• How to celebrate the old new year. Fortune telling for the old new year and ways to achieve what you want


    New Year is the favorite holiday of many people, but in Russia it is possible to repeat it exactly 14 days later. The traditions of celebrating the Old New Year began to take shape at the beginning of the last century when the calendar changed. Not all of them, alas, have survived to this day, although they can significantly diversify the usual holidays.
    From this article you will learn:

    • where did the tradition of celebrating the Old New Year come from;
    • in which countries there is a custom to celebrate the Old New Year;
    • main customs and rituals performed in Rus';
    • how to make the modern Old New Year memorable;
    • What signs should you pay attention to this New Year's Eve?

    The history of the holiday or how it all began

    If Russia had not decided to switch to the Gregorian calendar in 1918, the Old New Year would not have appeared. So far it falls on the night of January 14th. But over time the date will be postponed.

    Church celebrations took place on the same days as before. As a result, a lot of things got mixed up, and we had to constantly remind ourselves which customs should be performed on a specific date.

    From January 13 to 14 they began to celebrate New Year's celebration, motivated by the postponement of dates. But at the same time, two important church dates overlapped: the day of memory of Melania and the veneration of St. Basil the Great. IN Orthodox families They began to call this night the meeting of Melanka with Vasily.

    Is the Old New Year celebrated in other countries?

    In addition to countries that were previously part of the USSR, the Old New Year is celebrated by residents of:

    • Algeria;
    • Tunisia;
    • Greece;
    • Romania;
    • Serbia;
    • Montenegro;
    • Switzerland;
    • Morocco.

    There are some peculiarities about how the celebration should take place.

    In Greece, during the Old New Year, it is forbidden to raise your voice and quarrel. It’s bad if the dishes break, so everyone tries to handle them carefully. If you are invited to a celebration, you need to take a stone with you. It symbolizes the wealth that the owners wish to gain in the coming year.

    In Romania, pies are a must on the table. But with an interesting filling in the form of coins, hot peppers, garlic or rings.

    In Switzerland, this holiday is dedicated to the veneration of St. Sylvester. Residents dress in funny masquerade costumes reminiscent of botanical gardens or houses, calling themselves Sylvester Clauses.

    In Montenegro, they definitely cook parenica, a national dish made from corn dough.

    Russian customs have many similarities with Ukrainian or Belarusian ones, and therefore are considered common.

    Traditions and customs of celebration in Rus'

    Despite the fact that on January 1 the table was full, the Old New Year became an even greater test for the stomach. The indispensable attributes of this holiday in Rus' were:

    1. roasting a 2-3 week old pig;
    2. generous kutya, emphasizing the end of Lent;
    3. dumplings with surprises;
    4. pancakes and pies, which were used to thank those who came to carol.

    Making dumplings was a tradition for the whole family. As in Romania, various surprises were hidden in them. This symbolized fortune-telling about what awaits in the coming year.

    Carols were a very bright decoration of the holiday. And they went caroling only until midnight, until the evil spirits cleared up. On January 13, young girls and boys hid under masks, and one of the guys was dressed up women's clothing as a symbol of Melanka.

    What other traditions were characteristic of this time? Kutya for New Year's feast started cooking in the morning. If unpleasant omens happened, she had to be thrown into the hole directly with the pot.

    An interesting tradition of this night was the burning of “Didukha” (grandfather). For this:

    1. a sheaf of straw was prepared in advance;
    2. on Old New Year, after the end of the carols, they went out to the crossroads;
    3. they set fire to the sheaf;
    4. when the main flame diminished, they began to jump over the fire, saying goodbye to evil spirits.

    All this was accompanied by songs, dances, ditties and other games.

    There is another beautiful tradition associated with the life of peasants. In the morning, with wishes of happiness, health and wealth, we went to the houses of relatives and friends to “sow” grain. It is unknown where the custom came from, but it has its own rules:

    • only males sow, because it was believed that girls could not bring happiness;
    • houses were visited first godparents;
    • the grains were carefully collected and stored until spring to be mixed with spring grains.

    A special porridge was also cooked. The cereal was poured for her by herself old woman families. The oldest man in the house had to fetch water from the well. The grain was taken out of the barn at two o'clock in the morning. It was impossible to touch her, so as not to change your future. Until the oven burned out, the ingredients were ignored. Then, when the porridge was being prepared, all family members sat around. The woman stirred it, saying special words. Then they placed the porridge in the oven and waited for the result:

    • if the porridge came out of the pot, it promised trouble for the whole house, so no one ate it;
    • when the pot burst, they did the same, because this was a disease;
    • a lot of foam on top foreshadowed empty troubles;
    • rich, tasty porridge meant a harvest and happiness for all household members.

    The whole family sat down to the table late in the evening, and this dinner was not to be missed.

    At this time, Christmastide continued, so old New Year's fortune telling was also used. It was customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed, about a quick wedding, the fulfillment of a wish, the appearance of a child, etc. Traditions could differ depending on the place of residence, as well as on the veneration of saints. Some villages had their own saints, who received additional attention during the New Year.

    Modern Old New Year

    Nowadays it is customary to celebrate the same way as on New Year's Eve. It is believed that on the Old New Year you need to accomplish what you couldn’t do on January 1st. For example:

    • make a wish by first writing it on a napkin, which is burned and thrown into champagne;
    • watch concerts and letters that you haven’t had time to watch yet;
    • send Old New Year greetings to family and friends with repeated wishes for good and health;
    • put gifts that were previously forgotten under Christmas tree, after which it can be removed.

    In the southern regions, the custom of cooking pig or pork dishes has been preserved so that the New Year becomes rich in good news. In some villages, carols are celebrated, but their true meaning is often lost.

    Signs for January 13 and 14

    We were attentive to the signs, among which the following stood out:

    • The first girl to enter the house on January 14 means trouble;
    • Melanka was warm, then the summer will be good;
    • frost on the trees meant a fruitful year;
    • It was forbidden to count small money on Vasily, so as not to shed tears. They also did not give or borrow;
      if there was a blizzard or blizzard at night, it was believed that the year would be restless;
    • Hearing an unusual ringing in the morning was news of a possible replenishment.

    They made sure to appease livestock so that the New Year would be calm and fruitful for them.
    If at least some elements and traditions of the celebration are returned to modern reality, it can be improved even further Christmas mood and make the celebration unforgettable.

    On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year begins - a unique holiday that arose after the change in chronology. Its celebration began in 1918, when the Gregorian calendar was introduced instead of the Julian calendar.

    The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, additional holiday, which resulted from a change in chronology. Because of this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two “New Years” - according to the old and new styles.

    Despite the fact that the Old New Year is not official holiday, many love and honor this day. For many believers, the Old New Year is a brighter holiday than the usual New Year, since lavish feasts are allowed only after the end.

    How to celebrate the Old New Year ^

    This holiday is also called the “rich” or generous Vasilyev evening. Why generous? That evening it was supposed to generously set the table and treat everyone who entered the house. From time immemorial, traditionally, on the days of the Old New Year, Malanka Day (January 13) and St. Basil's Day (January 14) were also celebrated. These holidays were always accompanied by folk festivities, dressing up and fortune telling.

    Old New Year: customs

    The generous evening on January 13 is very similar to the Holy Evening before Christmas. The Old New Year is celebrated by setting a rich table, but the dishes here are no longer Lenten, but: sausages, meat, lard, pies, dumplings, pancakes and much more.

    What should be on the table

    On January 14, two holidays are celebrated at once: the Old New Year or Generous Evening, and St. Basil the Great Day. Basil the Great was the patron saint of swineherds, and to honor the saint, in ancient times they baked a pig's head. It was placed in the middle festive table. Guests should also not come to the house empty-handed, but bring with them any pork dish. And today, as a gift to the owners, for good luck, it is customary to give small toy piglets.

    Since the mid-twentieth century, the main dish of the Generous Evening has been suckling pig in its own juice. This is due to the fact that the pig symbolizes wealth in the coming year. A cooked pig for the Old New Year symbolized a good harvest, fertile land and enormous success in raising livestock in the region. next year.

    A rooster or a hare was also placed on the table. In addition to meat dishes, pies with cottage cheese or jam were baked as treats. According to popular beliefs, the richer the festive table, the more generous and successful in financial wealth the coming year will be.

    • The whole family should gather at the festive dinner, ask each other for forgiveness and wish them happiness and prosperity in the new year.
    • The hostess always prepared kutya (or kutya). Various dressings were added to wheat, rice or cereals - salty: meat, lard, vegetables or sweet: honey, poppy seeds, fruits, raisins and much more.

    Dumplings occupied a special place on the festive table. They were made with various fillings. Also, many housewives arranged impromptu fortune telling for guests: depending on what filling the dumpling comes with, something will certainly happen to a person next year:

    • If you come across raisins, then a temptation awaits the guest,
    • Grain is wealth
    • Cherry - good luck
    • Bay leaf - success in work,
    • Red pepper - sadness,
    • Meat - well-being
    • Honey - health
    • Cheese is a win.

    What not to do on St. Basil's Day

    • A week before the Old New Year it was forbidden to dress up in new clothes, this could only be done on the holiday itself.
    • On this day, you cannot say congratulations with the negative particle “no” - this can frighten away desire and luck.
    • Also, you should not celebrate this holiday exclusively in the company of women - this can lead to an unlucky year.
    • There should be no crayfish or other creatures on the holiday table that are moving backwards, since past problems can be carried over into the New Year.
    • Also on this day it is strictly forbidden to clean, because you can take good luck and happiness out of the house.

    Generosity ^

    On the evening of January 13th they are generous - to carry out such a ritual you will need grain, because it symbolizes wealth, a good harvest and good health. The main thing when giving is to sincerely wish people happiness, goodness, health and good luck in the coming year.

    In order to good wishes sounded more festive and cheerful, they are usually pronounced in the form short poems and songs called Shchedrovki. On Generous Evening, it is customary to visit your close friends, relatives and neighbors. This was considered to strengthen relationships and happy life with loved ones in peace and harmony.

    • Among the main rituals for the Old New Year, one cannot fail to mention the driving of the Malanka goat.
    • From evening until night, groups of generous people went from house to house, singing ritual songs of generosity, dancing and joking. The company was accompanied by the goat Malanka, which young boys most often dressed up as.
    • On the morning of January 14, they burn “didukhs” - pre-prepared sheaves that stood in the house on the red corner on the Generous Evening.
    • This ritual for the Old New Year did not end with just the burning of straw: in order to cleanse oneself of all the troubles and troubles accumulated during last year, people were jumping over the fire.

    Sowing ^

    On the morning of January 14th it is customary to sow. According to this ritual, on the Old New Year, boys and young men fill their mittens with grain and sow first in their home, then in the houses of their godparents, relatives and neighbors.

    The sowers had to not only enter the house and scatter the grain, but with the help of special poems and songs wish the owners bountiful harvest, wealth and health. It is believed that if a sower does not cope well with wishes, he can be kicked out with a broom, since such people take away good luck and prosperity from the house.

    How to sow correctly

    • Prepare the grain in advance - the more varied it is, the better. The most commonly used grains were wheat, rye and barley.
    • You cannot sow with bare hands; according to tradition, sowers must wear warm gloves.
    • The sower enters the house with two bags: one for grain, the second for treats.
    • Sowers should cheerfully and sincerely congratulate their owners with short songs: “I sow, I sow, I sow...”
    • The sooner the first sower comes, the more happiness and good luck he will bring to the house.
    • Only children and young boys go to sow, as their thoughts are purer and their wishes are more often fulfilled. It was considered a bad omen to let a girl into the house on New Year's morning.
    • The grain that the sowers scattered cannot be removed before sunset, so as not to sweep away wealth and health from the house. Then it is collected and stored until next year. In the spring, in villages it is mixed with grain that will be used for sowing.
    • Few people know that under no circumstances should you give money to sowers, so as not to sit without finances all year. Their generous wishes should be thanked with sweets and treats.
    • The reward received for sowing is not supposed to be kept for oneself in full, but some part of it should be given to the church.

    Folk signs and beliefs ^

    Like anyone else folk holiday, the old New Year is surrounded by many signs and beliefs. And if you remember that it falls right in the middle of Christmastide, then it becomes clear why this date is considered one of the best for fortune telling and all kinds of predictions of the future.

    • An important sign after the onset of the Old New Year is to note who will enter the house first. People say that on January 14, a man must be the first to cross the threshold of the house - this will give the family prosperity and success in all endeavors of the coming year.
    • To attract a rich harvest, it is customary to shake off snow from bushes and trees on the morning of January 14th. If the winter doesn’t turn out to be snowy, it doesn’t matter, you can just shake the branches.
    • Beekeepers noted: if in the morning of the old New Year there is frozen frost on the branches, then you can be sure that in the coming year there will be very tasty honey.
    • Under no circumstances should you clean the house or take out the trash during the Old New Year, because along with the trash you can “take” success and even health out of the house.
    • On Vasily's Day, buckwheat porridge was often cooked and observed: if it turned out to be tasty and crumbly, the year would be happy and the dish would be eaten without a trace. When the porridge burnt, came out liquid or “ran away” - this is a sign of misfortune and trouble. An unsuccessful dish is thrown away and not even fed to animals or birds.
    • For Vasily, there should be a good supply of money in the house. But they don’t lend money on this day, so as not to give away their wealth.
    • It was believed that if the wind blows from the south at night, then the next year will be prosperous and warm, but if it comes from the west, one should expect an abundance of milk and fish, and if from the east, then there will be a good harvest of fruits in the year.
    • People said about the night: “Vasil’s night is starry - for the harvest of berries.” To ensure that the overall harvest was a success, the branches of the fruit trees were shaken in the morning.
    • Before the evening of January 13, you should remove the holiday tree from your home and pay off all debts so as not to owe money all year.

    Fortune telling for the old New Year: how to attract your betrothed ^

    The night from January 13 to 14 is magical and magical, so fortune telling was an integral part of the celebration. At the height of Christmastide, on the eighth day, Saint Basil is celebrated. People said about this day: “If a red maiden makes a wish for Vasily for the Old New Year, everything will come true, but what will come true will not pass!”

    How to find out your future and your betrothed? Love fortune telling for old New Year(Christmas time) is a special time. It is believed that it is at this time (on the night of January 13-14) that you can get the most accurate and detailed forecasts about your future. To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in a dark room, which was illuminated with candles, and told fortunes using Christmas attributes for fortune-telling on the occasion of the Old New Year on the Generous Evening of January 13th.

    Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook

    Three objects - a hook, a ring and bread - are placed in a bowl with pieces of white bread, coal, stones and others small things. The bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pulling out the first thing that fell into their hand from the bowl (each time before the next girl, the thing returns to the bowl):

    • If a piece of bread hits, hubby will be rich,
    • I pulled out the ring - the handsome man will get it,
    • The key is not good: poor or wretched.

    Ancient fortune telling with sticks

    Take three sticks - red, white, blue - and put them in the box.

    • For the first time you can see how rich he will be future husband. A red stick means a rich person, a white stick means a middle peasant, and a blue stick means a poor person.
    • The second time you can look at the appearance: red - handsome, white - handsome, blue - unattractive.

    Fortune telling for January 13th by dogs

    A dog is allowed into the room where the fortune teller sits alone. The girl's fate is judged by the dog's behavior:

    • If the dog runs right up to her, the girl will be happy in marriage,
    • If he starts sniffing the floor first, the husband will be angry and stern, and married life it won't work out
    • If the dog immediately begins to caress and wag its tail, the hubby will come across as affectionate.

    Fortune telling by apples (for grooms)

    This is a very interesting fortune-telling for Christmas time: you need to take as many apples as you have potential suitors, and scratch his initials on the bottom of each one:

    • Then the fortuneteller must go out into the dark room with the apples and, slowly biting off a piece of each, determine the sweetest taste.
    • The eponymous contender for his hand and heart will become the groom!

    Fortune telling with burning of thread (for marriage)

    It consists of girls cutting threads of the same length and setting them on fire.

    • Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to get married.
    • If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, then you won’t get married.

    Fortune telling with a comb and soap (for the betrothed)

    Before you go to bed, place a comb and soap at your bedside. At night, do not comb your hair or wash your face.

    • Tell cherished words: “Betrothed-mummer, wash me, comb me.”
    • These words must be said three times.
    • In a dream you should see your betrothed. It is believed that when you wake up in the morning, you will find yourself washed and combed.

    Fortune telling by headdress (for the “second half”)

    Take a hat, a piece of bread and a piece of wood - and put all three things in an empty, clean pot. Then, closing or blindfolding your eyes, go to the pot and take the first thing you come across:

    • If this is a headdress, you will get married (get married),
    • Bread - you will remain unmarried (single),
    • A piece of wood - you will be seriously ill.

    Fortune telling by towel (for the betrothed)

    Hang a towel outside the window at night, saying: “betrothed, mummer, come to me and dry yourself.”

    • If the towel is wet in the morning, you will soon find your “soul mate.”
    • A dry towel indicates that everything will remain as before, without changes.

    Fortune telling by shoe

    Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw any piece of footwear onto the road:

    • The toe of the shoe that fell to the ground showed which way the girl would get married.
    • If the shoe turned its toe towards the house, the maiden would not be seen this year.

    Fortune telling by conversations

    The girls walked around the village, where they could hear a conversation, approached the hut and listened - what they talk about will come true:

    • If there was laughter in the house, then one could assume that the husband would be a real merry fellow;
    • If a lot of alcohol was drunk in the home, then one could fear that the future chosen one would be a drunkard;
    • If they quarreled among themselves, it was generally accepted that the husband would be very angry and strict.

    Ancient fortune telling from books

    To do this, the girls chose a book with various works, or poetry, and gave this book into the hands of a friend or sister, so that she would open the book and read aloud the answer to the question.

    • The girl needed to ask a question that worried her, to which she could get a detailed answer.
    • Then it was necessary to name a randomly selected page number and the serial number of the line that would contain the answer to the question of interest.

    Fortune telling with bulbs

    • The girls should get together in a group, select one onion from the basement, “plant” them in a cup of water with the roots down and wait.
    • Whose bulb sprouts faster, that girl will be the first to get married.


    Among the ancient customs for the Old New Year, it is worth highlighting matchmaking.

    • Only on January 13, those young guys who had previously received a “garbuza” from their beloved girl could repeat the attempt and again send matchmakers to the girl’s house.
    • You can get married to Malanka for the first time, because it is believed that if you agree to get married on Generous Evening, then the life of the young couple will be generous and joyful.

    The content of the article:

    On the night of January 13-14, the Old New Year is celebrated. This is the most unusual and strange holiday. It is also called “rich” or “generous Vasiliev’s evening.” That evening they set a generous table and treated those who came to visit. For unmarried girls This date is interesting because in the evening you can tell your fortune, predicting the future and your betrothed.

    History of the Old New Year

    The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year comes from the discrepancy between the calendar dates of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Julian calendar is the “old style”, and the whole world now lives according to the Gregorian calendar. In 1918, Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life according to the Gregorian calendar, so that there would be no time difference with Europe. After which the Julian calendar was abolished, however Orthodox Church continued to celebrate the holiday according to the old regime - January 14. The tradition turned out to be tenacious and has been perfectly preserved to this day.

    Traditions and customs of the Old New Year

    From the evening of January 13th to the morning of the 14th, the arrival of the Old New Year is celebrated. The eve of this celebration is called the Generous Evening, which was called Vasilyev's evening. On this day, the church commemorates the patron saint of pig farmers, St. Basil.

    On the evening of January 13, housewives prepare a generous kutya, seasoned with meat and lard, which is traditionally placed in the corner with icons. Roasted pig was considered one of the main dishes on the table - this is a symbol of the fertility of the earth and the fertility of livestock. This evening, from sunset until midnight, teenage girls go to their neighbors to give generously, wishing their owners health, happiness and good luck in the new year.

    On the morning of January 14, men sow grain from godparents, relatives, acquaintances, and loved ones. According to popular beliefs, a man should be the first to enter the house on this day. This will bring happiness next year. The sowers congratulate you on the New Year and wish you wealth and abundance. The owners in return give pies, sweets and fruits, and sometimes money. The grain is left after the sowing until the evening. It is customary not to sweep it away with a broom, but to carefully collect it and use it for sowing in the spring.

    Folk signs of the Old New Year

    There are many beliefs about the Old New Year. So, in some villages, to this day, on the night of January 13-14, they burn old clothes and put on a new one, which symbolizes the beginning of a new and good life. The ritual of January 14 has been preserved, when housewives with three lit candles walk around the entire house clockwise and cross themselves. This will protect the house from all troubles. And on this day the male owners lightly knock on the threshold of the house with an ax, saying “life, health, bread.”

    Young people have a tradition associated with matters of the heart. For example, a previously rejected guy could try his luck in love again and offer his hand and heart to the lady. Matchmaking is also common on this day. If you get engaged on January 13, it means the marriage will be successful.

    In popular beliefs, the Old New Year is associated with other signs that read:

    • On the eve of the holiday, you cannot pronounce the number 13.
    • On January 14, they don’t count change, in otherwise It's going to be a whiny year.
    • You cannot take out the trash on January 14, otherwise you will take happiness out of the house with it.
    • If on the morning of January 14 the branches are covered with fluffy frost, it means that a lot of honey will be produced next year.
    • You cannot borrow anything during the Old New Year, otherwise you will be in debt for the year.
    • On this holiday, it is customary to ask for forgiveness, make peace and resolve conflicts. Reconciliation and forgiveness cannot be denied.
    • If you get sick on this day, it means you will be sick all year.
    • Morning snow - winter will be snowy and spring will be late.
    • Ice outside means a good harvest.
    • If you want to harvest a large harvest of apples, then shake the snow from the apple tree at midnight.
    • Being born on this day promised a rich life.

    Festive table for Old New Year

    This evening the whole family sits down at the table in clean, ironed and tidy clothes. On this holiday things are given Special attention. The festive table must comply with the canons of Old Slavonic traditions. According to tradition, on Old New Year they bake pies and pancakes, and make dumplings with cheese and cottage cheese. This food is treated to those who come to the house with songs, dances and congratulations. Also, on the eve of Vasilyev's evening, every family usually slaughters a pig, from which they prepare hearty dishes. Among our ancestors, the pig was a symbol of livestock fertility and family well-being. Jellied meat was cooked especially a lot on the Generous Evening; it was the main treat (after kutya) for those who came to visit.

    The most important dish on Generous Evening is considered to be kutia, which is cooked in a special way: at night at a certain hour, with spells. If the dish turned out good, it was eaten; if it was bad, it was thrown into the river so that it would take the misfortune with it. They prepare ritual porridge from buckwheat and barley, but today they still use purified rice. Dried fruits, honey, nuts, and grapes are added to it. Each product has its own meaning: grain symbolizes the beginning of a new life, raisins - longevity, honey - good news, nuts - health, poppy - prosperity. The richer the filling, the better.

    Our ancestors were attentive to rituals predicting fate. The main tradition at the festive table was eating dumplings with a surprise, where any items were hidden along with the filling, from bay leaves to coins. What filling you get the dumplings with will be worth waiting for next year. Each filling symbolizes the following prediction:

    • Cherry is a temptation.
    • Cabbage is money.
    • Ring - wedding.
    • Thread - a long journey.
    • Button - new clothes.
    • Salt is a disappointment.
    • Money is wealth.
    • Sugar - sweet life.
    • Pepper - spicy sensations.
    • Beans - children.
    • Flour - torment.

    Fortune telling for the Old New Year

    It is believed that fortune telling at Christmas time is the most truthful. Therefore, according to tradition, the girls gathered together on the evening of January 13th. To create a mysterious and magical atmosphere, the lights were turned off, the windows were covered with curtains, and the room was illuminated with candles. In this room, fortune telling was carried out on the betrothed, the future, desires, etc.

    Fortune telling for the future husband:

    1. Before going to bed, they put 4 kings under the pillow and say: “The betrothed-mummer, come to me in a dream.” In the morning, the interpretation of the dream is judged: the king of the cross dreamed, the husband will be an entrepreneur or a military man, the peak - much older or jealous, the red - handsome and rich, the diamond - marriage for great mutual love.
    2. The bread, brush, ring and cigarette are covered with a plate so that the fortuneteller does not know where and what is located. Then the girl chooses one plate at random. If there is bread under it, then the husband will be rich, the brush will be of a simple profession, the ring will be a dandy, the tobacco will be unsuccessful.
    3. To find out the name of their betrothed, girls go out into the street after midnight and ask the first man they meet for his name. There was a belief that whatever name he gave, that would be the name of his future husband.
    4. Girls threw shoes on the road. Where the toe of the shoe that fell on the ground pointed, the husband will be on that side. If the shoe's toe is turned towards the fortuneteller's house, she will not see the crown.
    5. Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair and says: “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair.” This comb is placed under the pillow. The guy in the dream will be betrothed.
    Fortune telling for wishes:
    1. Several wishes are written on identical pieces of paper. They are folded in half and placed under the pillow. Waking up in the morning, they take out one piece of paper. What is written on it will come true.
    2. Cereals (rice, millet, barley, etc.) are poured into the container. They ask a question and with their left hand take out a handful of grain, which they count. An even number - the wish will come true, an odd number - no.
    3. A question is asked in the mind. Take your favorite book, name the page number and line. What is read is interpreted as an answer.
    Fortune telling about a guy who is in love with you:
    1. During the day, they break off a small spruce branch, which they place under the pillow before going to bed with the words: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, dream about someone who thinks about me.”
    2. They take 3 bay leaves, which they place under the pillow before going to bed with the words: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”
    Fortune telling for marriage:
    1. Water is poured into a basin and two nut shells are lowered. The water is stirred with your finger so that the shells float. If they come close, the girl will soon get married.
    2. Take a handful of peas or beans, which are poured into a bowl. After that, one pea at a time is transferred to another container and they say: “If I get married (one pea) - I won’t get married (second pea).” At whatever pea the first bowl is empty, so it will be.
    Fortune telling for the future:
    1. Four glasses were filled halfway with water. Salt was poured into one, sugar into another, a ring into the third, and the fourth was left empty. These glasses were placed behind the back of the fortune-telling girl so that she could not see. The friend runs her finger along the glasses one by one, and they ask “this glass?” On the glass to which the fortuneteller says “this” and the prediction is judged. Water with salt (you need to try it) promises sadness, with sugar - success and happiness, with a ring - a wedding, fresh - an ordinary year.
    2. Pebbles, cereals, a scarf, bread, a ring and a hook were placed in different bags. The fortune telling girl is allowed to choose one of them. Got some bread, so it's waiting Rich life, hook - hard fate, ring - happy marriage, cereal is a well-fed life, and a scarf is a poor life.
    Video about the old New Year - history, customs and traditions:

    The Old New Year is not an independent holiday at all, as is commonly believed, but the same New Year, only according to the Julian calendar.

    The Julian calendar was developed by the Roman Empire in the first century BC, and replaced the outdated Roman calendar. In Rus', the Julian calendar was adopted in the 15th century and was used everywhere until it was supplanted by the Gregorian calendar. The problem was that in the Julian calendar the length of the solar year is eleven minutes longer, and therefore unaccounted days accumulate every 128 years. In Gregorian, this problem was eliminated, and in 1918, by order of Vladimir Lenin, Russia switched to the Gregorian calendar. As a result, the date of the New Year has changed - January 14 according to the new style is January 1 according to the Julian calendar. Then, in 1918, the Old New Year holiday arose in Russia. On this day, Orthodox Christians celebrated the Circumcision of the Lord and the day of St. Basil the Great.

    © Sputnik / Stringer

    Old New Year in Rus'

    Until 1918, the Old New Year holiday did not exist, and Vasily's Day was celebrated instead. In Ukraine and Belarus, Vasilyev's day was also known as a generous evening. On this day, people showed generosity and breadth of soul in everything, and especially in food. According to tradition, on Vasily’s Day it was necessary to prepare porridge from wheat, seasoned with meat or lard, or sprinkled with sugar. Housewives baked pancakes, prepared pies and dumplings with cottage cheese. Pork dishes were especially valued, since Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pig farmers. In the evening, people visited their neighbors and invited them to dinner together. It was believed that whoever set the most sumptuous table for a guest would have good luck all year.

    Signs for the Old New Year

    It is customary to celebrate the Old New Year in all its splendor: in beautiful clothes, with good thoughts and an abundance of delicious food. Russians firmly believed in the old saying: “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.”

    There were many signs associated with the Old New Year in Rus'. Thus, people believed that if on the night of the old New Year the wind blew from the south, the year would be hot and prosperous. If the wind blew from the west, it means there will be a lot of milk and fish. In addition, it was believed that if there was a starry sky on Vasily’s Day, there would be a lot of berries. And if in the morning a lot of fluffy frost has accumulated on the trees, this means a good honey harvest.

    © Sputnik / Alexander Kondratyuk

    It was a good sign if a young man from large family- this means the family will live in fullness and health.
    The first day of the new year was marked by a sowing ritual in the early morning, horse racing was held in the afternoon, and the streets were full of activity. When visiting, the peasants congratulated their neighbors. Entering the hut, the guest prayed to the icons and addressed first the owner, and then the hostess and other household members: “Happy New Year to you, with new happiness!” The owner congratulated the guests in return with the same words. In the evening there were games, fortune-telling, and mummery.

    What not to do in the old New Year

    According to popular belief, you cannot celebrate the old New Year in a female company, as this promises misfortune. In addition, it was forbidden to clean or do anything around the house, so as not to inadvertently “take” good luck out of the house. In the old New Year, it was condemned to borrow money, as well as to lend it.

    Restrictions were also imposed on the festive table. For example, it was forbidden to prepare dishes for the old New Year from underwater animals that walk sideways or backwards - this promises a repetition of past problems. When making toasts, people avoided negative words and, in particular, the particle “not”, so as not to scare away good luck.

    Where else is Old New Year celebrated?

    The Old New Year is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in most CIS countries and abroad: in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia, Morocco and Japan. In Serbia, for example, on the old New Year, thousands of people gather at the Belgrade Church of St. Sava, and in Macedonia it is celebrated by “districts”: residents of neighboring houses take tables out into the street and wait together for the holiday.

    The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year has been preserved not only in Russia, but also in other countries former USSR and some European countries.

    The Old New Year is celebrated in Serbia and Montenegro, since the Serbian Orthodox Church, like the Russian Church, continues to live according to the Julian calendar.
    The Serbs call it differently - “Serbian New Year” or Little Christmas. In Montenegro, it is customary to call this holiday “Prava Nova Godina”, which means “correct New Year”. Basilica is prepared for the Old New Year: round pies made of corn dough with kaymak - cream curdled like cheese. Sometimes they prepare another dish from corn dough - parenitsa. The Old New Year is also celebrated in Macedonia.

    © Sputnik / Konstantin Chalabov

    In Greece this holiday is called St. Basil's Day. While waiting for this saint, Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplaces for St. Basil to put gifts in them. In Romania, the Old New Year is most often celebrated in a narrow family circle. For the festive table, they make New Year's pies with surprises: coins, porcelain figurines, rings, hot peppers. Great luck promises a ring found in the pie.

    Old New Year is also celebrated in northeastern Switzerland in some German-speaking cantons. Residents of the canton of Appenzell in the 16th century did not accept the reform of Pope Gregory and still celebrate the holiday on the night of January 13-14. On January 13, they celebrate the old day of St. Sylvester, who, according to legend, captured a terrible monster in 314.

    Old Style New Year is celebrated in a small Welsh community in Wales in the west of Great Britain.

    The material is compiled from open sources.

    The Old New Year falls on the night of January 13th to 14th. In Russia, this holiday is also called Vasilyev's evening. The thing is that on this day churches honor St. Basil the Great, who was famous for his miraculous deeds. It is believed that the night of the old New Year is very mysterious and mystical. It falls during Christmas time - a period of various conspiracies, predictions and fortune telling. On this night it is customary to guess various subjects: cards, mirrors, wedding rings, threads, eggs and so on.

    Also, on the old New Year, the Slavs customarily carry out various ceremonies, rituals and conspiracies to attract good luck, wealth, love, beauty, health and well-being. In order to avoid troubles and problems next year, people have many signs and beliefs associated with this mysterious holiday. It was believed that if you make a wish on this mystical night, it will soon come true.

    Folk signs, customs and traditions for the Old New Year

    Generous evening is the name of the Slavic folk holiday, which is celebrated on the eve of the old New Year. From the evening of January 13th, it was customary in every home to prepare generous kutia with the addition of lard and meat. That evening the housewives tried to prepare the most delicious and best dishes, but the main decoration New Year's table There was a whole roasted pig. This dish was prepared in honor of Basil the Great, as he was considered the patron saint of pigs. Roast pig symbolized the fertility of livestock and fertile land. From the evening until midnight, there was a tradition in which young girls went to their neighbors' houses and sang songs, thereby wishing them health, happiness and prosperity in the New Year. It was believed that with their songs they also drove away evil spirits and various evil spirits. The holiday itself was usually celebrated on a grand scale. In Rus', all relatives gathered to visit the eldest in the family. They walked in the evening and did not leave until the morning.

    On Generous Evening, anyone could come visit and treat themselves to a pig. In gratitude for the delicious food, guests had to leave money (in any amount) to the owner. The next morning, January 14th, the donated amount had to be taken to the church. It was considered a sin not to donate donated money or pork to the church.

    Early in the morning after New Year's Eve, people tried to get up as early as possible and go to a spring, river or well to wash and get water there. There was a belief that whoever performed this ritual would gain health and vigor for the whole year.

    Also, on the morning of January 14, it was necessary to go out into the yard and shake off the snow from the fruit-bearing trees. This ritual symbolized prosperity and a rich harvest in the coming year.

    There were also money superstitions that said that on the eve of the old New Year one should not lend money.

    This was done so that next year the family would always have money. It was believed that by borrowing even a small amount, a person himself could become a debtor in the next 12 months.

    • Basic signs for the old New Year:
    • counting change in a wallet or pocket means shedding tears all next year;
    • you cannot pronounce the number “thirteen” - this is a bad sign;
    • Taking out the trash on the night of January 13th to 14th means taking happiness and prosperity out of the house;
    • if the sun shines brightly on January 14th, the year promises to be fruitful and prosperous;
    • a quiet clear night on the old New Year - to good luck and happiness in the new year; If it will be frosty and all the trees will be covered with frost - next year promises to be rich in grain crops;
    • snow falling on the night of the old New Year - to a happy event in the new year;
    • cold, but without precipitation - a lack of mushrooms;
    • blizzard on the old New Year - to a large harvest of nuts;
    • starry night - to the berry harvest;
    • if the stars shine unusually brightly, next year promises to be frosty in winter and very hot in summer;
    • wind blowing from the south - the year will be hot;
    • from the west - next year will be rich in fish and milk;
    • from the east - to an abundance of fruits.

    Rituals for Vasiliev's Day

    One of the main rituals performed on this day is caroling. . The essence of the ritual consists of singing songs and collecting delicious food. That evening the residents went to each other’s windows and doors and caroled (sang songs). It was not customary to kick out those who came empty-handed, and therefore goodies were prepared in advance for the carolers, which were treated to people after the carols they sang. Basically, the songs contained wishes to the owners for happiness, prosperity and abundance of harvest.

    There is also folk ritual- sowing grains. Early in the morning, children went from house to house and sprinkled their inhabitants with grain, wishing for a good harvest. After this, the children were treated to various sweets or tasty dishes. The grains were collected and stored until spring. These grains were then added to others when sowing spring crops. Also, by the number of grains collected, it was possible to determine which crops would give the largest harvest. Some of these grains were fed to chickens. It was believed that the more actively the chickens pecked them, the more fertile the next year would be.

    Another of the main rituals on Vasily’s Day is the ritual of boiling porridge. They started talking about porridge early in the night. To do this, at two o'clock in the morning, the eldest woman took out the necessary cereals from the barn, and the eldest man in the house brought water from the well. The entire time the stove was heating, the grains and water brought had to stand on the table untouched. It is strictly forbidden to touch water and cereals - this is a bad sign. The owners could discern their future from the cooked porridge. First of all, they inspected the pot - if it turned out to be cracked or the porridge had already come out of it a little, then this foreshadowed impending troubles for the family. The porridge itself was also examined with close attention. If the pot turned out to be full of tasty and satisfying porridge, then the household would have a happy and fruitful year. But if the porridge turned out to be small or the pot was not completely filled with the dish, then this foreshadowed misfortune in the family.

    On January 14, it was necessary to light three candles and walk around all the rooms of the house clockwise with them. Periodically, while performing this procedure, you need to be baptized.

    There is also a sign for well-being in the home. Early in the morning of January 14, you need to go out onto the threshold, taking an ax with you. Lightly tapping the instrument on the stairs, say the following words: “Life, health, bread.”

    Another ritual performed on the night of the old New Year is the burning of last year’s difficulties and problems. For this ritual, they light a fire and throw all their old clothes into it. At the same time, they immediately put on new things. This ritual is a symbol of the beginning of a new life.

    Basic fortune telling

    On the old New Year, people not only had fun, walked, ate delicious food, dressed up in various masquerade costumes, danced and sang New Year's songs, but also on this night it was customary to tell fortunes. There are various Christmas rituals that are performed on the night of the old New Year. That night, girls performed fortune-telling about their betrothed, fate, future, relationships, desire, and even the gender of their unborn child.

    Basically, fortune telling acted as a fun pastime in big company. But there were also rituals that could quite seriously answer the question of interest, and they were carried out strictly in complete privacy from everyone.

    In a dream about your betrothed

    For this fortune telling, you can use four kings from a regular deck of cards. It is believed that in a dream the betrothed should come in the form of one of the kings.

    If a girl already has a specific object of sympathy, then only one king of diamonds goes under the pillow. Next, you need to ask a specific question directly related to this young man. In a dream, a girl should receive an answer to her question. The main thing in this fortune telling is to remember your dream and recognize the essence of the answer in it, because dreams are not always remembered and understood correctly.

    Also using simple fortune telling in a dream you can find out the name of your future groom. To do this, before going to bed, you need to take several sheets of paper on which you need to write various things you like. male names. Wrap the leaves into any shape and place them under the pillow. In the morning, by touch, take out the first piece of paper you come across, which will indicate the name of your future spouse.

    With a wedding ring upon request

    For this fortune telling you need a smooth and even wedding ring without any decorations or stones. Also for fortune telling you will need water, a candle and a glass with a flat bottom. The ring must be placed in a glass filled with water. Then you need to light a candle and place it near the glass on the left side. Next, at exactly 12:00 at night, you need to look closely at the ring, while thinking about your desire. If you look at the ring for a long time, the water in the glass will become cloudy and various images will begin to appear. These outlines will answer the question of how the dream will be realized. The main thing in this fortune-telling is not only the fulfillment of all the requirements of the ritual, but also the presence of imagination and good imagination.

    There is also another option for fortune telling with a ring. To do this, the girl must throw the ring on the floor, and if it rolls towards the door, then she will soon get married. If a man decided to tell fortunes in this way, and his ring also pointed to the door, then this means that he will have to go on a long business trip or leave home.

    To get married with a thread

    This fortune telling is less serious and more about entertainment. Usually this ritual is performed by several girls who want to get married in the near future. For fortune telling you will need a regular thread and a candle. The thread must be cut into pieces of equal length, and in the meantime the candle must be lit.

    Next, each girl needs to take one thread and simultaneously set them on fire with a candle. Whose thread burns out first is the girl who will get married this year. If the thread burns only to the middle or goes out very quickly, then this girl will not get married in the next twelve months.

    With a mirror on the betrothed

    One of the interesting rituals for the old New Year is fortune telling with a mirror at a crossroads. In order to see the face of the future groom, on the night of January 13th to 14th, a girl must go out to an intersection with a mirror and draw a circle around herself. After this, you need to say the following words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me along the path, and along the white snowball.”

    Having said these words, you need to peer into the mirror for a long time. At this time, you can see a variety of outlines and visions in it, including the image of your betrothed. If the fortune telling fails and something negative appears, then you need to read the “Our Father” prayer and not repeat the ritual again.

    For the future with the help of dumplings

    Since one of the traditional dishes prepared for the old New Year were dumplings, they also became objects of fortune telling. Traditionally, housewives in Rus' prepared dumplings with potatoes, but some of them were filled with filling as a surprise. The essence of fortune telling is that every person who treats himself to dumplings finds out what awaits him in the coming year. When doing fortune telling, they try the first dumpling they come across.

    Prediction for dumplings:

    • beans - to income;
    • bread - the fortuneteller next year will not be deprived of either food or clothing;
    • ring - for an imminent wedding;
    • button - next year the fortuneteller will pamper himself with new clothes;
    • parsley or dill - to excellent health;
    • black threads - next year's vacation does not foretell long trips;
    • white threads - promise a vacation abroad;
    • coin - to wealth and prosperity;
    • bay leaf - portends good luck and success (both in your career and in all other matters).

    Family fortune telling on bread

    To perform this ritual you will need a plate of water and pieces of bread (of different sizes). This fortune telling is performed by the whole family. Each family member should put a piece of bread in a bowl of water. While running a finger through the water, household members say the following words: “Wirl bread and water, my whole family is here. If there is trouble, separate bread and water.”

    In the morning, you need to consider the position of the bread in the water. If all the pieces remain intact and are together, then nothing threatens the family - all household members will be healthy and remain in the same composition. But if a piece of bread floats separately from everyone else, then one of the family members will leave home or die.

    For the child's gender

    For the ritual you need to have a ring, a woolen thread and a needle. First you need to hold the ring in water and thread the thread into the needle. Next, the ring needs to be hung on a thread and slowly lowered near the fortuneteller’s hand.

    A ring rotating in a circle indicates that the girl will give birth to a girl. If the ring moves like a pendulum, then this means the birth of a boy. A stationary ring symbolizes the absence of children in the near future.

    For the future with an egg

    For the ritual you will need raw egg and a glass of water. First, the fortune teller needs to make a small hole in the egg and pour the white into a glass filled with water. The protein coagulating in a transparent glass will take various shapes, by which you can find out what awaits a person in the future.

    Decoding fortune telling by egg:

    • church - for a wedding;
    • rectangle - symbol of the coffin;
    • ring - for a wedding or wedding;
    • car or ship - a woman is promised the return of her husband from long business trip, and foretells a long trip for a man;
    • protein lowered to the bottom - to troubles and troubles in the family.

    For girls

    With the help of this fortune telling, a girl can find out about her future husband. To do this, on the night of the old New Year, you need to go to the windows or doors of neighboring houses (apartments). From the conversation you can understand exactly what her future chosen one will be like. Namely:

    • quarrel - the future chosen one may turn out to be a very tough person or even a tyrant;
    • laughter - the spouse will be an open and cheerful person;
    • drinking and partying - the future husband will have an addiction to alcoholic beverages.

    Today, few people remember ancient Russian customs, rituals, signs and fortune telling for the old New Year. But some of them have survived to this day, just slightly modified. Returning to their original Russian traditions, people pass on the mystery of the ancient holiday from generation to generation.

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