• How to increase your energy and vitality levels. Seven ways to increase vital energy


    Hello my good and dear friends!
    Do you know who brightens the lives of men? Who inspires them to do great things? Who are the most romantic works of art dedicated to? Whose purpose in life is to give warmth and love? Yes, it’s WE, women! We are capable of so much that we can gallop a horse, go into a hut with fire, and give glances in parallel with makeup and rocking an infant. And note, with all this, we... smile! And not because it’s easy, but because we want and should be liked. But all this requires strength. Where can I get them? How to increase vital energy to a woman? That's what we'll talk about!

    I'll be honest! I don't like the morning. And only because it brings with it routine. And it ends only in the evening, when I’m already falling off my feet. And again I go in circles: sleep is a routine; routine - sleep. When to live? Receive joys big and small? And don’t forget about your goals in life, otherwise your whole life might pass in hustle and bustle. That’s why I staged a local strike. I decided to blow up all the foundations on which my life had hitherto rested. And after analyzing everything, I was satisfied with the new result!

    Where did I start the fight for my liberation from routine? I sat down and wrote a to-do list to figure out where to take time to relax. Please write right away what you have done or are planning to do! The list included only those things that I cannot live without, and neither can my family. This included: chatting with a friend, going to the hairdresser every day and running around the boutiques... Just kidding! I don’t argue, communication and hair stores are also needed. But it's about finding time and regaining vitality. That's why the list was tough. And it turned out that I had so much free time!
    Then I added to the list of tasks for the day, that is, those that I will do only today or only tomorrow. And I found myself again free time! That's what I'll use.

    My life my rules

    Before I share my secrets that helped me feel alive again, and not a half-dead horse, as in the Chinese parable, I want to say a word!
    My beloved friends! What you do to improve your mood and raise your vitality is only your business, yours and no one else’s. Because what helps one will only be like a poultice for the dead for another. How to determine what will help you?
    It's simple. Sometimes the darling herself gives a hint. For example, she commands: “sleep!” And believe me, it’s better to go ahead and not resist. And when you wake up, then you can already follow my list of recommendations to find how to recharge your energy.

    You need to rest both mind and body

    What is important for strength to appear and in order to increase energy levels? The list was not small. But it's so nice to do it.

    1. Sleep

    Who among us has not heard how important sleep is? And our body itself is trying to tell us this. He “treacherously” begins to drag his feet. Stumbling at every step and begging for sleep. And no matter how much we drink coffee, even a conversation or exciting activities cannot “persuad” the body. He still fails.
    But scientists are still talking about sleep time. Some insist on 8 hours of compulsory rest, while others argue that 4 is enough. I will not support any side, because I am sure that everyone has their own norm. Just stick to it. After all, lack of sleep accumulates in the body. Have you heard about this? If you didn’t sleep 1 hour one day, 2 hours the second, then the body will definitely “demand” its own, and sooner or later you will oversleep, despite the alarm clocks or the people waking you up, for these same 3 hours longer. And thank God! Otherwise, lack of sleep turns into the very negative energy that can finish you off.

    Why is this happening? Lack of sleep reduces the production of serotonin, which leads to the fact that during the day we see only one negative thing and ignore the positive. In addition, lack of sleep affects brain activity. More details in the article So, do not resist the body’s “persuasions” when you want to sleep!

    2. Nutrition.

    3. Physical activities.

    Who among us, having done exercises, does not feel inner satisfaction along with physical fatigue? It is exercise that is the factor when we can quickly restore our energy. Don't believe me? Look up from this article right now and pull yourself up! Get up! Do a couple of leg-arm swings. What do you feel? That's it! What if the exercises are not swings, but a whole complex that is thought out and selected? You will not only always be in good shape, but physically and emotionally alert!

    4. Breathing exercises.

    “I got drunk from the air.” Have you heard such a phrase? In fact, our body, “preserved” in habits, may not receive much. He gets used to living like this. Only he grows old early, or rather, he goes out of hunger. Simple breathing practices can saturate the body with oxygen! And believe me, he will be very grateful for this!

    5. Communication.

    Chat? Who among us doesn’t love this?! But here’s the thing: the same activity can make one person more beautiful, stronger and light up his eyes, while cutting down another at the root. How does this happen? It all depends on the quantity and quality of the conversation.
    My dear girls! If you indulge yourself with conversations with your girlfriends, then try to keep the conversation in a positive way, so as not only to smile as much as possible, but also to illuminate your soul with good emotions! Words mean a lot. One of them. Like shackles, they grab and hold, preventing us from living. Others are wings! With them everything gives happiness. Talk about good things, like our conversations. And believe me, you won’t notice how you will become stronger!

    6. Self-hypnosis.

    People can customize themselves to make their lives better or worse. Simple formulas and affirmations can give you the feeling that you can do anything. Do you want to know everything? Start by first “explaining” to yourself that you love your life and everything that fills it. Then we will rejoice together at your positive changes in life!

    7. Vitamin complex.

    Not only do you need to eat right, but you also need to remember that every season brings its own difficulties. How to overcome them? Just take your vitamins. And you won’t be afraid of the long winter, autumn depression, spring vitamin deficiency and summer fatigue from your busy schedule.

    8. Relationships.

    It is important for us to love ourselves. But we can’t do without the warmth in our hearts from the realization that we are loved! Who will it be? Darling? Girlfriend? Mommy? The main thing is to give them all your warmth, do good to them. And in return you will receive much more positive energy.

    9. Hobbies.

    Getting involved in any activity is incredibly useful! Thanks to a hobby, you can learn to speak a foreign language, bake delicious cakes, or make jewelry with your own hands. And at the same time, be charged with positivity from the result of your labors and from the realization that your possibilities are limitless!

    10. Pets.

    Right now a purring girl is lying next to me, the barrel is warming me. And what do you think? While she lies there and waits for me to stroke her, my soul is filled with joy! Scientists have long found out that it is not only furry babies who need to be scratched behind the ears. This is important to US! And we need it much more! We really need such caresses and touches, knowing that we are grateful for them and will not demand anything, except perhaps a small piece of delicacy (just kidding), for the soul.

    11. Creativity.

    I already hinted in my hobby that creativity can become a part of our lives and bring happiness! But I want to show that it can surround us everywhere: in cooking, visiting exhibitions and reading books. This is how we satisfy one of the human needs, which means no less to us than food and water! Therefore, create!

    12. Development of qualities.

    Only those who feel gratitude, have hope, and whose optimism is built on their relationship with God and the Universe will gain inner harmony. I am not kidding! Go through a day without hearing a well-deserved “thank you” addressed to you. And how will you feel? That you are not appreciated, and this will fall like a stone into your soul. So why not show that you appreciate others? Then mutual feelings will help you find satisfaction and strength! It's like praise, after which where more energy and the desire to create.

    13. Dream and/or goal.

    No person lives without a dream. We set some goals and strive for them, others we cherish, calling them blue or pink. And when a dream comes true, how do we feel? That we are strong, that we are loved by fortune, and that the sun smiles on us especially!

    So let the Sun illuminate our whole life and share its energy. And we will help him when we act, living for ourselves and other people!

    Dedicated to all of us

    Girls! I found another option from where to draw vital energy. Let's have a holiday for ourselves! I'm not kidding! I'm serious. It’s not enough for me to remember once a year that I’m a woman. And it’s hard to remember after you’ve put everything away, prepared a variety of goodies, set the table, made sure everyone was full and happy, and then the spiral again: cleared the table, washed the dishes, put the house in order. And where, pray tell, is my holiday? Is this our ultimate dream? I just want to be gentle, sleepy and content! What do you think of my proposal?
    Join us! You will not regret! Moreover, this holiday can happen on any day, you just have to want it! In the meantime, subscribe to the news, leave your comments and tell us how you relax and how YOUR holiday went! Bring your friends, girlfriends. Let them have a good time and relax with us!
    Bye bye!

    Has it ever happened to you that you didn’t want to wake up in the morning, didn’t have the strength to go to work, and when you returned home you wanted to immediately lie down and fall asleep? Have you thought about the fact that For some reason, strength and energy become less and less over the years... And joy from life too.About why our energy weakens over the years and how to increase your energy, read this article.

    1. Why increase your energy

    • Yours wishes come true faster
    • Increasing self confidence
    • Appears feeling of satisfaction from life in general
    • Increasing vitality and performance, you have time to do more things

    Man with high energy always cheerful, energetic, he has enough strength for everything. He realizes his desires quickly and easily. There is a feeling that he is lucky in everything, everything works out so easily for him.

    In a person with low energy Everything turns out “creakingly”, he encounters obstacles and resistance. This makes him not very happy and he falls into negative emotions and his energy decreases even more. The circle is closed.

    2. Reasons for low energy

    There are several such reasons and they can be divided into two groups - external(manifested in the physical world) and internal(unmanifested in the physical world).

    External causes of low energy:

    1. Not proper nutrition

    If a person eats unhealthy and non-living foods (fast foods, processed foods, etc.), then he gets very little real energy from food. Such food even depletes the body, that is, it reduces energy.

    2.Sedentary lifestyle

    If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then his energy begins to circulate poorly and various stagnation phenomena develop in the body, the maintenance of which requires much more energy.

    3.TV, communication with people you don’t like

    If you constantly spend time in front of the TV or in the company of people who are unpleasant to you, then you do not rest and gain strength, but waste your precious energy outside, instead of directing it to yourself, to your affairs, plans or tasks . You voluntarily give away your energy and it will never come back to you.

    4.Negative emotions

    Negative emotions such as anger, fear, malice, resentment, envy, disappointment, weaken energy and take away the energy needed for other useful things. You are giving away your energy to nowhere.

    5.Unfinished business

    Every unfinished task takes away your energy, because that’s where you left your attention. Where there is attention, there is energy. You still return your attention there until you finish this task or make the final decision to finish this task at the stage at which it is. When you do this, you will immediately notice how you will stop returning your thoughts there, which means you will be able to use this energy for something else.


    Doubts take up the lion's share of energy. People who can't make a decision often never make one until something outside pushes them in one direction or another. That is, in this case, it is not you who make the decision, but it is imposed on you. Besides, while you doubt, you are wasting your energy.

    7. Stress or uncontrollable racing thoughts

    Stress, haste, panic steal your energy. Remember yourself after a day of work, when you come home and you only have the strength to fall into bed. Your strength has gone into coping with stress. If you are also constantly spinning some thoughts in your head or replaying conversations with your boss or other people, then this process also consumes your energy.

    9. Alcohol, smoking, bad habits

    Alcohol is a poison for the body, so the body puts all its efforts into neutralizing this poison. At the same time, your energy decreases.

    10. Bad environment

    Bad ecology has the same effect as alcohol and other poisons on the body. To live in big city– this is a big burden for the body, especially if the environment in this city is poor. It's good if you have the opportunity to regularly get out into nature. In nature you are nourished energetically.

    Internal causes of low energy:

    These reasons are directly related to the operation of the energy system.

    The human energy system consists of the following elements:

    Subtle bodies

    There are several subtle bodies. Together they form a person's aura. The etheric body consists of bioplasma secreted by the physical body.The astral body is associated with feelings and is colored in the colors of emotional states.

    The mental body is associated with thoughts and intellect, it increases when focusing on mental processes. Its boundaries extend beyond the head and upper body to a distance of 7-20 cm.

    The karmic (casual) body is formed by a set of cause-and-effect relationships that make up a person’s destiny. Usually its size is 70-100 cm from the body.


    Meridians are located throughout the body. Energy flows through them. Acupuncture points are usually located on the meridians.


    Chakras are energy centers; they do not have a direct physical embodiment in the human body. The location of the seven main chakras corresponds to the main nerve plexuses of the physical body. Each chakra transmits certain information about you to the outside world.

    When it happens failure in the subtle bodies, meridians or chakras, then your energy decreases. Cause of failures– negative emotions, incorrect thoughts, distorted perception of oneself or reality. If you do not pay attention to the failures and do nothing about it, then the distortion in the energy can lead to illness of the organs in this place.

    Diseases are first formed in the subtle bodies of a person and then projected onto the physical body. Even those diseases that are associated with improper care for the physical body, such as sitting in a draft, dressing inappropriately for the weather, catching a virus at work from a sick colleague, etc. also originate in subtle bodies.

    A disruption in energy is felt as a general depressed state or aggressive reactions, painful sensations in some organs, etc.

    3. Ways to increase energy

    There are a lot of ways to increase energy and they can also be divided into two groups - external(through physical actions) and internal(through working with your thoughts and emotions).

    External methods (through actions):


    Playing sports in any form fills the body with energy. Regular classes are very important here, 1-2 times a week, and for at least an hour. It is also important that you like the sport you choose.

    2. Bath, hardening, water procedures

    Baths, contrast showers, winter swimming and other water procedures fill the human body with energy and bring many benefits to the body. general well-being. The simplest type of hardening is a contrast shower, when you alternate hot and cold water.

    3.Healthy, adequate sleep

    If a person always sleeps his normal hours, then this adds strength and energy to him. Everyone has their own sleep norm. For some, 6 hours is enough, and for others, 10 is not enough. But the good news is that when your energy levels increase, your need for sleep decreases. For example, I used to have a sleep norm of 8 hours, but now it’s 5-6 hours.


    Relaxing the muscles of the whole body is beneficial for the body. While relaxing, try to focus all your attention on your body, moving your attention from one part of the body to another and relaxing it. At the same time, there should be no thoughts in your head. In this state, your body gains energy. Use relaxation for 20-30 minutes when you come home after work and see how your condition changes and you have enough strength for another whole evening.

    Relaxation is also useful before bed, just before falling asleep - then your muscles will be relaxed throughout your sleep, which means you will have a good rest during the night and wake up full of strength and energy. It is very important that when falling asleep your brain is completely calm and does not entertain any thoughts, otherwise your sleep will be restless.

    5. Meditation

    Meditations relax and also harmonize. After meditation, a feeling of calm, peace, and purification appears.

    6.Breathing exercises

    If you want to increase energy and increase performance, then you definitely need to do breathing exercises - yoga, qigong or others that you like. I recommend starting your day with breathing exercises, it activates your energy right in the morning.

    7. Special exercises to accumulate energy and concentrate attention

    There are such exercises in qigong, yoga, and martial arts, and they work as follows: you concentrate your attention on some harmless object, for example, your own nose or a point on the wall, stop the racing of your thoughts, and remain in this state for some time, say half an hour. And during this time, your energy increases, because your attention is inside you and it is not distracted by different thoughts, and where there is attention, there is energy. You are filled with energy and also train your concentration.


    what to increase energy by external means alone can be dangerous. Because if one of your chakras transmits some kind of destructive information (for example, you have an internal aggressor, etc.), then if you pump such a chakra with energy, it will transmit the same quality (i.e. aggression ) but many times more. And then the outside world may also give you a shock. That's why you need to work with the chakras from the inside, through understanding what kind of information they broadcast from you to the outside world and changing this information, cleansing negativity.

    Internal methods (through working with thoughts and emotions)

    Internal methods of increasing energy mainly involve working with the energy system.

    Work with meridians directly difficult. But the functioning of the meridians improves when you remove the blocks in the path of the meridians.

    Blocks are a kind of stones that prevent energy from flowing freely.

    What's happened block in the energy sector? This is a certain a clot of energy that impedes the flow of energy, blocks it in some place. This clot of energy appeared as a result of some situation to which a person had an emotional reaction. The more often this situation was repeated or the stronger man reacted, the stronger or the larger this block.

    Blocks prevent energy from flowing freely throughout the body. Blocks eat up a huge part of your energy. Besides, blocks control your reality, when you can no longer react differently in similar situations. As soon as a similar situation arises, or with the same person, you react in the same way. It's like a program you prescribed for yourself without even knowing it. This program is based on a certain thought (idea, expectation) of yours, reinforced by negative emotions. You experience these negative emotions every time the situation repeats itself.

    Example. You can fight the fear of public speaking for a long time, but... if you remove the reason- the emotional charge from the first situation when this fear appeared - then you have a chance to experience other emotions (besides fear) from your public speaking. As long as fear sits inside you, it controls you, and therefore your reality.

    This exercise will help you identify your blocks and work with them:

    1. Take a sheet of paper and write down everything that causes you strong emotional reaction– both negative (irritation, anger, hatred, aggression, apathy, self-pity) and positive (for example, admiration for some qualities in other people) – in other people.

    For example, “It infuriates me when they swear!”, or “I want to cry when they raise their voice at me,” or “I can’t stand it when people give orders!” etc. or “Well, how cool he is, how he manages everything!”

    Write down at least 100 such statements.

    2. Work with this list to remove the blocks that cause these emotions. To do this, take each statement and work with it as follows. For example, the statement from the previous paragraph “It infuriates me when others swear.”

    Then sit down, close your eyes, focus your attention within yourself, remember situations when you yourself cursed. After this, you will no longer have any grounds for complaints against swearing people.

    How this method works: in each of us there are things that we DO NOT want to know about ourselves and were once forced into shadow part us. Why were they forced out? Because they thought that it was impossible to do this, or they explained this to us as children, or even scolded us for it. We now believe that we cannot do this and cannot admit to ourselves that we are doing this. Thus, we deny the part of ourselves that swears. You haven't stopped swearing, have you? But you think that this cannot be done. Then our subconscious pays attention to other people who do this. “They can, but I can’t.”

    The main indicator of the “shadow side” (what you don’t want to see in yourself) is an emotional reaction to others.

    By doing this exercise efficiently, you will be able to remove many blocks from yourself and cleanse your energy.

    How to work with chakras

    How to work with chakras there is a lot of information. But in order to change the quality of your life, it is enough to know what information broadcast healthy balanced chakra, and compare it with that what are yours broadcasting? chakras.

    After all, chakras are energy centers, which broadcast certain information about you to the outside world. Depending on what you broadcast outwardly, you attract into your life. “As is inside, so is outside.”

    But often a person does not even realize what is inside him.

    But if you scan your chakras and read the information that they transmit to the outside world, then you can understand what to expect in the near future, and if you don’t like it, then work with the chakra and remove what you don’t like. Work ahead. And at the same time increase your energy.

    At the same time, energy increases for the simple reason that you remove blocks from your chakras - energy is released from the blocks, which was held there all this time while there was a block, and which you can now use for yourself.

    4. What you need to know about chakras

    (taken from Alena Starovoytova’s website)

    1st chakra – Muladhara, root chakra

    This is the basis of the entire energy system. Located at the base of the spine, perineum. Affects your career and manifestation in the material world. Responsible for stress resistance and the will to live. Associated with the instinct of survival and self-preservation.

    A balanced chakra transmits vitality, trust in the world, security, love of money, financial well-being, prosperity. Emotion that destroys chakra - fear. Every time you experience fear, you destroy the root chakra.

    Healthy Balanced Root Chakra:

    • I feel comfortable in my physical body.
    • I have the right to be and have.
    • I appreciate everything I get from life.
    • I'm grateful for how money supports me.
    • I am always supported in all areas of my life.
    • I am alive and thriving.
    • I am in a healthy, loving relationship.
    • I play a significant role in this world.
    2nd chakra – Svadhisthana, sacral chakra

    It is the energetic center of sexuality and vitality, the center of passion, pleasure, feeling, intimacy, desire, movement and change. Located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. The task of this chakra is to make energy move; pleasure triggers the flow of energy.

    A balanced chakra conveys sexual satisfaction, physical pleasure, enjoyment of life, intimacy in relationships, acceptance of movement and change. Emotions that destroy the chakra - shame and guilt. Every time you experience these emotions, you destroy the sacral chakra.

    This is the information it broadcasts Healthy Balanced Sacral Chakra:

    • I am a creative being.
    • I express my creativity.
    • I create wonderful experiences in my life.
    • I create beautiful intimate relationships.
    • I am satisfied with my sexuality.
    • I feel comfortable receiving love.
    • I am comfortable in my relationships.
    • I love who I am.
    3rd chakra – Manipura, solar plexus chakra

    It affects your self-esteem and authority. Located above the navel. Affects your personal power and ability to transmit it to the world. This is the center of willpower, individuality and your uniqueness. The task of this chakra is to transform the inertia of matter and movement in a conscious direction through volitional action.

    A balanced chakra conveys confidence, good self-esteem, welcoming challenges and trials, balanced will, responsibility, and a sense of personal strength. Emotion that destroys chakra - shame. Every time you feel shame, you destroy the solar plexus chakra.

    This is the information it broadcasts Healthy Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra:

    • I am at peace with my strength.
    • I have comfortable relationship with my strength and with myself.
    • My power leads to change in the world.
    • I express my strength through peace.
    • I change my life and the lives of other people.
    • I encourage those around me to use their own power.
    • I project confidence wherever I go.
    4th chakra – Annahata, heart center

    This is the center of love, relationships, self-acceptance. Located in the center of the chest.

    A balanced chakra conveys love for people and the world, compassion, empathy, self-love, altruism, balance and peace, good immune system. The emotion that destroys the chakra is sadness. Every time you experience sadness, you destroy the heart center.

    This is the information it broadcasts Healthy Balanced Heart Center:

    • I am a loving, gentle creature.
    • My heart is healed. My heart is open.
    • I express love freely.
    • I love myself and other people.
    • I am a conductor of peace, love and joy.
    • My heart is huge.
    5th chakra – Vishuddha, throat chakra

    This is the center of your “authentic voice.” Affects your self-expression. This is the ability to show love in creativity, to connect the incompatible. Located on the throat, it is responsible for the creative, spontaneous beginning in a person. The task of this chakra is to show your image to the outside world and tell about it.

    A balanced chakra conveys listening skills, a good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, creative expression, and a resonating voice. Emotion that destroys chakra - lie. Every time you lie, you destroy the throat chakra.

    This is the information it broadcasts Healthy Balanced Throat Chakra:

    • I express my truth.
    • I express my truth with ease.
    • I am supported in expressing my truth.
    • I feel comfortable expressing my truth.
    • My thoughts are clear and I find it easy to express them.
    • I respect people who express their truth.
    • My throat chakra is open.
    • I am grateful for the ease with which I express myself.
    6th chakra – Ajna, third eye chakra

    This is the center of the manifestation of love in the ability to form images, which then become reality. Acts as your inner compass. Filters all information, all your beliefs are here. Located in the center of the forehead.

    A balanced chakra means good intuition, high receptivity, good imagination, good memory, symbolic thinking, ability to visualize.

    This is the information it broadcasts Healthy Balanced Third Eye Chakra:

    • I trust my inner knowing.
    • I have a good intuition.
    • My inner vision is clear and I trust it.
    • I am walking on my spiritual path.
    • I listen to my intuition.
    • They lead me, they support me.

    7th chakra – Sahasrara, crown chakra

    This chakra of divine consciousness affects your connection with the source. Located on the top of the head. The purpose of this chakra is to merge with the divine consciousness and realize one's true nature.

    A balanced chakra means the ability to perceive, analyze and simplify information, awareness, thoughtfulness, openness, spiritual connection, wisdom, a broad worldview, the ability to question. Attachment and rigid boundaries destroy this chakra. Every time you tied tightly For some reason, you are destroying the crown chakra.

    This is the information it broadcasts Healthy Balanced Crown Chakra:

    • I am connected to the Divine.
    • Every moment of every day I am supported by divine love.
    • I am one with the Universe.
    • I am living my divine nature.
    • I get inspiration, insights, revelations.
    • I am in contact with my Divine Self, with my divine wisdom.

    Test yourself

    Read the above affirmations for healthy, balanced chakras and track your internal reaction to them - how much they resonate with you or cause resistance. If a reaction of rejection or tension occurs, then perhaps your chakras are out of balance and are broadcasting something else into the world.

    Why is it important to balance the work of ALL energy, and not individual chakras?

    For proper operation the entire energy system requires active functioning ALL chakras. If you deal with only one specific chakra, then imbalances will arise in your energy and in your life.

    For example, by increasing the energy of the heart center while the solar plexus and root chakras are clamped, other people will take advantage of your kindness and step on your personal boundaries, and you will not be able to stand up for yourself.

    Or, if you increase the energy of the sacral chakra, but at the same time your root chakra and heart center are closed, then of course you will have relationships with men, but they will not suit you, to put it mildly.

    The conclusion is simple - get busy increasing the energy of ALL chakras, and not just any individual ones.

    Watch the video in which I give an exercise to activate the chakras. Exercise will help fill the chakras with energy.

    So, I only told you about several ways to increase your energy. But even these methods are enough to improve the functioning of your energy system and, with it, your life. Try all these methods and choose the most suitable ones for yourself, and practice them constantly. And the effect will not take long to arrive. If you have a serious case, then you can seek help and make an appointment for a consultation

    — Body energy
    — Why is it important to have high energy?
    — Causes of low energy and ways to fill the gaps
    - The easiest way to restore energy
    — How to constantly increase energy?
    — Restores body energy in 5 minutes

    The energy of the body is a force that fills a person from the inside. Every person should be able to preserve, accumulate and correctly distribute their energy. Because when there is not enough of it, a person becomes lethargic, his performance decreases, and he begins to get tired quickly. Someone might think that this mainly concerns older people, but the younger generation also experiences a decrease in the body’s energy.

    The energy of the body is its potential and a certain amount of energy within each person required for life. Energy fills every person and its level is different for everyone. Our health, vigor and, of course, mood depend on its quantity. With enough energy in the body, we get sick less often, feel enough strength to take action and enjoy life. We are always in high spirits and we do not notice the negativity around us. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intellectual growth, physical processes occurring inside us and immunity.

    There is an opinion that our body receives energy from food or physical activity, after which we feel a surge of strength. We need exercise to keep the body in good shape, and food is simply a building material for cells. These processes produce only crude energy for the life of the physical body. The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body through completely different channels.

    It is very good if a person’s physical energy is on the same level as the energy of the body, then everything is fine with the person and all processes proceed normally.

    The energy of the body must always be maintained, developed and increased, then your physical state will be OK.

    — Why is it important to have high energy?

    When a person’s energy is in order, he is full of strength and desire for various actions that are pleasant to him. If there is no strength, then there can be no talk of any attraction. This is, firstly.

    Secondly, you’ve probably already heard about the law of attraction, but with high energy it works much faster, and you can speed up the process of materializing your desires. If you haven’t heard, I’ll tell you briefly about it now.

    Our thoughts and desires are material. And we can attract what we think about (naturally, combining the work of thought with physical activity). All our desires can become reality if a person knows certain laws and technologies.

    — Causes of low energy and ways to fill the gaps

    The reasons for low energy may be negative thoughts and emotions that we have already discussed, as well as bad habits, poor nutrition and overwork.

    Therefore, in order to restore your etheric body you need to use the knowledge that you already know, that is, learn to manage your emotions and free yourself from fears, resentments, anger, and guilt.

    In addition, you need to monitor your diet, give your body timely rest and sleep, Fresh air, physical activity. Well, it is advisable to become free from bad habits– alcohol, smoking and drugs.

    You also need to remember your surroundings. If you are surrounded by depressed people who are always complaining about their lives, then they take away your energy. Therefore, look for new people with whom you will exchange positive vibrations.

    If you want to quickly and effectively replenish and then maintain vital energy at the proper level, then sign up for yoga or qigong. Moreover, it is better to study in the morning, so your energy will be enough for the whole day.

    And don't forget to do breathing exercises. Here is one of them:

    Taking a comfortable position and relaxing your body, place your index finger on the bridge of your nose, and your thumb and middle finger near your nostrils. Close your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril, then close your left nostril and exhale through your right, then inhale through your right nostril, leaving your left nostril closed, and then close your right nostril and exhale with your left. Continue this breathing cycle for 5-10 minutes.

    - The easiest way to restore energy

    Situations often arise when a person, after certain situation feels completely empty. In this case, he will find it quite useful simple tips How to restore human energy. Using a method called the “Sun Disk”, you can bring your body back to normal in a few hours.

    1) You need to imagine a large solar disk. First, it must spin in the opposite direction, drawing out the remaining negativity from the human body. In this case, the disc should gradually grow, which will indicate that the body is being cleansed.

    2) The next important stage is to imagine how the disk changes its direction and fills the human body with light, golden vitality and energy.

    4) The last very important stage in the technique, which tells how to restore human energy: send this solar disk into the bowels of the earth. You also need to imagine what it’s like there negative energy completely transformed into a positive one.

    I would like to say that today there is a huge number in various ways How you can cleanse your body of negativity and restore lost energy. However, the method described above is one of the simplest; moreover, it does not require special knowledge and skills and is accessible even to a beginner.

    — How to constantly increase energy?

    It is imperative to talk about how to increase energy, or rather, even how to increase it constantly. Every person needs to do this, because this is the only way to constantly keep not only the body in excellent shape, but also, which is very important, the spirit.

    So, there are several simple, but quite effective ways How to constantly keep yourself in good shape:

    1) Faith-hope-love. And although this may seem funny to many, both psychologists and energy experts recommend believing in everything good, in a bright future, hoping that life will work out in the best possible way. in the best possible way, and love not only those close to you, but also everyone around you. Maximum positivity and only good emotions are the key to strong, healthy human energy.

    2) Gratitude. You also need to be grateful for everything that happens in life. So, you should always say “thank you” to those around you, thank higher powers for all the good things that happen in life.

    3) Passion. Very important advice, how to increase the energy of the body - do what you love. And if the main place of work is not related to a hobby, you still need to devote a lot of time to an activity close to your heart. By enjoying the process, a person himself produces positive energy, which nourishes his body.

    4) Communication. It is also worth remembering that energy can be charged. So, by communicating with positive people, you can perfectly replenish your strength. However, it is important to remember that there are people - energy vampires who steal energy. It is better to be wary of such individuals and keep communication to a minimum.

    The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

    It is possible to always be in good shape, radiate success, achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams if you have high level internal energy. It is important to strengthen your biofield and prevent leakage vitality to please ill-wishers.

    Energy is life, and you can’t argue with that. The body will work like a clock only if it is constantly recharged from positive external factors. Weak energy leads to disruption of all life processes: health problems arise, a person is haunted by a series of failures in the personal and business spheres, and negative thoughts gradually plunge them into a depressive state.

    Each person is born with a large supply of energy, but throughout life we ​​are exposed to various negative factors that weaken our biofield. This could be communication with energy vampires, wrong image life, or dangerous objects that take away strength. But now we will talk about how not to allow various circumstances to deprive you of energy and what you need to do to increase the flow of vitality.

    Types of energy

    In the process of life we ​​use several types of energy: physical And creative. Without a sufficient amount of vital energy, the normal functioning of our body is impossible. Hence the consequences in the form of loss of strength, chronic diseases, premature aging and an increased risk of mortality. Creative energy helps us act, gives us talents, mental abilities and the desire to live.

    It is important to maintain both energies within yourself so that the balance of life is not disturbed. A strengthened biofield, which cannot be penetrated by any negative factor, will help you live a bright and happy life. With an increased energy level, you can achieve your goals many times faster. Positive energy attracts positive circumstances and is the equivalent of monetary resources. Material security and success directly depend on the level of internal energy.

    We increase energy and strengthen the biofield

    First way will help strengthen the biofield. This includes proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and a balanced daily routine. Compliance with these rules will ensure the restoration and increase of the supply of vitality. To increase your energy level, it’s not enough to just eat whatever you can find - you need to eat foods rich in vitamins and fiber, cereals, healthy proteins, healthy fats and dairy products. You should also train yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Well, everyone has heard about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. These are the most powerful catalysts for the death of your energy.

    Second way will help protect yourself from negative outside interference. If you feel a loss of strength, a decrease in activity and luck, know: for someone you are a donor of vitality. You should immediately get rid of the bad influences entering your life. Clear the house of negative energy, stop communicating with energy vampires and perform a ritual to remove negativity. Don’t forget that you yourself can be a source of negativity: your disapproving feelings and emotions take away a huge amount of creative energy, which, with the right attitude, can be used to achieve success. Negativity can seriously weaken your vitality and imperceptibly destroy your personality. Control your thoughts and avoid communicating with people who make you feel empty.

    Third way is that every person must have a goal, a dream and faith in a higher or personal power. The mere presence in your life of a desire, the fulfillment of which you want with all your soul, is a powerful influx of energy. The universe is designed in such a way that huge energy reserves come with a dream. The presence of faith acts in almost the same way: with its help, a source of strength comes to us, which firmly settles inside us. In difficult times or when you feel empty, you should turn to the Higher Powers for support, which will definitely come.

    Fourth method- get more positive emotions. Love, communication with successful and happy people, creative activities (hobbies) and our little brothers. Pets themselves are energy donors: their inexhaustible supply of activity will help to recharge with positive emotions and positivity.

    Communication with successful people useful because they have a completely different view of things and a powerful biofield: they can gladly help you with advice and support, charging you with their strength.

    To reinforce your energy, literally one hour spent in contact with beauty is enough for you. Love and creativity can provoke a powerful surge of strength and energy, revive and revitalize your soul, and inhale a thirst for life.

    Fifth method- this is self-hypnosis, meditation, breathing practices, contact with nature and creative activity. Meditations will help you get in touch with the cosmos, cleanse your soul of various energy blocks, increase your level of spirituality, and see hidden knowledge and talents. Affirmations and visualizations create positive changes in our lives. And creative activity saturates and strengthens your biofield. The ability to see and enjoy beauty helps us accumulate energy.

    A strong biofield is the key to high and stable human energy. These are just the 5 most effective methods preserve and increase vitality. But the main key to the source of unlimited possibilities is positive energy. In order for you to be successful in everything, you need to take measures to improve your potential. Have a great moodand don't forget to press the buttons and

    First stage. Preparatory and general exercises to work with your own energy.

    Development and strengthening of your aura- this is a question that needs to be given great attention if you are on the path of knowledge, growth, and strive for spiritual development. Why is this so? Because the aura is a great gift, the importance of which for your entire life cannot be overestimated.

    Aura - best protection from any external harm created by human nature itself. This is a shield that can cover you and repel any unwanted interference in your inner world . It is a radiant halo of physical health and mental well-being that protects you always, whether you are sleeping or awake.

    Developed, harmonious aura creates a person’s own protective dome, beyond which evil thoughts and an unfriendly general atmosphere in certain places cannot penetrate, and this, unfortunately, is one of the signs of our time. This protection is natural and therefore may not be noticeable under normal conditions.

    However, remember carefully: let's say it's a bad day, you're upset, depressed, depressed... so what? As if by magic, street vendors, beggars, and beggars of all kinds suddenly begin to pester; the salesman in the store is rude, and the taxi driver does not give the required change. What's the matter? In yourself. You just haven’t noticed before how the calm aura of a healthy and prosperous person, filled with awareness of one’s own power, invisibly protects you from these and other, much more significant troubles. By giving in to despondency, you have not only spent too much psychic energy- you turned certain part it into negative energy. As a result, your aura is weakened and can no longer protect you as well as before.

    Of course, in reality everything is incomparably more complicated, and the above example can only serve as a very schematic illustration, but it is based on completely indisputable facts. In particular, the fact that any aggressiveness shown towards a person from the outside glides along the protective dome of his aura without causing harm, but only when this aura strong, healthy, developed and provided with the necessary supply of positive psychic energy. This aura can really relieve many types of anxiety.

    And if we have so far talked mainly about psychology, we must not forget that the aura is also a factor in physical health, which has long been a generally accepted (including “official” science) fact.

    The well-known metaphor of St. Paul is “putting on the armor of the Lord”... So let it not seem blasphemous to you to think that healthy aura really akin to this armor, invulnerable to any weapon.

    Light your aura shield turned outward, but its strength grows from within, it is the strength of your own soul. And there is no need to wonder whether it works - the protective power of the aura is as natural to a person as breathing or walking. However, walking and breathing can also be done in very different ways. When you are well aware of the breathing process, you can choose the best system for yourself. breathing exercises or gymnastics, which can increase useful efficiency this process for the body. Accordingly, the aura will bring maximum benefit to those who know more about it and know how to maintain it at the proper level, constantly developing and improving.

    Aura Emission For an ordinary person, it extends to a distance of 35 cm to 1 m, depending on the level of his spiritual, social, and psychophysiological development. However, under certain conditions these values ​​can increase to 25-30 m. In this case, the strongest radiation comes from the hands (palm, fingers) and eyes. This is why sometimes you feel a strong gaze literally piercing the back of your head. But you also need to know that the power of a spiritually developed aura can extend far beyond the physical presence of a person. This is confirmed not only by the testimonies of sages and saints who knew how to heal at a distance - today a wealth of practical experience has already been accumulated in expanding and aura development using special techniques that sometimes give truly miraculous results.

    If you want to work effectively with your own aura, first you need to go through a certain preparatory stage: acquire the necessary skills and thereby lay a certain foundation. The basic principle here is extremely simple: only after completely mastering one thing can you move on to another.

    Introduction to Aura Development

    • Let's consider the main factors that contribute to the development of the spiritual principle in a person, and consequently, the strengthening of his aura.

    • If the influx of psychic energy transforms a person physically and spiritually, then its loss leads to very serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know what deprives us of life-giving force...>>

    Some exercises for developing the aura

    • Relaxation exercises
      Relaxation is not a sum of technical techniques, but a physiological state of the whole organism, in which conscious control of the involuntary functions of its various organs and systems is possible...>>
    • Concentration exercises
      Not a single mental process, including awareness and imagination, can proceed productively without sufficient concentration of attention for the required period. Sustained attention allows...>>
    • Workshop on awareness
      An exercise to become aware of yourself in the present moment. It is carried out in stages: the necessary sequence is presented..>>

    • This complex is designed for those who, taking only the first steps along the path spiritual development and self-improvement, I would like to start working with subtle energies practically, but I don’t know how to do this and where to start.

    • Sit in a comfortable position, spine straight. For 10-20 seconds, vigorously rub the palms of your hands against each other, then sharply spread them apart to a distance of about 30 cm.

    • The method serves for the primary purification of everything energy field, and is recommended to be used at the end of the day, especially during periods when you communicate with a lot of people during the day.

    • I don’t think anyone needs to convince anyone of the need to constantly strengthen their own energy. And the fact is that without strong energy there is no strong aura. Therefore, below is a set of exercises, the effectiveness of which in terms of increasing energy potential has stood the test of time.

    • Through self-massage of the aura, we can establish interaction with our own energy system and activate our higher abilities. Self-massage of the aura is a set of techniques, each of which has its own purpose. The main one is to stimulate the energy system of the aura, which allows subtle energies to be distributed more evenly. As a result, the aura will gain greater brightness and color saturation.

    • Breathe deeply and evenly (continue throughout the session).

    • Exercise of the central pillar promotes the development of higher energies, including psychic abilities. Due to the fact that it raises the energy of the individual to such high level, it also helps develop aura vision. Finally, the method cleanses all the subtle energy of a person.

    Meditation theory for aura development

    • In Western culture, the concept of meditation mostly refers to such acts as thinking, thinking, and reflection. This is in conflict with the entire tradition of Eastern culture and its idea of ​​meditation.

    • The practice of meditation involves the use of a specific technique or procedure, but it should be remembered that there are many of them, and any particular technique is not an indispensable condition for success. Although there are many types of meditation, what all forms have in common is the presence of a stimulus or object on which the meditator concentrates his attention.

    • It is important to understand that any kind of distracting thoughts are a completely normal component of entering meditation, and their appearance is inevitable. But with a passive attitude, you learn to recognize distracting thoughts and return your attention to the object of concentration without any irritation.

    • The first stage can rightfully be considered the very fact of starting meditation. This is explained by the fact that a person, by allocating time for meditation, thereby makes a conscious effort aimed at his own internal, spiritual growth.

    • As a matter of fact, today no one knows exactly how meditative techniques affect a person. Nevertheless, a fairly deep understanding of this problem can be achieved by analyzing exactly that common link that is inherent in all forms of meditation without exception, that is, the object intended for concentration of attention.

    Meditation practice for aura development

    • There are many different meditation techniques, but there is not and cannot be a single “correct” technique. Therefore, moving on to the practical part, it should be recalled: any technique has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to choose among them ideally- purely intuitively) the one that best suits you.

    • Lie down on a hard surface. If you can't lie down, sit in a comfortable chair. Close your eyes. Listen to your breathing. Focus on your breathing and let it deepen. Take several deep breaths, gradually moving the diaphragm down as you inhale so that your stomach moves forward, and filling your lungs with air from the bottom up. Exhale and relax...>>
      Close your eyes and relax as much as possible. When listening to the sounds of music, try to visualize each of them in the form of flashes, circles, shades of color that are not put into form, etc. After the first few sessions, this practice will begin to actively develop associative and creative thinking, which is important, by the way, for the level of logical abilities of your intellect...>>


    • A thinking person must with all his might develop in himself the ability to hear his being at all levels of his nature, since without this harmony in general and a harmonious perception of the world in particular is impossible.
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