• Why is gold so valuable? Why is gold expensive? Why is gold expensive?


    Due to its unique properties, gold (gold) has been valued by people since ancient times. They began to exchange it, buy goods, and began to make jewelry and accessories from it. It was and remains an indispensable means of preserving savings, an item ensuring the stability of the country and an investment element. Its significant advantage is that awards made from this metal are given to people who have achieved the highest results in sports, science, education and other fields. It became the basis for the stability of the financial and economic systems of all countries.

    What are the main reasons for the rise in price and increase in the prestige of gold?

    One of the reasons why gold crusher began to be valued was its rarity and the high costs required in identifying and developing deposits, extracting and processing the noble substance itself.

    Another reason was the pretty color of this metal element and its sparkling under the sun's rays. People liked objects made from it - they tried to emphasize with them their wealth and chosenness. Clothes were decorated with gold accessories; items made from it were worn, as a rule, by women. Others purchased dishes and weapons with a shiny yellow coating.

    Its softness (plasticity) was the reason for the manufacture of exquisite jewelry and other jewelry from it. And the more people’s need for gold objects grew, the more expensive and valuable it became.

    Its inherent properties, such as wear resistance and solidity, ensured that the items served for a long time and did not become rusty. Gold items were easy to hide anywhere, and they did not deteriorate. Therefore, the value of such things constantly increased.

    What's it like practical use gold?

    Gold has become one of the most practical substances used both in medicine and in other industries that create products that must serve for a long time and accurately. For example, radio equipment, satellites, airplanes and other objects.

    The noble yellow krushets has long been used to function as money. It is believed that from the moment it is transformed into the material of the monetary system, the era of human civilization begins. Since then, the gold minted coin has become the measure of the state's wealth. The technological process of minting coins has been going on for centuries, periodically undergoing changes.

    People have always valued gold coins significantly higher than coins of other precious metals. The fact that gold is a rare element has caused its value to remain high.

    The high value of solar material has been tested for centuries. Considering this to be a safe investment, many people are now saving their savings by investing in gold bullion. In this way you can not only save money, but also make some profit. Considering that the cost of a gram of this precious metal in bullion is relatively lower than in minted coins, rich people began to purchase them and invest them in deposits. This has become another reason for the attractiveness of gold investing and increasing the prestige of the solar metal.

    8.08.2012 01:22

    Gold is the most ancient precious metal.

    Primitive man paid attention to this yellowish metal, which has no impurities and can usually be found in the form of a nugget. This metal is very heavy, but also malleable and malleable, which allows you to make any jewelry from it.

    It is also very easy to process and turn into the required form. But of course, since ancient times, people have been creating gold products that were used as jewelry.

    In ancient times, gold existed as a measure of exchange. Since not everyone could mine this metal and not everyone knew its deposits, they exchanged other goods for it. Moreover, gold is durable and as a result it has become a measure of the value of various goods. Many years passed and people improved trade relations by creating gold coins.

    Over time, gold began to be stored in banks and written documents were issued for its provision. In view of this practice, the government began to issue currency - money, which became just a document obliging the payment of a certain amount of gold on demand.

    A gold nugget can be confused with mica in appearance. Mica is a mineral that consists of a whole family of rock minerals muscovite, flugopite, biotite and lepidolite. The difficulty of pronouncing all these designations led to a single name - mica. All types of mica are colorless, yellow, green, red, brown and black and are quite soft.

    Mica can be found in rocks of the earth's crust. First of all, these are rocks of volcanic origin, formed during the cooling of molten lava. Mica is an excellent insulator and does not conduct heat or electricity.

    And today gold is the first metal by the reserve of which a certain level of a country and its position in international politics are measured. This is a great variety of gold jewelry and works of art that reflect the history of mankind.

    Have you ever wondered why gold is more valuable than any other metal in the world? All kinds jewelry and industries, glass production, aviation and space industries simply could not exist without it.

    But why is gold so valuable in the world? To understand this, you need to know all its physical and chemical properties as a metal and, therefore, what determines its wide distribution in the world.

    Gold and the ancient world

    About 6,000 years ago, people began to meaningfully mine gold in Egypt. The oldest deposit of this precious metal, Nubia, hid about 6,000 tons. The first gold was mined by washing sands through cloth. Then they began to use more labor-intensive methods: separating the ore from the entire rock and grinding it.

    Gold was used as a trade currency, a metal for making jewelry, dishes, weapons and armor for warriors. Since the ancient times of the emergence of mankind, this metal has been very common throughout the world.

    Chemical and physical properties

    Gold in medicine

    All the properties described above clearly show the value of gold. Since ancient times, people have even associated with this metal medicinal properties. It was believed that it could cure any human ailment: relieve pain, cure allergies, improve memory, increase endurance and simply eliminate the effects of stress. Moreover, there was no need to carry out any special procedures; it was enough to just wear gold jewelry. Some healers believed that this metal could even prolong life.

    Why is gold valued today? Followers of alternative medicine also believe that it will help those who have problems with the liver, heart, skin, reproductive system, as well as in the prevention of influenza and other seasonal diseases, because this precious metal kills viruses and pathogens.

    Also in cosmetology, products containing a certain proportion of colloidal gold have advantages.

    What determines the color of a gold item?

    Jewelers call the substance pure form red gold. Because it is soft and susceptible to deformation, it is not used for smelting jewelry. But in order to improve the quality of the product, give it a special color and shine, pure gold is used in alloys. To obtain a yellow tint, it is mixed with silver and copper, red - with a large amount of copper, white - with palladium, platinum and nickel (this alloy is considered the most noble, but nickel is rarely used, as it can cause allergic reaction). To add a white shine, a thin layer of rhodium can be applied to the jewelry to increase the strength of the product and its anti-corrosion properties.

    What color of decoration should you choose?

    Rose and yellow gold were considered low-grade and practically unsuitable for products with precious stones. But during the Soviet era, rose gold was very common; its popularity is explained by the fact that it looks beautiful and has a relatively low cost.

    The most luxurious and expensive metal of the upper class of society is white gold. It has excellent quality characteristics and, due to the high content of silver and palladium, a fairly high price.

    Speaking from a fashion perspective, both white and yellow gold are equally in trend now, since the design of the product plays a significant role, and not the color or weight of the metal.

    Gold classification (fineness concept)

    The cost of the product does not depend on the color, but is determined by the fineness, that is, the amount of gold contained in the alloy.

    Since jewelry is not made of pure gold, but of alloys with various metals, you need to ensure that jewelry does not interact with substances that contain iodine, mercury and chlorine.

    The more craftsmen worked with this metal, the more varieties it appeared. How do you know which gold is more valuable?

    For this purpose, all jewelry has a hallmark, for example, if it says 500 hallmark, it means that the product contains 50% pure gold. Accordingly, the higher the sample, the higher the cost.

    A fair question arises: which standard of gold is valued higher? 999 is the highest mark of metal quality. But jewelers don't use it. It has found its application exclusively in coating all kinds of silver and other surfaces of products, protecting them from corrosion (tinsel). 585 and 750 samples are especially in demand among jewelers.

    Comparison of 585 and 750

    In Russia, these samples are most common, because they have an affordable price-quality ratio, so they are popular among large number population of the post-Soviet space.

    If we talk about 585 sample, it should be noted that it is very practical for daily use, even if you work in production.

    But many are inclined to believe that since 750 gold has a higher gold content, it is definitely better. This is wrong. The more pure gold there is in a product, the softer it is, not as wear-resistant, and it can be accidentally damaged. Usually the products are like this high quality It is more appropriate to purchase for celebrations or other special occasions in your life.

    How to buy a quality product

    When the question is already closed: “Why is gold valued?”, we can talk about what you should pay attention to when buying products made from this noble metal.

    First, find out the sample of the product and compare it with the sample on the tag. The jewelry must have a special stamp from the manufacturer - a kind of guarantor of quality and authenticity. Also, don’t forget to check the tag. It contains all the necessary information about the product, manufacturer, composition, weight, and so on.

    Pay attention to appearance goods. Make sure that all fastenings and soldering points are of good quality. also in jewelry there are no irregularities or pronounced defects.

    Why has gold been so valued since time immemorial? The dominance of world powers, the interests and desires of people changed, but this metal never gave up its positions. What is his secret? What are its properties and features?

    A little history

    Around 2000 BC, ancient Egypt already existed, which gradually became a world power. The pharaohs, who worshiped the sun and were considered the sons of the gods, could not ignore this yellow shiny metal. Since objects of worship were made of gold in various pagan religions, this metal became a cult metal. Exquisite jewelry and dishes were made from it, palaces and clothing were decorated. During the time of the Israeli king Solomon, who lived in the 10th century BC. e., the temple of Jehovah was built, in which almost all things were made of gold. This grandiose construction cost approximately 38.5 billion dollars in modern equivalent. The income of this king was about 256.5 million dollars annually.

    The ancient civilizations of South America, Egypt and Ophir were famous for their gold reserves. Over 6 thousand years, about 125 thousand tons of this noble metal were extracted from the earth, but 90% of gold production has occurred in the last 150 years. The real gold rush began in the mid-19th century, when the desired metal was discovered in California, USA. At this time, several large gold deposits were discovered in Australia. Thousands of prospectors followed their dreams, but only a few achieved their goal. Since ancient times, this metal has been used as a monetary unit, although it began to be used in the form of coins much later.

    Uniqueness and consistency

    People are still willing to steal, kill or die for gold, why? To begin with, this is a very beautiful, shiny and warm material. It's nice to look at and many people like to wear it. Gold has other advantages:

    1. A well-known truth says: what is valuable is what is rare. It could be quality, talent, animal or metal. In addition to the fact that this element is rare, it is also difficult to identify, mine and process. Therefore, high costs add value to it.
    2. For his endurance to the unfavorable external factors gold can be considered a leader. Not only research, but also the test of time has proven that this element is resistant to corrosion. This means air, water and sun will not damage or even change its appearance. For example, when archaeologists excavated the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun, his death mask shone like new, although several thousand years had passed since his death.
    3. Softness and ductility are what gold is valued for, especially by jewelers. It is easy to create a masterpiece from such material, and it will delight the eyes of connoisseurs for more than a century. To make the product stronger, harder components are added during manufacturing. Despite its softness, the metal has high density. For example, a cube of gold with a side of about 40 cm will weigh almost a ton.
    4. The element has high electrical conductivity, therefore it is successfully used in the manufacture of some electronic devices. Gold is almost unaffected by bacteria, which is why it is successfully used in dental prosthetics. If you roll such a metal to a very thin film, it will be transparent and will be able to transmit light, but not heat. This feature was useful for processing aircraft windows and vulnerable parts of spacecraft.

    Not only the Great Pyramids of Giza, but also many other megalithic structures built by ancient antediluvian civilizations amaze with their scale and high technologies that are still inaccessible to our science. How were these giant stone blocks weighing tens and even hundreds of tons lifted, transported and stacked at a considerable height? How was their “serial” production established and how was their polygonal masonry formed? Such technologies are still unknown to us.

    Unknown, because this ancient “forbidden” knowledge is reliably protected from mere mortals not only in monasteries or secret societies, but also in the classified archives of the special services. But it is no coincidence that theosophists and occultists of previous centuries, relying on sources of esoteric knowledge, argued that the same pyramids of Giza were built under the guidance of high priests who used the power of anti-gravity, activating it with the help of the sounds of musical instruments. Multi-ton stone blocks were stripped of their weight and transported to the desired location.

    Tibetan lamas demonstrated something similar when building monasteries in the highlands, while hiding one important detail from the Europeans. This detail can be revealed using the NKVD archives obtained during expeditions to Tibet. Here, for example, is what Doctor of Historical Sciences L. Ivashov writes in his book “The Overturned World” based on these archival materials:

    “In January 1939, the NKVD organs organized a scientific expedition to Tibet, which was curtailed in April-May 1939 due to the war between Tibet and China. From the materials of the expedition it follows that Tibetan monks have knowledge about weapons and aircraft that they inherited from ancient civilizations that existed on Earth about 1 million years ago.

    The Soviet expedition obtained information about how in ancient times gold was used in the construction of pyramids and palaces, which was turned into White powder at a temperature equal to the surface temperature of the Sun. This powder was then applied to granite slabs and its superconducting properties were activated by the sound of harp strings. Huge granite blocks were thus moved through the air, and rocky ones rocks cut like butter.

    Similar experiments with gold were carried out in a special laboratory of the OGPU-NKVD of the USSR in the period from 1933 to 1935 under the leadership of Comrade Savelyev. As a result of the experiments, a catalyst was extracted from gold, which was used to influence molten metals, resulting in a kind of transmutation.

    When such a catalyst was added to lead or copper, both substances were converted into metals with characteristics similar to gold. Adding powder obtained from gold at high temperatures eating food extended the life of the Anunnaki leaders by a hundred years (8th millennium BC), which follows from the research of Soviet and American scientists."

    Considering such unique properties gold, it becomes quite clear why the same Anunnaki first mined it on our planet themselves, and then, through genetic experiments, created a race of slaves for themselves. True, representatives of the white race appeared on our planet long before the Anunaki and other false “gods” who demanded gold as offerings.

    Considering all this, the devastation of the American “gold reserves” in Fort Knox becomes understandable. After all, the Anglo-American empire could not help but give the gold looted from all over the world to its lizard-headed masters living in underground cities, but some of it probably also went to their servants in the form of the hybrid world “elite.”

    That is why some countries are not given their gold, supposedly still stored in this place, and others are trying to deceive with the help of gold-plated tungsten ingots. Many of the same US Treasury bullion bars are in the hands of the public. But sooner or later this global deception will become public knowledge. Attempts to start a new world war are also a kind of “distraction maneuver” from the plight of the US “gold reserves” and an attempt to replenish it through the robbery of countries subject to aggression and the economic enslavement of its satellites.

    For us, the main thing is that we managed to find out how multi-ton stone blogs moved and why the ancient antediluvian “dynasties of gods” had a much longer life expectancy.

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