• Where to find your love. Advice from psychologists. How to find love. Sincere, mutual and real


    How to find your love? Nowadays they talk about love on every corner, make programs, make films, confess this feeling to the whole country and even “build it”. Sometimes it seems that there is nothing hidden behind these words. What is love really? Love between a woman and a man includes three components: passion (sexual desire), intimacy (close spiritual connection between individuals) and responsibility (willingness to take care of each other). Ideal love is one in which all three components are combined into a single whole. So how do you find your time-stopping and dizzying love? In our world this is not so simple. They talk a lot about her, but in reality she often turns out to be a dummy.

    Everyone wants to be loved, and the vast majority of people have a need to love someone, both men and women. Love makes people better, eradicates character flaws, allows you to fully realize your potential, and without this feeling life seems incomplete. While some people are able to meet their soulmate at school and then live happily together for the rest of their lives, for others the search for love can drag on for many years.

    How to find your love? Modern man tends to complicate everything, although everything is actually simple, you just have to want it and put a little effort into it. When it comes to finding a loved one, this is exactly the case.

    And in order to find your happiness you need to follow these steps:

    - stop living in the past;

    - to sincerely believe that you are worthy of real feelings;

    - open your heart;

    - take the first steps towards meeting your loved one.

    To make it easier to find your love, psychologists advise following the following recommendations:

    - forget about this problem for a while and stop thinking about it altogether, since everything has its time;

    - the feeling of love itself does not occur in nature in pure form, it is created in a diligent, painstaking way: the attraction of two people gives birth to passion, friendship and respect, when all this comes together, it turns out to be love. If an individual is lucky enough to receive this, then he should take care of it and value it;

    - you should abandon the diligent search for your destiny and not rush to the first person you meet in search of sincere feelings, since in the future this can lead to disappointment;

    - you don’t need to choose love, it will choose and find a person.

    How to find the love of your life

    You can find happiness and love if... You need to be confident in your beauty and charm. Representatives of the opposite sex will undoubtedly feel this, and will certainly appreciate it. Until a person loves himself, no one will love him. It is very important to pay attention to your appearance and take care of yourself. To find your happiness and love, you should visit interesting places (galleries, exhibitions) and go everywhere where you can meet interesting people.

    How to find the love of your life? To do this, psychologists advise mastering the qualities that a potential chosen one should have. If an individual wants to be loved by a generous person, then he should become like that. If a person needs warmth and affection, then you need to be ready to give it to people. It is very important to be able to smile at life straight in the face, laugh and have fun, because positive people are much more attractive than arrogant and sad ones.

    How to find the love of your life? The main thing is not to overdo it and not look preoccupied in such a search. When you are too persistent in your search for love, this is exactly what it looks like. You need to be natural and relaxed. A wandering “hungry” gaze in search of love will not bring the desired result.

    While a person is thinking about how to find the love of his life, people may look at him at this time. Therefore, you should always pay attention to your appearance and even take out the trash in attractive clothes, and not in dirty, stretched out pants.

    You should be fully prepared in any situation, because it is possible that happiness awaits around the nearest corner.

    "When will I find my love?" This question is often asked by representatives of the fair sex. You must always be prepared for this feeling. Life flies too fast to put it off until later. A feeling of love can strike at any moment, and you need to be prepared for this now. If a girl decides to lose weight, then she should do it now and not put it off for a month or a year. There is no need to save stunning clothes for better times, you need to look 100% every day. You need to arrange entertainment and holidays for yourself; they will fill your life with positivity and joy. You shouldn’t sit at home, you should use every opportunity to go out for a walk with a friend in a park, cafe, or entertainment center.

    Where to find your love

    It has become a little clearer about how to find your love, but where to find your love is still a question. You need to be prepared for any acquaintance: in a cafe, transport, store and subway. Thousands of people were able to arrange their fate this way. It is worth visiting new places, entertainment venues, meeting and meeting new people there.

    Psychologists recommend that women appear more often not in the company of a friend, but alone. If you go to a club with a girlfriend, then you need to “break away” from her for a while. The thing is that men are afraid of being rejected and prefer to get to know each other in private, and if they suddenly fail, then it’s not so shameful. Therefore, being in a cafe or club with a girlfriend, the chances are halved.

    Psychologists advise men not to hesitate when meeting a lady, to show a sense of humor and resourcefulness; originality during conversation and tenderness are encouraged. A man’s task is to make a first good impression, and here, first, you need to go through face control. And a pleasant impression can be easily made only if a man has a neat appearance. This means well-groomed hair, a neat haircut, clean clothes that suit a man’s look.

    When meeting people, you shouldn’t push people away from you; it’s possible that a person is too intrusive and rude, and this is often a manifestation of insecurity, a desire to be cooler, and a fear of seeming soft. After talking with him and giving him the opportunity to open up, you can understand that maybe this is exactly the person he is looking for.

    If a person likes someone and wants to start a conversation, then you shouldn’t:

    - first of all, stutter, timid at every word,

    - appear cooler and show off,

    - worry about long pauses, and most importantly at this moment do not forget to smile,

    - be too annoying.

    So, the article reveals the main secrets of how to find your love. From the above it becomes clear that much, if not all, depends not on chance, but on the people themselves. If you don’t waste opportunities, but take advantage of these recommendations, then fate will definitely smile.

    The cure for loneliness, or how to find love

    One of the biggest mistakes a person makes is that he begins to love only after he has fallen in love.

    An excellent example of this misconception is Marina. This is a beautiful, intelligent, sociable woman who has not been in a relationship with a man for several years. Marina could not understand what was wrong with her.

    When Marina came to my seminar and listened to a lecture about love, she was completely upset. Rising, she said:

    I haven't had a personal life for two years now. Therefore, all your discussions about love mean absolutely nothing to me. I thought that you would help me find love.

    Your problem is very simple,” I answered. - You decided that you can temporarily stop being human - until you fall in love with someone. Are you looking for love but forget that you need to love all the time . In other words, you require men of that

    , what do you skimp on?

    The listeners fidgeted - it seemed to them that I was talking to Marina very harshly. But Marina suddenly burst into tears and said:

    You are right, Dr. De Angelis. I don't really love anyone. I think about myself all the time, imagine how they will love me, but not how I will love. Marina put off love for the future - she thought that first someone should love her, and then we’ll see. She considered herself a person capable of great feeling, and assured herself that she was “preserving love for her chosen one.” Marin had this fantasy: she would meet a man, and all the love that had accumulated in her heart would fall on her chosen one. Alas, love works differently. Imagine that you want to perform at the Olympic Games. You won’t accumulate strength and sports skills for four years and then appear at competitions and amaze everyone with your results! The same thing happens with love. Pushing out of his

    Of course, Marina did not make a conscious decision at all: “I will not love anyone.” But her preoccupation was constantly manifested. For example, she comes to a party, all dressed to the nines, hoping to meet a handsome prince. He quickly looks around the room, exchanges a few words with one man and another, makes sure that the prince is not here, and immediately leaves. Or in best case scenario, talking with a friend, not paying attention to anyone else. Marina immediately realized that a “miracle” would not happen at this party, and decided not to waste her love on others.

    Or, for example, Marina and several friends go on a tourist trip. The friends have a lot of fun, they laugh, admire nature, and enjoy their vacation. Marina suffers all the time because the same prince charming is not with her. Whenever she meets happy couples along the way, her mood deteriorates.

    Marina always thinks that happiness is passing her by.

    Are you putting off your life for the future?

    Maybe you don’t have a partner and that’s why you think your life hasn’t worked out? Maybe you are putting off love for the future - when there will be someone to love? If so, then you are essentially pushing the very love you need out of your life. Use every day to develop love in yourself - it will increase your confidence.

    Let others see that you are full of love. They will treat you better and not be afraid to return love for love.

    Marina took my advice. She began to share love with others.

    I called my friends and arranged a meeting with my friends, wanting to help them in any way I could. Marina stopped being stingy in love. I was not surprised when a few months later Marina called and said that she had finally met a wonderful man and fell in love with him. When Marina learned to love, love came to her on its own.

    Don't put off life until tomorrow Check to see if any of the following statements apply to you: You tell yourself that you will go on a diet when you love someone.

    You don't put on the most

    beautiful clothes

    , waiting for the day when you love someone.

    You don't go anywhere because you don't have a companion.

    You sleep in an old T-shirt or pajamas, telling yourself that there is no point in buying expensive nightgowns and negligees - there is no one to appreciate them anyway.

    Your home is messy and dirty because you have no one to work for.

    If one of these statements applies to you, you are most likely putting off love until tomorrow, waiting for a fairy-tale prince or beautiful princess to appear in your life. Don't waste your time! Take every opportunity to learn how to give and receive love.

    If you want to find your soulmate, take my advice:

    Become the person of your dreams!

    Try to possess the qualities that attract you most in a potential partner. I assure you that if your efforts are crowned with success, you will turn into a magnet attracting people of this type. Do not forget the proverb “a fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.”

    In the same way, “love sees another love from afar.” If you want a spiritually generous person to love you, become mentally generous yourself. If you are looking for a gentle and caring person, show the same qualities to others.

    Many people are already starting to make money on the desire of men and women to find the love of their lives. We all grew up on fairy tales that there are princes and princesses in the world - ideal individuals with whom relationships will develop carefree, fun and happily. However, what a disappointment it is when princes and princesses do not meet, and relationships with earthly people are often filled with problems, scandals and discontent. If someone wants to find the love of their life, then the site’s specialists psychological assistance

    the site will have to disappoint all readers - they will never receive an answer to their question. You can talk as much as you like on the topic under consideration, but there is no single way that will allow a person to find his love.

    If you take an interest in the stories of other people about how they met their love, you can understand that everything happened by chance and suddenly. They did not know that on that significant day they would meet their soul mates and begin a relationship. They simply lived, were actively doing something, were among people, where they were able to meet their loved ones.

    Today, the question of how to find your love is relevant. The saddest thing is that scammers who call themselves great psychologists, gurus and teachers are trying to make money from the desires of ordinary people. If someone promises you that they will find your love, do not believe this person. No one can tell who you really love, who is right for you, because sometimes even the person himself doesn’t know about it. And take all trainings on the topic of how to find your love as nothing more than entertainment.

    No one will introduce you to the person with whom you will build a happy future. No one will tell you where to look for your love. Since there is no answer to the question at hand, many scammers will make money by offering to publicize a non-existent answer.

    What else should a lonely person who is already eager to find love understand? There are earthly people living in the world who have advantages and disadvantages. Often modern men and women break up only because they find faults in each other. A qualified psychologist can ask you a counter question: who doesn’t have shortcomings?

    It turns out that all people have flaws. And if it seems to you that you have found a certain person who has no flaws, then most likely you simply don’t know this person well. There are no people who do not have shortcomings. You just may not know about them. This is why it is recommended to remove the “rose-colored glasses” for two categories of people:

    1. For those who are looking for their sincere, eternal and self-manifesting love, which can only arise for an ideal partner.
    2. For those who love unrequitedly. Look at your lovers with a sober eye, and you will see that they have a lot of shortcomings.

    Love is good because it eclipses the view loving person. When he falls in love, he does not see any flaws in his partner. However, separations and divorces happen because people finally calm down in their feelings and begin to see their loved ones in a real light. If it seems to you that you did not love the person you now see in front of you, then you will be only partially right:

    • A person first falls in love with an image that he draws in his head and imposes on another person. The man was right in that he did not love real person, and his image, which was perfect. When the “rose-colored glasses” were removed, the person finally saw his partner in real light, and he turned out to be not what he seemed. Although in fact, all this time the person was building a relationship with a real partner, who has not changed even now.

    However, separation and divorce still need to be reached. While a person is lonely, he is busy deciding how to find his love.

    To find your love, you need to define its concept. All people love. But love is manifested differently by each person. And the way another person may love you may not be right for you. You are loved, but not in the way you would like. This is why many couples break up in the first stages of dating: you like your partner, but something is missing. And this lack lies in the fact that the other person understands love differently than you.

    For example, you understand by love when a man runs after a woman, conquers her, and wooes her for several months. And your partner understands love as mutual attraction, when a man and a woman are gradually attracted to each other, show their affection, give and receive their feelings equally. If you have a different understanding of love, then your relationships will not be built the way you would like. You will run after your partner, humiliate yourself, conquer (if you are a man) or wait until they start conquering you (if you are a woman), and your partner will behave calmly and at ease, gradually opening up to you and not proving anything to anyone. What do you think will happen in such a relationship?

    People often suffer in relationships not because they don't love, but because they have different understandings of what love is. This is due to the conditions in which a person grew up.

    1. In some families, children grow up deprived of the love of their parents, then they either get involved in the game “win the love of another person,” or wait for someone to love them, while they themselves behave indifferently.
    2. In other families, children grow up in complete idyll and harmony, then they look for partners who themselves love and accept the love of another person, that is, they are looking for an equal relationship with mutual love.
    3. There are families where people grow up in violence, so children in adulthood begin to look for partners who will commit violence against them or whom they will abuse themselves.

    Thus, the type of love is mostly determined by the environment in which a person lived as a child. And as an adult, he begins to look for just such partners who can fulfill the role that is destined for them.

    Love comes in different forms, and it is determined by the conditions in which a person grew up. Depending on the kind of love you love, you look for one or another partner. It’s safe to say that you are capable of building a relationship with absolutely any member of the opposite sex. Only two factors are important:

    1. Is your partner physically attracted to you? After all, appearance plays a significant role in who exactly you choose.
    2. To what extent do your understandings about love coincide?

    If your partner understands love the same way you do, then you are a perfect couple. You will fulfill your role, your partner will fulfill his, and accordingly, everything will suit everyone. But what if you like a person, but his understanding of love is different from yours? You expect certain actions from him, but he does not do them only because his understanding of love is different from yours. Your partner commits only those actions that are consistent with his understanding of love, but they may not be what you expected from him towards you. In this case, you just need to understand the difference in your ideas about a bright feeling and answer the question for yourself: are you ready to accept the love with which your partner loves you?

    All people love. They just do it differently. If two people meet, try to build a relationship, stay together for a long time, it means they love each other. But disagreements between them may arise in the fact that their understanding of love differs. One partner loves the other in his own way and expects certain actions from him, which he does not perform only because his understanding of love includes other definitions and actions. This doesn't mean that people don't love each other. This means that their concepts of love are different. And here you just need to see it and accept it.

    You don't need to break up with someone you like but doesn't show their love the way you would like. You have a choice. Yes, your concepts of love are different, but this does not mean that you are not loved. You can simply stop demanding and expecting anything from your partner and let him love you in the way that suits him best. Let him love at least the way he sees and understands it, rather than not at all. After all, you also love him in your own way, perhaps not the way he would like. Or maybe you can teach each other something new, and you will see love in a completely different light, just like your partner.

    Exchange experiences and your ideas about love. Perhaps you will discover new facets of a wonderful feeling both for yourself and for your loved one, who will feel something that previous “lovers” did not previously give him.

    Love comes in different forms. All people love each other differently. And if another person stays with you for a long time, then he loves you. Of course, you may have wanted other manifestations of love from him, but he loves you in his own way. And you have a choice: accept his love as he gives it to you, or not accept it, but look for another partner who will love you in the way that is familiar and comfortable to you. But it is not a fact that your understanding of love is correct and brings you happiness. After all, for some reason you separated from those partners who previously loved you the way you wanted?

    Perhaps the love that you do not understand and that your loved one gives you will allow you to reveal other facets of a wonderful feeling and understand something new for yourself. Try not to demand anything from your partner, not to expect anything from him, but to allow him to love you the way he himself understands and knows how to do. After all, all people know how to love, they just do it differently. You love in your own way, and let the person you love love you in their own way. Try it, maybe you will like the love with which he loves you.

    How to find the love of your life?

    If someone tells you that they know effective method find the love of your life, don't trust him. You can only talk about the factors that will contribute to finding your loved one, but not about the fact that you will definitely fall in love with someone.

    The following will help you find the love of your life:

    1. Letting go of grievances into the past. If you are unhappy with something about the opposite sex, you should forget about it.
    2. Open your heart. In other words, you must sincerely want to fall in love with someone, to find a loved one.
    3. Believe that you are worthy of love. How can you find it if a person is convinced that he is not worthy of love? You should change your attitudes that interfere with finding happiness.
    4. Take steps to meet your soulmate. In other words, you need to go out to people, communicate, get to know each other in order to expand your circle and allow fate to send you a person with whom a serious relationship is possible.

    It also doesn’t hurt to adhere to the following rules:

    • Don't look for love, just live your life. While you are trying, you exhaust yourself more with thoughts that you are not succeeding. Just start living, enjoying every day, minding your own business. And along the way, you will meet your little man.
    • Don't cling to the first person you meet. Allow yourself to choose rather than grasp at straws. You don't drown. Your life doesn't end. Allow yourself to communicate with a large number of people, choosing among them the one who can become your soulmate.

    While you are waiting for your true love to appear, engage in self-improvement. You need to achieve self-love - the most important condition in gaining sincere love. You must first love yourself, which will manifest itself in the transformation of your appearance, self-respect, choosing a loved one, and not clinging to the first one you come across, calmness and confidence that everything will be, and then demand love from another person.

    It doesn't hurt to develop in yourself the qualities that you want to see in your loved one. Psychologists advise that you first become the kind of person you see next to you so that the law begins to operate: “Like attracts like.”

    Don't be discouraged and don't close yourself off from the world while you're alone. How can anyone meet you if you never go anywhere? How can you be loved if you don’t love yourself, don’t improve, don’t develop? The world needs to help realize your desires. And you should start by gaining self-love and stopping the manic desire to start a relationship with someone. You need to have dignity and the desire to be only with the one who suits you, and not with the first person you come across who just noticed you.

    Where to find your love?

    If you think that there is some place where people gather and wait for their soulmates to appear, then you are mistaken. You can meet your love anywhere. Moreover, this happens unexpectedly, when you were not ready. This may happen:

    • In public transport.
    • In the shop.
    • At the cinema.
    • At work.
    • On learning.
    • On the way to.
    • With friends.
    • IN public place at some event. Etc.

    You will never know when you will meet your love. The only thing you can do is be prepared for it. You always look great, you are in good mood, produce good impression etc.

    When dating, neither men nor women should:

    1. Push people away.
    2. Boast and demand respect and recognition.
    3. Be annoying.
    4. Elevate yourself at the expense of your interlocutor.
    5. Worry about the silence that has arisen.

    How to ultimately find your love?

    Still haven't found your soulmate? Then you are most likely wondering: what should you do next - wait or actively look for your love? After all, just because you were unable to establish a long-term relationship with someone before does not mean that you are deprived of this desire now. And so you sit again and think, what is the right thing to do this time in order to still meet your soulmate?

    What do you think, should you wait or actively look for your love? If we analyze the stories of many happy couples, then it can be noted that they did not run around in an active search for a “beloved victim”, at the same time they did not sit still, waiting for a “gift of fate”. This suggests that there is no need to wait and there is no need to actively look for love. First of all, you should pay attention to yourself and become the kind of person to whom love itself wants to knock on the door.

    To meet your loved one with whom you can build long and strong relationships, you first need to understand what kind of person you need. To do this, you need to understand what kind of person you are. What do you think, is it possible to think about this when you are actively looking for a “victim” for love? Most likely, your thoughts will be occupied with where to find a partner, and not what kind of person you want to meet.

    Take care of yourself. Understand that you are imperfect. Of course, you don’t need to become perfect to be happy in love, but at least you should understand who you are, what you want and how you present yourself in society. Stop running or just waiting, start working on your own transformation. Become masculine or feminine in appearance to match your gender, learn to present yourself calmly and gracefully (flirt, but be confident at the same time), develop an understanding of the psychology of the opposite sex, accept the distinctive characteristics inherent in both sexes and begin to respect them. Take care of your inner world and also realize own desires: What kind of partner do you want to meet and what kind of relationship do you want to build with him?

    Should you wait or actively seek your love? While waiting for your happiness, you seem to radiate an energy called “I am ready to accept love, but I don’t want to do anything.” By actively running in search of a loved one, you also radiate energy, but this time under the name “I’m scared to be lonely.” What kind of people do you think you might meet along the way emitting similar energies?

    To find yours true love, you must first radiate a willingness to love and a desire to make your partner happy. By radiating the energy “I love and can make someone else happy,” you yourself will begin to meet people with similar energies on your path. After all, like is drawn to like. While you were trying to earn love or beg it from another person, they did the same to you - they begged and deserved it, but at the same time they did not love you. That's why you broke up with those with whom you were previously in a relationship. But as soon as you yourself begin to radiate love, then people on your path will appear with similar radiation.

    Obviously, you need to start with yourself. Start to love yourself, transform yourself externally and internally, develop your life and be ready not to take love from another person, but to give it yourself.

    And in more detail. I think that the definition of love is set differently for everyone... I’ll try to highlight general definition this term. Love is emotions, feelings, affection for a person.

    There is also love for another object, but in this article we will talk about the love of a person for a person. A more detailed definition of the word “love” can be found in the article ““

    Reasons for loneliness

    I think at the moment a lot of people consider themselves lonely. Even reading this article, you probably at least a little consider yourself lonely, and are also looking for your love...

    The main problem with this is that many sit and wait for their love, postponing this feeling for the future. Typical reasoning: “Someone will love me, then it will be clear whether it is love or not.” I'll meet someone, and I'll give all the love that I've been saving up to my future second half. In my opinion, doing that is stupid.

    Imagine example: You spend your entire life saving money for yourself in order to find that one thing on which you will spend all this accumulated over your entire life, starving and begging.

    Here's more good example: You are an athlete and have been accumulating strength for many years, so that later you can “shoot” somewhere at the World Championships, without showing anything at competitions, so that you have strength for the future. Isn't it stupid?

    With love, everything is exactly the same: by pushing away love, you also push away the “chosen ones”. Remember: do you have little love? You will also have little sympathy from others. And of course, on the contrary - you have a lot of love? Yes and more people will be drawn to you

    It may also be that you think that your life has not worked out. Or do you wait and put off your love until there is someone to love?

    By your own actions you push away love. But you, yes, she needs you. Don’t waste time, use every minute so that there is more and more of this love in you. And everyone around will see that love is simply “gushing” in you and they themselves will be drawn to you. They will change their opinion about you, they will perceive you much better, and respond with the same love as you.

    There is no need to transfer everything to the future, try to behave as if Your love is already near.

    For example, many girls do not wear beautiful clothes because they want to show them to their loved one, or their home is a mess - there is no one to try for; they sleep in old pajamas because there is no one to appreciate beautiful and expensive things.

      Try to find the reasons for your loneliness (maybe it’s your character, problems). They sometimes make it difficult to find that “one” person.

      Resolve the reasons that you have found in yourself. And try to correct them step by step or try to start looking at life “from scratch.”

      There is no need to despair, be upset, scold your life or become depressed, try to be more cheerful, smile more often sincerely: a smile attracts and brings people together.

      Possess such qualities for which you yourself would love a person. Remember the proverb: “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar,” remake the same proverb about love: I think you understand what I meant. If you are looking for people with certain qualities, then show the same qualities to the people who surround you.

      When looking for love, don’t forget: you need to love constantly, all the time.


    Spring is perhaps the most romantic time of the year. The louder the drops sing, the brighter the sun shines, the more we want mutual love and understanding, fun and communication with friends. It is under the joyful chirping of sparrows and the babbling of spring streams that many people think about how to find love. Let's try to understand this issue.

    If you don't have a loved one, think about why this happened. You shouldn’t be guided by the principle that everyone around you simply doesn’t notice your beauty and intelligence. Isn't it better to look at yourself objectively, notice your shortcomings and try to correct them? Just don't rush to the mirror to look at yourself from all sides. Appearance, of course, is important, but all human relationships are built, first of all, on communication. It's like a birthday present. A bright wrapper creates a mood and a feeling of celebration, but we still value the item itself.

    Imagine that you are presented with a very beautiful, but completely empty box. You'll be a little puzzled, won't you? In order not to be like this box, become an interesting person. Be interested in dancing, drawing, modern music, oriental culture, skydiving - everything that you like and may interest others. Don't stand still, develop! This will help diversify your life, expand your social circle and increase your chances of finding your soulmate.

    Love is unlikely to knock on your door, come in and say: “Here I come!” You need to look for it: among friends, at work, on the Internet, while walking. You can’t be too zealous here either: they say she doesn’t like it. Do not look devotedly into the eyes of every person you like and do not burden him with your excessive attention. “Love will come unexpectedly when you least expect it,” says one song. The less you think about love and the more time you devote to simple, unobtrusive communication, the more attractive you look in the eyes of others.

    When talking with a person, do not forget that in front of you, first of all, is a person. Do not suppress your interlocutor by constantly convincing him or her of your superiority. There is no need to talk about your unique beauty, outstanding mental abilities, achievements in school or at work, you are not at an interview. He himself will understand and appreciate everything, have no doubt. You can talk about anything, the main thing is that it is interesting to both of you. If there is an awkward silence, ask a question. Show that you care about the person and that their opinion is really important to you.

    When looking for love, it is very important not to lose self-respect. Do not throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet who invites you on a date. The principle “better bad than nothing” will not help here. However, you shouldn't turn away from a person if you don't like him. Talk to him at least a little and perhaps you will change your mind.

    Make every effort to find your happiness: work on yourself, on your behavior and attitude towards others. The reward for your efforts will be sincere mutual love.

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