• What cannot be forgiven for a man or a woman? What you can’t forgive a girl if you’re a real man What you can’t forgive


    Almost every person adheres to certain principles throughout his life, which can be adjusted depending on situations. One of these can be called a label specially created in the imagination called: “What cannot be forgiven.”

    Let's talk about this topic in this article. What is forgiveness, what can and should be forgiven, and what cannot be forgiven, since the offender will strike again. In addition, we will discuss what you cannot forgive a guy and a girl when it comes to relationships.

    What is forgiveness

    Everyone who professes any religion knows: to forgive is a godly and right thing. It is considered wrong to carry a grudge, but an even more wrong action is an act of revenge. The best thing you can do if you have been offended is to forgive the person and let go of the situation, that is, stop thinking about it and playing it out over and over again.

    Probably each of us understands: to forgive is right and good, but it is not always possible.

    Why don't we want to forgive people?

    There may be several reasons for this. So, one of the most common is that we like to be offended. That is, they caused us some damage, violated our dignity, have pity on us! And if there is no one to feel sorry for, there is no need - I will just walk around and savor my insult, like a slice of sour lemon.

    The second reason lies in the impossibility of forgiveness as such. That is, we have certain principles that determine the value of our personality. For example, we say to ourselves: “I’m so beautiful, you can’t raise your voice at me!” And then life brings us together with a person who did not know this truth about us and “surrounded” us with a three-story mat. Forgiving him means overstepping your own principles, and this is quite difficult to do.

    The third reason may be what kind of offense was inflicted on us. What if, according to our concepts, it is incommensurable with nothing? It's one thing to forgive a person who hit or humiliated you. It is possible, although not easy. Is it possible to forgive someone who took away health or life? loved one, willingly or unwillingly? Is it possible to forgive a doctor who committed medical error, or a driver who accidentally hit a pedestrian? Let's talk about this further and find out what cannot be forgiven and what needs to be forgiven.

    About self-esteem

    You know yourself very well, don't you? What exactly do you like and what do you not? Where did you grow up, study, work? Who are you friends with, who do you dislike, and who would you like to meet as your soulmate? The collection of all these sensations, memories and mental images is your “I” or ego. Imagine: you suddenly lose your memory as a result of an accident. You come to your senses, look in the mirror and see your reflection... You understand - it’s you, but who are you?

    Memories seem to be erased. It turns out that if you take away our memory, we will lose ourselves? No, that's not true - we will lose our self-image, and nothing more.

    Now about the principles. All your dogmas, ideas and rules are the same feigned components of “I”. You created them, carefully sculpted them and carry them with you so that your self-identity is as complete as possible. After all, the more you can tell about yourself, the more complete a person you are. So, you know, to the question: “What cannot be forgiven a person?” There is only one answer: “Everything can be forgiven. The only problem is the desire to do it.” If you go beyond your ego for even a second, you will know: you have no principles or rules, and you can even pardon your own executioners in your imagination.

    Why are we taught self-esteem and pride?

    Parents tell us about what cannot be forgiven in the process of raising us. This is done for a good purpose - to protect kids from mistakes. After all, everyone should have a sense of their own dignity, self-love. Mom will not want her daughter to suffer from her husband’s fists in the future. A father would not want his son to have his wife cheat on him. Therefore, since childhood, everyone carries a Pandora's box in their head called: “What can never be forgiven.” Note that the box is closed. Parents tell us that we can’t forgive, but they don’t reveal their cards completely: what will happen if you still forgive the offender?..

    Therefore, every man knows that a woman cannot be forgiven, and every lady keeps in her head a scheme of what she will not forgive her chosen one, and so on. Most often, these principles are as solid as flint, and violating them is tantamount to betraying oneself.

    What cannot be forgiven: “Ask” list

    Let's make a list of the most acute situations and actions that are very difficult or even impossible to forgive:

    1. Insult to human dignity or humiliation.
    2. Physical violence.
    3. Betrayal, betrayal.
    4. An accident that had tragic consequences.
    5. Intentional harm leading to a tragic event.

    As we see, there is always something worse than what has already happened and which “cannot be forgiven.” For example, some unfortunate person was publicly scolded and humiliated by his boss. The person swears to himself never to talk to him again and considers him enemy number one.

    But if in the evening this same poor fellow finds out that his wife also cheated on him, then the morning situation with the boss will no longer seem so sad. The boss can already be forgiven, but the wife becomes persona non grata in the soul of this man. Go ahead. Agree that the same betrayal will not seem too much grief compared to points four or five.

    This thought experiment demonstrates that the category “What cannot be forgiven” is relative and can change in your mind. You are the rightful owner of your principles and beliefs. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to forgive the offender.

    Learning to forgive

    Not being able to forgive is like adding heavy cobblestones to your already heavy burden in life. Have you noticed what happens in the mind with “unforgiven” and therefore unresolved situations? Many people are dragging their feet kindergarten memories of how they were offended and teased. Further in life - even more grievances. They accumulate and increase in size, at the same time giving rise to complexes and negative expectations from others. “I’ve been bullied so many times, which means I’m a loser. Weak person. If I were good, I wouldn't have been betrayed so many times."

    Believe (and check) that forgiveness is the simplest and most natural thing you can do in response to an offense. This is what the Bible and the Church teach us. What can't be forgiven? From the point of view of Christianity, there are no such acts. Everything can be forgiven!

    Accept the imperfection of the offender. Understand that he is only human. He has his own fears, views on life, complexes. Perhaps, by hurting you, he just wants to get out of his quagmire, to become higher, albeit dishonestly, at your expense. Forgive him. Wish him happiness, because a satisfied and happy person will not cause or wish anything bad to another. And you will see that the situation will be resolved, that a burden will fall off you, it will become easy for you! And the offender will leave your life or apologize if it is your loved one.

    “Forgiveness is my favorite rake”

    Have you ever heard from women who are regularly beaten by their husbands that they understand why this happens? Like, their mother told them a long time ago that you can’t forgive a man for violence, but they, so and so, forgive, and therefore suffer. How does this fit in with the theory that you need to forgive?

    Everything is very simple! Forgiveness is necessary, and even necessary. But the act of forgiveness, alas, does not make the offender a saint. If you forgive an unfaithful person for betrayal or an aggressive person for beatings, you will not protect yourself from the tyranny of this person in the future. What to do? Weigh soberly what kind of person he is, and - most importantly - what place he occupies in your life. Perhaps it would be better to forgive him and... forget, let him go on all four sides.

    What you can't forgive in a relationship

    For example, you found out that your beloved girl cheated on you. It hurts you, but you love her very much and therefore forgive her and decide to continue to be with her. A year passes, and you again learn about infidelity. So, did you forgive her in vain?

    Let's clarify something. Forgiveness does not mean allowing a person to commit a dirty trick against you again. Forgiveness means accepting the situation: “You are wrong, but I forgive you. You are only human, and therefore you have the right to make mistakes.” That's what you should think if you've been hurt. But continuing to live with someone who beats you, calls you names or cheats on you is another matter. Most likely, the person treats life and you personally in a completely different way than you think is right. If you were betrayed once, there is a high probability that it will happen again. However, it is quite possible that this will not happen again. In general, what to do next is up to you, but you must forgive!

    A little more about relationships

    Don’t ask any more questions like: “What can’t a man be forgiven?”, as if a representative of the stronger half of humanity is some kind of separate subspecies. Every man is unique, everyone’s mistakes are unique. The fact that you have come across not very good “gentlemen” simply indicates that you are progressing in development and refuse to be content with little.

    No less ridiculous are questions like: “What can’t you forgive a girl?” Remember that you need to forgive a person in any case, regardless of gender and age, and this is important not only for him, but also for you. But whether to continue to build a relationship with the offender or to separate is already your conscious choice. Forgiveness in itself does not oblige anyone to anything.

    What to do if it is impossible to forgive a person?

    There are things for which it is not possible to forgive a person. It is very easy to talk about how to let a traitor or foul-mouthed person go in peace, but there are offenses that are very difficult to forget. We are talking about accidents, accidents, negligence, not to mention an even greater evil - deliberate crimes. How can you forgive a guilty person if a fiend of hell is hidden behind the person’s appearance?

    Let's be honest: this complex topic. You may not be ready to read what we have to say next, but it is true nonetheless. Hating someone eats away at your soul. If you have been seriously hurt, you have only two options: bury yourself in this misfortune, experiencing it again and again, or allow yourself to move on by letting go of the situation. It’s up to you to decide what to choose, since you are the master of your life.

    How to forgive a crime and a criminal?

    The word “criminal” comes from the word “to overstep,” that is, this is the person who oversteps universal human norms, forgetting about the value of life and health. Such people exist and, most likely, will always exist. We cannot look into their heads, read their thoughts, but if we could do this, then, according to psychologists, we would see there a child whom someone once greatly offended, but he could not forgive. Now it may be your turn to draw a conclusion. But remember that forgiveness is not necessary for someone else, but only for you.

    To summarize

    We may think that it is impossible to forget some things and grievances, but we can just as easily just “let go” of the offender. Remember that forgiving does not mean allowing him to continue to abuse you. Just try to accept his imperfections, admit that he is just a person who has the right to make mistakes. However, do not confuse forgiveness with permissiveness. If the one who hurts you is like that by nature, just leave him and go on your way.

    And one more point that should not be forgotten. The longer you carry the load of grievances, and the heavier it is, the worse it is for you. You lose your joy in life, your self-esteem drops. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you, let those people go in your mind, and you will immediately feel relief.

    The ability to forgive is very important in life. Accumulated small and large grievances poison life, spoil your mood and well-being. You need to part with such grievances as soon as possible. However, not everything can and should be forgiven. Every woman has her own understanding of prohibitions. If for one her husband’s betrayal means nothing, then the other will not be able to continue being with him. Whether this is good or bad, we cannot say for sure. But you definitely won’t be able to be happy by stepping on your own principles, concepts of honor and conscience.


    The most offensive and serious betrayals occur from close and dear people. After all, they know your weaknesses and those things that can hurt. But they still decide to betray. Sometimes it benefits them, sometimes they do it out of stupidity. The term betrayal can be understood as:

    • physical or emotional betrayal of a beloved man;
    • “setting up” a colleague at work;
    • flirting best friend with your man;
    • revealing your personal secrets and secrets.

    Of course, you can try to forgive the person who betrayed you and continue to communicate with him, but trust will be lost. Someone who betrayed you once can easily do it again. As you communicate with him further, you will still remember his betrayal. Many women forgive the betrayal of loved ones because of material and moral gain. They do not want to know and accept the bitter truth. But whether they will then have peace and tranquility in their souls is difficult to answer.
    Whether to sincerely forgive or completely break off a relationship is something everyone decides for themselves, listening to their inner voice.

    Cruelty and assault

    If you can seriously offend with words inadvertently, then you can only behave cruelly or beat someone deliberately. For most women, men's cruelty towards children is absolutely unacceptable, although many of them will forgive rude treatment of themselves.
    But this position is incorrect. We cannot forgive assault, rudeness, or humiliation for many reasons:

    Why can’t you forgive when your loved one hit you? A woman with a victim mentality is ready to endure beatings, but this cannot be called normal.


    You can deceive once and... In a relationship with a loved one or friendly relations It is important to trust a person, to know that he will always be there. As a rule, it all starts with small lies. A man keeps silent about his spending, entertainment and other things so as not to “upset you.”
    But then it becomes a habit, all communication becomes entangled in a web of lies. You won't be able to trust him anymore.

    It will no longer be a problem to deceive you on a big scale. Husbands often take out loans, lose all their savings on sweepstakes, and sell valuables without the knowledge of their spouses. Property and money that you did not get easily are spent on meaningless actions. It is difficult to forgive such deception. After all, a man demonstrates complete indifference to your needs, interests, desires. If you forgive deceptions, you will always be a victim of such an attitude towards yourself.


    Attitudes towards cheating depend on a woman’s upbringing and sexual liberation. For some it means nothing. The wife avoids information about her husband’s infidelities and pretends to be completely uninformed. But for romantic natures, who relate to sexual intercourse not only from the physiological side, betrayal can become a real tragedy. It is difficult for such women to forgive her, because they will not be able to live with such a man and treat a man as before.

    • If this is not an isolated case, but a systematic violation of fidelity.
    • You have love or In this case, there is no point in continuing the relationship.
    • A man does not perceive betrayal as a betrayal or a bad deed. He does not repent, does not regret what he did, but, on the contrary, strives to make you feel guilty. Such a man will definitely change again.
    • If a man is promiscuous and obsessed with sex, then he cannot be faithful. Why endure constant betrayal.
    • To be able to resist temptations you need to be strong. Learn to resist. If a man doesn't want to do this, then he will never change.

    Cheating is not only a physical act, but also humiliation, deception, and betrayal of a partner. Even if you love your man very much, think many times before forgiving him. Is he worth such sacrifices? After all, life with constant mistrust and doubt is unlikely to bring joy.


    Indifference and a complete absence of quarrels is a signal that not everything is going smoothly in the relationship. Such situations lead to family crises And . Indifference to a woman often occurs when a man does not respect her.
    After all, respect is the key to normal relationships. When he is not there, the man is not interested in the woman’s opinion, criticizes her, and does not take her words and requests seriously. He may avoid communication altogether, withdraw from serious conversations or just listen to you with an indifferent look. You should not hope that your love will melt the ice; over time, his disrespect and indifference will only intensify, and criticism will become harsher. As a result, your self-esteem will decrease, complexes and self-doubt will appear.

    To build harmonious relationships you need to put in effort on both sides. But in fact, it is the woman who makes sacrifices and adapts to the man. At the same time, a man can behave absolutely indifferently and does not try to give you anything in response. A moral, material, housing factor or other benefit can keep him in a relationship. But if a woman appears on the horizon who can give more, he will immediately leave. Therefore, indifference and indifference cannot be forgiven.

    A man suffering from narcissism or a big egoist often becomes indifferent. He will be narcissistic and take your sacrifices for granted. You will not see gratitude or appreciation from him. As well as support in difficult situations, because he is indifferent to almost everything that happens to you.

    Run away from such men. After all, life is given to enjoy it, to give birth and raise children, to feel happy. And by forgiving everything that disgusts you, you will no longer be yourself and cease to be a person.

    Almost every person adheres to certain principles throughout his life, which can be adjusted depending on situations. One of these can be called a label specially created in the imagination called: “What cannot be forgiven.”

    Let's talk about this topic in this article. What is forgiveness, what can and should be forgiven, and what cannot be forgiven, since the offender will strike again. In addition, we will discuss what you cannot forgive a guy and a girl when it comes to relationships.

    What is forgiveness

    Everyone who professes any religion knows: to forgive is a godly and right thing. It is considered wrong to carry a grudge, but an even more wrong action is an act of revenge. The best thing you can do if you have been offended is to forgive the person and let go of the situation, that is, stop thinking about it and playing it out over and over again.

    Probably each of us understands: to forgive is right and good, but it is not always possible.

    Why don't we want to forgive people?

    There may be several reasons for this. So, one of the most common is that we like to be offended. That is, they caused us some damage, violated our dignity, have pity on us! And if there is no one to feel sorry for, there is no need - I will just walk around and savor my insult, like a slice of sour lemon.

    The second reason lies in the impossibility of forgiveness as such. That is, we have certain principles that determine the value of our personality. For example, we tell ourselves: “I’m so beautiful, you can’t raise your voice at me!” And then life brings us together with a person who did not know this truth about us and “surrounded” us with a three-story mat. Forgiving him means overstepping your own principles, and this is quite difficult to do.

    The third reason may be what kind of offense was inflicted on us. What if, according to our concepts, it is incommensurable with nothing? It's one thing to forgive a person who hit or humiliated you. It is possible, although not easy. Is it possible to forgive someone who has taken the health or life of a loved one, voluntarily or involuntarily? Is it possible to forgive a doctor who committed a crime or a driver who accidentally hit a pedestrian? Let's talk about this further and find out what cannot be forgiven and what needs to be forgiven.

    About self-esteem

    You know yourself very well, don't you? What exactly do you like and what do you not? Where did you grow up, study, work? Who are you friends with, who do you dislike, and who would you like to meet as your soulmate? The collection of all these sensations, memories and mental images is your “I” or ego. Imagine: you suddenly lose your memory as a result of an accident. You come to your senses, look in the mirror and see your reflection... You understand - it’s you, but who are you?

    Memories seem to be erased. It turns out that if you take away our memory, we will lose ourselves? No, that's not true - we will lose our self-image, and nothing more.

    Now about the principles. All your dogmas, ideas and rules are the same feigned components of “I”. You created them, carefully sculpted them and carry them with you so that your self-identity is as complete as possible. After all, the more you can tell about yourself, the more complete a person you are. So, you know, to the question: “What cannot be forgiven a person?” There is only one answer: “Everything can be forgiven. The only problem is the desire to do it.” If you go beyond your ego for even a second, you will know: you have no principles or rules, and you can even pardon your own executioners in your imagination.

    Why are we taught self-esteem and pride?

    Parents tell us about what cannot be forgiven in the process of raising us. This is done for a good purpose - to protect kids from mistakes. After all, everyone should have a sense of their own dignity, self-love. Mom will not want her daughter to suffer from her husband’s fists in the future. The father will not wish his son so that he Therefore, since childhood, everyone carries in his head the title: “What can never be forgiven.” Note that the box is closed. Parents tell us that we cannot forgive, but they do not reveal their cards completely: what will happen if we do forgive the offender?..

    Therefore, every man knows that a woman cannot be forgiven, and every lady keeps in her head a scheme of what she will not forgive her chosen one, and so on. Most often, these principles are as solid as flint, and violating them is tantamount to betraying oneself.

    What cannot be forgiven: “Ask” list

    Let's make a list of the most acute situations and actions that are very difficult or even impossible to forgive:

    1. Insult to human dignity or humiliation.
    2. Physical violence.
    3. An accident that had tragic consequences.
    4. Intentional harm leading to a tragic event.

    As we see, there is always something worse than what has already happened and which “cannot be forgiven.” For example, some unfortunate person was publicly scolded and humiliated by his boss. The person swears to himself never to talk to him again and considers him enemy number one.

    But if in the evening this same poor fellow finds out that his wife also cheated on him, then the morning situation with the boss will no longer seem so sad. The boss can already be forgiven, but the wife becomes persona non grata in the soul of this man. Go ahead. Agree that the same betrayal will not seem too much grief compared to points four or five.

    This thought experiment demonstrates that the category “What cannot be forgiven” is relative and can change in your mind. You are the rightful owner of your principles and beliefs. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to forgive the offender.

    Learning to forgive

    Not being able to forgive is like throwing heavy cobblestones onto your already heavy burden in life from time to time. Have you noticed what happens in the mind with “unforgiven” and therefore unresolved situations? Many people “drag” from kindergarten memories of how they were offended and teased. Further in life - even more grievances. They accumulate and increase in size, at the same time giving rise to complexes and negative expectations from others. “I’ve been bullied so many times, which means I’m a loser. Weak person. If I were good, I wouldn't have been betrayed so many times."

    Believe (and check) that forgiveness is the simplest and most natural thing you can do in response to an offense. This is what the Bible and the Church teach us. What can't be forgiven? From the point of view of Christianity, there are no such acts. Everything can be forgiven!

    Accept the imperfection of the offender. Understand that he is only human. He has his own fears, views on life, complexes. Perhaps, by hurting you, he just wants to get out of his quagmire, to become higher, albeit dishonestly, at your expense. Forgive him. Wish him happiness, because a satisfied and happy person will not cause or wish anything bad to another. And you will see that the situation will be resolved, that a burden will fall off you, it will become easy for you! And the offender will leave your life or apologize if it is your loved one.

    “Forgiveness is my favorite rake”

    Have you ever heard from women who are regularly beaten by their husbands that they understand why this happens? Like, their mother told them a long time ago that you can’t forgive a man for violence, but they, so and so, forgive, and therefore suffer. How does this fit in with the theory that you need to forgive?

    Everything is very simple! Forgiveness is necessary, and even necessary. But the act of forgiveness, alas, does not make the offender a saint. If you forgive an unfaithful person for betrayal or an aggressive person for beatings, you will not protect yourself from the tyranny of this person in the future. What to do? Weigh soberly what kind of person he is, and - most importantly - what place he occupies in your life. Perhaps it would be better to forgive him and... forget, let him go on all four sides.

    What you can't forgive in a relationship

    For example, you found out that your beloved girl cheated on you. It hurts you, but you love her very much and therefore forgive her and decide to continue to be with her. A year passes, and you again learn about infidelity. So, did you forgive her in vain?

    Let's clarify something. Forgiveness does not mean allowing a person to commit a dirty trick against you again. Forgiveness means accepting the situation: “You are wrong, but I forgive you. You are only human, and therefore you have the right to make mistakes.” That's what you should think if you've been hurt. But continuing to live with someone who beats you, calls you names or cheats on you is another matter. Most likely, the person treats life and you personally in a completely different way than you think is right. If you were betrayed once, there is a high probability that it will happen again. However, it is quite possible that this will not happen again. In general, what to do next is up to you, but you must forgive!

    A little more about relationships

    Don’t ask any more questions like: “What can’t a man be forgiven?”, as if a representative of the stronger half of humanity is some kind of separate subspecies. Every man is unique, everyone's mistakes are unique. The fact that you have come across not very good “gentlemen” simply indicates that you are progressing in development and refuse to be content with little.

    No less ridiculous are questions like: “What can’t you forgive a girl?” Remember that you need to forgive a person in any case, regardless of gender and age, and this is important not only for him, but also for you. But whether to continue to build a relationship with the offender or to separate is already your conscious choice. Forgiveness in itself does not oblige anyone to anything.

    What to do if it is impossible to forgive a person?

    There are things for which it is not possible to forgive a person. It is very easy to talk about how to let a traitor or foul-mouthed person go in peace, but there are offenses that are very difficult to forget. We are talking about accidents, accidents, negligence, not to mention an even greater evil - deliberate crimes. How can you forgive a culprit if behind the person’s appearance there is

    Let's be honest: this is a complex topic. You may not be ready to read what we have to say next, but it is true nonetheless. Hating someone eats away at your soul. If you have been seriously hurt, you have only two options: bury yourself in this misfortune, experiencing it again and again, or allow yourself to move on by letting go of the situation. What to choose is entirely up to you, since you are the master of your life.

    How to forgive a crime and a criminal?

    The word “criminal” comes from the word “to overstep,” that is, this is the person who oversteps universal human norms, forgetting about the value of life and health. Such people exist and, most likely, will always exist. We cannot look into their heads, read their thoughts, but if we could do this, then, according to psychologists, we would see there a child whom someone once greatly offended, but he could not forgive. Now it may be your turn to draw a conclusion. But remember that forgiveness is not necessary for someone else, but only for you.

    To summarize

    We may think that it is impossible to forget some things and grievances, but we can just as easily just “let go” of the offender. Remember that forgiving does not mean allowing him to continue to abuse you. Just try to accept his imperfections, admit that he is just a person who has the right to make mistakes. However, do not confuse forgiveness with permissiveness. If the one who hurts you is like that by nature, just leave him and go on your way.

    And one more point that should not be forgotten. The longer you carry the load of grievances, and the heavier it is, the worse it is for you. You lose your joy in life, your self-esteem drops. Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you, let those people go in your mind, and you will immediately feel relief.

    There are things that neither a woman nor a man can ever forgive each other. It may seem that the conflict has been resolved and its parties have forgotten about it, but one side is always gnawed by doubts and resentment. The whole point is that she could not forgive what was done and forget the offense.

    It's no secret that men and women are built differently. They have different thoughts and reactions to the same event. This means that what cannot be forgiven a man is sometimes forgiven a woman. You need to understand this in detail so as not to make mistakes for which you would have to ask for forgiveness.

    What men don't forgive women

    Men are quite patient creatures. They are less emotional, but more categorical. “Lisping” and “musing” are not typical for them. If something doesn’t suit them, then for the most part, they cut from the shoulder. Of course, everything is individual, and what one man does not forgive, another can forgive. But for the most part the situation looks like this. So, what do men not forgive their women?

    1. Treason

    The vast majority of the male population is not inclined to forgive infidelity to their girlfriends and wives. And the point here is not at all a matter of jealousy, but of pride, which was dealt a crushing blow. He, the best, successful, charming and attractive, was compared with someone else. This simply cannot be!

    Treason also has a scale: from emotional betrayal, before physical. For some, just one comparison with the ECS is enough, and that’s it - chips fly. Many women do not let up and name their first child after their ex, which also deals an unimaginable blow to a man’s self-esteem.

    For a man, female infidelity is not just a betrayal, but an insult. He immediately begins to doubt his uniqueness and, in order to protect himself from this in the future, breaks off the relationship once and for all. Men do not forgive physical betrayal, no matter how much the woman apologizes and no matter how she swears fidelity. Most often, the thought that “I changed once, will change twice” does not leave the consciousness. And such a woman ceases to exist forever for a man, even if it is very painful.

    2. Men never forgive insults directed at them.

    A well-known proverb says “my tongue is my enemy.” And this largely applies to women. In a fit of quarrel or resentment, she is inclined to express everything she thinks. Very often she will regret it and apologize, but, unfortunately, “the word is not a sparrow...”.

    Men rarely pay attention to offensive words addressed to them. Well, they called them a scoundrel or a scoundrel. Big deal. In a few hours, this quarrel will be forgotten, and the offensive words will be erased from memory.

    But it’s another matter when his pride is hurt, when in a fit of anger a friend called him a failure in life, an unmanly man and a man incapable of anything.

    Men are especially hurt by comments addressed to them as unsatisfactory sexual partner. Here she will never beg forgiveness. These words will not be forgotten, and even if a man pretends to forgive, but in fact, he will remember them all his life.

    3. Men never forgive being ignored in sex.

    It gives any man joy and pleasure when his partner considers him the best in sex. But when it turns into ordinary marital duty, then troubles are possible.

    If a woman avoids intimacy, referring to being busy, tired or migraine, this is a reason for a man to think about it. Firstly, he is struck by the thought that he no longer satisfies his partner as before, and secondly, that perhaps she has taken a lover.

    These thoughts haunt him, he may even seek self-affirmation with another woman. Well, this is betrayal, which women do not forgive, breakup and divorce.

    4. Men have a hard time forgiving a woman’s superiority.

    A man is used to being the head of the family, a breadwinner, a conqueror. This has been the case for many centuries. He believes in it and thinks it's right. But then a woman appears in his life who takes on the role of head. Only some representatives of the stronger sex will accept this.

    Those who are unsure of themselves, or as they are also called, will be absolutely indifferent to this state of affairs. mama's boys" For them, the leadership of women will even be a joy. They will shift the solution of all problems and concerns onto her. But be prepared that they will also blame their partner for all failures.

    But in most cases, the dominance of a woman is an unacceptable situation in the family for a man. He will never come to terms with this and will not forgive. He simply will not allow a woman to start commanding and directing him. Here you don't even have to try.

    5. Physical superiority of a woman

    It is difficult for a man to accept and forgive not only the moral, but also the physical superiority of a woman. If she is stronger, more physically developed, then he is unlikely to like it. And this again hurts his male pride.

    Here many will argue that nothing prevents a man from developing physically, and not growing a beer belly. This is true. But if a girl always emphasizes his physical shortcomings and constantly pesters him about joining the gym, this will have its consequences.

    A wise woman can always find an approach to this and make sure that the man himself understands and decides to take care of his physical form.

    6. Great love for money and prudence

    The biggest mistake a man’s chosen one makes is to tell him that without a car and an apartment, he would be nothing and she would not pay attention to him. Hearing that the woman he loved was attracted only by his well-being, and not by his spiritual qualities, is very painful.

    The reaction to such words can be either strong resentment or leaving for another woman who does not care so much about his money.

    7. A man does not forgive insults towards his relatives

    As you know, relatives are not chosen. Even if they are not impeccable, they are relatives, they are family. He can think whatever he wants about them and say the same, but he will take critical remarks from a woman as a personal insult.

    During a quarrel, a woman should not think about the relatives of her chosen one. Whatever they are, he will certainly defend their good name. Especially, you should not speak about loved ones offensively or mockingly. He will never forget these words.

    Yes, sometimes relatives end up with those other cadres, and most likely your man understands this, but in the heat of your anger and the peak of his patience, he can simply choose them over you. Yes, perhaps you are luckier and your relatives are more cultured and reserved, or even better, they live far away. But imagine if they lived nearby, perhaps they would also infuriate your man. Therefore, every time you again want to criticize the uncle of your chosen one, think for a second: do you need it?! After all, you have your own relationship and you love each other not for relatives, but for the qualities that your chosen one has.

    8. Men don't forgive barbs.

    If a man once showed weakness or his physical inadequacy, and the woman cannot calm down and constantly reminds him of this, and even tells him to everyone. This is a punch in the gut!

    Ridicule directed at you from, it would seem, loving woman the man cannot bear it.

    9. Jealousy

    Excessive and/or unreasonable jealousy can bring any man to the boiling point. If a woman does not give him access, controls him every second, calling him every half hour when he is with friends in the bathhouse or at work, and if he does not answer the phone, then they call your friends - this could be two hundred of any man. Remember moderation, no need to overdo it.

    What else do men not forgive women?

    The list of “terrible sins” that under no circumstances will be forgiven by men includes the following:

    • feminine stupidity . The statement that men love stupid beauties has long lost its relevance. They love smart beauties. Remember this;
    • passion for strong alcoholic drinks . Few people will like a woman who can barely stand on her feet and has a terrible smell of drunk alcohol, especially if this is a fairly common occurrence;
    • woman's request to stop communicating with friends . Male friendship, this is something that no woman, even the most beloved, can influence. The ban on communicating with friends is regarded as an infringement on personal freedom;
    • constant reproaches regarding any area of ​​life , be it salary, position, skills and abilities;
    • demanding an apology for any reason ;
    • passion for TV series . Any man wants to be given attention. He will not be able to forgive if a woman exchanges precious minutes with him for watching her series;

    It is believed that a woman is able to forgive an insult, but will never forget it. The man, on the contrary, will not forgive her. After all, to forgive, according to many men, is to show one’s weakness. This is unnatural for them.

    What will a man forgive the woman he loves?

    It seems that there are no situations that a man is ready to forgive. In fact loving man I’m ready to close my eyes and forgive a lot. Why do men forgive women? Of course, the main reason is love. Loving people are ready to forgive each other a lot.

    • A wise and loving man will never leave his chosen one because of minor shortcomings, for example, if she does not know how to cook. Although, if there are a lot of these shortcomings, then...
    • A man will turn a blind eye to excessive knowledge about your girlfriends’ personal lives. He will understand that changing a woman is simply unrealistic. At the genetic level, they have a need to share information and experiences. But still, a woman should remember that not all the details family life should become public knowledge. There must be some secret for the two.
    • And the main thing is that a man is ready to forgive the woman he loves, her passion for shopping and purchases. Even if she makes purchases that are not always necessary and spends large sums on it, the man will tolerate it. Here it is important for her not to cross the line and spend the entire family budget.

    What a man cannot forgive

    There is an opinion that a woman is ready to make any sacrifices in order to preserve her family and is ready to forgive a man constantly. Something a lot of guys use. It was like that before. But times are changing. Gone are the days when people had a death grip on a man. Nowadays, more and more often we meet self-sufficient women who feel quite confident professionally and stand confidently on their feet. For whom the main thing in life is to find an honest man who will love only her and her children all her life.

    But there is that line, the violation of which a woman still cannot forgive a man, even if she loves him very much.

    1. Treason

    This is number one in any case. Like a man, a woman also has a hard time getting used to the idea that a man easily accepted the fact of replacing his partner. Love, in an intimate sense, for many women is a sacrament between her and her lover, it is complete trust and openness. And when a third one invades this fairy-tale world, it ceases to be so valuable and unshakable. This means it can no longer satisfy as before on an emotional level.

    Only a few women around the world forgive their men for this sin. Most often due to the preservation of the family.

    Treason- this is a “point of no return” for both women and men. You can try to forgive, for your own sake, for the sake of your children, to step on the throat of your pride, but... It will be the same as picking up a broken vase. Beautiful? It seems intact, but something is not quite right. And the cracks remind of what happened.

    Advice cannot help in this situation. Some say that you need to quit, forget and move on with your life. And most likely this correct solution, but which is very difficult.

    Why do women forgive infidelity? First of all, they are afraid of being left alone without support. There is also some uncertainty about this tomorrow and your strengths.

    2. Dangerous addictions

    The woman believes that bad habits his loved ones are a thing of the past. But sad as it is, former drug addicts, alcoholics and gambling addicts do not exist. A harmful passion replaces love for them. It is a great misconception of the chosen one to think that her man will change his habits for her sake. Such cases are rare.

    A man will not give up his dangerous addiction, even if he is persuaded and asked. All addictions are deep in the subconscious and to eradicate them, drastic measures (psychologists or doctors) or new deep meanings of life are needed. He will promise hundreds of times that he will stop this, but at the same time he will return home drunk again. The next morning he will ask for forgiveness and make promises, but is it worth believing this for the hundredth time? As a rule, women answer - no! But there are others, “patients”. Most often, these are women who are not confident in themselves, who believe that they will not find anyone better for themselves anyway, “and who needs me at 35 years old.”

    3. Women do not forgive emotional dullness.

    For every woman, support in difficult moments, it is important to be nearby loving person. Women, in principle, tend to experience a huge number of emotions. And when you keep everything inside for a long time, peaks come and spill out. At such moments, you want to cry, speak out and hear words of support and sympathy in response. It’s not always possible to call a friend or mother, and of course all hope lies with the man you love. But, as luck would have it, he is not around or he does not react in any way, considering your emotions unfounded and “inflated.”

    Ardent and emotional women simply cannot now take such a callous attitude towards their emotions and therefore prefer to break up with a man. In this situation we are talking about a mismatch of temperaments.

    4. Women do not forgive constant complaints about life.

    Lamentation is the lot of women, but not men. A man must be strong and resistant to all blows of fate. Every woman wants to feel protected and confident that she can always rely on her man. Isn't it normal woman can he live with a guy who always complains about everyone and everything? He has everyone to blame, including his chosen one, for the fact that something did not work out for him, that the position did not go to him and that the salary is not high enough.

    Not every woman can bear constant complaints. And it’s impossible to understand and forgive when you are accused of all mortal sins.

    5. Constant promises

    Women like it when men keep their promises. There is a significant difference between reminders for a specific action, such as hanging a lamp in the hallway, and empty promises. It’s normal to remind a man about something several times, but when promises take on disaster proportions and are not fulfilled, then this is a reason to think about it.

    The man promised to re-tile the bathroom and didn’t fulfill it, promised that he would change his behavior and not be so callous to her emotions and didn’t fulfill it, promised to stop drinking or not come back so late again and didn’t fulfill it, promised to take care of raising children - and again didn’t fulfill it promised. When the sum of these components reaches the limiting point, the woman simply cannot stand it and takes drastic measures.

    Living with a partner who only “feeds” you with promises means living in constant dissonance: you seem to believe that he will improve, but this does not happen. All this leads to the development of personal and interpersonal conflicts.

    6. Unfulfilled ambitions

    It is very difficult for women whose man considers himself an unrecognized genius. With this he constantly justifies his laziness and inactivity. A woman can work three jobs to feed her family, while he will lie on the couch and wait for the muse to visit him.

    Here, of course, it’s a purely individual matter, to forgive and move on or to let the artist go free. But, as a rule, a genius does not consider it necessary to change anything and continues to wait for his inspiration.

    7. Excessive pride

    When a man sees no one but himself, it repels a woman. Next to such a man, a woman feels in a secondary role.

    A man’s excessive narcissism about his personality, his qualities and achievements makes a woman think about the quality of her relationship with such a male.

    8. Greed

    It is a well-known fact that women have more things than men. This is also related to physiological characteristics and with the roles performed by a woman in the family: mother, housewife, wife, friend, etc.

    Many women relax when they go shopping. But there are some men who are not ready to fork out money for women’s whims. Giving a useless gift to your beloved, much less buying her an extra handbag, is not about them. They will count every ruble spent by a woman and ask her to account for all purchases. Which, undoubtedly, at a certain time will make a girl think about whether she even needs such an accountant in a relationship.

    An interesting video that will complement the above points. Mistakes of men in relationships.

    Relationships are what underpins a family. How you learn to build relationships before marriage will directly determine the style of your married couple. God created us all equal, we are all born the same, which means we define and create ourselves, working on ourselves, our complexes, fears, etc. We create our own personality. For some it’s easier to be in a role. And some people prefer to be a director and actively take part in building themselves, their environment, their life.

    We enter into relationships with already established life positions. Some are ready to forgive all the “deeds” of their partner, while others will never put up with anything that does not correspond to their position in life.

    In the first case, the relationship is doomed: eternal torment, eternal problems, conflicts, etc.

    In the second case, a person knows exactly what kind of partner he is looking for, with what qualities and life attitudes. And such a person will definitely find it. And this couple will be happier.

    So, what cannot be forgiven in a relationship, so as not to be in the role of a victim.

    1. You can’t forgive aggression

    Aggression both towards your partner and towards children. Whatever happens in a man’s life, he has no right to take out his anger on a woman, much less raise his hand against her or his children. Sometimes it's not just about physical violence, but also moral. Sometimes harsh words can hurt more. This behavior destroys even the most better relationship, which have existed for quite a long time. Although you can really call them good. Aggression should not be forgiven, under any pretext.

    You can’t forbid your partner to communicate with friends or do what he likes. free time. Often, in a personal way, he splashes out the negativity that has accumulated in him. IN otherwise everything can take its toll on you.

    2. Dark past

    Everyone, without exception, has some secrets related to their past. For some, this is a long-passed stage to which they do not return and it is better not to stir them up. But there are points that a partner should know about before starting a relationship. After all, sooner or later some facts of the dark past will become known. It is impossible to hide a criminal past or five illegitimate children.

    If you honestly admit what you did in the past, then a truly loving person can understand and forgive what he thinks are minor sins. And it’s better to tell him about this on the shore in order to understand how small they are for him, can he live with this information about you? But if you try to hide a dark past, your partner will regard this as a lie and betrayal. After all, to find out that the husband has several more children and the common child will be 5th in line for inheritance. This is sometimes difficult to accept and forgive.

    3. Lack of communication with children from previous relationships

    Before starting a new relationship, it is important to find out what kind of relationship your partner had before you. After all, based on previous experience, you can build harmonious relationships.

    The fact that the man is already in mature age did not have a relationship or children is alarming. Usually, by the age of 40, men manage to get married and have at least one child.

    And if a woman has severed all contact with her children from her first marriage and left them to be raised by their father, then this is a clear reason to think about what kind of relationship you will have.

    It is important to find out all the circumstances of the current situation with children from the first marriage. If a man regularly sees his first-born, helps financially and morally, then these are signs good father. But if he is not at all interested in the life of his own child and saw him for the last time several years ago, and in the photo “VKontakte”, then you need to think about it.

    Every woman, first of all, has a developed maternal instinct. She will not forgive a man for such an attitude towards to your own child. She is able to love her husband's child previous relationship, but his dislike will not be able to forgive him.

    What a man can be forgiven for are small mistakes. They are forgotten literally within a few hours. But a woman’s patience is not endless, just like men. You need to be able to hear each other, respect and share experiences. This is the key to a strong and long-lasting relationship.

    The ability to forgive is a manifestation of a strong spirit. Better think again before you say anything. After all, relationships are built brick by brick, and how you lick the next brick will depend on how the whole structure turns out.

    And finally, the reasoning of psychologists about male and female infidelity. Myths and reality.

    When you grow up, you don't allow girls to treat you the way they did when you were younger. Disrespect for you and all these unhappy relationships on the brink remain in the past. When you are a grown man, you need to immediately shut down a woman and turn her on the ram’s horn if she allows herself to do something that she shouldn’t.

    The girl behaves the way you allow her to. Will she test you for character and balls? Of course, more than once.

    1. Girl's betrayal and choice

    Is the girl choosing between you and someone else? This means she doesn’t love anyone, and she doesn’t really like anyone. The girl chooses with whom she will feel better based on the maximum benefit. Who can give her as much as possible? But here the conversation is not about love, but about material wealth and commercialism. Do you need it? Find a normal girl who will love and adore you.

    The girl cuckolded and asks for forgiveness? Betrayal cannot be forgiven under any circumstances. No matter how much you love. Throw to hell before you tarnish your name and your family.

    2. Womanish manipulations

    This is the most popular game for women in relationships. The girl begins to achieve what she wants using manipulation. Cheap play on emotions, moral pressure, threats of separation, deprivation of sex, demonstration of resentment, forced tears, categorical ultimatums, involvement of relatives and friends. You should put the girl on hold and start ignoring her until she understands or you find a better chick.

    3. Prohibitions and control

    Does a girl begin to forbid a man to do what he wants? Don’t be friends with them, don’t go there, don’t do anything. Do as I say. A grown man will not tolerate such antics and will put the girl in her place. Slavery was abolished a long time ago, and a girl has no moral right to prohibit something from a mature and wise man.

    4. Comparison with others

    A girl may compare you with other men or her exes. Sometimes girls compare their friends with their husband, blaming you for your low salary, lack of abs, or being a small “friend”. A man does not have to endure this. You should find another girlfriend and let the girl go to hell.

    5. Disrespect for men

    A girl is disrespectful to a man. She constantly criticizes and ridicules him. The girl swears in the presence of strangers and expresses her dissatisfaction. The girl treats the man's family poorly. Such a girl has gone astray and needs to be gotten rid of immediately.

    When you grow up, relationships follow your rules, not women's. If a girl doesn’t suit you, then it’s very easy to replace her. There are so many girls now that with your experience, lassoing a good and young female is not a problem. Are you a real man?

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