• A strong spell for a man's love. A strong white love spell for a guy's love. Conspiracy for a married man


    Unfortunately, feelings are not always mutual. Not everyone is ready to come to terms with this; some are thinking about ways to bind their chosen one to themselves. Spells to get a guy to love you are popular among girls who believe in magic. What rituals exist to achieve your goal? How to do them correctly? Answers to these questions are offered in the article.

    White conspiracies for a guy's love

    First, it is worth understanding the difference between black and white magic. White conspiracies for a guy's love can give good results. The goal of a girl who resorts to them should be to build a strong union in the future. At the same time, the young lady is obliged to have sincere feelings for the chosen one. If she even a little doubts the strength and strength of her love, conspiracies cannot be read.

    The purpose of white magic is to act for good. Conspiracies for a guy’s love cannot be used if the girl is guided by selfish goals. If a representative of the fair sex is driven by the desire to provide for herself at the expense of her chosen one, magic in this case will turn against her. Revenge is also a bad motive for reading a plot.

    Another important rule- the guy whom the young lady dreams of bewitching must be free. If the heart of the chosen one is occupied by another girl, you cannot destroy their relationship with the help of white magic.

    Black magic

    Black conspiracies for a guy's love can also have an effect. However, it should be remembered that they are aimed at breaking a person’s will. The victim is forced to succumb to the spell, but this makes her unhappy. Of course, such conspiracies do not work on everyone. Attempts to bewitch a strong personality can result in the guy starting to feel hostility and even hatred towards the girl.


    The above describes what conspiracies for a guy’s love exist. What conditions are important to meet in order for a magical ritual to have a result?

    • Before reading conspiracies, you should definitely prepare your home. It is necessary to remove all dirt and throw away unnecessary things.
    • The ritual must be performed alone; no one needs to know about it.
    • There should be silence in the house, which should be taken care of in advance. It is better to turn off household appliances; the same should be done with phones and laptops. Pets can interfere with the ritual, and it is better to take them away for a while. If necessary, you can stock up on anti-noise headphones.
    • The girl who is going to bewitch you young man through love magic, should feel great. Illnesses negatively affect energy, so the ritual should be postponed until recovery.

    When to read the plot

    The above describes what is needed in order to read conspiracies for a guy’s love at home. In addition, it plays an important role right choice dates. The effectiveness of the ritual directly depends on whether the right day is chosen for it.

    Let's say a girl wants to make a young man fall in love with her. She should pronounce the spell on days that are considered masculine in magic. Monday should be chosen by a young lady who dreams of attracting the attention of a proud and brave guy. Tuesday is suitable for winning a smart, thoughtful young man. On Thursday, the ritual should be performed if the object is a romantic and an esthete.


    The phases of the moon are also important to consider for those who intend to resort to magic. Conspiracies for a guy's love will have the greatest power if you pronounce them on the waxing moon.

    What time of day should I choose? Traditionally magical rituals take place after sunset. This is true if the description of the ritual does not indicate a different time.

    Method number 1: with a photo

    There is an effective and simple conspiracy to make a guy love you. To carry out the ritual, the girl will need a photograph of her chosen one and her own. The result largely depends on whether the photo of the “victim” is chosen correctly. The photo must be new, taken less than a year ago. There should be no other people on it - only the object. It’s great if a person’s eyes are turned straight ahead. Of course, the picture must be clear and of high quality.

    The best time to read the plot is when the moon is in its waxing phase. Absolute silence must reign in the room; the presence of witnesses is not allowed. In addition to the photographs, you need to prepare red threads and a needle, as well as a white envelope in advance. You need to look at the photo (yours and your chosen one) and imagine pictures of the future life together. At this time, the girl’s heart should be filled with love and happiness. Then, on the back of the photograph of the object, the name and date of birth of the person who wants to bind him to her are indicated. On the back of her photo, the girl must write the same information about the guy.

    The pictures are folded together and sewn together with thread (corners). Then a knot is tied, and in the process the conspiracy is read: “I tie slave (name) to slave (name) with strong ties.” Next, the thread is torn off, and the photographs are placed in a white envelope. It must be carefully sealed and put in a secret place. The first results are expected within a week.

    Second way: with candles

    A girl who wants to bewitch her chosen one can read a spell for a guy’s love using candles. To perform the ritual, you need two red candles, red threads and a piece of canvas. You will also need a photograph of the object of passion.

    The best time to read the plot is in the evening, ideal if the moon is in its waxing phase. Before performing the ritual, you need to light the candles. Then you can start reading the conspiracy: “I light the holy fire, calling the soul of the slave (name) to me. Let the flame of passion ignite in (name)’s soul. Let him (name) turn to me, turn around, turn around. Don’t let him get away from me.” While pronouncing the text, you need to look at the photograph of your chosen one and draw in your imagination pictures of a happy future together.

    The candles must burn out. The next morning, their remains are wrapped in a piece of canvas, and the whole thing is tied with red thread. This should be kept among your personal belongings. If you want to cancel the result, just burn the package.

    Method three: with a scarf

    Which one still exists? strong conspiracy for a guy's love? To implement the third method, you need to prepare a red candle and a new white scarf. It is important to read the plot alone; the house should be quiet.

    First, you should spread the scarf on the table. Wax from a lit candle is dripped onto it; you need to drip a heart shape. The name of the object of passion is written on the finished “heart”; you can use a pencil or pen. When the product hardens, you need to stick an ordinary needle into it. The plot is read while using the needle. The text is as follows: “I do not light a fire, but I call the soul of the chosen one (name) to me. Let our bodies and souls unite, and our hearts turn to happiness.” Then the heart must be hidden in a secret place.

    This conspiracy will have a greater effect if the girl actively communicates with the young man and tries to attract his attention.

    Method four: outside

    What other simple conspiracy is there to make a guy love you? The fourth method is suitable for girls who are confident in the power of their love. In this case, it will work even if the young man does not experience any feelings.

    The spell should be pronounced at sunrise. It is advisable to perform the ritual outdoors, with the face facing east. As a last resort, the text below can be spoken by open window.

    “I conjure the higher powers to unite the slave (name) with the slave (name) forever. Let them be together as the elements Air, Fire and Water are inseparable from the Earth. Let my beloved (name) think only about me, just as the sun’s rays tend to the Earth. Let thoughts of me fill his soul with joy and peace. Amen". The ritual will have to be repeated for twelve days, otherwise You shouldn't count on its effectiveness.

    Distance is not a hindrance

    What if the object of passion is far away? In this case, a plot to love a guy at a distance will come in handy. The following text is pronounced: “Beloved (name), I’m thinking about you. I dream of hearing your voice, I'm waiting for news. Think about me, beautiful (name). All my thoughts are only about you. Pick up your phone and tell me pleasant words. Let your heart melt and be filled with love. It will be as I said."

    How to get back a guy with whom a girl had a fight and who she misses? Is it possible to make peace with him at a distance? In this case, the following effective spell will come in handy: “God, save and save, cross the paths. Let the slave (name) and slave (name) come together on the path. Let them never separate again. Save our love and save. Light our path with your grace. Amen".

    For the night

    What are some spells to get a guy to love you at night? The next method is relevant for girls who dream of creating strong family with the object of passion, live with him all your life and have children. The young man must control all thoughts and hearts, the desire to reunite with him must be very strong. Otherwise, you should not rely on the ritual, it will not work.

    The ritual must be carried out at night. First, you should lay a new white tablecloth on the table. Then you need to light three church wax candles. Next, the text of the conspiracy is pronounced: “God, I ask you to build a high wall, dig a deep hole, create an impenetrable fence and insurmountable melancholy. Let your slave (name) love only me (name). Lock the fence and take it for yourself. Amen".

    What else do you need to know

    What else would be useful to consider for a girl who is going to read a plot for the love of a young man? It is advisable to memorize the text in advance so as not to get lost during the ritual and thus not reduce its effectiveness. Words must be spoken in a whisper, but they must be pronounced clearly and clearly.

    Before performing the ritual, you also need to cleanse your body with water. This will help get rid of other people's energy. After this, you need to say the church prayer “Our Father” three times.

    The ritual will have a greater effect if the fair sex stocks up with an amulet or amulet. It is advisable that this thing be created with your own hands; you should also read a prayer over it.

    Let's look in detail at a plot to make a guy fall in love, read it on paper at night - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

    Making a spell on a guy to make him fall in love with you is quite simple with the help of simple magical rituals. There are many different conspiracies and love spells that will provide you with excellent results. After performing such rituals, consider that your beloved guy will simply be crazy about you. You just need to correctly follow all the rules for conducting such magical rituals and strictly follow the instructions. Love is a wonderful feeling, and mutual love is happiness. So invite happiness into your life with the help of white magic. If you want your connection with your loved one to be strong, and he in no way suffered from your actions, first perform a ritual to protect him from negative consequences from a love spell. To do this, you will need any photo of your boyfriend, holy water and thick black thread. Roll the photo of the guy into a tube and tie it crosswise with black thread. After that, read these words:

    Read the words of such a conspiracy three times from memory, then sprinkle the photograph with holy water; this will protect your loved one from the consequences of any magical actions. Well, after that you can calmly engage in love spells.

    Simple rules for reading love spells.

    You can only make someone you know fall in love with you; you must communicate at least sometimes. Do everything as written in the instructions for the ritual. All conspiracies must be learned by heart.

    Make a guy fall in love with you using candles.

    For this ritual you will need two candles, preferably taken from the church. On one candle, scratch your name with a needle and on the other, your loved one. Twist both candles together with a flagellum and light while reading the following words of the conspiracy:

    Holy water spell for a guy's love.

    This plot is read when the moon begins to rise. Before the ritual, go to church and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, and collect holy water there. At midnight, place two candles and a glass of holy water on the windowsill. It is advisable that the light of the moon falls directly on you, this will make the ritual gain additional power. Start reading the words of this conspiracy:

    After reading the plot, extinguish the candles and leave the glass of holy water to stand until the morning. In the morning, pour the enchanted water onto the threshold of the house where your loved one lives.

    Spell for a guy's love using a needle.

    For this spell you will need a new, unused needle. Using this needle, prick the finger on your left hand so that a drop of blood comes out, and then read the following plot on the needle:

    After reading the plot, you must try to stick the needle into the doorframe of your chosen one’s house, so that it is not visible.

    How to make a guy fall in love with you using photography.

    Get a photo of the guy you like, in which his face is clearly visible. Buy one candle at church. Any evening, when the full moon rises, take a photo of a guy and drip wax from a lit candle directly onto the face in the photo, whispering:

    After reading the plot, remove the photo so that no one can see it.

    A plot to make a guy fall in love.

    This is a very strong conspiracy, it is done using a photo of a guy and a drop of your blood. Any evening when you are alone at home, take a photo of the guy you like (he should be shown in the photo wearing full height) and pierce it with a needle into the very heart. Read the following plot over her three times:

    After reading, use the same needle to prick your finger on your left hand until a drop of blood appears, then pull the needle out of the photo. Bury the needle and photograph under any tree. Do not tell anyone about the ceremony.

    A spell for a guy you love.

    For this plot you will need a red candle and some thing (a comb, a lighter or something else that belongs to your loved one). If you have an icon at home, it’s good, if not, buy one from the church, you can print it on paper. In the evening, when you are alone at home, put an icon on the table, put your loved one’s thing next to it and light a candle. After all these preparations, begin to read the words of the conspiracy:

    Read the spell three times, then remove the candle and never use it again.

    Love spell on paper

    A love spell through paper is one of the oldest ways to “dry” the right person. Rituals are as old as writing itself. There were many literate people in Rus', which made it possible to often apply rituals to paper.

    Features of a love spell on paper

    What paper is best to use?

    • It is undesirable for the sheet to have cells, stripes or any other pattern. The sheet must be absolutely clean. The cages, ruler, etc. create a symbolic obstacle to the passage of energy;
    • The ideal color is pink. Many people subconsciously associate it with love and tender feelings. If your plans include intense passion, use red. However, such a leaflet may look suspicious. In addition, the text will be inconvenient to read. It is best to choose a neutral white. The effect will be no less significant;
    • The sheet format can be absolutely any. Choose the one that will fit all your message or other information.

    What time of day to spend?

    The time is usually indicated in the ritual itself. But if it is not specified, best time days are considered evening (after sunset) or night. After sunset, a person relaxes, which puts him in a trance state, which was used for magical rituals long before the advent of our era. If the time of day is not prerequisite, the ceremony can be performed when it is convenient for you. For example, during the day everyone in your family is at work, but you work daily or are currently not working at all. It is much better to use a time (day) that is not the most suitable for magic than to perform the ceremony in the presence of witnesses.

    Strong love spells on paper

    Read the white ritual for the guy's name

    With a stack new paper

    To carry out the ritual, you need to buy a stack of new A4 paper. This paper is usually used for office needs. There can be any number of sheets. However, you must take into account that you will have to use them all up. It is advisable to choose a Friday as the first day of work, which does not coincide with a major church holiday. Don't do this during Lent, before Christmas and before Easter. Every evening, write the guy's name on a piece of paper, read the spell, then burn the piece of paper.

    The last leaf does not participate in the ritual. On it you need to write a message to your loved one, which will contain the word “love” and your name. The message does not have to tell about your feelings, invite you on a date, etc.

    On the paper the guy uses

    A love spell can be made on the paper that the guy uses. For example: he has a stack of sheets of paper on his desk, and he periodically makes notes on them. It is important that the paper is used only by the person you intend to bewitch. Enchanted leaves should not fall into the hands of other people. The guy can throw them away. But at the same time, the paper cannot be transferred to strangers.

    Take a few pieces of paper and read the plot on them:

    Then you need to write down your name on all the charmed sheets. But this must be done so that the guy does not discover the recording. To implement your plan, you can use a candle. Even milk will not leave noticeable marks. After a few practices you will definitely succeed. If a guy has poor eyesight, he most likely won't notice any changes. But even with good eyesight it is not easy to see what is written.

    On a piece of paper that the guy used

    You need to get a piece of paper that your loved one used. Any graphic symbols or drawings must remain on the sheet. Besides, whoever you are bewitching, no one should use this paper. The sheet should also not contain any extraneous information: if it is some kind of document with a signature, it is not suitable for you. Bring the treasured leaf home and retire. You need to leave a drawing or graphic marks on the paper. You just need to sign your name, draw a simple pattern, write down your name, etc.

    Then recite the spell:

    The sheet must be hidden and never thrown away. No one but you should know about the existence of the enchanted paper.

    On the man you love, using your blood

    Once upon a time, letters were written in ink and quill quills. To perform a love spell, blood was poured directly into the ink, mixing with which it became invisible. Then they wrote a message to the desired person.

    The letter was not always a declaration of love. Often it was angry, mocking or threatening. A love letter communicates feelings, which means that a person will know that you are not indifferent to him, and if he does not experience reciprocity, on a subconscious level he will develop a rejection of the admirer. An angry message makes you feel offended. However, the recipient soon notices that instead of resentment, he begins to feel affection for the one who insulted him. The victim mistakes his feelings for true love, because he fell in love with someone who supposedly despises him.

    The experience of our ancestors can be used today. It is difficult to mix the ink of a regular ballpoint pen with blood. Use a pen that needs to be filled with ink. You can also lightly stain a piece of paper with blood. The man who receives the letter should not guess that the strange stain is blood. You need to write the message itself by the flame of a candle (ordinary, non-church). This is necessary in order to imitate as much as possible the environment in which our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers once wrote letters.

    When the message is ready, read the spell:

    It is preferable to write by hand. However, it is perfectly acceptable to type the message on a typewriter or computer. The latter options are suitable for cases where you want to write an anonymous message.

    How to make a love spell on a piece of paper without using candles?

    Buy paper for writing notes. The leaves in the bundle are small rectangles or squares. The love spell will take as many days as there are leaves in the packet. Since this is a long ritual, it will take more than one day. This means that you will have to cast magic not only on ordinary days, but also on church holidays and on Sundays. These days, performing love spells is highly undesirable. At the same time, you should not miss a single ritual. Fasting may be a way out. How many Sunday and holidays you defile, that’s how many fasting days you should have after performing a love spell.

    It is necessary to work after sunset or at night. You need to act at the same time. It is undesirable, for example, to conduct the ceremony at 19.40 on the first day, and at 22.30 the next day. Choose a time when no one will disturb you and you can be alone with yourself. Too bright light is undesirable. A love spell does not require the use of candles. You can just turn on the night light. He will give required amount lighting.

    Draw a heart on a piece of paper with your name in it. The leaf needs to be crumpled.

    After that, write your name in the heart and say:

    Before you begin the next ritual, you need to get rid of the used leaf. Drop it near your loved one's house.

    Knowledge of love spells on paper is necessary not only in order to subjugate someone’s will. This knowledge will help you avoid being dominated by another person. You can easily catch someone who is trying to bewitch you.

    Under the cover of night, read a plot for a guy's love

    In order to evoke languor and melancholy in the heart of a sweetheart, you need to read a plot for a guy’s love at night. A lot of different conspiracies there are nights made under protection. The night enchantress releases secret powers and is capable of helping in love affairs like no other.

    • Love spell on an open window.
    • A spell before bed for love.
    • Love spell on a candle.
    • Water spell.

    Love spell on an open window

    As the dark night descends to the earth, as it envelops everyone in a deep sleep, so begin the conspiracy. You must read it so that no one else hears and your ritual is not upset.

    Window spell Become bare-haired by the open window and comb your hair, peering into the pitch darkness. As you slide a comb through your hair, recite three times in a row:

    “I am useful to everyone, I am useful to everyone. Look around, slave (name), around you and see me alone. I, like a star, shine brighter than others next to you. My voice rings louder than others in your head. Follow me alone, think about me alone, and desire me alone. Amen".

    As you read, don’t close the window: let the image of your desire for your dear one fly into your thoughts and dwell in his head forever.

    Bedtime spell for love

    If the night turns out to be dark and deaf, if there is not a single dawn in the sky, then you can whisper this to yourself in love.

    Before you lie down to rest, close your eyes and say three times:

    “The night maiden, a young mistress, descended from the sky and rolled across the earth. She looked in on everyone, gave everyone a dream, but bypassed my window. Don’t bypass me, little night, look into my house, take slave (name) by the hand into my dreams, so that he dreams of me alone and burns with love for me alone. Just as I am not sleeping now, I am not resting, so let the slave (name) not sleep and think about me alone. This night and a thousand subsequent ones. Amen".

    As you say, you can go to bed. And don’t say a single word until dawn.

    Love spell on a candle

    This can still be done to win the feelings of the fellow to your side.

    Without bargaining during the day that the ritual takes place before the night, buy a red candle. Choose one that will burn longer, and don’t take change from the merchant at all.

    Candle spell

    Once it gets dark and everyone who lives in the house with you goes to bed, you can start the ritual.

    Light a candle by the bed, move your hands over it and say this to its flame:

    “Just as a ship at sea searches for the shore and in the pitch darkness hopes for the light of the shore, so you, slave (name), look for me and gaze at the light of my house. Just as a bird cannot live without a nest and does not bear fruit without a pair of children, so you, slave (name), without me, do not think about the future and do not indulge in joyful dreams. Like a hot candle flame that burns your body, so let love and longing for me in your heart, slave (name), bake and flow like hot resin through your body. Amen".

    Once you read this, you can go to bed and rest. And don’t put out the candle by the bed, let it burn out on its own and lure your dear one. In the morning, bury the wax that remains after it in silence near the house of the one whose heart you want to win.

    Spell for water

    When midnight begins to look through your window with your dark eye, take a cup of water. Sit near the window and the ring finger, which is on right hand, lower it into the water and whisper three times:

    “In a dark and deaf forest, a red maiden cried during the day. By evening her tears did not dry up, at night her cheeks were decorated, and in the early morning they ran from her eyes. The girl cries and languishes, and does not know a sound of laughter. I took the girl’s melancholy and took it to the threshold of the slave (name). The forest maiden laughs, and the slave (name) is sad and sad, only smiling next to me. As you, slave (name), will be with me, your heart will be filled with happiness. Without me, your heart flutters with you, and with me, eternal joy. Amen".

    In the morning, as soon as it begins to get light, go to your dear one’s house and sprinkle the charmed water generously on his threshold.

    As soon as he walks through this water, he will miss you.

    You can read a plot for a guy’s love not only at night. But at night, much is revealed in a person, what gives strength and witchcraft power. You just need to be careful: at night, not only your skills can bloom in full bloom. At night, all sorts of dirty tricks come to life, and demons, big and small, can get into people’s affairs.

    Love spells using paper

    There are many ways to bewitch a person. In love magic you can find everything your heart desires. And a love spell exists on paper. Moreover, if you believe the proverb that everything written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe, then this means that this is one of the most effective love spells. But for it to work one hundred percent, you need to know the nuances of this magical ritual.

    Love spell on paper

    How does a love spell work on paper?

    A spell on paper or a love spell suggests that when a person writes a spell, he enters a special energy state, and it is in this state that miracles happen.

    There are many love spells on paper, one of them uses the blood of the person who is writing the love spell. This enhances the effect of the ritual. It is believed that blood is more often used in black magic love spells. A black magic love spell entails certain consequences, so be sure to think carefully about everything before using it.

    In addition, there are rules that must be followed in order for a love spell on paper to have an even greater effect.

    Rules for strengthening a love spell

    Be sure to adhere to the following rules if you want the love spell to work one hundred percent:

    1. You must be absolutely sure that the plot you are reading will help you one hundred percent. Faith is of great importance here. You shouldn't have any doubts. If even one of your actions or words is uttered without absolute faith, the magic will “feel it” and will not work for you.
    2. Before reading the plot directly in the ritual, be sure to read it several times before it. Test yourself to see how well you understand what is written in the text. There shouldn't be a single word that you don't understand. You will also be imbued with the meaning of the conspiracy, only then will it work.
    3. It is better to make a spell on paper for a guy on a day when the moon is waxing. Thus, the power of the moon will also help to bewitch your beloved guy. She's a mistress feminine energy. If you enlist her support, then there will be more chances of receiving mutual love.
    4. Write a love spell on paper for love with a pure, open heart. The purer your emotions are at this moment, the easier it will be to evoke reciprocity from the person you like. Moreover, keep in mind that most likely, as mutual feeling you will receive what you broadcast at the time of the conspiracy.

    Situations where you need a love spell on paper

    A love spell on paper for love is a universal love spell. This means that it can be used for a wide variety of life situations:

    • Write and read the spell if you are one of those girls who just can’t find mutual love. Moreover, there doesn’t have to be a guy in your circle who you already like. Write a love spell on paper and just to attract love into your life in principle. Usually, after such a ritual, several interesting admirers appear in a girl’s life, from whom you can safely choose your life partner.
    • You can also write a love spell on paper if among your friends there is already a man who you really like. Then, with the help of this magical ritual, the girl will kindle the fire of interest in her chosen one and force him to pay attention to herself. The main thing is not to be afraid after this and not to miss the moment while men are interested in her. At this moment you need to have time to make a man fall in love with you.
    • A love spell on paper will also help if you are already in a relationship, but right now there is a crisis in the relationship. This period happens to all couples. Then a love spell on paper is very good way, with which you can launch a new wave of passion and love into a real relationship.
    • If a woman sees that a man is gradually losing interest in her, or maybe a rival has appeared on the horizon, then a love spell on paper will also help correct the situation. In this situation, it will work as a lapel from a rival. But this will be much more environmentally friendly, because a lapel contains more black magic than a love spell.

    Love spell on paper No. 1

    You can cast a strong love spell on a guy in the following way. You will need a clean, new notebook, one new red candle, a new ball pen Red.

    Consider the ritual to begin with choosing a notepad, pen, and candle. You need to choose all these items with your soul. Already choosing all these items, it is very important that you like them. It is advisable that the notebook also contain red colors, then all items will have a common energy.

    Make room for ritual. There should be no strangers or animals in the room. Also turn off all electrical appliances in the room. Light a candle, sit on the floor or at a table. Place a notepad and pen in front of you. The first thing to do is to relax your consciousness, to enter as if into a trance state. To do this, you only need to look at the candle for three to four minutes. When you notice that there are practically no thoughts left in your head, and the image of a candle flame seems to fill the entire room, then you need to start writing a conspiracy. Prepare it in advance on a piece of paper. Using a pen, copy the following words onto a blank notepad:

    “I am the servant of God (my name), I bow before the servant of God (the name of the guy), I like him, as I have never liked any man before, he does not leave my heart, he filled it with himself. Wherever I go, I see the image of my beloved. No matter what other man I look at, I still see the image of my beloved. I can’t get rid of him, I can’t unsubscribe. Nights and days on end my heart writes to him and tells him about my love. Well, if I don’t get rid of him, I’ll do it in such a way that he will become attached to me. She will become attached both in soul and body. Write the inscription to him, I’ll write on it, I’ll write to him. He will hear, he will see, he will follow me, only me alone, no one will bring him such happiness. He who casts a spell loves, he who casts a spell is the one who rules. He was bewitched and fell in love with me.”

    When you write this, you invest in it maximum amount energy. Open your heart to your chosen one with every word. Imagine that with every word on a piece of paper you create warm and loving relationship with your chosen one.

    After the text is written, close the notebook, press it to your heart and say the following words:

    “How many candles do I need to burn for you to come to me?”

    At this moment, listen to your inner voice, the number of candles will sound. From one to ten. The next day you need to buy as many red candles as you need. Burn them all in order, just follow safety precautions.

    This is how you can bewitch a guy on paper. Keep a notepad under your pillow. You can write with a red pen ordinary life, but don’t let anyone else write with it, you should be its only owner.

    This love spell on paper on a loved one comes into effect immediately. The results make themselves felt almost after a couple of weeks.

    Love spell on paper with blood

    There is another strong love spell on plain paper, it is with blood. It is believed that a love ritual where blood is used has very powerful energy. If a girl binds a guy to her by blood, then he will experience very strong passion and affection for her. Sometimes such affection may seem even too intrusive to a girl. So, think carefully before using this love spell.

    If you still decide to make it, then to perform it you will need: a blank piece of paper, white threads, a couple of new candles, a new sewing needle, alcohol, a piece of cotton wool.

    You need to do the ritual on the waxing moon. Again, clear the area of ​​people and pets. Light the candles. Relax your mind by looking at the candles for a few minutes. Place a piece of paper in front of you. Process sewing needle alcohol and prick your finger with it. Then use a needle to write your name and the name of your loved one on a piece of paper. Circle his name and your name. Pierce the circle in the middle with a needle, let it remain there while you read the following words:

    “In your heart I shine as a bloody wound. That wound can only heal under one condition, if you are next to me. You and I are bound by bloody, passionate ties. You won’t be able to do anything against me, and you won’t want to, but because you will love me more than your life. I wrote my name in your heart, so write your name in mine. To be tied to us by bonds, by bright bonds of love, by bloody bonds of passion. As it was said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

    After this, take white threads and wrap them around the piece of paper on which your names are written. Place this piece of paper under your pillow and do not take it out for a week. This way you can very easily bewitch your loved one using blood. But remember that a love spell with blood has dark forces in it, it is more of a black love spell. And a black love spell on a piece of plain paper has unpleasant consequences.

    Consequences of a love spell

    If you want to make a black love spell on paper with blood, then keep in mind that after this the following consequences may appear:

    • If the love spell works and the man is in a relationship with you, then there will be many difficult periods in such a relationship.
    • The man who has entered into a relationship with you will therefore depend on you. He will often shift responsibility onto you, and women do not like this.
    • If, with the help of a love spell, you attract a man who was previously in a happy relationship, then the consequences will affect you in a number of life failures.

    For a detailed description of the ritual and reviews, see the link�

    Book from video: http://www.labirint.ru/books/543006/?p=22232 Using this

    Now you know that a love spell on blood with paper is a serious magical step, before performing which you need to think carefully about everything. Do a love spell on paper on a guy only if your love for him has been time-tested. Strong love spell You can easily do it on plain paper at home.

    Prayers and spells for love.

    Sometimes loving woman ready to do anything to get the man back. If a loved one has left or a quarrel has arisen between a couple, and conversations and attempts to make peace do not help, desperate women decide to return their loved one with the power of magic.

    Conspiracy and prayer for the return of an ex-man, boyfriend

    Before turning to higher powers, you should understand the full responsibility of this decision. By returning a man with a conspiracy or a love spell, you change your destined destiny. You will be responsible for this act for the rest of your life.

    Important: Magicians warn - do not use love spells if you are not sure of your desire or simply want to take revenge on the one who abandoned you. If you think this activity is a harmless prank, you are very mistaken.

    There are many rituals that promise to bring back a lost love, a lost man. Many of them require a thing of the chosen one or his photograph.

    Conspiracy to return a loved one:

    • For the ritual you will need a glass of water, one candle, a photo of your loved one
    • First, light a candle, hold a glass of water with one hand and a photograph with the other
    • Gather your thoughts, wish with all your heart that your desire will come true. Then say the words of the spell

    Conspiracy to return a man

    After the ritual, the water cannot be poured out of the glass. Make the man (guy) drink it. You can spray your chosen one.

    Spell to make a man love you at a distance: white magic

    There is white and black magic. Eat different opinions about the difference between these two types:

    • Some magicians, sorcerers, healers claim that there is no difference between these two concepts, they say, black and white magic go hand in hand
    • Others say that white magic is performed when you turn to light forces, and black magic when you turn to dark ones.
    • Still others are sure that white magic is when you accomplish what you want with the goal of causing good, black magic is the opposite

    As mentioned above, to perform many rituals you need to have a loved one’s thing. If you do not have things that belong to him, and the person himself is far away, you need to resort to special conspiracies.

    A conspiracy to love a man with whom there is no physical contact is considered difficult. Only energetic force, there is no way to treat your loved one with enchanted food or water, or toss an object to him.

    Conspiracy using a thread

    To perform this ritual, strictly follow the following rules:

    1. Don't eat anything all day, just drink water
    2. Read the plot with the curtains closed
      3. Keep your thoughts close to your loved one

    You will need:

    • 3 candles
    • strong thread (length from hand to elbow)


    1. When the time comes, arrange the candles in a triangle and light them. You need to sit in the center of the resulting triangle, turning towards the candle
    2. Tie a loose knot, saying: “I’ll tie the knot tightly, (name) I’ll tie it to myself. He will be attached to me, he must only be with me! Until the knot is untied, his passion will not subside!” .
    3. Then tie the knot tightly
    4. Do this three times with each candle.
    5. At the end, put out the candles and quickly go to bed.
    6. Place the thread under the pillow

    Important: Keep the thread all the time, checking the strength of the knots. If at least one of them is unleashed, the plot will lose its effect.

    Prayer for a guy to call or write: white magic

    For your loved one to call, hold your mobile phone between your palms and say the words of the spell.

    Spell for a call from a loved one

    How to return your beloved man, boyfriend? Read a conspiracy or prayer at home

    Some people don't take conspiracies seriously. They think that this is just pampering. If you do not believe in what you say and what you ask, the conspiracy will not work. You need to sincerely set yourself up to fulfill your desire.

    The power of words and the power of thought is great. The words we pronounce do not fly away to nowhere. A signal is sent to the Universe, and all events in your life begin to turn in the direction you want. However, it is worth repeating that this only works with those who believe in implementation.

    Some women (girls) prefer to turn to magicians, clairvoyants, and psychics for help. For the most part, love spell services cost a lot of money, and no one guarantees a positive result.

    You should not resort to extreme measures without trying to achieve results by honest means. First, try to understand yourself:

    • A woman needs to think and understand why the man left
    • A loving woman knows the ways to approach her man, it’s worth trying to get him back in these ways
    • You should always take care of your appearance, and also strive for spiritual development
    • If a man is ready to talk, he should have a sincere conversation and understand why everything happened this way. Perhaps together you will find a solution
    • Take a closer look at the man. Maybe this person is simply not your destiny, and life itself is taking him away

    Important: If you are a believer, ask for help from God and the Saints. Sincere prayer will always be heard.

    The most powerful prayer for the love of a man, a guy

    Nikolai Ugodnik is famous for his miracles; he reconciles those at war. He will help you find love and renew your relationship.

    Ask for help from St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with faith and the desire to build with a person serious relationship. If you want to be with a man for fun and temporary entertainment, don't expect help.

    Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

    “With a love-weary heart, I turn to you, Nicholas the Wonderworker. Do not be angry with me for a sinful request, but unite the destinies of your servants (name yours and your loved one) forever and ever. Send me a miracle in the form mutual love and reject all demonic vices. Ask the Lord God for a blessing and call us husband and wife. Thy will be done. Amen."

    Pray and you will be rewarded

    Prayer to Matrona for a guy

    Elder Matrona became famous during her lifetime for her healing help and everyday miracles. She said that everyone should come to her for help and after her death, she would hear everyone and help everyone. More than one woman begged Matronushka for her husband’s return to the family, for love and family happiness.

    “I turn to you with a prayer, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. You heal the sick and heal sinful souls. Help me find mutual love in the person of the servant of God (name of my beloved). I promise you that I will faithful wife and I will not sin with painful betrayal. Thy will be done. Amen."

    If life without a loved one has become unbearable, think carefully about what forces to turn to - the forces of good or evil. Remember that magic is a serious matter and you will have to answer for it sooner or later. We advise you to have pure thoughts and good intentions.

    Video: Strong prayer for love

    Youth is a wonderful time. This is the time of the most sincere emotions, the time of the most acute experiences. Youth is the time of the birth of first love. Love is a wonderful feeling, but it often happens that it is overshadowed by a lack of reciprocity.

    A common trend: a young lady loves a guy, pines for him, but he doesn’t pay any attention to her. From the point of view of an adult, the situation seems trivial, because young people have their whole lives ahead, and in this life they will definitely meet real love.

    However, for the girl most in love, an unrequited feeling is tantamount to tragedy. What to do in this case? How to get the love of a guy without whom life is impossible? One option is to turn to psychology, read expert advice and build a strategy for further action. One drawback is that this will take a lot of time, and the object of your desire may have another girlfriend.

    For those girls who don’t like to wait (and in our youth we are all very impatient), white magic can help out. In her arsenal there are many spells for the love of a guy, which every young lady can use.

    White conspiracies for a guy's love are considered effective means to gain sympathy and attention from the young man of interest. Their big advantage is safety and minimal likelihood of negative consequences (in the worst case, they simply won’t work).

    The best results are obtained by those conspiracies that are aimed at building a strong union in the future. At the same time, the girl should have the most sincere feelings for her chosen one. If you have even the slightest doubt about your love for a young man, you cannot read white conspiracies. They also cannot be used out of revenge, selfishness and self-interest - white magic is designed to act for good.

    Before using spells for a guy’s love, you need to make sure that your lover’s heart is not occupied by another girl. White rituals cannot destroy someone else’s love. It’s good if a guy likes you - this will help you quickly realize what you want.

    You also can’t shift all the responsibility onto magic. Conspiracies will help you get what you want and force your loved one to take a step towards you. And will you be able to keep him close to you and build strong and happy relationship- will depend entirely on you. The task of the forces of light is to help, and not to do everything for you.

    White conspiracies for a guy's love: read it yourself

    A simple spell to make a guy love you

    An indispensable condition for using this conspiracy is the confidence that the young man sympathizes with you. The ritual will help to make the guy more strong feelings, and will protect future relationships from the influence of outsiders. Read the plot before going to bed for the growing month. It sounds like this:

    “I, God’s servant (my name), will go out from the upper room into the entryway, from the entryway into the courtyard, through the gate and out the gate. I will stand in a clean field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, helper and protector. I will look at all 4 sides of the world and turn to the Lord God in prayer. I will ask them for help so that they can protect my love. I will turn to the natural elements. So that the violent winds throughout the white world will carry my melancholy, and it will never return to me. And my beloved, so that he always yearns away from me, dreams of me. Night and day, morning and evening, he remembered about me. My words are strong. Amen".

    Strong spell on a guy

    It is effective even if you are not sure whether the young man likes you. For the plot to work as it should, a lot of effort is required from you to awaken the guy’s natural love feelings. You must be sure that your love for your chosen one is real, and you will not stop loving him in the future.

    The plot is read for the growing month, at sunrise. It is recommended to pronounce it on the street, turning your face to the east. If this is not possible, read the text near an open window. The words are spoken 12 times:

    “I conjure all the Higher powers so that God’s servant (boyfriend’s name) will unite forever with God’s servant (his name) just as the natural elements - Fire, Water and Air - are united with Mother Earth. Let the thoughts of my beloved always be directed towards me - just as the rays of the Sun strive towards the Earth. Let his imagination contain pictures of our life together. Let every memory of me fill his soul with peace and joy. Amen".

    The ritual must be performed before going to bed for 12 days in a row, without a single omission, otherwise it will be useless. The chosen one should soon show interest in you.

    Conspiracy to love a guy using a photo or thing

    This conspiracy is whispered about a little thing that needs to be smuggled into the guy’s home and hidden in a secluded place. If you don’t have this opportunity, read it on a photograph of a young man (fresh, no older than one year, clear, so that the face and eyes are clearly visible). If you don't have a photo of him, you can discreetly take a photo of him with your camera mobile phone, or take a photo from social networks and print it at home.

    A conspiracy is pronounced for the growing month, at midnight. Pick up a thing or a photo and say:

    “Night, I call you, darkness, I call you. Not against the will of God’s servant (name of the chosen one), I want to attract his love into my life. If he thinks about me, let him think more often. If he is languishing and suffering, let him open up quickly. If God’s servant (name of the chosen one) is not mine, then let love dissolve in the night. Let it be so. Amen".

    If a photo is being charmed, it needs to be hidden in a safe and protected place and stored; if it is an item, it needs to be thrown into the guy’s house. This conspiracy does not suppress the will of your beloved - it only directs him to you, introduces him into your life. If the ritual does not work, it means that a young man is not your destiny, but true love awaits you ahead.

    Our main topic today: how to read conspiracies for a guy’s love at home. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will again tell you about magical love rituals, about home love spells, because there is a difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy.

    In different situations, you should read different conspiracies for your beloved guy.

    If there is love, but the situation is complicated by the fact that there is resentment, you can perform magical rituals to harmonize relationships, to reconcile with your beloved guy. Resentment can be erased with a magic spell. However, the downside is that, once it subsides, this very resentment may resurface, and then everything will have to start all over again. In other words, homemade love spells and spells to get a guy to love you cannot solve the problem, since the offense will still make itself felt someday, if not a trifle, of course. Therefore, harmonization is still, in my opinion, better. And effective spells for a guy's love, which improve relationships by removing everything unnecessary - resentment, misunderstanding, disagreements, etc., you can read at home yourself, naturally observing the rules for independently performing magical rituals for love.

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