• The main differences between male and female friendships. How is female friendship different from male friendship? What is female friendship like according to the theory of androgyny?


    Friendship is a universal phenomenon. For both men and women it is based on mutual sympathy, respect and trust, but at the same time has certain differences. No one doubts the existence of male friendship, but people are ready to argue for hours about the existence of female friendship.

    Women are friends at the level of emotions, and men - at the level of actions. Girlfriends more often provide moral support to each other or go out somewhere for company, and men lend their friends money or provide services, for example, helping to load and transport furniture.

    For women, any relationship is more important than friendship. Of course, they do not break ties with friends who their boyfriends do not like, but they reduce meetings with them to a minimum. A man is ready to sacrifice his friends only for the sake of his wife, and only if he finds out, for example, that a friend is constantly pestering his woman.

    If a woman's lover cheated on her with her friend, she will forever stop communicating with both of them, or only with her friend. Men in a similar situation tend to forgive their friends, although it will take time for them to do so.

    Men listen to the opinions of their friends, and a woman asks the opinion of her friends only to hear: “You are right about everything!” If she doesn’t hear this, she will have a fix idea to prove to everyone that the truth is on her side.

    Men very rarely criticize their friends, while women can be very cruel to their friends “for their own good.” At the same time, men more often make fun of their friends in conversations and use phrases about them that seem offensive to almost any woman.

    When going to a meeting with friends, a woman always hopes that there will be men there, but a man going to a meeting with friends will definitely get angry if one of them comes with the lady of his heart.

    Women constantly compete with each other, sometimes without even realizing it. Their rivalry is especially fierce in the presence of a handsome man. For representatives of the fairer sex, it is normal to gossip about a friend if they had an argument the day before, or to flirt with her boyfriend just like that. Men, on the contrary, often demonstrate masculine solidarity by “giving up” girls to less attractive friends or helping to impress them.

    A man considers friends even those with whom he has not communicated for many years. If they suddenly appear on the horizon and ask for help, he will rush to them at any time of the day or night. Women need to constantly keep in touch with their friends, and if one of them misses several meetings in a row, the clear conclusion follows that the friendship has exhausted itself.

    Girlfriends are often jealous of each other towards other girlfriends and men; they can be very offended if they were not invited to some event or were not chosen as a witness at a wedding; men do not react so sharply to such things.

    Women are constantly jealous of each other: guys, new clothes, success at work. Men also have envy of newfangled gadgets or cool cars of friends, but the degree of this envy is much lower.

    When sorting out relationships, men can quarrel and even fight, but if they make peace and communicate again, there is no doubt that the conflict is completely resolved. After such situations, a woman is always left with a “sediment,” and in the next conflict she will definitely remember that three years ago her friend already stumbled, so it’s not worth being friends with her.

    Men often carry their friendships throughout their lives. This is not due to their exceptional friendly qualities, but to the fact that they are less demanding of their friends and less likely to notice their shortcomings.

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    How many different versions of the differences between female and male friendships exist! The psychology of friendship involves the ability to share successes and failures with a friend, providing support. Oddly enough, helping a friend when he has problems is much easier than supporting him during a period of triumph. It is important to maintain pleasant and comfortable communication in friendship. Being able to trust your friend is important and noble.

    It is important to maintain not only your relationship with your friend, but also to commit to protecting his reputation without criticizing him publicly. It is common secrets that unite and preserve friendship. The most important thing is to respect your friend’s preferences, interests and inner world, giving freedom to communicate with other people.

    In general, friendship teaches you to be more patient, to make compromises, to defend your opinion and give in, to share experience and give time when it is sorely lacking. The psychology of friendship is the same for all people, but let’s try to determine - what is the difference between male and female friendship.

    In this male friendship dominate moral values, support and mutual assistance. Male friendship is manifested in actions and deeds, and therefore is sometimes silent on the manifestation of feelings and emotions. True male friendship is maintained by common meetings while watching football, tasting beer, going fishing or hunting.

    Female friendship more emotional and formal, which is due to feminine nature. Female friendship is manifested in providing support, mutual understanding when discussing situations and jointly searching for ways to resolve difficulties.

    It is worth noting that the level of unanimity in friendship depends on intellectual development every friend. There is unity in both female and male friendships, but for a man it is natural to sacrifice his time, money in the name of friendship, while a woman weaves friendship into everyday life and sacrifices friendship for the sake of successfully performing other social roles and functions.

    So, female and male friendship is based on mutual support. Men show their friendship through actions and deeds, and women show their friendship through emotional involvement.

    From a psychological point of view real friendship is born only between strong personalities. Only the truth of views, the absence of masks in communication and the acceptance of another person on any terms creates a zone of comfortable communication for friends. Those who cannot open up and constantly play social roles, cannot provide mutual support to a loved one.

    True friendship, as a high moral feeling, requires such qualities as unselfishness, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty and dedication in communication and behavior.

    Male friendship is usually built on common hobbies and joint participation in some activity, while female friendship is usually built on personal relationships. Although there are more similarities than differences in the dynamics of friendships, men and women view friendship and interact with friends differently.

    Relationships between female friends are often very close and deeply personal, while relationships between male friends are usually less serious. It is not surprising that face-to-face communication is more important for female friendship: girlfriends communicate more emotionally, willingly share their thoughts and feelings, and support each other.

    For male friends, it is more important to do things together, side by side, rather than communicate face to face. They value relationships more with those with whom they participate in activities. Their relationships with friends are not so close emotionally; mutual benefit plays a big role according to the principle “you give me, I give you.” It also differs in how often they communicate with friends, how involved they are in friendly relationships, and what personal problems they are willing to discuss.

    Men are more likely to bond by doing a common activity, such as sports, and women are more likely to bond by sharing personal secrets with each other.

    Unlike women, men often have no need to discuss any changes in their lives with friends, and in general they do not always need to maintain regular contact. Men may not communicate with a person for a long time and continue to consider him a close friend. If a woman has not communicated with her friend for a long time, she will most likely decide that they have parted ways and the friendship has ended.

    And although there is less emotional intimacy in friendships between men, their relationships are not as fragile as those of women. Men most often get closer by doing some common activity, such as sports, and women - by sharing personal secrets with each other, talking and spending time together.

    Men make friends more easily because they don't suspect each other's ulterior motives and don't feel the need to share personal information to maintain a friendship. At the same time, men who are not inclined to share their experiences with friends are often willing to talk about their feelings to their wives, girlfriends, sisters or girlfriends with whom they maintain purely platonic relationships.

    How is female friendship different from male friendship?

    1. Men are friends side by side, their relationships arise and are maintained on the basis of common activities, affairs, interests and hobbies.
    2. Women make friends face to face, their relationships arise and are maintained on the basis of emotional intimacy, communication and mutual support.
    3. IN friendly relations There is less spiritual and emotional intimacy between men than in friendships between women.
    4. Friendships between men are not as fragile as relationships between girlfriends, that is, a man can continue to consider a person a friend even after long breaks in communication.
    5. Women are emotionally attached to those they consider friends.
    6. Men are more likely to remain friends after a fight or argument, while women are more likely to break off relationships.
    7. Women need to communicate more often with those whom they consider friends.
    8. Men are more likely to tease their friends and make fun of them, considering it harmless fun.
    9. Women usually try not to make fun of their friends for fear of hurting them.
    10. Men communicate more often in large groups, they have more fun together, while women prefer to go somewhere with just one good friend.

    Of course, it cannot be said that these features apply to all men and women. These are rather general trends. Whatever your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend, it is important to figure out what exactly you are looking for in a friendship. The answer to this question will help you understand whether it is possible to build the relationship you would like with a person.

    Men believe that female friendship does not exist. After all, judge for yourself - what kind of friendship can we talk about if the ladies constantly have competition among themselves and jealousy, both towards men and towards mutual friends? But women prove year after year that they can experience deep affection for a long time. for long years, and at the same time not to share husbands, children and work. But there is still a difference in these relations. Which one?

    Difference between male and female friendship

    Men love to spend time doing common things, shoulder to shoulder. This could be fishing, football or even watching a match on TV. Women love to do all kinds of nice things face to face. For example, talk in a cafe, drink tea, go shopping. Men rarely go shopping with friends, because for them the main thing is not to chat while choosing trousers, but to achieve their goal, namely, to buy those same trousers.

    Competition is present both between the stronger sex and between girls. She only expresses herself different ways. In men, it manifests itself through career growth, wages, the amount of real estate or “movables” (car, yacht and motorcycle), but for women everything is based on appearance, the amount of branded clothing, and, naturally, on men. If a man comes between friends, the friendship will end. In men, in in this case there are three options: either they quarrel over a woman and stop communicating (which happens quite rarely), or they quarrel and stop communicating for a while (but then resume friendship again), or they decide that a woman is not a reason to break pots.

    Women often make friends as long as it benefits them. The weaker sex also thinks soberly and rationally (although these qualities are usually attributed to men). As long as the friendship does not interfere with them, or even benefits them, then why not try their best to maintain this relationship? Men also know how to “make friends” like this, but the difference is that women are better able to get used to the role faithful friend for a long period. But the guys won’t be able to pretend for long.

    In most cases, women are more emotional. Feelings are important to them and therefore they try to get more support and understanding. For men, reason is more important, so when they hear a problem, they immediately try to solve it, instead of consoling and wiping away tears.

    But there is something common in all these relationships. Despite the fact that men are more united, and women are more likely to set each other up, we are all looking for the same thing - understanding and support. There is nothing 100% bad and 100% good in the world. Different people and different situations build the foundation for strong and not so strong relationships. Therefore, before judging friendship from a gender perspective, it is worth remembering that common interests, respect and understanding are inherent equally in both men and women.

    Men "tend" (because I'm not talking about all men or all women) towards shoulder-to-shoulder friendships, and women towards face-to-face friendships. This has been shown in research (1982, Paul Wright), but you can see it more clearly: men like to spend time doing common things - we get together and do things together, for example, participating in sports. Women will prefer a more convenient meeting in a cafe and a direct conversation with fewer distractions. Men are socialized to compete through structured activities such as sports and salaries; women compete in less structured ways - appearance, demeanor, warmth. So men approach friendship in a different way - through action - 80% of men interviewed said they participate in sports with their friends; no women gave this answer, although some said they trained with friends. Shopping is a more common activity for women - only one man out of 386 said he shopped with his friends.

    Women place much higher value on frequent contact with friends than men; women have more friends than men; women are much more likely to show feelings for their friends (without fear of appearing homosexual) than men; women are more willing to listen; men are more willing to give advice. And, women tend to be more emotionally and physically expressive with female friends than men (this may be due to a certain amount of men's fears of being seen as gay, but may also be due to other factors (national or biological factors).

    Here are a few areas where there are differences - but they may not apply to any specific person.

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