• Romantic menu. How to arrange a date at home? Preparation ideas


    Your first dinner at
    you plan to smoothly turn into the first night. The apartment is tidy, mustache
    shaved, cultural program prepared. Have you forgotten anything? That's right, bye for now
    nothing. We'll advise you on how to prepare dinner so that she'll ask you to cook it.
    also breakfast.

    So, to begin with
    go to the shop. In addition to the main product from which you will cook
    today's magical dinner, buy:

    1. Bottle
    red wine. No champagne if you don't want the girl to think all evening
    only about what to do with the gases in her stomach.
    It is red, because it speeds up the pulse and blood flow, which
    will flow to the most needed places.

    2. Bottle
    water/juice pack. In case she decides not to drink too much.

    3. Fruits. You will
    use them to fill awkward pauses in conversation.

    Now let's move directly to the menu. Dinner
    should be light, satisfying and contain aphrodisiacs, so we offer you
    following menu:

    For a snack -
    Greek salad.

    Exquisite thing
    which is prepared in 7 minutes, freshens breath and does not cause a feeling of heaviness. A
    Moreover, it is impossible to spoil it. Cut tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers,
    olives, feta cheese, lettuce (for greater effect they must be torn
    hands). Stir before
    direct serving.

    Main course
    should be hot. We offer you 3 hassle-free options.

    Exotic-erotic. Shrimp with garlic.

    All the girls love
    shrimp, so it's a win-win option. Take it half a kilo of shrimp And
    Once frozen, throw them into the boiling oil in a frying pan. Shrimp should be
    uncleaned- and they turn out tastier and take 5 times longer to eat. Crush a couple
    garlic cloves, salt, pepper, fry for only 3 minutes. So that they become
    slightly golden. Place on remaining green salad leaves and drizzle
    lemon juice.

    Baked meat.

    Cooking meat -
    is a man's prerogative, so prove to her that you a real man. Take the savory one
    piece of beef, beat with a hammer, salt, pepper and put in the microwave in
    special dishes. Forget it for 50 minutes. Take it out, cut it so that the knife goes
    along the fibers. Lay it out around tomatoes.

    If the girl
    vegetarian. Paste.

    There are such things
    situations. She was just rescuing a dog, and then bam! - and roasted the calf.
    Not good. So we cook pasta.

    Boil the spaghetti
    drain the water and place them in a frying pan. Cut the tomatoes, crush the garlic clove,
    salt and pepper, add olive oil. Keep on fire for 2 minutes. Turn off the stove
    and place on plates.

    We'll tell you what to cook for your first breakfast together in the next article.

    For a snack - salad

    What could be lighter and more refined than a salad with oranges, fennel and gorgonzola. The salad has a strange but very piquant combination of soft cheese, juicy oranges, and the spiciness and sweetness of fennel. Such a snack will certainly conquer even the most demanding young man.

    East is a delicate matter

    Not only girls, but also men love fruit and vegetable salads for their lightness and airiness. One of these mixes is “Fetush” salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and croutons. Tahini sesame paste adds an oriental touch to this dish.

    Truffles - a royal dessert

    The most chocolatey thing is not even chocolate, but the most delicate truffles. These candies are traditionally made from cream, dark chocolate and rum. Connoisseurs of select, aristocratic taste will certainly appreciate this dessert.

    Chocolate brownie - unsurpassed tradition of taste

    This dessert may seem quite ordinary, but it brings a touch of homely warmth and comfort. This is a fairly simple dish to prepare, and most importantly, it goes well with all kinds of drinks, ice cream and fruit.

    Chocolate soufflé

    Chocolate soufflé is an ideal dessert option. Interestingly, there is no soufflé in this dish; it is a muffin with chocolate filling. This dessert is usually served with ice cream on a waffle tartlet. The main advantage of this dish is that it can be easily prepared in advance, which will not make it any less tasty.

    Rose petals - what could be more romantic? Only panna cotta with lychee!

    Of course, you can decorate the dining table or even the whole room with rose petals. But can you imagine how surprised your companion will be when he tastes the petals in the dessert? And this dessert is Panna Cotta with Lychee. The dish resembles frozen jelly made from cream with sugar and vanilla. His homeland is Italy. This dish is suitable for couples who appreciate everything new and original. But the sauce – a squeeze of rose petals – gives it a special piquant note.

    Chocolate fondue

    After preparing the chocolate fondue romantic dinner, lovers will simply melt with love in each other’s arms. After all, the word “fondue” comes from the French word meaning “to melt.” In the original, the dish is prepared from cheese, spices and wine, but for a romantic dinner chocolate and fruit are a must. You can add cookies, cream, cognac to it. You can choose a chocolate option: dark, white or milk. This dessert is designed for only two people, so it will certainly bring people together.

    Ice cream – popular as always

    Ice cream is always a very tasty and truly romantic dessert. The lovers' interest in him has not disappeared for a long time. But if you want to surprise your loved one, then be sure to serve unusual tropical fruits, such as lychee, with ice cream. And it’s not for nothing that in China and India it is called “the fruit of love” and “giving pleasure.” The pulp of the fruit is similar in consistency to grapes and has a wonderful sweet taste and wine aroma.

    Kefir mousse with strawberries

    This dish is perfect for girls who watch their figure. There is not an ounce of chocolate here, only low-calorie ones are used natural products. But this does not prevent kefir mousse from being unusually airy and tasty. This dessert is served with fruit, preferably strawberries. You can add candied fruits and nuts.

    The most delicious dessert in Italian style

    Tiramisu is one of the most delicious desserts in the world. The sight of this dish will definitely lift everyone’s spirits. The most delicate mascarpone, savoiardi cookies, the taste of liqueur and strong coffee will amaze every romantic. By the way, there are a lot of options for preparing tiramisu; you can simplify or, on the contrary, complicate the recipe. This dessert is almost impossible to spoil.


    Naryl on Tyrnet:

    1. Shrimp and oysters

    These seafood are not only delicious. They contain a lot of protein, which, as already mentioned, gives strength. Shrimp and oysters also contain a lot of zinc - it is involved in the synthesis of the male hormone - testosterone.

    2. Red caviar and black caviar

    Caviar is a very healthy delicacy. It contains protein, a lot of useful amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, C and D, as well as zinc. All these substances contribute to the production of germ cells. In addition, caviar is well absorbed by the body and does not burden the stomach.

    3. Avocado

    Avocado has a reputation as a libido-boosting fruit, largely due to its name. The word "avocado" comes from the language of the ancient Aztecs and means "testicular tree" - its shape resembles the anatomy of the male genital organs. Avocado fruits contain vitamins A, D, E and PP, fatty acids and natural hormones. All these substances help increase potency, primarily in men.

    5. Chocolate

    Dark chocolate is the best stimulant for women. Thanks to its caffeine and theobromine content, it awakens erotic feelings in women and promotes the production of female hormones. Also, the smell of chocolate causes the production of endorphin - the hormone of joy. In general, dark chocolate is very healthy, it causes a surge of strength and vigor, and improves blood circulation due to the substances contained in cocoa beans.

    6. Onions and garlic

    Surprisingly, but despite his bad smell, these products have a very beneficial effect on libido. They contain vitamins. C, B, V, E, RR, essential oils, iron, iodine and copper. But most importantly, garlic and onions are rich in zinc. It is vitamins and zinc that contribute to the production of male germ cells. You can check this by armed yourself with mints and mouth fresheners.

    7. Spices

    Prepare dinner by seasoning it with a pinch of cardamom, red pepper or curry. Spices contain a whole group of vitamins, for example, vitamin C and E, B vitamins (B2, B6). Spices invigorate and improve blood circulation, stimulating blood flow to the necessary organs.

    8. Strawberry

    An appetizing looking, aromatic and wonderful tasting berry. Simply contemplating strawberries already evokes a feeling of joy. The berry is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Strawberries also contain the most pleasant substances for our body - endorphins. The so-called “hormones of joy” improve mood and heighten feelings. And strawberries in combination with champagne, which is considered the elixir of love, is a “bomb.”

    Usually on the first date we take the girl to the mausoleum. But sometimes, for the sake of a thrill, you can invite her to a regular dinner in a restaurant.

    The girl should be first. In everything

    She is the first to get into a car or tram, the first to enter a restaurant and the first to voice an order. She is the first to greedily pounce on the basket of bread. And if for some reason they brought you a dish earlier than her, wait until the waiter places the plate of food in front of the girl.

    Don't order a salad!

    According to a survey conducted this summer by the Daily Mail, one in five women think that a man who only ordered a salad is a weakling. Meat is still considered the most manly food. (Although we think the manliest food is insects! Brrr...) Before you order meat, make sure your date is not a vegetarian. It is unlikely that she will want to deal with a murderer.

    “Would you like some salad?” - "Since I'm not a rabbit, no thank you."

    Slow down

    Men eat faster than women, that’s how it happened in nature. This is not the case, try to eat more slowly. I mean, not like in slow motion, but just slower. In the end, you didn’t come here to eat, but to hear about how nice girl, sitting across from me, hated skiing in high school gym class. Well, others are just as incredible interesting stories from her biography.

    Ask questions

    “Tell me, did your skis have manual or automatic bindings?” These and other questions will let the girl know that you are no less interested in her than the steak lying languidly on the plate in front of you. And be sure to mirror the questions. For example, if a companion asks: “Don’t you think there is nothing cuter in the world than long-haired guinea pigs? - answer: “No. And you?"

    Maximum of two drinks. Maximum

    One serving of alcohol is enough to melt the ice (especially if it's mulled wine), two servings are enough to giggle stupidly together. The third is useful if you want to fight with other bar patrons over bread baskets and frankly tell the girl what you really think about her skis. Seriously, few people are able to maintain their sanity after their third drink. We do not recommend checking on the first date whether you belong to this select minority.

    Pay the bill

    Even if you chair the “Feminism - the Path to Progress” society, forget about it for one evening. A man paying the bill is still the basic point of courting a girl. And the more inconspicuously and gracefully you pay, the higher you will become in the eyes of your companion. This is not the time to sit over the bill with a calculator in your hand and exclaim: “Can you imagine, they even take money for bread!”

    What to cook for first home date?

    Not all women are ready to make a date on their own territory, especially in the first stages of a relationship. Despite the fact that houses and walls help, home dates are more difficult, since you need to surprise a man not only with your ability to communicate and appearance, but also a delicious dinner prepared with your own hands.

    The first date at home is the very moment in a relationship when a representative of the fair sex for the first time does not worry about her appearance, since there is another more important question: what to feed the guest? After all, everyone knows that the way to a man’s heart is through delicious food. Maybe not completely, but it is true. When the relationship is not yet established, feelings are just forming, beautiful bed linen is still of great importance, the time has not yet come for joint purchases, it is very difficult to guess what exactly a man will like, and asking is somehow inconvenient, impeccable food means a successful date. It's hard to please, but it's not impossible.

    There are very, very many recipes, but you need to use certain products, because dinner should be romantic. In order for the dinner to be “finger licking good”, you need to use: fresh vegetables, fish or meat and fruits.

    Whatever salad you choose, you can only dress it olive oil or other low-fat dressing. Say no to mayonnaise, even homemade, at least for this evening! The dishes should be light, of course, if you don’t want the man to leave immediately after dinner.

    For the main course, you can bake meat or fish in the oven in foil with plenty of onions and carrots, additionally preparing a sauce for it. A meat or fish dish, if successful, will melt in your mouth and the man’s gratitude will know no bounds. Dinner for a date must be light, so there is no need to prepare a side dish; a salad for meat or fish will be enough. Plus, there will be dessert. They can surprise you even if a man is not a fan of sweets, although such representatives of the stronger sex are rare!

    An unusual dessert can be prepared from fresh berries, pre-simmered, chocolate, cream and small quantity alcohol. The last ingredient is optional. This dessert is best served with wine or champagne. In addition to dessert, it is worth putting fruit slices of banana, lemon, orange, kiwi and apple on the table. It will perfectly complement the flavor palette of any dish.

    By the way, the choice of alcohol is best left on the shoulders of men, but this issue is best discussed in advance, but, like dinner, in principle, it should not be difficult. For example, one bottle of champagne is enough for a woman and a man on a romantic date.

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