• Moonstone bracelet properties. Which zodiac signs are moonstone suitable for?


    When a man in love says to his chosen one, “I will get you a star from the sky,” of course, he expresses himself figuratively. But with a strong desire, he can present his beloved with a symbolic “piece of the Moon.”

    Moonstone is a mineral of rare beauty and extremely rare in nature. Despite its cold and distant beauty, this valuable mineral has a fantastic beauty. U different nations considered the stone of lovers. Traditionally, rituals were performed using moonstone to attract love. Single people wore brooches with moonstones on their chests in the area of ​​the heart in order not only to attract a loved one, but also to awaken this high feeling in themselves. It was believed that the stone relieves its owner from loneliness.

    In many countries, moonstone is considered sacred, since an unusual mystical effect has been noted many times - this mineral reacts very strongly to the phases of the moon. On a new moon, the stone seems to be filled with moonlight, its surface becomes colder, and the color becomes noticeably brighter. As the lunar disk decreases in the sky, the radiance of the stone noticeably decreases. Thus, one can clearly observe the invisible connection between the moon rock and the Earth’s satellite. The nature of such an amazing phenomenon could not be explained.

    The delicate white-gray-bluish color with shimmering tints truly resembles moonlight. The shade of the stone is unlike any other. Translucent crystals are extremely rare in nature and have a silky shine. But this is not just glitter, it is a very peculiar specific optical effect that is formed by transparent prismatic or plate-like crystals with a bluish-white flicker.

    Adularization is the name given to the light flickering of moon rocks. An amazing phenomenon that is formed due to the internal structure of the stone in the form of lamellas. When light rays hit a moon rock, they are refracted and scattered. This is how a one-of-a-kind light phenomenon is born, thanks to which the moonstone is so unique and so desirable.

    In X-rays, moonstone luminesces weakly, which looks truly fabulous. The rarest, magically beautiful mineral. The cost of moonstone jewelry can vary significantly. The price largely depends on the color intensity, size and degree of transparency.

    Despite its fantastic beauty, moonstone is not worn constantly. Jewelry with a stone is recommended to be worn during periods from new moon to full moon - best on the neck or chest, or in a ring on ring finger. But on a waning moon, the stone can work like energetic vampire, taking away the power of its owner.

    It's no surprise that such beautiful stone very often counterfeited - most imitations are made from frosted iridescent glass and modern species plastic. Thanks to the latest technologies, it was possible to create such beautiful analogues that even natural stones are inferior to them in terms of visual appeal.

    It is very easy to distinguish a fake from a natural stone - look at it through the sun's rays. Natural moonstone has a heterogeneous color. If you look at the mineral at a right angle, you will not see a bluish glow - it will appear only at an angle. If the stone shimmers brightly in any position, then it is a fake.

    Moonstones traditionally have a milky white, light gray, bluish, or purple hue. The surface of the mineral seems to be illuminated with an internal golden shimmer. Quite rare, but there are specimens with star-shaped patterns, as well as with an amazing “cat’s eye” effect. Very rare moon rocks light yellow color.

    Moon rocks blue tint have a stunningly beautiful 3-dimensional color depth that you can admire as you rotate them. These are very rare specimens that are highly valued by collectors, which undoubtedly affects their value. Indian moonstones are multi-colored and are valued slightly lower than classic blue moonstones.

    origin of name
    “Moon” stone is called because of the light blue or silvery-white iridescence formed by the thin plates that make up this amazing mineral. By the way, previously in Russia moonstone was called tausin stone (from the Persian “tausi” - peacock). The stone was so named because its iridescence is similar to the shades of peacock plumage. It was believed that with this stone “no trouble is impregnable.”

    Indians call moonstone "jandarakand", which literally translates as "moonlight".

    special offers for you

    The encyclopedic name for moonstones is adularia.

    Place of Birth
    The main deposits of moonstone are located in India, Sri Lanka and Burma.
    Geologists recently discovered large deposits of moonstone in Mongolia. Also in small quantities This mineral is mined in Australia, the USA, Brazil, Tanzania and the island of Madagascar.

    Moonstone has been used as a jewelry mineral for a very long time.
    Most often, it was used to create magnificent cabochons. They carved cameos from it, made beads, beads, etc. But since stone is very rarely found in nature, it is most often used to create jewelry.

    During the Art Nouveau era 100 years ago, the lunar mineral was chosen by the famous French jeweler Rene Lalique. Today a luxurious collection jewelry this master can be seen in world museums and private collections.

    The hardness of the stone is low - this is another reason why the mineral is rarely used in areas other than jewelry. Therefore, moonstones are processed extremely carefully and are ground, most often in the form of rounded cabochons, so as not to split during complex cutting. But this stone never loses its magical shimmering shine. It is enough to occasionally wipe it with a special polish, and it will shine with its original colors.

    1. There are legends about moonstone. For example, if on its surface a White spot, this means that the Moon at this moment transfers magical power to him.
    2. In India and Ceylon, moonstone has been believed since ancient times to be sacred and bring good luck. It was presented as a gift to loved ones, because they believed that the moonstone was capable of awakening tender passion and gave lovers the opportunity to see their destiny and future together.
    3. Chaldean priests in Southern Mesopotamia widely used the magical properties of moonstone: they went out into the field on a full moon (the power of the moonstone increases), put it under their tongue and cast spells. Such stones immersed them in mystical revelations and developed the gift of clairvoyance.
    4. In Medieval Europe, interest in moonstone was high. It was considered the stone of lovers. Young girls preferred to wear it in the form of amulets because they believed that magic stone brings happiness in love affairs.

    Medicinal properties
    Moonstone has a powerful effect on the body and acts like a real healer. It has been used since ancient times to prevent epilepsy attacks and to treat kidneys and liver. The mineral has a beneficial effect on the Heart chakra, on the functioning of the genitourinary system, digestive organs, pituitary gland, improves heart function, cleanses the blood and lymph, and facilitates childbirth. In Medieval Europe, it was believed that on a moonlit night, the moonstone “cries” and at this moment releases healing moisture that helps cure fever. To maximize the effectiveness of the healing mineral, it must be worn in contact with your bare skin.

    IN different cultures It is believed that moonstone protects a person from the harmful influence of the moon. Jewelry with this stone or even a small piece of it significantly alleviates epileptic seizures, relieves uncontrollable outbursts of aggression, fears and insomnia.

    It has long been noticed that moonstone helps in losing weight. According to ancient rituals, in order to lose weight, you need to contemplate your naked body at full height in the rays of moonlight, standing in front of a mirror, for three nights in a row after the full moon. But just standing and looking is not enough - you need to engage in serious introspection, mentally imagine your body parts in the desired form. It is necessary to keep the moonstone in open hand and clearly imagine your slimmer body.

    The mineral energetically corresponds to the water element, therefore it helps remove stones from the body, treats tumors, seals, relieves swelling and inflammation, “washes out” toxins, and alleviates the suffering of cancer patients at all stages of the disease.

    According to ancient legends, moonstone is the best natural “psychotherapist”, whose energy expels melancholy, depression, fear, eliminates feverish conditions, stress and a variety of emotional experiences. It was believed that moonstone helps calm hysterics in unbalanced women and cool the irrepressible desires of nymphomaniacs.

    Magic properties
    Ancient magicians highly valued the magical properties of moonstones, but at the same time treated them very carefully. If treated incorrectly, the stones could destroy even the most wizards, their energy is so strong.

    Moonstone was considered sacred by many peoples of the world and was worth more expensive than gold. An experienced magician could use this stone to predict the future. Moonstone connects a person with nature and helps achieve harmony with the environment.

    Moonstone is ideal for people born under the signs of the element of Water - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Can also be worn by Gemini and Libra. Representatives of the element of Fire should not wear it - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, to whom it can bring mental anguish and self-doubt.

    This stone smoothes conflict situations, helps to quickly relieve stress, adds tolerance and mercy to a person. For this purpose, in the Middle Ages they wore a ring with moonstone on right hand.

    Meditation with moonstone helps to reveal the subconscious, awaken fantasy and creativity, and activate hidden abilities and talents. All rituals are most often carried out on the full moon, when the moonstone is filled with the most powerful force, spreading waves of peace and love around itself. On full moon nights, the stone is left on the windowsill under the Moon so that it receives its energy and restores the strength of its owner. In the first days of the moon's growth, the mineral enhances the intuition of its owner. Gifted people can discover the gift of clairvoyance. Those with a violent temperament are recommended to wear a moonstone on their left hand, which will add patience, sociability, calmness, and protect them from conflicts and wasted energy.

    The magical glow of the stone adds calmness and softness, tenderness and dreaminess to the character of its owner. Helps relieve tension, get rid of anger and excessive self-confidence. Moonstone is the best talisman for emotional and creative people - everyone related to literature, music, fine arts, etc. The mineral inspires, ignites talents, stimulates creative impulses.

    Moonstone is extremely receptive to the attention of its owner. When you mentally communicate with him and take care of him regularly, he gives maximum inspiration and strength. But the stone will not help rude and insensitive people; it works only with those who by nature strive for beauty, creativity and sophistication.

    The magical properties of moonstones have been valued by magicians, wizards and sorcerers since ancient times. However, they must be treated with special care and reverence. It is believed that its energy, the power of its vibrations, is so strong that if mishandled, the magic of the stone can negatively affect even the most powerful and experienced magician. Where does the magical power of moonstone come from? What hidden properties does this mineral have? Many peoples of the world considered this stone not just sacred or magical, but also more precious than the purest gold.

    The second name of the moonstone is adularia; the magical properties of the mineral were described by ancient magicians and sorcerers, who, using it in rituals, could foresee the future and predict important and significant events. The magic of adularia helps smooth out confrontations, quickly relieves stress, and gives a person tolerance, kindness and concentration.

    To do this, it is recommended to wear a ring with a lunar mineral on your right hand. By conducting meditations using magical adulars, it is possible to reveal your own subconscious, develop hidden potential, and activate various abilities and talents given by nature. Its main magical ability lies in the close connection of the mineral with nature, which is why it will strengthen all character traits, positive and negative, given to a person at birth.

    It is necessary to use a unique mineral strictly in accordance with the phases of the moon. Most rituals should be performed during the full moon, since it is during this period of time that it gains special strength and power, allowing the maximum realization of its magical properties. How to charge a moonstone for love? On a full moon, you should place your jewelry or gem in the moonlight. During the new moon, or the growth phase of the Moon, adularia can enhance the natural intuition of its owner, and also influence the development of the so-called “sixth sense”.

    Moonstone: magical properties and who is suitable for it

    Adularia - has an unusually strong connection with the Moon, which is why astrologers traditionally believe that this mineral is most favorable to representatives of the element of Water: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. This gem is contraindicated for Aries, and it will not only be useless, but can even cause damage.

    For Taurus, adularia will bring peace and help relieve stress, restore strength and release hidden energy. The mineral will give balance to windy and unstable Geminis. The gem will make Cancers and Scorpios feel calm and strong in achieving their goals, conquering insurmountable obstacles and reaching new heights.

    You can buy moonstone and jewelry made from it in St. Petersburg. The online store will offer a huge assortment of various jewelry with a wide variety of natural stones best quality. Feel the magic of stones for yourself!

    In many countries, moonstone has long been considered capable of foresight or simply sacred.
    For example, in India it was believed that the stone brings good luck, in Mesopotamia, the Chaldeans who lived in the 1st millennium BC valued its allegedly magical properties, especially during the full moon, in the Middle Ages in Europe the stone was called the stone of lovers, and They expected him to bring happiness to the family.

    Moonstone or adularia is a type of feldspar. Feldspars are widespread in the earth's crust, which is perhaps why their numerous types and varieties of minerals are called “feldspars,” that is, found in every field. All of them, beautifully colored, belong to ornamental and collection minerals. Feldspars are divided into two groups: potassium and calc-sodium. It is in the group of potassium feldspars that moonstone is found, but it is not found often.

    Properties of moonstone

    Moonstone or adularia. This is pearlescent pearlspar. It iridescently appears in blue and bluish-gray tones. Its name comes from the name of the city where it was first encountered - the city of Adula in the Swiss Alps. Sometimes there are moonstones that have an asterism in the form of a four-rayed star or a “cat’s eye” effect.

    In the moonstone you can observe the play of color on the surface and light figures. For many precious and semi-precious stones The appearance of such light figures in the form of stripes or other surface overflows is typical. This phenomenon is not associated with its own coloring or contamination, nor is it related to the chemical composition. It is caused by reflections, interference, diffraction in thin layers, in voids or some other structural elements. So, the phenomenon, which is called adularization, reveals a bluish-white shimmer on the surface of a moonstone cabochon, which glides along the surface when the stone moves. This flickering is like moonlight. Let us repeat once again the reason for this phenomenon - interference associated with the lamellar structure of the stone.

    Moon rock. It has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 6 - 6.5, density - 2.56 - 2.59, cleavage - perfect, crystals - prismatic. Chemical composition moonstone – K. Pleochroism – absent. Fluorescence is weak, bluish and orange.

    Color shades of stone

    Moonstone can come in shades of blue, grey, white, yellow and even black. A beautiful moonstone with hints of peach. A deposit of greenish-golden moonstones was discovered in South India. Moonstones have names according to their shades: blue, gray and white - adularia, blue or greenish with black shades - labradorite, yellow - selenite.

    Place of Birth

    The main deposit is located in India, as well as in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, and the USA. Moonstone jewelry is often in the form of cabochons.

    Magical and healing properties of moonstone

    Ancient magicians and astrologers claimed that the stone heals the nervous system, helps cope with epilepsy, melancholy and depression, and relieves fear. Some of them recommended wearing moonstone products for those who need to survive situations that agitate the soul.

    The properties of the moonstone, like the night luminary itself, according to magicians, change. As the Moon grows, the white spot on the surface of the stone grows, and its magical powers at this time intensify. That is why sorcerers and sorcerers monitored the condition of the Moon, trying to attract not only luck and love, but also many unfavorable consequences. Even people ignorant of magic, on the advice of a “grandmother” from a neighboring village, confidently recommended wearing a brooch made of moonstone, thereby attracting love.

    One way or another, the Moon and the moonstone itself were considered a mineral that influenced the fate of people.

    Astrologers assure that those born under the constellations Leo and Sagittarius should be wary of jewelry with moonstones. But if a stone attracts you, catches your eye, and you admire it, feel free to purchase jewelry. Perhaps your subconscious will open up and hidden abilities, or maybe it will just create a stunning look with your outfit.

    Continuing the conversation about the healing and magical properties of the stone, we note that astrologers and magicians promise special benefits of the stone to people of creative professions. However, here it should be suggested that the benefits will come primarily from hard work, and mysterious stone It's just very beautiful in itself. The mysterious moonlight attracts and beckons lovers and poets.

    “For many years I reflected on earthly life.
    There is nothing incomprehensible to me under the sun.
    I know that I know nothing! -
    This is the last truth discovered by me.” Omar Khayyam

    Moonstone in jewelry

    As already mentioned, most moonstones are cut into cabochons. Rene Lalique often used it in his products, because it goes well with crystal elements and silver. It is adularia, with its color shades so close to the moonlight, that is stunningly beautiful in silver. And moonstone, which has a greenish-blue tint, looks luxurious in gold.

    Moonstone price

    The price is primarily determined by the color intensity, transparency and size, as well as the depth, which varies when the stone is rotated. Moonstone is quite highly valued, especially blue. Rarely found, moonstones are highly prized and include cat's eye adularia and star stones.
    The most beautiful and high-quality stones are mined in India and Sri Lanka. However, unfortunately, these deposits have already exhausted themselves. Therefore, the cost of moonstone increases every year.

    Moonstone is difficult to confuse with any other. The hazy glow of the Moon is visible only in a real moonstone. The most advantageous among all varieties of moonstones is adularia. There is even a belief that its brilliance increases with the growth of the moon. Handsome and spectacular stone looks good in silver.

    And finally, I would like to recall the words of the famous Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:

    “Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you might wake up and realize you've lost the moon while counting the stars."

    Glistens in blue and white reflections reminiscent of moonlight, hence the name. Gloss creates a reflection of light from the internal structural layers. Thin layers of albite reflect an attractive blue color, while thicker layers of feldspar are white.

    It has long been believed that moonstone has strong magical properties, characteristic connections with the night luminary and all sorts of ancient cultures familiar with this stone used it during the waxing moon in rituals of love and sexuality, as well as during the waning one to predict the future.

    Is sacred in India it is allowed to be worn only on top yellow clothes. In Indian culture it is called Chandra Kandra and it is believed that the light of the full moon gives this crystal occult magical powers. It is estimated to bring good luck and provide a glimpse into the future.

    Gemological properties

    It is a transparent layered mineral with a monoclinic prismatic crystal structure, usually colorless or pale yellow, having a Mohs hardness of 6 with the chemical formula KaISi3O8 (potassium aluminum silicate). Density is 2.56 to 2.59, refractive index is 1.518 to 1.526. Light refraction is two-beam, luster is glassy, ​​turning pearly, fluorescence is weak, from bluish to orange.
    It belongs to the feldspars, the largest group of terrestrial minerals (60%). They contain two groups - plagioclase feldspars and potassium feldspars. In addition to it, potassium feldspars include orthoclase and amazonite.

    A characteristic property of adulariscence is floating light, which is caused by internal structural anomalies, due to which light is scattered or refracted. To maximize this effect, the stone is cut into a cabochon shape.

    The play of color shades on the surface of moonstone is possible due to the diffraction properties of light passing through its layers. But to do this, it should be held at a certain angle to the light rays.

    Until the crystal is processed, it looks quite ordinary, and few people are able to discern its beauty. But when it is cut, it will reveal all its charm. However, in order for the gem to shimmer, it must be given the correct shape.

    Identification and origin.

    The main sign of authenticity is the property of adulariscence. Minerals like it do not have this property. And the composition of potassium aluminum silicate is quite easy to determine.

    The three-dimensional depth of color that is characteristic of moonstone is not found in similar stones. All this allows you to avoid identification errors.

    Deposits have been discovered in Australia, Brazil, Tanzania, USA, India, Myanmar and in Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Coming from India of blue color and rainbow ones. There are also in the mines of Switzerland.


    Peach or apricot colored moonstone brings calmness, feminine energy. Calms and refreshes the senses, thereby helping to improve self-esteem. Reminds us of our own importance and divinity. It evokes sensuality and tender passion. The color evokes the enchanted feeling of a huge orange-red moon rising low on the horizon.

    Iridescent, combined with feminine wisdom and energy with the waxing and full moon reflecting with a calming effect. It helps strengthen intuition and psychic sensitivity and brings balance and harmony to the whole. The rainbow effect plays with the spectrum of color and has an effect of cleansing and inspiration.

    The most valuable stones are those from the island of Sri Lanka - transparent, emitting a pale blue glow. Crystals from India are prized for their shades of beige, brown, orange, green and the rarer blue, black, red, peach, smoky and champagne.
    Typically, such minerals are not transparent enough, and the higher the transparency, the more valuable. When a moonstone is cut, its vitreous body gives off a pearly sheen. There are gems with the effect of “cat’s eye” and asterism, that is, starry ones. These specimens are highly prized because they are extremely rare.

    Meaning, history and legends

    The moonstone is the official symbol of Florida, which it became after American astronauts landed on the moon. However, crystals have never been found in the state, nor on the earth’s satellite itself. Perhaps it should have been made a symbol of the Chanthaburi jewelry house in Thailand. Moreover, from Thai the word “chanthaburi” is translated as “moon city”. But the founders of the jewelry house did not declare it their symbol, despite the fact that this house is one of the largest. The reason may be that the city's wealth came from other stones - rubies and sapphires.

    It is the most famous precious mineral of the orthoclases (potassium aluminum silicate), a member of the feldspar group. A special feature is its “lunar” shine, which appears under certain lighting. Its name sounds magical and mysterious, and the science of gemology defines the bluish-white flickering with the term “adulariscence.”

    This effect is possible due to its structural features. In the layers, potassium silicate is mixed with small inclusions of albite and sodium aluminum silicate. This is how the stone acquires a “scaly” structure, which gives the corresponding light effect.

    Depending on the thickness of the layer, the properties and gloss manifest themselves differently. In thick layers, the shine of the stone is closer to white shades, but thin layers cause a multi-colored shine. Scattered and refracted light gives a play of different color shades, and it seems as if the crystal is glowing inside with a ghostly fire.

    There are a lot of myths associated with moonstone in different cultures. Hindus believed that it came from the rays of the moon. And if a person held a moonstone in his mouth throughout the full moon, he could see his future; in India it is considered sacred, giving good luck to its wearer.

    Arab women sewed it into their underwear because it brought abundance and prosperity. The Romans attributed romance, femininity, and dreaminess. It was valued by lovers, since the magical properties of the moonstone could awaken passion and help them see the future, if this couple had one.

    In J.F. Kanza's book Interesting Facts O precious stones"The story of the moonstone is told, white dot inside which it changed its size depending on the waxing and waning of the Moon.

    Usually associated with romantic relationships. After all, he awakened passion and tenderness and could predict the future for those who asked him about it. It was believed that if lovers put on jewelry with a moonstone at the peak of the growth of the night star, their love would be all-consuming.

    The gem was considered feminine, giving the joy of motherhood. But travelers also revered the moonstone, considering it a talisman. A crystal of emotions and sensuality, intuition and insight, to which pragmatic thinking is alien. It was customary to give it as a gift on the 13th anniversary of family life.

    Magic properties

    Helps strengthen intuition and mental sensitivity, bringing balance and harmony to the Universe. Has the power to fulfill desires. It helps with diet, gardening, psychic awareness and meditation. Relieves stress, anxiety, regulates hormones in women, increases intuition by increasing sensuality and preventing obsession with personal feelings. Gives more vitality and flexibility.

    In any case, it helps our tenderness, femininity (Yin), takes sides. Especially good for water signs. It helps to be more aware that all things are part of a cycle of constant change. It is also a boon for farmers and gardeners, artists, dancers and young men.

    If you dreamed of a moonstone, then this means travel and good health, but it also symbolizes the spiritual and psychic level.

    The crystal brings love and reconciliation. It is said to change its luster with the changing phase of the moon, becoming brighter with a rising or full moon and darker with a waning or new moon.
    Brings wealth and the gift of prophecy, helps in establishing communication with feminine side human nature. The magical properties of moonstone work well when combined with garnet, thus revealing the truth hidden behind illusions and helping to expose hidden enemies.

    Strengthens mental condition, and also helps when kept in divination instruments. For true seekers of spiritual growth and wisdom, it opens the doors to the subconscious, and does not allow those who are not ready for it to pass on. Helps facilitate communication with leaders.

    If you are a sensitive person, it is best to avoid wearing it during a full moon as it can open up psychic perception as well as other areas that can be quite challenging.

    Medicinal properties

    Healers and shamans highly valued moonstone. It was believed that it should be applied to the skin in the place where the pain was felt. Then they believed that the gem relieved pain symptoms. Most often, it was used to treat back pain and headaches.

    They believed that it helps with women's issues and at birth. Removes the protection of the lymphatic system, it can be cured and balance the stomach, pancreas and pituitary gland. May reduce swelling and excess bodily fluid. Placed under your pillow, it will help you sleep peacefully, and is often used as a remedy for insomnia along with amethyst.
    But this is only part of the legends that should not be blindly believed. In case of illness, it is still better to consult a doctor.

    Zodiac sign.

    Stone of Cancer, Libra and Scorpio.

    Has a positive effect on Cancer, while being more effective for Pisces, and is considered a protector during travel, especially at night or on the water.

    Classification of chakras.

    Is most beneficial to the second, Sacral/Umbilical Chakra, but is also associated with the sixth chakra/third eye to impart emotional balance and grace.

    It can also be used to balance the fourth or heart chakra, which helps us differentiate between what we want and what is important and necessary... because they come from the same place, can help with acquiring the necessary things in life, helping us discern what , what you are looking for most and realistically.

    The magical properties of moonstone help to achieve balance between the heart and mind, without losing attention and tenderness. Helps keep emotions under control to enable normal functioning.
    One of the most famous and accessible precious minerals. Romantic works were dedicated to him, and he, just like the moon, had “high tides” - peaks of popularity that occurred in the Victorian era and the Art Nouveau era, then the sixties of the last century, and “low tides” - times when he was of little interest .

    Moonstone got its name due to its unique shine, which makes the mineral look like an Earth satellite. In ancient times they believed that the light of the full moon was imprisoned in the crystal.

    In ancient times they believed that the light of the full moon was imprisoned in the crystal

    The gem has a thin-lamellar structure - this is the reason for such an unusual shine. The stone can be transparent or translucent, similar to chalcedony. Its second name is adularia, derived from Mount Adula in Switzerland, where the crystal was first discovered.

    Moonstone (adularia) is very fragile and cannot be subjected to mechanical stress. Despite the fact that the material is ornamental and not precious, it is quite popular among jewelers and collectors. Inexpensive everyday jewelry is made from it. Many people try to get their hands on luminous specimens of a unique shape. Most often you can see moonstone in silver. Such jewelry looks quite elegant.

    Deposits of the mineral were found in quartz and ore veins. It looks like a small diamond-shaped crystal. Samples do not exceed 10 cm in size.

    Products made from moonstone became popular in the second half of the 11th century. It was at this time that mineral mining began to gain momentum. Jewelry samples used in jewelry are mined in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Orthoclase is also being developed in Russia. Four mineral deposits have been discovered in the country. The mineral is mined in the Irkutsk region, the Urals, the Khabarovsk Territory and the Kola Peninsula.

    Varieties of mineral

    There is only one real moonstone - adularia. But since it is difficult to find, to attract customers, jewelers began to call other minerals with a similar shine moon crystal. For example, black moonstone is labradorite, a translucent quartz crystal with a blue tint.

    Blemorite, belonging to, is an opaque or translucent gem white with blue moonlight. The description of the stone by jewelers says that it looks like a combination of pearls and adularia, although blemorite is very far from these stones.

    Compare with moonstone and amazonite. It is a volcanic mineral different shades Green colour. It was classified as a lunar gem due to its soft tint. Amazonite is an ornamental material used in the manufacture of souvenirs and jewelry.

    Selenite is a yellow, blue or milky white crystal that has the same radiance as adularia. Like moon crystal, selenite is a calcium-sodium silicate. This and the fact that the gem bears the name of the goddess of the Moon, Selena, classified the crystal as a type of moonstone. In ancient times, it had a different name - moon kiss.

    It is worth noting that from a scientific point of view, it is incorrect to perceive these minerals as types of moonstone. Adularia is one of a kind. The gem does not have a specific shade; its tint depends on the angle at which the sunlight falls. It is not for nothing that it is called a rainbow, shimmering stone.

    Properties of moonstone (video)

    Medicinal properties

    Like many minerals, rainbow moonstone has healing effects on the human body. Lithotherapists claim that the mineral calms the nerves, relieves negative emotions and even cleanses the aura.

    It has long been believed that stone fights bad mood, helps with fatigue and can overcome even prolonged depression. It is useful to wear amulets with it for people who suffer from sleep disorders. In case of insomnia, it is enough to place the gem under the pillow. The stone will restore calm, and problems and troubles will fade into the background, giving way to self-confidence.

    In addition to stabilizing nervous processes, orthoclase has a positive effect on cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. It has also been noted that the silver tint of the mineral stimulates brain activity.

    The characteristics of the stone also include facilitating the process of childbirth.. Women need to wear a pendant or ring with adularia throughout pregnancy, and before giving birth, it is recommended to acquire a talisman that can be taken with them to the hospital.

    Since the Moon protects women, since ancient times it was believed that adularia is an exclusively female stone. A moonstone ring will give its owner confidence, fill her with energy and enhance femininity.

    Gallery: moonstone (50 photos)

    Magic of the Moon

    Surprisingly, the natural mineral is not popular among magicians and sorcerers. It's not a lack of potential, but the fact that the magic of the moonstone is too strong. If handled incorrectly, the talisman can deprive any magician of the magical power, so they were afraid of it and did not interact with the crystal unless absolutely necessary.

    The magical properties of moonstone are dangerous only for people with special powers. For an ordinary person, the stone will become a faithful guardian. It is believed that it awakens love, so the girl had a moon ring on her finger sure sign that she is looking for a mate. The talisman patronizes only people with sincere, deep and pure feelings. Lust and lust have no place in the life of the owner of the talisman.

    The stone not only attracts love, but can also become a protector. Adularia protects the owner from quarrels, disputes, dark spells and even natural disasters, for example, from a lightning strike.

    Moonstone is suitable for creative people and card sharpers. In the first case, the talisman will reveal inner abilities, and in the second it will attract good luck. The amulet acquires its strongest meaning and influence during the full moon.

    Previously, there was a belief that a person who managed to find and harness a gem acquired the ability to predict the future.

    Combination with zodiac signs

    Who is adularia suitable for? First of all, the talisman is suitable for people born on a full moon. In addition, he favors those born on the first day of the week. It will not just bring good luck, but will become a talisman that will support you in any difficult situation.

    According to astrologers, the mineral is suitable for Leo, Libra, Virgo, Sagittarius or Scorpio.

    For Leos, the stone will give peace and confidence, but at the same time it will pacify ambitions. Libra, having acquired the amulet, will be able to fully reveal their talents. He will bring wisdom and prudence to Virgos. With its help, Sagittarians will solve any problems, and Scorpios will achieve success in financial matters. Astrologers say that the most universal amulet is the moonstone, which does not have a zodiac sign. special significance, in any case, it will help a person in his studies, business, career and relationships with others. But if a person’s horoscope is Aries, Aquarius or Pisces, you should not abuse the help of the amulet.

    Adularia is one of the most powerful talismans known to mankind. But you need to know how to wear it. First of all, you need to pay attention to the phases of the moon. The waxing moon and the full moon are the optimal period for wearing amulets. But when the moon is waning, the stone is able to draw energy from its owner. During this period, it is better to remove your jewelry.

    You need to know what the crystal is combined with and what metal it can be framed in. How to wear moonstone?

    The most suitable cut for the mineral is silver. This metal enhances healing and magical abilities talisman several times. The gem should be in contact with the body, and not with clothing. It is best to choose a ring and wear it on your right hand.

    The mineral does not combine with other stones. If a person has chosen adularia, then you need to abandon other crystals for the entire period of wearing. It is capable of enhancing basic character traits, so it is not recommended to give the crystal to angry, capricious and indecisive people. The lunar talisman will lead its owner to the goal, regardless of the purity of his intentions.

    Secrets of the Moonstone (video)

    How to recognize deception?

    In India and on the island of Sri Lanka there is a deposit of the most valuable gems. These are exactly the places where true moonstone is mined. However, the deposits are practically empty today. This fact led not only to an increase in the price of the crystal, but also to the appearance of many fakes.

    Synthetic stones look even better than natural ones. They are brighter and shinier, with an unnaturally rich shimmer. But in artificial stone there is no energy that a natural mineral has. A fake will be just an empty decoration without any magical or healing properties. When choosing a talisman, you need to know how to distinguish a real gem from a synthetic one.

    The blue color used to cast the highest quality mineral samples is natural stone visible only if you look at the decoration at an angle of 12°. If you look directly at natural moonstone, its color will be slightly grayish. The fake shimmers equally no matter how you tilt it.

    Adularia is a cold mineral. If a person managed to warm the stone in his palms in a few minutes, then it is a fake.

    There were many who wanted to copy other varieties of orthoclase. Most often, white (blemorite) and black (labradorite) crystals are counterfeited. These are the most popular of all varieties of moonstone.

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