• Rules for reading prayers and conspiracies for all occasions. Spells and prayers that will help in a variety of situations


    For centuries, people have believed in the support of otherworldly forces, and use conspiracies and prayers for all occasions. Treatment of certain diseases, giving strength and self-confidence, finding your other half, attracting luck and luck - this is not the whole list, but the most important points for a person.

    Grandmothers pass on their knowledge to their grandchildren, but much is considered fiction, and young people forget these simple but effective words. When trying to remember, only fragments of sentences come to mind, but for correct perception, whole sentences are needed, it is words composed in the right order that work wonders.

    Prayers and conspiracies for the success of the business started

    It could be:

    • start of a working project;
    • start of renovation
    • first day in a new team;
    • starting a business or just a work project.

    Important: the thing you ask for in a conspiracy or prayer must be truly good.

    Prayer for all business endeavors

    Most Holy Theotokos, most pure, blessed, overshadow my deeds with your gaze, give me strength and patience. Forgive me my thoughts, and forgive the thoughts of my enemies, guide me along the path of the Lord, and do not leave me on the way. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy to start work

    The bird has business, the spider has business. For every beast and reptile, the work is built and sculpted, and put together from beginning to end. Let the work I have conceived be woven and glued together, so that it does not tear apart or be disturbed by evil hands and tongues. Century by century, from now to century. Amen.

    A conspiracy for a business in which a large sum of money is invested

    Seven mountains have seven winds, seven seas have seven deserts, seven mothers have seven sons. The sons begin their journey through the desert and through the mountains. The winds blow favorable to them, the mountains stand high. All forty-nine sons return, and each has seven sons, up to forty-nine grandchildren. So I, the Servant of God (name), will go up the mountain and return with abundance. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

    Spell for the beginning of the day

    The morning sun, the dew of God - light and warm, dry and windless. May God grant me the whole day smoothly and with improvement. Amen.

    Spells and prayers for a loved one

    These can be prayers for health and conspiracies to attract attention, to let the person know that he is important to you, dear. You will understand that the conspiracy and prayer for love has begun to work if:

    • the person you love will start calling, writing, or coming to you without your request;
    • will offer help that you did not ask for;
    • will ask mutual friends about you.

    Important: if a person is happy with another woman or man, you should not turn him towards you especially vehemently, since his true feelings will still remain unchanged, even if he begins to be drawn to you.

    Prayer for a husband

    Most Holy Theotokos, protect my husband with your grace, give him a smooth path and a sharp look. Guide him along the right path, do not let him stray from the spiritual. I pray you, Most Holy Mother of God, protect and show the way home, even in the bright, even in night hour. Amen.

    Love spell

    I'll go out into the open field, eat in the open field White stone, a white falcon on a stone. The falcon misses its falcon; the white falcon cannot fly, eat or drink without its falcon. I will ask the white falcon to fly to the good fellow, the servant of God (name) and put my ardent love and longing into his heart, put into his head bright thoughts about me, the servant of God (name). No matter what you eat, don’t sleep, don’t see the white light without me, God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    To please the opposite sex

    Just as the white day is dear and beloved to everyone, so I, the servant of God (name), will be dear and loved to everyone, just as they wait for rain in a drought, so they will wait for me, the servant of God (name), as the hungry listen to the crackling of fire, yes frozen, they will listen to and honor me. My word is strong and molding. Amen.

    Powerful prayers and effective spells for health

    • These words need to be spoken about yourself, or people who are sick, tired, or afraid of getting sick. Because fear of illness can be the cause of other illnesses.
    • In the old days, grandmothers read these prayers and conspiracies over their sick grandchildren, over relatives and friends, the nature of whose diseases was unknown.
    • Important: conspiracies and prayers should not be the only remedy against the disease. The word only helps the cause, and therefore, these words should be read only in conjunction with treatment.

    Prayer for the sick

    Our Heavenly Father, who exists in all living things in heaven, earth and water, bless your servant (name of the sick person). Give him the strength to cope with the illness, cover him with your grace, restore his health, put strength in his legs, strengthen his head with faith and love for You. Amen.

    Conspiracy over a sick child

    Wide rivers, but not deep, high mountains, but not sharp, warm seas, but cooling. So the servant of God (the name of the child), is sick, but not broken, weak, but stubborn. The wind blows, the trees rustle, our mother Earth hears my words. Send a messenger to us early in the morning - the son of your wind and the son of your rain and snow. Rain and snow will wash away diseases, and the wind will carry them away and drown them in the warm sea. My word is strong and molded, no one will break it or change it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Conspiracy against female diseases

    There is a tree in the forest, and under the tree there is a dog, and the dog has a white bone in its teeth, and a cup of water from a stream. The dog is gnawing on a bone and lapping up water from the stream. I’ll go into the forest, find the dog, bring her a new bone - the disease of God’s servant (name), and milk from a cow with one horn. I will take a white bone from a dog, bury it by the road, just as a dog gnaws a new bone, so the disease will disappear from God’s servant (name). (you need to take out a large beef bone and give it to a stray dog).

    Conspiracy against male diseases

    I will go beyond the blue sea, beyond the high mountains, beyond the dark forests, beyond the wide rivers, I will find an open field, in it stands a white flammable stone - Alatyr. There is a hole on that stone, and in the hole there is an oak tree, it is a hundred years old. He grew through the stone, strong and straight, nothing can break him - not a thunderstorm, not a wind, not a person. So the servant of God (name) cannot be broken by illness or mutilated by a word. Strong and healthy, fast and straight, strong and firm. Amen.

    Conspiracies for human honesty

    Strong conspiracies for all occasions can help people who hope for the honesty of those people with whom they have to deal. These could be officials, business partners, judges and juries. Before you start any business where sincerity and honesty are needed, help strong conspiracies. A person will not be able to lie to you and against you.

    Prayer against liars and slanderers

    Our Father, hallowed be your name, may your honesty and wisdom be an example for me and my friends, as well as my relatives and my enemies. Put shame on them for lying and slandering me, let them speak only the truth, in Your name. Amen.

    So that they don’t lie to you and about you

    The magpie has a white wing, a loud tongue, a quick foot, and a cat is faster. The magpie tickled and tickled, but didn’t do it, promised, promised, but forgot. And the cat came, and the dog came. The cat tore it up, and the dog said: don’t lie, magpie, keep quiet magpie, your tongue will burn with fire when you lay false accusations against God’s servant (name). Amen.

    Conspiracies and prayers for leaving the house, the road

    1. For all occasions, when a person leaves the house, prayers and conspiracies for the road will help.
    2. If you get into a car, bus, plane or train, prayer for the road will also be effective.
    3. As soon as you have closed the door behind you, read the prayer three times.

    Prayer for the road

    We are on the way, the Mother of God is ahead, Jesus is with us, and the Apostles are behind us. Amen.

    Conspiracy for a safe road

    Snow blows across the earth, covering God's earth with a blanket, or rain from the sky waters the earth. So you, Lord, look after me with your gaze, do not let me turn onto a dashing road and get hit by dashing people. Put your light, warmth and wisdom into my eyes and feet, take away misfortunes and sorrows from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Effective prayers and strong protective spells for all occasions can be stored in memory, or kept in a notebook. Before starting any business, you can quickly use them. But the most important thing is that you personally must believe in what you say, since words are a kind of chain that must be intact from the beginning of the prayer to the end. And then the power of your word will be complete.

    Conspiracies and prayers for all occasions are real help in any life situation, cleansing the mind and soul. True faith can lead a person even from a completely hopeless situation. The power of words is simply of great importance; phrases spoken at a certain moment, combined with certain emotions, can change a person’s life forever for the better or for the worse. Our ancestors used the magic of words quite widely. Ancient conspiracies and prayers for all occasions have been preserved to this day.

    General set of rules

    Prayers are a request for help and protection from higher divine powers, spoken out loud or mentally. Conspiracies are somewhat similar to prayers, however, if the latter are aimed only at protection, then the former can relate to both black and white magic. Any prayers and conspiracies should be pronounced with a certain intonation and follow certain unspoken rules:

    • incantations and prayer words are read in a half-whisper, or silently;
    • rituals are not performed in the presence of strangers, otherwise they will not work;
    • Before performing protective rites, the performer must refuse bad habits and fast for several days;
    • The key to success is pure, bright faith in divine powers.

    The most effective spell words

    Naturally, it is simply impossible to fully describe all existing conspiracies and prayers for all occasions, because their number is enough to write several books, but every person should know the most common and quickly acting ones in order to be able to protect themselves from dark forces and attract bright ones into their lives. energy. Charmed amulets for happiness, good luck and protection from dark forces today are more popular than ever. Any thing can become an amulet that brings good luck.

    It’s better to choose a small item that you can easily put in your pocket and always carry with you (keychain, pebble, pin, etc.). Spell words:

    “When the squirrel put on a red fur coat and walked around in it in winter and summer, she couldn’t bear it. So let this little thing (name) attract good luck like a magnet today and tomorrow, and always.”

    Often a person, after a long chain of unpleasant events, feels overwhelmed and depressed, as if all Vital energy She left him, and he’s like a squeezed lemon. In this case, a ritual will come in handy that will help restore strength and protect against various ailments. This plot is read on spring water:

    • you need to take a whole bucket of water to wash yourself afterwards;
    • warm to a comfortable temperature;
    • read “Our Father” three times over the bucket;
    • then a prayer to Saint Nicholas;
    • After that, they take a ladle, and pouring water on themselves, they say the following words: “The water is cold, you wash away everything in its path, so wash away all illnesses and aches. Let all the ailments flow out of my body, take them with you, take them away. In return, let strength and health return.”

    This cleaning should be done once a month.

    Rituals that give harmony and harmony in the family and for child protection

    Harmony and mutual understanding family life the basis of all foundations. The following conspiracy aimed at attracting peace and harmony is very effective. To carry it out you will need:

    • carrot;
    • with white lights.

    The carrots should be grated on a fine grater and placed on a plate. Two candles are placed on both sides of the front door, the third is placed in the center, literally two steps from the threshold. Turning to face the front door, start reading the text:

    “Roll, grief, like tumbleweeds, through the mountains, through the forests, into the swampy swamps. Leave the house for misfortune, clear the way for happiness.”

    Read the text 7 times, after each, throwing a pinch of carrots on the floor in a triangle between the candles.

    The lights are extinguished with a special cap or fingers, all the carrots are collected in white scarf and are buried at a deserted intersection with the words:

    “Goodbye misfortune, hello joy.”

    For a mother, children's health is more important than anything in the world. If a child is often sick, in addition to drug therapy, you can turn to higher powers for help, asking them to protect your child from all illnesses and adversities.

    For this action you will need a large apple. You should squeeze it a little on both sides and say a prayer:

    “Lord, All-Merciful, Almighty, I trust in your power and your compassion. Through the fruit, endowed with the power of grace, to save my child from physical and spiritual illness. The servant of God (name) will eat the fruit and stop experiencing suffering and pain, and will gain new strength. Amen".

    So that all wishes come true

    In the waxing moon phase, on Sunday, before the sun leaves the sky, you need to take a thread of wool and 9 thin rods:

    • the first three are from three different trees;
    • the second three - from three brooms;
    • the third three - from three herbs.

    All 9 rods are tied with a thread and the words are read:

    “Solomon’s mind led him to his cherished goal, so my desire leads me. The guiding star lights up in the sky, and illuminates my path at night, a clear dawn in the morning, and a red sun in the afternoon. Whatever I dream of achieving is destined to come true.”

    The broom must be taken to the intersection and left there unnoticed. Then you need to quickly leave, without looking back or talking to anyone along the way.

    If the family is unhappy

    It often happens that people get married and one of them simply does not see the light of day in marriage, so unhappy. I don’t have the strength to leave and a solution to the problem still hasn’t come for many years. For this case, a prayer for an unsuccessful marriage is suitable.

    “Lord, let your Heavenly Light illuminate me. Touch my wounded soul and show me a new solution. Help, direct the feet of someone who is able to heal my wounds and light a light in my heart, who can turn back time with the touch of his hands and remove a heavy burden from my soul. Heavenly angel new love will show me new road will tell you. Amen".

    So that nothing bad happens

    The human soul senses anxiety and approaching danger ahead of time. If you have an uneasy feeling for several days, put up a prayer shield using prayer against the onset of trouble.

    “Lord, may your will be done with me. I ask you, hear, look at me, take away the evil trouble. Let me avoid unnecessary suffering. I repent of all my sins, I fall on my knees at your feet. I will use your strength, it will ward off misfortune and misfortune like a shield, the storm will not be able to carry me away, it will not flood me with rain, I will not bend under the burden of life’s trials. Thank you, Lord Almighty, for your kindness and affection. Your commandments are inviolable, and the instructions that provide a chance for salvation. Amen".

    How to save a person from alcoholism and drug addiction

    Today, the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction is very relevant. Many mothers and wives, who do not know how to cope with this grief, are looking for various ways. Pure faith and prayers can help in this grief. To speak against alcoholism, you need to take a glass of yellow juice (orange, carrot or pumpkin) and place it near the window, and put a lit torch behind it and read the words.

    “Protect, Lord Almighty, from drunkenness and wickedness. Hear my words. Let Your servant get rid of base passions, let prayerful words destroy this passion. May his head be illuminated by insight and given a chance for redemption by the yellow heavenly power of the Lord’s light. Let the intoxicating fog of the green potion be broken by another liquid. Human evil will not be able to put God’s servant (name) on the wrong path again. The desire to drink will no longer appear. Bosom friends will fall off on their own and won’t bother you anymore. Amen".

    The juice is given to a person to drink before breakfast, the whole procedure is done daily for a month.

    You should speak against drug addiction while sitting, on a chair in front of a lit lamp, all the time, raising and lowering your hands. Prayer:

    “With my fiery speech, I ask you to show the righteous path. There will be no worries on the new path, because the Lord will not leave him in the dark kingdom where his slave (name) was born. He will be able to fulfill his vow of renunciation of poison, which leads soul and body to death. After some time, the servant of God (name) will become independent from temptations and will be able to deny his mind and body entertainment. He can find the life-giving source within himself. I praise the forces that give a chance for new life and not reproaching for past sins.”

    Protection from ill-wishers

    There are simply a huge number of conspiracies against the evil eye and damage. Almost any mother knows what the evil eye is and how to rid her child of it with the help of holy water and a conspiracy. Negative influence not only children, but also adults are exposed to weak biofield. Successful people are often damaged by envious people due to lack of money, family destruction, loneliness, and even death. Let's look at several protective conspiracies.

    To perform the first rite, you will need holy water previously collected in the church. In the morning you need to place a vessel with water so that the sun's rays are directed at it and read the plot:

    “Lord, protect me from evil, give me water with your strength, so that I (name) can wash away all the filth from myself. Just as I wash my body with holy water, so my soul will be freed from the influence of the dark. Let the enemy look at me, but his envy bypasses me, because your protection is on me.”

    A prayer that must be read once every seven days will help ward off the disease:

    “Lord, again I kneel before you, asking for mercy and blessings. The holy water will wash me and take away bodily illnesses and heal spiritual wounds. Show your life-giving power. Amulets, remove all strong slander, induced, spoken and written on paper.”

    The strongest verbal defense against negativity

    This plot is read monthly on the date of your birth. First, you should read the “Our Father”, and only then begin to read the prayer of protection:

    “God, help, God, heal, and take away all misfortunes and sorrows. Twelve defensive arrows, twelve strong bows. Each of the arrows is intended for the enemy. Each of the twelve will reach its goal and punish it. Let his soul ache for what he has done, let him be afraid of his thoughts.

    Let his eyes no longer be able to look at weapons. He shouldn’t pick up a knife, don’t reach for an axe, the bullet in his hands will explode, the noose will come undone, and the poison will spill out. His feet no longer turn in my direction, I can’t gather thoughts in my head to harm me. Let blindness come upon him, and let him pass by my house. He won’t be able to sleep when he wants to, he won’t be able to close his eyes, he won’t be able to drink water, and he won’t be able to chew a piece of bread.

    As soon as his mouth pronounces my name, immediately pain will spread into his heart, as if from an aspen stake. Help me, heavenly light, to ward off black misfortune and the evil enemy. Let him forget about me forever. Amen".

    How to prevent the curse from sticking?

    There is a category of people with whom you don’t want to communicate at all, because after talking with them troubles begin. Whatever such a person does not say, everything turns out to be evil. There are strong charms that are read when it is impossible to avoid meeting a negative character.

    “God, merciful, magnanimous, bury all gossip, cursed things, bad promises and curses in damp earth. Let all evil bounce off the servant of God (name) and return to the offender, let him remain and communicate with his troubles. I will bow my head before the Lord, I will come closer to the life-giving cross, I will ask the Mother of God and Jesus Christ for blessings and forgiveness of sins. Cover me, cover me with a cross. I rely on your protection as a shield.”

    So as not to be at enmity with the mother-in-law and for the blessing of the children

    Family relationships between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are a sore subject for many women. If you're tired of constant quarrels, scandals, I want peace and tranquility, this prayer will come to the rescue:

    “I trust in the power of the Holy Trinity. Prophet Elijah's arrows fall to the ground, his army gathers for battle. Also let the Lord's angels and archangels disperse. They will descend to earth, peace will come with them. Help, Lord, to reconcile the mother-in-law with the daughter-in-law. Two servants of God (names of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law) will now live in peace. There will be no more squabbles between them. Peace and understanding will reign in the house. Amen".

    A mother’s prayer can save and protect your child only if your faith is true and unwavering. This provision is the very first rule for reading prayer texts. When turning to God with certain requests, a person must be confident in his existence and all-encompassing power. A mother must give blessings to her children on her own. The main thing is that it comes from the soul, a woman must open her soul to God.

    “Jesus Christ, who took upon himself the grave sin of mankind. Hear me, I ask not for yourself, but for your child. Forgive my children all the sins they commit, willingly or unwillingly. Bless all their endeavors, wherever they stand, wherever they are, may your light follow them everywhere, which will show the way in the darkness.

    Grant them spiritual grace, mental suffering will diminish. Let them not be afraid of their problems, but steadfastly endure all hardships and hardships, and come out of any situation with dignity. Let them exist in peace and harmony with other people. Give your grace to my children. May your kingdom be forever holy both in the sky and in the expanses of the earth. Amen".

    I bring to your attention an Orthodox prayer for the return of my beloved wife, addressed to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow. Your wife will come to you and forgive you.

    It’s enough for you to kill yourself, remembering past grievances. Life passes inexorably quickly, and there is no time left for empty worries and gossip. One of you must be the first to repent.

    You were created for an unquenchable hearth, and not for thoughts of retribution and revenge. And it doesn’t matter which of you is more guilty than the rest. Return fate to normal. Believing that Matronushka would hear, bless and help.

    It's never too late to pacify your pride and clothe yourself in family happiness. My dears, don’t believe those who talk about lost and wasted time. If you love, act without dull doubt.

    Author : Site administrator | 11.03.2019

    It is with blissful joy that I am ready to offer to your attention an Orthodox prayer for renting an apartment, addressed to St. Spyridon of Trimythous.

    I borrowed the text itself from manuscripts that I unexpectedly inherited. And if you want to attract neat and solvent tenants, then you should immediately begin leisurely prayer.

    Unfortunately, you can increasingly meet dishonest people. You hooked up scammers without taking the money upfront. As they say, they trusted the most honest persuasion. Come to the house, and there is no trace of the people.

    There are often cases when once cozy rooms, in the literal sense of the word, become cluttered. They manage to break both the refrigerator and washing machine. For this reason, my dears, I do not advise you to buy too expensive furniture for your rental premises.

    Author : Site administrator | 05.03.2019

    In order not to go to school today and be able to take time off, read the Orthodox prayer addressed to the Holy Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg. You will rest for a day.

    Dear students, it is inappropriate to deceive your mother and pretend to be sick. Always be honest and conscientious. Sometimes, the body feels incredibly weak.

    It is possible that it is a cold and overwork. And parental strictness does not allow you to contact them. The chances of not going to school will increase significantly if you challenge yourself to read prayers ahead of time.

    When you wake up in the morning, decide to persuade. While staying at home, be sure to do all your homework. If you are sick, do not forget to call a doctor. It is possible that one day will really be enough for you.

    Author : Site administrator | 05.03.2019

    To ensure that your child goes to school without fear and with pleasure, read the Orthodox prayer addressed to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    He will stop skipping classes. Thanks to your diligence, your child will catch up in all subjects that are lagging behind. You will no longer blush at parent-teacher conferences.

    We will reprimand all witchcraft assumptions. If a child is attracted noisy company, let's put up a barrier. Not only memory will improve, but also attention.

    Prayer is so powerful that it can give confidence to those who consider themselves to be of little value, clumsy, and shy in everything.

    Author : Site administrator | 04.03.2019

    So that you, your mother and grandmother live long, humbly read the Orthodox prayer addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary. The Mother of God will bless you.

    My dears, we all worry about our loved ones and relatives. Our parents are getting old, and it’s hard not to notice the lonely wrinkles in their eyes. Lord, how much more is left for them!

    And they don’t let your thoughts fall asleep, and your soul becomes sad. Is there really no way to prolong life span? Well, at least for a year or two.

    In the manuscripts I inherited, I discovered a rare prayer text. And if you begin to pronounce it patiently, then the Lord God will respond to your urgent request.

    People sometimes wonder if there are conspiracies and prayers for all occasions? Of course, there are many of them. For example, “Our Father” is suitable for any situation, just like “I Believe.”

    The point is what is in your soul at one time or another. A person who completely relies on the Lord, purely intuitively, turns to Him when something out of the ordinary happens. And other people get used to “repel” evil from themselves in a different way.

    There is such a phrase as “get out, you idiot.” It is said both in joy and when a bad thought comes to mind.

    “The Lord helps me and gives me strength. I follow his path, pursuing righteous deeds. By His grace I will be rewarded. I conduct business in his name. I will find happiness in his name. Amen!"

    “Rubby egg! Roll and spin, turn around like the sun. With the cry of a nightingale, I conjure. A long day, a clear fire, flowing sand, flying water, a dark evening, a modest dawn, a mighty river, a dark cloud. So that from this day my goodness multiplies, so that it increases, and bathes in love! Amen!"

    Another conspiracy for well-being and prosperity:

    “Gold is flowing into my chambers. Not by, apart, but through my fingers casually. I put it in my wallet to fill it up. I send the gold into the house so that it doesn’t wallow in the dirt. Whatever I take is all mine. It will not burden the forehead. I will bring you joy and light for many years to come! Amen!"

    Conspiracy in difficult times:

    “Dear mother, beloved father. Do not reject your child, do not abandon him with love. In a bright time, in a difficult moment. Be near me where I go, everywhere. Bless! Bestow good luck and goodness. Amen!"

    Conspiracy for righteous labors:

    “Herod the king of the Jews had a royal disposition, not a plebeian one. He spent his life working and forbade us to be lazy. I will take the covenant of Herod the King. I will delight the whole world in his name. Just as Herod is memorable, so is my work glorious and good! Amen!"

    If you use prayers or spells for all occasions, then try to do it in the right mood. The fact is that these “magic formulas” help sinless people, as the clergy would say.

    The brighter your thoughts, the more likely their . It's worth remembering.

    Do not allow slander and slander, even mentally. Conspiracies spoken from the heart are sure to help, sometimes completely changing your life.

    The same thing happens with evil people. Just rest assured, they are not happy about such a revolution.

    These conspiracies will initially force them to “pay their bills.” That is, they will encounter such trials and obstacles that you will have to involuntarily learn to love the world and the people around you.

    Why, one might ask, would one want this for oneself? It is better to initially understand that every person has the right to happiness and joy. Taking away this right from anyone is a sin.

    “Please tell me, is there such a prayer - “from three deaths”? I heard that it helps even the hopelessly ill, and you can read it only once a year - on the eve of Easter until the bell rings.” This question was submitted to the “Question to a priest” section on the website of the Saratov diocese. Priests in parishes often have to respond to similar questions. Let's try to clarify - perhaps this will save someone who, faced with this kind of “prayers”, did not dare to go to the temple and turn to the clergyman, from spiritual experiments.

    Newspaper " Orthodox faith»

    Among unchurched people and even some people who attend church, the texts of “special” prayers are widespread - not used in worship, not heard in the Church, but supposedly having some kind of enhanced effect on specific circumstances of a person’s life - illness, family situation, and so on. Often, in particular, priests are brought - with doubts or for a blessing to read - collection called “Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” “Don’t cry for Me, Mother, I will rise again and ascend to Heaven. And the kind of person who knows this verse and has it with him will have good things. I will keep him from all evil, and I will give gold and silver and all abundant goods into the house.”

    Unknown authors to this day give birth to similar texts “in creative throes” - the number of “dreams” is inexorably growing. However, the rating of this collection is, perhaps, unlikely to rise above the rating Voronezh bestseller “The Prayer Shield of an Orthodox Christian.” This thick prayer book states that it was published “with the blessing of His Eminence Bishop Nikon of Lipetsk and Yelets,” which, by the way, was a big surprise for Vladyka Nikon himself, because he did not give any blessing. The “lucky” owners of the “Prayer Shield” are Orthodox Christians throughout Russia, and many of them do not even suspect what dangers this “Pandora’s box” contains for the human soul. Or rather, a collection of Orthodox prayers and... folk conspiracies, passed off as Orthodox prayers. This is where you can really find a prayer for any need: there is even “about acquiring the gift of clairvoyance”...

    In "Prayer Shield" listed maximum amount human diseases, and Each diagnosis has its own saint to whom we need to pray. The same is true with other needs, for example, for some reason Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen were not entrusted with the highest mission: they were assigned a prayer for the cucumber harvest...

    A large section of this prayer book is devoted to the independent struggle against fallen spirits, and the central place in it is occupied by the so-called prayer of detention from the collection of prayers of Elder Pansophius of Athos.

    Here is a quote from this prayer: “And now delay and slow down until the time is right all the plans around those standing around me about my removal, dismissal, removal, expulsion. So now, destroy the evil desires and demands of all those who condemn me, block the lips and hearts of all those who slander, malign and growl at me and all who blaspheme and humiliate me. So now bring spiritual blindness into the eyes of all those who rise up against me and against my enemies.”

    Magism and pagan darkness

    The confessor and teacher of the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary, Archpriest Vladimir Parkhomenko, told us about such “prayers” in more detail.

    -Father Vladimir, who is Elder Pansophius of Athos?

    I have never seen this name except when mentioned in conjunction with “detention prayer.” Nothing is known about the collection of prayers of this elder; I’m not sure that this is a real person.

    -What is wrong with the “prayer of detention”?

    All prayer is imbued with the spirit of sorcery. This can already be seen from the explanation that is located before the prayer of detention itself: “The power of these prayers lies in their concealment from human hearing and sight, in their secret action.” Such recommendations are just inherent witchcraft rituals, but not at all Orthodox prayer. The power of Christian prayer lies in something completely different - in humility, in the spirit of repentance, in love for God, neighbors and all those who have done us harm. The Gospel teaches us to love our enemies, but here we see something completely different. And, of course, there is no humility and repentance in this prayer; Moreover, in it, man indicates to God how God should act and what should be done with our enemies.

    -What attracts people to such “prayers”, why do they want to read them?

    Unfortunately, humanity, despite the fact that we are now in the 21st century, has a largely magical view of the world. And this magical worldview creeps into the church environment. A person does not want to humble himself before the will of God, but, on the contrary, wants to control life’s circumstances. This also applies to prayer. An inner conviction arises that prayer itself must certainly bring desired result, and it doesn’t matter whether the Lord wants it or not. In this case, absolutely church prayers can be chosen - for example, “May God rise again,” “Rejoice, Virgin Mary,” but if a person contains in his mind the idea that the very reading of a prayer or a certain number of these prayers will necessarily influence some then the situation is classical magic. A typical example of a magical worldview: I will read forty akathists, and my plans will definitely come true - an apartment will appear, a groom will be found, the offenders will be punished, and so on. And instead of Christian prayer, a kind of ritual action is performed, which can be equated to a ritual with a voodoo doll.

    This attitude is based on the heretical teaching about the possibility of imposing one’s freedom on God. A person who reads prayers from an ordinary prayer book with the thought “so that it will definitely come true” is very easy to become interested in prayer texts alien to the church spirit, close in content to conspiracies. People are deceived by the fact that in such conspiracy prayers an appeal is made not to Satan, but to God, the Mother of God and the saints. But this is an exclusively magical thing, there are spell formulas there.

    -How can a person recognize these spell formulas in what he reads?

    In spells there is always a certain automatism - action after action. I call You, Lord, I turn to You, so You definitely do what I want.

    -What is this danger, how can reading such “prayers” harm a person?

    The easiest case is when such a “prayer book” is attacked by fear, despondency, mystical things begin to happen, and a hail of troubles falls. This is a sign that the grace of God has departed from a person: the Lord thus helps a person understand that he is moving in the wrong direction. Someone understands and stops. However, often the mind of the person praying with such “prayers” is filled with the idea that since such an attack is going on, it means that he is on on the right track, we need to intensify prayer and fight. But in fact, nowhere in the holy fathers do we find the teaching that an obligatory sign of correct prayer is the rise of fallen spirits against you. Then there may be a lull in this battle, the person thinks that he has won. This makes him feel proud, and then the “prayer book” may experience “states of grace” and visions that begin to guide him. All this is pure demonism and the destruction of a person’s soul; it is already very difficult to get out of such a state.

    Father, returning to reading prayers “by number”... But it often happens that priests give their blessing to read a canon, akathist or some prayers a certain number of times. Is this wrong?

    Confessors do sometimes bless a certain number of prayers - for example, the Jesus Prayer a hundred times. But here the reason is important, the motive is important: in in this case this is done solely for one reason - to give a person a measure of spiritual labor. The priest sees that less will not be enough for this person - he will not feel the work, but more will be harmful - he may fall into delusion. There is no magic in this, it is purely a practical consideration. And then, among spiritually inebriated Christians, a magical meaning begins to be attributed to this number.

    Speaking about the number of prayers, it is worth noting another sign of spiritual inebriation - a very large prayer rule that people impose on themselves (or, unfortunately, the so-called young elders can impose on them). I can understand if a person’s heart sings and because of this joy he prays so much. But most often I see that this is just a huge list of requests to God - as if He does not know what a person needs! Did Saints Macarius the Great, John Chrysostom, Basil the Great and other holy fathers forget to say something in their morning and evening prayers? After all, Christ, having given us the prayer “Our Father,” commanded us not to be verbose in prayer, like the pagans, who think that in their verbosity they will be heard. It even happens that a person develops an addiction, an unhealthy need for a prayer rule that is disproportionately large for the circumstances of his life and spiritual age. This is also a sign not of grace, but of spiritual breakdown. Sometimes you have to almost deprive a person of the prayer rule for some time, blessing, for example, several small prayers in the morning and evening. If this is not done, then spiritually exhausted people crawl to confession, and it can be very difficult for them to recover...

    St. Anthony the Great gave a wonderful example: in order to shoot a bow, the bowstring must be tensioned moderately. If you don’t reach it, the arrow won’t fly; if you pull it too far, the bow will burst. Likewise, in prayer you need to find a middle ground.

    Newspaper "Orthodox Faith" No. 8 (532)

    Svetlana Popenko

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