm.

    3. Roll the ball small size between your fingers. Please note that helping with the other hand is strictly prohibited.

    The last set of exercises is aimed at strengthening the fingers and hands:

    Clench your fist 40 times;

    We fall onto a vertical surface and support ourselves with our hands;

    We do push-ups, focusing on our fingers.

    By regularly performing the entire set of exercises, you can significantly lengthen and give an elegant shape to your fingers.

    How to visually give length to your fingers?

    For those who do not have the patience and time to exercise, you can make your fingers visually longer by decorating your nails. Which nail shape lengthens your fingers?

    1. Grow your nails out and give them a gender look. round shape. Square and blunt nail shapes, on the contrary, make the fingers smaller.

    2. For painting, choose light pastel colors.

    3. Wear thin and delicate jewelry.

    - a common thing for any woman: he is the most important means creating an attractive image. And a high-quality manicure involves creating correct form nails Let's consider what shapes nails come in and which shape is more suitable for which hands.

    There are four main nail shapes:

    1. Oval nails- perhaps the most popular. They make fingers visually longer and look good on thin hands. These nails can be either short or long. At the same time, they remain durable, so a woman can actively engage in many activities without the risk of breaking them.
    2. Round nails shorter than oval ones, they protrude only slightly beyond the tip of the finger. Therefore, such nails can be considered the most durable, while at the same time they look quite gentle, especially if the line of the nail follows the bend of the cuticle. Increased strength is an important argument for active women. They can carry out vigorous activity without fear of breaking their nails.
    3. Square nails were once popular, but today fashion has receded: it is important that the nails match the image. Square nails are good for girls who have thin fingers. In terms of strength, such nails are inferior to round ones: their corners, protruding beyond the edge of the finger, tend to break off. The “soft square” shape, in which the sharp corners are rounded, helps to avoid this.
    4. Pointed or almond-shaped nails taper towards the end. Especially long version such nails are called “stiletto nails.” Typically, this form is practiced only on false nail plates. Such nails lengthen your fingers, but you can’t wear them for long - they break quickly.

    Choosing a nail shape

    First of all, the shape of the nail should match the shape of the cuticle. If the cuticle is oval, the nail should be the same, if it is square, then the nail should be the same. A very simple rule.

    Fingers can be short or long, thick or thin. And each type of finger has its own ideal nail shape. So, if you have short fingers with wide nails, give your nails round shape. Even if your fingers are too thick, a round manicure will not ruin them. An oval manicure is also good for short fingers, because it can visually lengthen your fingers.

    Good for thin and long fingers square shape nails If you are afraid that the corners will break off, make your square nails shorter. Suitable for thin fingers and pointed shape nails

    The shape of your hand can also affect your choice of nail shape. Long nails are good for chubby hands, especially oval shape. Almond shaped nails will look beautiful on chubby hands. And it’s absolutely forbidden to do this on such hands. square shape nails: they will look ridiculous. If you really want square nails, at least give them a long rectangular shape.

    Oval ones are good for small hands nail plates, capable of visually making fingers longer. Thin and long fingers look good with a square manicure. However, everything needs to be done in moderation. Too long false nails, especially rectangular or pointed ones, in any case, look vulgar and ridiculous.

    At all times, graceful long fingers on the hands were considered a sign of aristocracy, a person’s noble origin. The dream of all ladies, and not only that, is beautiful musical hands. What to do when your fingers or hands are not thin, excess fat is deposited at the base, and they look plump, thick and short? How to lose weight in your fingers, reduce their volume and make them long, elegant and thin?

    Why do my fingers get fat?

    If you are wondering how to lose weight in your fingers, you need to find out the reason why they have lost their original attractive appearance. There are several factors that contribute to an increase in size:

    • the occurrence of edema as a result of poor nutrition, stagnation of fluid in the body;
    • gaining excess weight as a result of poor nutrition, abuse of fatty foods or sweets, restrictions on mobility and physical activity;
    • Thick fingers are observed as a result of metabolic disorders or health problems;
    • Visual changes are observed with age; this problem can be corrected with the help of exercises and diet.

    Do fingers get thinner when you lose weight?

    Will your arms become visually smaller if you lose weight through exercise or dietary restrictions? The answer is yes, because these are the same parts of the body as muscles, bones, stomach, legs. Therefore, if you have a need to lose weight on your fat fingers, start with general weight loss. By removing excess mass, you will be pleasantly surprised by the elegant, sophisticated and aristocratic appearance of your hands.

    The main steps on how to start losing weight on your fingers is to take care of your body as a whole. You don’t need to completely give up your favorite foods, it’s just important to watch your diet, eliminate excess sweets, fatty foods.

    What to do to lose weight on your fingers?

    If you are tormented by the question of how to lose weight in your fingers, we hasten to assure you that the process is not so complicated. The main task is to organize yourself, it is better to make a specific plan of complex actions. Every day, spend a few minutes doing certain exercises, plus watch your diet. And remember, you don’t have to forbid yourself anything, otherwise your body will rebel! So, what actions will help you lose weight in your fingers:

    • important factor is healthy eating, you need to eat more fiber, fruits, cereals, light soups, proteins and salads, do not allow yourself a lot of flour, carbonated drinks, processed foods, limit your coffee consumption;
    • you should monitor the amount of daily fluid intake: excess water in the body leads to edema, and its lack has a bad effect on metabolism;
    • will help make your fingers slender special exercises which is important to do for a few minutes every day;
    • massage helps improve the appearance of any part of the body, including hand massage is a popular way to make them thinner and more elegant;
    • Another way to make your fingers visually thin is to use moisturizing creams, which helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten the skin and improve appearance hands in general.

    Exercises for losing weight on fingers

    A separate effective way is to highlight exercises for losing weight on your fingers. In addition to improving visual appearance, such gymnastics helps improve joint health, blood circulation and muscle activity. So what should you do to short term do your own hands worthy of attention cameras from the best magazines?

    1. The simplest and effective method to stretch the joints is to bend and straighten them. Complex repetition is required 10-20 times with a break of 5 minutes. It is better to repeat the exercise in the morning and evening. The beauty of this method is that it can be used everywhere: at work, on the subway, while walking or in the cinema.
    2. Another effective exercise- squeezing the hand. We squeeze it into a fist (firmly), then relax it, put the brush on the table, fan out our fingers as far as possible (until you feel a slight tension). We tear off each finger in turn from the surface, lifting it up. Repeat this combination 2-3 times, in a few weeks you will see the first results.
    3. Have you noticed what beautiful, refined hands pianists have? This is not an accident; constantly playing the piano develops your hands, making them thin and graceful. Therefore, do not be lazy to periodically “play the keys”; fortunately, this activity is not difficult (and at times pleasant and calming), and can be done on any hard surface.

    Massage for fingers

    A pleasant part of comprehensive weight loss is a finger massage. Experienced cosmetologists and massage therapists never bypass their hands during the massage process (cosmetologists can perform it while the client is resting on the couch with a mask). You can do the massage yourself (one hand massages the other) or ask someone close to you. Still, if you are wondering how to make your fingers smaller, you should use the services of a professional massage therapist.

    Video: how to make your fingers thinner

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