• What do the rings on your fingers mean - be careful and careful. Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger?


    Since ancient times, jewelry could tell about its owner. Its presence on one or another part of the body told many secrets and innermost desires of the owner. Particular attention was paid to the hands and fingers. Decorating them was considered a magical effect, since it is known that there are more than 400 active points on the fingers, which are responsible for the functioning of various organs.

    There are cases when a person wears a ring for quite a long time and suffers from constant headaches. But you just have to experiment and remove it, and all your ailments will go away. And the reason for this is the influence of the ring on biologically active points. Or another example, when a woman’s reproductive function was in a passive state for a long time, and only by saying goodbye to the ring or changing it to another finger, she was able to get pregnant. It is very important to know and understand your body, its needs, energy balance and the changes occurring in it.

    A huge amount of information has been accumulated over the centuries on the influence of various minerals and alloys on the human body. Silver is more suitable for people who suffer from migraines and want to balance their emotional condition. This metal is also suitable for esotericists and clairvoyants, as it helps the development magical abilities and intuitive thinking. We often see silver jewelry darken over time. This happens, for the most part, from contact with the skin of a sick person. So if your silver ring acquires dark shade, then you should pay close attention to your health status. To restore vital energy and increase strength, it is recommended to wear gold jewelry. Gold has a particularly beneficial effect on the vitality of women of Balzac age. From a health point of view, the noble metal has a positive effect on cardiac function and helps reduce high blood pressure. It is also recommended to wear gold jewelry for people suffering from ulcers. Silver, on the contrary, increases heart rate and increases blood pressure.

    Which hand should I wear rings on? If you put the ring on your right hand, it will reflect the state of the owner here and now. The decoration on the left hand reflects the desired state of its owner and helps to achieve it. And for left-handed people it’s the other way around.


    Astrologers claim that the energy flowing in thumb, patronized by Mars. The main parts of the body affected by this planet are the head and neck. Therefore, Mars is primarily responsible for such qualities in a person as will, logic, and thinking. People who lack such qualities are advised to wear rings on their thumbs. This action activates the necessary energies and replenishes the person with the necessary qualities.

    It is better to choose a ring or ring that you will put on your thumb with blue or blue-green stones. It is recommended to have several stones in use and change them depending on your goals and well-being. Wearing minerals on the thumb whose energy is contrary to the nature of the energy of the finger can lead to serious problems, including paralysis, and create an unstable emotional background in humans. If you put jewelry with red stones on your thumb, then such actions can reduce the owner’s self-confidence. Blue color in jewelry worn on the thumb, activates vital energy, has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the nervous system, sharpens attention, and when worn for a long time, fights absent-mindedness. The blue-green shade of the stone on the jewelry can prevent epileptic seizures and create a pleasant feeling of comfort. These stones include:

    1. lapis lazuli,
    2. green turquoise,
    3. sea ​​green aquamarine,
    4. amazonite

    Rings with green mineral replenish the body's protective functions, increase immunity, promote tissue regeneration, and stabilize psychological condition owner and balance the heart rate. Yellow stones on the thumb stabilize the nervous system. It is strictly forbidden to wear blue stones on this finger, since the latter can incline a person to bad habits such as alcohol, smoking and drugs. TO blue flowers adjoins in decoration and grey colour, which can allow fear to instill in a person, as well as make a person’s mood apathetic. The presence of a blue-violet stone on the thumb can cause migraines and attacks of nausea.

    Very often, wearing jewelry on the thumb becomes the reason for celibacy, because it suppresses the beauty of a woman and attracts men who have psychological imbalance. Due to a change in energy, a person may become suicidal. Women should be wary of wearing stones on their thumbs. If you are still a fan of decorating this particular finger of your hand, then you should take into account the fact that some minerals are hostile towards each other. Observe their harmonious presence on your hand.

    In palmistry, the thumb has the value “3”, i.e. that people wearing rings on this finger strive to show their superiority in life, to choose the main paths of self-realization. But on the other hand, such a person becomes overly talkative and boastful. The owner of the ring is often an emotional, expansive and very strong person. The trail of communication with such a person remains in the thoughts of the interlocutor for a long time, most often like a bad dream. Convince this person useless, he stands firmly in his opinion and does not accept compromises.

    A special case is when a man wears a ring on his thumb. Even in ancient Rome and Greece, the thumb was considered a symbol of the phallus and iron rings were worn on it to pacify masculine energy. IN modern world this opinion has not changed, the only thing is that iron has been replaced by more noble metals and elegance in jewelry. Don’t be scared if a person comes to a meeting wearing a huge ring on his thumb. This only indicates that a person is trying to curb his aggression and praise the harmony within himself, aimed at fruitful communication.


    According to astrologers, the index finger is an expression of the power of Jupiter. It accompanies our development, fills our feelings and emotions, and indicates our purpose in life. Wearing jewelry on the index finger affects the development of talent and self-realization in your favorite business, and the success of the enterprise being implemented. An incorrectly selected stone can worsen the situation in your business and even lead to ruin. It will attract irresponsible and frivolous behavior to the owner, allowing him to fulfill unnecessary whims, which will lead to unwanted waste. But if you choose a stone correctly and harmoniously, then with its strength it will help in the implementation of your plans, endow a person with courage, courage, and open channels of influence on other people.

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    1. sapphire,
    2. aquamarine,
    3. lapis lazuli,
    4. turquoise,
    5. amazonite,
    6. opal,
    7. beryl.

    To increase your self-esteem and to implement good and bright plans, it is recommended to wear tin jewelry on your index finger. It is believed that this is the metal of Jupiter or Perun. In rare cases, you can give preference to gold - a metal that is friendly to Jupiter. Silver rings can lead the owner to a complete fiasco in business and disruption of planned plans, do not wear them. Women are advised to wear jewelry on the index finger of their left hand, and men - on right hand.

    Jewelry on the index finger was worn by such famous commanders and rulers as Ivan the Terrible, Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu. Henry VIII preferred to wear rings exclusively on his index fingers and decorated both hands with them. He is remembered in history as a famous reformer, a great monarch, a husband of six wives at the same time, and as a person with an extremely unstable psyche. Indeed, it is believed that if you wear a ring on the index finger of your right hand, this action develops prudence. And if on the left, it shows a sense of self-importance, delusions of grandeur, a tendency to depression and hysteria.

    The ring that the owner wears on the index finger indicates that a person has a strong-willed character, a desire for power, for leadership. If a person is by nature timid and shy in communication, indecisive in his actions, then by decorating his index finger, he can absorb all the necessary qualities of character.
    Suddenly a man with a ring on his index finger comes to you on a date - rest assured, he is ready to conquer and conquer you with the most serious intentions. If both fingers on the left and right hand are decorated with rings, such a person will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

    Middle finger.

    Palmists characterize middle finger as a symbol of reflection of the path of life, the thread of fate. Astrologers talk about it as a manifestation of Saturn. This planet manifests itself in a person’s life in his life priorities, in the development of his personality, in his ability to speak and teach others. Natural stones in a ring worn on the middle finger, they help develop in public affairs, in business, and the ability to be a leader.

    In achieving your goals, stones of purple and black colors are more suitable than others. But we do not recommend wearing them all the time. Such stones require “rest”. It is prudent to wear stones to certain events and business meetings. Their completion should end in success for you.

    • To restore peace of mind, turn to jewelry with amethyst.
    • Do you want to be protected from the bad actions of others? Obsidian in combination with silver, worn on the middle finger of the left hand, will help you achieve the latter.
    • If you want to look convincing, feel free to wear Moonstone, set in silver.

    It is recommended to wear only silver jewelry on the middle finger. If you don't like silver, then it's better to avoid wearing rings on your middle finger altogether. This finger outlines and indicates boundaries, but if you still want to bring them into your life, then wear gold rings on the finger of the planet Saturn. If a woman puts such a ring on her middle finger, then over time she will notice that she has become less attractive and uninteresting. Rings made of lead or iron bestow strength that will help overcome difficult life situations, use common sense in decision making. They develop in a person such qualities as wisdom, constancy and devotion.

    Close attention should be paid to stones with a red color scheme. You should be especially wary of such stones in combination with a gold frame. This mix can seriously worsen the situation in your personal life. The use of a ruby ​​in such a ring will deprive a woman of satisfaction in terms of intimate sensations when wearing it. Medicine has long noticed that a huge number of women who are attracted to such rings are dissatisfied and frigid.

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    The middle finger is the most central, the longest, and the decorations on it always have the most pronounced emphasis, demonstrating the attractiveness of the owner and pointing to a pronounced nature that wants to stand out in this particular capacity. Marilyn Monroe wore a ring on it when she sang about diamonds. The size of the stone also has its own meaning: the larger the mineral, the more its owner wants to attract attention to herself and convince others of her irresistibility. Graceful, small and artistically executed jewelry on the middle finger is more likely to emphasize a small sense of self-importance in a person, but if the ring is huge, tasteless and mega shiny, then this is more likely to present the person as vain and proud. Note that in legendary film based on Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy main character I wore the ring on my middle finger.

    Family jewels are usually worn on the middle finger: the owner establishes a connection with his ancestors, weaving into the magical stream of fate, accepting karma and understanding his higher purpose. Such people, as a rule, are very deep, wise and have enormous spiritual strength.

    Ring finger.

    The ring finger is the personification of the Sun. It is the luminary that gives us love, inspires us and colors life with a wide variety of feelings. Whether it is right or left hand, it makes no difference, the owner of the ring is ring finger as if he were spinning his love and giving it, illuminating everything around. This is why many women find it very convenient to wear jewelry on this finger. Please note that when you try on a ring in a jewelry store, you automatically put it on your ring finger for the first time.

    1. ruby,
    2. pomegranate,
    3. tourmaline,
    4. red jasper,
    5. cornelian,
    6. other.

    Stones yellow color also welcome to wear on the ring finger:

    1. topaz,
    2. amber,
    3. citrine,
    4. cornelian.

    If you need to strengthen a love union in life, then it is recommended to wear pearls on your right hand.

    Under no circumstances should you let another person try on a ring from your ring finger. Thus, you open your life wide open, letting in betrayal with the possibility of losing your family or destroying your relationship with your loved one. If you dream of getting married and creating family hearth, then ignore the silver rings on your ring finger. They have an energetically calming effect to the extent that your call into the life of a loved one will simply be reduced to zero. Please note that women who wear silver “save and save” rings on this finger are mostly unmarried.

    Rings are worn on the ring finger by spouses to show their love and fidelity. This little sign plays a huge role in the life of a family. It was in Ancient Egypt that the ritual of exchanging rings appeared on the day of the emergence and strengthening of the union. The Egyptians believed that the “artery of love”, leading directly to the heart, originated from this finger. Initially wedding rings were made of glass, various metals and even ceramics. Later, in ancient Rome, this tradition was revived and jewelry was made from bronze or iron. And the more common metal from which wedding rings are still smelted, gold, appeared only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

    The ring adorning the ring finger emphasizes the owner's desire for beauty, sophistication and luxury. There are several facts that tell about their owner:

    1. a person who constantly wears a ring on his ring finger is completely romantic. For him, the sensory perception of this world, the desire for pleasure and an easy, pleasant pastime are important. If a person comes to you on a date and has a ring on his ring finger, then know that he has great mood and good intentions. If both the right and left hand are decorated with an emphasis on the ring finger, then the person is simply at the peak of positive emotions;
    2. a miniature decoration reflects a harmonious and balanced person, confident in himself;
    3. a large or bright ring is a symbol of stormy and sometimes depressive-hysterical behavior of the individual;
    4. wearing a wedding ring shows that for its owner, family is the most important thing in life. And if a woman puts on some other, second ring on top of it, then this doubly emphasizes the importance of marriage in her life. A ring worn on the left hand signifies readiness to start a family.

    Little finger.

    The little finger is responsible for such human skills as correct speech, the ability to establish and acquire contacts and connections. Astrologers believe that the little finger is the energy of Mercury. According to informative sources, decorations on this finger are companions of artists and actors, people involved in healing and writing. It is these areas of creativity that Mercury is responsible for. The metal that reflects the energy of the planet is mercury, but since under normal conditions it is in a liquid state, it is not used for smelting rings. But the planet is friendly with almost all metals, so it doesn’t matter what frame you wear on your little finger. But from the point of view of the stones that adorn the ring, it is recommended to wear minerals of yellow and green shades on the little finger:

    1. cornelian,
    2. citrine,
    3. amber,
    4. topaz,
    5. emerald,
    6. chrysoprase,
    7. chrysolite.

    It is especially recommended to wear chrysoprase in combination with silver if you are going to a business meeting. This mineral will become an assistant in the implementation and development of new projects. And jade, both in gold and silver frames, will help to accept correct solution.

    Owners of pinky rings are very subtle and creative people. Marlene Dietrich paid special meaning such rings. If you meet a person with jewelry on his little finger, and his activity is not related to the world of art, then you should know that such a person is able to go beyond generally accepted cliches, perform an interesting act and distinguish himself with creative behavior. Such people are very fickle, often going against the flow of life, choosing interesting branches that can develop their other qualities. If a person comes to you on a date with a ring on his little finger, then in most cases you can’t expect anything good from him. Such people are prone to empty promises, coquetry, and it is very difficult to build a strong and happy family, because they are more introspective. These people live by their sensations, and their activities are aimed mainly at searching for original, new, unusual manifestations and impressions.

    A ring found or inherited should be treated with caution. Since ancient times, people have known that rings absorb all the information that happens to a person. And if you don’t want to try on someone else’s fate for yourself, get rid of the ring you find (especially the engagement ring). Please accept hereditary rings inherited from your ancestors as a talisman as a gift with joy. But there is one thing to be wary of. If you do not want to repeat the fate of your ancestors and want to change the family line of life, then it is worth doing the ritual of ring cleansing, which is described in more detail.

    Wear your rings with joy and knowledge, and they will help you follow the path of life!

    Thumb means parents.
    Index - brothers and sisters.
    The middle one is you.
    Nameless - your partner (spouse).
    The little finger means your children.

    Why is the wedding ring placed on the ring finger?

    Place your palms together, with your middle fingers touching the outer sides.
    Then simply touch the other 4 pairs of fingers with pads (thumb to thumb, index to index, and so on).
    The game begins, follow the instructions, but do not forget that out of five pairs of fingers you can only tear off two fingers from each other at a time.

    Try to tear the pads apart from each other thumbs, which mean parents. Happened? This happened because all people get sick in their lives, and at the end of their lives they die. This gap symbolizes that our parents will one day leave us forever.

    Now put the pads of your thumbs together, and then tear the pads of your index fingers apart, which symbolize brothers and sisters. Happened? This happened because they also have (or will have) their own families for which they will leave us.

    Now place the pads of your index fingers together and then separate the pads of your little fingers, which represent your children. Happened? Sooner or later our children will start their own families and leave us.

    However, put the pads of your little fingers together, and now try to tear the pads apart ring fingers, on which we put wedding rings. You will be surprised, but these two fingers cannot be opened completely (without tearing the other fingers away from each other), because they symbolize husband and wife, and the fact that you will touch everything throughout your life.

    True love will last forever...

    (based on Chinese beliefs)

    Wedding ring. Symbol and traditions

    A wedding is unlikely to be complete without wedding rings - well, perhaps a radical couple may dream of wedding bracelets or something else extravagant... But most often, the bride dreams of how her lover will put a sparkling testimony of his love on the ring finger of her right hand and desire to be with her all my life - an engagement ring.

    The history of the origin of such a symbol as the wedding ring is unclear. Perhaps in ancient times it was something like a talisman that brought good luck. The ring represents a closed circle, therefore it means endless love and devotion that lovers promise to each other. Different sources describe the history of the origin of the tradition of wedding rings differently. Some authors believe that this tradition has its roots in Ancient Egypt, others - in Ancient Greece. In ancient times, nomads tied the bride’s feet with hoops made of fragrant straw so that she would not run away from the groom. Subsequently, the unreliable straw “shackles” were replaced by leather ones, then by stone ones. In Ancient Rome they were made of iron, in the 15th century - diamond. Since those times, people's lives have changed a lot, but wedding rings, as an indispensable attribute of a wedding celebration, still exist today.
    Only, if some peoples could afford to tie a flower on their finger as a sign of love and fidelity, then modern brides and grooms put gold rings on each other’s fingers. Although the material of the rings may be different, the main thing is mutual feeling which it symbolizes. It is also important that young people like wedding rings: you should not forget when buying an engagement ring - it will last a lifetime!

    Signs and superstitions,
    associated with a wedding ring.

    Wedding rings must certainly be smooth (classic), and not pretentious, with stones, notches - then the life of the newlyweds will be smooth.

    Newlyweds should never use wedding rings that have been sawn or melted down from their parents' rings.

    You can't get married with a widow's ring. A widowed woman (or man) retains the wedding ring, but wears it not on her right hand, but on her left hand.

    A widow should not pass on her wedding ring to her children: this ring may lead to a repetition of the unhappy life path of her parents.

    Divorced people's wedding rings should no longer become wedding rings. Such rings are not even worn as ordinary jewelry, much less they should not be included in the wedding ritual again.

    One of the most symbolic gifts for newlyweds are wedding rings that are passed on by inheritance, and the higher the degree of inheritance, the stronger the protective potential they have.

    Newlyweds can be married with their parents' rings only if they (the parents) have already celebrated silver wedding. Particularly revered were the rings that were passed on to the young from the golden anniversaries (grandfathers and grandmothers).

    What to do?

    IN Slavic tradition It is customary for the groom to buy both rings (for himself and for the bride).

    It is advisable to buy rings on the same day, in the same place, which is a good prediction of long-term cohabitation.

    If you bought wedding rings and return home, then, without entering the house, say the following words: “For a good life, for a faithful family. Amen".

    You cannot wear rings on your hand on your wedding day, except for the engagement ring.

    Don't put your wedding ring on your gloved hand; You must first remove the glove and then put on the ring.

    What to protect yourself from?

    Do not give wedding rings to anyone to try on, either before or after the wedding.

    After the groom has put a wedding ring on the bride, neither she nor he should take the empty ring box or the plate on which it was lying. It is better to take the box to an unmarried girlfriend or friend.

    If you drop your wedding ring before putting it on your finger, this means separation. If this does happen, then a thread is threaded through the ring, which must be prepared in advance by witnesses and which will gather bad omens, and then the ring is put on. After registration is completed, the thread can only be burned, saying “burn all my troubles and sorrows with fire.” The one who dropped the ring burns the thread.

    Losing a wedding ring portends serious problems with your health and warns of separation and divorce.

    In some countries it is on the right hand, in others - on the left... and yet it is the ring finger that is usually “ringed” among lovers. Why has the choice fallen on him for several thousand years?

    IN different countries people give their own explanation for this.

    Beautiful Chinese wisdom

    Now try to connect the little fingers, thumbs, index and ring fingers with pads, and the middle fingers with phalanges, as in the picture.

    Here's what happens:
    The little fingers, thumbs and index fingers remain mobile. This means that sooner or later you will leave your parental home. Your paths with your brothers and sisters will also diverge and your children will not be able to be with you forever...

    But it is impossible to sever the ring fingers (or at least it is very difficult). Thus, they show that a husband and wife should be together for the rest of their lives.

    This is an interesting interpretation.

    Ancient Egypt

    The first wedding rings, which appeared about 5,000 years ago, were not gold. The Egyptians wove them from reeds that grew along the banks of the Nile - the river of the past, present and future. Such rings could be afforded by the most simple people- farmers, shepherds, lotus pickers...

    It was the Egyptians who were the first to put wedding rings on the ring finger. And all because the doctors of ancient civilization were keenly interested in the structure human body and discovered: only through this finger (on the left hand) does a vein pass directly to the heart. On the other hand, the ring finger is practically not used for work, and therefore the ring put on it did not interfere with everyday activities.

    Antique “language of rings” - Ancient Greece

    The so-called “language of rings” originated in Ancient Greece and was widely used by men until the beginning of the last century to communicate basic information about their personal lives.
    The ring finger, according to inherited Egyptian tradition, was accompanied by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Naturally, the ring on this finger spoke of marital ties or the presence of a bride, lover or lover.

    The ring on the index finger signaled that its owner was looking for a future wife.

    If the middle finger was decorated with a ring, the man emphasized his amorous successes and declared that he would not mind having a mistress.

    The little finger, decorated with a ring, indicated the absence of a lover, but also disinterest in finding a partner (at the moment).

    "Subtle energies" of the Slavs

    In ancient pagan times, the Slavs worshiped the solar deity - Yaril, who also patronized all living things. The ring finger was connected to it, so it was on it that wedding rings were worn. In order for them to serve as powerful family amulets, they were made smooth - according to the Slavs, patterns destroyed magical properties.

    The husband gave it to his wife Golden ring, carrying masculine, solar energy. The wife gave her husband a silver ring, thereby transferring to him part of the lunar, feminine energy. This is how balance and “harmony” were established between the spouses.

    Wedding rings were considered more precious the more generations in the family wore them. Moreover, the Slavs did not part with these symbols of marital unity either day or night.

    There is also information that in Ancient Rus' wedding rings were also worn on the index finger, as is customary among Jews today. However, with the introduction Orthodox traditions The ring finger secured final leadership.

    Esoterics and Scientific Interpretation

    Previously, esotericism was dominated by the reputation of “quackery,” but times change, and science does not stand still. Today no one doubts that the human body contains not only physical tissues, but a higher “energy plane.” Energy passes through special energy channels, and it turns out that it can be influenced in a completely physical way.

    It is believed that a wedding ring on the ring finger restricts the flow of energy leading to the heart. By “exchanging” rings, lovers close the channel of their partner’s love to themselves, and thereby close their heart to other passions.

    However, doctors are not delighted with all this - after all, a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the hands, which are affected by the rings. In addition, the very material from which they are made can sometimes cause owners a lot of trouble. Science knows of cases where infertile women only had to remove their wedding ring to get pregnant. Or get rid of problems with the kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system, as well as migraines. Everything here is individual, but doctors also mention the benefits of gold rings: it turns out that they protect against arthritis and arthrosis (at least one single finger). But, on the other hand, we use it so little - maybe it just “wears out” less than others?

    But, it doesn’t matter which finger to wear the ring on or whether to wear it at all, the main thing is that love and prosperity reign in the house.

    Everyone knows that the most important symbol in marriage is the wedding ring. The question immediately arises: why not some other precious item, such as a bracelet or earrings?

    The explanation is quite simple and lies in the fact that the rings are presented in the form of a closed strip of metal, symbolizing stability, immutability, eternity and infinity. Thus, the ring is considered a symbol of fidelity and eternal love, which guarantees cohesion in relationships, the ability to support each other in Hard time, as well as such quality as consistency. Today this symbol no longer has the same power as before. Although all newlyweds swear and believe that they will find immeasurable happiness.

    But still, the question certainly arises: why is the ring finger the place where wedding rings are worn?

    According to legend, the first rings appeared among the Egyptians, who made them from gold for exchange during marriage. To do this, they took a strip of gold and gave it round shape, which symbolizes fidelity and love. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt put rings on the middle finger of their left hand, believing that it was the connecting thread between the vein and the heart, thereby symbolizing love. Thus, Eastern peoples traditionally wear a wedding ring on the middle finger.

    Residents of European countries are accustomed to wearing a wedding ring on their right hand, namely on their ring finger. There is a belief that he has miraculous power, thanks to the ring. Speaking of the Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans, it was this finger that they used to rub in healing ointments. According to legend, a finger wearing a wedding ring could be cured of illness.

    There is also another legend according to which we owe it to the ancient Hellenes for wearing a ring on the ring finger, speaking of the busyness of a person’s heart. They were the ones who tied the ring and love together. If a person wore a ring on his index finger, then he was actively searching. The presence of a ring on the little finger indicated an unwillingness to marry. The presence of a ring on the middle finger testified to the unprecedented victories of its owner on the love front.

    The act of the Christians was quite wise in that it was legal to wear a ring on the ring finger of the left hand, associating it with church ritual. Since the 9th century, the Pope has blessed the engraving of church text on the ring. But this was characteristic only of Catholics, since the Orthodox were accustomed to wearing them on the right hand, while the ring finger of the left hand was for divorced people.

    So, in history there are many options for wearing a wedding ring, which is a symbol of the bond of marriage. And it doesn’t matter where this symbol of love and fidelity is worn. The main thing is that everything in life goes well for the married couple. In a word, so that there is advice and love in their lives.

    There are many rules associated with wearing rings. Remembering the symbolism, you can find out some information about the owner of the jewelry. For this reason, when buying a jewelry accessory, the question always arises, which finger should it be put on, and what difference it will make.

    On which finger is the wedding ring worn?

    In different countries, newlyweds wear the symbol of fidelity in their own way, which depends on local traditions. For Orthodox Christians, the right hand is of great importance, because they are baptized with it, so believers put the wedding band on it. In Catholic countries, the wedding ring is worn on the left hand because it is closer to the heart. Mostly ring fingers are chosen for these. However, Jews wear wedding rings on their index fingers because this is the most prominent place that corresponds to the status and purity of the bride.

    In Russia

    Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians and Belarusians profess Orthodoxy, therefore married men and women wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand. Rules:

    1. According to the canons of the church, the right limb, with which a person is baptized, eats food, shakes hands, is associated with honesty, and the left - with deception.
    2. According to legend, a person has an angel behind his right shoulder, and a devil behind his left. The first always protects a person, therefore he will protect his union.
    3. In Orthodoxy, it is not recommended to remove wedding accessories, and losing them is a bad omen.


    In Islam, it is strictly forbidden for men to wear gold jewelry. As for wedding rings, you are allowed to purchase them, but only silver ones. Although wearing them after the wedding is a Christian tradition, and Islam prohibits imitating people of other faiths, some spouses believe that there is nothing reprehensible in this. The only thing Muslim men cannot do is wear a wedding ring on their middle or index finger. This ban does not apply to women.


    In many religions, it is believed that when a partner dies, a marriage ends. However, some wives, after the death of their husband, continue to wear a wedding band as a sign of fidelity. Mostly widows do not think about which finger the ring is on, and leave it on their right hand. Some women, after the death of their spouse, wear two symbols of fidelity at once - theirs and their husband’s. different hands. According to tradition, widows must wear a wedding accessory on their left hand, but no one has the right to tell them to. The woman decides for herself whether to leave the engagement ring or remove it altogether after the death of her husband.


    Most divorced people do not wear wedding bands at all, so that they do not remind them of their past sad experience. If the sacred symbol is inlaid precious stones, for example, with diamonds or pearls, then often wearing rings on fingers turns into a preference simple jewelry. In this case, a woman's or man's ring is put on the left hand, if this happens in Orthodox countries. In Catholic America and some Western countries, divorced people wear their wedding bands on their right hands.

    Which finger is the engagement ring worn on?

    Recently, engagement has become increasingly popular among young people. The tradition of proposing and getting married unmarried girl the ring on the finger came to us from Western countries. Guys don’t always know what size jewelry his chosen one has, so the question of which finger to wear the engagement ring on often remains open. Most likely, the girl will put it on the finger that fits it. According to tradition, the engagement ring is the predecessor to the wedding ring, so it should be worn on the same finger.

    "Bless and save"

    This ring is a symbol of protection and faith among Christians. It is believed that such decoration protects the wearer from illness and misfortune. The words “save and preserve” have strong energy. This is a message to the Almighty, which not only strengthens faith, but also admonishes the owner not to commit sins. A silver or gold ring Save and Preserve is worn on any finger, but some recommendations exist. In Orthodoxy, people make the sign of the cross with three fingers, when they put the middle, index, and thumb fingers together, so they are considered the best for wearing powerful protection.

    On which finger do men wear the signet?

    The signet is the same ring, but inlaid with engraved monograms and precious stones. According to the rules, the decoration used to be worn on the little finger of the left hand. Today there are no restrictions. Men no longer have the question of which finger to wear the ring on - they themselves choose which is more convenient. However, psychologists can easily determine the wearer’s temperament based on this choice. In their opinion, a signet on a man’s finger means:

    • little finger or finger of Mercury - creative individuals;
    • ring finger of the Sun - lovers;
    • middle finger of Saturn - narcissists;
    • thumb of Mars – men with increased sexuality;
    • index or finger of Jupiter - decisive and courageous.


    In the 70s of the last century, wearing a ring on the little finger of a man was a sign of belonging to the gay community. If the decoration is on the left hand, then the guy is free or active, and if it is on the right hand, it means he is busy. Nowadays men wear jewelry, not paying attention to these outdated traditions. Many people know the meaning of rings on their fingers and what they are called, so they wear them based on Chinese philosophy or to influence biologically active points in order to maintain the body’s energy balance.

    Thumb ring

    On the finger of Mars, active and active people like to wear accessories. emotional men. Hot-tempered and aggressive, they subconsciously want to make their nature more harmonious. A ring on a man’s thumb helps him establish relationships with others and himself, and find an intuitive approach. Psychologists say that decoration indicates a desire to assert oneself and take first position in the sexual field. The meaning of rings on women's fingers is exactly the same.

    On the little finger

    The finger of Mercury is considered the protector of politicians, speakers, doctors and diplomats, so a ring on the little finger of the right hand will bring good luck to those people who need such qualities as the ability to speak well, dexterity of hands and flexibility of mind. The owner of a ring on the little finger, especially with an amethyst or turquoise, can get along with anyone. A woman’s ringed little finger indicates that the lady is flirtatious, narcissistic, and ready to flirt. A man with such decoration is resourceful and ready for betrayal and adventurous adventures.

    On the index finger

    Decorations on the index fingers can often be found in portraits of emperors and rulers. This speaks of a proud character, independence and ability to manage people. A ring on the index finger in the form of a crown speaks of a strong-willed, strong personality. Wearing jewelry with a ruby, aquamarine or jade on the right hand speaks of a sensible person striving for positive thinking. On the left - about the owner’s tendency to hysterics, narcissism, and arrogance.

    On the middle finger

    People with a strong personality, confident in their superiority, strive to decorate the finger of Saturn with a ring. Large jewelry passed down by inheritance is often placed on this finger to attract the protection of deceased relatives. A ring on the middle finger of the left hand helps a person not only establish connections with relatives, but also believe in his destiny and cope with any difficulties. Losers are advised to wear jewelry on this finger to attract the favor of fate.

    On the ring finger

    In addition to wedding or wedding (church) decoration, the ring on the ring finger of the Sun is worn by both married and unmarried people. For example, Catholics put wedding bands on their left hand and wear them on their right hand. Jewelry. Not family man tries to emphasize his love for art and luxury. As a rule, these are singers, artists, actors. The owner of such an accessory is a sensual, loving nature, who is always ready to have a good time. Esotericists recommend wearing jewelry on the finger of the Sun to people who want to increase their wealth.


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