• Popular conspiracies against the enemy. Conspiracy from enemies as a way to combat ill-wishers. Is it possible to perform a ceremony using a photo?


    Any person who practices magic professionally knows a lot of protection conspiracies; with their help, you can put up some kind of barrier that separates you from everything bad and dangerous. A conspiracy to protect from enemies, from witchcraft, from evil people belongs to the rituals of white magic, since it is not capable of harming anyone. The history of the use of such rituals goes far back into history; they were used by our great-grandmothers and many of our deceased ancestors. Today we will learn about the most popular and effective conspiracy x and amulets for protection, we will find out how to carry them out correctly and what is needed for this.

    We all remember fairy tales that featured a hat or an invisibility cloak. In fact, these magical items meant clothes that were specially charmed to counteract evil and provide shelter from negativity. If you think about it, invisibility is ideal remedy from bad people, because they won’t see you, which means they won’t be able to harm you.

    People used such enchanted objects when they had a long journey ahead of them. In those days, the roads were extremely unsafe; bandits and dashing people gathered in the forests and terrorized the surrounding area, robbing and killing travelers and traders. Based on the stories that have survived to this day, it can be judged that the owners of caps that were enchanted to counteract evil were much less likely to become victims of crime, and therefore today we can completely trust such magic.

    Conspiracy of clothes

    The magic ritual can be used to cast a spell on any item of clothing, for example, a hat, scarf, shirt, shoes, etc. The main thing is that you wear this particular item as often as possible. After sunset, light a church candle, pick up the enchanted object and read the words:

    “May the Lord God remember me for health, and may He remember my enemies for peace. Lead me, O Lord God, among my enemies along a thin path, a path invisible to evil. Place, O Lord, my concerns on the guardian angels, and their concerns on the archangels. Let the angels stand behind me, let them cover my shoulders with an invisible veil. They will protect me from the whole world around me, from the whole white world, from all my enemies, so that no one sees me with evil, so that no one bad notices me, so that just as the blind do not distinguish day from night, so they do not notice me. I will calmly pass by the enemies, and they will stand up in pillars. I will disappear from under the hands of my enemies like disembodied smoke, no one will be able to grab me. Just as the wind cannot be grabbed with your hands, just as the wind cannot be held back, so no one can hold me back, and no one can harm me, the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    To make the conspiracy work as powerfully as possible, you can write the same words on a piece of paper, fold it several times and always carry it with you.

    Ritual against secret enemies

    The magical ritual will suit you if you know that someone wishes you harm and wants to harm you, but you don’t know who this person is. To perform this magical ritual you will need a new, unused towel. Wait until midnight, light a candle and, holding a towel in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, and like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will move from right to left, and will leave me, the servant of God (name), forever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Magic ritual to detect enemies

    In addition to countering known and secret ill-wishers, magic gives us tools with which we can recognize the unknown enemy who wants to cause harm. You can recognize the enemy using a special ritual on prophetic dream, which is held only on the eve of one of the holy holidays.
    Before you go to bed, open the window, look at the moon, breathe fresh air, then concentrate on your desire to have a prophetic dream and discover the name of the enemy. After this, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “I, the servant of God (name), will walk in long rows. I will look at everything with my own eyes. Among the long rows I will find Saint Samson. I will say a holy word to Samson, in the name of the eternal and one Lord God. Let Saint Samson show me a prophetic dream, let the saint show me my enemy in a dream, let his face show his evil plans. May the Most Holy Trinity help me, may the Living Trinity help me. May Jesus Christ bless my sleep and protect me from all enemies. From this day until the end of time. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After reading the plot, you need to immediately go to bed and sleep. This night you should see a prophetic dream in which not only the name of the well-wisher will be revealed to you, but also all his insidious thoughts.

    Fire and water spells on a pin

    First of all, you need to take a candle. It is important that it is wax, not paraffin. After that, take the pin. Place some wax into the eye of the pin, which is on the opposite side of the point. Tell:

    “The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.”

    Now attach it, point down, to the inside of your garment.
    First you need to put it in a glass cup a small amount of water from a well or stream. Place the pin in a bowl for a day. Having taken it out, read the plot:

    “Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections. Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

    Remember that from time to time the pins need to be changed, since they have already fulfilled their purpose and absorbed negative energy.

    Mirror protection

    It should be noted that the mirror shield is one of the most powerful protection spells, but it can also be very dangerous if the ritual is not handled correctly. So, be careful when choosing this ritual.

    It can be carried out on all days of the week, except Tuesday. The phase of the moon also does not matter. First you need to purchase two mirrors in different places. In the first place you cannot take change, in the second place you must take it. On the same day, as soon as midnight strikes, place two mirrors opposite and light a candle in front of each mirror. Then you need to read the plot seven times:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    I speak to the white body.
    I secure it stronger than steel and damask steel.
    Stronger than any hardened structure.
    I knit that invisible strand,
    So that no one can take God’s servant (name):
    Neither a nimble deed, nor a conspiracy word,
    Neither through the stove, nor through a candle,
    Not through holy water.
    With me the holy apostles read the amulet,
    They shield my child from enemies:
    Nikita the Stylite, Gabriel the Archangel,
    Michael the Archangel, George the Brave,
    John the Baptist and the Merciful Savior.
    And whoever approaches my child will approach.
    He won’t escape my spell word.
    Heaven is my words, Earth is my deeds.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Then place a white piece of paper on the mirror to your left. natural fabric. Cut your right palm and drop it on the mirror to your right. The blood needs to be rubbed clockwise, while whispering the plot:

    “Hide the soul, keep the body, ordered by blood, by seven men, by their verbs. What has been thrown so far away, (name) is not connected to me. The shield is reliable. Amen".

    Remove the cloth from the mirror that is on your left and put it on the right. Say the following:

    “I shift, I unlock myself with our prayer from words, eyes, and deeds of grave, disastrous, I defend. Seven words are like one. I, (name), have a cross, oblique, mirror-like, with a menacing rejoicing. The rag is white, the darling is fleshy, not for my body, but for the rag business, not for me, but for the rag. This is the legend. Amen".

    You need to put two of your photographs on the fabric, with the front sides together. After that, lower the left mirror onto the material so that the photos lie in the middle between the mirrors. After this, they should be fastened in such a way that they cannot move. Wrap the mirrors in some kind of cloth and hide them where no one can see them.

    Protection from envious people

    Time spent: night, until dawn.
    Moon phase: waning.
    Items: piece of paper, purple candle.

    First of all, light the purple candle. You can also use white and of blue color. When it burns down to half, write on paper:

    “Envious eyes, raking hands, not me, the servant of God (name), you see, do not covet my goods, but are drawn into the rotten swamp. Twelve apostles, protect me, remove all envy from me. My gates are iron, my fence is stone. Key. Lock. The answer is fiery. Amen".

    The edges of this leaf must be charred, but not completely burned. Do not blow out the candle, but extinguish it with your fingers. Hide the rest of it where no one will find it. The next time you find out that you were envied, take out a piece of paper and burn it on the flame of the same candle, reading the same plot. Scatter the ashes outside. Let the candle burn out completely. You need to repeat it in about a month, at the same time.

    Ritual “Forty Candles”

    Time: a couple of hours before dawn.

    Items: a piece of coal or chalk, a knife, a silver cross, forty wax candles.

    You need to get up early in the morning, before the sun has risen, wash and comb your hair. It is highly recommended not to eat or drink before the ritual begins. You must have a prepared place for the ceremony, free from foreign objects. After all the preparations, sit in the prepared place. Draw a circle with charcoal or chalk, trying not to lift your hand from the floor. Now you need to arrange the candles in a circle and light them. Say a protective spell:

    “As the Red Sun rises, I, slave (name), will be lucky in my business. I put up white protection, God’s protection, from any evil enemy. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

    Draw another circle with a silver cross while reading:

    “White protection, God’s help, to help me, to the enemy’s return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After that, take the knife by the blade and cross yourself 12 times, saying:

    “As the Red Sun rises, it will dash around me. Amen".

    Do not leave the circle until dawn comes. Do not extinguish the candles; they should go out on their own.

    “Fire Shield”

    This spell will give you protection from damage and the evil eye, as well as curses.

    Time spent: in the evening, until 00.00.
    Moon phase: full moon.
    Items: 3 candles different shades: white, yellow, blue; light fabric.

    First you need to arrange the candles in the form of an equilateral triangle, one of the corners of which is directed towards the west. Lay a cloth in the middle of the figure and step on it with your bare feet facing west. Don't dress in dark clothes. Now close your eyes and read the plot 5 times:

    “Red fire, clear fire, protect me from evil attacks, from devilish suggestions. Put your shield in front, put your shield behind, put your shield on the sides, put your shield on the bottom and on the top. The evil from the shield will be repelled to me and will never return. Let it be so!"

    Stay still for a while, visualizing yourself inside a large fireball. Extinguish the candles with your fingers, do not blow them out. Now you should put the cloth under your pillow and go to sleep. The same candles can be taken again for this ritual six months later.

    If you want to perform any ritual, you need protection so that, if something happens, the rollback is much weaker or there is none at all. Do not neglect this precaution! It is better to spend some time and effort to carry it out than to suffer the consequences later.

    Conspiracy from the enemy at work

    This magical ritual is ideal for you if one of your colleagues or superiors openly harms you, interferes with your work and career advancement. To get rid of his evil forever, wait until he leaves you, turning his back, and read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper:

    “May my honor go to the servant of God (name), may my honor torment him, beat him and bake him. Wherever my enemy (name) goes, wherever he wanders, I will chase him everywhere, break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not harm or interfere with me. You will not see me in your dreams, you will not be able to keep me in your thoughts, you will forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember. You go to your own side, stay away from me on a different path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil. Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, and throw the key into a deep ravine. Just as animals cannot figure out a steel key, so no one can cancel my words. Let what is said come true. Amen".

    Full moon ritual against ill-wishers

    This magical ritual helps well in the fight against enemies and people who want to harm you. Wait until the full moon and, looking at the moon, read the words of the conspiracy:

    “Lord, save me, God. Protect me, God’s servant (name), from enemies. First, good hour, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. In the names of the holy Apostles, and the Fathers of the Holy Church, with all the names of the most pure angels, and the most powerful archangels, I conjure you, my enemy, servant of God (name), go around From now on, fly around me like fire bypasses water, fly around me like feathers fly from birds, fear me like the devil fears the holy cross. Just as in a clear field, in a distant field, the stone Alatyr lies, but no one can lift that stone, and no one can break it, so my words will be strong, and my will will be strong. My words will not allow my enemies to come close, they will not allow my white body to be soiled. Even if they throw spears and arrows, even if they take out sharp sabers, even if they wave them in my direction, they still won’t reach me, they won’t fall a hair from my head, and the evil conspiracy won’t reach me. Heaven itself will be the key to my words, and the Lord God himself will guard them, and Jesus Christ himself will protect me, and protect me from enemies. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Ritual with a wooden stick

    With the help of this magical ritual, you can create a strong protective amulet that will protect your home and all your relatives from any evil. Take a small wooden stick and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “On the side of the forest, in the middle of a path of wild animals, an ancient old man lives with a long staff. That staff contains strong power, good and immense power. The first time the staff will deliver you from enemies, the second time it will protect you from evil, the third time it will protect you. So in the singing staff there will be protective power, there will be true power, there will be a strong will. My staff will protect me, the servant of God (name), and my family from any bad deed, from a wild beast, and an evil man. Whoever passes by my staff will not bring me trouble, he will not harm me, and he will not inherit. An evil person cannot pass through my threshold, nor can he bring his evil into my house. I lock my threshold against evil, I close the lock with a key, and I hide it at the bottom of the ocean. Let what is said come true. Amen".

    The charmed stick must be placed not far from the threshold. Also make sure that no one else touches your amulet. The staff will protect your home for a whole year. After this, the ritual can be repeated.

    Conspiracy to protect a child

    Mothers often worry about their children.
    And it doesn’t matter that they have grown up a long time ago. Even when they have their own offspring, for mothers (fathers) they remain foolish.
    Only love can become a talisman for both in this situation.
    After all, by worrying we open the door to evil forces, that is, we inevitably attract all sorts of troubles.
    It’s better to spend your energy on a magical ritual. So reassure yourself, and give your child protection
    These are the words that are recommended to be read whenever fear creeps into your heart or head, unpleasant thoughts or suspicions or concerns about your child come. (Read the article - How to protect your child from the evil eye.)

    “Darkness at the right hand, thousands of forces, wonderful protection. Turn around like an angel and close your wings over (person’s name). Fly forward, straighten the turn. Protect above and below, never tire. So that there is no trouble, neither from man nor from water! Amen!"

    Following your child (of any age), say this:

    “I bless, I impart joy, I cover with the wing of an Angel, I cover the family with a banner. Blessed be your path. Always be with my love. Angels in you and in me. The Lord's voice sounds in silence. May he be with you on a bright day, at night, at noon and everything else. Amen!"

    Protective ritual for a shirt

    Put on a new shirt inside out and say the words of the magic spell seven times:

    “The dark will always be dashingly topsy-turvy, it will not come to me, but will go into the dark forest, bouncing off my threshold. I, the servant of God (name), will walk through the meadow, I will not meet a wild beast there, I will not meet an evil person who thinks bad or plots. I will not accept an enemy, his evil will not come close to me, will not harm me. I lock the house inside out with the key, but I put the key away. No one can find the key, evil cannot pass against me. Amen".

    After this, you need to take off your shirt and hang it on the mirror for seven days.

    Conspiracies from secret and open enemies

    If you have enemies who are ready to interfere with you, then before leaving the house you should read the amulet plot:

    “Jesus came down from God’s Heaven and took the golden cross with him. I washed myself with the dawns, wiped myself with the sun, stopped with a golden cross and closed myself with locks. Let these castles be in the sea, whoever drinks this sea and drives away the sands, the enemy will not come to him. Jesus Christ, You are the Son of God, save, save from all evil at all times. Amen!"

    Take wax and make a cross out of it, while you need to read:

    “Be known, servant of God (name), by the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross. The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Urinya and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism. The angels of God pray to the Savior for me, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

    What to do if the enemy is unknown

    Light a candle and, looking at the flame of the candle, read the plot once:

    “Lord Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my work and my business from enemies, visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I don’t know by name, but from whom I innocently suffer. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    The candle should burn out.

    Buy 7 black candles, light the candles at midnight so that a vicious circle is formed. Then you need to look closely inside the circle and imagine yourself in a stone spacesuit. At the same time, read 7 times:

    “I provide protection from enemy arrows, I drive away the shadow of envious deeds. I direct the energy of evil into the darkness, and if there is an enemy, everything will return to him. As the candles cry, the fire goes out. I'll bury the burnt tar in the night. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

    Wait until the candles burn out completely, wrap the remaining candles in a sheet with a spell and bury it away from the house in the ground. This ritual will return the evil energy back to the sender.

    Conspiracy to get rid of enemies

    You need to buy black and white threads. Definitely new and natural! For example, woolen ones. Tear off a thread half a meter long from each skein. Connect them together. Fold in half and tie seven knots at approximately equal intervals. Read this plot every time:

    “Mother Mary fell asleep on the eighth day in March, but from tears she could not open her eyes and breathe freely. Her son woke her up and asked: What happened, mother? And she answered: “I had a dream that You, my Son, were crucified on the cross and terribly tortured!”
    “Don’t be sad, Mother,” Jesus said. There is no force that can kill me. I bequeath this prayer to everyone. Whoever reads it will not be afraid or dangerous of any enemy. May this be in my goodness and incorruptible faith. Amen!"

    You must carry a thread with seven knots with you. She will protect you from the evil eyes and thoughts of bad people. And if fear or anger comes over you again, then take it out and read the plot again. Don’t be lazy, strengthen your soul, charge it with light and goodness!

    Simple and effective conspiracies will help against evil people

    In this article:

    Effective spells against anger can be used on any person who harms you, ruins your life, or slanderes you. They help even when this enmity is long-standing and unpleasant. At work, in your family, in a group of friends, there is often someone who harbors anger towards you. Very often this is the result of envy.

    Such energy sends in your direction will have a very negative impact on you.

    Simple village magic will help against evil people and their bad words. You will not harm a person with your conspiracy, just do not allow him to spread gossip about you, speak badly, or spoil your reputation. You can help yourself. Try spells against anger to subdue even the most fierce ill-wisher.

    An evil tongue brings damage

    Evil tongues can ruin your life. What does this come from? You offended someone, maybe you noticed it out of ignorance. Someone simply disliked you at first sight. And there are people who envy your success, beauty, personal life. This is the worst category. From such evil tongues you can get damage that will ruin your whole life.
    If you do not believe in damage, then you are very mistaken. A person can do without a ritual in order to send damage or even a curse. To do this, you just need to experience very strong negative emotions, constantly wish evil, and be angry with you. Spells against anger are sometimes very useful for well-being. To receive such damage means to lose a lot:

    • health deteriorates;
    • problems begin in the female part of women, potency in men worsens;
    • money is lost, valuables disappear;
    • You can lose your job, lose respect.

    All of this is very detrimental to your well-being. Who knows, maybe you'll be damaged. There is no other solution for evil tongues. It is better to avoid when you are already damaged. The enemy will wish you anything, some even death. Very rarely, fatal damage occurs from envy and anger, but this is also possible, especially if a person has powers.

    Don't gossip behind your back

    Outright hatred hurts you, but gossip can also be dangerous. They give birth to unprecedented stories about you, your personal life, work, hobbies. And before you know it, you will become a laughing stock in the eyes of your colleagues and important people because of one or two gossips. It is better to stop such stories immediately.
    It is because of one innocent gossip that someone’s envy can grow. And then - famous story with damage. There are a lot of situations like this at work.

    It is best to use a light spell to stop the gossip of evil people.

    It won’t harm a person, but it will help you right away. After the first use you will see the result. There are no more topics for conversation about you, and if someone from the outside starts talking, the conversation will stop immediately. These conspiracies give good results against gossips. They belong to village and gypsy magic. Tested for years.

    The best conspiracies against the enemy's anger

    They're all pretty simple. The longer you practice magic, the better and faster it will turn out. Your energy is enough to stop envious people and ill-wishers. All these spells against anger can be done at home. Some of them will require photographs or personal items. They carry the strongest energy of the owner and with them the result comes faster. Be sure to try these rituals if you feel the first signs of anger from a colleague, friend, or even relative. The most terrible problems come from families where there is no mutual understanding and trusting communication between people.

    A very strong conspiracy from an ill-wisher

    Full moon is enough the right time for the ritual

    Does it on Thursday or Saturday. The night should be clear, there should be a moon in the sky. Best done on the full moon. You need a photo of your ill-wisher. Today, photographs of people are easy to find on the Internet, and can be printed on your home printer. For a spell against anger you will need 3 red candles. On each of them you need to cut out the name of the enemy with a sewing needle.
    Place the candles on the windowsill, and stick the photo on window glass tape. Stand so that the photo obscures the Moon in the sky. Read three times:

    “Be, my words, strong and sculpted. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel, stronger than sharp tenderness. The lock is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father. and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Blessed be my guardian angel on the eighth of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw Jesus Christ being crucified, holy blood being shed, his hands and feet being nailed, and a crown of thorns being put on his head. First thing, second thing. I am the third, answered Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person. From the prison castle. Amen. How you, Father David, are meek and humble, and merciful, and compassionate, and do not think of any evil, evil or grief. So you, slave (name), the authorities and all the judges would be meek and humble, would not think evil, would not do evil. We would always think and guess. Just like the Tsar’s father, the Tsar’s lackey did not think evil, did not do evil, and always rejoiced and had fun. So, all the authorities and all the judges would rejoice about me, slave (name), and the enemies would not notice. I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock. I'll drop the key into the blue sea. There's a rock at the bottom, I won't give it to anyone. The stone stands, it will not float, it will not move from place to place. So no one could change my words. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Let the candles burn out, and take the photo in the morning and cut it into three parts. Bury each of them in the ground in different places.
    So his anger is no longer scary to you, and the earth will take everything away and cleanse it. The person will forget why he was angry with you and will look at the problem with different eyes.

    Conspiracy from hidden enemies

    If you only suspect that you have an enemy, but don’t know his name, then do this ritual. It will help detect the enemy and deprive you of your strength. It is done at night on the waxing moon.
    Draw a person on a piece of paper. You need to trace the outline with your own blood from your index finger. Tell:

    “I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, and like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will move from right to left, and will leave me, the servant of God (name), forever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Burn the paper with the design and collect the ashes. The ashes must be scattered at the intersection on all 4 sides. When you finish, leave immediately, don’t look back. even if someone calls you with a familiar goal, just pass by.

    Conspiracy to the enemy at work

    Your enemy at work? Is it one of your colleagues or even your boss? Then this old plot will suit you. At your workplace, light a church candle and whisper into it:

    “May my honor go to the servant of God (name), may my honor torment him, beat him and bake him. Wherever my enemy (name) goes, wherever he wanders, I will chase him everywhere, break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not harm or interfere with me. You will not see me in your dreams, you will not be able to keep me in your thoughts, you will forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember. You go to your own side, stay away from me on a different path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil. Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, and throw the key into a deep ravine. Just as animals cannot figure out a steel key, so no one can cancel my words. Let what is said come true. Amen".

    Cross yourself on 4 sides and extinguish the candle with your fingers. Let no one see this, you can do it after work or in the morning before.

    Helps shut the mouths of gossipers and speak out evil tongues.

    Protection from enemies for a new shirt

    This is a good protective spell. You need to buy a new shirt from the market. It may not be expensive, but you need to buy it without haggling. Speak the text to it:

    “The dark will always be dashingly topsy-turvy, it will not come to me, but will go into the dark forest, bouncing off my threshold. I, the servant of God (name), will walk through the meadow, I will not meet a wild beast there, I will not meet an evil person who thinks bad or plots. I will not accept an enemy, his evil will not come close to me, will not harm me. I lock the house inside out with the key, but I put the key away. No one can find the key, evil cannot pass against me. Amen".

    Washing has no effect on protection

    Wear this shirt where your enemy is. Anything he says bad about you or wishes will bounce off your shirt as if from a good shield. This is a village protection spell that has been used against enemies for hundreds of years. A person can resist damage if he has such a charmed shirt. Once a year you need to re-read the protection plot.

    Conspiracy-prayer from enemies

    Short prayers will help you if you find yourself in a bad situation. Spells from anger work quickly, they will help to cool the enemy’s ardor, and shut him up if it has already come to an open conflict. Say to yourself three times:

    “The Lord came from the seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 locks from 77 tongues. Close, Lord, the eyes, mouths, and mouths of all people, enemies, judges, so that there is no misfortune for God’s servant(s) (your name), throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get it can judge me. Amen."

    There are detractors in every area of ​​life. Strong whispers of negativity from the enemy can protect against magical effects. With their help, the energy field is reliably closed from anyone - be it a colleague at work, an envious passerby or an aggressive passenger in a minibus.

    Slanders from ill-wishers and evil words can significantly ruin your life. There is a category of people who are offended for something, and they can be understood. Sometimes, to eliminate the negative, it is enough to ask for their forgiveness, and the conflict will be resolved. But the other part are envious people who may speak poorly of someone simply because they are displeased with the success of other people, their beauty or a happy personal life.
    To protect yourself from the statements of an evil person, you can whisper a magic text:

    “Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my work and my business from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whose names I don’t know, but from whom I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After this whispering from evil people, a person will refuse to harm and will throw thoughts of his own envy out of his head.
    A good way to protect yourself from bad intentions is this whisper from the enemy:

    “You don’t see me, you don’t feel me, everything that’s yours doesn’t respond well to me.”

    It helps especially well when you are in the same room with a large number of people who, theoretically, can jinx it. When pronouncing the text, imagine yourself in the middle of an impenetrable light ball, which is a shield for energy influence. This quick word will also become a talisman against evil tongues:

    “Your poison turns into juice on me, splash, splash, don’t break me.”

    If a company often comes to visit and you are not sure of its intentions, you can put a willow twig under the threshold or rug at the entrance, saying:

    “The willow bends to the ground, and so all my guests turn away from my house and get rid of bad thoughts.”

    After such a ritual, it will be possible not only to fool the enemy, to close his energy channels for transmitting negativity, but also to turn him into a good friend.

    Conducted whispers can help get rid of negativity in life

    With the help of quick words, we punish our enemies and send back their own negativity. Seeing the right person, say:

    “Follow you dashingly, go into the womb, settle in the belly, and curl up in the intestines. May my words come true and be accomplished. Amen".

    For another method of whispering after the enemy, you need to stand so that you can see the back of his head and back, say:

    “Nails at your feet, no way for you, no road. Amen!".

    At the same time, it is important to visualize the one who offended, imagine how he repents and asks for forgiveness.

    In the back

    If you say, looking at a person’s back, in a whisper, you can doom him to failure in his affairs for the current day. For example, when you see an ill-wisher, say the phrase:

    “What you wish for me comes to you, leave all the bad things with you.”

    If this person really wants something bad, his thoughts will return a hundredfold.
    There are situations in which the question arises of how to punish an enemy from a distance. Such intentions arise in extreme cases, when previous whispers do not help and stronger magic is needed. There is such a thing short word, pronounced three times:

    “Go, arrow, with pain, tears, untrodden paths, through his blood, not into the eye, not into the eyebrow, but go straight into the heart. Chain him and stab him, beat him, punish him, punish him, destroy him - my offender (name). Key, lock. Let it be so!".

    If after whispering, which should help get rid of the negativity in life, there is no improvement in well-being, perhaps the damage needs to be removed. Simple options filmed in the church with the order of the magpie for health, with atonement for sins, through the reading of prayers to the saints.
    But there is negative impact, read at the cemetery. Such strong work will be destroyed by the master. To do this, you will need to destroy the negative block, remove damage, cleanse from evil, and install protection. Not every person is able to carry out such a set of rituals on their own, but if you have confidence in your knowledge and strength, you should try to achieve your goal without a professional.

    Every person can be subject to envy and negative attitude from ill-wishers and enemies. You can protect yourself from them through rituals and ceremonies that our ancestors used.

    With conspiracies you can provide protection from envious people who can cause harm through the power of envy itself. As a result, the energy field of the person who was envied suffers. There is a violation of protective energy and the person begins to lose vitality. With magical spells and rituals against negative energy, you can protect yourself and cleanse the aura that has been negatively affected. Read also, published earlier and use protective rituals against damage and the evil eye.

    Salt, as is known, has been used for a long time not only as a seasoning for food, but is also almost the main attribute in magical actions. Salt has found particularly widespread use in magic in cleansing rituals. Conspiracies against envy are also read with salt, it is this that can protect against envious people.

    To carry out the ritual, you will ideally need Thursday salt; if this is not available, then ordinary salt will do. Scoop up salt with a clean tablespoon, bring it to your face and say:

    “Your strength is indestructible. Protect and protect from human evil. From fierce envy and hatred. Not a soul. Do not allow corruption or envy into your body, and if it comes, turn it away from me and return it to the conspirator with double strength. So be it".

    Pour the charmed salt into a small canvas bag or make a knot from a piece of fabric. You should always carry the amulet with you; you can pin it in your clothes with a pin. Also, using the same method, you can protect your family members from envious people by pinning the charmed salt on their clothes, in an invisible place.

    From envious people and ill-wishers

    The ritual against envious people and ill-wishers is carried out with the help of sugar. To do this, you need to select a day at the end of the week (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Wait until it rains, pour half a glass of sugar into an airtight transparent glass container and close tightly. Place in an open place so that the water completely washes the container from all sides. After an hour, take the bowl of sugar in your hands, knock on it three times and pronounce a spell against enemies and envious people:

    “The water flowed, I tried, but I never got to the sugar. I couldn’t do any harm, so I ran away with nothing. So you (name) are envious, no matter how hard you try, you cannot harm me.”

    If water leaks and sugar gets wet, stop the ritual immediately. Flush the spoiled sugar down the toilet, otherwise things will take a completely different turn.

    But the longer the container sits in the rain with dry sugar, the more powerful the spell will be against the evil eye, gossip and envy. If possible, give the ill-wisher tea with charmed sugar. The action of magic will then be accelerated and human envy will disappear.

    From evil tongues

    You can get rid of human envy and evil tongues by performing a ritual at a garbage dump. During the period of the waning moon.

    At dawn, go to the nearest garbage dump on foot, it's good if there are crows there. Starting from the east, bow to all four sides and looking towards the black noisy flock say:

    “Black flock of black birds, I call on you to protect me from all sides. From the black eye, and from the dashing evil eye, at early dawn, and at noon, in the evening, and throughout the night. I came so that the main raven would drive away the cursed evil eye and grant protection. I came with her for help and will leave. As said, so done.”

    Pick up a small pebble from the ground and throw it towards the birds, while saying:

    “I pick up a stone from the ground and turn it into the eye of an envious person. I throw it towards the crows and all the envious people, visible and invisible, thus I forgive.”

    After the words have been spoken, go home. Enter the house with your left foot and say:

    “The black eye will not come into my house and will not knock down the thresholds. So it will be.”

    After the ritual, you need to wash yourself with running water and mentally thank the birds for their help. For three days, do not give anything to anyone from home and do not take anything yourself. Especially do not lend money. It is also advisable to refrain from guests. But birds need to be fed with bread crumbs or seeds.

    From gossips and bad people

    Conspiracies from gossips and bad people should be read on the waning moon. To perform the ritual you will need a jar of blessed water. At midnight, retire to the room, light a candle and read the prayer to Our Lord, “Our Father”, then to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, then the conspiracy:

    “I’m walking across a field - a pole, towards the devil with his spirits. Everyone is black and unsociable out of anger. I send them to my enemies, the dashing envious people. Put them on chains so that they won’t harm me and I’ll be safe and sound. In the field and in the forest, at a wedding and at a feast, on the road and in the forest, with friends and strangers, on land and in water, day and night and forever and ever. So that no one will ever envy me again and betray me to those demons. Let it be so. And now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

    Before going to bed, drink three sips of the charmed water from a jar and go to bed. In the morning, with prayers to the Almighty, wash your face with this water and do not wipe yourself, let it dry on your face. This will work as a talisman against bad people. Drink water and wash your face for another three days. If there is any water left after this period, pour it over the threshold of the house. Pour carefully so that drops do not fall on the threshold.

    From envious people at work

    At work, sometimes situations arise when you begin to understand that they envy you. White stripe, gives way to black and unfavorable days begin, both in the workplace and in home environment. What can be the subject of envy:

    • Prosperous and friendly family;
    • Favor of superiors;
    • Promotion;
    • High profit payment.

    Envious people believe that happiness fell from the sky, without any effort on your part. That you live on everything ready-made and “don’t blow your mind.” And your children are excellent and your husband is a workaholic with a lot of money and you live in a mansion and what a big car, not like ours.

    To protect yourself from the envy of your colleagues, perform a ritual on any item of your wardrobe. The conspiracy will help improve relationships in the team and restore a friendly atmosphere, and the piece of clothing will serve as a reliable protector.

    In the evening, place the item on the table, light three candles and read the plot against envious people:

    “Protect and protect me from evil glances and from dark thoughts. Let each guardian angel sit on my shoulders, legs, arms and head and protect me day and night, in front and behind. I am no longer afraid of an evil word or an indecent deed. Amen".

    Conspiracy against the enemy

    This conspiracy comes from evil envious people who are always trying to cause some kind of trouble. And it will also protect you from the boss, who with his nagging brings you to nothing. After the ritual, relationships are improved both within the team and with management.

    On a piece of paper, draw a symbolic image of a person who brings discomfort into life. The drawing should depict an invisible enemy in full height and with a full understanding of him and his bad deeds. Then burn the drawing and scatter the ashes to the wind, with the words:

    “The ashes are carried by the wind, your anger (name) disappears.”

    How to remove it if envious people have already jinxed it

    If it does happen, so that negativity is imposed and negative energy begins its dirty work, then first of all you need to turn to a specialist for help. You can also cleanse yourself of spoilage at home, but it will take a lot of time and a lot of patience.

    When you realize that you have freed yourself from negativity, continue to perform the ritual for a few more days to strengthen and further protect your aura. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. The two most effective conspiracies against damage that lead to positive results in short time.

    “I will ask the golden raven to fly to the sky and call the hero. And that hero’s name is Red Sun. And the hero will come out and illuminate the entire earth with his face and golden rays. The Red Sun will touch everything living and warm it with its heart. He warmed all those suffering and took them away from anger and human hatred. Thank you hero, thank you Red Sun, you did a good and necessary deed. Amen".


    “With a bird feather, a sharp stone, a steel knife, a burning candle, I pass it over the forehead and remove the evil eye. I stamp my foot three times, I give an order to the protective forces to take the evil eye away from me and return it to the one who did it. Good must win, and evil must be punished."

    Accountant Maria Stepanovna always grumbles that your salary is too high? Colleagues trying to steal your cup and swap sugar and salt? Is your boss criticizing your desktop shortcut policy? If you feel killed even before the start of the working day, do not despair! Conspiracies from enemies at work, tested by time and circumstances, will come to the rescue.

    How to get rid of enemies at work forever - conspiracy

    It is important to remember that conspiracy is, first of all, an understanding of human psychology, and secondly, magic. The better you understand your motives and the motives of others, the higher the chance of magic working.

    There are several types of conspiracies against enemies at work.

    Conspiracies on yourself

    Oddly enough, it is most effective to talk yourself out of enemies. How we feel about ourselves and how confident we are in our abilities directly affects how others treat us. If you yourself feel weak and timid, stronger and tougher individuals feel them all the more and begin to treat you excellently. Conversely, if you behave confidently, your ill-wishers will poke you a couple of times with a stick and shrug their shoulders. Once they make sure you don't react, your enemies will treat you with respect. But what to do if you can’t keep yourself confident?

    In order to overcome complexes and eliminate the consequences of incorrect positioning of oneself in a team, the strongest will help protective spells from enemies, evil, damage and all harm. You can read them to yourself without being distracted from your work. Self-conspiracies are not so much about surrounding yourself with a protective field. It's more about adjusting the outside world through changing your own worldview. Such conspiracies are similar to good prayers or funny magic spells. They look so special to raise your tone, vital energy and good mood.

    The most powerful self-conspiracies are often very short. But they need to be remembered and repeated often, especially in critical moments.

    • Conspiracy "I'm smart."

    This conspiracy is the simplest and most natural, its goal is to surround you with a protective field impenetrable to insults and provocations. Every morning when you come to work, sit in a chair at your desk. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine yourself inside a submarine. Mentally assume a Zen Buddhist pose and say the following magic spell:

    “Everyone around me is smart because I’m smart, amen. Everyone around me is good because I am good, amen. Everyone around me loves me because I love everyone. Amen!"

    After some time, the work environment will magically change for the better.

    • Conspiracy “Speak up.”

    The beginning of this conspiracy lies in the well-known magical technique “simoron”. Simoron is the most popular type of household white magic. It was created by young esoteric dervishes in the early 90s. Simoron is still a popular, fast and effective everyday magic. CONSPIRACY " Speak up “, - the shortest of most conspiracies and the brightest, - does not carry vengeful harm to the enemy. Being a magical synonym for the word “appear,” it recommends that the enemy lose interest in you. The enemy feels a desire to do more useful things than unwinding the tangle of your nerves. More full version this conspiracy is the phrase “Benefit yourself by disappearing.” This spell can be cast every time you feel a negative or unwanted influence. Already in the first ten repetitions a significant positive effect is observed.

    To “aggravate” it, you can cheerfully wave a pencil or pen towards the enemy. Imagine that you are holding a magic wand. The appearance of surprise on the enemy's face will mark a successful plot.

    Spell on objects

    If you are great at raising your spirits using the first two methods, it’s time to move on to spells on objects.

    They can be used in unlimited quantities. The time of day and phase of the moon does not play an important role, although it is better to do this early in the morning. The most favorable phase of the moon will be the waxing one. The main thing when using magic is not to forget an important rule:

    "Any conspiracy from negative energy must carry within oneself goodness and only goodness.”

    • Flower spell for office workers

    Unless, of course, you are allergic, houseplants- your best magical friend. Go to a flower shop, consult with a florist and choose a beautiful plant for yourself. Small in size and pleasing to the eye. It could be your favorite flower: violet, ficus benjamina, cactus. If you are a man, buy yourself a plastic palm tree. You can buy a flower for yourself or for a colleague who particularly annoys you. First, make sure that your enemy is not allergic to pollen and act depending on this factor.

    A flower spell for yourself consists of two parts: reviving an object And empowerment. To revive a flower, give it Name. Write your name on the bottom of the pot or, if you are an energetic and simple person who boldly shows the world your openness, on the side of the pot. You can also attach a piece of paper with your name decorative clothespin to the flower trunk or supporting skewer. Now that you have named the flower, choose how you will enchant it.

    Giving positive energy. The most effective option for optimistic people is to transfer positive thoughts to the flower for subsequent feed-back. Place your flower near the monitor. Whenever you are in a good mood or something positive happens, address him with words like this:

    “Dear Cactus Arkady, I am so glad that you are blooming and smelling. Today I also bloom and smell, because the Name of the River with whom we have difficult relationships, behaved politely all day and even offered to make me coffee in the morning.”

    “Dear Violet Marusya, I give you the smile of accountant Marya Stepanovna, your namesake, who praised me for a good report. It seems that our relationship with her is improving and she no longer grumbles about my high salary, which she is tired of calculating.”

    It is very important that the words are simple and human. Plants, especially charmed ones, take words literally. Like water molecules and sugar crystals, they accumulate positive emotions and give them back. Simoronists, using this technique, note an increase in energy through shortest time after the start. It is important to overpower yourself at the beginning of the journey, brushing aside any doubts that arise about the appropriateness of what you are doing (and we are not talking about work, but about magic).

    The flower spell for a colleague is different in that the moment the flower is given to the recipient, the connection between you and the flower becomes thinner or disappears. Therefore, such a flower must be spoken at home or on the way to work. The conspiracy can be in free form, but it must carry a positive message and a wish for bright emotions. For example:

    “Dear Ficus Benjamin, I am bringing you as a gift to a wonderful man named Imyarek Imyarekovich Imyarekov, this is my favorite boss, his desk is right across the wall from me/down the corridor to the right/in the next office. I have a wonderful relationship with him, but I would like it to be even better. Therefore, I decided to give him you, because you are a wonderful flower and you subtly feel that I wish Imyarek Imyarekovich only good things and a good mood. And also so that he scolds me less for bad work and well-performed tasks. When I bring you to the office and present you to your future owner, please try to convey these words to him. I call you “Flower” and only you and I will know this secret name and keep in touch through it. From time to time I will inquire about the health of Imyarek Imyarekovich, and pass him candy through you.”

    If, upon receiving such a gift, your colleague smiled and thanked him warmly, consider that the conspiracy was a success. If the reaction could not be predicted and it turned out to be restrained-neutral, or even worse - the unfortunate ficus flew to the floor - do not be upset. There are other conspiracies that are stronger!

    • Plot for the keys to the work premises.

    As you know, the keys are universal item for a conspiracy. They are persuaded not only to sell a house or car, but also to create a friendly atmosphere in the unlocked room. For such a conspiracy, you will need your copy of the office keys. If it happens that you do not have them, take a magnetic card or a tablet from the intercom. If it doesn’t work out here either, find an unnecessary key at home, a toy golden key or a key from an old girl’s diary. If you can wear it as an amulet around your neck, great!

    Of course, this ritual should be performed at work, after the end of the working day, when you are alone, but if this is not possible, perform the ritual at home, before going out. Dress in work clothes and stand in front of the door of your apartment/house. Holding the charmed key at the ready, pronounce the words of the conspiracy in a conspiratorial tone:

    “Key, key, listen carefully. You will open the door like a spy. You’ll seep straight into the office and disappear into the atmosphere. You will become a secret talisman, a friend to all my colleagues. And while I’m carrying you, I ask everyone to be friends with me!”

    After this, pretend that you are opening the door with the key, but do not pretend to close it on the other side. The ritual should contain openness for better performance.

    Come to work and don't hide the key from yourself. Let it remind you that you have performed a magical ritual. Stick it in the ground near the Andrew cactus, or wear it with you around your neck as an amulet.

    • Spell for the air conditioner remote control.

    One of the most famous Simoron white magic techniques is channel switching. To do this, you will need any remote control, but the remote control for a working air conditioner is best. If you feel that the situation in the office is tense, pretend to switch the temperature mode. But in reality, perform a quick magic ritual by holding the remote control in front of you and looking at the air conditioner blowers.

    “The heat goes away, the negativity goes away, the calm, friendly atmosphere comes!”

    Such a conspiracy will give you peace and goodwill for the whole day. The rest of your colleagues will feel it instantly. Thanks to your white magic, they will follow your example, unaware of the enchanted air conditioner.

    • Candy spell.

    CAREFULLY! This conspiracy is very effective and is used only if its goals are truly bright and benevolent. When using a spell on candy for the purpose of revenge, be prepared to immediately receive a boomerang from the Higher Powers. For good magicians, the conspiracy will not be difficult to execute.

    Buy different candies. Preferably chocolate ones, so they will quickly spread among colleagues and the magic will work most effectively. Pour them into a beautiful bowl and speak the spell over it three times. It is advisable to do this while in the center of an empty office.

    “Chocolate candies will become a magic potion. Become a wonderful potion, turn your enemies into loyal friends, bring them goodness and happiness, I conjure you with good power!”

    At the beginning of the day, treat all your colleagues to candy. It is important not to miss anyone, even those who are already positively disposed towards you, this will unite their energy with the enemy. The light energy will be recharged and the magic will work even stronger. Watch the plot work with a smile.

    • Enchanted notebook.

    Another very useful magical practice is called the “Enchanted Notebook”. Take any piece of writing paper, notebook, or small notepad with a cover you like. Keep it somewhere safe. No one should know about the existence of this notebook. Especially the cleaning lady, Aunt Nyura, who snoops around the drawers and plots evil against you.

    For a week, write down all negative events in it. How your colleagues changed your chair to an uncomfortable one. How an accountant incorrectly calculated your salary and pretended that it was so. How your worst friend spilled coffee on your blouse and pretended it was an accident. Write everything as it is, in colors and emotions.

    On the eighth day, when you leave work, take the notebook with you if you left it there. Wait until midnight and start a fire or fire in the fireplace. Tie the notebook tightly with a red thread, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

    “Close the notebook with black words. Don't let the thread get untied. Burn all the resentment and anger along with the paper. Turn unpleasant people into pleasant people. From now on, I let them go and wish them well. And may goodness return to me from them a hundredfold! Amen!"

    Ceremoniously place the notebook in the fire. As you watch the paper burn, imagine yourself coming to work the next morning. And suddenly you discover that your enemies have become your best friends.

    The effect may not be noticeable immediately, please be patient.

    Every magician has a magical object that concentrates his light power and endows the surrounding space with it. This could be a personal item: a figurine, a plush toy, a blanket for a chair, a shawl, a coffee table book. Listen to yourself and you will find it. This method of protecting yourself from enemies is effective in any conditions. And also, there are no allergies to such things.

    Conspiracies for salt

    There are two pitfalls in using traditional spells that came from antiquity. First, when studying any conspiracy, imagine its possible consequences. If the text of the conspiracy speaks of a negative result, revenge or sacrifice, the conspiracy does NOT belong to White magic. Be prepared for what good protection your enemy may be mirrored in your direction. Avoid conspiracies that have a negative connotation. Your goals should be noble - not to get rid of, not to take revenge, but to make peace and make friends.

    Secondly, the most effective conspiracy is one that does not once again state your suffering. Their mention may become an unnecessary amplifier for you. A spell where suffering turns into experience, or where it is said that the caster doesn’t care about it, is best suited. Remember that your wishes are taken literally. Remember that the “not” particle is ignored by the brain. Perceiving information, all living things: children, adults, the surrounding energy hear prohibitions as direct instructions to action. Especially if you formulate the request as “don’t do this because I can’t do that.” “Please do something else, so I can do that better,” is good plot. Feel free to use it.

    White magic spells have special power. It is important to make sure that you resort to them. You shouldn’t read a conspiracy from enemies at work so that bad things come back to them. Wishing evil will only increase it and ruin your own karma. On the contrary, you should wish them well, and you will see the opposite effect immediately. Of course, such conspiracies are difficult to perform and require complete dedication from the magician. But the result is worth it.

    Every white magician who has achieved a certain success in his skill knows how to correctly read conspiracies from enemies. A strong spell for salt, which initially carries a negative message for enemies, is made lighter and more effective with the help of white magic. White conspiracy salt will take more effort and require serious preparation, but by the end of the process you will feel how everything begins to change.

    You will need:

    1. Salt.
    2. Sugar.
    3. Boiling water.
    4. Photo.
    5. Food coloring.
    6. Small glass jar with stopper.
    7. Red thread.
    8. Church candles.

    For this plot we will need to make a protective amulet. It's a highly personalized thing. Start making it, imagining before your eyes the one who causes you the most discomfort at work. It’s even better to have his (her) photo in front of you. Of course, without strangers.

    Wait for the waxing moon. The spell for salt must be read from enemies with the help of the correct moonlight. On the night from Friday to Saturday, retire to your home. Place the prepared ingredients on the table or floor.

    Take the salt from a new pack printed for the occasion. It is better to bring sugar from work, but it is not necessary. If you can’t find it there, buy loose sand at the store. A jar with a stopper can be found at any office supply store. In the absence of one, take any small container, preferably glass.

    Let us repeat, the ritual is long, powerful and requires good preparation, hard work and self-confidence.

    After laying out the ingredients on the floor, light five candles with a match. Sit in their light for a while, closing your eyes. Remember all the unpleasant moments associated with your enemy, imagine how you want this person to change. After his attitude changes to friendly in your thoughts, open your eyes and start making an amulet. First, say the following words, trying to speak them in a warm, gentle tone:

    “On the growing moon, bringing light, I will conjure my enemy, let him become a friend as soon as he gets up in the morning.”

    Wrap the bottle with red thread and tie one knot at the end.

    By adding each new element, pronounce separate words for it.

    “A protective thread, filled with goodness, become a talisman. I’ll tie the first knot - I’ll speak for good; I’ll tie the second knot - I’ll seal my word forever.”

    Carefully pour a small amount of salt into the bottom of the jar. Add a little more sugar on top, leaving less than a third unfilled. Don't forget about space for the plug. After pouring out the salt and sugar, say the words to them:

    “Salt become him (her), and sugar become me. In caustic salt, in strong offense, I dissolve sugar, a healer for the heart. As the salt melts, the sugar will become the main one. As soon as they merge together, they become isolated together.”

    To confirm the previous words, carefully pour a few drops of boiling water into the tub. Try to mix the salt and sugar into a paste, but not turn into liquid. Do not stir.

    Carefully drop some dye into the jar. It is better to take yellow or pink, warm colors. Do not stir. Watch the contents of the jar color and melt, saying:

    “How bright the colors are, so strong the threads. Just as threads are strong, so is the word sacred.”

    Now carefully bring each of the candles to the jar and drop wax into it. For each one in turn, say five phrases about your expectations from the ritual. For example:

    1. I wish (enemy’s name) to become my friend.
    2. I wish (enemy's name) good mood always be.
    3. I wish (enemy’s name) to always help me in my work.
    4. I wish (enemy's name) to be kind.
    5. I wish (enemy's name) health and mental strength.

    Having sealed the jar in this way, carefully insert the stopper. Now unroll the red thread / tie it around the neck, pronouncing the last words of the conspiracy:

    “From now on, salt will become sugar, from now on the thread will not untie. Was (name) an enemy, became (name) a devoted friend. My word is strong, the moon is a witness.”

    Tie a second knot at the other end of the thread. Hide the amulet jar in a secluded place.

    Now, in the morning next day, your enemy's attitude will begin to change. You carried out a very subtle and powerful conspiracy. Feel a surge of strength and extraordinary lightness.

    On a pin

    I came up with a conspiracy from enemies at work to read on a pin Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova, very light, fast and reliable, it is used everywhere. Protects mainly from the evil eye and damage. Therefore, against strong enemies it will become only an auxiliary method, and not a panacea.

    You will need a new safety pin. On a moonlit night, stand in front of the window. Substituting it under the moonlight, say the words of the conspiracy:

    “It hurts, it cuts, it drives away enemies, it protects me from evil wishes.”

    Pin the pin to your clothing and carry it with you at all times. If a pin opens and pricks you, it's good sign. This means the conspiracy protected you from evil influence. It is recommended to repeat the ritual after this. Such protection will help not only from enemies at work, but also from other negative manifestations.

    The famous Siberian healer advises in conspiracies not to wish revenge on enemies and offenders. Natalia Stepanova suggests reading conspiracies from enemies, evil and damage with a positive message, formulating requests as a request for good changes.

    One of the most strong conspiracies Natalia Stepanova is given below. It is read once a day at sunset. For this conspiracy, it is not necessary to take into account where you and your offender are located, but it is important to know his name.

    "In the name of the Father and the Son
    And the Holy Spirit.
    Lord bless
    I will call Saint Elias
    With heavenly power
    For help.
    I will call upon the earthly power
    With earthly strength
    For help.
    And water power
    I'll call for help.
    Guardian Angel
    I'm calling for help.
    All the mighty forces
    Help me
    And on me and on my enemies
    And who will think
    I'm angry
    Forbid them to do evil.”

    Slavic conspiracies from enemies, evil, damage and all harm

    For help in white magic, you can resort to ancient Slavic conspiracies. Their difference is that the Slavs turned to Mother Nature for help. Therefore, for a successful Slavic conspiracy it is necessary to have a natural source of strength. Be sure to start in one of the elements: fire, water, air or earth.

    Great White Magicians prefer to have a set of four vials in stock. It can be made in advance.

    Take four jars similar to those used in the salt spell.

    Leave the first jar empty. Pour clean, unboiled water into the second. In the third place, add a pinch of earth. Place a coal in the fourth.

    Say spell words to secure the amulets:

    “Mother Nature, grant me the powers of earth, fire, water and air.”

    Now, when the need for a conspiracy arises, you can turn to four elements at once, for example, using this spell:

    “Don’t touch me dashingly dark, there is no power over a modest maiden, there is no power over a bright maiden, roll dashingly into the hopeless distance. Don’t touch me, evil enemies, don’t touch me with any troubles, when scorched by fire, retreat, sprinkled with water, leave me alone, don’t touch the damp earth, let the wind blow away the offenders!”

    Getting rid of enemies is easy. But in order to make enemies friends, you will need real skill. Let's sum it up with a quote from the great Paulo Coelho:

    The best way to know and destroy an enemy is to become his friend.

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