• Moonstone interesting facts for children. Moonstone magical properties suitable for zodiac signs


    Have you ever walked on cloudless moonlit nights? If yes, then you probably remember the silvery glow on the leaves of the trees and the mysterious shimmer of the air around you. Such nights seem magical and literally filled with magic. The moon, the queen of the nights, gave humanity its symbol - the moonstone, so that people would not forget about magic in their everyday affairs. This gift is truly beautiful, the mineral shimmers with bluish mother-of-pearl in the mysterious flickering moonlight. What magic is inherent in moonstone and what zodiac signs is it suitable for? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

    What is the effect of moonstone on humans?

    In India this gem is called jandarakand

    In India, moonstone is one of the most revered. There they call it jandarakand, which literally means “moonlight.” Indian legends say that this crystal is a piece of frozen moonlight. According to the stories of temple servants, moonstone, lying for some time in the dark, releases moisture called moon dew and has a huge magical power. The official name of the moonstone is selenite or adularia, and it really does have strong magical properties.

    The magic of love

    The second name of this gem is “stone of love”

    A person who owns a talisman with a moonstone does not know what rejected love is. The properties of selenite are such that each romantic date this mineral fills with tender passion and deep sensuality that bind partners forever.

    Selenite fully reveals its properties if a person wears it constantly. Therefore, it is better if jewelry with a moonstone serves as a talisman.

    If you put the talisman on a photograph of your chosen one, then his feelings for you will be strong and eternal. If selenite loses its brightness, then for you this is a sign that the relationship with your chosen one will not become harmonious and will not bring complete happiness.

    Selenite and creativity

    This mineral awakens the creative spirit in a person

    The symbol of the Moon awakens a craving for beauty in all people, even those who have never experienced creative impulses. The wearer of the moonstone feels his harmony with the entire universe and begins to realize the deep essence of things. To your Creative skills fully opened, it is better to wear selenite in a ring and keep it at home next to your photograph.

    Moon rock It will perfectly help to reveal their abilities not only to creators, but also to those who often have to give speeches in front of a large audience.

    Selenite and business

    Reliable assistant in financial matters

    The energy of adularia is very soft, unobtrusive, calming the soul and mind. The atmosphere created by this mineral during business negotiations invariably inclines partners to your point of view, arousing their trust and sympathy.

    To increase the chances of success in your business, you need to wear an amulet with selenite on your right hand- it can be a ring or a bracelet. A pendant with a moonstone, with an applied or carved image of your zodiac sign, will become a strong amulet.

    The magic of this stone can bring business success in any industry and get good financial returns. The magical properties of moonstone are enhanced if you start a new business during the waxing moon.

    Healing properties of adularia

    The mineral has a calming effect on the psyche of its owner

    Adularia is widely known for its beneficial effects on a person’s mental state. It strengthens memory, normalizes sleep, and calms emotional instability.

    This mineral is also used for various infectious diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract. Selenite may have therapeutic effect even remotely, you just need to place the crystal on a photograph of a sick person.

    The mineral also helps women in labor; it will ensure a successful birth. And if a child is born hyperactive, adularia will help stabilize his behavior and normalize his psyche.

    Moonstone and extrasensory perception

    This gem is often used during magical rituals.

    For magicians and mystics, moonstone is a favorite attribute when performing various rituals. A talisman with this mineral perfectly cleanses the owner’s energy and strengthens it.

    Magicians look into the future by meditating and holding a moonstone in their mouth. This kind of meditation can be done for you, especially during the days of your zodiac sign - at this time meditation is most effective.

    Moonstone will prevent you from having nightmares, protect you from dark magical entities, and when placed under your pillow at night, it will show you a prophetic dream.

    Basic properties of moonstone

    The gem is especially strong during the waxing moon

    The stone is especially strong during the waxing moon and reaches its peak at the full moon. You can recharge the stone and increase its strength with moon rays. To do this, the mineral is placed on a path of moonlight for some time.

    Moonstone loves communication, so you can consult with it, show your gratitude for its help and generally show it your affection in every possible way.

    If you have a cherished desire, then wait for a moonlit night, take selenite in your left hand, stand on the lunar path and tell your talisman about this desire. Moonstone will make every effort to make your wish come true.

    Magical properties of moonstone for zodiac signs

    The mineral is best suited for Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers

    Let us now move on to the main question: “Who is the moonstone suitable for according to their zodiac sign?” The Moon patronizes representatives of the signs of the water element. A talisman with a moonstone will be very useful for people of the corresponding water zodiac signs. These are Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers.

    The shine and shimmer of this gem is compared to the radiance of the full moon. Ancient peoples considered moonstone to be a gift from higher powers and treated the mineral with respect. Today it is admired and used to solve practical earthly problems.

    History and origin

    Throughout the history of civilization, the semi-precious lunar mineral has been an object of admiration, admiration, study, and use.

    In the chronicles different nations The crystals are called petrified rays, the frozen light of the Moon. The Indians considered the mineral a symbol of passion and luck, a talisman that helps control destiny.

    The mysterious shimmer of the moonstone gave rise to legends about its origin:

    • in Greece, a gem that allowed one to look into the future was considered a gift from the Hyperboreans;
    • the moonlight stone was created by Satan for Eve to provoke greed;
    • an ordinary pebble, polished by a luminary on a full moon, became a gem;
    • the stone was mined by the Chaldean magicians;
    • The Hindu gods Lakshmi and Vishnu received the crystal as a gift from the Moon.

    Alexander the Great owned a ring with a gem; oriental healers used it magical properties natural moonstone to preserve the youth of well-born clients. In Russia, the stone was known as “tausiny”, that is, “peacock” in Farsi.

    The magical nature of the moonstone was not questioned; only exact sciences proved its earthly origin. The mineral is formed in pegmatites, alpine-type veins, and magmatic faults. Thanks to silver-gray, blue shades and shimmering tints, it looks like the Moon. It got its name from Mount Adula in the Swiss Alps, where it was first found by Europeans.

    Other names for the mineral: adularia (in Europe), belomorite and selenite (Russia), fish eye (China), aglaurite, pearlspar.

    Today the mineral is quite rare.

    Physicochemical characteristics

    Adularia is a translucent mineral, potassium feldspar. The spectacular glow, called adularization, is created by the thin-plate structure of the crystal. Semi-precious or ornamental stone. Looks like chalcedony or synthetic spinel.

    ColorColorless, yellow, light gray with a pale blue tint
    KinkUneven, stepped
    Density2.56-2.62 g/cm³

    Place of extraction

    Raw materials highest quality with blue opalescence are mined in Sri Lanka, Burma, India. Unusual specimens are found in Labrador. Other deposits: Australia and New Zealand, USA, Madagascar, Tanzania. In Russia, stone is mined on the Kola Peninsula, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, in the Irkutsk region, Khabarovsk Territory, Baikal region, on the coast of the White Sea, the Urals, and Chukotka.

    Varieties and colors

    The term “natural moonstone” means different types quartz: amazonite (the so-called lunar green stone), belomorite, gypsum, selenite, labradorite, feldspar.


    But moonstones are minerals endowed with the property of opalescence. There are four varieties:

    There are several types of Labrador:

    • black moonstone - a dark specimen with blue and blue sparkles;
    • sunstone - originally from the USA, with golden iridescence;
    • spectrolite is a Finnish mineral with multi-colored tints.

    Labradorite shimmers in different colors when the angle of light changes. Flashes and overflows are similar to the northern lights, a phenomenon called Labradorization.


    Moonstone, unlike other minerals, does not have one shade. Rather, we are talking about the main color, which is complemented by multi-colored flashes, play, and radiance:

    • white;
    • lactic;
    • colorless;
    • lilac;
    • black;
    • light gray with a soft blue tint.

    All types of natural moonstone with a cat's eye or "starry sky" effect on the surface are prized.

    Medicinal properties

    Like the Moon, the influence of moonstone on a person is focused on the psyche:

    • This depressant, neutralizing the causes of psychosis and fears;
    • a stone at the head of the head or under the pillow will drive away anxious thoughts and restore restful sleep;
    • has a beneficial effect on brain function, especially the pituitary gland;
    • relieves attacks of epilepsy;
    • calms hyperactive children;
    • curbs sudden outbursts of anger;
    • relieves chronic depression, mental fatigue, and depressed mood.

    To stop the psycho-emotional “swing”, a raw moonstone or jewelry closer to the body is suitable. This is especially true for people who live “on the Moon”, in accordance with the phases of the star.

    The stone of the water element solves problems with body fluids. Has a beneficial effect on the following systems and organs:

    • genitourinary system;
    • kidneys, liver, bile ducts;
    • heart, blood vessels; improves blood circulation.

    You can treat with a gem from a distance: just place the energetically purified adularia on a photograph of a person. They say that during the full moon healing dew appears on the stone.

    Selenite is considered the best gem for a woman. Jewelry makes the hostess confident, charming and energetic. The husband gives a ring and/or earrings to his wife, who is prone to hysterics. Lithotherapists advise women with a difficult pregnancy or who are afraid of the upcoming birth to acquire products with moonstone.

    Magic properties

    According to people, the magical properties of the stone, shimmering like the Moon, were bestowed by the luminary itself.

    Legends about the stone

    Adularia is endowed with mystical properties, there are legends about it. Indian legends say that jandarakand is frozen moonlight (literally translated from Sanskrit - moonlight).

    Set of jewelry with adularia

    In Ceylon it is still considered sacred today. Anyone to whom the mineral allowed itself to be found became a clairvoyant. Temple servants claim that a stone lying in the darkness of the monastery releases “lunar dew” - a magically powerful substance.

    Areas of influence

    Moon crystal is present in occult rituals and secular life.


    Moon worshipers in India use the gem in accordance with the lunar phases. Adherents of Hinduism use it on the chakras.

    Sorcerers and alchemists value the magical properties of the volatile moonstone, respect it, but are afraid of it. Some people place a crystal under their tongue at night to make the divination come true. Others fear that the stone's magic will take away their superpowers.

    Selenite is a favorite of mystics. Meditations are carried out while holding a crystal in the mouth. The process is more effective when the Moon is in the zodiac sign of the owner. A gem under the pillow will bring about a prophetic dream.


    For the Western world, adularia has the meaning of a love “magnet”. If you wear it near your heart or on the left side (for example, a brooch), you will soon find your soulmate. Or attention will be attracted. The owner of selenite does not know the torment of unrequited love.

    Selenite bracelet

    With the help of a stone you can check compatibility with the object of passion. The crystal is placed on a photograph of a person. Tarnishing of the gem means that it is not worth fighting for love. If the radiance is preserved, the feeling will be strong and long lasting.


    Amulets with lunar inserts are an attribute of extraordinary creative people. The crystal will help you unlock your personal potential or realize your plans. Selenite awakens a craving for beauty and makes a person an esthete. Talents that the owner did not even suspect about may awaken. To secure them, wear a ring or place a stone on a personal photo or in your pocket.


    The energy of the mineral will help you win over business partners during negotiations. Astrologers advise wearing a pendant with a zodiac sign, a ring or a bracelet on your right hand. And the matter begins on the waxing Moon.

    Selenite is an “assistant” of card players and sharpers.

    Talismans and amulets

    Any jewelry with a moon crystal are talismans and amulets that help the owner in their own way:

    • a ring, ring or bracelet on the left hand will adjust the mood and help avoid conflicts when communicating with ill-wishers;
    • an accessory on the right hand will develop talents and intuition;
    • decoration will make the owner more tolerant and merciful.

    The impact of adularia intensifies with the growth of the lunar crescent, reaching its maximum at the full moon.

    Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

    Astrologers agree that according to their zodiac sign, adularia is suitable for representatives of the water element. This is a good luck talisman that awakens talents. Aries and Capricorn will slow down their development and attract problems. Suitable according to the horoscope for those born on a full moon, especially on Monday (moon day).

    The magical capabilities of the lunar gem are felt by all inhabitants of the zodiac circle.

    Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - strictly contraindicated)
    a lion+

    (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

    Compatibility with other stones

    For a mineral of the water element, a combination in jewelry or attire with stones of Fire and Air is excluded. In the first option they will destroy each other, in the second they will create vibrations that are unpleasant for sensitive natures.

    Adularia is combined with white pearls, coral, amethyst, onyx, obsidian, and amber. Zero compatibility with ruby, agate, malachite, jasper.

    Where is it used?

    Semi-precious adularia is a sought-after jewelry and decorative material.


    Bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces are made with moon crystal. The frame is silver; options in gold or platinum are often ordered individually. The iridescent mineral is treated with a cabochon, which emphasizes the tenderness and smoothness of the play.


    A hundred years ago, the beauty of moonstone was appreciated by the master of French jewelry fashion, Rene Lalique. Today the number one decorative and ornamental material is labradorite. Relatively soft stone is loved by stone cutters who create small plastic pieces.

    Amulet with labradorite stone

    Large deposits have made it a favorite in finishing pompous interiors and exteriors of private or public buildings. It is used to make countertops, furniture elements, and other luxury decor.


    The price of a moonstone is determined by size, variety, degree of transparency, and color saturation.

    The order of prices is as follows (per carat):

    • multicolor Indian gem: weighing up to 1 carat - $2–31, 3–5 carats - $80–350;
    • Labradorite - $12–15 ($60–75 per gram);
    • “rainbow” (transparent with a rare play of reflections) - from $100;
    • blue Sri Lankan - from $500.

    The cost of jewelry with an adularia made of ordinary metal is 550–700, in silver - from 1200 rubles.

    How to spot a fake

    Deposits are being depleted, so imitations are often offered instead of selenite.

    The description and characteristics of a natural mineral help to establish the origin and distinguish it from a fake:

    1. Silky surface with small defects (grooves, chips, chips), microvoids or bubbles inside, inherent in many natural minerals.
    2. Glare and iridescence of color when turning the stone under the rays of the sun.
    3. If you look at the natural mineral directly, the blue reflection is not visible (only at an angle of 15–20°). Glass or other fake materials do not produce a blue reflection.
    4. Transparency or translucency, purple or blue tints.
    5. Water helps to identify a real gem: in it the stone becomes brighter.
    6. Under X-rays real stone luminesces.

    Unlike a fake, a natural mineral is devoid of rich color, shine, heats up slowly in your hands.

    How to wear and care

    Natural stone is vulnerable and its processing requires skill and care. The same is true for everyday use.

    Jewelry with labradorite stone


    Over time, jewelry inserts fade. The darkened crystal is wiped with velvet cloth. The shine will be restored by the jeweler in the workshop by re-grinding and polishing the stone.

    It is better to store the products separately so that other stones or the setting do not scratch them.

    The gem is recharged by placing it on the lunar “path” overnight.


    If a pebble is perceived as magical, the following features are taken into account when wearing it:

    1. For jewelry with moonstone, the best setting is silver; proximity to other minerals is taboo.
    2. It is better for sociopaths, evil silent people, people with uncontrollable aggressiveness to refuse moonstone - these qualities will worsen. But for shy people prone to melancholy or depression, blue crystal is useful.

    Selenite is a stone that shares energy with the owner during the waxing Moon until the full moon. But on the waning moon he becomes an energy vampire. It is advisable for jewelry lovers to take this into account.

    1. This is the mineral of self-sufficient people who know what they want and how to achieve it.
    2. In order for the stone's ability to heal the owner to be activated, it must come into contact with the body, and not with clothing.
    3. Jewelry with adularia is appropriate for important events; a gift with this stone is considered elite.

    Pendant with selenite

    To make your cherished wish come true, you need to wait for a moonlit night, take a pebble in your left hand, stand on the lunar path or under the light of the Moon (you can do it in a room). And clearly say what you want so that the stone can “hear.”

    Favorable time to buy

    A lunar gem will not only be a decoration, but also a magical assistant and doctor if it is bought, brought into the house and started to be used on a certain lunar day:

    Stone likes communication, and in two weeks you can establish contact with him. That is, to consult, talk about your affairs or problems, thank him for his help, admire him, admire his beauty.

    Mineral class: Aluminosilicate.
    Chemical formula: K
    Hardness: 6-6.5
    Density: 2.56-2.58
    Color: Colorless, yellow, light gray with a blue tint.
    Trait color: white
    Gloss: glassy, ​​pearlescent
    Transparency: translucent
    Cleavage: perfect
    Fracture: uneven
    Syngony: monoclinic
    Is the mineral brittle?: Yes
    Malleability: No
    Reaction to HCl: No
    Crystal pleochroism: No
    Iridescence: No
    Magnetic properties: No
    Refraction: 1,520-1,525
    Pleochroism: absent

    Moon rock- aluminosilicate from the group of potassium feldspars - low-temperature orthoclase. Other names for the stone - Adularia, Orthoclase.

    Adular crystal.

    The name of the stone comes geographically from the Adula Mountains in Switzerland, where crystals of this stone were first found, given for the brilliant blue iridescence (shimmer) of the mineral. According to other sources, adular received its name from Mons-Adular - the old name of the Saint-Gottard massif in the Lepontine Alps, where, as G. Bank writes, the classic deposit of this stone (Adul) is located.

    The iridescence is associated with micro-ingrowths of another albite crystal that are regularly arranged in the form of thin layers. The thinner these layers, the brighter the shimmer.

    On the surface of some stones, a “cat’s eye” effect can sometimes appear, when the thickness of the plates on some becomes very thin. As a rule, this effect is typical for stones from deposits.

    Conditions of education and location:

    Found in pematites, ore veins (especially gold-bearing ones), typical of rich quartz veins of the Alpine type in association with rock crystal, chlorite, titanite, rutile, ilmenite, hematite.. Formed among deep igneous rocks during the crystallization of silicate melt with a temperature of 650-700 degrees Celsius. Beautiful transparent crystals Adulara also grow from hot aqueous solutions rich in silica and potassium in cracks rocks. There are known inclusions of moonstone in effusive volcanic rocks.

    Morphology of formation - crystals are prismatic, columnar or tabular.

    Deposits: in Australia, Burma, India (varieties of feldspar with a star effect were discovered), Brazil, USA, Madagascar, Tanzania (Africa). The most famous and large deposit Adulara is located in Sri Lanka. Found in weakly metamorphosed rocks on North Island in New Zealand. In 1958, moon rocks similar in quality to those from Sri Lanka were discovered in the river pebbles in the vicinity of the city of Oliver (Virginia, USA).

    On the territory of Russia, finds of adularia were made in the Urals (Makrusha) and in Siberia (Inaglinsky massif). Often such finds are confined to gold deposits, where adularia is found together with quartz. Sometimes gold is found in the finest (nano-sized) inclusions in the adularia itself.

    In Chukotka, in the Karamken and Mnogovershinny gold-silver deposits, adularia-rhodochrosite rock with inclusions of quartz and native gold, as well as adularia-quartz rock from vein bodies with a banded-cocard texture, were found.

    In the Baikal region, its most famous deposit is Naryn-Kunta, among the feldspars of the block zone of ceramic pegmatites, where it forms small single crystals, brushes, growths of cavities and cracks oriented depending on the size in two directions: with vertical orientation of crystals and horizontally oriented brushes (oppressed forms). Adularization observed in white, pearl and bluish shades.

    (photo from the site: lavrovit.narod.ru)

    There are many manifestations Moonstone in the Slyudyansky and Olkhonsky districts of the Irkutsk region, mainly associated with pegmatites. The size of individual crystals in manifestations varies greatly from a few cm to 10 and even 20 cm. The lunar effect is observed in individual areas, less often over the entire surface of the crystal. The main disadvantages of the material of these manifestations are increased fracturing, ferrugination, and pale iridescent effects.


    Moon rock can be confused with synthetic spinel, sometimes with chalcedony (if the stone is of fairly good purity). Minerals such as albite, oligoclase, microcline, which also belong to the group of feldspars, may also have similar iridescence.

    Sometimes it is passed off as moonstone - translucent or translucent oligoclase (a type of feldspar), which got its name from a deposit on the White Sea coast. Belomorite is a stone with a pearlescent luster and blue-green-yellow iridescence.

    Very similar to Moonstone (Adularia), but it is not.


    Applicable in jewelry, where it is polished with a cabachon. It is usually set in silver.

    Magical properties. (! Not verified):

    According to the horoscope, the stone ideally matches people born under the sign of Cancer and Pisces. Taurus can wear it with pleasure and benefit. Contraindicated for those born under the sign of Aries and Capricorn, Sagittarius and Leo.

    It is considered a suitable amulet for people born during the full moon, and for those born on Monday - the day “ruled” by the moon. Moonstone helps in love affairs and separated or quarreled lovers wore rings with moonstone, which has the ability to overcome obstacles on the path to happiness.

    Moon rock a talisman of love that helps to pacify a strong mental and mental state. It gives the ability to beautifully and accurately express one’s thoughts, the gift of poetry, the gift of insight into the secrets of nature. For lovers, adularia brings harmony, understanding of each other and quite clearly reacts to cooling of feelings: it changes color and saturation, and can become dull.

    Adularia perfectly protects against the harmful influences of people and unpleasant entities, cleanses space for its owner, especially if the owner often talks to the stone.

    Adularia is useless for rude natures, because it does not want to fight such manifestations, but strives to develop only those who go to this themselves, of their own will. This moonstone makes a person attractive, charming and sophisticated, giving the owner an inimitable charm and the ability to behave even in very unpleasant situations.

    Moonstone is not worn all the time - it can be worn during the period from new moon to full moon, on flawed moon it becomes a real energy world, weakening its owner. He manifests his qualities most powerfully on Mondays. It is best to wear the stone on the neck or chest, or in a ring on ring finger, set in silver.

    Healing miracles.

    Adularia It has a powerful effect on the body, which is why it is worn so that it touches bare skin. It relieves epileptic seizures, calms, stops outbursts of uncontrollable anger and aggression, normalizes sleep and provides clear and vivid dreams, and treats sleepwalking. The mineral is energetically connected with the water element and effectively removes stones, tumors, seals from the body, “washes out” toxins, and can alleviate the suffering of the patient even in the last stages of the development of a malignant tumor. It is useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, jaundice, dysfunction of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalance. The stone cleanses the blood and lymph, relieves swelling and inflammation, feverish conditions, and improves heart function.


    What is called moonstone.

    The name “moonstone” itself raises many questions and is interpreted in different ways. To make sure everything is accurate, you will have to quote the mineralogical dictionary.


    1) Transparent feldspar (adularia, albite, oligoclase, orthoclase, sanidine) with pale blue iridescence. In India, there are varieties with asterism and a cat's eye effect. Synonyms: aglaurite, hecatolite, water opal, Ceylon opal, pearlspar.

    2) Translucent or translucent plagioclase (albite-oligoclase) with a pearlescent luster and characteristic iridescence in bluish-white, greenish and yellowish tones. Synonyms: belomorite, peristerite.

    3) Gypsum has a parallel-fiber structure with a silky sheen. Synonym: selenite. With selenite, everything is more or less clear, it is similar in appearance, it is a beautiful ornamental stone, but the term is correctly applied only to feldspars.

    4) A general-purpose term with an additional definition is used for opalescent varieties of pale milky minerals (oriental moonstone - corundum, pink - scapolite, blue - chalcedony), for iridescent varieties of basic plagioclase (Canadian moonstone, Madagascar, black), as well as for amazonite with a silky shine from albite growths (green moonstone). The term is appropriate only in meaning 1).

    In various literature, in various sources, moonstone can be called many light minerals with a silky tint or opalescent (the concepts of moonstone and selenite are most often confused - due to the obvious similarity of the names), but the name “moonstone” is advisable to use only in relation to transparent ( translucent) feldspars with pale blue iridescence (shimmering) - adularia, albite, oligoclase, orthoclase, sanidine.

    Adularia- potassium feldspar, see article above.

    Albite(from Latin "albus" - white) - a mineral of the feldspar group. Transparent and translucent samples with opalescence (moonstone) and iridescence (peristerite) are used as jewelry and ornamental stones. The color is predominantly light gray, white; hardness 6-6.5. It has good cleavage in two directions and a glassy luster. IN pure form albite is rare. Under natural conditions, it is usually mixed in different proportions with another plagioclase (calcium) - anorthite.

    Sanidin(from the Greek "sanis" - tablet) - a type of orthoclase feldspar, represented by glass-like tabular crystals. Used in jewelry.

    These minerals are called moonstones.

    (named by A.E. Fersman for its location - the coast of the White Sea) - iridescent feldspar, oligoclase, white or sometimes translucent, with iridescence of gray-blue, blue-blue, pale violet. Jewelry and ornamental stone.

    Peristerite(from the Greek “peristera” - dove) - a translucent variety of albite-oligoclase with a bright iridescence, iridescent glow in bluish-violet, gray-blue tones, reminiscent of the shimmer of feathers on the neck of a dove.

    Both of the latter minerals are mistakenly called Moonstone.

    Adulara field in Sri Lanka, photo:

    * ABOUT Moonstone there are many legends. They say, for example, that on its surface appears White spot, growing as the moon's brightness increases until the full moon. The sages noted that during the new moon the stone becomes colder and seems to be filled with moonlight, beginning to shine noticeably brighter, and as the lunar disk decreases, the shine fades until the next new moon. How a piece of rock can so strongly reflect the course of the lunar month is still unknown, but in India adularia has become a sacred stone that brings happiness. For its unusual iridescent white color with a bluish or yellowish tint, it was called “spit of the moon” or “lunar foam” - they believed that these stones were the frozen tears of the lunar goddess.

    * In Russia, adularia was called peacock or tausin (from the Persian “tausi” - peacock) stone. This stone has other, less poetic names: fish or wolf's eye, Ceylon or water opal.

    * Wilkie Collins's novel The Moonstone is about a yellow diamond. Collins also mentions the adularia: “Partly because of its special color, partly because of the legend - as if the stone is subject to the influence of the deity it adorns, and its brilliance increases and decreases with the full moon and with the loss of the moon.

    *Moonstone is mentioned in The Talisman novel The Secret of the Sacred Mountain by Alan Frewin Jones, and in The Vampire Diaries by Lisa Jane Smith.

    Already in the time of the first people, Adam and Eve, man's craving for beauty awoke. They admired the full moon and flowers in the Gardens of Eden. Satan noticed this and decided to awaken greed in people’s souls by seducing them with a crystal that would surpass the moon in beauty. He scattered the gems on the ground and people looked at and sorted them with pleasure. But they liked the crescent moon better and soon the interest cooled down. Satan got angry and cursed his creation. Since then, it is believed that the moonstone is cursed and brings its owner only misfortunes, tears and disappointments.

    The legend was found in ancient Persian treatises. Since then, ideas about the stone and attitudes towards it have changed. They no longer consider him cursed, although they treat him with a mixture of admiration and mistrust.

    1. Moonstone became the subject of study by medieval alchemists. It was believed that any mineral could begin to shine if it was held under moonlight for a long time. In addition to glowing, it acquires other properties: it becomes smooth without polishing, and absorbs the cold of the moon at night. The extreme degree of endurance is the ability of the crystal to instantly cool boiling water.
    2. Chaldean magicians claimed that the power of the moonstone depended on the phases of the crescent moon. During the full moon it is at its most powerful. Clairvoyance sessions were scheduled at this time. On a full moon, the magician placed this stone under his tongue. This opened the door to parallel worlds for him and he began to predict the future.

    3. Yellow moonstone is called witch moonstone. It is believed that a dying witch must pass on her witchcraft knowledge. When there were no people willing to adopt the skills, the witches sealed the power into stone.
    4. The Hindus saw the frozen and split light of the moon in the moonstone. Such a mineral gives the gift of divination. In India, there are still moon worshipers who worship the adularian.
    5. The Arabs considered moonstone a symbol of abundance, so they sewed it on clothes.
    6. For the Romans, it became a symbol of femininity and romance.

    Modern science has studied the origin of moonstone and the nature of its glow. It is not related to the moon or extraterrestrial origin. But the impact of the stone on people remains a mystery.

    Physicochemical characteristics

    Moonstone has a second name - adularia. This is feldspar, which has an internal glow - iridescence. The stones come in transparent and milky white colors with white or blue tints. The flickering occurs due to albite plates growing in the thickness of the spar. Light is reflected from them, interference is created, which causes the appearance of blue and golden reflections. Sometimes there are stones with a cat's eye effect. The reason is the plates, but even smaller in size.

    Adularia is not the only stone with iridescence. The following minerals are often confused with it:

    • belomorite is also a feldspar, but plagioclase. It is distinguished by a more intense color with blue and green reflections, which is not typical for adularia;
    • labradorite is also a plagioclase, but contains impurities that color the stone in different colors;
    • Some types of chalcedony resemble moonstone in color and degree of transparency, but do not have a glow.

    Natural adularia is rarely found in nature and is therefore highly valued. The best stones are mined in Sri Lanka, but supplies are running out, so the cost will rise. A flawless gem-quality moonstone can cost from $100 to $500

    Magic properties

    Beautiful, rare, luminous, personifying the moon - this stone initially had all the makings to become magical talisman. Opinion. That moonstone brings misfortune is already outdated. It can only harm people who are overly dreamy and capricious, by enhancing these characteristics. It will have a beneficial effect on others. Moonstone should be worn with caution, first listen carefully to your feelings and relationships with people around you. In case of any changes for the worse, it is better to refuse wearing the stone.

    Moonstone will show great power in the hands of moon people - those born on Monday or the full moon. He will become an assistant for them on the path to happiness. It will help you overcome obstacles and quickly achieve your goal; if you have the slightest doubt, you need to turn to him for help in order to choose the right direction.

    The amazing magical property of moonstone is to help in gambling and any other matters where luck is required. For example, business. But at the same time, it also attracts love luck, providing the attention of the opposite sex, although usually love and luck do not coexist. This made the moonstone an object of desire among sharpers and avid gamblers. They were ready to kill for him.

    Magic properties:

    1. Strengthens the gift of eloquence and persuasion.
    2. Treats melancholy and depression.
    3. Prevents suicide.
    4. Generates in the soul an attraction to the great, therefore noble and strong man will lead to victories.
    5. Warns of danger by changing color.
    6. It fades if love has passed.
    7. Protects against witchcraft.
    8. Protects from quarrels. Gives people prudence and wisdom, which help resolve disputes and disagreements peacefully.
    9. It prevents passion from flaring up in a young girl’s soul and helps preserve honor.
    10. Keeps marriage from cheating. The husband is not allowed to look at others, and the woman is protected from the encroachments of other men.

    11. Helps to see the future, enhances extrasensory abilities.
    12. It evokes tenderness and passion between spouses.
    13. Singles will find a mate.
    14. Amulet for travelers.
    15. Calms, relieves anger.
    16. Helps you find inspiration and reveal hidden talents.

    The energy of moonstone depends on the moon. The closer to the full moon, the stronger the influence of the stone. It is not recommended to wear a moonstone on a new moon. He has nowhere to draw energy from except from the owner, so he will begin to drain the owner’s strength.

    When choosing a talisman, it is better to choose a silver frame.

    When deciding to buy a talisman with a moonstone, you should take into account your horoscope. Moonstone affects each zodiac sign differently.

    • brings peace to Taurus, relieves stress and nervous tension;
    • relieves sudden mood swings;
    • softens character, relieves anxiety;
    • helps virgins sort out their feelings and improve family relationships;
    • in Scorpios he will reveal creative talent;
    • Aquarius will get rid of stubbornness and protect from envious people;
    • with its help they will develop intuition

    Moonstone does not affect the signs Leo and Sagittarius, so it will only serve as decoration. The zodiac sign better beware of it.

    Healing properties of moonstone

    As remedy use amulets with moonstone. To enhance the effect, it is better to always carry the moonstone with you, close to the skin. If it is not possible to wear it under clothing, then you will need to frequently touch and stroke the surface of the mineral.

    1. May help the nervous system.
    2. Contemplation of the mineral relaxes and calms, treats anxiety and depression.
    3. Relieves nightmares, normalizes sleep, relieves stress.
    4. Helps with diets. Adularia improves metabolism, helps absorb nutrients, removes toxins and excess water.
    5. The mineral normalizes the functioning of the liver and pancreas.
    6. Promotes rapid recovery from inflammation of the genitourinary system.
    7. It dulls pain, which is why in ancient times this mineral was used during childbirth.
    8. Affects emotional sphere, exciting, but without irritability.
    9. Helps with concentration.
    10. Gets rid of salt deposits.

    The main property of adularia stone is to calm all types of nervous disorders, regardless of the nature of their occurrence. Moonstone is also a mineral that can restore hormonal background. Thanks to this, it rejuvenates the body.

    How to spot a fake

    Most commercially available moon rocks are fake. This is low-quality pressed adularia chips or glass. At first glance they are identical. If you use it only as an everyday decoration, then you can buy an imitation. But such a stone does not have the magical properties of a natural mineral and can even cause harm. Esotericists claim that prolonged wearing of a fake changes a person’s biofield and aura.

    It is better to buy jewelry in stores that value their reputation and sell only certified products. In this case, the origin of the mineral will be indicated on the tag. If in doubt, you can ask for certification documents.

    You also need to pay attention to the price. Natural stones expensive. If they offer a large moonstone for $10, then most often it is counterfeit.

    Ways to spot a fake:

    1. A naturally occurring moonstone casts blue reflections when the stone is turned.
    2. The synthetic material has the same shimmer no matter what angle you look at it from. In natural, the intensity of the glare changes depending on the angle of inclination.
    3. The stone does not conduct heat well, so when touched it remains cold for some time.
    4. Natural minerals are not perfect and may have defects inside.
    5. Natural crystal in water becomes brighter. Artificial does not react to water in any way.

    Buy natural moonstone good quality great luck. The market is filled with synthetics or low-grade small stones of Asian origin.

    Moonstone Care

    Moonstone is susceptible to scratches and dents from bright sunlight, high temperatures And chemicals may fade and lose shine.

    Rules for storage and use:

    • must be stored separately from other jewelry in a box with soft walls or a bag;
    • avoid falls and impacts;
    • do not expose to chemical cleaning agents;
    • do not keep in the sun;
    • avoid sudden temperature changes;
    • clean with special products.

    Jewelers do not advise wearing jewelry with moonstone all the time, so as not to expose it to aggressive environmental influences or create scratches on the surface of the stone. This goes against the opinion of magicians. In this case, you need to decide what is more important: appearance stone or his magical influence. In any case, even if the moonstone is stored in a box and is waiting to be released into the world, it is worth taking it out more often, peering into the play of light, admiring it and trying it on.

    Mystical, bringing misfortune or revealing the secrets of the universe and calming? Everyone will decide for themselves what moonstone is for them. There is just no doubt about one thing - he is handsome and involuntarily attracts glances. It is impossible to remain in the shadows with such decoration.


    The magnificent shine of feldspar, better known as adularia, has not yet been recreated in any artificial stone.

    The magnificent shine of feldspar, better known as adularia, cannot yet be recreated in any artificial stone. Some varieties of chalcedony and quartz have similar optical effects, but despite this, they are simply imitation and misleading only to those who have never seen real adularia. The unique iridescence in the present is due to the unique internal structure.

    Adularia is a stone that gets its name from Mount Adula (Alps in Switzerland). It was here that the mineral was first discovered and studied. The main, more well-known name is moonstone. It is also referred to in mineralogical reference books as albite and selenite. Fisheye, aglaurite and ice spar are also adularia. And the Hindus call it jandarakand, which means “moonlight.”

    Physical and mechanical properties

    Chemical formula: KAlSi3O8
    Density: 2,55-2,63
    Hardness: 6-6,5
    Dispersion: 0,012
    Refractive index: 1,519-1,525
    Color: colorless, white
    Transparency: translucent, opaque
    Syngony: monoclinic
    Kink: uneven, stepped
    Cleavage: perfect
    Pleochroism: absent
    Fragility: fragile
    Shine: glass

    Adularia moonstone is a potassium aluminum oxysilicate belonging to the sodium-calcium feldspar group. This is a transparent or translucent variety of orthoclase. Most often in jewelry, specimens of bluish and silver-bluish color are used, although in nature lilac, milky white and yellowish specimens are widespread.

    However, this beautiful mineral has its weak points, which include its comparatively low hardness. Therefore, moonstone must be processed with caution. Lost shine can be easily restored by repeated sanding and polishing.

    Properties of moonstone adularia

    Adularia, whose properties are similar to feldspar, has a unique lunar glow. This radiance is due to the presence of albite (mineral) in the crystal, which is arranged in layers, which provides decorative properties. The intensity of the glow depends on the volume of albite inclusions. This phenomenon is called adularescence, which occurs due to the thin lamellar structure.

    Crystals are characterized by light interference, causing the appearance of bluish-white or bluish-silver reflections under the surface of the mineral. Sometimes you can find a moonstone with an asterism with a “cat's eye” effect or in the form of a 4-pointed star.

    If you look at this photo of the andularia stone, you can imagine the radiance this mineral emits. It was this lighting effect that led to its wide popularity.

    How to distinguish natural moonstone?

    For the manufacture of synthetic stone, used for insertions into jewelry, the technology of pressing low-quality adularia and oligoclase chips is used. The result is transparent and translucent samples with a bluish matte milky tint. The structure of such imitations is uniform or with a smooth transition from a transparent to a matte-darkened milk zone.

    Naturally, when purchasing a moonstone, many people are interested in how to distinguish it from a fake. A fake can be easily distinguished if you carefully examine the crystal from all sides. The most common imitation of a mineral is glass, which shines at any angle and has a uniform structure.

    Natural adularia shimmers only at a certain angle. In addition, the imitation must have foreign inclusions. It is also worth considering that even with cracks and defects visible to the eye, which enhance the resemblance of synthetics to natural material, the imitation becomes opalescent early when rotated at any angle and does not exhibit a pronounced glare.

    If you look at this photo, the moonstone has a clearly defined plate-like structure and a characteristic silky glow.

    Moonstone price

    When purchasing a moonstone, price is not the least important factor. However, it can vary significantly. As a rule, its formation is influenced by the color, size and transparency of the mineral. Beautiful samples of blue color have incredible three-dimensional depth, visible when rotated. Such specimens are highly valued by collectors. Their price is high. Multicolor Indian specimens are more affordable.

    The average price of a mineral on the market varies from 1 to 30 dollars per carat (cut insert weighing no more than 1 carat). The cost of larger crystals (3-5 carats) is up to $80 per carat. As for jewelry with this mineral, an ordinary ring made of base metal with an adularia insert costs about 500 rubles. The cost of jewelry in a silver frame is more than 1000 rubles.

    Varieties of moonstone adularia

    Natural adularia, being a type of feldspar, is one of the most common minerals on the planet. Its content in the earth's crust is about 60%. As a rule, crystals are ground into cabachons and then set in silver.

    Natural moonstone has several varieties. One of them is Labradorite, discovered in the 18th century.

    Beautiful Labradors are mined in Madagascar - Madagascar moonstone.

    Another variety is belomorite, a translucent mineral with a white or bluish tint.

    But the real moonstone is natural adularia, which is very rare. The main deposits are India, Sri Lanka, Burma.

    What is a moonstone called?

    This mineral itself raises many questions, because many rocks and their imitations fall under its definition.

    First of all, transparent feldspar with a pale blue iridescence is considered a moonstone, as well as Indian varieties with a cat's eye effect and asterism. Very often this mineral is called transparent plagioclase (albite-oligoclase) with iridescence in blue-white, greenish and yellow tones.

    In different sources, many light opalescent crystals are called moonstone. However, it is advisable to use the name only in relation to transparent and translucent feldspars.

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