• Beautiful words of wishes for a wedding. Cool short wedding toast. Beautiful wedding wish in prose


    A wedding event is traditionally associated with congratulations and this is true. After all, during the wedding, a lot of instructions, pleasant words and toasts are addressed to them. However, there comes a time when young spouses have to get up from the table, pick up the microphone and say words of gratitude. Who are they addressed to? How to plan a beautiful What should be said during this action, you will learn from our article.

    Why and what to say to newlyweds

    During the wedding celebration, the newlyweds will have to, as they say, answer to their guests, relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates. All they do during the entire event is listen to congratulations, and at the end they simply have to say their words of gratitude to everyone present for congratulations, gifts, parting words, and most importantly, for the fact that on this important day for them the guests dropped all their business and came to the celebration. And of course, the bride and groom traditionally thank their parents for all the kindness and love they invested in them.

    The speech of the newlyweds at the wedding can rightfully be called the most touching and sweet moment. And in order for it to be beautiful and consistent, it is necessary to sketch out an approximate text in advance and, of course, include it in the overall script of the special event. We will consider examples of diverse requests below.

    How can you give thanks?

    There are several options for saying thank you to guests and relatives. For example, these could be beautiful poems, individually selected for the person to whom they were originally addressed. Or you can speak prose, but it will sound natural and from the heart. The musical version of gratitude also looks original, for example in the form of a song. At the same time, it can be performed either by the newlyweds themselves or by a professional singer or musician.

    Among other things, a beautiful wedding speech can be supported by such pleasant little things as a commemorative certificate or medal. Moreover, you can fulfill them using funny nominations and titles. For example: “Certificate for assistance in raising a daughter”, “Medal for courage in battles for the attention of a daughter”, “Certificate for raising a son”, etc.

    Pleasant words of gratitude to parents

    The very first people who deserve not just words of gratitude, but also low bows, are parents. They take care of you, educate you, don’t get enough sleep at night, and in most cases they are the ones who take care of everything for the upcoming wedding celebration.

    A beautiful wedding speech is a wonderful way to thank your loved ones for everything they have done. It happens something like this: the host or toastmaster gives a sign to the musicians, and the music stops, then the bride and groom stand up. Then the bride begins her speech: “On this wonderful day, I would like to thank my mother for the fact that with her help I was born. For her kindness and affection. It is thanks to her efforts that I stand before you today. Thank you, dear!”

    Then she turns towards her father and says: “On this day I want to thank you too, my father! For the fact that you have always been a support and support for your mother. For always lending his strong masculine shoulder when needed. Thank you and low bow!” In response to this appeal, you can hear the mother’s speech. At the wedding of a daughter or son, this is one of the main moments. You should not forget about preparing such a speech.

    Wedding speech: an example for the groom's parents

    After her laconic but meaningful speech, the bride expresses words of gratitude to the groom’s parents: “A wedding is a difficult and troublesome matter. Therefore, on this day I want to thank you (name and patronymic of my husband’s parents) for your prompt assistance in resolving most of the organizational issues. Thank you for your comprehensive help and support."

    Next, according to the scenario, the bride sits down in her place. Now the thank you speech at the wedding is the concern of her young husband. He also turns first to his parents and says: “My beloved dad and mom! I am very glad that you came to support me at this important and memorable moment. Thank you for raising me, teaching me and helping me get on my feet. I couldn't have done anything without you. You were always by my side, supporting and protecting me. Today I have my own family, which I will take care of in your image and likeness. Thank you for everything!”

    Thank you speech for the bride's parents

    After the groom pays his respects to the parents, he must turn to the bride’s mother and father: “Dear (parents’ first and patronymic)! On this sunny day, I gladly want to thank you for the efforts you made while raising your own daughter. Thanks to you I met and fell in love with this charming creature(name of the bride). She is the best and kindest thing I have in my life. Thank you for helping to organize this holiday, for your affection, care and love. Low bow to you."

    What words of gratitude does the mother say to her daughter?

    Often, in response to sincere praise from their loved ones, parents make a reciprocal gesture. For example, this could be a mother's speech at her daughter's wedding:

    “Thank you very much for your praise and sweet words! I'm glad I lived to see the moment when my daughter thanks me for everything. Of course, as with any family, there are some excesses. But I would like there to be as few of them in your life as possible. Be happy and keep what you have. Advice and love to you!”

    What words does a father say to his son?

    The answer to a long and heartfelt word of gratitude from his children will be a memorable speech from a father at his son’s wedding. For example, he might say:

    “Dear son! I'm glad I lived to see this have a wonderful day. Today you have become a real father of the family and a man with a capital M. Remember and appreciate all the advice that I once gave you. May my experience and guidance be useful to you. My mother and I, in turn, promise to support and help you in the first stages of your life together. Advice and love to you!”

    An alternative speech from a father at his son’s wedding: “Son! I congratulate you on this wonderful date for all of us - your wedding day. I wish you great happiness, love and good luck in everything family matters. May your guardian angel protect you and your family. Be happy!"

    Words of gratitude to parents for bread and salt

    If your wedding celebration follows the traditional scenario, with your parents presenting you with bread and salt, you should remember to thank them for this. We offer you examples of this speech. The bride and groom say together: “Our dear and beloved mom and dad! Please accept our words of heartfelt gratitude for presenting us with this wonderful loaf at an important moment for us. This is the best dish we have ever tasted together. We promise to love each other and never forget about you, our family!”

    Another beautiful wedding speech performed by the newlyweds: “Our beloved parents! My wife and I thank you for the warmth with which you gave us this wedding bread. We promise to love and care for each other, just as you have given us this wonderful gift. We hope that you will not leave us in Hard time and you will always be by our side."

    Thank you speech from the young guests

    The newlyweds owe a special thank you to their guests who came, congratulated them and gave many valuable gifts. Example of a thank you speech: “Dear our guests! We are very glad that you came to our wedding. Thank you for pleasant words, for beautiful and meaningful toasts, for gifts and other signs of attention. We value and respect you! Thank you very much for being here!”

    Here is another speech of the newlyweds at the wedding, addressed to the guests:

    “We welcome all the guests gathered here. Today is our holiday - the day of the solemn wedding. At this time, we want to say a big human thank you for not forgetting about us, no matter what, coming and congratulating us, giving us many pleasant and kind words. I would like to say a special thank you to those people who were directly involved in the design and organization of the wedding. Without them our celebration would not have happened. Thanks to all!"

    One of the guests' response to congratulations

    The answer to pleasant words of gratitude The newlyweds will have a guest speech at the wedding. For example, this could be a colleague or classmate. He says: "Thank you for Nice words from a wonderful couple. I have known you for a very long time, almost since childhood. You have always been wonderful people: you valued and respected your elders, were fair and honest, shared the latter with your friends, and honored your family and friends. Congratulations on your wedding day. We wish you to remain as you are and pass on all your knowledge and skills to your children and grandchildren.”

    What words to choose for a friend at a wedding?

    However, it may happen that the wedding is not yours, but your friend’s. Suppose you were invited to this wonderful event, and at one of the moments of congratulations it turned out that you were the one who was supposed to cook for your friend’s wedding. So, you can say the following: “Dear (name of the groom) and sweet (name of the bride)! I'm glad I got to come to your wedding. This is a wonderful day for both of you, on which I want to wish you happiness, success, an inexhaustible source of love, joy and prosperity.”

    Summary: words of gratitude are something that no wedding can do without. Both adults and children will be happy to hear the responses. The main thing is to carefully prepare for your role, prepare a speech for your friend’s wedding, and also take care of pleasant moments for parents, relatives and guests.

    Parents, witnesses and best friends should thoroughly prepare and write a solemn speech, because they will definitely be invited to the microphone. Congratulations on the wedding in your own words will sound sincere, from the bottom of your heart, and the newlyweds will appreciate it.

    Congratulations from parents

    Dear children, having met each other, you have become happier, having fallen in love with each other, you have become more sincere, and having gotten married, you have become closer. May your love grow stronger with every year spent together. But don’t forget to get to know each other, talk, admit your feelings and experiences. After all, a person is an endless book that cannot be read in full, but one must strive for it.

    Dear bride and groom! May the days be yours family life will be filled with sun, smiles and sonorous children's laughter. Let all the obstacles that overtake you be instantly destroyed under the pressure of your cohesion. Let your home be a full cup, and there will be no need for anything. Be happy and love each other.

    Today you planted a small tree seedling called “Family”. In order for it to grow big, healthy, strong and bear fruit, it needs to be fertilized and watered. Stock up on what you need for this: love, loyalty, honesty, mutual understanding, trust, tenderness and care. And may these supplies never run out.

    Congratulations from friends

    Just yesterday you were separate individuals, and today you created a new unit of society and became a single whole organism called “Family”. A wife is the hands that create comfort in the house, prepare food and nurse children. And also, this is a heart that warms the whole family with warmth. The husband is the head who makes wise decisions and thinks about the well-being of his children and wife. And also, these are legs that always go only forward: both uphill and down the slope. Let the heart and head of your family live in harmony with each other and work harmoniously to support this organism.

    Today your beautiful couple sealed their relationship with marriage. We want to wish the newlyweds a beautiful and happy family life: do not forget to speak words of love, as when your relationship was just beginning, show care and pay attention to each other every day, support with warm words and deeds, remain faithful, live in harmony with each other and with your relatives. And then your family will be happy.

    Dear newlyweds, please accept congratulations on your wedding day. We wish you to be united in your views, not to lose the intensity of your feelings, and to enjoy every day you live in marriage. Be a support for each other. And, if difficult times come, go through them together, with dignity, holding hands tightly.

    We would like to congratulate our friends on their wedding day and wish them something banal, but so important and necessary. Firstly, health and vitality: for a woman to store family hearth, a man, to be the wise head of the family. Secondly, more happy days and fewer sorrows. Thirdly, financial well-being and stability, so as not to need anything. And, of course, so that children’s ringing laughter can be heard within the walls of your home, and little legs run around.

    Congratulations on your birth new family. Like a baby she was born, she has a long life ahead of her, full of successes and minor troubles. It is important to be a reliable support for each other, to take care of feelings, appreciate and respect. Inspire your chosen one every day and be the missing half of the puzzle for him, the perfect addition. Be happy and love each other.

    Congratulations for the bride on her wedding day

    A girl getting married experiences both joy and excitement. Congratulate her so that all worries are dispelled: give a wedding speech in your own words, kind and sincere.

    The woman in the family must be wise to accept right decisions about raising children and running a household. Must be gentle and affectionate in order to warm and take care of all family members. And she must be beautiful in order to always please her husband and inspire him. I wish you to have all these qualities and only improve them every year.

    Dear bride, today you have become legal wife this wonderful man. And being a good wife is not easy work. But I wish you to cope with all the tasks that lie ahead of you with dignity and playful ease. Be loved, beautiful and unique.

    Since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the family hearth. But how often do we think about how important this is? We do not attach importance to the fact that we wear clean clothes, eat tasty and healthy food, come to a cozy home, but a woman spends a lot of effort on this. And if she stopped doing this, the man would become extremely uncomfortable. So, dear bride, let your husband appreciate your every action and thank you for having you.

    How to congratulate the groom on his wedding day?

    What should a wedding congratulations sound like to the groom: a beautiful festive poem or in your own words? From excitement, rhymed lines can fly out of your head, and rarely does anyone listen to their meaning. But when you speak from yourself, in prose, as if what comes to mind, what your heart tells you, it looks very touching.

    A man, like a locomotive, must drive and manage the composition of the family. I wish you the strength to do it with dignity, the courage to overcome all the obstacles that arise on your way, covering your beloved with your wide chest. May your marriage be successful and we will have a golden wedding.

    What makes a real man? Strength of spirit, loyalty, honesty, sense of humor and intelligence. But the main decoration of a man is his woman. I wish that your young wife surrounds you with care and love, pampers you pleasant surprises. But for this you must become a reliable defender of your family, its supporting foundation. And then your union will be harmonious and beautiful.

    Let's wish our groom that there will always be a fire in his eyes, so that family life will become for him a start to new achievements and victories. So that the desire to hug and kiss your young wife does not disappear. So that soon he would hear a thin voice and the word “Dad”. And so that he definitely appreciates all this.

    If you already have a congratulation for the newlyweds, the site recommends preparing you original toasts in your own words.


      At the ceremonial table, guests need to say pleasant and warm words. And everyone wants to express themselves in an unusual way, especially. If poems are not your element, we offer wedding wishes in your own words. These include a lot of respect and warmth towards the young couple. It is not necessary to memorize your wishes thoroughly, remember the basics, and in the process add warmth and sincerity. If you feel nervous or stammer at important events, write down your wedding congratulations. It is not forbidden to decorate it beautifully and present it to the newlyweds.

      Ideas for original wishes from the newlyweds' relatives

      Many people assume that only the poetic form of a wedding wish sounds beautiful and original. But this is far from true! Nice words in prose they can be sincere and interesting if composed correctly. It is not necessary to introduce pompous words into your speech; you need to clearly and simply congratulate the bride and groom and be sincerely happy for them. Below we provide examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding, among which you are sure to find ones you like for the newlyweds.

      From parents

      Wishes from parents to their son or daughter who have a wedding are very touching and emotional. On this day, parents release their children from the family nest, allowing them to build their own. They will always support them, but from now on the children themselves will begin to build their own center of ideal happiness and love. Parents may want the birth of heirs, maintaining the eternal flame of warmth in relationships, happiness and mutual care. Below are the wedding wishes in your own words from your parents:

      • When two lovers find each other and tie the knot, the sky lights up new star. So let your star of love burn brightly, illuminating the path for your new family and giving you warmth.
      • In the endless ocean of our life, a family is a ship, at the helm of which is the wife, and the husband plays the role of a sail. So let us wish the bride to find the right course, and the groom to be resilient. Let your caravel long years surfing the waves of a happy family life. And if a storm happens, the deck of your ship will always shine with love and peace.
      • A special day has arrived for our newlyweds. A new union has formed on the planet, a new star of love has lit up in the sky. We wish you prosperity, strong family so that no everyday discord and difficulties darken your days. You share joys and hardships in half. May your fire of love never go out, turning into an indestructible union of two hearts. Happiness to the new family and new home! Cover each other's backs, take care, try to respect and understand in any situation! We wish you to hear the sonorous laughter of children as soon as possible! Be happy and healthy, our children!
      • We congratulate the young people on a bright, important day in their lives. Another wonderful family was born, which, like a flower, requires love, care and care! You entered, hand in hand, into new stage There is still a lot to experience in your life and ahead: first successes, failures that will make you even more confident and stronger if love, patience and wisdom reign in your family. We wish you happy and long years! We wish you to give birth to sons and daughters, in whose circle, in an atmosphere of warmth and fun, you will celebrate all your memorable dates!
      • How nice it is to look at young people, they shine with happiness! I think everyone present will support me. Everyone is happy for you, together with you. This is your day, may this sparkle in your eyes and soul remain with you for the rest of your life. Let the family hearth bring only positive moments, and may good luck and prosperity accompany you in life!
      • They say that love flows into friendship and relationships become habits. So we wish you that the love that pushed you to this important step in life grows stronger day by day, so that the warmth and tenderness present in your hearts now never disappears, so that the attention and patience that you have towards each other to a friend, were eternal. Try to reduce troubles and quarrels to a joke. Happiness to you, our dears!
      • Dear newlyweds, you have laid the first brick in the construction of your family. We wish that the happiness we have built turns out to be reliable, durable, so that no troubles can destroy it, so that no unfavorable winds are afraid of it. May the sun brightly illuminate your path!

      Cool wishes from brother

      Relatives of the bride and groom, brothers and sisters, will also glow with happiness for the couple, like the heroes of the occasion themselves. For them, this is also an important day, exciting, touching. On the eve of the ceremony, the question arises of how to congratulate, what to say, how not to get lost in excitement? It's better to prepare in advance to avoid getting into trouble. Sketch on a piece of paper what you would like to say to the young people, what parting words to give. To be sure that the speech is beautiful, pay attention to examples of wedding wishes in your own words from your brother.

      • I would like to give advice to our most important beauty, the bride: do not contradict your husband. Remember that he is always right, and a woman is never wrong!
      • Dear bride and groom! Always love, appreciate and respect each other. May your family life be filled with pleasant surprises, and may troubles never darken your path. Your union should not know bitterness, only at a wedding can it sound bitter!
      • I wish you easy sailing on the sea of ​​life, where the sun will always shine for you, and a fair wind will make life smooth. May your ship always be filled with love, and may waves of prosperity wash its sides every day! Let the wind of unity blow your family at your back! And the flag on the ship is family happiness!
      • I wish young people to learn how to promptly add wood to the blazing fire of love! After all, well-being and feelings of union depend on this skill!
      • Let's congratulate the young people together! Let your heart be filled only with tenderness, love, kindness, and your eyes shine with happiness. Let the groom remain a reliable support for the family, no bad weather or troubles will break him. For the young!

      Congratulatory words from my sister

      Wishes in your own words from your sister are always very touching and exciting. In your speech, you can remember the days spent together in your father’s house, the funny moments that happened. Usually, sisters are trusted with the most intimate secrets; they are valued very much. Show all your tender feelings during your wedding speech. Don't forget to mention how happy you are for the young couple and for the choices they have made in life. The words spoken are of great importance, because they cannot be taken back. If the congratulation is unsuccessful, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste, and you will reproach yourself.

      Therefore, it is very important to prepare thoroughly. Choose each word carefully, write down your wish on a piece of paper, which you can peek at if possible. The sister is allowed to prepare a bright and emotional congratulation, unlike other guests. But it is important to know the limit and not cross the fine line so that the congratulation does not look vulgar or like a family scene. Guests should not feel out of place. If you can’t decide what to say, look at the suggested options for wedding wishes in your own words from your sister.

      • For me, your wedding is a very exciting moment, because you are very close to me. I am overwhelmed with emotions from happiness for you, from an excess of tenderness that I want to throw out on you. Always support each other, develop together, get better every day. Always make compromises, concessions, do not forget about that bright, pure feeling that united you.
      • You are the luckiest chosen ones, because you managed to find each other. Let your hearth burn with a bright flame of happiness, love, fidelity!
      • The family is a musical instrument. Disharmony in it is not a rare condition, so turn around in every possible way to achieve harmony. I wish that the music of your hearts would never be interrupted by notes of falsehood, sorrows, disappointments, that it would contain a cacophony of quarrels and scandals. Let your hearts beat in unison!

      From the bride's best friend

      There can be two options for congratulations: memorize a poem or rehearse wishes in prose in your own words. The second option is considered more sincere. Be sure to prepare in advance, because no one is immune from getting confused at the last moment and giving out an incoherent stream of words instead of a beautiful speech. Wishes must come from the heart: it is not forbidden to dilute it with a joke, funny story, if the bride has a good sense of humor. After all, best friends are connected by many interesting and funny moments.

      An interesting way to express your wishes would be visualization - a set of photographs, slides that depict your funny company. If desired, make a short film that young people will appreciate. An ideal congratulation may consist of a life story in stages: acquaintance, funny, bright moments, the appearance of a future husband on the horizon, stories that confirm your faithful friendship. However, do not tighten your ledge, it can tire all the guests. The speech should not last more than three minutes.

      The ending of the wish should be capacious, strong, and carry a semantic load. This is due to the fact that the beginning and end of the congratulation are remembered. During the speech, behave confidently, because this is a happy day for your best friend and only the closest people are gathered at the celebration, among whom there is a place for you. Therefore, all worries go away. As a hint, here are examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding from a witness or best friend.

      • I want to express my admiration to the queen of the day, the bride. Look how beautiful she is, how happy she is, how verbose her eyes are. Everything will definitely work out for her. May this light always be in her eyes, may tears and the hardships of everyday life never extinguish it, may her heart burn with passion, kindness, may her eyes never cease to shine, and may her husband always help her, serve as support, hope, protection, no matter what happens!
      • As a witness to today's union, I want to testify: you were created for marriage, happiness, love, the birth of healthy children, which is what I wish for you. Be completely happy, only on this day let you be in words... bitter!
      • I'm at my best friend's wedding! She is not just my friend, she is my sister in spirit. She and I have gone through a lot together, and now she is setting foot on the high road of life. But you shouldn't be afraid. After all, there is something ahead of you amazing world, full of happiness, love, loud laughter, baby babble. Wishing you a long journey on your family ship. Divide everything in half so that this path will be a joy for both!

      From the groom's best friend

      Friendship is a great value in a person’s life. Therefore, an expensive gift for a wedding is not as important as the presence and attention of good old friends. After all, they are able not only to help in trouble, but also to sincerely rejoice for the newlyweds in happy moments and admire your choice. Friend is the guest of honor. In your solemn speech, it is not forbidden to remind you that you value friendship, how important the groom and his chosen one are to you, and to wish from the bottom of your heart the best.

      Wishes from a friend can also be humorous, funny and cheerful. If there are interesting moments associated with the groom, do not forget to mention them in your congratulatory speech. Just don’t need to tell all the guests about what the bride or groom will have to blush about. If you don’t know what to wish the newlyweds, use our examples of wedding wishes in your own words from a friend.

      • Congratulations to you, my friend, and your beautiful beloved, on your wedding day. I wish you to conquer new heights, walking hand in hand together, so that you are always lucky, so that only pleasant, light worries fall on your shoulders, so that you do everything together, supporting and encouraging each other. I wish you to learn to appreciate every moment of family life and forgive each other.
      • My dears, I want to congratulate you on your wedding day! When we were still young, we dreamed of beautiful princesses who will share our lives with us. And so, you waited for your love. But your fairy tale will not end there. At this stage, her new page begins, without adversity or misfortune. Let life be filled with good moments, bright impressions, and children's laughter!
      • Marriage is a novel in two parts: the poetry of the honeymoon and the prose of the rest of life. Poetry is the shortest part, and prose is a lot of pages. Divide the second part of the novel into several small segments, make each of them honeymoon poetry!

      How to congratulate newlyweds on their wedding beautifully and briefly?

      In order to beautifully and briefly congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding, you should think about your wedding wishes in advance. If you are well acquainted with people getting married, then remember the time when you realized that these people were meant for each other. If you don’t know each other well, then pay attention to appearance and congratulate with a metaphor. For example, compare their life together with the dazzling dress of the bride, or wish them to always remain as happy as they are now. Try to be sincere and wish for what you yourself would like. Here are some examples of wishes in your own words for a wedding:

      • Congratulations dear newlyweds. Let your bright, amazing life become even happier, gentler, warmer, and let those around you never cease to admire your beauty.
      • We wish the groom that his bride loves cars, sports, beer, and fishing. And he, in turn, will be passionate about shopping, cooking, and TV series. Then your life will be perfect!
      • Precious stones become stunning only in the hands of a master. Fate united you, showing the whole world a true masterpiece in which the newlyweds shine brighter than a thousand suns. May your marriage be long lasting and strong!

      Video congratulations in your own words from friends

      In the video below you will see options for wishes in your own words for the wedding. Here both touching and sweet words are voiced, as well as cool and funny ones.

      My dears, from the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this significant event in your life. I would like to wish you a lot. The most important thing is to carefully preserve and appreciate the feelings that you have for each other now. Take care of each other, respect, pamper each other with care and affection. Let no difficulties darken your life. I wish you more romance and bright impressions in your life. Be a reliable support and support for each other in any situation. Love each other!

      Congratulations on the birth of your family! I wish you to live together for many years without losing the intensity of your feelings and respect for each other! Be happy, enjoy every moment lived together, love and take care of each other!

      Congratulations, dears. I would like to wish you a long and happy life together, peace in the family and outside, joy in your hearts and on your faces. Love hard, dream beautifully, live luxuriously and always support each other!

      My dear newlyweds! I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on this wonderful and significant event - the creation of a new family. I wish you that your family bonds were inseparable throughout life. Be happy, always love each other, appreciate and take care of your feelings. Let your family happiness be colorful, filled with love, tenderness and passion. Be patient with each other, understand and forgive each other. And I also want to wish you the most important thing - that your home in the near future will be filled with children's joyful laughter.

      How important it is for people to find each other, to find their love and soul mate! You have found! I congratulate you on your wedding, with love, with new life! I wish you a lot of very strong, faithful, all-conquering love, but also no less patience and humility! Understand each other, forgive each other, learn to be together with joy in your heart! Enjoy your long days and hot nights! Not gray, but colorful everyday life, bright weekends and holidays! Kids for you full house and prosperity!

      Congratulations to the happy and beautiful couple on their wedding day! I wish you a lot of joy and warmth in your union. Deep respect, mutual understanding, tenderness, care and love! Be united in your views and remain each other’s reliable support in any situation! May you live happily ever after!

      Congratulations on your significant day and important event in your now joint life. Take care of each other, pamper, appreciate and never betray. I wish you eternal love, understanding, fidelity, family happiness, prosperity, healthy children and a cozy home.

      Congratulations on your wedding day! I wish you mutual understanding, love, fidelity, tenderness and great joy. Let the house be filled with sonorous children's laughter, and let your soul sing with happiness!

      Congratulations, my dears! Now you're not just a beautiful couple, now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding, endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

      Congratulations on starting a new family! We wish that your love only grows stronger and becomes stronger. So that you always help each other, so that mutual understanding and respect always reign between you.

      Today is an unforgettable day for your family. Let it be remembered for you as the beginning of a lifelong journey. Walk in step through life, lend each other a reliable shoulder and share common joy. Advice and love to you!

      Especially for the site

      Take it for real my sincere congratulations on this special day! Remember that today you have become one. Preserve your tenderness for each other, love and mutual understanding for many years to come. Appreciate and protect your family.

      Especially for the site

      Dear newlyweds! Today, the bonds of marriage have firmly united you, making you the closest people to each other. May the thread connecting you be strong and never break. May your home be filled with sunshine and warmth, may love and happiness never leave it, may cheerful children's laughter ring in it. Take care of each other, understand each other, love each other. Be always healthy and happy! Our dear newlyweds! Congratulations on this important life step that you have consciously decided to take! Know that life is a series of happy and unlucky days. And the happiness, well-being and longevity of your family depends only on you, on your patience, participation, mutual assistance and mutual support! Take care of her, take care of your feelings and let there be as few cloudy days as possible. Let the little things family life do not overshadow passion and love! Advice to you and Love! When a family is created, a whole new world– special and very personal for everyone who lives in it. And this world really needs the support of the goddess of Wisdom, the goddess of Prosperity and Wealth, the goddess of Joy, the goddess of Success and many more goddesses of nuances important for the seed good. But this small world will never be truly happy and will most likely perish if the Goddess of Love is not honored in it.
      I wish you the eternal support of Love - in every endeavor you undertake. Let your every day begin and end with Love. And from your love, may Joy, Prosperity, Wealth, and Success bloom!

      Especially for the site

      Family life is like a fragile crystal vase. If you treat her with reverence and caution, she will delight more than one generation, but if you treat her rudely and carelessly, her life will be short. So here, sensitivity and delicacy will make family life worthy and prosperous, and sometimes, in order to destroy everything, just one phrase is enough. Appreciate each other and don’t let anyone interfere in your problems, only you are the creator and keeper of the happy minutes and years of your marriage.

      Especially for the site

      Our dear newlyweds!
      Today you have joined your hands and your hearts. From now on, you are not just a couple in love - you are a family, a small unit of society. You are a small state with your own laws and rules. Let this state prosper and multiply over time - after all, two people will be bored over time. Let there soon be three, four, five of you. And I would also like to wish you to remain as in love and happy as you are now.

      Especially for the site

      Family is a small planet in the universe of life. Protect her from the garbage of insults and omissions. May she prosper and glow with your love and peace.

      Especially for the site

      Let your home together be a cozy haven for both of you throughout your lives, where you will dream of returning from the most interesting trips! Let it be light and joyful from the fire of your relationship based on true love!

      Especially for the site

      Let the North Star of your love guide you through the stormy sea of ​​family life into a deep harbor of happiness! Always shine together!

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