• Funny short wedding day toasts. Wedding toasts to newlyweds in your own words: the best selection. Wedding toasts to newlyweds are the most beautiful, meaningful, about love, funny, short, wise, interesting, cool, creative, touching and sincere


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    Wedding toast

    None of the scientists can still
    give an answer to the question: what is love?
    Everyone agrees that love is a mystery
    which remains unsolved to this day!
    So let our newlyweds live their whole lives
    with this secret in their hearts and will never be able to solve it!

    Toast to the wedding

    I want to drink to you, dear newlyweds, and make a wedding toast:
    Each of us has our own path, which may be different. For some, this is a winding path full of barriers and obstacles. Someone has a wide road along which you can move freely and easily. Some people like to move quickly and swiftly, while others value caution and calm. Today you have connected two completely different paths into one common one. I would like to wish you that no matter what you encounter, you will always move together, hand in hand, support each other and protect each other. Have a smooth road!!!

    Wedding toast in your own words

    Bride and groom!
    I ask you to rise.
    Guests bow.
    From now on, your fate is decided,
    You have been given the titles “husband” and “wife”!
    We wish you great and heartfelt love,
    May your union be the strongest and most eternal.
    May everything become more beautiful day by day
    And let your home be a full cup!

    Wedding toast in prose

    Dear young people! My toast is clear and short. I wish that four holy names, four guardian angels are always present in your life: Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia-wisdom. Follow them, and God bless you in family life.

    Cool wedding toast

    As they said in ancient Babylon: if you grab your chest, say something. Take a glass - say a toast. Here is my wish: “May two loving hearts never separate, may they grow together in sweet fidelity, as the creator wanted.” Congratulations on your legal marriage!

    Wedding toast to the newlyweds

    I propose to drink to the young people, let today begin the countdown of the most wonderful part of their lives. Let the clock hands freeze forever, recording the moment of the beginning of their family life, and let the chimes strike only on happy dates that are worth remembering! For the young people and their family!

    Beautiful wedding toast

    Wedding toast in verse

    Life modern man is a garland of colorful days: bright and cloudy. And it depends only on you, dear newlyweds, which days you will have more! So let everyday trifles and troubles not spoil the most important thing in your life - your selfless love, which makes you the happiest in the world. Bitter, newlyweds!

    Wedding toast in your own words

    On this joyful day, I would like to wish you family happiness.
    As you know, happiness cannot exist without love. Today is a wonderful sunny day. Let's imagine for a second what would happen if it were cloudy? Would this ruin your holiday? No. Do you know why? Because you really love each other and want to be together. So let's drink to the young people and their family happiness. Bitterly!

    Short toast for a wedding

    I want to congratulate our newlyweds on this extraordinary event in their lives, wish them mutual understanding and great love. Today is your day, and we drink to your happiness!

    Cool toast for a wedding

    Dear newlyweds!
    With all my heart I wish you to celebrate in your life
    at least ten more weddings: paper - in a year,
    glass - after two years, aged - after three years,
    calico - after five years, bronze - after ten years,
    porcelain - in fifteen,
    crystal - in twenty,
    silver - in twenty-five,
    gold - in fifty,
    diamond - in seventy-five years.
    I also wish that all today’s guests
    were sure to attend all these weddings.
    Let's drink to the fulfillment of this wish and the happiness of the young!

    Cool short wedding toast

    Marcus Aurelius believed that “people exist for each other.”
    So let's drink to this
    so that it will be so in this newly made family.
    Young people, live for each other!

    Funny wedding toast

    I will say in the words of Rogers: “Live, young people, so that you will not be ashamed to sell your pet talking parrot to the main gossip of the city!”

    Wedding toast in prose

    Newlyweds, please tell me how children are born? Do not know? I will remind you of three ways how and where you can find them. First, order them from the stork. Second, look in cabbage. And thirdly, go to the store. But I want to drink to the fourth way to replenish your family - the most pleasant and proven one! For the young and their future children!

    Wedding toast in verse

    Friends! Today at an early hour
    Suddenly the muse visited me!
    She came to ask about you
    And she gave me a toast for good luck!
    Which tender words
    She dictated to me, brothers!
    And... my head started spinning!
    I have to admit now...
    Search eternal words,
    Take a spoon full of tenderness!
    And let it burn like firewood,
    Love passion inevitability!
    And Muse’s toast was simple:
    “We must love each other steadfastly!”
    And I, a single boy,
    Raising my glass, I’ll shout to you: “Bitter!”

    Funny wedding toast

    A slender poplar grew in the forest,
    and a slender birch tree grew nearby.
    And they fell in love and were drawn to each other,
    until they finally connected their branches and wove themselves together.
    Why are our newlyweds not poplar and birch?
    Let's wish them twigs
    their loves were never unraveled and held tightly to each other.

    The best toast for a wedding

    There lived a variety of feelings on a distant island: Joy, Boredom, Pride, Happiness, and, of course, Love. One fine day they noticed that the island was slowly sinking into the water, and decided to move to another before it was too late. Only Love was in no hurry to leave her favorite place. But when there was only water around, she began to call for help. No one wanted to save her, only one old man swam to her in his boat and transported her to the island. She tried for a long time to find out his name, and when she was told that it was Time, she was very surprised. Only Time can understand how important Love is in life.
    Let's drink to ensure that this bright feeling never fades in your life and illuminates your long and happy path.

    A short wedding toast in your own words

    They say that marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish that your union is protected by heaven, and may all life’s difficulties and everyday problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

    Wedding toast from friends

    We want to wish that the road of life along which you will walk, holding hands, will run through a beautiful blooming garden with sweet-voiced birds of paradise. So that the bright sun of love and goodness warms and illuminates your path. May fate favor you in all your endeavors, may obstacles and sorrows not be able to break you, but only make you stronger and more resilient! Be happy!

    Wedding toast from parents

    Our dear children,
    You are more valuable than anyone in the world,
    We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
    We bless your union.

    You take care of each other
    And always live together
    And appreciate it every time
    That fate suddenly brought you together.

    They say that marriages are made in heaven. Today, on your wedding day, I wish that your union is protected by heaven, and may all life’s difficulties and everyday problems be nothing to you. Love each other and be happy all your life.

    Dear newlyweds! Whatever one may say, starting a family is a very important step in the life of every person. You have successfully taken this step, thanks to the persistence and desire of the groom and the desire of the bride. I wish you love in your hearts, comfort in your home and happiness in your eyes! Bitterly!

    Since childhood, we have been told that family is very serious and responsible. Now each of you, newlyweds, is responsible not only for yourself, but also for your other half. After all, as they say, you have become one. Take care of each other, appreciate and respect each other. Let your love never fade away, but on the contrary, like cognac, become even better every year!

    Rings, dress and suit,
    What's all the fuss? What's that noise?
    We are celebrating the wedding today,
    We congratulate the young people!

    And today I drink to them,
    I hasten to wish you happiness,
    So that you don't quarrel forever,
    And they agreed with each other!

    So that there is comfort in the house,
    And worries will wait,
    Let the problems go away
    And all your dreams will come to life!

    For your life to work out,
    So that love always lives,
    So that they don’t know quarrels and troubles,
    For this, I will drink to the bottom!

    So that adversity recedes,
    So that everything is within your reach,
    So that you appreciate each other,
    I want to wish you happiness!

    For the wedding, for love, for joy,
    For your future children,
    For dreams to come true,
    So that there is no sadness, gray days!

    The wisdom of centuries says that parents protect their daughter until the crown. And a husband must protect his wife to the end. I want to raise this glass to our newlyweds. May they take care of each other throughout their lives. And let their children take an example of this care and tenderness for themselves!

    Today we all - friends, relatives, close people - have gathered because two of our dear and beloved people found each other and decided to be together for the rest of their lives. I can't imagine what would have happened to these two's lives if they hadn't found each other. Now, when I look at them, so young and happy, I understand that they were made for each other, they were born into this world, so that sooner or later they would meet and create their own strong union. So let's raise our glasses and drink to these beautiful newlyweds!

    Congratulations on this important step in your life! Today a new family has appeared, may God bless them for many years to come. And you love each other and respect your parents. Give your parents grandchildren as soon as possible! Never forget that comfort and warmth in the house depends on both. Try not to let the fire of love go out and feed it!

    I want to raise this glass to our newlyweds. Let their family happiness be like a blooming branch of a beautiful tree, and then the magical bird of love, singing happiness, will surely land on it. Love each other and remember, it will depend only on you how long your family tree will bloom and how high it will grow and how many fruits it will bear. Don’t forget and support each other in difficult times and then you won’t be afraid of any storms that rage around you!

    I offer a drink to the young people,
    For their happiness, we drink to the dregs, friends,
    Now we all need to get used to it
    And call them husband, wife!

    Friends, more joy to you,
    Give birth to healthy children,
    So that everything is in order with you,
    You will love each other for the rest of your life!

    A wedding is a special celebration! Such an event occurs in humans infrequently. People loving each other get married. And the guests, rejoicing for the young people, dance, sing, congratulate, say toasts, funny competitions! A wedding is a happiness that should forever remain in the hearts of the newlyweds. And in order for this celebration to be successful, guests need to know some wedding toasts.

    ♦ So beautiful and so unusual

    The wedding is spinning with its celebration!

    And we give beautiful toasts,

    To have fun all around!

    ♦ May you have no sad days!

    Let the house be full of happiness!

    There was a lot of warmth and laughter!

    For this we only drink while standing!

    ♦ I raise my glass

    Here's to a wonderful couple!

    I wish you always together

    Walk on the pedestal!

    ♦ I want to raise a glass

    Red wine.

    I wish happiness to the young people,

    Happiness forever!

    ♦ May this day be a wonderful fairy tale

    Your hearts will be enchanted!

    Let kindness, love, affection

    It will enrich your whole life!

    ♦ Oh, this wedding! Wedding! Wedding!

    Fun, noise and bustle!

    Let's raise our glasses, guests.

    Let's drink to the dregs for the young!

    ♦ Wedding is fun!

    Wedding means flowers!

    A wedding is a sea of ​​smiles!

    A wedding is the beginning of a family!

    So let's drink to the future strong and friendly family!

    ♦ Do you remember the first time

    We saw each other

    How did you want to always be together?

    And I wish you, newlyweds,

    May this feeling last forever!

    ♦ I want to say an extraordinary toast to our newlyweds.

    So be healthy!

    Live richly

    As much as your salary allows you!

    But money, as before, is always not enough,

    Shake all your ancestors, they will give you more.

    Don't be afraid of pipettes, don't be afraid of diapers,

    Give birth to boys, give birth to girls!

    You have twice as many parents,

    Visit them more often, visit them more!

    Most of all I wish you, however,

    So that there is no marriage from your marriage!

    ♦ May the sky be bright above you!

    And the sun warms you with its rays!

    Let life be kindly bright,

    And you are surrounded by reliable friends!

    ♦ U married man once asked:

    -What's the hardest thing about life together? And he answered:

    - Marital ties that have to be borne by two, and sometimes three of them.

    So let's drink to our newlyweds to always cope with this burden together!

    ♦ Today is your special day

    And you can’t live without toast!

    We, raising our glasses,

    We wish you peace and goodness!

    ♦ One day a young man fell in love with beautiful girl and invited her to become his wife. But she rejected his proposal. The young man could not stand such a misfortune and died.

    Let's drink to the fact that our beautiful bride always reciprocated the feelings of our groom!

    ♦ Under the hissing of champagne wine,

    To the sound of a crystal glass,

    To the sound of fireworks celebration

    Congratulations on your legal marriage!

    We wish you only happiness and laughter!

    Good luck and success!

    May love be wonderful

    And it never faded!

    ♦ My toast is simple, even very simple. Friends, let's drink to tender feelings and love!

    ♦ Be healthy, live richly!

    As much as your salary allows.

    And we will come to visit you later.

    We wish you much success in everything!

    ♦ I want to raise a glass to the young people and say a toast.

    Wish you,

    So that the love is mutual!

    Happiness is endless!

    Children are healthy!

    And the family is strong!

    ♦ One of Aesop's fables tells of a Pine Tree, which often boasted of its height and beauty. Next to her grew Blackberry, who was upset by the pine tree's boasting, as she considered herself ugly. One day Pine saw a man who was going to cut it down for firewood, and then she also wanted to become small and inconspicuous, like Blackberry. Let's drink to the bride and wish her to be slender and beautiful, like Pine, and modest, like Blackberry.

    ♦ People say: “Every bride will be born on the day of her groom.” Let's raise a toast and rejoice for our bride and groom who have found each other.

    ♦ “Choose a cow by its horns, and a girl by its kind (that is, by its parents),” this is what our ancestors said. And although our bride and groom were united by love, and not by a rational choice, we would still be sitting with you at this wedding and congratulating the newlyweds if the choice was made “by gender.” After all, such wonderful parents as our bride’s cannot be found anymore. So let's drink to their health and well-being!

    ♦ Ancient Roman wisdom says: “If the gods do not guard the house, those who guard it watch in vain.” I want to raise a toast so that our newlyweds’ home will never need security.

    ♦ The ancient Greek philosopher Xenophon said: “I have had to regret what was said, but never regretted what was not said.” Family life is a great art, and above all it is oratory. And I want the young to become masters in mastering it and never regret a single word they utter.

    ♦ The ancient Romans said: “The tree that did not bloom in the spring does not bear fruit in the fall.” Now you and I are all witnessing the flowering of this young couple. So let's drink so that the fruits it will bear will begin as quickly as possible.

    ♦ It is sung in one song: “Love is a ring, but a ring has no beginning and no end.” Looking at this couple, no one will doubt that they were united by love. So let's drink to the infinity of this marriage!

    ♦ Our grandparents liked to say: “There is marriage, but there is no dissolution.” I would like this statement to become a law for our young people and that the vessel, in the creation of which we are now present, would never shatter into small pieces. So let's drink to this!

    ♦ Popular wisdom says: “People get married for cabbage soup, but for meat they get married.” So let's drink to the fact that in this future family the husband will never go hungry, and the wife will always have enough money to buy meat.

    ♦ People say: “Love is hard; It’s even harder not to love.” Since you and I are present at this wedding, it means that our young people share this thought. So let's drink to the wisdom of our newlyweds!

    ♦ One eastern wisdom says: “He who interferes in someone else’s fate will never pass his own.” Our young people decided to interfere in each other’s destinies in order to have the same fate for both of us. So let's drink to the hope that there will never be a fork in their fate!

    ♦ When you come across an extraordinary person, it only takes one glance to notice him, one word to appreciate him, one touch to love him, but to enjoy his company it will take whole life. At first glance, you can see that our young people are extraordinary people. So let's drink to them enjoying each other's company as long as possible!

    ♦ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said: “Loving does not mean looking at each other, loving means looking together in the same direction.” I want to raise a toast so that, looking in the same direction, our young people do not forget to look back at each other from time to time.

    ♦ One Jewish parable tells how a rabbi talked to the Lord about the fate of married couples after death. The Lord said, “I will show you.” He led the rabbi into a room full of emaciated people, they were holding very long spoons in their hands, and their faces expressed despair. The appearance of the people was all the more strange, since they were sitting around a large table, in the center of which stood a huge smoking pot. From it came the tempting smell of meat. There was enough meat in the pot to feed all the people gathered in the room. The length of the spoons allowed us to reach the food, but did not allow us to put it in our mouths. People were starving, their suffering was unbearable, especially since food was very close. The Lord said; “This is Hell, and married couples who constantly fought with each other during their lives end up here. Those who live in harmony go to Paradise." And the Lord led the rabbi into another room, which was no different from the previous one, only the faces of the people in it were happy. They looked well-fed and were having a lot of fun. “But what's the matter? - asked the rabbi. “Why are some unhappy while others are having fun?” “The fact is,” answered the Lord, “that the married couples in the second room learned to feed each other during their lifetime.” So let's drink to our young people taking care of each other, and then they will find happiness not only on Earth, but also in eternal life.

    ♦ One eastern parable talks about a poor peasant who found himself alone with a ferocious and very hungry tiger. The peasant tried his best to run away from the predator, but suddenly found himself on the edge of a cliff. The only thing he could do was to cling to the vine that hung over the river. Looking down, the peasant completely despaired; there a huge crocodile was already waiting for him, which looked no less hungry than the tiger. To top it all off, two very aggressive monkeys began to swing the vine, and it was about to break off. The peasant was in a hopeless situation. But then he remembered that, before meeting the tiger, he found a strawberry bush in the forest and hid it in his rags. Now, having taken it out, he fully enjoyed the divine taste of this berry.

    On the way our young couple will meet bloodthirsty tigers, hungry crocodiles, and aggressive monkeys - such is life. But I want to raise a toast to the fact that they will always be able to please themselves, even in the most dangerous situation!

    On the wedding day, you want to constantly shower the newlyweds with wishes. But even the most beautiful and nice words V large quantities capable of turning the most wonderful wedding into a banal reading of kilometer-long congratulations. Do you want to make a speech from the heart and briefly? Portal Svadebka.ws offers you short toasts congratulations on the wedding. You will see that a few well-spoken words can be more memorable than a memorized and beautifully narrated wedding poem.

    Cool short wedding toasts

    Humor occupies a leading position in toasting. Exactly funny toasts always original. Agree, congratulations about happiness and health have already been heard hundreds of times. We focus on fun and offer you the following options for short toasts in poetry and prose:

    Congratulations, dears, we wish you different things:
    A very quiet mother-in-law, a simply cool mother-in-law,
    May my father-in-law sponsor you with money,
    And your father-in-law should invest in you too.

    So that the mother-in-law does not visit,
    So that the husband does not beat or drink.
    And for the wife to love,
    Let peace come to the family!

    Let your honeymoon be in Bali,
    Guests give money, but not rubles!
    Let the wedding dance for a long time, until dawn,
    We wish you sun, peace and love!

    So that there are family quarrels infrequent
    And passionate reconciliations followed,
    So that Vanechka is red, Dasha is big-eyed
    They sat on each of your knees.

    An exemplary wife will never reprimand her beloved for over-salting scrambled eggs, and an exemplary husband will pretend every time that he does not see how his wife hammers a nail crookedly. Let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete mutual understanding of our newlyweds!

    They say that in an ideal family, the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where it goes. May you have a truly ideal family.

    What is the difference between a fairy tale and a fairy tale? The fairy tale is when he married a snake, and she became a princess. And it was true - if it’s the other way around. Let the life of our newlyweds be like a fairy tale!

    Eve was too jealous. And even though there were only two of them in heaven, when Adam came home too late, she, just in case, counted his ribs. Let's wish our bride not to be so jealous, and her husband to never give a reason to count ribs!

    When a man is persistent, he will certainly achieve what a woman wants. Let's drink so that a man's determination and a woman's whims coincide!

    Wedding toasts in your own words: short and clear

    A wedding wish for newlyweds can be said in your own words from the heart, without memorizing a long text. To do this, you just need to get a little inspired and the right words they will come on their own. We are pleased to present to you wedding selection short toasts in your own words.

    They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. Let's raise our glasses so that our newlyweds don't have any headaches or heartaches!

    Friends! We offer to fill the glass for a kiss! After all, it was a man who invented it as a way to shut a woman’s mouth.

    We wish that you can handle all the difficulties, that only pleasant chores fall on your shoulders, that your shoulders are carried by competent heads and that you are always shoulder to shoulder!

    The honeymoon is the happiest period for spouses: a time of carelessness, passion, sublimity of feelings, lightness, and tender trembling of lovers. Let us wish the newlyweds that their honeymoon will last a lifetime.

    We wish that today’s start to family life will lead you only to victories, a bright future and to winning gold medals of joy!

    We sincerely welcome you to your legal marriage. The most important thing in life is great human friendship and true love. May your love be as long as your life!

    We wish that every stage of life together be progressive, only upward and upward! We wish you rapid growth and progress in all aspects!

    Many men fantasize about a harem, so that he is surrounded by many women every day, adding variety to family life. Let our groom never have the idea of ​​having a harem, because his wife can replace a thousand women for him!

    The secret to a successful marriage lies in some... folk wisdom: you need to love not as much as possible, but as long as possible! Let's drink to the leisurely behavior of the newlyweds!

    We wish you that daily little things and trifles in no way overshadow what is necessary in your life - fidelity and love!

    If the husband is the ship, then the wife is the helm. We wish your home ship not to sink in the ocean of everyday problems, to sail out of every whirlpool and reach a quiet harbor.

    Wedding toasts: short in verse

    Surely, among us there will be those guests who always wish all the best to the young people with poems. Pay attention to our interesting examples short wedding toasts in verse.

    Like a cup of the best wine,
    May life always be full!
    Don't spill this cup,
    Drink it all, to the dregs!

    What advice and instructions can I give you?
    At a wedding, everyone has known the words for a long time...
    You just love. And with great excitement
    In thirty years, kiss at the movies!

    Let's hurry to the sounds of Mendelssohn
    Congratulate the newlyweds on their holiday!
    Let all obstacles melt away like smoke,
    Love will always rule in life!

    They emptied the glass of intoxication
    So that in five decades
    Let you celebrate your golden wedding together
    Live the whole century without grief, tears and troubles.

    We wish you happiness beyond measure,
    Smiles, sun, joy.
    Let the family be happy
    Now and right into old age.

    If you are invited to a wedding, rest assured that you will have to give a toast. You can take it ready poetic congratulation for a wedding, read with expression, raising a glass. But a wish expressed in this form is unlikely to touch the newlyweds, because... does not demonstrate a momentary emotional impulse. It is better to make wedding toasts in your own words. They will sound no less prepared, but will demonstrate your sincere and reverent attitude. If such an arbitrary toast is also witty, then you will be guaranteed the attention and support of the audience.

    Options for wedding toasts in your own words

    Toast in your own words “Full cup”

    Let's fill our glasses to the brim! Our dear (name of the bride, groom), according to good tradition, I would like to wish new family, having a house is a full cup. This is wonderful! But, I would like to clarify that this cup should be filled, not with anything necessary, but only with the best! May it be full of love, children's laughter, ideas, wonderful aspirations, prosperity, good luck, health, generosity, humor and optimism, the strength to resist difficulties (other wishes can be listed here)! Let's drink to family hearth, new house!

    Toast in your own words “Affirmation”

    We say “I wish”, showing our attitude and nothing more. But isn’t it better to say that all this will definitely happen?! After all, faith is a strong thing, it can change matter, inspire hope, and bring justice!

    So, I know you will have a strong family, filled with love that will only grow and strengthen! You will have wonderful, talented children who will bring goodness and development to this world! You will have wealth, good luck, you will develop, and your unity will help with this! I believe, I know, this will all happen! Join us by clinking your glasses! Bitter for the newlyweds!

    Toast in your own words “Image of a Beloved”

    Dear newlyweds (names of spouses), look at each other, look into the eyes of the person who loves you sincerely, more than anything in the world, look into his sweet, caring, loving face. Remember the moment of happiness that you are experiencing right now. Never forget this benevolent person, his “image”: neither during difficulties, disagreements, nor after many years of living together!

    Keep it in your memory, because the person who will be with you will always remain that loving heart, even if it seems otherwise. Don’t let the twists of fate change this “image”, your feelings for your soulmate, or disrupt mutual understanding. That power true love will protect the family, make it joyful, cheerful, truly happy! Carry your feelings through many years! For the love of the newlyweds! Bitterly!

    Toast in your own words “In the animal world”

    What kind of family do men and women dream of? Surprisingly, you can easily find analogies in the animal world. For example, men, they would like their family life to resemble a pride of lions. He is the king of animals, he has many wives, they hunt on their own, and raise their children on their own. The only restriction is that you can’t go to the neighbor’s lionesses. Women would like their family life to be like that of birds: she hatches her offspring all day long, and her husband carries material for the nest and worms for food.

    And I wish that the family was the same as that of dolphins - where the groom reverently, tenderly looks after the bride, drives away other males, gives gifts to the chosen one, which she carefully keeps. Where both spend their entire lives circling in a love dance, preferring each other to all other dolphins!.. And it’s easier to give birth in water!.. Happy holiday to you newlyweds, to the creation of a new beautiful family!

    Toast in your own words about bright heads

    There is a proverb: “One head is good, but two are better!” From now on you have two heads and one heart. These heads are bright, so everything in this new life will be good and successful! Be guided by this proverb when solving all your family matters, from the smallest, insignificant, to the serious, important. After all, the main thing in family life is unity: in joy and sorrow, in work, leisure, in everyday life and entertainment. Advice and love to you, newlyweds!

    Toast in your own words “Honey Life”

    I would like to raise our glasses to the newlyweds and wish them only one thing: may the honeymoon not end in their lives, may it flow into the honey quarter, then into the honey half of the year, into the honey year and honey life. May love always be as bright, and unity as tangible, may life be a continuous holiday, full of new shared impressions, adventures, comfort and prosperity! Use this time well! Newlyweds, I believe in your “honey” future!

    Video: short and funny toasts in your own words

    Recency during wedding speeches is a big plus. A wedding toast in your own words should be short, kind, light, and funny. The wedding holiday is fun party, the more joyful those present are, the better it will go. This formula is appropriate for all invited guests: friends, girlfriends, witnesses, parents, brothers, sisters of the newlyweds. Short funny toast It’s not hard to come up with it yourself, but you can take it from the selection presented in this video:

    The ideal toast is the one that “flows” straight from the heart. But if public speaking is not your thing, then it’s better to prepare: choose the right words and retell them at the celebration. On our website, in addition to options for congratulations in your own words, you can find beautiful toasts for a wedding, which will help you easily prepare for your congratulatory speech.

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