• Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family! Lesson notes for the younger group "my family"


    Target: Continue to form children’s ideas about the family and its members.


    Educational: Learn to correctly name family members, form the concept: my home, my family;

    Developmental: Develop ideas about family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other. Strengthen your skills in working with a glue brush using previously learned appliqué techniques. Development of the ability to reason and prove, development of thinking

    Educational: Cultivate a caring attitude towards loved ones, a sense of mutual assistance in the family. Let your child feel joy and pride in having a family.

    Integration educational areas : Cognition, Socialization, Communication, Artistic creativity.

    Preliminary work:

    1. Learning the last name, first name, parents.

    2. Role-playing game

    3.Learning poems about mom, dad, family.

    4. Children's stories about their loved ones.

    5. Looking at family photos.

    6.Learning finger games.

    Equipment: Teddy bear, pointer, flannelgraph, images of bears on flannel, dishes, tools, baskets for games, hearts, cut-out pictures of people, glue, brushes, napkins, stands for glue, magic chest, sweet treat.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: All the children gathered in a circle.

    I am your friend and you are my friend.

    Let's hold your hand tightly

    And let's smile at each other

    Guys, what kind of house is there, and the light is on in the window...

    Let's look at it, repeat after me!

    1. Finger game"House"

    The house has a roof, (Arms in a triangle above your head.)

    The house has a window, (We show a rectangle with our fingers.)

    The house has a door, (Palms in front of the chest.)

    And there is a lock on the door: (Crossed the fingers of the palms into a fist.)

    Who could open it? (They twirled their crossed fingers.)

    Knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock, open up - I'm your friend! (They tap their fist on their palm.)

    Q: Nobody opens something, I’ll knock again: knock-knock-knock!

    (The teacher knocks on the door of the house.)

    2. Surprise moment: A bear appears.

    3. Game “Hello, guys!”

    Q: Hello guys!

    Are you guys kittens? (No)

    Hello guys!

    Are you guys little goats? (No)

    Hello guys!

    Are you guys pigs? (No)

    Who are you? Do you have a first name, last name?

    D: Yes. Come on, come on, don’t be silent and name them quickly

    D: Children say their first and last name, passing the object to each other.

    Q: Well, now our guests know that you are not kids or kittens, but children who have a first and last name.

    The bear's story about his family:

    "Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I am Mishutka from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. I want to tell you about my family. Our family is small: there are only three of us: dad Mikhailo Potapovich, mom Nastasya Petrovna and me Mishutka. I love mom and dad very much. They love me too, they care about each other and about me. Do you guys have a family? Tell me about your family, how you live."

    Educator: Guys, family is home. Family is a world where love, devotion and friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing every person has...

    Educator: Guys, who are the family members?

    Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

    Granny is preparing us a delicious lunch.

    There are also brothers and sisters in the family,

    Everyone in the family loves me and caresses me,

    AND better than family nothing happens!

    4. Riddles.

    Educator: Listen to my puzzles and finish the guesses:

    1. There is no one in the world more dear to her,
    Fairer and kinder.
    I'll tell you straight away, friends -
    Best in the world... (mother)

    Children: Mommy.

    Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

    How is your mother's name?

    Who are you to your mom?

    What does your mother affectionately call you?

    Educator: Great! Now listen to the following riddle:

    2.Who does the hard work

    Can I do it on Saturdays? -

    With axe, saw, shovel

    Ours is building and working... (father)

    Educator: Well done, guys, right!

    Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

    What name of your father?

    Who are you to dad?

    Educator: Great, guys! We read the following riddle:

    3.Who never gets tired of loving,

    He bakes pies for us,

    Delicious pancakes?

    This is our... (grandmother)

    Children: Grandma.

    Educator: Well done, guys, right!

    Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

    Who are you to your grandmother?

    4.Who worked all his life,

    Surrounded with care

    Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

    respected ordinary people?

    I've been retired for many years

    Our ageless... (grandfather)

    Children: Grandfather.

    Educator: Yes, guys, that's right!

    Conversation (survey of 2-3 children):

    Who are you to grandpa?

    5.Who is the cheerful little one -

    Does it crawl quickly on its belly?

    Amazing boy -

    This is my youngest... (brother)

    6. Who loves both me and my brother,
    But does he prefer to dress up? -
    Very fashionable girl -
    My eldest...(sister)

    - Guys, who has a brother or sister?

    What does your sister do at home? Brother?

    Educator: Well done.

    - Guys, do your family love you? (Yes, they do.)

    - How did you guess that they love you? (They kiss me, caress me, say Nice words, feel sorry for me, play with me, take care of me.)

    - Guys, why do your family love you? (I obey, I eat well, I love mom and dad, I help dad and mom, I put away the toys.)

    - Well done! This means you also care about your family. You listen to your parents, help them, put away your toys. You don’t want to upset the adults: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brothers and sisters—your whole family.

    And all these people together are called in one word - Family. How good it is when a person has Friendly family! Let's show our family on the palm of our hand.

    5. Finger gymnastics"Family".

    This finger is grandpa
    This finger is grandma
    This finger is daddy
    This finger is mom

    And this finger is me,

    That's my whole family.

    I love my family.

    I love mom, dad

    I love my grandfather and grandmother

    And the puppy and the cat Musya!

    Everyone I love so much -

    They have the right to a family.

    Q: Guys, Masha brought us a box with different items. She doesn't know what suits whom. Shall we help Masha sort it out?

    6. Outdoor game “What suits whom”.

    There are different objects in the hoop: boys must choose those that suit dad and put them in the green basket, and girls must choose those that suit mom and put them in the pink basket. The children call their names and sit down in their places.

    Q: Guys, look at this magic chest I have. Children sit down in their places Let's fill the chest with kind words for mom.

    I will open the chest: your words will reach and fill it. So, let's begin! What mom?

    Guiding questions from the teacher:

    Q: When your mother hugs you, kisses you, feels sorry for you, what is she like?

    D: Affectionate, kind, sweet, gentle.

    Q: When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like?

    D: Beautiful.

    Q: When mom smiles and laughs, what is she like?

    D: Cheerful.

    Q: And if you love your mother, what is she like?

    D: Darling.

    Q: When your mother takes care of you, what is she like?

    D: Caring.

    Q: If mom does housework, we do a lot of housework,

    what is she like?

    D. Hardworking, economical.

    Q: Well done! That's how many wonderful words we collected in a magic chest. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not lost and forgotten. Now let's open our magic chest and collect kind words for dad in it. Dad, which one?

    D: Children's answers. (Brave, caring, skillful, hard-working, handsome, cheerful, strong)

    Q: Well done, guys! You picked a lot of good words for dad too.

    Let's close our chest now, it will be useful to us later.

    (Palms with sad faces are shown).

    Educator: Oh, guys. Something happened in this family. Look how sad they are. What do you think could have happened?

    Children: They quarreled.

    Educator: Can we help them?

    Children: We need to reconcile the family.

    Educator: Of course, guys, the family needs to be reconciled!

    7. Dramatization game “Made up”

    - Our family is in a bad mood in the morning

    And that’s why things aren’t going well in our family. (head down, arms along the body, turns right, left)

    Our grandfather’s back hurts all day (lean forward, hands behind your back)

    Grandma, the old lady, is feeling dizzy (circular movements of the head)

    Dad wanted to hammer a nail, but suddenly he hit his finger (we knock our fists against each other)

    Mom’s dinner was burnt, there’s a scandal in our family (we look at the open palms)

    Let's reconcile them, you need to love your family.

    Let's smile at each other and hold hands (hold hands and smile at each other)

    Let's all hug together and then make peace! (The family has been reconciled, we turn our palm over, the family smiles).

    Educator: Guys, look, the whole family is smiling again, everything is fine with them, they have made peace.

    There are different houses -
    Brick, frame.
    With iron balconies;
    There are even snowy ones,

    Just like the real thing.
    But the best one is mine,
    I live in it with my family.

    Go to the tables where there are houses cut out of paper. This is your family's home. If you look carefully, you will notice that someone from the family is not there. Place a missing family member in your home (children glue)

    Q: Guys, you probably know that the actions of children can please or upset your family. Now we will play with you. Stand next to your chairs.

    D: Children stand next to the chairs.

    Q: I will name the action: if this action pleases your loved ones, you clap your hands, if it upsets you, you stomp.

    8. Game “Joy or Sadness.”

    All the toys were scattered around the room;

    Helped mom wash the dishes;

    Draw and give mom or dad a beautiful drawing;

    You ate all the porridge for breakfast;

    Always say “thank you”, “please”, “hello”, “goodbye” to your family.

    They tore up the new book;

    They didn’t want to wash their hands before eating;

    Feed the dog or cat;

    They ran away from adults;

    We learned to dress ourselves, without the help of adults;

    Protected a brother or sister from a bully;

    I see that you know what actions can upset and please your family.

    I hope that you will do only good deeds!

    Mishutka: Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you, I’m glad that each of you also has a friendly family! And now it’s time for me to go home, because visiting is good, but home is better, my family is waiting for me at home! Goodbye!


    - So, guys, what did we talk about today? We talked about family. Family is the closest people: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents. In a family, everyone loves each other, takes care of each other, helps each other (this is at home). And in kindergarten we also have a friendly family - that’s you and me.

    Q: Now let's open our magic chest. Guys, look, a miracle happened: every sweet Nothing turned into a heart. (opens the chest and shows hearts made of colored paper.)

    Now I will give hearts to you all, and in the evening you will give them to anyone from your family, and do not forget to remember your affectionate and good words! Your family will be very pleased. And I want to wish you to bring a piece of warmth and light from our lesson to your family. Here's a piece of this warmth for you. Hands out hearts.

    Target: assistance moral development and gender role socialization of children.


    - to form in children elementary representations about family members as people of different genders and ages, united by kinship;

    - develop the ability to perceive family members as representatives of different sexes;

    - promote the emergence of cognitive interest in close relatives;

    — teach to use the received information in speech, play, and communication activities.

    Equipment: a toy monkey-grandmother (in glasses and a headscarf), a silhouette of a palm, character figures in accordance with the text of the nursery rhyme, a tray, for each child a set of clothes and attributes for the fingers in accordance with the text of the nursery rhyme (pants and dresses, long hair for mom and grandma, short hairstyles for grandpa and dad, hats and hairstyles for boys and girls).

    Educator. Children, today a monkey came to us. She told me that they recently brought a baby to visit her. He is so restless, all he knows is that he jumps from branch to branch. The monkey doesn't know how to keep him busy and entertained. She would like to play with him quiet games. She heard that you know a lot of finger games and asks that you teach her how to play them too. Guys, let's show the monkey our games.

    Children play finger games: showing “goat”, “hare”, “glasses”, “binoculars”, “chicken”, “goose”.

    Monkey. Thanks guys, what interesting games!

    Educator. Well done! Want to learn another game?

    Children. Yes.

    Educator. And the monkey will learn with us too.

    Physical education lesson “Exercise for fingers”

    The teacher shows the movements, and the children repeat them: they clench their left hand into a fist, and then gradually straighten each finger with their right hand. The movements are accompanied by text.

    This finger is grandpa

    This finger is grandma

    This finger is daddy

    This finger is mom

    This finger is me

    That's my whole family."

    Educator. I have a palm like this.

    Shows the silhouette of a palm.

    Let's find the smallest finger on it - the little finger. The children show it.

    In your family, who is the smallest and most beloved? What is his affectionate name in the family?

    The children answer.

    Please find a hat on the tray that represents a child and put it on the little finger of the palm silhouette.

    Children complete the task. Listen to the poem.

    Mom and I made cutlets,

    And outside the window it was raining.

    My mother and I thought at the same time,

    How good it is for us to be together!

    Who did I read to you about? Why did the girl feel good with her mother? Tell us what you do with your mother.

    Children answer questions and complete the task.

    Well done, you are helping mom well! Please find your mother's hat on the tray and put it on ring finger palm silhouette.

    Children complete the task.

    My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom,

    Dad has skillful, strong hands.

    And if anyone needs help,

    My dad is always willing to work.

    What do you affectionately call your dad?

    The children answer.

    Find a dad hat and place it on your middle finger.

    Children complete the task.

    Now let's play "okay".

    Okay, okay, where have you been?

    By Grandma.

    Grandma baked for us

    Delicious pancakes.

    I poured oil on it and gave it to the children.

    Children read a nursery rhyme, accompanying it with movements.

    What does your grandmother treat you to?

    The children answer.

    Let's put the granny's cap on the index finger of the palm silhouette.

    Children complete the task.

    Guys, we have one finger left - the thumb. Who is this?

    Children. Grandfather.

    Educator. Right. Listen to a poem about grandfather.

    I have a grandfather

    Like winter, gray.

    I have a grandfather

    With a white beard.

    What do you like to do with your grandfather? What do you affectionately call him?

    The children answer. At the teacher's suggestion, they put on grandfather's cap. thumb palm silhouette.

    Look, guys, we have a big happy family. In a family, everyone loves each other, takes care of each other and helps each other. Now we'll play another game.

    Physical education lesson “Girls and boys”

    Children all perform movements together in accordance with the text.

    Girls and boys

    They bounce like balls

    They blink their eyes,

    Then they rest.

    Little girls Girls jump and boys clap.

    They bounce like balls.

    They blink their eyes,

    Then they rest.

    Boys, boys Boys jump and girls clap.

    They bounce like balls.

    They blink their eyes,

    Then they rest.

    Educator. We played well and had fun. And I have prepared another game with palms for you.

    Didactic game “Put on your palm”

    The teacher asks questions: “What do girls like to dress up in?”, “What do they wear?”, “Do boys wear skirts?”, “Do they braid their hair?” Children answer them. Then, at the teacher’s suggestion, they put on pants and dresses, long hair for mom and grandma, short hair for grandpa and dad, and choose an outfit for themselves according to their gender.

    Educator. Children, our guest monkey carefully watched your games. Now she whispered in my ear that she remembered almost all of them and would definitely play them with her baby.

    Monkey. Thanks guys. Goodbye!

    Educator: Danilova O.A.



    • develop a positive attitude towards family
    • develop a sense of belonging to the family
    • to form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together


    • cultivate a desire to care for loved ones.


    • develop creative self-expression
    • develop a sense of pride in your family
    • develop speech, activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.

    Preliminary work:

    • Children's drawings "My family"
    • Children and parents make family houses "islands" ; (photos, their compositions)
    • Role-playing games "Mothers and Daughters" ; "Family Trouble"
    • conversation: "Me and my home"
    • reading by L. Kvitko "Grandma's Hands" , A. Yakovlev "Mother" , Dora Gabe "My family" .

    Progress of the lesson

    Organizing time

    “All the children gathered in a circle.
    I am your friend and you are my friend.
    Let's hold hands tightly
    And let's smile at each other"

    I'll look at your faces, who should I make friends with here? I am Olga Anatolyevna, and who are you? Tell me what your affectionate name is (Dasha, Dimochka...)

    Dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world. I suggest you play with such good, handsome people.


    Show what facial expressions mom and dad have when they are happy and when they are in a good mood.

    And if they get angry, scold you, frown?

    Surprise moment: A bunny came to visit, he was sad because his mother left and he was left at home alone. He wants to be with the children and listen to stories about their families.

    Lesson topic message

    Guys, today we have a photo exhibition open in our group. "My family" . Who wants to talk about their family? (Children come up to the photo of their family and tell who is depicted).

    Along the way, the teacher asks about family members, what their names are, where

    The family was photographed.

    Who do you live with?

    Who is the eldest in your family?

    Who is the youngest?

    Who is whose mother?

    Who is whose son (daughter)?

    Who are you to your mother?

    And for grandma?

    For brother, sister?

    Do you love your loved ones? Why? (because they are kind, affectionate, caring)

    Who does what in the family?

    Who cares about you?

    How do you care for others?

    Development of coherent speech.

    Listen to the poem and guess who it is about...

    …– important person in the world,
    Adults and children know this.
    For me, she is like air, without which it is impossible,
    I love her like the sun leaves.

    I love her cheerful laughter
    When he hugs you with his hand, he kisses you.
    No, her relatives
    Beloved, loving doves.

    Of course, you guessed who it’s about, it’s mom.

    Say the best words about your mother, what she is like (caring, hardworking, gentle, affectionate...)?

    Etude "Tender child" - children give their love to their mother.

    What do you usually call your mother? (children's answer) - (mommy, mommy)

    What do your mothers call you? (mothers answer) - (cat, bunny)

    Finger game "Friendly family"

    This finger is grandpa
    This finger is grandma
    This finger is daddy
    This finger is mommy

    But this finger is me,

    Guys, look at my box. Want to know what's in it? Then guess the riddle:

    I have a box, my friends live in it.
    They are very different: yellow, blue, red
    Everyone who is friendly and strong loves to get together
    And turn into buildings (cubes).

    Educator: Guys, let's build a house for the bunny and his family?

    (building a house from cubes)

    It’s so good that you all have families! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, everyone lives cheerfully and amicably together. Families are big and small. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, respect, and love for each other in the family.

    Subject: I and my family


    - cultivate a sense of community with your family, a desire to care for loved ones;

    - to form ideas about the family as people who live together and take care of each other;

    - introduce into active speech words denoting family relationships;

    - continue to teach how to compose coherent stories using plot picture(family photos);

    - consolidate the ability to form and use possessive adjectives in speech.

    Preparatory work: looking at family photo albums; watching the animated film “Mother for Baby Mammoth”; drawing portraits of family members; reading fiction (Yu. Yakovlev “Mother”, R. Gamzatov “My Grandfather”).

    Equipment: family photos, subject pictures on the topic, signal cards “right - wrong”, ball.

    Educator. The one who correctly states his last name, first name and patronymic will sit.

    Children call.

    The teacher hangs up a picture “Family”.

    What do you think we will talk about today?

    Children. About family.

    Educator. Who do you see in the picture?

    Children. Mom, dad...

    Educator. How many people are in this family?

    The children answer.

    Who are all these people to each other?

    Children. Relatives.

    Educator. What is family?

    Children. These are people who are related to each other, live together, love and care for each other.


    What could be more valuable than family?

    The father's house greets me with warmth,

    They are always waiting for you here with love

    And they send you off on your way with kindness!

    Father and mother and children together

    Sitting at the festive table

    And together they are not at all bored,

    And it’s interesting for five of us.

    A baby is like a pet to the elders,

    Parents are wiser in everything

    Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

    And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

    Love it! And appreciate happiness!

    It is born in a family

    What could be more valuable than her?

    On this fabulous land!

    T. Bulkovskaya

    Game "On the contrary"

    The use of antonyms, the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives.

    Grandmother is old, and mother... (younger).

    Dad is strong, and son... (weaker).

    Dad is big, but his son is still... (small).

    The daughter is the youngest, and the grandmother... (the eldest).

    Grandfather is weak, and dad... (stronger).

    Our family is big, and ours is bigger (friendly, strong, kind, cultured, healthy, well-mannered, small, brave, hardworking).

    The game “Who is related to whom?”

    Who is dad and mom for grandparents? (Son daughter.)

    Who is a boy and a girl for grandparents? (Grandson and granddaughter.)

    Who is the boy for the girl? (Brother.)

    Who is the girl to the boy? (Sister.)

    And if mom or dad has a sister, who is she for the girl and the boy? (Aunt.)

    And if mom or dad has a brother, who is he for the girl and the boy? (Uncle.)

    What is a boy and a girl to an uncle and an aunt? (Nephew and niece.)

    If a boy or girl's uncle has a son or daughter, who are they to the boy and girl? ( Cousins, sister.)

    Who are they all to each other? (Relatives.)

    How can they be called in one word? (Family.)

    Ball game “Who works in your family?”

    The teacher asks a question and throws the ball. The child answers and returns the ball.

    Goes to work - ...

    Earns money -...

    Prepares food -...

    Cleans the apartment -...

    Is washing dishes - ...

    Washing clothes -...

    Ironing clothes -...

    Sews -...

    Knits socks and mittens -...

    Goes shopping to the store...

    Teaches lessons -...

    Checks lessons -...

    Watering flowers - ...

    Wiping off the dust...

    Doing repairs - ...

    Game “Who do you live with? What are the names of your family members?”

    Each child tells who he lives with at home: “I live with my mother, her name is Anna Vasilievna; with dad, his name is..; with Grandma...".

    Game “Children Help Their Family”

    Educator. Do you children take care of your parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents? How do you help them?

    The children answer.

    Finger gymnastics

    This finger is grandpa

    This finger is grandma

    This finger is daddy

    This finger is mommy

    This finger is me.

    That's my whole family.

    Game "Who's whose?"

    Formation of possessive adjectives with the suffix -in, based on the picture “Family”.

    Whose son is Vanya? (Vanya is mom and dad’s son.)

    Whose daughter is Tanya? (Tanya is mom and dad’s daughter.)

    Whose mom is this? (Tanina and Vanina.)

    Whose dad is this? (Tanin and Vanin.)

    Whose grandchildren are Vanya and Tanya? (Grandmother's and grandfather's.)

    Whose parents are grandparents? (Dad's or mother's.)

    Whose Vanya is his brother? (Tannin.)

    Whose Tanya's sister is it? (Vanina.)

    Game “Name it kindly”

    Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    Educator. Guys, you all love your moms, dads, grandparents and other relatives. How can you call them affectionately?

    Children. Mommy, mommy, daddy, daddy, granny, grandpa, brother, sister, little sister, grandson, granddaughter, auntie, uncle.

    Physical education minute

    Game with signal cards “right - wrong” (or “Traffic light”). Having heard an incorrect statement, the children raise a red card and one of them corrects it. A green card is raised for the correct statement.

    My mother's mother is my aunt.

    Dad's brother is my uncle.

    I am my grandmother's niece.

    The grandfather is older than the grandson.

    A grandfather on a bus must give up his seat to his grandson.

    My daughter's daughter is my granddaughter.

    The children you play with in the yard are your family.

    Game “Compare who is older (younger)”

    Compiling complex sentences with the conjunction a.

    Dad is son. (Dad is older and son is younger.)

    Dad is grandfather.

    Uncle - nephew.

    Grandson - grandfather.

    Game "Make up a story"

    Compiling the story “My Family” using family photographs. The narrator is chosen by a rhyme.

    One two three four -

    We counted the point taught.

    Grandma and mommy

    Grandpa and daddy.

    Here's brother and sister

    He is Anton, she is Alenka.

    That's my whole family,

    I told the rhyme.

    Guessing riddles

    My father's son, not my brother. (Myself.)

    One father is a mother's child, and no one's son. (Daughter.)

    Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter, and there are only three of them. (Mother, daughter and granddaughter.)

    Competition “Who knows more about their parents?”

    What is your mother's middle name?

    What's dad's favorite dish?

    Name your mother's favorite TV show.

    What kind of pie does mom like to bake?

    Name your mother's favorite song.

    What sport does dad like best?

    Name your mother's favorite flower.

    Name your family's favorite holiday.

    Name your mother's favorite color.

    What's the best thing dad can do?

    Educator. So guys, what did we talk about in class today?

    Children. About family.

    Educator. What is family?

    Children. These are people who are related to each other, live together, love each other and care about each other.

    Lesson notes on cognitive development

    at 2 younger group

    Topic: “My family”

    Educator: Stechkevich S.V.

    Integration of educational areas according to the Federal State Educational Standard: social and communicative development, physical development, speech development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

    Target: identify children’s knowledge on the topic “Family”, evoke a desire to talk about their family, create a joyful emotional mood;


    Educational: consolidate children’s ideas about the family as people living together; continue to teach how to form diminutive forms of nouns, practice the ability to identify names family relations between family members.

    Educational: develop a sense of pride in your family, the ability to solve riddles about family members.

    Educational: to cultivate the child’s attachment to the family, the desire to take care of loved ones, to please them; the ability to listen to the statements of comrades.

    Progress of the lesson

    V.: Guys, let's greet each other. (the teacher shows the mnemonic table: hand-heart-smile, children perform the movements)

    I'll extend my hand to a friend,

    I’ll say a kind word (they say to each other)

    I will hug him heartily

    and of course I will smile!

    V.: I have prepared riddles for you. Listen carefully.

    Who loves you children more?
    Who loves you so tenderly
    And takes care of you
    Without closing your eyes at night?... (mother)

    Who is not joking, but seriously
    Will a nail teach us to hammer?
    Who will teach you to be brave?
    If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
    And scratched my knee,
    Don't cry? Of course...(dad)

    Who knits socks best?
    He will tell a glorious tale,
    Sing a lullaby
    And gives us advice? (grandmother)

    Who worked all his life

    Surrounded with care

    Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

    Did you respect ordinary people?

    I've been retired for many years

    Our ageless... (grandfather)

    V.: Well done, guys, you solved all the riddles. How can we call all these people in one word? (family) What is a family (children's answers)

    V.: A family is adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other.

    Let's play.

    Verbal game “Name it kindly”(children pass the ball to each other and affectionately call their family members)

    V.: In our group we have a photo album “My Family”, who wants to talk about their family, guys. (The teacher helps, asks about family members)

    Who do you live with?

    Who is the eldest in the family?

    What is the name of your mother (father, grandmother)

    Who does what in the family?

    How do your family take care of you?

    How do you take care of your family members?.....

    V.: Now I’ll see which of you is the best assistant

    Sketches: “Let’s wash the handkerchiefs”, “Sweep the floor”, “Wash the dishes”

    V.: Well done, everyone is very good helpers for adults.

    In a family, both adults and children live together. And now we will find out who is related to whom.

    D/I “Who relates to whom”(the teacher throws the ball and asks the child a question, the child answers and throws the ball back)

    Who are you to your mom? (dads)

    Who are you to your grandmother? (grandfathers)

    Are you an older brother or a younger brother?

    Who are you to your sister? etc.

    V.: Guys, everyone should have a family. Families can be large or small, the most important thing is that everyone in the family loves each other, respects each other, helps each other, and does not quarrel. Listen to a wonderful poem

    “Family is great happiness” (Natalie Samoniy)

    Everyone in the world
    There must be mom and dad -
    Those who are more obedient than everyone else
    And the naughtiest ones.

    Everyone in the world
    There must be brothers, sisters...
    So that life is fun
    And from colorful smiles.

    Everyone in the world has:
    Children, birds, animals,
    There must be those who are dear -
    Dear family!

    Everyone in the world
    There must be mom and dad
    Family is a great happiness -
    The best gift

    V.: Our fingers are also family and they want to play.

    Finger game "Family"

    This finger is grandpa
    This finger is grandma
    This finger is daddy
    This finger is mommy
    This finger is me.
    All my family

    V.: Guys, let's please all our mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers who come to pick up their children in kindergarten and let's all draw together as a gift to our relatives a beautiful sun with rays-palms, and on each ray-palm we'll write what kind of family you have .

    (children draw the sun with their palms, the teacher writes down what the children say about their family, presentation to parents in the evening)

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