• Numerology: how to find out your energy potential. How to find out a person’s energy by date of birth


    The number of the day you were born on (birthday) can provide a lot of additional information about who you are and where your talents lie. Your birthday indicates some special abilities that you have. This information, in fact, is a gift that is very useful in different life situations.

    The Power of Birth is an indicator number of your calling. It tells you what you really are and what you are naturally capable of doing even without training. It serves as a source of strength and energy that can be drawn from it in the course of fulfilling the dictates of Fate. It is who you are or what you have. This number is interpreted as “you are” as opposed to the “you should be” Destiny number.

    The Pythagorean square is a universal numerological matrix of a person, which describes the potential inherent in a person. It is believed that this unique system originates from the Egyptian priests. Pythagoras took as a basis the ancient knowledge of numbers and applied to them the aspect of sacred geometry based on the harmony of the square. Thus, you and I have the opportunity to touch the most ancient knowledge and get to know ourselves.

    The name is the main word in our life - the password to which we respond. But our name also has special resonances that tune the owners of each name to special features character, actions, your vision of the world. The name becomes a secret program to which not only we, the owners of names, respond, but also our destiny.

    Your expression number is you. Your full birth name contains every aspect of your personality, including your deepest desires and deepest fears. Your full name reflects your true potential, including those talents and capabilities that you have not yet realized and in which you are not entirely sure. You could say that your life path number and all other numbers based on your date of birth show the path you take throughout your life...

    The minor number of an expression, like other numbers, is calculated based on the name you use in Everyday life, reflects your external “I”.

    The influence of the short name is weaker than the influence of the full name. However, it can introduce or exclude certain qualities, it can concentrate existing qualities or awaken previously dormant talents in you.

    Each of us has four parts: body, mind, soul and spirit. Their combination makes us who we are. They act as our points of contact with reality and allow us to think, work, love, plan, dream, build own life and express your feelings. Our temperament, disposition, reaction to circumstances, other people and ourselves are determined by the degree of balance and intensity of manifestation of the four Planes of Expression under consideration.

    The heart's desire number (sometimes called the soul's desire number) is what your name implies, your inner essence, the desires closest to your heart. It reflects the inner motivation or overall intention behind your actions. It determines the choice of life path. Its influence extends to all areas of your life: career, environment, friends and lifestyle.

    The minor number of your heart's desire depends on the vowels that make up your short name. The short name is a reflection of more complex qualities that depend on the full name. It sharpens and enhances the energy contained in your full name, enhancing some aspects of your being and muting others. That is why a short name often allows you to see what you would really like in life. It reflects both your strong desires...

    The Personality Number comes from the consonants that make up your full name. Your personality is a narrow hallway leading to a large room that is your essence. This narrow corridor is the first impression people get of you. It either attracts and intrigues, or makes you lose all interest.

    Each person has his own energy field. The success of his life and relationships with other people depend on him. Some people have weak energy, while others, on the contrary, are so strong that it can influence the destinies of other people. In this article we will tell you in detail how energy affects a person, his life and his environment. We will share with you a way to determine your energy field, and how to restore it if it begins to collapse.

    We are all born with our own individual energy field. It is an invisible cocoon that envelops the human body from all sides.

    Human energy consists of several bodies through which energy must constantly pass. If this does not happen, then the person feels weak, unhappy and sick.

    To begin with, we propose to understand exactly what bodies human energy consists of:

    1. Atmanic - this body is responsible for ensuring that a person has some kind of goal in life that he strives for. In fact, this goal is the meaning of life for him, so he constantly feels the strength to rise and achieve new results every day.
    2. Buddhic - the body responsible for the values ​​in a person’s life. It works and functions fully only if a person is busy in life with his favorite thing, from which he receives intense pleasure.
    3. The causal body is the body, the normal functioning of which depends on how harmoniously a person feels, whether he listens to his inner voice, and whether his behavior corresponds to what he strives for in life.
    4. Astral - the body responsible for how a person perceives the events that happen in his life, what emotions he experiences.
    5. Mental is the body, which is responsible for the development of intuition in a person. The development of this body determines whether a person can predict any events in his life.
    6. Essential - the body responsible for physical state person, his health, tone. How you will be perceived by other people in society depends on the full functioning of this body.

    Human energy tends to accumulate, so it is very important to be able to spend it so that there is no stagnation and, conversely, so that it is not wasted. First of all, you must waste your energetic forces for family, work, sports, self-development and hobbies.

    Psychologists distinguish 3 main levels of human energy:

    1. Insufficient – ​​when a person has so little of his own energy that he begins to look for its sources from another person. Such people are called energy vampires. After communicating with them you feel weak and exhausted. Although it should be noted that many energy vampires do not even realize that they are such.
    2. Middle – when a person has found his golden mean. They replenish their energy reserves from communication with nice people, from hobbies, work and being alone.
    3. High – when there is so much energy that there is nowhere to put it. These people include people who have very well developed psychic abilities.

    How to identify a person with strong energy?

    A person with high energy is easy to recognize:

    • First of all, according to external signs. Such a person dark eyes and hair, thin lips, but at the same time a wide jaw and a massive forehead.
    • A person with strong energy almost never gets sick. He is strong and strong, not only physically, but also in spirit.
    • People with strong energy do not give up when faced with life's difficulties, but quickly find a way out of the current situation. Nobody can knock out strong man energy out of a rut.
    • From such people, creativity is in full swing. They can come up with interesting things literally on the go, and all this comes to them very easily and simply.
    • People with high energy levels are unusually charismatic. They influence others and attract them to themselves like a magnet.

    What destroys human energy?

    Even if a person has very strong energy, this does not mean that this will continue all the time. Under the influence of certain factors, a person’s bioenergy field can be destroyed. We have compiled a list for you of what provides Negative influence on human energy:

    1. If a person is constantly worried about something, feels guilty, his conscience gnaws at him, in this case the person’s energy becomes bad and vulnerable.
    2. Resentment can have a detrimental effect not only on the bioenergy field, but also on human health in general. Because of this, he stops achieving his goals and loses the desire to live an active and interesting life.
    3. Psychological disorders associated with loss loved one, disappointment in love and other things that can negatively affect spiritual harmony.
    4. The feeling of envy has a very bad effect on a person’s energy. Whatever he undertakes does not give any result in the end.
    5. A very large amount of work, because of which a person is nervous all the time, also has a destructive effect on the energy field, because it drains vitality from us.

    Human energy by date of birth: how to determine?

    To find out your own energy potential, just make one simple calculation based on your date of birth:

    1. Write down your date of birth on a piece of paper in this order - year (consisting of 4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits). For example, you were born in 1968, in September, which we will write as “09”, the 15th.
    2. Next, you will need to multiply the year of your birth by 0915 (these numbers form the month and day of birth). The result is the number 1800720.
    3. All the digits of the resulting number must be added together to form a two-digit number: 1+8+0+0+7+2+0=18.

    Based on the results obtained, you can determine your energy level.

    • If your result is less than 21 (what happened in our case), it means that you have a low energy level and you urgently need to do something to increase it.
    • If your result fluctuates between 21 and 30, then you have a normal average energy level. You just need to try to maintain it all the time.
    • If the indicator is more than 30, it means that you can be for someone energy donor because you have a very high level energy.

    How to increase human energy?

    If it so happens that you have a very weak energy potential, then you don’t need to give up on your future; you can restore your energy if you follow the recommendations below:

    1. Give up everyone bad habits that you have. Lead absolutely healthy image life. You need to eat right, get enough sleep and exercise.
    2. Visit more often fresh air, because nature is a source for humans vital energy. It is advisable to walk in clean air for at least 30 minutes. to be completely alone.
    3. Study philosophy and pay attention to religion. Go to church, pray, light candles and just wish the people around you peace and goodness.
    4. Find a passion and change jobs if you're unhappy with them. As soon as you enjoy yourself the most, you will immediately feel a rush vitality.
    5. Go to social events, visit cultural institutions, relax with friends and with your family. All this will greatly inspire you and help you gain vitality to achieve positive results In my life.

    By following all of the above recommendations, you will quickly be able to not only restore, but also cleanse your energy. You will immediately feel your life begin to change better side. Try to adhere to these rules in life so that the energy does not deteriorate or be destroyed at all, although it should be noted that in the circumstances in which we are forced to live, this is quite difficult. But still, we wish all our readers harmony, prosperity, banal human happiness and goodness! Live full life, love and be loved!

    Video: “Human energy: numerology by date of birth”

    Incredible facts

    When we feel down, our self-confidence drops significantly and we find it very difficult to perk up again. Few of us understand that energy vampires skillfully camouflaged.

    They deplete all our reserves of positivity and plant negativity in our minds. These are people who can completely control our lives if we are not careful.

    Just like vampires in history and fiction, these people often hide their identity and gain our trust by making us consider themselves friends.

    Scary, isn't it? Don't be afraid, below you will read a real guide about what kind of energy vampires there are and how to calculate them by date of birth.

    Types of Energy Vampires

    There are only four types of energy vampires.

    1. “I am right, no matter what you think or feel.”

    It doesn’t matter how much you rant about expressing your opinion about a situation or problem. They do not care. Only what they say is correct, and there is nothing you can do about it.

    Even if they are wrong and they know it, they will become that person who will constantly remain silent. This childish behavior shows that you will never be able to defeat them, which means that your communication is a one-sided game.

    Try not to build a close relationship with such a person, and if he is a friend or potential partner, realize that such behavior will undoubtedly affect your future.

    How to recognize an energy vampire

    2. “I really love drama and I love to dramatize everything.”

    This person feels best when drama unfolds around him and he becomes the center of the universe. If something suddenly goes wrong in life, they react too strongly.

    Of course, we all need to discuss the negative things that sometimes happen, and we find the strength to do so in order to turn the page in the future. However, this person is completely different.

    Have you ever had a friend who didn't come to your birthday party because he had a fight with his partner? This is exactly him, a vampire - a lover of drama. If something suddenly happens to them, they easily forget all the promises made to another person.

    It is important to know that there are vampires of this type different types. There are those who can create drama for no particular reason. When in a group of friends, they will gossip and talk about things that never happened.

    They can easily make someone feel disgusting just to boost their self-esteem. If you have a friend or partner who doesn't know what it means to say something nice to someone, then most likely this person belongs to this type energy vampire.

    It is important to stop this relationship in time, and not try to fix anything, waiting for the flames to flare up.

    Signs of an Energy Vampire

    3. "My life is more important"

    When you need a helping hand, you need someone you can trust and open up to. Unfortunately, this type of vampire does not care at all what happens in your life and what negative things affect you.

    They are too busy, too wrapped up in their own world to think about yours. Such a person is very easy to spot, because it is he who will change plans at the last minute, despite the fact that you have not provided a backup plan for this weekend.

    It is better to have less contact with such people, as they never think about the feelings of others and will sleep peacefully at night knowing that someone is upset with them, or they have let someone down.

    Whatever you do, never rely on these people for serious things. If you have such a friend, do not agree to move into the same apartment or go on vacation with him, because he will let you down at the last moment.

    How to identify an energy vampire

    4. “I will lie to cover myself.”

    This type of energy vampire is the most destructive because such a vampire will lie to get his way. If such a person wants to climb the career ladder, he will use everyone around him, moving towards his goal, without any twinge of conscience at all.

    When a problem arises, such people quickly find someone to point the finger at, refusing to take any responsibility for their actions. In conversations, they dwell in detail on how much they do to make their lives more interesting.

    However, often small white lies develop into big ones, so such people are very unreliable. If they suddenly borrow something from you and it gets damaged, they will likely pretend they have no idea what might have happened. Never lend money to such people.

    Energy vampire by date of birth

    Now we can talk about how to find out what type of person you are using your date of birth. In total, there are five types of people from the point of view of vampirism: white and black magicians, neutral individuals, donors (victims) and energy vampires.

    To figure out who a person is, you just need to know his full date of birth. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write the full date on it. For example, 10/18/2016. After this, you need to add up all the numbers that are in front of you (1+8+1+0+2+0+1+6=19).

    The final result should not be a two-digit number, so add the numbers (1+9=10; 1+0=1). The result is one number. In our example, this is the number 1. Now let’s look at the decoding of the numbers.

    1 or 2

    These numbers indicate that a person is an energy vampire. Whether he understands it or not, he feeds on the energy of the people around him, using it to achieve his goals. However, there is no need to immediately push such a person away from you.

    There is a possibility that he was a victim of circumstances, and it is not his fault that nature awarded him such a gift. Try to understand whether the person understands that he is endowed with unusual abilities.

    If he is aware and is not at all happy about this gift, wanting to get rid of it, then he definitely needs help. Vampirism can be overcome if you cultivate willpower. Such a person must learn to control this process and not be led by his evil self.

    However, you should be wary if an energy vampire lives under the same roof as you. In reality, many people can feed off the energy of others. If this process occurs unconsciously, then it does not carry anything bad.

    To protect yourself, you need to learn how to properly set up defenses and protect yourself even from unconscious attacks.

    But if someone you know purposefully feeds on the energy of the people around them, then it would be better if you protect yourself from communicating with this person. There are several techniques that can help you put up a barrier against energy attacks and resist more serious methods.

    5 or 7

    People who are carriers of these numbers should be extremely careful when choosing their social circle, because these people are donors. They are most susceptible to the destructive effects of vampires, because they are the easiest to attack.

    Donor people should always carry a talisman with them, which can protect them from the influence of evil forces and which will be able to repel an attack. These people should learn to build mirror barriers that will help protect themselves from a vampire attack.

    Moreover, donors should think about regularly replenishing the vessel of vital energy, because it quickly runs out. Places of power are suitable for this. It is important to avoid cemeteries, because there you can easily become prey for vampires and sorcerers.

    These are the places with positive energy, for example, churches. Frequent walks in the fresh air are vital for such people, because contact with nature will help restore lost strength.

    3, 6 or 8

    If, as a result of adding a two-digit number, you get one of these three digits, then this means that you are very lucky. You do not have supernatural abilities, and you don’t know what it’s like to feed on someone else’s energy. At the same time, you are also too tough for energy vampires.

    Comments to entry 6. Human bioenergy - calculation by date of birth disabled 3,688 Views

    A special technique for constructing an individual graph (cyclogram) of a person’s bioenergetic potential for the entire period of his life. allows you to calculate and, the energy that each person receives at conception and birth (parental, innate, - Yuan-qi). The graph will show the time when joyful events, achievements and, as they say, “luck is in progress” are possible, or, conversely, moments of illness, conflicts and other failures. Yours

    Required data for calculation:

    • date, time (at least approximately) and place of birth.

    Human bioenergy.

    Examples of calculations.

    • Meryem Uzerli, b. 08/12/1983.

    German-Turkish actress Meryem Uzerli, born. 08/12/1983 admitted that due to depression in 2013, she tried to commit suicide and had to turn to psychologists. What is the cause of depression? The answer is simple, it is precisely in its low level of energy at a given time - in years of low energy a person is haunted by failures, illnesses, depression and the connection is sharply weakened.

    • : -Vladimir. Can you tell me why I had constant failures in 2012?

    To answer this question, let’s create a graph-cyclogram of Arina’s bioenergy potential. The graph shows that Arina had the lowest energy level in 2011-2012. This is the answer to the reasons for the failures in 2012.

    • Hello, Vladimir! I, too, have been worried about self-realization and lack of finances practically all my life. It’s difficult with work, there is no paid work, my money is tight... I don’t have any either. I can’t find a job, I feel that it’s not yet time to work for hire, for example, but I need money to live on. I can’t sit on someone else’s neck all my life, I want to earn something myself and provide for myself. The feeling of hopelessness and expectation is very upsetting (Perhaps you can somehow comment on all this... Date of birth 02/14/1981 time of birth approximately 10/23. Thank you.

    One of the reasons for the failures lies in the same long period of low levels of bioenergy balance. Which, judging by the date of birth (02/14/1981), provoked (activated) a karmic-generic negative in a person.

    The negative, in turn, like a net-veil, covered a person’s connection with her guardian angels. And if there is no connection with them, then do not expect success in life.

    An example of an answer to a question.

    • Hello Vladimir. Tell me whether it is worth continuing the relationship Yuri 05/11/1984, Yulia 08/23/1993. Thank you.

    Numerology allows you to calculate not only your life path by date of birth, but also to identify the abilities and characteristics of each person. With the help of simple calculations, you can determine how prone you or your friends are to energy vampirism.

    Energy vampires, unfortunately, are not uncommon in our world. Most often, a person is not aware of his characteristics and acts unconsciously. This manifests itself in a tendency to showdowns, scandals - any actions that provoke the interlocutor to a surge of strong emotions.

    If after communicating with a certain person you feel empty, you experience a period of apathy, laziness and reluctance to move forward, then most likely you are faced with an energy vampire. And it happens that after a scandal or quarrel you feel much better, as if you are overwhelmed with vitality, forcing you to provoke even greater intensity of passions. In this case, you may already turn out to be a potential vampire, absorbing other people's emotions like a sponge.

    Date of birth and energy vampirism

    The calculation is simple: add up all the numbers in the person’s date of birth. The resulting number will be a characteristic of its potential. For example, you were born on July 28, 1977. Add all the numbers: 2+8+0+7+1+9+7+7 = 41. Add to a single digit number: 4+1 = 5.

    Numbers from 1 to 4. This indicator means that a person was born as a potential energy vampire and is able to feed on the emotions of others. However weak biofield often inclines people with these meanings towards a driven lifestyle. Shyness and modesty do not allow them to openly demonstrate their characteristics, so they find a potential victim and gradually deprive her of vitality. You can live your whole life side by side with such a vampire, and you are unlikely to understand that periodic weakness and ailments are his merit.

    Numbers from 5 to 7. These numbers characterize people with the hidden potential of energy vampirism. The impetus for the activation of these abilities is usually emotional overstrain, severe stress and other negative events. Most often, these features remain hidden, but if they are awakened, the thirst for receiving other people’s emotions will at first push these people to rash and reckless actions. If in your environment the behavior of a friend has become beyond recognition, he shows aggression for no apparent reason, finds fault with you and pisses you off, you should limit communication with him for a while.

    Numbers 8 and 9. These meanings indicate that a person is not just a potential consumer of emotions, he is a real vampire. Often people with this date of birth know that other people's feelings are the most delicious source of their energy. Their features haunt anyone around them. They often choose professions associated with large crowds of people. These are singers, musicians, showmen. This type of vampire most often feeds on the energy of happiness, excitement and joy. This “food” is like a drink of the Gods for them. However, in the case of prolonged fasting, they do not shun negative emotions.

    Numbers 10 and 11. These indicators characterize people born with special abilities. They are prone not so much to emotional vampirism as to receiving energy from magical sources. Those born with these numbers in their life code are often gifted with the ability to see and hear things that are beyond the control of an ordinary person. They are able to look into the future, predict future events, and have extrasensory skills. Their vampirism consists of extracting energy during various magical and occult rituals, as well as from sessions that they conduct with people who turn to them in search of answers to questions of interest.

    Even if it seems to you that in your environment there is a person similar in description to an energy vampire, do not rush to conclusions. For some, these are simply behavioral and character traits. Follow folk wisdom“don’t make a fuss while it’s quiet” and, if possible, simply limit your contacts with this person. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    24.03.2017 07:15

    Each person has a unique energy field that can protect against negative impact from outside. However, often in...

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