• A heartfelt toast for a friend's birthday. Friend's birthday - cool toasts. The best toasts for a holiday, birthday


    Friend, for my birthday I brought
    Here's a cool toast:
    Be rich like Billy Gates
    But don't forget your friends
    Be happy like Arshavin,
    Scoring the best goal
    Be with us more often!
    For you and for football!

    A man and a dog were walking through the desert. He walked for a long time, he was tired, he
    I was thirsty and the dog was tired too. Suddenly he saw
    there are beautiful gates, and behind them there is music playing, flowers,
    fountains splash.
    - What kind of place is this? - the traveler asked the gatekeeper
    - It is a paradise. Come here and you can relax.
    - Can you take the dog with you?
    “No, dogs are not allowed here,” answered the gatekeeper.
    Then the traveler moved on. And on the way he sees again
    - You don’t have any water, I’m thirsty? - asked the traveler
    - Come in. we have a well
    - Can I bring my dog ​​in?
    - Come in with your dog
    - What place is this?
    - It is a paradise
    - But how can that be? The gatekeeper not far from here told me
    that heaven is there.
    - He deceived you, it's hell there. Only those who reach heaven reach
    doesn't abandon his friends.
    Let's drink to real friends who don't throw
    Hard time.

    Good friend now
    I congratulate you on your birthday!
    I'll ask for my toast, my friend,
    Listen attentively!
    So that you can always
    In any seedy place,
    So you can drink without a hangover,
    Well, he could drink the river!

    Wishes for my friend
    No regrets:
    Stormy passion so that in bed,
    Fishing is great,
    Football is a great game,
    And it’s not in vain to “get sick”!
    We drink to you
    Don't grow old with your soul!

    Birthday wishes for a friend
    I read it according to his merits!

    I want to drink for you!
    And I wish you a long life!
    Forgive me for the insults,
    Never be sad in your life!

    Atypical birthday
    He, as a pastor, absolves me of my sins!
    Joy on the personal front!
    So that you can do everything!
    So that you always want
    I had what I wanted,
    But he didn’t let himself be!
    Raise your glass quickly!

    My friend knows what friendship is!
    Happy birth to you, dear!
    I wish that my loved ones need you,
    May my beloved always be with you!
    Let the pain and suffering go away,
    Positivity and understanding are taking over!
    And remember - you will live for a long time,
    For your long life we ​​will drink vodka!

    They say that an old friend
    New two are always better!
    I appreciate you for this!
    Tender, tremulous dawns
    On your birthday I wish you
    I raise a glass of vodka -
    Now we’ll drink in one gulp,
    Friend, so that you can always love!

    What does a good friend mean?
    That you are not alone!
    And I thank fate for that
    That God sent me a faithful friend,
    No one can replace such a friend for me!
    I wish you on this bright day
    Spring in your heart, summer in your house,
    So that there will always be warmth in it,
    The beloved cherished and loved!
    And from the kids - respect,
    And your goals of achievement!
    I raise a glass to my friend,
    So that he does not cool the intensity of his heart!

    We gathered at the table
    To congratulate a friend!
    Happy B-day! I wish you
    So that it doesn't get tight
    Not in your important work,
    Neither in the garden, nor in the vegetable garden,
    Be beautiful and brave!
    Dress in fashion!
    Be bright and mobile,
    Colorful and always stylish!
    We drink to drive away shyness,
    And so that women love you!

    We are sitting at the table here,
    And we look at the birthday boy!
    This is my best friend!
    I wish the clouds
    They left your life!
    And my relatives were nearby!
    Don't let your wife swear
    Kissed me until I was drunk!
    Your children were not sick
    Always ate candy!
    Now we drink to the big result:
    So that you can earn money for those candies!

    My friend is the most beautiful today!
    His crystal laughter sounds!
    He celebrates his birthday,
    And I love my friend very much.
    At this table I wish him
    Tender narcissus blooms in May!
    And I’ll let you conquer the chic ones,
    And make young maidens fall in love with you,
    And earn a lot of money
    Let the work be pleasant,
    Your home will be filled with prosperity!
    Pour it, friend! Let's drink to that!

    Friend! On this memorable evening
    I drink to your happiness.
    For the long-awaited meeting
    I'll drink strong wine.
    Let adversity not break us,
    Let the snowstorm not sweep us away,
    Let the years not separate us,
    Let only joy await us.

    My dear military friend,
    The colors of your uniform suit you,
    Commander's voice
    And the power of your serving hands!
    We drink to you today!
    After all, it's your birthday!
    A star on the shoulders of others for you,
    After all, you deserve it without a doubt!

    To my dear friend
    It is no coincidence that I came today.
    I want to raise my glass
    So that you find your love,
    So that it is mutual,
    Beautiful, kind and forever,
    To give birth to cute children -
    You deserve it, like any good person!

    I want to wish you happiness
    Strong friendship and strong love,
    And in life so that in your real life
    Only the golden days flowed by.
    I wish you to laugh more often
    So that your eyes glow with happiness,
    To have joy in your life
    Never, never left!

    Time rules on our planet,
    Life is rushing, and the children have grown up,
    The grandson seems to be getting married,
    There are new things and faces everywhere.
    The years have flown by
    You and I, my friend, have turned gray,
    But with you together, even a year, it doesn’t matter,
    We will always help each other.
    For me you are the only one, darling,
    The kindest and most beloved.
    And for that I drink wine to the dregs, so that you
    It was glorious on this earth.

    Everyone has a time allotted according to fate,
    Well, we’re all running, we’re all in a hurry to get somewhere,
    We should sit down and think, what next?
    After all, it is not the purpose of our life to simply be rich.
    I saw many people who had everything.
    This was bought for money.
    And they weren’t that old yet,
    Only their life has already become mortal.
    They are lonely, no friends, no whips,
    And in the eyes, like a cash counter,
    Instead of a heart they have only a pile of stones,
    The lifestyle has become a vicious circle.
    Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends,
    The good thing is that I have you.
    I raise a crystal glass to you,
    For my friends, drunk but faithful!

    Today is a friend's anniversary,
    On the occasion I want to say a toast!
    Let it flow like oil,
    And it will bring spiritual shine!
    Be happy on holidays and weekdays!
    In love and righteous work!
    And let only good people!
    You meet on the path of life.

    Toasts to your best friend on his birthday

    Drink to the bottom of the man rather,
    And quickly fill the glasses again!
    Our man is strong, mighty, great,
    Smart, talented, prolific!
    We wish you all the best,
    Let life sing and bloom!

    Your holiday has come.
    And I want to wish
    Many happy days, different,
    To live, don’t be discouraged.
    So that the house is full,
    Everyone who is dear was nearby,
    So that friends call more often,
    And all the enemies have forgotten.
    May your health not fail you
    And spring sings in my soul!
    Happy birthday,
    I drink to the bottom for you!

    You are young, friends, and that’s why
    Everything about you is still as fast as a shot,
    And from his big fire
    You give off sparks unconsciously.
    And I ask you all to raise your glasses,
    So that the sparks of the heart do not say in vain,
    So that every spark ignites
    And a new light and a new dawn.

    Well, friends, this is the thing!
    We waited for the day and it came,
    And here it is already, separation,
    She sat down at this table with us.
    Sits and looks into both eyes
    And, of course, she doesn’t understand,
    That at least she is strong, the infection,
    But friendship is still stronger!

    My friends, our union is wonderful.
    I speak honestly, and there is no embellishment in this!
    Pour the glasses! We'll drink wine
    So that fortune, whose hand is full,
    Showered good luck right away
    My friends (yes, each of you),
    As a mother would do, loving fiercely
    Your children, and a little bit of me!

    How good it is to be with friends!
    Although we know - around
    Not everyone who is next to us
    Alas, alas, there is a friend.
    But, without hiding hot feelings,
    I want to raise my glass -
    For the unofficial, real,
    Here's to the most loyal friends!

    For you, my friend, I drink to the bottom,
    And I’ll say a toast in confirmation,
    So that your destiny is amazing,
    So that I receive only pleasure from life.
    I wish you a happy birthday
    Sincere congratulations and wish you happiness,
    May our friendship be as strong as steel,
    Let grief and bad weather not touch you.

    Listen to the toast, my friend, in your honor,
    This is the sincerity of my soul, not flattery,
    With all my heart I wish you freedom,
    Good luck in life for years to come.
    On your wonderful birthday,
    I wish you to be in a great mood,
    Let luck choose only you
    Live and be happy, friend, always.

    My friend, you and I have been together for a long time,
    And sometimes they even quarreled,
    Along with the toast, I give you a song,
    About true male friendship.
    I wish you joy on your birthday,
    Rest assured, I will support you in everything,
    Good health to you, good luck,
    Know that I value our friendship.

    I drink to the bottom for your health,
    And I'll tell you a toast,
    Let happiness be real, complete,
    God forbid you know neither sorrow nor misfortune.
    In everything, my friend, I wish you success,
    Good luck in life, and don’t get sick,
    All problems can be treated simply with laughter,
    Never regret anything.

    I want you to
    Friends were nearby!
    Not a pen pal
    But just a friend, alive and close.
    May he always be with you,
    Then grief is no problem,
    Then the sea is knee-deep,
    A speck in the eye is not a piece of wood.
    Let in the hour of danger, in the hour of bad weather
    He will hear an alarm call,
    He will share the bread, he will share the blood.
    And share your happiness with a friend,
    Pour everyone's glasses full,
    And let's drink to our friends!

    You've been with me for almost half my life,
    You ate a lot of salt with me.
    Sometimes you saw me happy
    I cried on your shoulder.
    I won't hide a secret from you,
    You can read everything in your eyes.
    I drink today, my friend, I'm for it -
    I raise a glass to your birthday!

    My beloved friend. How many years
    I silently contemplate your portrait.
    When, when will you give an answer?
    You don't know, and I don't know -
    I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
    Happy birthday to you today,
    Dispel dull doubts,
    Rummage through the recesses of your soul.
    Yes, remember how the years fly by,
    How are you and I not getting any younger?
    And youth cannot be brought back,
    A moment will fly by and we will grow old...
    And we will mumble to each other,
    Like bosom friends,
    Like, how stupid we were with you,
    They could love, but they didn’t love,
    We could have walked, but we didn’t,
    But only with you sometimes
    On the phone we dreamed...
    But... it will be too late then!
    I want to drink to you
    For a friend or maybe a brother?
    And I believe silently, to myself,
    What will we drink together someday...

    You're a strong-willed man,
    Never drift, old man!
    I know that in life you are not a failure,
    If anything happens, you scream loudly!
    Let's drink, friend, we are for you,
    May fate go happily!
    Always be invincible
    And we are tireless in love!
    Raise your glass higher
    Well, my friend... let's drink to you!

    Listen to this parable:
    “In one city lived a Master and his students. One of the students decided to test the Master to see if he knew everything in this world and if he was always right. He caught the butterfly and hid it between his palms. He approached the Master and asked: “Is the butterfly in my hands alive or dead?” He thought that the Master would not be able to answer correctly, since the butterfly could be released or crushed at any moment. But the Master just smiled and said: “Everything is in your hands.”
    I want to drink to friendship and to my best friend, who you can rely on in any situation. Remember that everything is in our hands, we have the power to achieve and get what we want.

    As it was sung in the children's song. “If you go on a journey with a friend, the road is more joyful. Without friends I am a little bit, but with friends I am a lot.”
    And even though we didn’t drink as children, we already knew great toast.
    Here's to you (Name), buddy!

    In the same village opposite lived two neighbors. And then winter came and snow fell. The first neighbor started clearing the path near his house, and then decided to see how his neighbor was doing. He looks, and everything is already cleared, the path is compacted. On the second day, the first neighbor got up earlier and just started removing the snow, he looked and again everything was cleared away from the neighbor. On the third day even more snow fell. The first neighbor got up very early and just started clearing the snow, he looks and the first neighbor already has a clean path, and so smooth and even. Then, between times, the first neighbor asks the second:
    - Neighbor, tell me how you manage to clear the path so quickly.
    To which the second neighbor laughed:
    - What are you talking about, I never clean it. It’s just that my friends often come to me, so they trample on.
    Let's drink to our friends and so that they come to us more often.

    Our friendship is like cognac - it becomes more expensive every year. I drink to this today, so that your great destiny will give many occasions for solemn feasts, and intoxicate you with success, so that you will be satisfied with everything!

    Friend! I wish you a lot of everything, but not in excess! After all, when you receive absolutely everything, you will no longer need to strive for or achieve anything. May your life be interesting and eventful, and may you someday pass the baton of achievements to your own heirs!

    My dear friend … ! I raise my glass to you always having a light heart and heavy pockets!

    The gingerbread man rolled away from his grandparents, the Snow Maiden melted in the spring, and mom lost her little one.
    Let's drink to ensure that our friend always has everything tasty, beautiful and expensive nearby!

    Beautiful toasts for a friend's birthday

    You are worthy of praise and kind words,
    Today, saying them is a good reason.
    You gathered us at the festive table,
    We drink so that you will be forever young,
    So that the years multiply your power,
    So that the experience makes you wise, but does not spoil it.
    Be happy, be ready to help your friends,
    Be honest, be healthy and be free!

    Let's have a short toast!
    Happy Birthday friend! For you!

    Youth is a state of delightful anticipation and the feeling that anything is possible. Let's drink so that the hero of this evening always retains spiritual youth, good health and always accompanied by success in achieving goals!

    Let's drink to the four-stroke engine, because in just its 4 strokes it allows us to keep up with everything everywhere, buy things and start toasting at the table on time!

    With age, memory and vision begin to change, even close person, and only old friends remain unchanged. For friends!

    I want to wish my friend on his birthday the health of a marathon runner, the intelligence of an academic and the wealth of Bill Gates. You have everything else: wonderful parents and reliable friends. For you! For our friendship!

    A man's car broke down on the highway. It was very cold and scary. Those passing by looked indifferently at the car standing alone on the side of the road, and no one wanted to lend a helping hand. And then the man, with the last of his strength, shouted, “Friend, help me, I’m freezing!” A friend heard and rushed to help. So let's drink to our friends who, no matter where we are, will always come to the rescue!

    When the old man caught a fish and asked for a trough for the old woman, she got a trough when he wished new house- she had a new home, when I made the third wish, everything disappeared... So let's drink to moderate dosage!

    They have been friends for many years - from their school desks. We lived without any disputes, everything was in order. But one day they fell in love with the Proud Girl. They were ready to do everything - like little dogs. And already once the friendship almost ended, but one said: “We need to choose what is left.” We sat, discussed, Drank drop by drop, And forgot about that girl, “Well, that’s enough for us.” So friendship won. Let's drink to friendship, So that it protects our hearts from the snowy cold.

    Allow me to raise a glass to a faithful friend, thanks to whom we have gathered today. (Name), let me give you a couple wise advice, which were given to humanity by the medieval philosopher Hong Zicheng: “Do not promise in rage. Don't be angry when you're drunk. Don't plan in joyful euphoria. Don’t think about future affairs when you’re tired.” For you! Our dear man!

    On his birthday, I wish my dear friend good health (like a marathon athlete), intelligence (like a professor), and wealth (like Abramovich). It is important that (name) has the most valuable things: wonderful parents and loyal friends. Let's drink to you!

    On this day we drink to the magnificent (name)! Let his creative potential be realized the best way, and undeniable talent will be adequately appreciated. We wish him a standing ovation and applause in large quantities. Here's to your glorious birthday!

    Dear friend! Let me express the toast given to me in the words of the great Pythagoras: “Live in such a way that you do not make friends enemies, but make enemies friends.” Let's drink to the most valuable thing - to our friendship!

    Somehow it happened that a little lamb and a little eagle chick lost their parents. And they decided to live together and help each other. They settled in a cave and warmed each other on cold winter nights. They divided everything they found to eat in half. But time passed, they grew up. And the eagle felt a desire to eat the ram, for the predatory instinct awoke in him. But then the eagle decided to become a vegetarian.
    So let's drink to our dear (friend's name), who is ready to sacrifice his desires for his friends.

    As you know, women without male attention fade, and men without female attention become stupid. My friend, let's drink so that you never become stupid!

    People's actions always speak louder than their words. They talk about a person’s true thoughts and feelings that cannot be hidden with words. I say all this to mean that today, when it is our friend (Name)’s birthday, we dropped all our business, dressed up and came to congratulate him. So let's drink to him, to our friend and to our meeting with him!

    When I was very little, my friend decided to show me how to do pull-ups on the horizontal bar. But he messed up something with the hands, and showed me how to break the hand. Since then we have not been friends. So let's raise our glasses so that no breakdowns will destroy our friendship!

    Happy birthday to you, dear friend! Let the city burst with envy today about your party. And tomorrow let our heads crack from drinking and from impressions! After all, this is exactly how you should celebrate ** years - fun, noisy and on a grand scale, in short, the way we do it, here and now!

    Friend, congratulating you on this holiday, I want to wish you health, success and prosperity. What, boring? OK! Let Japanese lanterns light up over your head, let there be “hugs” and wild dancing with drunken comrades, all sorts of colorful balls, whistles, rattles, rattles, a mountain of necessary and stupid things as gifts, and let the fountain in which you swim be not the last entertainment for tonight.

    In prose

    “A man died of old age and went to heaven, and after a while his faithful dog joined him. They walk along the corridor for an hour or two, and all around there are only doors with the sign “No dogs allowed!”. So, they reached the last one. The old man sat down on the floor, hugged the animal and decided not to be separated from it, even if he had to go to hell. And then the gates of heaven opened and the apostle led them into heaven.” On the birthday of the birthday boy, I want to wish that such a devoted friend will always be next to him and, I hope, that is me.

    Let your fate be filled with as many troubles as my glass is filled, and that’s why I drink it to the bottom. I wish you, priceless friend, to be invincible for the enemy, but without hesitation surrender the most beautiful women peace. May the ocean of love fill your soul and your heart open to joy, dear birthday boy!

    Friend, congratulating you on this holiday, I want to wish you health, success and prosperity. What, boring? OK! Let it over your head Japanese lanterns will light up, let there be “hugs” and wild dancing with drunken comrades, all sorts of multi-colored balls, whistles, rattles, rattles, a mountain of necessary and stupid things as gifts, and so that the fountain in which you swim is not the last entertainment for tonight.

    In your own words

    Buddy! If you don’t find reciprocity in women, humble yourself and don’t impose yourself. If you can't prove fidelity, stop proving it. Are your purest intentions turning against you? Don't despair. Better make yourself a stronger coffee and eat a cookie! Happy birthday! Two friends met after a long separation: - Well, tell me! And you probably already have children? - Yes son. - I hope he doesn’t drink vodka or run after women? - How could you think! I can't even imagine this! - Sorry. Maybe he's into gambling? - No!!! - What a good guy! I raised the right person, I respect him. How old is he? - Soon he will be one year old. Dear friend, I wish you to maintain all these qualities throughout your life, so that your father, at any age, can also proudly answer his friends’ questions about you! Happy birthday! You and I have a lot in common! May you have a lot of joy in your life. Always strive for new achievements! Play sports so that you can teach your offenders a lesson, if there are any. May you complete all your tasks! And we will drink for you standing!

    So let's have a drink here
    In the next world they won’t give it!
    Well, if they give it there -
    Let's drink there and drink there!

    Once upon a time, the king of beasts (also a lion) gathered his subjects (they are also animals), they say:
    - Smart ones to the right, beautiful ones to the left...
    When everyone went to their places, one monkey remained in the middle.
    - Why are you standing?
    - Should I burst apart?!
    So let’s drink to the birthday girl sitting at the head of the table (right in the middle), but unlike the monkey, it’s well deserved!

    Let's drink to your coffin... which will be made of oak... which will be a hundred years old, but which has not yet been born... I wish you to live another hundred years!

    One of the eastern sages said: “It is easy to make people know you, but it is difficult to truly know yourself.” I want to wish the birthday boy to know himself. This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy birthday!

    So let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to whom such wonderful people like us have gathered!!!

    Birthday is an annual gift, given to a person in order to rejoice in the love and affection that his close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy!

    Spaniards like to wish their friends and relatives good health on their birthday, Great love, beautiful women, and most importantly - longevity in order to have time to enjoy it all. Let us wish the same to our birthday boy today!

    For the boss to praise you alone!
    So that my husband and friends don’t drink vodka!
    So that children don’t get “2” grades at school!
    So that your head doesn’t hurt in the evening!

    So that vodka doesn’t make you too drunk,
    She didn’t dance on the table and didn’t sing like a bear!
    So that in the midst of fun the outfit does not tear,
    So that tomorrow you won’t be as green as a cucumber!

    For you, by the way,
    I really want to drink!
    May you live 300 years like Tortilla,
    And may you be lucky in life.
    So that, like Buratino, she is rich,
    She had many friends, not just gold!

    Chinese wisdom says:
    “When you were born, you cried, and everyone around you rejoiced. Make it so that when you leave, everyone cries, and you alone smile.”
    For what was said!

    Darling..., I wish you
    On your birthday, health and mind.
    No wonder they say: “If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble.”
    If there is no intelligence, there will not be a ruble.”
    And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of your dreams! For you!

    So that wisely live life,
    There is a lot to know.
    Two important rules remember for starters:
    You'd rather starve than eat anything
    And it’s better to be alone than with just anyone!

    I raise my glass to express my warm feeling, warmed by drinks, to the hero of the evening - (Name) and congratulate him on his birthday. I wish you to be like light, to live for two hundred years, to sing songs and to be overwhelmed with love. For you!

    On your birthday, accept congratulations from me, and listen to the modest toast quickly: I wish you many, many impressions and faithful, devoted friends!

    "Grow big!" - wished in childhood. Now, perhaps, it would be appropriate to wish: “Continue to grow above yourself!” Happy Birthday to You! For you!

    On your birthday, it’s not a person who becomes one year older - it’s another year that a wonderful person like you is added to!
    Congratulations to you and this happy year!

    I'm raising this toast! For that
    So that in winter and summer
    You were the best dressed. For that
    So that in the heat and in the cold
    I always drove a car.
    For day and dark night
    She was very, very beautiful!

    I wish you to be immodest in bed,
    Breasts are firm and huge,
    And a waist just like a wasp’s,
    Eat less sausages.
    The foot is about size 37,
    Maybe a little more, but not quite.
    And legs like those of a gazelle,
    And the men were staring at them!
    In general, we drink to you!
    Happy birthday!

    I am the most beautiful flower that was brought to your home today! And I am glad that I can bring myself today on such a wonderful occasion! And give it to you along with congratulations and wishes! And let them be a small part of your joy today. Congratulations!

    I propose a toast to the fact that the hero of today's holiday is always young and handsome, that he is a bit of a spendthrift and a fool, that he is both a playboy and a guy and, as always, generous and broad-minded.

    Circus. There are tigers in the arena. The performance came to a climax. The audience applauds furiously: the tamer kisses a huge tiger! And the entertainer announces to the audience that:
    - Anyone who is not afraid to repeat this now will receive 5 thousand dollars!
    Silence. Suddenly a young man stands up:
    - I’m ready to try, but just remove... this predator first!
    I brought this story because I’m going to once again congratulate and kiss the birthday girl. And I don't even ask for money. But just, please, remove... this predator! Yes, yes, I'm talking about her husband.

    Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it. Therefore, we need to learn to pay attention to different little things around us that make us happy and make us smile. This is probably the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy! Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

    Friend, let's drink and have fun in your honor! On your birthday, we wish you never to lose heart, never give in to difficulties and enjoy every day. May all the wishes you make under the mischievous clink of glasses come true.

    My friend, I want to wish you a happy birthday. Let glasses rattle all night for your health and your success. I wish to see you every day good mood. May your life get better! For you!

    My dear friend, I am proud to pronounce your name as a reliable and worthy person. You always helped, listened, supported. This is very valuable to me. On your birthday, may your cherished dreams come true. Love to you and mutual understanding. May our friendship only grow stronger over the years.

    My friend, let fun fill you today and you will scream songs into the microphone, dance on the table, but don’t sleep with your face in the salad. You have yours today New Year- the day you were born. The countdown will be based on this in the future. There are never too many holidays. Happy birthday!

    Congratulations on your birthday. Let the days start well, and let the girl please you with a delicious pastel breakfast. Let the world turn upside down, and you, my friend, become the most successful businessman. For yours positive thinking and a great future!.

    (name), happy birthday to you. May our friendship never end. I am grateful to you for your support, for becoming my source of inspiration. I wish you great success, strong love and a wonderful mood for long years! For you!

    We all value something. But the most precious thing, no matter how you look at it, is friends. Without them, life does not have that zest, that nonsense, the adrenaline that everyone needs. I want to drink to you, my friend!

    I don't remember how we met and I wish we never remembered how our friendship ended. It’s very easy to just be silent with you or share your experiences. I want to raise a glass to you and wish you happiness, wonderful moments in life, and bright and bright emotions. For you, my friend!

    Short toast

    My friend, be healthy always
    Today I drink to you,
    So that luck accompanies everywhere,
    And stay away from troubles!

    With you through fire and water,
    I'm not afraid of anything with you,
    You are my good friend
    And that's just what's important.

    I wish you happiness
    Good to you, positive,
    I offer you a drink
    For you to be happy!

    For being happy to go to school in the morning
    work and enjoy returning home in the evening!

    With you through fire and water,
    I'm not afraid of anything with you,
    You are my good friend
    And that's just what's important.

    I wish you happiness
    Good to you, positive,
    I offer you a drink
    For you to be happy!

    Be strong, strong... in a word, a man!
    A cheerful, nice guy.
    Catch the goodies from life
    Freedom with a death grip by the fangs.
    Find your favorite one. Found? So save it.
    I wish you the best. Here's my verdict.

    How good it is when everything is fine! And my toast to that. May everything be simply wonderful, extraordinary, awesome, magnificent and incomparable for you!

    Let your youth not fade away, And with it - love and kindness. May peace and warmth be your eternal guest in your home.

    Today we will be in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!

    My friend, be healthy always
    Today I drink to you,
    So that luck accompanies everywhere,
    And stay away from troubles!

    More sun for you! Love! Happiness! Warmth and joy! It may be trivial, but it is very important! Thank you for having us!

    Looking back at your age, remember - sex is not the main thing in our lives... There are cases when people went without it for hours!

    Small toasts in your own words for a courageous man and friend

    My friend, I wish that you always have enough money for what you can buy, and always have the strength for what you can achieve. Well, what does not depend on you, may fate grant you - good health, good luck and luck. Happy birthday!

    Dear friend! The day has come when you become another year older. A year during which you had many victories and achievements. In these 365 days, you have become even better than you were. You have achieved a lot during this time. So continue to go through life so that your family loves you, your friends are proud of you, and your enemies fear you. And may illnesses, debts and failures not haunt you! Happy Birthday friend!

    Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is fortunate.
    May your life be a complete shower of stars!

    Friend! Today, on such a wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on happiness, health, good luck and success! As Pythagoras said: “Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and your enemies become friends.” Happy birthday!

    Today I raise a glass to the people who bear the honorary title of FRIEND. So that our friendship becomes stronger and stronger, the support becomes stronger and stronger, and our youth becomes longer and longer. For our common affairs with you!

    Our friendship is like cognac - it becomes more expensive every year. I drink to this today, so that your great destiny will give many occasions for solemn feasts, and intoxicate you with success, so that you will be satisfied with everything!

    There are so many things I want to wish you on your birthday. But I don’t want to repeat myself, so I’ll wish for something that no one will think of: healthy... indifference! Learn to look at some things through his prism. As for the rest, everything is so cool with you!

    Today is a wonderful date, and as I fill my glass to the brim, I wish that sweeter than chocolate every moment of yours in this world has become!

    I wish you a life without defects and Hollywood special effects. May you always be in a great mood, not just on your birthday!

    I want to raise a glass so that there are no bitter moments in your life, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments, just like this wonderful birthday cake!

    May the stars always shine on you - the star of luck, the star of love, the star of friendship and the star of cognac. For you!

    My friend, today I wish you a happy birthday. May your life be cool and impressive, cheerful, joyful, successful and bright. Love, health and great happiness to you.

    May your life be cloudless, like the sky over the desert, full, like the jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way. And may your eyes always glow with happiness, like the polar lights!

    Short birthday wishes for a childhood friend

    There are necessary people, there are needed people, there are family people. And there is you, who combines all these qualities, for me. Happy Birthday friend. your health.

    Many words have been said today, but I would like to say the main thing, my friend, never change, you can change your image, clothes, hairstyle, but never change yourself, you are the life of the party and true friend, Congratulations!

    Dear birthday boy, I wish you health and intelligence on your birthday. No wonder they say: “If there was intelligence, there would be a ruble.” If there is no intelligence, there will not be a ruble.” And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of your dreams!

    I want everyone to know that you are the friend who will never betray, will not leave you in trouble, and will be the first to help. I wish you many friends like you, it’s worth a lot!

    Today is the birthday of the most cheerful, kind and wonderful person who will always come to the rescue in difficult situation, with you it’s never boring; you can only dream of such a friend. Let's raise a glass to the fact that your life is not like a black and white zebra, although it is also good when failure is replaced by luck, so that it howls bright, cheerful and kind as a rainbow!

    Happy Birthday to You!
    And in wonderful years
    I wish you good luck
    And goodness to boot!

    Happiness, life without sadness,
    So that everyone around you surprises,
    There was money in the wallet
    May you always be lucky!

    We wish you unwavering health, a hundred years of life, a pack of shares, a new car, good luck, a dacha and money to boot!

    The wine in the glass should be drunk while it is playing. As long as you live, you have to live, there are no two lives...

    Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is fortunate. May your life be a complete shower of stars!

    Everyone's talking beautiful words about the exclusivity of this day. And I propose to raise our glasses so that the “newborn” has many more such days in his life!

    My best friend! Happy birthday to you and I wish you always have good luck. Let there always be cold beer in the refrigerator, so that there is always a place for you on the road and so that the girls at the bar will sit down with you!

    I wish for the birthday boy to break everything: the table - from treats, his wallet - from dollars and euros, and the bed - from pleasure.

    Dear friend! I suggest you drink so that your face will always glow with joy, and your life will be bright, beautiful and long!

    The best happy birthday toasts to a friend

    We all know the fable about the hardworking ant and the frivolous dragonfly. So let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy skillfully combines the qualities of both of these heroes. For your ability to work and have fun!

    Let's drink to the birthday boy living better and better, no matter how disgusting his enemies may be!

    Let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!

    With all my heart I personally wish that, like a house cat, you always have a great life both at work and at home!

    Let's drink to those on board. Those who are overboard will get drunk themselves!

    Friend, you are getting better every day. Radiant eyes sparkle. A ray of sun illuminates the days we have lived and the years fly by in a slender swarm. Sparkling smart jokes come out of your mouth. There is no person more precious than you and our friendship with you is forever! So let's drink to our beloved birthday boy!

    You are a man whom the world has not seen, you languish my gaze inside your soul, you best friend, you are the best friend forever, everything without you is just screams of silence. You are silent, and I don’t say a word; if you want to say, I will fuss, and only that I can understand you from half a word, as if I were my brother.

    The ancient sages said that the birth of good is good. Therefore, I want to drink to the birth and many years of our friendship!

    Not a step towards old age! Not an hour of sorrow! But only in joy! And only in cheerfulness!

    Let it be joyful, light, May the word hurt be forever forgotten, Like a bird in the warmth of May, Let the soul be light and free!

    On your birthday, I raise a glass and dedicate this toast to you! I wish to always be on a horse, on an iron, sports horse!

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