• Toasts for the New Year's feast. Toasts at a corporate party on New Year's Eve. New Year's toasts for corporate parties


    Very soon the most magical night of the year will come - New Year's. Preparations for it are already in full swing. There is so much to do - decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, think over the menu for the holiday table, choose nice outfit. Did you miss anything? Forgot one important point -
    How can we not have a toast to the chimes?

    Of course, everyone should have a table speech prepared in advance to congratulate them on the magical upcoming holiday, and then on the coming holiday. Toasts for the New Year 2019 are a great way to tell your family and friends what is important, to wish the most important thing and to amaze everyone with your oratory skills.

    After all, pronouncing them in such a way that everyone around you listens to you, and then applauds you, is a great art. The very content of what is said plays a huge role in it. A congratulatory speech should be light, interesting, catchy, positive, and make you smile.

    These are the New Year's toasts that are included in our holiday selection. Choose the one you like, surprise and delight those who will be around on this wonderful holiday night.

    Cool toasts

    They are always relevant. The most popular, loved and interesting. Why does everyone look for funny words for congratulations? The fact is that we are pleased to give people joy, to see how your cool wish It lifts your spirits and hears laughter afterwards. A sparkling speech can light up even a boring company.

    A whole year to keep you in good spirits
    And always gets along with the Pig!

    I wish you not to suffer from bullshit,
    And get along with the Pig all year long!

    Santa Claus once made a snowman for himself and he was left with a small snowball. “What else do you need to make, my friend? – asked Santa Claus. The snowman thought: he has arms, he has legs, he has a head, he even has a nose made of carrots. Then he said: “Make me happy!”

    But Santa Claus, who had seen a lot in his lifetime, knew that everyone has their own happiness and said: “There is snow on you, make your own happiness.” So, in the coming year, may we have the opportunity to mold our happiness the way each of us imagines it.”

    My (first, second, third) toast, it’s simple - to Pig,
    For the pig that in difficult times,
    Gently scratch the boar's back,
    In short, girls, for us (you)!

    They say it's better to lose something than never have it.. I want to raise this glass so that in this coming New Year we will never lose happiness and never have worries! Let us have only happy moments of life this year!

    Why was Solomon wise? Because he had many wives with whom he consulted. Why are we unhappy? Because we have one wife, with whom we never consult. Let's not forget the wisdom of our ancestors in the New Year!

    So that we don’t grunt this year tired, but screaming like a pig with joy and fun...

    What do you wish?
    New Year- meet,
    Friends - don't forget!
    There will be joy!
    Sorrows - forget!

    Salary - to grow,
    Love - bloom!
    Dreams come true
    And don’t relax yourself!

    I don’t promise complete success,
    I hope it's New Year
    Will save us all from sorrows
    And unexpected worries.

    I still hope for something else
    And I believe in it fervently,
    That such happiness awaits us all,
    Which has never happened before.

    May this year be nothing but joy!
    Happiness is just waiting, and good people!
    So that the piglet on holiday
    He generously brought a bag of money!
    Health and peace to capture,
    And he didn’t forget souvenirs for us!

    It's a great year for pigs! All good things will come!
    Let him give you a lot of laughter, and success in all your endeavors!
    I wish everyone to achieve great heights this year!
    Wherever we end up, I want to be surprised!
    And let every moment lift your spirits!

    New Year's toasts 2019 with jokes and humor

    They are appropriate everywhere, everyone likes them, and not a single New Year’s celebration is complete without them. You can send a cool toast via SMS to your friends and have no doubt that reading it brought a smile to your face. I wish that Pig helped us find boundless happiness... Let's drink to the fact that this year there will be a lot of good things and we will squeal with delight and joy!

    New Year is coming,
    It has been raining for three days.
    In the field the grass is green,
    Santa Claus is sweating in a fur coat.
    Water pours down your collar...
    Happy New Year, gentlemen!

    Let everything everyone dreams about come true:
    Born to fly in the skies, let him fly,
    Whoever thirsts for wealth, let him find the treasure,
    Whoever wants honors will achieve awards!

    Who wants to get married - let him have a wedding,
    Let the vacationer sunbathe on the beach,
    And if someone’s soul wants extreme sports,
    Let him fly with a parachute and laugh!

    So that the New Year brings only success, nothing less,
    May we all become many times richer!

    Let's drink to:
    To have a super cool year,
    So that everyone is healthy,
    To live in goodness, in abundance
    And so that you can pursue your dreams without looking back!

    On New Year's Day I wish:
    Friendships are like “super glue”
    Strength - like a big elephant,
    Those who need children need them.
    For those who don't, take precautions.
    Have Frost don't be shy
    Ask for a car
    Or from an arctic fox manto.
    If a miracle doesn't happen -
    Let the sponsor help!

    Let Santa Claus have a crimson nose
    He will make a contribution to the savings book for us,
    Snow Maiden secretly all year
    Gives him good cognac,
    And Santa Claus is out of the bag
    The currency snowball will shake!

    Words with meaning

    Toasts with meaning These are kind of wise parables. They are not devoid of philosophical meaning, but at the same time they are not boring and uninteresting. And even if sometimes they are not always short, do not be afraid, no one will fall asleep while you are giving your speech.

    On the contrary, just such a congratulation can amaze guests. After all, wisdom is always held in high esteem. And if it is intertwined with jokes, then it is doubly worthy of the respect of the listeners.

    Many people know that in Italy there is a tradition Before the New Year, throw out old and unnecessary things, tired of the year, out of the window.

    We, of course, are not in Italy, but this custom is so good that I would like to invite you all to throw out of your memory old grievances, quarrels, bad deeds, envy, infidelity, ingratitude as unnecessary trash.

    If we do all this, it will turn out that only warm and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory. Let's remember it this way, and then the new year will be no worse than the last!

    His students once came to the sage and asked, looking at the horseshoe suspended above the entrance: “Teacher, do you really believe that some piece of hardware can bring good luck?”

    To which the sage replied: “Personally, I don’t believe in it, but it brings good luck whether I believe in it or not.”

    I suggest you drink to good luck. If we suddenly lose faith in her in the New Year, let her still believe that she must come to our house!

    One day three wanderers were walking.
    Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened it for them and asked:
    "Who you are?" - Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night.

    Sorry, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in.

    The sick mother said: “Let’s let Health in.” The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth.

    While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!

    As you celebrate the New Year, don’t regret the past that they didn’t have time to do something. Don’t worry about what’s coming - will everything work out, will you have enough strength and resources.

    Live in harmony with yourself. With your heart and soul. Stay calm and confident. Then joy, happiness and success will always accompany you. Happy New Year 2019!

    Eat good saying: "While you're facing your past, you stand with your back to your future.” Let's turn around and face our future with courage. Let us not be afraid or afraid of him. Let's meet this year and all subsequent ones with joy, with new bright dreams. Forward to the future, friends! Happy New Year!

    For a noisy friendly company

    What words would be appropriate in a company of friends, where it is always noisy, fun and funny? Of course they are funny! A toast with a touch of humor will always find a response here. After all, after it, a good mood will become simply magnificent, and smiles will turn into laughter.

    It's always a pleasure to please your friends and make them have fun. Therefore, have in your collection cool toasts simply necessary! With them, you will always be the soul of the company, its unspoken leader. And perhaps you will even be able to win the heart of someone you have liked for a long time.

    I hope this New Year will come with gifts for each of us.
    Anyone who wanted to buy a new car will finally buy it. Anyone who wanted to make any discovery will make it. Those who wanted to find love will find it.
    Let everyone get their happiness. So let's drink to the new, bright things in our lives!
    For the New Year.
    May we have next year
    so many good and joyful events, so many good and wonderful deeds, so many lights burning in our New Year's garland!
    Let's drink to Father Frost and Snow Maiden:
    For as long as I can remember, people don’t get sick, don’t grow old, and there’s always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!
    On New Year's Day, friends flocked like snowflakes,
    We cannot be sad or bored on this holiday.
    So let's celebrate our New Year without delay,
    To remember him all year long.

    May we have more strength in the coming year,
    On the contrary, your health will not decrease one ounce.
    Whatever is planned, let it undoubtedly come true.
    And the most unpleasant thing is that it will be forgotten.

    All the women at this table are beautiful, like the Snow Maidens.
    But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year.
    To the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!
    First toast: Goodbye!
    We won't see you sober today!
    Let's drink to the New Year the tables were bursting with abundance, and the beds were bursting with love!
    Husband and wife watching ice dancing on TV.
    - I would love to perform a free program with this figure skater! - says the husband.
    The wife flared up and decisively turned off the TV.
    - First perform the compulsory program, and then think about the free one...
    Let's drink, guys, to the excellent performance of the compulsory and free program in the New Year!

    The shortest congratulations

    Well, everyone knows that brevity is always welcome. And on a festive night this becomes especially relevant. After all, we can’t wait to raise our glasses, eat, and dance. And hardly anyone wants to listen to long speeches. That is why it is necessary to select congratulations so that they are at the same time small, but meaningful.

    And it doesn’t matter whether they are funny or serious, sweet or funny, the main thing is to pronounce them clearly, quickly and from the heart. After all, it has long been proven that short toasts for the New Year 2019 can hook and amuse much more than a long, tedious wish.

    May it be the best year of your life,
    Always, everywhere, lucky in everything!
    May the holiday be magical
    It's going great!
    Prosperity, successful,
    Have a bright year!

    Problems don't scare you
    And the crisis will not beat you!
    We're still beautiful
    Let's celebrate the New Year!

    May it last forever all bad things will go away
    Happy last breath of December!
    And everything beautiful and living will come to us on the morning of January.
    Let everything in life go like clockwork,
    Your plans will come true in their entirety,
    I wish you a successful whole year,
    My heart sang with joy and happiness! Let's drink to the only day of the year,
    when you can sit on the Christmas tree...
    and not to visit the forest!
    Here's to the New Year!

    Toasts for a cozy family circle

    New Year's lights, cozy atmosphere and warm home circle- everyone dreams of such a holiday. But at the same time, for some reason, many do not attach importance to what is said at the feast in New Year's Eve in a narrow family circle. But these are the closest and dearest people in the world.

    Therefore, it is imperative to choose suitable toasts for the New Year and congratulate parents, brothers, sisters and children with their help. After all, who, no matter how they, most need our care and attention.

    New Year's family toasts are always the most good words, warm and sincere wishes. They are simple and understandable to anyone. Well, in order for laughter to be heard and smiles to be seen in the house, you should definitely add a drop of humor to them. Cool toasts will contribute to this, after which it always becomes fun. They will delight adults and children.

    Dear family, I congratulate you on the New Year of the Pig. I hope that this noble and cheerful pig will reward us with love for our neighbors, patience and care.
    I read the recommendations of a famous astrologer here. He writes that whoever meets the Year of the Pig in family circle, the entire New Year will be accompanied by success, luck and happiness. I'm not an astrologer, but I also have something to say. Those who have the opportunity to celebrate the year not only of the Pig, but also of the Rabbit, Ox, Dragon, etc. surrounded by loved ones and relatives - they are already the most successful, lucky and happy.
    For our family!

    May the new year not add wrinkles,
    and the old ones will be smoothed out and erased!
    It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.
    and may this year be happy!
    Happy Year of the Pig!

    Happy New Year!
    Let him come with a sandwich
    With honey, sugar, jam
    AND good mood.
    May we eat it for a long time
    And we never got sick.
    A loved one may forget what we told him. He may even forget what we did for him. But he can never forget how we made him feel. I want us to feel only love, care and attention from our family and friends in the new year 2019!
    The past year was successful and not so successful. Material wealth increased and decreased. But life shows that this is not the main thing. The most important thing in the past year was those people who were there and supported us both in joy and in sorrow. So let's take all the most important things with us into the New Year - our friends. They all gathered at this table today. For you, my dears! Behind New Year's table one guest is asked:
    – Why do you close your eyes when you drink?
    – You see, I promised my wife that I wouldn’t look into the glass in the new year.
    For faithful fulfillment of New Year's resolutions!

    A catchphrase at a corporate event

    Corporate and New Year are certainly inseparable concepts in any company that respects its employees. And the preparation for it is always very serious. After all, everyone wants to appear in front of their colleagues only with the best side. If in the company of friends you can fool around and say frivolous words at the table, then you need to be more careful.

    You need to be very careful when choosing toasts at a corporate party. It must be smart interesting speech, not too long, but not consisting of two words. Nobody will like a serious and boring toast, but a funny one can cause condemnation. So what should we do? Need golden mean. This is exactly what you can find here.

    We have presented best toast, capable of arousing admiration and pleasing even the authorities. Unusual, sometimes funny, beautiful words with an emphasis on the positive - exactly what is needed in this case.

    So, colleagues, the New Year is coming.. I wish you sparkling happiness, like a glass of champagne; bonuses - how many months in a year; plans like Napoleon's; success and achievements, like stars in the sky; lifestyle, like Santa Claus - always cheerful, has money for gifts, in a beautiful fur coat, on personal transport and with a wonderful companion.

    Let the playful deer come running to our homes of the most generous Santa Claus! let his bag be full of HAPPINESS, success, health, wealth and LOVE!

    Now, summing up the results,
    Let's sigh sadly about the past:
    Probably the gods helped
    We have to cope with the enemy all year!

    Today, celebrating the New Year,
    Let's have fun!
    We wish each other happiness,
    Someone who doesn't love will fall in love.

    Who is more happy about money than life?
    Let him become rich this year!
    Now it’s not a sin for us to drink,
    For us, for everyone and for success!

    Many people wishing Happy New Year, they wish everyone a fresh start, but I want to wish you that in the New Year your life will continue in brighter colors, that you will overcome all failures and continue to build your life without repeating your mistakes.
    Happy New Year and new successes!
    Our team is small,
    But with a huge soul,
    Let's celebrate the New Year together,
    What's knocking at the gate -

    Let Santa Claus not be stingy
    For gifts. And strives
    Give everyone a bonus for the year,
    So that the people are happy.

    So that the team works
    In summer and winter,
    And so that everyone has enough strength
    Be yourself!

    Applause after your speech and surprised glances will help you understand how well your congratulations were chosen.

    Don’t forget to congratulate your loved ones on New Year’s Eve, say joyful words to them, melt their hearts with a touch of humor and please them with cheerful toasts!

    Not a single festive feast is complete without toasts in prose or poetry. This is a good tradition with which you can wish wealth, love, health and prosperity to the hero of the occasion. And if we are talking about such a mass holiday, for example, New Year, then warm short toasts are addressed to everyone present. Often, toasts for the New Year are chosen to be fun and funny, with jokes and a mention of the animal symbol of the next 12 months. So, for example, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Pig and toasts about the Pig will be especially relevant. But that doesn't mean they're old classic options won't fit. Folk toasts always relevant, even if everyone present knows them by heart. Next, we offer you the best toasts for the New Year 2019, including for corporate parties, which will help make the holiday even more fun and memorable.

    Touching and very sincere toasts for a festive feast for the New Year 2019 - the best examples in poetry and prose

    One of the most universal types of toasts are touching and sincere versions in verse and prose, which are ideal for a festive feast for the New Year 2019. A distinctive feature of such toasts can be called good wishes, touching the depths of the soul. They are especially relevant at New Year's gatherings with relatives and friends. The following selection contains some of the best examples of such touching and sincere toasts, which are perfect for the New Year.

    Examples of touching and sincere toasts for a festive feast for the New Year in poetry and prose

    New Year is always an expectation of some kind of fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. Let all your plans come true. Let all the good things multiply, and all the bad things remain in the old year. May every day of the new year give you joy and happiness, turning every day into a holiday!


    The new year is always better than the old one. We all know about it. But what exactly makes it different from the previous one? Perhaps unpredictability and endless possibilities. Not everyone uses them, but everyone expects them. So I want to wish us all that in the new year we feel when opportunities are knocking on our doors, and always seize the chance!

    Let's drink to the magic

    For miracles, for joy and for happiness,

    For the world to be ruled by goodness,

    May we always live in wealth!

    For the New Year, which is like a blank slate,

    For all your dreams to come true soon,

    For old and fragile bridges

    Always only remained in the past!

    Let's drink to the New Year,

    For the blank slate that fate gave us,

    May this year be magical

    It will bring you good luck.

    Let him give prosperity to everyone,

    May all your dreams come true,

    There is always order in affairs,

    Let's drink to happiness, friends!

    I drink to a wonderful New Year.

    May it bring us joy

    Let him give you magic,

    We've been waiting for it for a long time!

    I drink to happiness, to prosperity,

    For health and goodness,

    So that everything is alright

    We had enough strength for everything!

    Old toasts for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig - a selection of the best options in prose

    Folk art does not lose its relevance today. And we are talking not only about songs, poems, sayings, anecdotes, but also about toasts. In particular, old toasts about the New Year in prose are popular, which in some families are literally passed down from generation to generation. As a rule, the words of these works are well known to most of those present. Nevertheless, it is always pleasant to listen to these wishes. Some of the best examples of old toasts for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig in prose are collected in the following collection.

    The best options for old toasts in prose for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig

    In the New Year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from last year, so I suggest taking with you: experience, company traditions, friendly and responsible team, as well as the charge of positive and cheerfulness with which we are now seeing off old year.

    They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. And I'm sure there's nothing better to do than next year in our friendly team. After all, as another sage said, whoever works is how he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and our colleagues' no less wonderful ability to do great work!

    Let's drink to the 365 days that await us ahead, to the 365 opportunities, to the 365 new pages of life, to the 365 miracles that will happen to us! Here's to the New Year, which will give us all this! Hooray!

    Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us - but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

    Let's drink so that every next New Year is ours festive table We were more and more bursting with food, the phone was ringing off the hook with congratulatory calls from friends, and more and more children and grandchildren would give us gifts.

    Cool toasts in verse for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - funny options for the Year of the Yellow Pig

    New Year is one of those holidays that are usually celebrated several times. And the point is not only that we still have the tradition of the Old New Year. Don't forget about New Year's corporate parties, which are held on a huge scale on the eve of this wonderful holiday. One of the key corporate traditions is making a toast among colleagues. Most often, to celebrate the New Year in a team, they choose cool options with funny wishes. Such toasts enhance the informal atmosphere of the meeting and help maintain a cheerful mood for all those present. You will find examples of cool toasts in funny verses for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig below.

    Cool options for funny toasts for a corporate party in verse for the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Pig

    Colleagues, Happy New Year to you,

    And let it be a happy hour,

    Let things go uphill,

    And all problems will go away!

    I wish us magic

    To be surrounded by miracles,

    I wish you many weekends,

    And big salaries for everyone!

    I drink to us and I drink to what

    So that there is happiness and goodness,

    And may everything be fine

    May we always be lucky with you!

    Colleagues, I suggest you have a drink,

    I'm here for the New Year for you now,

    May he bring prosperity to everyone,

    And it will take away all the problems!

    Let him put it in wallets,

    European rubles to everyone,

    Let him give you a lot of happiness,

    And let your dreams come true!

    Happy New Year, dear colleagues,

    We all managed to close our cases,

    I wish everyone happiness today,

    I suggest you drink to the bottom!

    For the success of the coming year,

    So that all your dreams always come true,

    To have so much money

    So that they don’t know where to spend it!

    Colleagues, I wish you

    May the New Year bring happiness,

    To drive with luck,

    You are a round dance!

    For yours today,

    I'll drink my glass to the bottom,

    And I wish you patience,

    Many people want to congratulate their friends, colleagues and loved ones in an original way during a festive feast, so they select toasts for the New Year 2019 in advance. Witty, eloquent or funny phrases can charge the company with positivity and emphasize the importance of the meeting. In Russia, the New Year's toast has become an integral part of the action. No event involving the consumption of alcoholic beverages is complete without sincere wishes well-being in the next period of life. For a home in a relaxed atmosphere, you can choose an individual speech in poetry or prose for each person present. For a corporate event, it is necessary to take into account business etiquette. Cool toasts are suitable among friends. And in the year of the Pig, short sayings mentioning the totem animal will become the most relevant.

    Where did the tradition of making a toast and clinking glasses come from?

    Toast. Several centuries ago, the inhabitants of the British Isles developed a tradition of putting a slice of bread fried over a fire into a glass before drinking strong drinks. While the drink absorbed the aroma of smoke, people told each other interesting stories from life, legends and stories.

    Clink of glasses. In tsarist times at court, poisoning was the most popular way to get rid of enemies. Therefore, no one trusted even the closest people. To prevent anyone present from adding poison to the drink, the guests clinked glasses, splashing their drink over all the glasses.

    Learning to pronounce toasts correctly

    New Year's Eve is solemn and a fun event. It can be ruined if you make vulgar or trivial toasts in a state of extreme intoxication. You also need to know the rules of etiquette:

    I don't drink alcohol! Non-drinkers should not refuse to make a toast. Etiquette allows you to make a speech with a raised glass of water. If you are with friends or family, you can use soda or juice.

    A selection of toasts for a home party in poetry and prose

    In verse In prose
    I raise a glass to the New Year,
    May he bring good luck to the house,
    Let him give you joy and kindness.
    I want to wish everyone happiness!
    Let him give everyone magic,
    May everything always be fine
    Let there be miracles everywhere.
    Happy New Year dear friends!
    I would like to wish you a life noisy and bright, like colorful firecrackers. Let it be sparkling, beautiful and shiny, like a decorated Christmas tree. And let every day be imbued with the same fabulous and magical mood as today, on New Year's Eve. Happy holiday!
    Let the glasses clink
    Let the wine sparkle
    Let the stars fall at night
    He will look into your window.
    On this wonderful night
    You can't live without a smile.
    Pain and sorrow - away!
    Happy new year friends!
    We are in power with glorious traditions
    The eternal search is akin to us in everything.
    Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness,
    Happy new toast at our table!
    Do you know why there are so many stars in the sky in winter? Begins to be born New star and everyone else comes to see this spectacle. The New Year is the New Star. So let's drink to the fact that this Year the New Star will illuminate the path to Happiness, Health, Peace and Success for each of us. And let's wash down the old year with the same old wine. Happy New Year!
    To the sound of the chimes, the sound of firecrackers
    I want to raise my glass again
    For you, dear souls,
    For believing in friendship and love!
    For the New Year, for wild fun,
    Here's to a celebration without quarrels and without a hangover!
    So that we don’t part with those who are dear to us,
    And all dreams and plans came true!
    New Year is one of the favorite family holidays. I would like to wish that in the new year life begins as with a new clean slate. Let there be only joy, good luck, and luck, and may all your plans come true. I wish that in every home the New Year is celebrated with family and no one is left alone.
    The clock is knocking. The old year is passing.
    Its last pages are rustling...
    What was good - let it not go away,
    And what is bad will not happen again!
    On New Year's Day, snow is quietly falling outside the window,
    Let there be joy and laughter at your table,
    May enviable success await you in any business
    And happiness will enter your bright home without hindrance.
    May these new 365 days be better than all the past ones, may the new 12 months give hope and confidence in a bright future, and may every minute of life be brighter, more joyful and fun. Happy New Year, in which every new second will be filled only with sincere friendship and mutual love.
    Let's raise a toast to the New Year
    Let the toast be extremely simple,
    For happiness, friendship, laughter,
    Great success in all matters,
    For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
    Warmth to family life!
    When the glasses suddenly close together,
    The Christmas tree will wink with a garland...
    Don't forget to smile
    May you have a happy New Year!
    Happy New Year! We wish you to find benefit and joy in everything. Let your enemies help you experience the taste of life, and let your friends help you overcome all obstacles. Let troubles give you invaluable experience, and let inspiration help you make your life better. On the New Year, we wish you renewal and purity - in everything and always.

    Beautiful phrases for corporate events in prose

    Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them, bargain until the last minute!

    In the New Year with new strength, with new ideas, with new goals. But I would like to take at least something from last year, so I suggest taking with you: experience, company traditions, a friendly and responsible team, as well as a charge of positivity and vigor with which we are now seeing off the old year.

    They say that with whom you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. Believe me, dear colleagues, there is nothing better than spending the next year in our friendly team. After all, as another sage said, whoever works is how he rests! Let's drink to our wonderful New Year's cooperative and our colleagues' no less wonderful ability to do great work!

    The Year of the Dog says goodbye to the world with a volley of fireworks, which means the time has come for the arrival of the next symbol - the Yellow Pig. May happiness, success and prosperity come to all my colleagues during this period. I really want to believe that 2019 will be the beginning of career achievements and unexpected financial achievements for all of us. Let our bosses appreciate us and let our salaries increase. Happy holidays!

    There lived a man who did not work anywhere. And everyone around him worked, earned money, bought cars and apartments. And he also wanted a car and an apartment. And then this man came to us and got a job. I worked for a while and bought a car, then an apartment. And he began to live the way all our workers live.

    Short cool and funny toasts

    First toast: Goodbye! We won't see you sober today!

    So let's drink to the fact that the coming year will be better than the previous one, but much worse than the next!

    How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!!! So why are we sitting and not drinking?

    Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

    At this table all the women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women will be warmed with love for us men in the New Year. To the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

    We always celebrate New Year with champagne! So let us drink so that the life of each of us will be like a glass of this sparkling drink - exciting, rich and overflowing!

    It's time to drink to the one who is greeted everywhere - in dormitories, in cramped Khrushchev-era buildings, and in expensive villas, to the one whom all people are happy to welcome, regardless of their position - to the New Year 2019, friends!

    Let's raise our glasses to the fact that in the New Year so many kind and interesting things to do, extraordinary events and pleasant meetings, how many lights there are on the New Year’s garland!

    The coming year is the year of the Pig, and I want to drink so that none of us are screwed, and there is only comfort and wealth in the house.

    Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us... but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

    Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on a Christmas tree... and not be in the forest! Here's to the New Year!

    Let's drink to the fact that every next New Year our holiday table will be more and more bursting with food, our smartphone will be more and more bursting with congratulatory calls from friends and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts.

    Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year you will always have someone to share any mood with.

    May our lives be as pure as a drop in the New Year spring water, and happiness is playful, like champagne in this crystal glass!

    May all the troubles in the new year be as short as the change of one year to another!

    May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all with ourselves!

    Let's have a drink so that Santa Claus will prepare a wonderful gift for our friendly team - a year of stability and prosperity. So that salaries grow faster than prices in stores, and work brings pleasure. Happy New Year, colleagues.

    Dear colleagues, Happy New Year to you! I want to share with you one very good recipe: take more joy, add cheerfulness, carefreeness and fun, season it all with smiles, and you get a salad called “Happiness.” I wish you had this salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

    Colleagues, I suggest you have a drink,
    I'm here for the New Year for you now,
    May he bring prosperity to everyone,
    And it will take away all the problems!

    Let him put it in wallets,
    European rubles to everyone,
    Let him give you a lot of happiness,
    And let your dreams come true!

    Dear colleagues, we are all waiting for something. Someone is waiting for a promotion, someone is waiting for a salary increase, someone is waiting for a vacation. I wish that in the coming year, all our expectations will come true, and not only in terms of work, but also in personal affairs. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year, dear colleagues,
    We all managed to close our cases,
    I wish everyone happiness today,
    I suggest you drink to the bottom!

    For the success of the coming year,
    So that all your dreams always come true,
    To have so much money
    So that they don’t know where to spend it!

    Colleagues, Happy New Year to you,
    And let it be a happy hour,
    Let things go uphill,
    And all problems will go away!

    I wish us magic
    To be surrounded by miracles,
    I wish you many weekends,
    And big salaries for everyone!

    I drink to us and I drink to what
    So that there is happiness and goodness,
    And may everything be fine
    May we always be lucky with you!

    Dear colleagues, Happy New Year to you! In addition to the responsibilities that are assigned to you at work, today I also oblige you to always be healthy and never get sick, to be happy and never to be sad, to love and be loved. Never shirk these “responsibilities”!

    Colleagues, on New Year's Day,
    May you be lucky in all your affairs,
    I wish you joy, goodness,
    I wish you happiness and magic!

    I drink to your success today,
    I give you my congratulations,
    Let the lights come on
    And we will always be friends!

    They say that happy is not the one who has all the best, but the one who is able to receive the best from what he has! May our dear colleagues have more opportunities for happiness in the New Year!

    They say New Year - family celebration. Who is our family at work? That's right - the work team. Let's drink to the fact that both in the next and other years we will remain as close to each other. May the new year bring each of us more pleasant memories and feelings.

    Not a single holiday is complete without congratulations, and especially on New Year's Eve, when whatever you wish for, everything comes true. To cheer up guests, toasts for the New Year 2019 should be cheerful and positive. For a corporate event, it is better to choose cool ones, always using a totem animal. It’s good if they are not only in prose, but also in poetry. We offer a selection of the funniest and most heartfelt matches that will make the celebration unforgettable.

    Every person has probably experienced such an incident when, having raised a glass, he wants to say a toast that would be liked by others and remembered for a long time. But suddenly a stupor sets in, and it seems that all thoughts have flown out of your head. To prevent this from happening, you should prepare in advance and learn a few sparkling wishes, and become the life of the party.

    Thematic congratulations will be relevant this year.

    Let the sorrows go away forever,

    The deception will be forgotten

    Through the wilds to us, from afar,

    The Boar is approaching.

    He will bring us fun

    Hospitable loaf.

    He will praise our singing...

    Don't yawn, but pour

    Another quatrain dedicated to the Yellow, Earth Pig.

    Someone in ancient times came up with the idea

    To the Pig mascot

    Brought us good luck

    And the coins go into our pocket.

    A cool poetic toast that will be timely, especially in the Year of the Pig.

    Be more polite to Piggy,

    And she will answer that

    What will save you for a long time

    From worries and problems.

    Piglet, and tail, and ears,

    The symbol of the year is our Piggy,

    Or, more simply put,

    It's the Year of the Pig, friends.

    Congratulations on this year,

    I wish you the best

    Fulfillment of everything

    What is desired is good.

    A simple toast, but it gives a lot of positivity, and it also contains a mention of a totem animal, so it will be very useful for the New Year 2019.

    Do you make a toast at a corporate party?

    This holiday gives us all magic.

    May everything be fine for everyone in the Year of the Pig.

    Let your faces glow with a smile.

    And happiness will never be unsteady.

    Fill the container with reagent

    And let's drink to the corporate party

    For a powerful team

    For the office gang

    For free parking

    For excellent skill

    So that the Internet flies

    We'll also have a glass

    To prevent the stapler from acting up

    So that the printer lives at a pace

    Scanner, air conditioner, computer

    Added comfort to us

    So that the boss knows for sure

    Always got up on that foot

    Let the fly that bites

    Flies past the boss

    We wish everyone a fair wind

    We reinforce the toast with action.

    The next speech will lift the spirits of everyone present and charge them with fun for the whole evening.

    Crazy elixir in glasses

    We're not tired of pouring

    Let's drink to strength,

    What brought us all together

    A toast to the boss, without a doubt

    This is the source of all aspirations

    A toast to the stick and a toast to the carrot

    What drives you in your work?

    A toast so that the salary knows

    And she didn’t knock quietly

    And with a running start to the door, with your feet

    She could come to our office.

    To make life more interesting

    You need to invite

    13th salary

    Let's all drink to that, by the way.

    It will not be difficult to learn such short poems, and colleagues will long remember the resourcefulness and effervescence of the toaster.

    Interestingly, toast takes its origins from the British Isles. In those days, a tradition arose among the population, before raising a glass of alcohol, to put in it a piece of bread fried over a fire. And while the drink absorbed the smell of the fire, the person told some entertaining joke from his life or legend.

    Examples of sincere toasts for a corporate party in prose:

    • New Year is the time when everything starts from scratch, we leave our troubles and failures in the past, and take joy and success with us. Great opportunities await us ahead, the main thing is to be very attentive and not miss the moment when luck knocks on our door and seize the chance.
    • A wine glass consists of a stem, which serves as a support, and a bowl for filling drinks. Likewise, a person, the body, is his material support, and the soul, a spiritual cup, which must be constantly filled. So, let's drink so that our glasses are constantly filled with sparkling champagne, and our souls are filled with magical feelings.

    • There are people who rule the world, change something in it, and there are those who run side by side and shout in horror: “Where is this world going?” Let's not watch life from the outside, but make and change it.
    • It is customary to say that in the New Year we take everything new, we enter it with new strength, we put new ideas into practice, but I propose to take something from the old year. This is an accumulated experience, a friendly and reliable team, good traditions company, and, of course, optimism and hard work.

    After reading what toasts can look like, you can show your imagination and write your own speech. It is necessary to do this in advance so that, already at the banquet, you do not feel embarrassed or stutter.

    Such speeches are usually made by the manager at the beginning of a corporate event to sum up the work done and give parting words for the next year.

    We offer several options for ceremonial toasts:

    • Dear friends, the old year is passing, we will remember it as an episode that happened in our lives, it taught us a lot, certain conclusions were drawn. Let's forget all the mistakes and troubles, let's be grateful for all the wonderful things that happened in our team. Let's take our unity, support, and mutual understanding with us into the New Year. I wish that mutual understanding and love always prevail in your families, and that only good news awaits you ahead, and that surprises promise only security and allow you to stand firmly on your feet.
    • The magical moments that we waited for with bated breath are coming, whole year. The aroma of citrus and pine takes us back to childhood and fills us with anticipation of magic. And this belief in a miracle will allow all the parting words from loved ones and colleagues to come true. Let's enter this year with crystal intentions, like the vigor of a frosty morning and readiness for new achievements.

    In a toast you should wish love

    • I want you to conquer 5 peaks in the New Year. The first will be love, which will take over your senses and teach you to fly. The next peak will be friendship; having climbed it, you will always feel a reliable shoulder nearby. The third will be vocation, thanks to which work will bring pleasure. The fourth peak is well-being; when you climb it, wide horizons will open up before you. The fifth peak will be quiet and calm, when you climb it, you will see that there is real love, strong friendship, calling and material well-being. And then you will be overcome by a magical and aching feeling, and then you will understand that the fifth peak is happiness.

    You can take something from the proposed toasts and add your own words, so everyone will think that you are the author of the spoken words.

    IN New Year's celebration It is customary to wish for happiness, health, prosperity, but even these traditional wishes can be put into such a form that already hackneyed words will sound in a new way. We offer several options for matches, from which you can easily choose the most suitable one for the situation:

    • Dear friends have all gathered here, beautiful and elegant, at a table that is bursting with food, candles are burning, champagne is sparkling in glasses. You are filled with the anticipation of something wonderful; I wish that 365 days a year you feel the same as you do at this wonderful moment. There will still be difficulties, but I wish you to solve them in passing. May all your dreams come true.
    • You must firmly believe that all your goals will definitely come to their logical conclusion. And then sparkles of happiness will appear in your eyes, your face will sparkle like a polished basin, because it is impossible not to believe in magic when the scent of pine needles makes it impossible to stand on your feet, and the sparkle of garlands makes it as bright as day. Good luck and prosperity to you.

    • Santa Claus walks quietly through the powder and spies on us through the windows of our apartments, covering them frosty pattern. I wish that there will always be a place in your life unexpected surprises, incredible desires, victories in career and love. May there be as many beautiful moments in your life as there are needles on this pine tree.
    • Now we are celebrating an exciting holiday. Let's have fun with all our hearts and worthily meet the new and favorable metamorphoses taking place in our lives. I wish you to get up tomorrow with a clear and clean head, surrounded by the most important people in your life. And a happy and cloudless path awaits ahead.
    • Finally, the hour has come when the New Year is knocking on our door, bringing with it a fairy tale and magic. I want to wish you good health in these wonderful moments, good mood, may adversity avoid you. And the new day brings you only positive emotions and inspiration. I wish you all good luck and prosperity.

    Choose from the proposed toasts the one that suits your soul, then you won’t have to memorize it, the words will flow on their own, like a stream of water.

    There is an unspoken rule that if a toaster raises a glass of champagne or wine, then his speech can be long. And if it’s a glass of vodka, then the speech should be short.

    We offer toasts for the New Year 2019 for corporate parties, short and sparkling:

    1. Farewell. We won't meet again today sober.
    2. In the New Year, may the tables be filled with food and the beds filled with love.
    3. They say that big money spoils, and insignificant money enrages, so let's drink to the fact that we have a lot of average money.
    4. In heaven they won’t give us vodka, that’s why we drink here.
    5. Let's raise our glasses so that our life becomes more and more delightful, no matter how much it irritates the spiteful critics.
    6. For happiness, goodness and green loot.
    7. New Year is a holiday when the time machine starts. So, let's drink to keep her engine running forever.

    Thanks to such preparations, any person will become sparkling and witty. It will easily lift your spirits and create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in your team and at corporate events.

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