• This is what a true, loyal friend means. What is true friendship? Having a true friend is a reward


    Have you ever asked yourself: how many friends do you have, what are they like?

    Why do some seemingly closest and trusted people suddenly disappear from the horizon?

    What means a true friend?

    How to find out what type of friends your acquaintances are? We will try to help you with this.


    He will always listen to you carefully and give practical advice if you need it. There is one small “but”: do not abuse his patience and kindness. If you constantly hang your problems on him, he may get tired of it. And you risk losing a good friend.


    You met him at school and were friends for many years, you had common interests and hobbies. If you haven’t seen him for a long time, then from the first minute of meeting you have the impression that you never parted. You have something to remember and something to talk about. Treasure such friendship, it is very rare.


    If among your friends there are people from the older generation, then you are very lucky. Every conversation with such people is a pleasure. You can learn a lot of useful information from them, get valuable advice and avoid many mistakes.


    It is often believed that a man and a woman cannot be just friends. People always find some kind of love motive in such friendships.

    It’s a paradox, but sometimes a woman and a man can discuss things that she would never do with any friend.


    His way of life is to participate in all entertainment activities. But if you lose interest in events of this kind, then you will also lose this fellow traveler.


    This is a man whose soul is cloudy all year round. In your face, he found a “vest” where he can cry and listen to words of sympathy and consolation. If you want to tell him about your problems, then he is deeply indifferent. Friendship with such a person is not easy.


    *one who rejoices at your successes as much as you do;

    *one who trusts you enough to tell you in a conversation what he really thinks;

    "someone who isn't trying to know more, act smarter, or constantly lecture you.

    In short, a true friend is always a friend. Take care of them. They are priceless. And more importantly, try to be a true friend to others.


    “A friend is sweet to everyone with his heartfelt advice.” This is also Solomon. Any situation in life improves when you have a friend next to you. When you want to talk about a funny incident from your life, you will have no better listener than a friend.

    When you find yourself in a difficult situation, a friend will take part of your burden upon himself. Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: “What, you too? And I thought I was the only one like that.” This kind of communication brings joy. Whatever is happening at this moment in your life. Every person should be a sip for someone fresh air. True friends make us better people.

    One day, automaker Henry Ford was having lunch with a new acquaintance and asked him: “Who is your best friend?” Ford waited a long time for an answer, but his interlocutor hesitated. He wasn't sure. “I’ll tell you who your best friend is,” Ford couldn’t resist. - Your best friend is the one who forces you to reveal the best that is hidden inside of you. This is the main task of true friends.”


    This world is full of people who don't care about others. As the same Solomon noted: “An ill-intentioned person corrupts his neighbor and leads him onto an evil path.” But true friends remain faithful no matter what.

    A true friend is someone who hears and understands when you share your deepest feelings with him. When you are fighting, he supports you; when you are wrong, he corrects you, gently and with love; and when you deceive him, he forgives you. A true friend encourages you to grow personally and helps you reach your full potential. And what’s most amazing is that he rejoices at your successes as if they were his own.

    Friendship is one of the best things in life. Friends we can be confident in are definitely better than others. A true friend can be difficult to distinguish from an acquaintance, but the difference is significant. True friends are people you can turn to in any situation. And you know they are always on your side, no matter what. Use our guide as a guide, determine who is around you!

    How a true friend behaves

    1. Will support you in all your endeavors

    Either the new kind dancing, rock climbing, changing jobs, or starting your own business. A true friend will be with you, no matter what path you take.

    2. Loves your nonsense

    We sometimes do stupid things or just fool around a little. A true friend loves you and your stupidity too. If they are true friends, you will do stupid things like this together and have fun.

    3. Will forgive you everything

    Sometimes we may do not very good things, even by mistake. With fake friends, it can cost you your friendship. True friends know that no one is perfect and are willing to accept that. They will forgive you because you are of much more value to them than stupidity or a mistake.

    4. It doesn’t matter what or how - he is always on your side

    It doesn’t matter with whom you have a disagreement, what the reason is, whether you are right or wrong - a true friend is always on your side. Such a friend will always support and help in any situation, without even asking what’s wrong. And this is what real friends do!

    5. Support in a new business

    As we grow older, we discover new facets of ourselves, we develop new interests. Perhaps not at all similar to those we had before. A fake friend will start making fun of you and will try in every possible way to return you to the status quo. A true friend will allow you to be yourself and support you in exploring an unknown part of yourself.

    6. Knows your little flaws

    We all have our little quirks (whims in the morning, strange behavior after an extra glass of martini, love for food at 12 at night), and only true friends know this. No one else can get to know you that well because true friends notice such little things. Believe me, this is good sign.

    7. Keeps in touch

    Fake friends only call you when they want something or wouldn't mind hearing new gossip. True friends always stay in touch, regardless of time and circumstances, simply because they care about you and what is happening in your life. They don't need to know the latest juicy detail about your relationship. They care what you had for lunch.

    8. Knows how to keep secrets

    If you want to trust your little secret and not be afraid that tomorrow everyone will know about it, then you can only trust a friend. Fake friends will not perceive the secret properly, but will treat it as something mundane and insignificant. A true friend respects you, and only you two will know about the secret.

    9. You don't need to impress him.

    If you need to come up with an outfit, do your hair and put on jewelry just for a walk, these are unlikely to be real friends. True friends don't care, they just want to spend time together. Whether you're in a tracksuit or evening dress- doesn't matter.

    10. He always has time for you

    It doesn’t matter if your friend only has an hour between work and the gym, he is always ready to meet, even if only for a short time. And this is not at all a matter of being busy; a true friend sincerely wants to spend time together.

    11. Always ready to lend your shoulder

    A big difference between a real friend and a fake one is how they behave in sorrow and joy. If you feel like it's not a good day, fake friend awkwardly pat you on the shoulder and try to change the subject. A true friend will open his arms and let you talk, even if it takes all night. True friends are always ready to be there - when you are sad and when you are happy.

    Are you trying to determine whether the friends around you are real? Our guide will help you. It's time to be yourself and surround yourself with real, sincere people.

    If you are wondering whether your friend is real, then there is already a crack in the relationship. To understand what motivates him to be friends with you, start observing what he says and does, and how he makes you feel. Just follow these instructions and you will soon find out the truth.


    Pay attention to what your friend says

    1. See if your friend supports you. A true friend should help you feel needed, confident and enjoy life. If a friend suppresses you, makes you consider yourself worthless, and it seems that you won’t get anything from him kind words, even when you really need his support, it means it's not yours true friend. If you want to know if you have a good friend, consider whether his statements inspire optimism.

      • See if he compliments you. If a friend sincerely admires everything from your new clothes to achievements at work, which means good friend. If you can't remember the last time you heard him praise you, you might have a problem.
      • See if your friend is trying to encourage you. If he supports you before an exam, a job interview, or even a first date, then he is a true friend. If you can't count on him to help you even when you really need it, you may have a problem.
      • See if your friend is rooting for you. A friend doesn't have to cheer you up all the time, but a good friend should be your biggest cheerleader and should help you succeed in whatever you do.
    2. See if he is listening to you. A good friend should take the time to listen to what you have to say. In a true friendship, both should share their thoughts and receive feedback. If you find that your friend constantly talks about his own problems, but gets bored and distracted as soon as it's your turn, then you may have bad friend. Here are some signs that your friend isn't a good listener:

      Watch how your friend interacts with you. Communication plays a key role in any relationship, especially friendships. If you are on the same page, you must be sincere in your thoughts and feelings and maintain an open and honest dialogue. Here are some ways to tell if you and your friend are really connecting with each other:

      • If you feel like you can freely share your thoughts and feelings with a friend, if your friend knows what's going on in your life, and you feel comfortable talking honestly with him about it, then you really have a good relationship. If you're afraid to tell your friend your true feelings because they might disapprove or get angry, then you're not connecting.
      • If you feel like you know what your friend is thinking and feeling, then you have a close connection. If from time to time your friend surprises you with his statements or shares his feelings with anyone but you, then there are problems in your relationship.
      • If you find it possible to have a serious conversation with your friend when you think he is behaving inappropriately, then you have a close connection. If you and your friend can calmly say, “I was really offended that you didn't come to the party last night,” and talk about it, then you have a strong friendship. Friendship cannot be perfect, and it is important to clear up any misunderstandings from time to time.
      • If you silently swallow your friend's insults because you think he will overreact or ignore your comments, then there are problems in your relationship.
    3. See if your friend gossips too often. If your so-called friend is also a gossip, then it is likely that in your absence he gossips about you too. Of course, everyone likes to rub their friends' bones occasionally, but if it seems to you that your friend is constantly gossiping and saying nasty things about other people, then perhaps your “friend” is doing the same thing behind your back. Here are some signs that your friend might be secretly spreading rumors about you:

      • If your friend starts talking about someone as soon as that person's back is turned, he's probably a bad friend.
      • If your friend regularly discusses the people he calls his closest friends, then he may be discussing you, too.
      • If your friend constantly speaks badly about those who are not around, then this is a bad sign.
      • If you know that your friend has gossiped or said mean things about you, especially if this has happened more than once, then he is not a real friend.

      Pay attention to what your friend is doing

      1. See if he makes an effort to spend time communicating with you. A true friend will make time for you no matter what. Of course, we live in a hurry and sometimes we don’t even have time to eat or sleep, let alone communicate with friends, but a true friend will always give you a little time, especially if you really need it. Here's how to tell if your friend is really going out of his way to spend some quality time with you:

        • If a friend regularly negotiates with you telephone conversations or meeting for lunch or dinner and always does what he promises, it means you have a good friend.
        • If a friend seems at all doesn’t devote time to you, constantly complains about the “crazy rhythm” of life and expects you to adapt to his schedule every time, which means there are problems in your relationship.
        • If your friend spends a lot of time with his significant other and his other friends, but not with you, then you are the last person he is interested in.
        • Your friend may be going through a very stressful time in his life, and that's okay. But if a friend is always too busy to meet with you, then most likely he simply does not value the time spent with you.
      2. See if your friendship is equal. In an ideal friendship, both people put an equal amount of effort into maintaining the relationship, whether it's communicating, making time to meet, or simply helping each other out in small or significant ways every day. If you do everything possible for friendship, then your friend should also take counter steps. Here's how to know you're both equally working on your friendship:

        • See if you both show your affection for each other. Not everyone likes to hug, but if you hug your friend, he should also hug you back and hug you from time to time on his own initiative.
        • If you feel like you support each other about equally, then you have a strong friendship. Although one of you may not worry better times, in general, you should encourage each other equally. If you feel like you are constantly making an effort to brighten up your friend's life but are not getting anything in return, then there is a problem in your relationship.
        • If you both help each other equally, then you have a true friendship. Perhaps you were taking notes for your friend when he broke his arm, and as a sign of gratitude, he treated you to dinner, invited you to the movies, or got you tickets to a concert of your favorite band. Whatever you do for your friend, make sure he helps you too.
        • If you both care equally about meeting more often, talking on the phone, and generally being together, then you have a true friendship. If you feel like you're the one who suggests meeting up first and makes phone calls, but your friend never takes the initiative to meet you, then there are problems in your relationship.
      3. See if your friend sticks to his word. An unreliable person cannot be a good friend. If your friend never does what he promises, sets you up, or completely forgets about your plans together, then you can’t rely on him. Sure, everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but if your friend never does what he says, then he doesn't value your time or your company. Here's how to tell if your friend is an untrustworthy person:

        • If your friend often lets you down, it means he is an unreliable, rotten person, and it is better not to deal with him.
        • If you constantly feel like your friend is irresponsible and doesn't make an effort to keep his promises, then he is an untrustworthy person.
        • If your friend constantly lets you down, even in matters that are important to you, then you have a problem. If he refuses to go to the movies with you at the last minute, it can be annoying, but if he screws you over on a double date, or when you're counting on him to drive you to an important basketball game, then you have serious problems.
      4. Consider whether your friend has other reasons to be friends with you. Looking at relationships from the outside is very difficult, but necessary. Take time and think about why your friend might be holding on to you if he doesn't value you as a person and doesn't enjoy being with you. Here are some common reasons why a fake friend might be latching on to you:

        • Popularity. If you are more successful than your friend and he is latching onto you to get into your circle, then you have a problem.
        • Convenience. Your “friend” may be communicating with you because you regularly give him rides or let him cheat.
        • Boredom. Your friend may be chatting with you simply because he has nothing better to do. You will be able to understand this when he leaves you, having found a new friend, new company or even a beloved one.

      Pay attention to how your friend makes you feel

      1. See if it helps you feel good about yourself. A friend should be there no matter what and, of course, should give you confidence in yourself and your decisions. A friend doesn't have to agree with everything you do, but your friendship should contribute to your overall feeling of satisfaction with yourself as a person. Here's how to tell if your friend is having a positive impact on your self-esteem:

        • If you come back from a meeting with a friend and feel cheerful and inspired, or simply chuckle at the memory of the times you were goofing around together, then you are benefiting from the friendship. If every time you say goodbye to a friend you feel like you've made a mistake, upset your friend, and generally made yourself worse, then you have a problem.
        • If a friend criticizes you to boost their ego, then you have problems. If a friend humiliates you by making sarcastic comments about your appearance, figure or grades, then this is not a real friend.
        • If a friend approves of your brave and right decisions or empathizes when you do something wrong, then you have a good friend. When you make mistakes, a true friend should support you even more, not make you worse.
      2. See if it helps you feel important. If hanging out with your “friend” makes you feel insecure about how important you are to him, then you have a problem. Of course, a friend doesn't need to shower you with false compliments, but a true friend should always make you feel important, needed, and even irreplaceable. Here's how to tell if he's helping you feel needed:

        • See if he expresses appreciation, thanks you for your help, and truly appreciates everything you do for him. A true friend is grateful for help; a bad friend doesn't thank you because he takes it for granted.
        • See if your judgment and opinion are important to him. If a friend truly values ​​you and considers you important part his life, then from time to time he will turn to you for advice and ask your opinion. If your friend doesn't care what you think about anything, whether it's what movie to watch this weekend or their decision to find a new roommate, then there are problems in your relationship.
        • See if your friend truly enjoys your presence. If when you show up at a social event, a friend hugs you and says he's glad you came, then he's a good friend. If, when you appear, a friend reluctantly greets you or does not pay attention to you, communicating with more “cool” acquaintances, then you have problems.
      3. Think about whether you are happy spending time with your friend. It is important. Friendship is needed in order not to feel lonely and to enjoy the world around you even more; it should not complicate your life. If you have more fun being alone than with your friend, then you have a problem. Here are some signs that your friend is bothering you:

        • If you are in no hurry to see your friend because when you meet, he only talks about himself and believes that you should run after him, then you have problems.
        • If you don't want to see your friend when you are with your other friends, relatives or your significant other because he can't find anyone mutual language, then you have problems.
        • If you don't enjoy spending time with your friend because your friendship with them doesn't inspire, excite, or engage you, then you have a problem.
        • A dark streak can begin in the life of every person. It may not be fun for you to spend time with your friend when he's going through a bad breakup, but if you feel like your friend is constantly suffering and you can't do anything... own life, because all you are doing is trying to bring him to his senses, that means you have problems. You are a friend, not a vest into which you can endlessly cry.
      4. Listen to your inner voice. If a friend makes you unhappy, unsupportive, or can't be trusted, it's best to end the friendship. True friends are hard to find, but that doesn't mean a bad friend is better than no friend. Think: is he really your true friend, or do you just want him?

        • If you have even wondered whether your friend is real, this already gives reason to assume that there are serious problems in your relationship. Friendship cannot be perfect, and difficulties in it are inevitable, but still look at things soberly.
      • Don't try to weigh your friend's positive and negative actions. A true friend should not talk about you behind your back, steal from you, lie to you, etc., no matter how a good man he seemed otherwise.
      • Like many other things, friendship comes in different forms. True friendship requires serious effort from both; many people are unable or unwilling to reciprocate and justify deep trust in themselves. Don't ruin a good friendship just because it might not be perfect - remember that you will never have real friends if you have a habit of betraying other people.
      • A good friend won't get jealous when you spend time with someone else.


      • Don't lie to your friends because otherwise they will probably start lying to you too. Or worse, they will stop being friends with you if you are insincere in important points, and they will understand that you are deceiving them. About to do something drastic, be honest towards them!
      • Don't pester your friend with intrusive questions. This can cause more harm than good, especially if you have a true friendship.
      • Don't fool yourself into thinking someone is your friend who doesn't feel the same way about you. In the long run, you will only hurt yourself.

    O friend, when you are in trouble or sorrow
    And you don't find help anywhere,
    And suddenly someone will come to you at this hour,
    And he will begin to help and console, -
    Even if he is unable to help you,
    Don't drive him away with contempt.
    He, thirsting for good for all people,
    Worthy of your gratitude.
    This is how the Eternal created you,
    The spring of goodness has opened in your chest.
    He will be praised and great,
    In whom the divine spring has not died out.
    And he is destined in the end
    The throne and crown of the high two worlds.
    O wise one, consider: isn’t it better...

    Wonderland king-father

    He sent messengers on their way.

    Calls for service in the palace

    Selected well done guys.

    - Leave the cattle, the yard - everything?

    A busy hearth?

    Why go and take risks?

    No one is your own enemy!

    Comrades, there are five of them in total -

    Stingy, Glutton, Friend,

    Warrior, Smart guy - try,

    We suddenly decided on happiness.

    Reading the decree in the palace

    Tsar. He is very strict:

    “Tests await all of you

    Whoever doesn't get through goes to prison!

    Here is the first hall, go through it

    With one condition -

    You can't in it...

    I want to have a real friend!

    And not to be one of a bunch of someone’s servants...
    Afraid of losing you suddenly.
    Tolerate the ridicule of everyone around you.

    I need someone of mine, dear
    From one to two Big Soul

    Friend, Acquaintance, Comrade – Doesn’t matter
    Walking together with you is brave!

    And you might not even keep up
    I just need to show the way

    You know who I'm talking about
    I'm standing in your line
    And I'm afraid to take a step towards you
    Back…? I just won't get there
    My breathing is in delirium now!

    I don't...

    Dear friend, you have been sick for a long time,
    But I couldn’t save you!
    Death turned out to be stronger than me.
    Forgive me, I beg you!

    You always protected me!
    I will never forget
    How you growled at the evil dogs,
    Attacking us from the bushes.

    Even though you were small in stature,
    You could protect me
    From cruel hungry wolves,
    From criminals and thieves!

    The children grew up with you.
    We all lived one family!
    You have always been obedient
    Even though I scolded you sometimes!

    And now my soul hurts,
    Like conscience...

    the present is so little
    the present is alarming
    heart pounded loudly
    the door opened carefully

    In the predawn light and shadow
    my heart felt sweet and painful
    and the soul said quietly
    -I'll sit on the edge

    The present is so little
    The present is huge
    The sun was burning up
    illuminating the free world

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