• The best 2 in 1 stroller. Rating of the best strollers for newborns. The best transformable strollers for newborns


    New additions to the family are always a huge expense, because a new member of society needs to buy everything they need from scratch. A huge amount of money is spent on making a newborn baby comfortable in this world. At the same time, the child is growing rapidly, and his needs change almost every month, so parents probably understand that the service life of the same clothes will be very short.

    For young families, an unpleasant surprise may be the fact that even a stroller, which seems to be a relatively solid design, will almost certainly not last for several years, if only because in the first six months the baby needs a cradle, and then a walking model. Although such a purchase does not seem like an obvious savings, in the end it will be cheaper to buy a 2 in 1 stroller.


    As you know, it’s more profitable to buy in bulk - it’s also cheaper, and you only need to choose once. Manufacturers of baby strollers have long understood that whoever comes up with a comfortable way to combine both a cradle for a newborn and a stroller unit for a slightly older child in one model will be able to conquer the market. When a large number of engineers are thinking about the same problem at the same time, it is not surprising if there is more than one way to solve the problem. The result of a long search was transformers and 2-in-1 strollers. Many young parents believe that these are approximately the same thing, but the difference between them is fundamental.

    A 2 in 1 stroller, unlike a transformer, cannot be transformed - rather, it is a model of a construction set, from which, with a relatively small number of parts, you can assemble exactly what the owner needs at a particular moment. There is only one chassis here, so during the selection process you need to pay special attention to its reliability - the durability of the purchase largely depends on this detail. But an inseparable connection of the chassis with the baby unit is not provided - all because the kit comes with two of them at once: a cradle and a walking unit.

    Parents can remove the crib and replace it with a seat at any time, or vice versa. In some cases, such removable units can even be used in a car instead of a child car seat, but then manufacturers usually proudly talk about the 3-in-1 model.

    The advantage of this design is obvious: since the stroller has both blocks, it allows the development of a child from birth to the age of a confident pedestrian without changing vehicles. A good 2 in 1 model allows you not to think about buying a new stroller and selling the old one - this purchase is made once and used until you no longer need it.

    Transformers also have the above-described advantage, but 2 in 1 models have significant advantages over them. First of all, only 2 in 1 provides the most comfortable stay in both positions, since it can guarantee the rigidity of the cradle bottom and multi-stage adjustment of the seat back at the same time. A transformer will not provide such an advantage - its designers are looking for an intermediate solution, trying to satisfy both requirements, which is why they almost always fail to fully fulfill either one. In addition, due to constant transformations and the abundance of connections that are not firmly fixed, transformers break much more often.

    As for 2 in 1 strollers, the fact that they are assembled from individual parts allows, if necessary, to replace not the entire set, but rather the missing part, while the breakdown of the smallest part of the transformer means the impossibility of further using all the functions of the stroller without exception.

    Perhaps, if 2 in 1 models were so ideal, transformers would have long been forgotten as a failed experiment, but competition still exists for a reason - strollers with two separate blocks also have their drawbacks. First of all, this, of course, takes up more space.

    Although a 2 in 1 stroller is not two strollers, it is still not one, therefore, with actively used transport, you need to allocate space for storing not only the stroller itself, but also the temporarily unused unit. If traveling by car, parents will have to find a way to fit both units into the trunk, otherwise the versatility of the design will be completely eliminated. The transformer is unfamiliar with all these problems, because it consists of only one chassis and one block.

    We must not forget about the higher cost of 2 in 1 strollers, because two separate blocks are guaranteed to cost more than one, even a transformable one - this is reflected in a simple increase in material consumption.

    It turns out that a 2 in 1 stroller is a good option for those who, in principle, do not like to fuss. Such parents want to buy children's transport once and never change it, even if this means they have to shell out a significant amount of money right now. At the same time, they are apparently ready to give up long trips, even in their own car.

    A person who has consciously chosen just such a model probably understands that his apartment will have enough space to store his purchase and its parts. If at least one of these statements is not true, you should once again think about whether the family needs just such a stroller.


    It is quite difficult to classify baby strollers of the “two-in-one” standard - this is already a subclass of children's transport. However, there are certain features by which even such strollers can be distinguished.

    First of all, you need to understand that some manufacturers, knowingly or unwittingly, still introduce confusion into the concept of “2 in 1”. In a narrower sense, this category includes strollers with removable interchangeable blocks, while transformable models are represented by a completely separate class of strollers. However, you can often find a broader understanding of 2 in 1 strollers, which includes models with removable blocks and classic transformers. Moreover, the latter are characterized as lightweight and universal varieties, while modular options are praised for their closeness to compliance with all orthopedic standards. Enough has already been said about the difference between such designs above, so we don’t need to dwell on this.

    2 in 1 strollers, regardless of whether in the narrow or broad sense of the term, can have wheels on three or four corners, both single and double. The three-wheeled model is predicted to be more compact - it has only one wide axle.

    A solution with three wheels is usually very maneuverable; it can “choose” the road even among the most “colorful” domestic potholes. The disadvantage lies in stability, because a grown-up active child, swinging, can easily “drop” his vehicle.

    The four-wheeled model, accordingly, has fundamentally opposite characteristics - it is more cumbersome and it simply will not be so easy to go around potholes, or even squeeze into an old elevator. At the same time, it’s not for nothing that classics always have four wheels - this is a huge plus for the stability of the stroller, which will be difficult to turn over even for a real fidget.

    Finally, 2 in 1 strollers can also be classified by how many children they are designed for. If a single stroller can be equipped with removable blocks, then a similar technology can be used in a two- and even a three-seat model. If one chassis provides seats for several children at once, then they can be located in the most unexpected configurations - one after another (even facing the mother, even in the direction of movement), and back to back, and facing each other, and side by side. side, and even with a certain elevation for one of the modules.

    All this significantly complicates the classification of such strollers, although it is not so important if you only know how to avoid all the possible disadvantages of each option.

    For such structures, in any case, it is very important that each individual place is independent. This allows happy parents of one-year-old children to simultaneously install one cradle and one seating unit on the same chassis.

    How to choose?

    By abandoning any other type of design, parents significantly narrow the range of available options, but the choice is still amazing. Since you are choosing a stroller for several years in advance, in no case should you make a mistake by choosing a mediocre model, because such children's transport must be chosen even more carefully than any other. The criteria are very similar to those used when choosing an ordinary stroller - be it a stroller or a cradle.

    Chassis reliability

    Perhaps the only point that greatly distinguishes the choice of a 2 in 1 stroller from a similar definition with any other model. The same cradle is chosen with the expectation of six months of operation, therefore amazing durability is usually not required from it, but a 2 in 1 should be extremely reliable. The structure should look massive and of high quality, and in no case be loose and not allow looseness where it should not be.

    Parents will push their baby in such a stroller for a very long time - some models are designed for use up to 4-5 years. This means that by that age the child will already weigh at least 25 kg, which means that even by itself it will provoke the mother to quickly get tired during a walk.

    You need to choose a stroller so that it minimizes the load as much as possible, and does not increase it.


    Quality directly related to the lightness of the stroller. Our roads are not impressive in their smoothness; on the contrary, they are full of potholes, so a good stroller should have large wheels that do not “notice” small obstacles. At the same time, it is very desirable that the width of the wheelbase of the vehicle be relatively small, otherwise all traffic will end at the very first narrow elevator doors. By the way, good maneuverability can partially solve the problem of cross-country ability, when the stroller, using its own swivel front wheels, can turn around while standing still and easily go around any obstacles.


    A very important parameter. Even if the mother is a professional athlete and can easily push a heavy stroller over any bumps, the child is unlikely to like it. Especially in the first year of life, when the baby sleeps most of the time. Our pits can wake up anyone, and then you’ll have to walk around listening to the frustrated roar of a little passenger. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a stroller with good shock absorption.

    Large wheels have already been mentioned, but their material is also important - it should be soft upholstery in the form of inflatable rubber or even silicone wheels. The spring suspension should ensure maximum smoothness of movement, as well as the constant correct position of the baby.


    Even before making a purchase, parents are required to make sure that their child fits confidently and comfortably into both blocks. A child should not feel the same way during a walk as a person in a Soviet reserved seat carriage, because it is uncomfortable, and children react very violently to any inconvenience. In addition, if for an adult a short-term incorrect body position will result only in muscle pain, then for a child, whose musculoskeletal system is developing during this period, serious postural disorders may develop.

    Children of that age when they are still being pushed in a stroller are alien to the concept of their own hygiene, so they do not care at all about not getting everything around them dirty. If diapers and blankets can be washed without problems, then the stroller should be chosen so that the same applies to its covers.

    Ideally, you need to choose a non-staining material (many people dream of leather because of this), which could be easily wiped off without removing it from the frame, but even if one is found, you still need to clarify the possibility of its removal. If the cover is removable for washing, it means you can restore order in almost any situation.


    The homes of many modern families, built back in Soviet times, are still not very spacious, and a 2-in-1 stroller is far from compact. In the case of elevators or car trunks, the situation becomes completely catastrophic, because there is even less space there. It is not surprising that the absolute priority among buyers is those strollers that can fold to the most compact size. In this case, preference is given to those models that do this according to the simplest scheme, if possible - literally in one movement to urgently enter the elevator.

    The design of a 2 in 1 stroller itself requires a significant number of additional parts, but the more, the better. Long-term use of a universal stroller means that absolutely all children's accessories that now seem relatively useless will be useful in the future. In summer, the same mosquito net will be of great benefit; in winter, you can’t do without an insulated envelope that can be transformed into a blanket, so you shouldn’t give up anything.

    Of course, everything you need can be purchased gradually, but purchasing as a set will help to significantly save money. In addition, only when purchased as a kit can you guarantee that all components fit together perfectly.

    Model overview

    It is not possible to make any sensible rating of the best 2 in 1 strollers for two reasons. Firstly, because there is no ideal, and since each consumer has his own idea of ​​what can be sacrificed in favor of other qualities, then everyone’s top looks different. Secondly, the model ranges of all popular manufacturers are regularly updated in order to surpass competitors, so it is not strange that the best 2 in 1 strollers look different in every single month. You can, of course, rely on reviews, choosing the stroller that has been approved by the maximum number of people, but you cannot say with confidence that such reviews are true and not fabricated by the manufacturer, and a particular child or his parents may put forward special requirements that differ from the majority opinion .

    In short, in the current situation, it is more logical to consider simply good models, without claiming that they are necessarily the best of their kind. We will look at several of these strollers, and let the reader decide for himself whether they satisfy his needs or not. Accordingly, there is no distribution by place either.

    "Glory 10012

    If you open almost any article devoted to baby strollers, the leaders there are usually the brainchild of world-famous brands. Perhaps these really are the best strollers in the world, but they are very expensive, and therefore you don’t see them on the street very often. If we talk about the best sellers, then these in many domestic stores include the Chinese 2 in 1 strollers “Glory 1001”.

    This is such a typical stroller that there is nothing to say about it - there are no fundamentally new aspects in it, but it quite well meets all the requirements described above. For those who are afraid of purchasing Chinese goods, it is worth noting that most “non-Chinese” goods today are made in the Celestial Empire, and the decent quality of this particular company is evidenced by the fact that it is a sales leader despite not the most affordable prices - at 19 -22 thousand rubles.

    "Marimex Armel"

    If for some reason the above-described Chinese model still does not suit you, you can buy a Polish 2 in 1 stroller from Marimex. There are a lot of advantages from such an acquisition, since Polish enterprises, being located on the territory of the European Union, are obliged to guarantee that their products comply with the highest quality standards. At the same time, the model in question, interestingly, will cost less than even its Chinese counterpart - it costs only 15-17 thousand rubles.

    This vehicle is usually praised for its excellent maneuverability, highest strength, excellent level of protection for the child from bad weather and convenience for the mother in the form of a spacious bag for things.

    "Adamex Neonex"

    By the way, Poland is perhaps the leading country supplying strollers to the post-Soviet market - at least at least two Polish manufacturers, represented by different models, are included in various rankings of the best and most popular. With all the same quality of the European level, this model is distinguished by its adaptability to both urban and suburban conditions, thanks to which it can be perfectly used in rural areas.

    This model clearly shows how adaptable a stroller can be to the needs of its owners, because it has a height-adjustable handle and the same footrest. The number of variable backrest positions for both the walking block and the cradle indicates that every child will be comfortable walking in it. The price of 21-24 thousand rubles is a relatively small amount for the comfort that this model provides.

    "Slaro Anna Lux"

    2 in 1 strollers, traditionally designed for several years of use, manufacturers usually have to make with a certain bias towards summer or winter, since it is not easy to produce something in between that normally warms in winter and does not create a greenhouse effect in summer. However, the model in question is included in our rating because it is considered perhaps the most successful solution to this problem.

    Separately, they note the pronounced style of this model, as well as the fact that the manufacturers included two bags in the kit - one for shopping and another for the belongings of the smallest passenger. The price in this case is also more of a plus than a minus - only 15-17 thousand rubles.

    "Alice Mateo 17"

    If parents consider themselves stylish people and really love everything that perfectly complements the image, then they definitely need to pay attention to this stroller as an example of fashion and a variety of color choices. The manufacturer provides a choice of covers in various styles, thanks to which the baby will have the opportunity to become familiar with good taste in early childhood.

    Naturally, the advantages do not end there - in particular, this stroller is praised for the ability to precisely adjust the headrest and independently select which direction the module with the child should be turned. It is believed that such a stroller for 17-20 thousand is also a good option for both summer and winter.

    "Lonex Comfort"

    In this case, the manufacturer took his work responsibly, so comfort is present not only in name, but also in practice. The inside of the cradle is decorated with soft natural materials, which eliminate allergies and perfectly insulate the child's seat, however, the baby will not be left without ventilation in the summer, because there is a fastened mesh window in the thickness of the fabric.

    The creators understood that it should be comfortable not only for the child, but also for his parents, so they provided a special handle for the cradle, with the help of which the structure can be conveniently carried without a chassis, while the child feels as good as at home in crib. It should be noted that here, too, the company tried to invite the best designers. Of course, the cost here is no longer the most modest - at the level of 29-33 thousand rubles, but it is worth it.

    "Prampol Daisy"

    This is another example of the fact that no one knows how to make baby strollers for our market better than our Polish neighbors. This model also features significant comfort for everyone, but its developers focused on completely different criteria. For example, they paid great attention to depreciation, which in the case of our roads is of fundamental importance.

    Polish engineers were so concerned about the problem that they were not too lazy to add an additional spring, uncharacteristic of other strollers. Despite the fact that the design is additionally weighted, it is still considered quite light for a 2 in 1. Despite its numerous advantages, its price is not so terrible and remains at the level of 18-22 thousand rubles.

    As practice shows, even those parents who have read many articles on the topic of choosing a baby stroller still often make mistakes when choosing. The most obvious learning, of course, lies in gaining experience, but we will give a few more tips so that this very experience turns out to be as successful as possible the first time.

    Don't trust nameless reviews on the Internet. Many parents nowadays like to choose a stroller while sitting at the computer and studying other people’s opinions, but this is risky. Many manufacturers have already understood this consumer tactic, so they hire people who purposefully write positive reviews on a variety of resources. Critical comments are more credible, but if you focus only on them, it turns out that there are no good strollers at all.

    You shouldn’t blindly trust the recommendations of loved ones either. Most likely, they are giving advice for a good purpose, but the taste and color of markers are different, so you need to form your own opinion about a potential purchase. It may turn out that, in general, an ideal stroller can easily fit into the elevator of your best friends’ house, but it won’t fit into the elevator of your house, and there are a lot of similar unpleasant surprises.

    It will be much better if you first study the topic, become well versed in how to choose a stroller, and based on this you can avoid pitfalls when choosing a stroller on the advice of friends or a consultant in a store.

    Never buy a stroller online without examining the same model in person. Many modern Internet users not only study the assortment and choose a stroller online, but also order it there - it’s cheaper. You can really save money on this, but it is advisable to first go to a “real” store, find the same stroller there and examine it from all sides.

    Remember that not every seller sees the buyer’s happiness as the main goal - on the contrary, more often he just wants to sell his product. It is possible that he knows about some of his shortcomings, but will deliberately keep silent about them so that you do not change your mind.

    To learn whether to buy a 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 stroller, watch the following video.

    Relevance: July 2019

    A baby stroller is the very first personal “transport” of a child. A high-quality stroller should provide maximum comfort and safety during walks at any time of the year, and also be comfortable enough for mom.

    Well-known manufacturers of baby strollers pay special attention to the design of their products and functionality. In addition to traditional strollers, “2 in 1” modifications (carrycot and stroller module) are available, as well as “3 in 1” modifications complete with a safe car seat. Modern models are equipped with large diameter wheels for better maneuverability, as well as a high-quality shock absorption system that ensures comfortable movement on uneven roads.

    We have compiled a list of the best strollers for newborns, based on expert assessments and reviews from real customers. Our recommendations will help you make a choice that suits your needs and desires. There are many competitors in the global technology market, but we have selected the best manufacturers and recommend paying special attention to them:

    Budget / Inexpensive

    1. Teddy
    2. Lonex
    3. Smile
    1. Inglesina
    2. Navington
    3. Camarelo
    4. Adamex
    5. Mr Sandman
    6. Noordline
    7. Lonex
    8. Tutis

    *Prices are correct at the time of publication and are subject to change without notice.

    Strollers: For winter

    Main advantages

    The front pair of large inflatable wheels are swivel - an extremely rare phenomenon in classic cradles. Therefore, the stroller is especially easy to control; you can carry and turn it with one hand. If necessary, the wheels can be easily locked with clamps.

    Shock absorption springs allow you to gently rock the baby both along and across the direction of movement.

    The cradle is warm and spacious, the inner upholstery is made of hypoallergenic cotton. The box can be easily removed from the chassis; a reliable plastic handle is provided for carrying it. The disadvantages include the rather large weight - 17.5 kg.

    • Maneuverable and passable
    • Soft motion sickness
    • Large basket
    • Spacious cradle
    • Natural upholstery
    • Quite a lot of weight

    Cradles / For summer / For winter

    Main advantages
    • The kit includes a silicone rain cover and a mosquito net that will protect the child from precipitation and midges.
    • The internal and external upholstery is made of moisture-repellent fabrics of excellent quality, which ensures comfort for the child and simplifies the care of the stroller
    • A durable impact-resistant aluminum alloy was used to make the chassis, now the body will last a long time even with active use
    • An easy-to-use brake that locks two wheels and reliably blocks spontaneous movement of the stroller.
    • Wide range of handle height adjustments - fixed in eleven different positions
    • 35.5 cm inflatable wheels improve shock absorption and provide a smooth ride

    Strollers: 3 in 1

    3 in 1 / Summer / Carrycots

    Main advantages
    • The stroller's carrycot is equipped with removable sides made of 100% cotton. Anti-allergenic fabric ensures absolute safety when in contact with the baby's body, and the removable design makes it easy to clean regularly
    • Thanks to the silent mechanism for adjusting the position of the hood, the baby's restful sleep is not disturbed
    • The headrest can be adjusted in four inclined positions, choosing the optimal angle for a comfortable body position
    • To increase the convenience of carrying, a reliable handle is provided on the cradle hood
    • A removable bumper with a partition for the legs and five-point seat belts limit the baby's mobility, preventing an accidental fall.
    • The panoramic window has a mosquito net insert that protects the child from insect bites without limiting the view

    3 in 1 / For winter / For summer / Cradles

    Main advantages
    • A stroller with a modular design that allows you to easily transform it depending on the specific use or age of the baby
    • Flexible front wheel fork effectively absorbs shock on uneven roads and softens the ride
    • The outer upholstery fabric is covered with a special compound that prevents it from getting wet and moisture penetrating inside the stroller, which ensures a comfortable rest for the child in any weather.
    • Special holes in the bottom of the cradle provide the necessary ventilation and fresh air flow, which is especially important in hot weather
    • The stroller is equipped with four shock absorbers for the smoothest ride possible.
    • Real Gel tubeless wheels are filled with a special helium composition and do not require additional pumping

    Strollers: 2 in 1

    Main advantages

    These strollers have unusual colors - the main color of the cradle is repeated on the wheel spokes and the bag for mother, which comes with the set.

    The wide sleeping area is convenient and comfortable, a deep hood and a cape on the legs with an additional visor will protect the baby from any bad weather.

    Thanks to rubber wheels, the stroller is stable and has sufficient maneuverability, and the swivel mechanism makes it easy to maneuver even in narrow places. The shock absorption is smooth and there is a rocking mechanism.

    The deep shopping basket is securely closed with a zipper - not a single item will get lost.

    • Passable and maneuverable
    • Warm cape with visor
    • Closed shopping cart
    • Spacious cradle with high sides
    • Smooth cushioning
    • The brake is a little tight

    2 in 1 / Carrycots / For summer

    Main advantages

    2-in-1 kit from a Polish manufacturer at an affordable price.

    The shock-absorbing system on the straps smoothly rocks the cradle along and across, helping the baby fall asleep faster and smoothing out the bumps of any road. Large inflatable wheels provide maneuverability in parks and on snowy streets. A foot cape with an additional visor will reliably hide your baby from bad weather and prying eyes.

    The stroller is quite heavy - 17 kg, but the weight makes it more stable. The manufacturer's collection includes interesting colors with polka dot and butterfly prints.

    • Affordable price
    • Smooth cushioning
    • High cross-country ability
    • Comfortable foot cover
    • Spacious sleeping area
    • Weight 17 kg

    2 in 1 / Cradles / For summer / For winter

    Main advantages
    • A folding wide hood with an additional visor reliably protects the baby from wind, bright sun or precipitation. The model is adapted for summer and winter, therefore it is universal
    • The stroller frame is made of aluminum, so it is lightweight and has high mechanical strength. A convenient folding mechanism (“book”) allows you to quickly bring the stroller into working position or bring it home
    • The universal design of the walking module allows it to be installed in two positions (toward and away from you)
    • Large inflatable wheels with bearings provide the stroller with excellent maneuverability and maneuverability, and the shock absorber system and additional springs on the frame will smooth out all road irregularities
    • The rear wheels are equipped with a central brake, which allows you to quickly block the stroller's progress if necessary.

    2 in 1 / Cradles / For summer / For winter

    Main advantages
    • The small width of the wheels allows you to easily move along sidewalks and paths, as well as easily enter elevators or narrow doorways
    • Safe-Walk system (five-point harness and soft front bumper) provides additional comfort and safety while walking
    • The upholstery inside the cradle is made of 100% cotton, which is a hypoallergenic “breathable” material and does not irritate the baby’s skin
    • The cradle is equipped with a comfortable handle, which allows it to be used as a carry-on for shopping or outdoor recreation.
    • Adjustable belt shock absorbers allow you to adjust the suspension stiffness for optimal movement on different roads (paving slabs, asphalt, dirt road)
    Main advantages
    • A universal model in retro style with large inflatable wheels that provide excellent maneuverability of the stroller on any road.
    • Metal wheel rims with steel spokes increase chassis reliability and durability
    • Upholstery of the stroller with environmentally friendly certified materials made in Italy ensures safe use of the model.
    • Metal chrome frame guarantees long service life of the product
    • Excellent spring-type shock absorption ensures a very soft ride even on uneven roads or in the forest
    • The inner lining of the cradle is made of natural cotton and can be easily removed for cleaning or washing.
    • A large metal basket under the cradle is designed for bags with purchases or things needed for a walk

    2 in 1 / For winter / For summer / Cradles

    Main advantages
    • Baby stroller with Quick Click system, which allows you to quickly and easily install a stroller unit or carrycot
    • Bestlock automatic locking system prevents accidental folding of the frame, increasing safety of use
    • The model is equipped with a six-stage shock absorption system, which guarantees the most comfortable movement of the child on any road.
    • A unique design feature of the stroller allows you to change the tilt of the cradle and facilitate constant visual contact with the baby
    • The central easy stop brake reliably fixes the wheels of the model regardless of the inclination of the road surface
    • The hood is equipped with a multi-stage adjustment system, which allows you to optimally select the lift height, protecting the child from the sun or wind

    2 in 1 / For winter / For summer / Cradles

    Main advantages
    • Thanks to the use of a unique combination of polymer materials (ARCEL), it was possible to produce a stroller with the most lightweight cradle, the lightest in the manufacturer’s line
    • Possessing a high coefficient of thermal resistance, which is more than a hundred times higher than the characteristics of a conventional plastic cradle, the model ensures a comfortable condition for the baby in any weather.
    • A canopy made of dense material can be closed completely and protect the child from extraneous sounds and vagaries of the weather during sleep.
    • The compact folding frame is designed without any indentations or recesses that could cause pinched fingers or injury.
    • The thoughtful design allows the seat to fold together with the frame, which reduces the volume occupied during transportation and saves free space

    2 in 1 / For winter / For summer / Cradles

    Main advantages
    • The reliable design allows you to use the model throughout the entire “stroller period”; there is no need to buy several different strollers as the child grows older
    • Two removable modules - a cradle and a walking block provide a comfortable resting place for children of different ages and can be easily installed in the direction of travel or facing the parents
    • Smooth running is guaranteed by large inflatable wheels rotating on bearings
    • The durable aluminum frame features a built-in adjustable shock absorber that effectively absorbs shock when driving on rough roads.
    • The headboard of the cradle and the seating block are adjustable in height, allowing you to lay your child down most comfortably
    • The model's rich set of accessories - a shopping basket, a bag for children's things, a foot cover and much more - increases ease of use.









    10 most popular baby strollers in 2017:

    (according to a survey of readers of Lisa magazine)

    1st place - Hauck Arctica (Germany)

    Hauck Arctica is a real winter stroller, the stroller and cradle of which have insulated cotton upholstery. The famous German quality of 2 in 1 baby strollers and the rich equipment of the Arctica model fully justify its market price. Due to the optimally thought-out dimensions, the stroller easily fits into a regular elevator; the distance between the wheels is 61 cm, which allows the use of standard ramps in passages, shops and entrances. An undoubted advantage is the ability to customize and completely adapt Hauck Arctica to your baby. High cross-country ability will not allow you to get stuck in snowdrifts. The model is ideal for Russian cities with a harsh climate. Unfortunately, this model often breaks down; spare parts for the stroller can be purchased from our competitor.

    2nd place - Aprica Karoon (Japan)

    The Japanese miniature stroller Karoon is recommended for children from birth to 3 years. This model is ideal for travel. The spacious, deep seat will please any child, and parents will be pleased with the spacious shopping basket. The adjustable backrest fully reclines, providing the child with a comfortable and natural horizontal position, which makes it possible to use the stroller from the very first days of the baby’s life. For the most comfortable placement of the baby's legs, a footrest is provided. So that nothing can disturb your baby during walks, the Aprica Karoon stroller is equipped with a voluminous hood made of natural, breathable materials. Karoon literally exudes lightness. It weighs only 3.6 kg. This stroller is the best solution for long summer walks. It folds easily with one hand and can stand when folded.

    3rd place - Lonex Julia Baronessa (Poland)

    This model is for those who are looking for a lightweight, comfortable, functional and practical stroller at an affordable price. Attractive design and a huge selection of colors will appeal to every mother. All materials used in the production of the Lonex Julia Baronessa baby stroller are certified; exclusive Italian fabrics are used. High maneuverability on any roads is ensured by large inflatable wheels with bearings. Good shock absorption on durable leather straps guarantees the stroller a smooth ride on uneven road surfaces.

    Model features: lightweight aluminum frame; book folding; good shock absorption on 4 wheels (durable leather belts); foot brake; large inflated wheels on bearings; dismantling/installing wheels with one click on the hub in the middle; modules are installed in both directions of stroller movement; easy removal/installation of the module; fabric basket for accessories; Height-adjustable, leather-covered handle.

    4th place - Cosatto Giggle 2 in 1 (England)

    A stunning new product from COSATTO, the GIGGLE stroller is a real throne on wheels for the most stylish kids and their parents! GIGGLE is love at first sight! And not one, but three - GO LIGHTLY, SUNNY, TREET. This fashionable family is thought out to the smallest detail, there is a bright chassis and stylish designs on the covers, an adjustable handle height for tall dads or mini-moms, a large basket for shopping, balls and other children's joys. Every day you will discover new convenient little things - this stroller is the best you can think of!

    5th place - Coletto Matteo 3 in 1 (Poland)

    The Coletto Matteo model is made on a lightweight aluminum frame with universal fasteners that allow you to install various modules on the frame. The frame of the Coletto Mateo 3 in 1 stroller is designed in such a way that the cradle or walking block installed on it can be rotated 360 degrees with a slight movement of the hand, and the handle can also be thrown over. This system allows you to easily turn the baby to face you or face the road. In addition to all this, the stroller is all seasonal, i.e. relevant for both summer and winter. The model is equipped with all the necessary accessories and is designed for children from birth to 3 years. For a relatively low price, you get a complete transport system for your baby: a spacious seat unit, a comfortable cradle and a branded car seat.

    6th place - Bebecar Grand Style Plus (Netherlands)

    Bebecar is an elite European brand that produces high-quality strollers. The main difference between the grand style plus model and the entire line of bebeca strollers is the presence of special rubber that perfectly withstands subzero temperatures and severe frosts. In addition, the wheels have a larger diameter, and the updated proprietary suspension makes the ride even softer. All this allows you to use the product as comfortably as possible in the winter, and by removing the insulated elements and opening the ventilation holes in the cradle, in the summer. Like all babycar strollers, the model has a huge variety of colors for 2019. You can find out about the availability of a suitable color from the operators of the “Everything for My Child” store.

    7th place - Camarelo Sevilla 2 in 1 (Poland)

    New for 2017, the Camarelo Sevilla stroller, with a new stylish frame, immediately became the best-seller among modular strollers! The all season stroller is suitable for children from birth to 3 years old. It is possible to install a compatible car seat 0+ (purchased separately). Due to warm, windproof fabrics and high-quality upholstery, camarelo sevilla can be fully used in both winter and summer conditions. Particular attention is paid to the wheels in the product - the rear pair has a larger diameter than the front. All 4 wheels are made of high-strength rubber and are of the inflatable type. The front wheels have swivel mechanisms, which provide excellent maneuverability both off-road and on asphalt. If necessary, they can be fixed in the straight position only, which transforms the stroller into a real SUV.

    8th place - Cosatto Supa (England)

    The new 2019 baby stroller cane made in England Cosatto Supa has many features and innovations. The model is equipped with built-in speakers, to which you can connect players, phones, tablets and use them to play music, fairy tales or other sounds to your baby. The hood has a special pocket for various small items. In terms of cross-country ability, the model has a very smooth ride and dual wheels. The big advantage of the Cosato Supa is its light weight - only 6 kg, and its easily folding design - a cane. The designers did a great job on the stroller, thanks to which the model is available in 5 bright colors.

    9th place - Maclaren Techno XLR (England)

    The stylish Maclaren Techno XLR cane stroller will appeal to even the most fastidious parents for its functionality and quality of workmanship. The stroller is intended from 6 months to 3 years. Possibility of installing a cradle and car seat 0+ on the chassis. The seat is easily and quickly adjusted; you just need to pull two levers at the same time, and you will get a wonderful sleeping place. Protection from the sun and wind will be provided by a foldable hood, which has pockets for mobile phones. Dual rear and front wheels are responsible for maneuverability; the front wheels rotate 360 ​​degrees.

    10th place - EasyWalker Sky (Netherlands)

    EasyWalker Sky is a revolutionary baby stroller, designed by the best Dutch designers in accordance with the modern requirements of parents - stylish, reliable and safe. For 20 years, engineers in the Netherlands tested this model. Having surveyed several thousand mothers and fathers in 25 countries around the world to take into account their wishes, they translated the results into the main advantages of this stroller - convenience for parents and children, Dutch design, ease of control and maximum level of cross-country ability.

    Choosing a baby stroller for young parents is quite difficult, especially if you approach this issue responsibly. A large variety of different models, emerging new products, well-known brands - all this confuses and makes it difficult to choose the first vehicle for your newborn baby. That is why the online store “Everything for my child” decided to prepare a rating of the best baby strollers, which are definitely worth paying attention to. This list includes the most popular models of 2018. We also tried to dilute it with several interesting new products for 2019 that stand out from the general crowd of baby strollers. Each model is presented with a photograph and a brief description, but if any of the companies or models interests you, you can find more detailed information about the product in the product card. The ranking included the world's best brands, which included Polish, Portuguese, English, Dutch and Chinese manufacturers. By visiting the official websites of these brands, you can find many interesting details for each model.

    By the end of 2019, we plan to significantly expand this list of popular models, dividing it into several categories. This will allow parents to quickly and easily choose an excellent baby stroller that is guaranteed not to disappoint you. Follow the official rating update on the Allformybaby store website.

    In the near future we are preparing a new rating with strollers. It will include the best models released by leading European brands. Particular attention will be paid to lightweight summer models such as walking sticks. These products are of great interest to Russian parents, and due to their low cost and convenient design, they are very popular among young parents. More details about the new rating will be available at the end of 2019.

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    The birth of a new inhabitant of the planet is always joy and happiness. But along with this, new worries arise related to various aspects of the baby’s life. And one of them is a walk. Deciding on one model or another can sometimes be very difficult. Even a stroller you like at first glance may turn out to be inconvenient, impractical or heavy. How to properly navigate the variety of vehicles for children and what the best strollers are recommended by parents will be discussed further.

    So, you came to the store. What parameters should you follow to choose the right stroller?

    We focus on the type of case

    There are several of them:

    Classic cradle. She does not unfold, does not change position, except when lying down. Children usually ride in it until they are eight months old, after which they feel cramped and uninterested. The advantages of this type are that it is designed very conveniently for babies: a rigid body, a deep hood, and is not blown or wet. The downside is that it will last a maximum of six months, after which it will have to be replaced.

    2 in 1. Slightly improved classic type. The best 2 in 1 strollers are considered to be more practical in cold climates. The design supports two positions: a cradle and a walking version. When children can already sit and begin to be interested in the world around them, this option will last at least 2 years. But in the summer it can be hot and uncomfortable.

    3 in 1. An option in which another element is added to the 2 in 1 type - a car seat for children up to 3-4 months. A significant disadvantage is that because of the car seat, the price immediately increases by almost 20%, and the device itself will last very little.

    Transformable stroller. Summer strollers most often fall into this category. Their main position is sitting, but if necessary, they can be completely unfolded to lie down. This type is suitable for the summer or for children over one year old. Babies will feel cold and uncomfortable in it.

    Walking type. This is an exclusively seated plan option. They take it for children who already walk confidently, but occasionally they need to rest and sit. Ideal for the warm season. In winter it is replaced by sleds.

    Safety and convenience for the child and parents

    The best strollers are always child-focused. If we are talking about a baby, then he needs a rigid structure that excludes kinks and partitions, like in transformable strollers. The sleeping place should be as insulated as possible in winter, not blown or wet. The latest models have a special lifting partition that can be attached to a button during bad weather. At the same time, there remains a small gap for air, but not for wind.

    In the summer, the stroller should protect from dust and heat, but at the same time not interfere with the free movement of air. For these purposes, the kit includes nets.

    To prevent your baby from bouncing on bumps, the stroller must have good shock absorption and at the same time be comfortable for motion sickness. This parameter is also important for parents, because the better the design is thought out, the easier it is to manage.

    Moms and dads are very picky about choosing the best strollers for their children. What is important for them is convenience, lightness, the ability to fold and fit into the trunk. In addition, children need to take food and clothing with them, so they rely on the attached basket or bag.

    Manufacturer orientation

    For many years, the best vehicles for newborns have been considered to be those from leading European manufacturers: Italian (Peg Perego, Chicco, Inglesina), German (Hartan), English (Silvercross), Portuguese (Bebecar). At the same time, each of the companies boasts of its own special parameters. Thus, the Italians know a lot about summer models that are very strong and reliable, while the Portuguese perfectly combine practicality and functionality.

    Closer neighbors - the Poles - are also starting to join the list of the best strollers from manufacturers. TAKO, Lonex, Caramelo, Roan, Baby Design and some others produce very affordable models. And even if their quality is slightly inferior to other European representatives, they are more accessible to domestic parents. And a very important plus - their models are perfectly adapted to the conditions of the harsh Russian winter.

    Among the budget category, the leaders are our compatriots - Little Trek, "Sagittarius" and Chinese partners - Baby Care, Geoby. Strollers in this group can be used for many years and you won’t regret it if it breaks.

    Rating of 3 in 1 strollers

    Various mothers' forums are simply filled with debates about which stroller is better. Reviews and recommendations give us a specific understanding of what to choose. We will use this to create a rating of the most convenient, comfortable and practical 3-in-1 strollers.

    1. Camarelo Q12 Classic. combines the best qualities. Its affordable price and incredible convenience make it attractive to parents all over the world. The walking unit has a stylish design and a neutral range of colors; the cradle and car seat combine excellent technical and ergometric parameters. The best 3 in 1 strollers should be exactly like the Camarelo Classic.
    2. Maxima Travel is a representative of the German manufacturer. The name itself suggests that the stroller is designed for walking in any conditions on any terrain. Excellent shock absorption and a thoughtful protective layer will protect your baby from bad weather and bad roads. Moms and dads choose this particular model for its strength and reliability.
    3. Foppapedretti 3 Joli. The Italian also entered the top three. This modern stroller perfectly combines versatility, comfort and convenient transformation. The model is equipped with four small wheels and is suitable for areas where there is little snowfall.

    The list doesn't end there. The best 3 in 1 strollers should be looked for among the products of the Polish Camarelo series, this could be Carmela, Carera, Sevilla and others, and the German Stroller series - BGE Glory, Sweet Baby, BGE Maxima Nubuk.

    Rating of 2 in 1 strollers

    There are a large number of good universal strollers on the market. The ranking of the best in the 2 in 1 category is presented below.

    1. Peg-Perego GT3 Modular System. Today this stroller is a bestseller all over the world. It has an attractive appearance, is made of quality materials, lightweight and compact with a three-level shock absorber. This model perfectly combines price and quality.
    2. Bebecar Stylo Class. The greatest popularity of this model was brought by eco-leather, impregnated with a special agent against stubborn stains. It has a very elegant silver frame, in a classic style, and large wheels with cast rubber. The best 2 in 1 strollers are simply jealous of this little one's style.
    3. Emmaljunga Edge Duo Comb. The cradle of this model is equipped with an additional bottom made of cork material, which creates a windproof soft “mattress”. The wheels have a tube, this creates additional shock absorption and improves maneuverability on rough terrain.
    4. Reviews about this stroller are very good. Many mothers believe that she should be called the leader of the ratings.
    5. Aneco Venezia. Nice folding compact option. Easily fits into a small elevator or opening.

    We equip ourselves in winter

    If your baby was born in the cold season, then you will be interested in reading what is the best stroller for winter.

    First of all, you need to pay attention to the NOORDI Arctic sport 2 in 1 model from the Norwegian manufacturer. The harsh climate of this country forced the developer to create an insulated cradle with triple filling. Ideal for the north and regions with cold, windy winters. In addition, the baby's vehicle has a very beautiful design with an unusual ornament. Comfortable fit, maneuverability and lightness puts it ahead of the best strollers. Reviews about this model indicate only excellent quality and reliability indicators.

    Emmaljunga Mondial Duo Combi Leatherette. The stroller has many advantages: best quality, eco-leather, durability, reliability. A soft ride is ensured by double springs, a deep hood and windproof covers are provided. The high tongue will protect you from wind and bad weather. The disadvantages of the model are its significant weight of 17 kg.

    The Camarelo Sevilla is considered the best affordable stroller for winter. It has a cradle and a walking block. But the Polish manufacturer tried to make the quality affordable, so you can safely go to the store for this particular model.

    Noordline Edel. Nice warm German carrycot with car seat. The manufacturer from Germany is famous for the fact that the material used for winter models is sometimes even too warm for the middle zone. So you can insulate yourself to a minimum. But northerners will like the model.

    Summer strollers for newborns

    What should be the best lightweight stroller for newborns in the warmer months? Of course, first of all, parents pay attention to comfort and convenience for themselves and the baby. The walking type is not immediately suitable. You need a good quality soft cradle, but not insulated, so that the baby does not mate. We suggest you consider this type of stroller. Rating of the best (according to moms and dads):

    1. Bugaboo Bee is a very small and compact stroller. The newborn is in it in a special cradle-liner. If required, the baby can be additionally fastened with seat belts. The walking block is designed for up to 4 years.
    2. Silver Cross Dazzle. It is a classic cane. In a sitting position, you cannot even assume that the stroller is intended for babies. But if you unfold it in a special way, you can put a carrying cradle in it, and the baby feels comfortable and safe.
    3. Phil and Teds Smart - high carrycot stroller. It does not have a walking block, but it comes with a car seat. Very compact and miniature. The downside is that a child older than one year will no longer fit in it.
    4. Cybex Callisto. The stroller, despite its versatility, is very well thought out. It looks quite unusual, with small wheels and an unusual stance. Converts into a carrycot and comes with a car seat.
    5. TFK Buggster S-Air 2 in 1. Excellent German version. Very stylish. It has three wheels, but this only improves maneuverability. Folds into a cane and is a great set for a newborn.

    The best strollers

    Many mothers of children over 2 years old are tormented by the question of which stroller is light, best and spacious at the same time. After all, not only will the baby want to sit and sleep during a walk, but also eat and drink. In addition, you need to carry a blouse, toys and your things. Therefore, summer strollers must meet the following main requirements:


    Ease of folding;

    Comfort for the child;

    Good maneuverability;

    Basket capacity.

    Considering all of the above, hundreds of mothers have come to the conclusion that the best strollers are:

    Maclaren Mark II.

    Disney Umbrella Stroller.

    Jeep Wrangler All-Weather Umbrella.

    Silver Cross FIZZ.

    The best Russian strollers

    Everyone talks about "Germans", "English" and "Poles". Why do we forget about our own manufacturer? After all, Little Trek has earned the respect and trust of moms and dads throughout Russia. Many successful models have a modern style and design that is combined with practicality and quality. And the main advantage of all this is the more than affordable price. Let's look at several models from our manufacturer.

    Little Trek Carrycot "Caprice" - a one-piece stroller, without a walking block. The material is impact-resistant plastic with several holes for air ventilation. It is possible to order a car seat separately. Chassis with aluminum base and excellent shock absorption. The lower basket is open type. A good, inexpensive and very reliable option.

    Little Trek Carrycot "Violet". The stroller is made in black and purple tones. It retains heat well in winter and does not let you sweat in summer. The dimensions allow you to dress even a very large child warmly. The covers are removable and can be washed even in a washing machine. Large diameter wheels, excellent shock absorption.

    Little Trek Caramel Carrycot. It has a pleasant beige color, suitable for both boys and girls. The handle has two positions, but the stroller itself does not transform into a walking unit. Comes with a car seat.

    Please note that the cradles themselves can be sold either separately or additionally equipped with a seating unit for an additional fee. The average price of a cradle is 6,500 thousand rubles. The walking block costs about the same. A car seat will cost 4-5 thousand rubles.

    Is it worth overpaying?

    Parents often wonder which stroller is best. Reviews from other moms and dads and forums on the Internet help you find the right answer. And most often the list of ideal strollers includes items whose cost significantly exceeds the expected budget. Is it worth overpaying for transport that, in fact, will not last long?

    It is worth understanding that the cost, in addition to material, work and reliable design, also includes a fee for the brand name. Of course, when choosing a European copy, you can be sure that the stroller will last for a long time and for more than one generation. But they also have disadvantages. For example, Italian ones creak, English ones are heavy, and German ones are too insulated for warm climates.

    The range of budget models is very wide. Perhaps a simpler option will be enough for the child for a year, because soon he will have to change the cradle to a walking block, and then to a sled and a cane stroller. When choosing, pay attention to all these nuances and calculate your budget.

    In the first months of a baby’s life, it is very important to create comfortable and safe conditions, including during walks. It is necessary to pay attention to such factors as cross-country ability on various sections of the road, a reliable shock absorption system, moisture resistance in combination with the ability to ventilate air.

    Rating criteria

    A universal 2 in 1 stroller for newborns should easily move through spring puddles, reliably protect the baby from the scorching sun and rain, and prevent freezing in winter frosts. Leading manufacturers of children's products are able to satisfy all the needs of parents for quality child care.

    The universal configuration allows you to use it for walks from the very birth of the baby until the time when he begins to move independently. To choose from the numerous offers on the modern market the most versatile, comfortable and safe baby stroller for newborns, let’s consider several options.

    An ideal universal stroller should combine a cradle for horizontal positioning of a newborn baby and a lightweight walking option for babies over 6 months. For analysis, we will take some of the most popular models, consider them in detail and determine the independent ratingstrollers for newborns 2 in 1.

    Strollers from various manufacturers were tested for safety and stability. The brake system, handrails and seat belts were also tested.

    10th place - Adamex Nitro 123J

    The modular stroller Adamex Nitro 123J meets European safety standards. Its design is very reliable and stable.

    During the tests, it turned out that the absence of an observation window in the upper part of the stroller is a big drawback, since it is unsafe to leave the child unattended; it is always better to monitor the baby’s well-being and behavior during walks. The disadvantage of the model is a thin layer of foam rubber in the seat of the walking version, which can cause discomfort for the baby while walking.

    9th place - Geoby BABY 05 (Rlnz) Lux 706

    The Geoby BABY 05 (Rlnz) Lux 706 baby stroller has quality standard certifications. It has a safe braking system.

    The walking unit is equipped with a comfortable 5-point seat belt. For the top of the vehicle, safe materials are used that will not harm the baby’s health. The advantage of the model is the presence of a reversible handle, which allows you to carry the child facing the parent. The wheels do not bend under the weight of the child. The disadvantage of the model is that it weighs too much - about 18 kg.

    8th place - Camarelo Sevilla

    The Camarelo Sevilla stroller is an affordable stroller for your baby. The model is presented in a wide range of colors, which allows each customer to choose their own design option. The tool has good functionality.

    The baby bassinet has excellent thermoregulation. The top is made of high-quality fabric that meets all safety requirements.

    The walking block is equipped with an adjustable backrest and footrest, which is very important for sleeping and relaxing in the fresh air. A pleasant walk is ensured by inflatable wheels and excellent shock absorption even on uneven roads. In any weather, the child will be comfortable with a large hood and foot cover.

    The disadvantages include the small size of the cradle. The weak point is also the chassis.

    7th place - Jane Slalom

    Light weight is the parameter that distinguishes this model from the rest. Well protected from tipping over due to its wide base. The three-wheel aluminum frame is very durable and provides excellent stability even on uneven surfaces. The vehicle is quite maneuverable - it turns almost 180° on the spot.

    The comfortable walking unit has a spacious chair (about 38 cm wide), which allows the child to sit comfortably during long walks. Driving safety is controlled by a manual disc brake, which is very helpful when descending. Cross-country ability and smooth ride are ensured by pneumatic inflatable wheels and adjustable suspension. The model performs well both in snow and on uneven roads.

    The practical upper fabric is impregnated with agents against dust, dirt and water. This creates an invisible barrier and extends service life. Comfort in winter and summer is ensured by breathable material that warms in winter and ventilates in summer.

    The adjustable window gives the baby a good view, and the raincoat does not sweat when the temperature changes.

    Disadvantages of Jane Slalom:

    1. The fabric does not retain its attractiveness well and fades in the sun.
    2. The rear parking brake becomes loose over time and the mechanism begins to click when the vehicle moves.

    6th place - Tako Jumper X

    This is a universal model that is equipped with all the necessary kit. Manufacturers have equipped the vehicle for the baby with an ergonomic handle, a portable cradle and a removable protective bumper. If necessary, the cradle can be transformed into a cradle. The hood has a mosquito net and a visor for a comfortable walk at any time of the year.

    Inflatable wheels are equipped with treads and are attached to the frame with bearings. The ability to adjust the shock absorption allows you to adjust the harshness of the ride.

    The walking block is easy to install, equipped with a footrest and seat belts. The set also includes a parent bag and rain cover.

    But the lightweight stroller from Tako has a drawback - the shopping basket is small and not very convenient.

    5th place - Tako Moonlight Black

    Our rating of 2 in 1 strollers presents a stylish and most comfortable stroller for both parents and children. The combined Tako Moonlight Black upper is made of reliable and safe textiles. The model is improved with spring shock absorbers, which provide a comfortable ride even on uneven roads. The convenient book folding system allows you to quickly fold or unfold the stroller; a special handle on the frame allows you to do this in a matter of seconds.

    The vehicle is suitable for children from birth to 3 years old. The lightweight aluminum frame is protected by a system against accidental folding. The large diameter inflatable rubber wheels at the front can be rotated 360°. The cradle and seat block can be installed in any position: facing the parent or facing the road. Adjustable parts allow you to conveniently position the parent handle and footrest. The seat back in the walking version has several positions, including horizontal.

    The advantage of the stroller is that it is made of soft material, pleasant to the touch, and also that the vehicle has a long cross-country ability.

    The disadvantages include the fact that the model weighs slightly more (16 kg) than similar vehicles from other manufacturers.

    4th place - Roan Marita

    The universal modular stroller Roan Marita 2 in 1 has a large selection of colors. The stroller is intended for passengers from 0 to 3 years old.

    The spacious plastic cradle is decorated with high quality natural fabrics. All removable parts are washable. The headrest is easily adjustable, and there are legs and runners for rocking the baby. The cradle can be installed both in the direction of travel and against it. Fabric handles are provided for carrying the baby.

    The walking block can also be positioned in different directions. The backrest is adjustable in several positions, starting from horizontal. The footrest can also be set at different heights.

    For the safety of the child, special belts are provided. For the convenience of parents, there is a shopping basket and a bag for things.

    The disadvantage of the model is its simplicity in execution and lack of originality in finishing.

    3rd place - Camarelo Picasso 2 in 1

    Manufacturers have collected all the latest developments and modern technologies in this model. The frame structure is made of durable aluminum profile and original plastic elements. A simple mechanism makes it possible to fold the frame without removing the wheels. The improved suspension has two-stage stiffness adjustment.

    The model from Camarelo stands out for its lightness and maneuverability. This was achieved thanks to lightweight rims. The parent bag has a hard bottom for convenience, and the shopping basket is designed to hold 5 kg.

    The disadvantage of the model is the absence of additional handles for transportation to the floor.

    2nd place - BabyZen YoYo 2 in 1

    Lightweight, stylish stroller for children up to 15 kg. The option for newborns, which is used in the first months of life, involves placing the cradle facing the parents. The walking block is installed facing the road.

    The cradle provides a comfortable horizontal position for the child. A soft mattress allows the baby to feel comfortable while walking. The large hood protects from wind and sun. There are 5 point safety belts.

    The walking block for an older baby is equipped with an adjustable backrest with an angle of 150°, which makes long walks comfortable. A viewing window in the hood allows parents to monitor their child's behavior.

    For the convenience of moms and dads, the stroller handle is covered with foam material. The spacious basket at the bottom of the model allows you to transport a large number of things.

    The disadvantage of the vehicle is that the handle is not adjustable, there is no step or bumper.

    1st place - Peg-Perego GT3 Modular System

    The model is a sales leader and heads rating of baby strollers 2015, since its functionality and convenience have won the love of customers. The design of the cradle is thought out to the smallest detail; its advantages can be listed for a long time. Today, the stroller from is the most optimal option for children's transport in terms of cost and quality.

    The convenient cradle of the 2 in 1 system is easily mounted on the frame and also easily detached from the chassis. When unfastened, it can be used as a cradle, and when placed on special legs, it can be used as a crib for a baby. For the child’s convenience, it is possible to adjust the height of the headboard using the handle located outside.

    To protect the baby, a soft water-repellent covering is used, which will ensure safety during shocks on uneven roads, and also protect against capricious weather. The interior upholstery is easily removable for treatment and maintenance; it is recommended to wash it by hand. The model is equipped with a new design hood, which allows you to silently adjust it using internal buttons. The carrycot can easily be converted into a child car seat, but seat belts are not included and must be purchased separately.

    The lightweight aluminum frame of the walking block is reliable in operation; it is equipped with shock absorption, which is adjustable to overcome roads of any complexity. Various modes make it easy to roll the stroller on sand, poor surfaces or smooth surfaces. Inflatable wheels have spring suspensions and are easily removed for maintenance.

    For the convenience of parents, there is a spacious basket for things and purchases. To make it easy to access, the developers equipped the design with a special spring. The parent handle can be adjusted in height.

    For safety, there are 5-point harnesses that are adjustable to suit the baby's height. If necessary, you can install a protective bumper with a cover that is easy for your child to hold on to while walking.

    Today Peg-Perego is lightest 2 in 1 strollers. No deficiencies found.

    If this rating helped you get acquainted with the weakest and thinnest points of the popular models of 2015-2016, then you will certainly make the right choice and purchase a reliable and safe vehicle for your baby!

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