• The third child in a single family. When a third child appears in the family


    There is a fashion for the number of children - no matter how strange it may sound. At the beginning of the 20th century, a family with one child was rare. Half a century later, a family with two children has become a familiar picture. In the heady 90s, few parents decided to have more than one child. And three offspring is heroism! The turbulent years smoothly turned into stable ones, although at times crisis ones. True, for some reason it confuses me: why? How did this happen? What guided the husband and wife when they had “so many” children?..

    According to and experienced parents, and psychologists, and teachers, the biggest revolution in family relationships produces the birth of the first-born: the difference between zero and one in this matter is enormous, one might say, fundamental. Whole life changes: not only is there a shake-up in everyday life (lack of sleep, diapers, rompers, walks, children's clinics), but also a change in priorities - older family members have to take into account the interests of the “newcomer” and sometimes sacrifice their own.

    With a second child, experience certainly helps, and yet the appearance of a youngest child in the family raises a wave of new concerns and difficult questions. Redistribution of parents' attention, division of toys and children's property, jealousy, disorder in the apartment. For the firstborn, the birth of a brother or sister is also a test: he has ceased to be the center of the universe. And yet, a brother or sister is for life. He or she will be a support and support when parents are gone, best friend who knows what kind of person you really are.

    Mothers with many children unanimously declare: the appearance of a third child in the family does not fundamentally change anything in it. Life has long been restructured to suit the needs of children; by the time the third is born, the “childfree” lifestyle with nightclubs and endless parties, as a rule, is long gone. There are enough things (clothes, shoes, toys); Parental experience is also enough not to frequent pediatricians because of banal colds and scratches.

    Of course, the appearance of a third person brings certain specifics to the life of the family:

    • the middle child becomes - the time has come for him to feel jealousy, and mom and dad are no longer as concerned about this problem as they were at the birth of the second;
    • you will have to think about whether it will fit in your family car;
    • the youngest baby, and the older ones already need to take the children to clubs and sections, we have to develop non-standard approaches to time management.

    Of course, a lot depends on the age difference between the children - the greater it is, the easier it is for parents to cope purely physically. But even with a small difference (2-3 years), sooner or later parents of three discover that two (and then three) can solve many issues on their own. In general, life is getting better. True, this does not happen overnight...

    Why do people give birth to a third child?

    Mothers of three children often note that others are ready to suspect them of any kind of “crime” due to the appearance of a third child in the family. There are speculations about an unplanned pregnancy, medical indications, the desire to give birth to a third child for a new husband, an attempt to “shake out” benefits from the state (an apartment, a plot of land, etc.). For some reason, people are not ready to accept the simple idea that a child can be born not for any purpose, but simply to love him.

    By the way, what benefits are we talking about?

    According to Russian legislation, families with three or more children, including adopted children, those under guardianship (trusteeship) and those under the age of 18 (if they undergo training, the age increases) are classified as large families. The state really expresses its readiness to help large families - they are entitled to various rights and benefits: discounts for the use of utilities, free travel children on the city public transport and a discount on intercity transport, free meals for children in educational institutions, priority admission to schools and provision of vouchers to sanatoriums, etc.

    Parents who decide to have three or more children are provided with garden plots and are given the right to flexible forms of employment (for example, part-time work), priority training or retraining. According to Federal law“On state support for large families”, parents of three or more children can receive a one-time preferential loan or an interest-free loan for the construction or purchase of housing (Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 8); receive housing as a matter of priority, free of charge, in houses of state and municipal housing funds - if they prove that they need to improve their living conditions and fit the vague wording “meet additional conditions established by the authorities local government"(Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 9).

    The same law “On State Support...” invites parents of large families to engage in small business or farming and promises state support. Thus, they can receive a one-time plot of land to create a peasant (farm) enterprise, small and other enterprise - and at the same time tax benefits (Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 11), or receive a one-time preferential loan or an interest-free loan in priority for the purchase of machinery, equipment, road transport and for other purposes related to the creation and development of peasant (farm) enterprises (Article 5, paragraph 1, paragraph 12).

    Parents with many children note that in everyday life Benefits such as exemption from transport tax and the right to free parking in the center of Moscow, preferential entry to the zoo and some museums are useful.

    But of course, people don’t give birth to children for dubious benefits! Many benefits in reality turn out to be a “pleasant trifle” and cannot seriously help a large family financially. All benefits need to be applied for, defending everyone’s “favorite” queues at government agencies and proving one’s “large family”, and some (like the right to free parking) then have to be confirmed and reissued annually... No benefits are worth going to the birth of a second child for. , third and subsequent children.

    The President and people's representatives in the State Duma are increasingly expressing the opinion that families with three children have become the norm, and therefore should no longer be considered large. Rumors are being spread from mouth to mouth and on the Internet that the “large family norm” will be raised to 4 children from the beginning of next year, 2016 (there are no such bills yet). Most likely, these are unfounded statements: families with three children are still far from the “norm”. They are still quite rare and, although they are no longer perceived with hostility by others, they have not at all become models to follow. And the people’s representatives themselves are in no hurry to “follow the norms” and have more than 1-2 children.

    So why do parents “decide on a third”?

    If you try to formulate the answers logically and sort them into pieces, you will get the following reasons:

    1. Love for little children

    When older children grow up and enter schools and kindergartens, mothers and fathers feel longing and the need to be vital to someone, the desire to “snuggle” a fragrant, plump baby.

    1. Communication and clannishness

    Parents strive to create a “clan” so that their children are friendly, and there are many of them. Children from large families do not experience a lack of communication.

    1. Desire to have a child of a different gender

    If the two older children are same-sex, then many families decide on a boy/girl.

    1. "Last Chance"

    Some women, reaching the age of 40, realize that they will soon no longer be able to become mothers and give birth to a third child, late child to again feel like women, keepers of the hearth, givers of life.

    Whatever the rational reasons, parents often just want to give birth and love another child - because they can, because they have the resources to do so. mental strength and aspiration.

    Three children is great and not at all as difficult as it might seem from the outside. All the difficulties and troubles are more than compensated by the happiness that children bring to the family. There are many myths around having many children, which life smashes to dust. Any mother (of two, three, or more children) will confirm that it is only difficult when the children have a small age difference (less than 2 years), and while all the children are small. As children grow older, it becomes easier. If the difference is 5-6 years, then the difficulties of raising children are not felt so acutely.

    In many situations with many children, you can find advantages: for example, when the eldest son goes to school, the second goes to kindergarten, and a baby appears in the family, then the mother, looking after the baby at home, can help the eldest more with his studies; There is no need for after-school care, just as there is no need for a nanny for a kindergartener while he is sick.

    Children's jealousy is more frightening. If you prepare properly and behave correctly, jealousy can be minimized and even avoided altogether.

    It turns out that the question of having a third child for some of us (simply due to internal prerequisites and personal characteristics) is essentially no different from the question of the birth of the first. If for a woman the role of wife and mother comes first, then with the birth of children she ceases to be tormented by questions about the meaning of life and her purpose and knows exactly why and for whom she lives. The question “why give birth - first, second, third” simply does not arise.

    • According to a VTsIOM poll conducted in May 2014, 53% of Russians believe that a family should have two children, but only 38% have that many children. 28% of respondents declared the desirability of three children in a family, but only 8% put their ideas into practice. 10% of Russians are confident that one child is enough (among residents of capital cities there are statistically more families with one child). In general, Russians adhere to patriarchal views - only 1% of respondents suggested that a family could exist harmoniously without children at all.
    • Why do Russians think people have children? Among the answers are concern for procreation (36%), caring for children as the meaning of life (19%), children as the main goal of marriage (14%), hope for support in old age (9%), and simply happiness (6%).
    • Why then don't people have children? 31% of Russians simply have no idea why. Another 18% suggested that there is not enough money for children, 14% - that there is too much selfishness. The answers also included poor health (10%), inability to have children (9%), personal choice, beliefs (7%), and fear of responsibility (6%).
    • In 2015, 18,000 mothers in Moscow gave birth to their third or more children.
    • In 2009, the Order of “Parental Glory” was established in Russia (for parents and adoptive parents who raised 7 or more children). Since its inception, 281 families have been awarded this distinction. In 2014, 20 families received the order. In 2015, 25 families have already been awarded, including two single parents.
    • According to the Association of Large Families of Moscow, there are 104,088 families registered in the capital with the status of large families, of which 125 are raising 10 or more children.

    When the first child is born, a “turning point” in the family occurs: new ones are born. social roles moms and dads, new responsibilities. The second child is born already at knowledgeable parents: they don't panic about any scratch and know what to do different situations. But the third child will teach the whole family only good things: parents - to manage their time wisely, and older brothers and sisters - to be more independent.

    With the birth of the third child, the family is officially considered to have many children, and this is not easy. The third child in a family changes its structure, priorities, parenting methods, and schedule. New worries, new joys appear, and possible misunderstanding on the part of others. Therefore, before deciding on the next replenishment, we recommend that you think carefully and carefully study all the pros and cons. Our article will help you with this.

    Often, others do not perceive the news of a third pregnancy positively. It’s especially hard when the grandparents are not at all happy about it twice. They select compelling arguments, try to reason, teach life, but this only makes things worse. Neighbors, colleagues, friends may even look at you with condemnation, misunderstanding or regret.

    Interesting fact!

    Psychologists noted that grandparents are sympathetic to as many grandchildren as they had children themselves. But if there are more grandchildren than children, grandparents begin to panic.

    Should you worry about the opinions of others? The answer is clear - no. After all, this is your personal life, your family, and only two people should make such a responsible decision. No matter how heavy the wall of misunderstanding in the environment may be, you need to strengthen yourself and show everyone that a large family is a great happiness. Moreover, as practice shows, after the birth of the third child in the family, grandparents and other relatives “thaw out” and love the baby just as much as their older grandchildren.

    How to tell older children?

    It is extremely important to prepare children in advance for the birth of a brother or sister. The first child, as a rule, already knows what's going on personal experience. He will help prepare the younger one correctly. Best option- have a family conversation. Use the following phrases: “now you will both be elders”, “you will have another brother or sister, you will help us teach him like elders.” This will help bond the siblings together on something in common.

    Two to three months before the birth of the child, the two older ones need to be “synchronized.” Establish a uniform sleep/wake and nutrition schedule for them. It will be difficult, but it will help a lot when the third one is born. Gradually teach children to realize that they are allies, not rivals.

    Why give birth to a third child at all: all the pros and cons

    Psychologists are divided in their opinions. Some say that a third child in a family is a recipe for long youth, while others are sure that the vast majority of families are not ready for another child. Let's weigh all the pros and cons?

    Why YES?

    • Youth. About long youth The scientists are right. Another pregnancy increases the level of youth hormones in the mother’s body. They help tone the body, make you feel more energetic and look good.
    • It's not as scary as the birth of the first and second. Already have a lot of experience and necessary items (strollers, walkers, crib).
    • It will be easier. Some of the housework and even caring for a newborn will fall on the shoulders of older children. And this is not the use of child labor. This is teaching them to work and independence, developing love for their neighbors.
    • IN large families children grow up in constant communication. They grow up sociable, friendly, know how to find compromises, share, and be friends. They know how to adapt to a team and have a positive example of family life in the example of their father and mother.
    • When the difference in years between the children is not great, these three can become true friends. Parents will have more free time while the children play with each other.
    • The third child in the family will give her the status of having many children. The family receives benefits and bonuses from the state, but more on that below.
    • Powerful support in old age. Growing up in friendly family Children usually treat their parents with great warmth and love.
    • Finally, this means even more joy and happiness in the house, more children's laughter, smiles and positivity.

    Why NOT?

    • Difficult financial situation, expenses increase, but income remains the same. Mom doesn't work. There are not enough benefits from the state.
    • It's difficult to manage three. Especially if the kids are mischievous and restless. Against this background, mothers often develop neuroses, depression and other “charms”.
    • The new baby makes the elders jealous of their parents. Sometimes this is difficult to cope with, because a newborn always requires more attention.

    There were more “FOR” ones. And for every “NO” there are counterarguments. Financial situation not everyone is at a low level, some can afford a nanny. And some have relatives who are ready to take care of their children around the clock. Well, you’ve already dealt with the issues of jealousy with your second child and you can handle this too - this is a temporary difficulty.

    Why are they giving birth to a third? No matter what others say, they are not always ready to understand and accept a simple thought. A child is not given birth for any specific purpose. Especially not to receive benefits, maternity capital or something else unrealistic. But just to love him, so that there is a lot of happiness in the house.

    A few words about benefits

    benefits for large families

    Legislation Russian Federation states that large family is called one in which three or more children are raised, including those under guardianship and those who have not reached the age of majority (if the eldest child does not continue education) and adopted ones. The state supports such families by providing them with various benefits and preferences:

    • Free re-registration of rights to a plot of land at the birth of the third child.
    • Preferential lending for mortgages with subsidies from the state. Rates over 6% are provided under the federal program until 2022.
    • Preferential payment of utility bills.
    • Early retirement for a mother with many children;
    • Priority provision of medication and benefits in education (free lunches at school, vouchers to a sanatorium).

    In addition, there is also regional assistance. To find out about the benefits for families with many children provided in your region, you need to contact social centers. protection. It is better to find out in more detail about the required one-time and one-time payments in advance. The sooner you start preparing and paper fiber, the sooner it will all be over.

    IN modern society The norm is to have one or two children. This situation is considered familiar to most people. And few women have a question about whether to give birth to a third child, because there is always a good reason not to do this, be it a difficult financial situation, a cramped apartment, a lack of helpers, and others. And the very status of a large family is most often associated with trouble. In our article we will try to dispel this stereotype that has developed in society, present all the pros and cons of a third pregnancy, and also consider the possible financial costs of a new family member.

    Should I have a third child?

    Every mother awaits the birth of her first child with special trepidation and anxiety. This event is one of the most exciting moments in the history of any family, regardless of whether the pregnancy is long-awaited or sudden. But the second one is most often given birth to be a mate to the first one: so that there is someone to play with and someone to lean on in difficult moment. In this case, everyone has their own reasons.

    But if everything is clear with the first and second baby, then the question of whether to give birth to a third child is raised extremely rarely in average families. Women who have finally decided to take this step do not at all regret the birth of another baby. They did not miss their last chance to again experience all the joy of motherhood: to see the first smile, help the baby take the first steps and hear the long-awaited words. And these are not all the benefits that can be expected from the birth of a third baby.

    Pros of a third pregnancy

    To make it easier for parents of two children to decide whether to have a third child, they should know about the following benefits:

    1. Children in large families grow up more open, sociable and friendly. From early childhood, they learn to find compromises, to chew on each other, to defend their point of view, and to be friends.
    2. Family life For a child from a large family, life is more successful because he already has an idea of ​​a family based on the example of his mom and dad.
    3. With the birth of the third baby, the mother’s psychological stability increases. A woman will no longer be thrown off balance by a child’s crying or driven to despair by another cold. A mother with many children makes quicker decisions regarding whether to get vaccinated, at what age to send her to kindergarten, and others. And with senior assistants, raising a baby is much easier than raising a firstborn.
    4. The third child is the second youth. The baby requires extra energy, activity and strength. Even with the calmest newborn baby, parents do not have to think about old age.
    5. The appearance of a third child in the family is another reason to change your apartment or car to something more spacious.

    Disadvantages of a new pregnancy

    In order for the decision about whether to give birth to a third child to be correct, it is necessary to weigh not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the planned event:

    1. Financial difficulties. The main reason why young families postpone a third pregnancy indefinitely is lack of funds. Not only is a child today an expensive pleasure, but also a mother, at least until kindergarten, must be on maternity leave.
    2. Physical fatigue. If the age difference between children is small, then it will be very difficult to cope with them without helpers. For this reason, some women experience neuroses. The situation can be corrected by close relatives who are ready to come to the mother’s aid, or by a nanny (if finances allow hiring her for older children or, conversely, for a baby).
    3. Jealousy. Youngest child in the family requires special attention from mom and dad's side. It is important to be able to explain this to older children in order to avoid jealousy on their part.
    4. Housing conditions. Reason given closely intertwined with the first. If your financial situation allows, you can always exchange your old apartment for a new one. If there is not much money, then the children will have to squeeze a little space into one room.
    5. Career growth. For at least a couple of years, mom will have to forget about returning to work, which means that no promotions are expected.

    In anticipation of the third - how to prepare the elders?

    Under certain circumstances, even a mother needs time to adjust to the upcoming changes in the family. And there’s no need to talk about older children. Regardless of their age, they should be prepared for the upcoming replenishment, because with the birth of a brother or sister, life can change dramatically.

    First of all, you should move the younger child into the room with the older one and synchronize their daily routine so that their waking and sleeping times coincide. This can be quite difficult, especially if the difference between the children is large, but it is worth trying. Older children should grow up in friendship and know that they are not competitors, but allies. Then they will accept the new, younger member of the family with joy.

    Features of raising children

    Psychologists and sociologists confirm that children in large families grow up more friendly, attentive and self-confident compared to their peers. They are much less likely to have such character traits as laziness, selfishness and narcissism. But to grow worthy person, it is important to be able to avoid the following mistakes in education:

    • do not shift responsibility for younger family members to the elder, thereby depriving him of childhood joys;
    • do not try to make a nanny out of an older child, so as not to make him dislike his brother in the future;
    • It is important that every child in the family has enough parental care and affection.

    If even before the birth of the third baby the mother cannot cope with two children, and the atmosphere in the family is not entirely friendly and favorable, then after the birth of another baby the situation will only take a turn for the worse. Therefore, the question of whether to give birth or not to give birth must be approached with all seriousness.

    Financial costs

    Many women are afraid that their expenses will increase with the birth of their third child. Of course, there will be material costs in any case, but not so large that they would make you give up the idea of ​​having a baby. The thrifty mom no doubt has small items left over from her older children. As you know, babies grow very quickly, so clothes, as a rule, do not have time to wear out.

    In addition to things, the house certainly preserved toys, children's books, a stroller and a crib. And if you teach your elders to be thrifty, then these same things can be passed on by inheritance. Well, so that there is no doubt about whether to give birth to a third child, you need to prepare in advance and study all the principles breastfeeding. Then you won’t have to spend money on formula, and the main expense item will be on baby diapers.

    State support

    Families raising three or more children have certain benefits and advantages:

    • payment of maternity capital for the third child, if he was not taken at the birth of the second;
    • subsidies for housing and communal services in the amount of up to 50% of their cost;
    • the right to free travel on municipal transport;
    • the right to receive additional land plot free of charge;
    • issuance of mortgage and consumer loans by banks on more favorable terms;
    • increase in annual paid leave from 24 to 36 days;
    • decline retirement age(For mothers of many children);
    • tax benefits for income tax;
    • one-time payments to start academic year and others.

    For many parents, the payments and benefits presented above are the decisive factor in the question of whether to have a third child.

    Health status of the expectant mother

    According to the general trend, the third pregnancy usually proceeds favorably. A woman most often manages to avoid toxicosis characteristic of her situation. But we should not forget that each organism is individual. Therefore, if you have a history of chronic diseases, then the decision about whether you can have a third child is best made with your family doctor.

    In subsequent pregnancies, the risk of developing the following diseases and unpleasant symptoms increases:

    • iron deficiency anemia;
    • varicose veins veins;
    • overstretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall;
    • increased stress and pain in the lower back and sacrum;
    • failure of the pelvic floor muscles.

    Of course, the third birth is not an easy test. But having the experience of bearing the first and second babies, a woman will easily pass the test of childbirth and will be able to recover faster in the postpartum period.

    Should I have a third child at 40?

    Pregnancy at this age is not such a common occurrence. In addition, it may differ significantly from the first one. Doctors are quite biased towards women who decide to give birth after 40 years. And there is an explanation for this. The fact is that by the age of forty a person already has a certain burden of chronic diseases that can negatively affect the condition of the baby. But despite this, lately everything more women at this age they ask the question: “Should I give birth to a third child?” The advantages of pregnancy at 40 years old are as follows:

    • a conscious approach to planning and raising a child;
    • absence of postpartum psychological crisis;
    • hormonal shock and rejuvenation of the body after childbirth.

    Among the main disadvantages of pregnancy in mature age It is worth noting the high risk of miscarriage (up to 50%) and premature birth. But the idea that children are ashamed of their elderly parents is a myth. Therefore, if a woman’s health allows, then she can safely give birth to a third child even after 40.

    When the third child is born in the family, he, in turn, takes almost all the attention of the parents from the middle child, thus “overthrowing him from the throne.” And now middle child begins to be jealous of the younger one. In such cases, often the eldest and youngest children can unite in a kind of alliance against the middle one. And parents should not lose sight of such situations. Of course, events do not always develop this way, but often enough.

    Rivalry between three children in a family

    So, the middle child among three children in a family is most often in a difficult situation. Because, often, he does not have the advantages of an older child, due to his age, and does not have the attention of parents, like a younger one. And in his rivalry between children, he can most stubbornly defend his opinion, making an impression.

    The situation is most difficult if the middle child is the only son or, conversely, the only daughter in the family. And here, again, everything will largely depend on which parent plays the leading role in the family. And this will greatly influence the behavior of children in the family, especially the behavior of the middle child.

    The position of the middle child with the leading role of the mother in the family

    If the leader, then her only daughter, being the middle child, will try to “adopt” her mother’s behavior and adopt her manners in order to stand out between her two brothers and play the main role first in parental family, and then in your own.

    If the middle child of three children in a family is the only boy, and his mother is the de facto head of the family, then from childhood he will get used to the female line of behavior and will consider his subordination to his mother and older sister normal. He can continue to adhere to the same line of behavior in his own family, subconsciously choosing a powerful, confident girl for himself.

    But this doesn't always happen. In such a situation, when the mother has decisive influence in the family, the only middle son and his father can unite together and support each other in all matters in order to reduce the role of the mother in the family and increase their influence. The son - in order to increase influence among the two sisters, and the father - to increase his influence in the family as a whole. Male solidarity manifests itself quite often in this way.

    The position of the middle child with the leading role of the father in the family

    If the head and middle child in the family is his only son, then the boy will strive for a masculine line of behavior, striving to play a leading role among his sisters, just as his father plays a leading role in the family. And compared to his sisters, most often, he is the one who embodies the male line of behavior.

    If the middle child of three children in a family is a girl, then in order to achieve greater influence among her brothers, she will strive to imitate her father and begin to adopt the male line of behavior. Provided that the father is the leader in the family. Such a girl becomes a tomboy, a la Pippi Longstocking, striving to become the leader between the two brothers.

    Three children in a family is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more common in Russia. And therefore, every citizen wants to know what he can count on. What support do families with three children receive in Russia? Where and how to get the appropriate benefits? We will have to find answers to all these questions further. In reality, everything is not so difficult. Especially if you prepare well for applying for the benefits provided by law.

    About having many children

    Is three children a large family? Often the answer to this question will be yes. In Russia, it is customary to consider large social units in which 3 or more children are raised.

    However, in some regions only families with four or five children are considered large. But this is quite a rare occurrence. We will focus on the concept of having many children with 3 minors. What can such families claim? And how to apply for certain benefits?

    Types of benefits

    First, you have to pay attention to the fact that there is no clear answer regarding benefits. This is due to the fact that in Russia there are several types of public support.


    1. They are offered in all cities of the Russian Federation to one or another group of people.
    2. Municipal support. It turns out by decision of the municipalities.
    3. Regional benefits. Placed within a specific region.

    We will look more closely at Federal support. After all, when there are three children in a family, it is precisely such assistance measures that turn out to be very useful. You can really count on them. Regional and municipal benefits are often smaller, but we will also tell you about them.

    Getting status

    The birth of three children in a family is not only a wonderful event, but also creates problems for parents. Especially if we are talking about an average family with not the highest income. State support is extremely important for such cells of society.

    After a third child appears in the family, you can register the status of a large family. The result of the action will be the corresponding certificate. It is issued to one of the parents. For example, mothers.

    To register a family as a large one, you must:

    1. Collect a certain package of documents. We'll talk about it later.
    2. Contact the service social protection or to the MFC with a request to issue a certificate for a large family.
    3. Pick up the completed document at the appointed time.

    Everything is extremely simple and clear. After this, you can safely apply for benefits for families with three or more children.

    About documents for identification

    But more on that later. First, let’s find out what documents a family needs when registering the status of a large social unit. There are usually no problems with papers. After all, the main task will be to confirm the upbringing of several minors.

    So, if there are three children (or more) in a family, you need to take with you to the appropriate registration authority:

    • parents' passports;
    • marriage/divorce certificate (if available);
    • birth certificates of all children;
    • passports of minors (if any);
    • certificates of registration of children;
    • extracts from the house register;
    • confirmation of registration of parents in a particular region.

    It's very simple. All of the listed papers will have to be brought not only in originals, but also to present copies of them. There is no need to certify documents.

    Are there any adopted children in the family? Then you will have to bring the appropriate confirmation. Otherwise, there will be no large social unit. And you will never be able to receive state-guaranteed assistance.

    From different marriages

    And if there are three children from different marriages, will there be a large family or not? The answer to such a question is difficult to find.

    The point is that ideally a family should be considered large. The main thing is that children are raised by one of the parents. Or they were adopted altogether.

    Only in real life sometimes problems arise. Some regions require large families to have children from the same marriage. And only in this case will they be provided with appropriate support. You have to go to court to assert your rights.

    However, the law does not prohibit having children from different marriages and simultaneously obtaining the status of a large family. It is enough that minors live together with a parent/guardian.

    One parent

    Are there three children in the family? We will study the benefits provided to this category of citizens later. There are a lot of them, even if you take into account only Federal support. First of all, let's look at the features of obtaining the appropriate status.

    Is it possible to count large family, which has only one parent? Yes. In this case, as you might guess, the main thing is that the children are registered with a legal representative. For example, a woman with a child is already a family. And with several kids too. The presence of only one parent in a family does not in any way affect the possibility of obtaining the status of a large unit of society.

    Types of support

    Benefits for families with three children are varied. What can such social units in general count on?

    Today the following types of benefits are distinguished:

    • housing;
    • utilities;
    • medical;
    • social;
    • educational;
    • labor;
    • tax.

    In addition, you can receive financial support. She is often interested in people who go on maternity leave several times. That is, when there is a small age difference between the children. So what can you hope for in Russia? What benefits are available for a family of three children in 2017?

    About payments

    Let's start with the financial side of the issue. Let's consider the Federal types of compensation. What are we talking about?

    The thing is that at the birth of your third child you can count on the following payments:

    • maternity leave (for an employed parent caring for a newborn);
    • upon registration in the residential complex on early stages pregnancy;
    • upon the birth of a baby;
    • for caring for a child up to one and a half years old;
    • payments for caring for a child up to 3 years of age;
    • maternity capital.

    These are the main compensations that a large family with three children can count on.

    You may also encounter the following payments:

    • 600 rubles - monthly supplement for each child under 16 years of age;
    • 700 rubles - compensation for increased food prices (if the family has children under 3 years old).

    This is not all the payments. It’s just that the population encounters them most often. In some regions it is possible to issue:

    • regional maternal capital;
    • municipal one-time or monthly benefits;
    • payments in connection with holidays (families with 5-3 or more children can most often count on them).

    In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Are there three children in the family? Then it is better to apply for the last child’s benefits (they will be discussed in more detail at the MFC or social protection), obtain the status of having many children and study other government support measures.


    We have already studied benefits for families with three children. The next fairly important area is taxes. People with many children may be exempt from some tax payments. In addition, some payments are subject to discounts.

    Most often in the regions, the following benefits are established for families raising many minors:

    • exemption from property tax;
    • no transport tax payments;
    • reduction in the amount of payments for land owned (or complete exemption from them).

    You can apply for all these benefits at one time. They are of a declarative nature and will not be provided simply. You will need to contact the Federal Tax Service with a corresponding request.


    Three children in a family? In Russia, different benefits are provided to such social units. Among them there are those that are not so easy to obtain. More precisely, in theory everything is easy. In practice, the situation forces people with many children to wait a long time for this or that support.

    For example, a similar situation arises when receiving housing benefits. Large families can either register ownership of a plot of land or receive an apartment suitable for living. Property is issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, if there are many families with 3 or more children in the region, you will have to wait. Sometimes the waiting period lasts for for many years. Acquiring the status of a needy cell of society helps speed up the process.

    Three children? The family is considered large! In this case, parents can receive mortgage benefits. But this issue is resolved individually and with a specific borrowing bank. Such an opportunity cannot be called a state benefit.

    Utility payments

    What benefits, if there are three children in a family, are provided in 2017 in the Russian Federation? The next area is utility bills.

    Three children in a family? Benefits in Moscow provide for a reduction in utility bills by 50% (or more). You can also buy fuel for stove heating at home with discounts of up to 60%. Compensation for the installation of landline telephones is provided to all families with many children.

    Social sphere

    Are there three children in the family? Benefits in Russia for such people are provided in various fields everyday life. The next category of public support is social.

    Here you can expect the following benefits:

    • free travel on public transport;
    • once a month, children can visit cinemas, parks, museums and exhibitions for free;
    • discounts on various tickets to places of cultural development.

    In addition, targeted assistance can be provided to needy sections of society. For example, in the form of food, shoes or clothing. This is a fairly common occurrence.


    Are there three children in the family? What benefits are available under such circumstances? Often parents can count on special medical support.

    We are talking not only about free services in state medical institutions (this is due to all citizens of the Russian Federation), but also about providing children with medicines. The rule usually applies to children preschool age. Namely, until the child turns 6 years old.

    Discounts are offered for some medications for families with many children. But this is also not state government and not even regional benefit. Such a bonus is set by a specific pharmacy. It is recommended to find out about discounts for families with many children in advance. They are not available everywhere.


    But that's not all. When thinking about what benefits people are entitled to if there are three children in a family, it is necessary to pay attention to the field of education. It is extremely important for minors.

    People with three or more children have the right to:

    • free meals in preschool and school institutions;
    • provision of school uniforms and textbooks;
    • free attendance of children at school clubs;
    • exemption from extension fees.

    In real life, large families are admitted to schools first. This is a kind of benefit when admitting children to school educational institutions.

    Labor and large families

    Of course, if there are three children in a family, they need to be provided for somehow. You can’t live on state and municipal benefits alone. Often both parents have to work tirelessly.

    In the labor sphere, large families also have certain bonuses. For example, among them are:

    • the right to additional leave;
    • the absence of the possibility of dismissing the sole breadwinner of the family at the initiative of the employer;
    • tax deduction for personal income tax;
    • assistance in finding employment for parents;
    • free training or change of qualifications.

    In reality, remembering all this is not difficult. Benefits for families with three children do not allow them to live on the corresponding payments. This is just a small amount of support for the population being studied. And this feature should always be remembered.

    Where to ask?

    We found out what benefits families with three children are entitled to in 2017 in Russia? The bulk of bonuses are Federal in nature. Therefore, all families with many children in the Russian Federation will be able to apply for them.

    Let's move on to the more interesting and problematic part - the registration of the required support. If you have three children, this action causes a lot of trouble. Especially if you don't know how to act.

    First, let’s find out where certain benefits are issued. You should focus on the following data:

    • housing benefits - city housing departments;
    • "communal apartment" - housing office, management company;
    • social bonuses - social protection services;
    • tax benefits - regional departments of the Federal Tax Service;
    • educational support - school and preschool institutions;
    • payments, compensations, benefits - employers, Social Insurance Fund;
    • labor benefits - employment centers, employers.

    Some types of support do not require any formalization. It is enough to present it. For example, when receiving free medicines for children or while using public transport.

    If you decide to send a family to a sanatorium free of charge, you will have to contact a specific medical institution. We are talking about the clinic that issued the appropriate referral.

    Almost all benefits in Russia can be obtained from a universal institution. We are talking about the MFC and the “My Documents” services. Here you can find out what benefits a large family (three children or more - this is not so important) can claim in a particular region, and also immediately apply for the required support measures. There are no difficulties in this.

    Capital for mothers

    Separately, a one-time payment called “maternity capital” should be highlighted. All families with 2 or more children can count on it. If after the birth of the second baby the registration of capital did not take place, you can do it later. For example, having received the status of a large social unit.

    Three children in a family? For maternal capital you will have to contact the Pension Fund. It is issued as a certificate that is allowed to be spent on certain needs. Namely:

    • increase in mother's pension;
    • improving family living conditions;
    • purchasing a home;
    • mortgage repayment;
    • teaching children;
    • treatment of minors.

    Capital cannot be cashed out. Its size is about 450,000 rubles (the payment is indexed annually; it is better to check its exact scale with the Pension Fund). It does not depend in any way on the number of children in the family.

    To register capital, the mother will have to present the following papers:

    • ID cards;
    • certificate of family composition;
    • documents confirming registration;
    • birth certificates of all minor children;
    • (if any);
    • SNILS of all family members;
    • passports of children (after 14 years);
    • application in the prescribed form.

    As a rule, there are no difficulties with this benefit. The certificate will be issued a few months after submitting the relevant request.


    Important: today Russian legislation allows for so-called emancipation. It makes a child at the age of 16 fully capable.

    In this case, a large family loses its status. And, accordingly, the benefits they are entitled to too. Fortunately, in real life only a few teenagers are emancipated.

    University and having many children

    Another rather interesting point is the presence of children in the family who have entered university. If a child is already 18 years old, but receives higher education, the status of a large family within a social unit will not be lost. Until when?

    Until the child turns 23 years old or until an adult moves away from their parents/gets married. In fact, benefits for families with many children are provided without difficulty until minors are 18 years old. Then disputes and refusals of additional support often arise.


    We found out what support measures the birth of three children in a family can provide. It is worth remembering that if a mother immediately gave birth to triplets, she may qualify for additional compensation. They are established at the regional level.

    Some benefits may be denied. Especially when it comes to regional support measures. In practice, cities themselves set the conditions for receiving certain benefits. For example, if a family has children from different marriages, then such a unit of society may not be considered to have many children.

    It is recommended to check with city administrations for more detailed information about benefits and allowances. Only there will they be able to tell you exactly what a family with three minors can claim.

    Some benefits can be requested online. This is where the State Services portal comes to the rescue. Only in real life do a few turn to Internet technologies to request benefits and benefits. It is important to remember that a person will be able to apply for additional support only if the citizen has an activated and confirmed profile on State Services. You will have to register before requesting. This must be done approximately 14-15 days before applying for benefits.

    Three children is a large family in Russia. Such a unit of society can count on support in almost all areas of life. And now we understand how to apply for certain benefits.

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