• Celebrating a birthday in nature: simple ideas for a family holiday. Birthday on "Green"


    50th anniversary at a picnic

    Early in the morning my old friend called me. Her request was very unexpected for me. She asked me to write script for a man's 50th birthday and spend it at the dacha, where there is a small house and a lot of “free” land. I could not refuse, and therefore it was necessary to find a form for holding the anniversary, such that the guests fresh air it was interesting and fun. Anniversary picnic in nature!

    Based on the form, I decided whether I needed content or a topic. I started searching. I went online, looked through websites, and liked one idea, “Back to the USSR.” There is a lot of free space in nature, there is room to move around, run, compete, and the dress code of the invited guests allows you to do all this.

    So, 50th anniversary script for a man was designed for the fact that the holiday took place in the summer at the dacha, the tables were set on the street.
    The number of participating guests is 60.
    Picnic form.
    Contents (topic) - “Back to the USSR.”

    The anniversary (conditionally) consisted of 5 parts:

    — ruler-construction;
    - table;
    - outdoor games (“fun” relay race);
    - table;
    — disco;
    - bonfire.

    Each part was “independent”.


    The line formation was similar to the one that was in the pioneer camps of our childhood. 2 anniversary squads were created from the guests. Of the attributes that I used: a bugle, 2 drums, 2 “squad” flags (I sewed the flags from red satin, and the shaft from an ordinary stick). They chose two drummers and a bugler, they were next to the hero of the day. The detachments came up with a name, a motto, a chant, and chose a detachment commander, who submitted a report on the detachment’s readiness for the anniversary. Here the admission to the pioneers took place and the ticket of the day was announced. And the hero of the day invited the guests to come to the table.

    Outdoor games (“fun” relay race).

    After a short feast, the guests had to take part in “fun” relay races. I called them “Competitions with jokes.” My fears that there would be no participants in the competition were not justified: the guests, very actively, divided into 2 teams and began to play.
    Participants - 2 teams, with an odd number of people.
    Props for competitions:
    8 glasses (plastic can be used), 2 books (not too heavy);
    2 brooms, 2 balls, 2 tablespoons, 2 chairs, 2 bottles of alcohol, snack.

    1 task.
    Participants compete in one-legged jumps while holding glasses of water. It is desirable that the glasses are full at the finish line.

    Task 2.
    Running with a ball on your head, holding it with one hand. Although this can hardly be called running.

    3 task.
    Quickly walk a certain distance with a book on your head, holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other, and sweeping the road in front of you.

    4 task.
    One player from each team runs, while he holds 2 glasses in his hands: one with water, the other empty. During the race, participants pour water from a full glass into an empty glass, and at the finish line they determine who spilled the least amount of water. In addition, the speed of the players is taken into account, that is, who came first.

    Task 5.
    Using tablespoons, fill the glass by transferring water from one glass to another.

    Task 6.
    One player runs and at the same time holds the other by the legs, and the latter moves on his hands, holding a glass with his teeth.
    Or the participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands and run to the designated place and return the same way.

    Task 7.
    Stand in a circle, close your eyes, stretch your arms forward and try to catch the hands of another participant. According to the principle of the game “Mom, unravel the thread,” they must unravel without breaking their hands.

    Task 8.
    "The Journey of a Ball - a Ball."
    Give the participants a ball. First, you need to pass it with your hands from above to the back (to the tail of the locomotive), and back - from below between your legs. Play three times. You can make it more difficult by alternating the ball above your head, under your feet, etc. The last one who has the ball runs forward and passes the ball again.

    Task 9.
    “I poured it, drank it, ate it.” The competition involves an odd number of participants. The first player runs to a chair on which a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), and a snack are placed, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, and returns to the team. The second player runs up to a chair, drinks, and returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a snack, and returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you don’t want the relay to drag on, place an incomplete bottle.

    To my surprise, all the competitions went off with a bang. But you don’t have to do all the relays, look at the reaction of your guests. But it is imperative to reward the winners of the game with products available in the eighties: either caramel, or gingerbread... I settled on dry bread.

    I would like to note that competitions, despite their simplicity, presuppose the presence of at least a piece of “sound mind and clear memory.” And also, make sure that guests have a minimum snack in the first part of the feast, and its duration is not very long.


    After the guests sat down at the tables for the second time, ate hot food, and wanted to dance. At the disco I used music that was popular in the eighties and nineties. Sometimes she included modern compositions.

    With pleasure, the guests participated in competitions for the best dancer: Lambada, Macarena, Letka-enka, rock and roll - these are the dances that I offered them.

    The well-known “Longest Engine” competition also did not go unnoticed. The birthday boy and his wife stood at the head of the two locomotives. During the dance, they gathered themselves “cars” - guests, they moved to the beat of the music, holding each other by the belt.

    Naturally, joyful mood, laughter, and childish enthusiasm won this competition.


    The holiday was approaching its logical conclusion, it was getting dark. The hosts prepared firewood in advance, and those of the guests who were no longer dancing lit a fire. The rest gathered for the “light”. Unexpectedly for me, like at a pioneer fire, one of the guests began to sing Yu. Vizbor’s song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today.” We also sang a few songs. And here came the culmination of the anniversary. They brought out a beautiful birthday cake with candles. The hero of the day made a wish, put out the candles, and the guests chanted “Congratulations!” Near the fire, friends drank tea and cake.

    This is how I spent my first anniversary picnic or picnic-anniversary. He left many memorable and unexpected moments in my memory. It seems to me that we were able to go back and remember the time when we were a little younger and lived in a country called the USSR.

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    The scenario is for a group of young people and is designed for 5-10 participants.
    If you are going to celebrate a birthday in the summer outdoors, then ordinary gatherings with barbecue can be turned into a wonderful holiday, with competitions and games.
    To hold a celebration according to this scenario you will need:
    1. Multi-colored ribbons, numbered according to the number of guests.
    2. Children's set"fishing rod and plastic fish."
    3. Box with treasure (gifts for guests).
    4. Sheets of paper with tasks and strings for attaching them to trees, as well as strings for the competition.
    5. Toilet paper.
    6. Napkins.
    7. Darts.
    8. Money tree (artificial or homemade).
    9. Chocolate coins.
    10. Apples.
    11. Poster from whatman paper.
    12. Mayonnaise, ketchup, raw eggs, very ripe tomatoes.
    13. Fish marinated for barbecue.
    When the table is set and all the guests have gathered, the host announces the beginning of the Day, when all wishes come true.
    But for this you need to grab luck by the tail, pass tests and catch a goldfish, which has become so capricious that now it is not she who grants three wishes, but demands that they be fulfilled for her.
    And the “Three Wishes of a Goldfish” competition begins:
    1. “Catch a fish.”
    Plastic fish swim in the basin and are caught with a fishing rod. Each participant in turn is blindfolded and catches a fish with the help of tips from the other players. The fish are all different in color and each color is marked in a special list by the presenter:
    1) blue - 1 coin (you need to remember to sing a song for the birthday boy);
    2) yellow - 2 coins (you need to name ten positive qualities birthday boy);
    3) red - 3 coins (you need to say a toast to the birthday boy);
    4) green - 4 coins (you need to dance the dance of the wild Indians for the birthday boy);
    5) purple - 5 coins (you need to read a verse reflecting the personality of the birthday person).
    If the birthday boy himself draws the fish, he dedicates his task to his beloved. They put all the coins in their pocket, they will be given out for each competition and then, closer to the search for the treasure, they will be counted.
    2. "Let's remember."
    All participants are given a roll of paper in turn, from which they must tear off as many pieces as they wish to say to the birthday boy. When the papers are torn off, the wishes are spoken out loud. The peculiarity is that you cannot repeat after the previous participant; all wishes must be individual and voiced once. When everyone has collected pieces of paper in their hands, the presenter announces that how many pieces of paper, so many interesting and funny, but short memories need to be told about the birthday boy. After their stories, everyone gives their gift to the hero of the occasion. For each truly successful and interesting memory, one coin is given. The birthday boy himself wishes for his beloved and also remembers stories about himself with everyone.
    3. “What do you see in my face.”
    Everyone is given apples, on which they need to use a knife to cut out their neighbor’s face. The most original faces receive a coin each.
    During competitions, the presenter fries marinated fish on the grill. And after the third competition he announces to everyone that “ gold fish“I finally attended the holiday and you can taste it, as well as make a wish that will definitely come true. Under the fish, guests are told that the fish left a map, following which they can find a treasure with memorable gifts for the guests. But only the one who has the most coins can find the card. While the participants are counting, the presenter places a stack of napkins, on one of which the plan is drawn. The lucky one is invited to look for it in the clearing, and the others are told where the card is hidden. And everyone can." suggest with hints to the seeker where to look.
    Further the holiday is coming on the map, and this is not the whole map, but part of it. It has been drawn up in advance and the papers with the tasks are already attached in the clearing, in different places.
    Map tasks:
    1. Tree climber
    Everyone needs to climb a tree and tie their own ribbon. Whoever is higher wins. Participants will also find the next part of the map there.
    2. “Release the hostage”
    While everyone is climbing a tree, the leader kidnaps one of the girls and wraps her up toilet paper and she plays the role of a hostage. A dart board is attached to a tree next to it and participants compete in accuracy. Until someone gets to the center. And then the girl tears the paper and frees herself. She has the third part of the map in her hands.
    3. "Trap"
    Participants solve the map, find the next place, but then the presenter announces that everyone has fallen into a pirate trap and ties everyone’s hands with ropes behind their backs. The one who manages to free himself first takes the next part of the card.
    4. "Money Tree"
    Guests, using the next part of the map, look for a place where they seem to need to dig, they dig, but they only find a note - plant a money tree. Everyone plants a tree, wishing the birthday boy wealth and happiness. Secretly from the birthday boy, the presenter attaches banknotes to the tree (you can use small ones for humor or large ones if you decide to give a gift in money). And at the end of the holiday, the hero of the occasion is brought to a tree, as if money grew on it.
    5. “Bringing” When the tree is affected.
    The host steals one of the players, hides him and declares him to be an evil ghost who has taken the last part of the card. Everyone needs to find him blindfolded and take the card. When searching, both the leader and the ghost confuse the guests by rustling in the bushes, throwing pine cones, and imitating the voices of birds or animals. When the ghost is found, the last directions to the treasure are taken from him.
    And now the place has been found. But! The presenter announces that an ancient curse hangs over the treasure and needs to be lifted. And the game “Removing the Curse” takes place:
    all participants walk hand in hand around the place with the treasure and sing a song:
    Glory to (name) our dear,
    Golden birthday boy.
    Your friends have gathered
    Today we honor you.
    You are beautiful, smart, rich,
    Everyone is happy for you now,
    So hurry up and come on
    Get the treasure for us all!
    Or you can sing any song that connects friends of this company.
    When the treasure has been dug up and gifts have been distributed to the guests, the birthday boy and the guests go to the table, where the host has already prepared a large poster carved in the shape of a fish.
    All guests are invited to paint a picture using food.
    For this you are given: ketchup, tomatoes, raw eggs, mayonnaise, and onions from the kebab.
    The resulting stuffed fish is ceremonially burned with dancing near the fire.

    If desired, you can also select and send a musical voice greeting to the phone

    The guests are in the banquet hall, standing in a row. The birthday girl enters.
    - Our dear (name, patronymic)!
    We love you, respect you,
    and we’ve known you for a long time,
    We kindly ask you to start
    Several of the guests come forward in folk costumes. If possible, you can parody the ensemble of Nadezhda Babkina. 3 congratulatory ditties are sung to the soundtrack or live music.......

    Necessary equipment for Zarnitsa:
    - “Darts” for children (throwing darts);
    - bag - 2 pcs. (can be replaced with large packages);
    - two balls;
    - skittles - 6 - 12 pcs. or cans;
    - sparklers;
    - a map for finding a gift for the birthday boy (prepared in advance).

    The choice of location for the event can be left to the birthday person. But several invitees must arrive in advance in order to have time to hide the gift.

    The host of the holiday is the leader of the company, the ringleader. It is advisable to also assign someone the role of a freelance journalist-photographer, who will capture everything bright moments holiday.

    So, the place has been chosen, the roles have been assigned. We can start!

    Presenter: Friends! You and I have gone through fire, water and copper pipes together. Where have we been, what have we seen! I propose to spend today's holiday - the birthday of one of us - in the style of the military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa". I hope no one minds. We will have many games and tasks. Upon completion competitive program The birthday boy will have to find his gift on his own using a card. Each task will be completed with a congratulation (congratulation poem), which can be selected on this page. Let `s start?

    First of all, we need two teams. To do this (hereinafter in a commanding voice) - stand in line! Pay for the first or second!

    All guests stand in a line, are calculated and formed into teams. Each team has a red scarf tied to their hand. of blue color, so that you can distinguish who is from which team.

    Presenter: Great! It's good that we haven't sorted things out yet. First competition “Dig in at the place of deployment”.

    The task in the competition is for the teams to take bags and backpacks from the car and put everything in its place. Each of them has the same number of bags. Food should be placed next to food, napkins and dishes should be placed on the other side, and so on. In addition, teams must decorate the clearing where they are going to celebrate - inflate Balloons and hang it on the trees.

    At the end of the competition, one person from the losing team congratulates the birthday boy with a poem.

    Presenter: Next competition - “Lighting a fire”. I give each team raw newspapers and a box of matches. We will grill kebabs on the fire of the team that can provide it first. One-two-three, fire, burn!

    While the teams are trying to organize a fire for cooking barbecue, the presenter is preparing for the next competition, in which two bags and small bags (according to the number of participants in the competition) will be needed. The leader puts food items for cooking over the fire (meat, tomatoes, mushrooms, fish) into the bags.

    Presenter: Wow, well done! The fire is burning, which means it’s time to listen to congratulations from the losing team (congratulations sound). The next competition should provide food for all of us, and it will be held under the code name "packed rations".

    Each team must deliver bags of dry rations to the location (bonfire) as quickly as possible. But this will not be easy to do, since you escaped captivity with hands tied and legs. Food can only be carried in the teeth. A team member with food in his mouth and a bag on his legs jumps towards the fire, leaves a bag there and, in the same way, jumps back to his team. Then he passes the bag to the next player, who must do the same actions. The team that transports the products first wins.

    After the competition, according to tradition, the losing team selects a congratulatory person.

    Competition "Minefield".
    This competition involves dribbling a ball (with your hand, like in basketball) around obstacles. Obstacles can be skittles, cans or bottles.

    Do not forget that after the end of each competition and the announcement of the winners, congratulations from the losers follow.

    Competition "Sniper"(in other words, bowling).
    At a certain distance, banks are lined up that must be knocked down with a direct hit from the ball. Each player makes three approaches, at the end the points are calculated relative to the number of cans knocked down by the team, and the winning team is declared.

    Between competitions, a light snack is required; at the end of the competition, the main dish of the holiday is shish kebab. You can insert candles into the kebab, which the birthday boy will blow out (matches can perfectly replace holiday candles - an unexpected and creative approach).

    Presenter: Here we come to the main competition of our holiday “Topography”, with the help of which we will test the birthday boy’s reading ability symbols on the map.

    The hero of the occasion is given a card so that he can use it to look for the previously hidden gift. Friends should give hints, but in such a way as to confuse the birthday boy even more. As soon as the gift is found, the invitees light the sparklers.

    Presenter: And here is the fireworks in your honor and three cheers from us!

    The whole company clearly and loudly pronounce “Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!"

    The birthday celebration continues in a calm atmosphere: intimate conversations and songs around the fire.

    The warm season always promotes celebrations not indoors, but in the fresh air. Ideally, this could be a recreation center or someone's dacha. But the most economical option is always going to the forest or to the water. Nature is especially relevant for city residents and children who suffer from a lack of space to run and scream loudly. So we decided to celebrate our son’s important day in a large area and organized it outdoors, which took place at the end of May. We systematized all actions for preparing and holding holidays in detail. Birthday script for children.

    A fun holiday in nature - original gift for a birthday

    1. Preparing for the holiday.

    a) Discuss the number of guests in advance with the birthday person and invite them to the celebration. Separately, discuss time, clothing, food (if there are allergies or illnesses) with the children's parents.
    b) Think through the scenario.
    c) Choose a place. Go or go in advance and find an open clearing that is both in the sun and in the shade. Bumps, holes, water are not desirable. Remove the trash in advance too. Determine the location of the fire, table, playing area and rain awning.
    d) Arrange transport.
    e) Consider the option of replacing or postponing the holiday in case of heavy rain.

    f) Take with you:
    First aid kit!
    Tent and ropes in case of rain
    Remedies for mosquitoes and midges.
    Koremats, bedspreads, oilcloth, chairs, table.
    Camera, video camera.
    Disposable tableware, napkins, towels, soap, water.
    Non-perishable food.
    Everything for competitions, prizes.
    Tripod, cauldron, matches, newspapers.

    g) Take with you to child guests:
    Panama hats.
    Replacement socks, T-shirts.
    From mosquitoes.
    Shoes: sneakers.
    Raincoats, if available.

    2. Scenario for a birthday party in nature.

    a) Arrival at the site.

    b) Acquaintance.

    Introduce adults, introduce children. c) Safety precautions.
    This is the most important point in organizing any children's party. It is especially important for nature or if the action takes place near a body of water.
    At the presenter’s signal (a whistle was specially purchased for such purposes), everyone should be near him.
    Don't climb into the bushes!
    Determine a place for the toilet.

    Be in sight. Don't go anywhere without permission. If you want to go for a walk, do it only with adults.

    d) Familiarization with the holiday routine. e) Children play in the clearing , and adults are preparing for competitions. For organization festive table

    older guests can also be involved.
    f) Preparation for competitions.
    All competitions are held in 2 stages. First, relay races for two teams and their arrangement in 2 rows. At a certain distance, sufficient for running, place a bucket for the team. They will run around them. Then one team stands opposite the other and a series of competitions are held. You can finish with a sword fight made from balloons.
    Divide into 2 teams.
    Captain's choice.
    Name the teams.
    Each team is assigned one adult.
    Rules for everyone: do not shout at the same time, speak to the point, raise your hand and the commander has the last word.


    Let's line up and begin.


    Relevant on the topic: g) K

    Birthday courses for children in nature. "Duel with balls": k right leg players must be tied around the ankles air balloons

    “Save from the bear”: arrange the toys, pots, cutlery, bags and other things you brought for the picnic in a circle. Place a child in the center of the circle, who will play the role of a formidable and dangerous bear. At some distance from him, draw a line beyond which he will not be allowed to go. When the "bear" wakes up, the children must start saving their things and moving them over the line. At this time, the “bear” can grab children who at that moment have nothing in their hands, that is, at the time when the children return to the dividing line for things. Thus, the child who was caught can become a bear. The winner of the competition is the player who managed to collect greatest number things and at the same time not fall into the clutches of the insidious “Mikhail Potapych”.

    “Uglyochki”: divide the guys into teams based on the total number of players. Give the task - to collect leaves, cones and pebbles, which will act as coals. The next task: run to the fire with a “coal” in your hands, rhythmically throwing it into the air (after all, it is hot), without dropping it. The winner is the team that can put all its coals into the fire faster than others.

    “Put out the fire”: divide the children into teams, line them up and give each player one disposable cup. Give the last child in the line a glass filled with water. This player’s task: carefully pour water into his neighbor’s empty glass, run to the beginning of the line and stand number one in it. The next player, who now has a glass of water in his hands, pours it over to his neighbor. And so - along the chain. The team that has the most water in its glasses at the end of the relay wins.

    “Crocodile in the Forest”: Divide the children into two groups. Choose two volunteers from each team. Their task: with gestures, without words, to depict an object that may be within summer cottage. Each volunteer's team must guess the name of this thing. The images of an axe, a log, matches, a fire, a rake and the like look funny.

    “Shashlik - mashlyk”: collect two small piles of leaves in advance. Divide the guys into teams and give each one a shapmur or a thin but strong twig. Determine your running distance. Explain the task to the children: you turn on the music while it plays, one player from each team must run to his pile of leaves, take one leaf and string it on a skewer, then return to his own. The winner will be the team that manages to collect more leaves on a skewer while the music is playing than the other.

    Animal Chorus: Divide the children into groups. One group of guys will be frogs, the second will be goats, the third will be dogs, the fourth will be mice, and the like. Voice the task: the “animals” need to sing the song “Happy Birthday to You” in honor of the birthday boy, using only knowledge of how this or that animal “talks”.

    Fun games in nature. Video instruction.

    h) After competitions.
    Presentation of medals.
    Taking photographs.
    Issue of a map showing the location of the hidden treasure. Additional hint for competition winners.
    Search for prizes.
    Taking photographs.

    i) Festive table.
    Toasts from each guest.
    Break to fill out a group postcard. On separate sheets of paper, sign congratulations for the birthday person. Seal in a large envelope and keep in the family archive.
    Taking photographs.

    j) Free time.
    Walking on stilts.
    Setting up a tent.
    Ball games.
    Twisting the hoop.

    Benefits of celebrating a birthday outdoors:

      • large space for children's outdoor games;
      • fresh air, good for health;
      • you won’t have to spend money on renting a cafe;
      • no need to buy travel vouchers;
      • no need to buy new dishes for guests and repair furniture in the house;
      • you don’t have to think about how to accommodate guests in the room and where to find a place to play.

    Think back to your childhood years. Surely the warmest memories are associated with leisure time in nature, playing with other children. There is practically no time for outdoor recreation in the normal rhythm of life, so give your child a real holiday with being in nature.

    A place to celebrate a child's birthday in nature

    First of all, you need to choose a place for the celebration. It is recommended to go looking for it in advance. There are several options for choosing such a place:

    • Forest edges or clearings outside the city. Meadows with flowers, butterflies, and grasshoppers are especially attractive to children. Just take a good look at the clearing so that it is not gloomy, but sunny. And next to her there should be free place for organizing games. Remember! This is not just a picnic, but a birthday celebration. It would be better if such a clearing or forest edge is located outside the city. After all, celebrating a child’s birthday outside the city, you will take a break from civilization and the bustle of the city.
    • A park. Children will have a lot of fun and entertainment in an amusement park or water park with various water slides. They will also like it in an ordinary city park, but if there is some entertainment there, for example, a children's steam locomotive, cars, horseback riding, etc.
    • A dacha outside the city. In this case, it would be better if the entire territory country house not planted with potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, etc. Otherwise, there will be a risk that after the “invasion” of the children the shoots will not sprout. If the garden does not occupy the entire plot, but there is enough space for kids to run around, then a summer house is an ideal option, especially if it has a kitchen. You can even cook there, it’s easier than bringing ready-made meals from home.
    • Tourist base. This option is suitable if you do not want to clean up after a children's “pogrom”. You can rent a large gazebo or house at the camp site. The advantage of such places is that there is a lot of entertainment on their territory: a pond, areas for ball games, bicycle paths, etc.

    Have you decided that the best option Will your child's birthday be celebrated outdoors? Great. In order to organize a child’s birthday in nature, which will be remembered for a long time and will instill joy in children’s hearts, you need to take care not only of gifts and treats, but also of preparing a high-quality scenario.

    We bring to your attention a wonderful scenario for a birthday in nature. Rest assured, not one of the invitees, not to mention the birthday boy himself, will get bored. The holiday is designed for a group of seven to twenty people.

    The duration of the festive event is about six hours, give or take.

    The hero of the occasion must be congratulated before going on a picnic, so the child will have the opportunity to feel that this is his holiday, and not just another pleasure trip to nature, outside the city.

    Guests should also be asked to congratulate the birthday boy and give him Greeting Cards and gifts before the trip, especially if the gifts are fragile or, on the contrary, too bulky: they may not withstand a long drive and break. We suggest you take one of the gifts for your picnic that you can give to your child. in an original way, we will talk about it below.

    Outdoor birthday scenario

    Search for treasure

    So, you have arrived at the venue of a gala event organized in honor of the birthday boy. Let's assume that this is a sunny, cozy, spacious and at the same time small clearing in the forest. The holiday begins with the presentation of festive caps to the birthday boy and his guests, which must be put on their heads, with the hanging of congratulatory posters and streamers on trees, as well as with original delivery gift to the hero of the occasion.

    Unnoticed by the birthday boy, hide the gift not far from the clearing (you can ask one of the guests to distract the hero of the occasion). Carefully and carefully bury the gift in the ground, sand, or hide it in your things, or in the car in which you arrived for the picnic.

    Then you need to draw a diagram (map) on a colored sheet of cardboard indicating where the treasure (gift) is hidden. Next, you need to cut the map into twelve to fifteen pieces and place them in different places in the clearing, except for one fragment. Remember that the younger the birthday person, the fewer pieces the card is cut into.

    Pieces of the treasure hunt scheme can be attached to the trunks of trees surrounding the clearing or to the clothes of guests. There are plenty of options, act according to the situation. Now you need to hand over to the hero of the occasion the one remaining piece you have and inform the child that he has a clear and specific task of extreme importance - to collect the entire card.

    When the birthday boy has collected all the pieces of the scheme, tell him that he can now start searching for the treasure. Friends can help the hero of the occasion in this difficult matter, but only at the request of the birthday boy himself. Found this way in an interesting way"treasure" will bring your child a lot of joy. Rest assured, the guests watching the search will also be pleased.

    Festive feast

    Kebabs are deservedly considered a traditional picnic dish. But if your child’s age precludes such a dish, or the birthday boy simply does not like fried meat, but prefers something else, prepare something else especially for the hero of the occasion. For example, fish and new potatoes baked in coals, which are also always popular as holiday dishes Outdoors.

    For other guests, in addition to kebabs, you can spit roast chicken, turkey or duck with apples or mushrooms. Vegetables fried on skewers can be a side dish: potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, etc. Don't forget about sweets, after all, none children's party can't do without them. Cake, juices and mineral water- an important component of the festive table.

    Classic fish soup can also be an interesting dish for a birthday, produced in nature. A variety of snacks and sandwiches, which you can prepare in advance at home or right in nature, by the fire, are also a necessary attribute of a festive picnic table. Vegetables and fruits, cut into large pieces, greens and simple salads will be very useful.

    In the fresh air, appetite increases significantly, especially during outdoor games.

    Games and competitions for birthdays in nature Competition "Forest gift for the birthday boy": while you are preparing the festive feast, announce a competition for best gift

    to the hero of the occasion, made from scrap materials found in the forest. For example, bouquets of flowers, a basket with mushrooms, cones and berries, a stick-staff, a slingshot, and the like can be used as gifts. In this way, you eliminate possible disturbances that arise as a result of children wandering aimlessly around the clearing, and the children, in turn, get the opportunity not to get bored while preparations for the holiday are underway. The winner of this competition is, of course, determined by the birthday boy himself. Do not forget that one of the adults, for example, the father of the hero of the occasion, must monitor the progress of the competition; children should not be left unattended for a second. Competition "Non-standard situations":

    • You have finished cooking or have entrusted this responsible task to another adult, it is time to take on the role of leader. Call several volunteers to participate in the competition. Invite the children to find a non-standard way out of unusual situations. Funny examples:
    • if you were carrying a gift for the birthday boy and accidentally lost it on the way;
    • if yours best friends celebrate name day on the same day;
    • if by chance you gave the same gift to the hero of the occasion as another guest;
    • if after a friend’s birthday you woke up not at home, but in some unfamiliar place, etc.
    Make a preparation in advance with similar questions. The more there are, the better.

    The main thing is that they are as original as possible and encourage children to be active in their thinking. The winner of the competition is jointly determined by the audience and the hero of the occasion. The rest of the players are awarded incentive prizes for participation, which you also need to prepare in advance. Competition "Princess Nesmeyana":

    This is a well-known competition, which is held somewhat unconventionally: it is not the birthday boy who has to make people laugh, but the members of the opposing team. Divide the children into two teams. The task of the first group of guys is to sit in a circle in a clearing (if you don’t have folding chairs stocked for this case) and look as sad and dejected as possible. The task of the players of the second team is to alternately try to make the “Nesmeyans” laugh with the help of pantomimes, clown acts, jokes, funny faces, and so on.

    The only thing you shouldn't do is try to touch your opponents, for example, tickle them. If at least one of the members of the Nesmeyan team cannot keep the mask of sadness on his face and smile, even for a second, he will have to immediately join the team of children who are trying to make his own team laugh. If within a certain time you manage to make all the “Nesmeyans” laugh without exception, then the team that made them laugh wins, if not, then the “Nesmeyans” become the winners. The teams can then swap places if they wish. Competition "Crocodile on the ground": What birthday would be complete without this exciting and

    fun competition?

    • In what situations does a person find himself in a room without a head?
      Correct answer: when he sticks his head out the window.
    • How does both day and night end?
      Correct answer: soft sign.
    • What needs to be done to keep four boys in one boot?
      Correct answer: remove one boot from each person.
    • A sparrow is flying, and at the same time the dog is sitting on its tail? Could this happen?
      Correct answer: of course, if the dog is sitting on its own tail.
    • In which month does the talkative Svetochka talk the least?
      Correct answer: in February, since it is the most short month per year.
    • We recently bought a horse. What is he like now?
      Correct answer: he's wet.
    • What belongs to each of us, but other people use it much more often than we do.
      Correct answer: Name.
    • A person has it in a single copy, a crow has one, and a giraffe does not have it at all. What is this?
      Correct answer: letter "O".
    • In what year do children eat more than usual?
      Correct answer: in leap year
    • What algae are not found in the river, ocean or lake?
      Correct answer: dry.
    • What disease has not a single person on Earth suffered from?
      Correct answer: seasickness.
    • Which hand is the best to stir coffee? Right or left?
      Correct answer: It is better to stir coffee with a spoon.
    • What gets bigger when you put it upside down?
      Correct answer: number "6".
    In addition, you can use any other competitions at your discretion, the main thing is that they are adapted to be held outdoors.

    For example, sports games: football, volleyball and the like. At the end of the celebration, make sure that no waste is left behind from the celebration. Let other people have as good a time in this clearing as you had. A birthday party in nature can be very fun, interesting, bright and memorable for the birthday person, for you, and for the guests of the holiday.

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