• The girl considers you her best friend. Relationship. All the girls consider me just a friend. How to make a girl fall in love with you if she considers you a friend


    You were friends and friends, and suddenly it turned out that you could not only be friends with her, but also date her. But for her you are just a friend. If you simply say: “Let’s date,” then 90% of you will be rejected, because girls do not perceive friends as potential partners. In this article I will give some tips to help you move out of the frame just a girl friend into the frame of a potential partner.

    1. Since you're still just friends, ask her about what she liked about her ex-boyfriends. Surely you will have something in common with them. And then you need to demonstrate these traits, and as actively as possible. It’s just advisable to stick to reality, otherwise it will look ridiculous.

    2. As you know, girls switch from just friendly relationships to love ones much more slowly. Therefore, it would be nice to disappear somewhere for a few days. This is very good advice, which experienced seducers often give to those whom the girl has invited to remain just friends. You yourself won’t understand how you will turn into the one the girl misses. But don't delay this too much. Keep in mind that if a girl hasn’t called you for several months, then this is still a cause for concern.

    3. Sometimes you still have to lie. For example, in the case where your friend found out that you treated your ex-girlfriend poorly. You can say that you have changed since then, you have become much better.

    4. Girls are subconsciously driven crazy when a guy's pupils dilate. This is actually easy to achieve by dimming the lights. Therefore, if possible, do this when you are near the object of your passion. This will make her feel good about you.

    5. Tell her what kind of girls you like. Discreetly name the traits she possesses. But at the last moment, say that, of course, she is not like that. By doing this, you are challenging her, and she will try hard to please you.

    6. Always accept her advances. The more a girl invests in you, the more she hopes to get. Getting sick is a great option. She will visit you, give you tea, and at the same time she will produce oxytocin - the attachment hormone.

    7. Call a friend who is doing great on the personal front, and agree to sit somewhere in pairs: he with his girlfriend, and you with that same friend. Thus, she will subconsciously perceive herself as your girlfriend, and the romantic atmosphere will further enhance the sensations.

    8. Do it anyway. At least kiss her goodbye. The more you touch her, the more she perceives you as a sexual partner and not just a friend.

    Every person wants love. We are all born in love, grow with love and go out into the adult world in search of true and pure love. However, one problem arises here: often people fall in love with those who do not love them back, or it is simply impossible to find a person with whom they would like to fall in love. Let's consider this version of the situation when a girl considers a guy a friend. How to make her fall in love with you?

    Guys and girls can still be friends, although many do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. Adolescence is still devoid of such prejudices, so a girl may want to maintain friendly ties with a guy. There are cases when a girl has known a guy for a long time, so she perceives him as a friend by inertia. They have been friends since childhood, so she doesn’t look at him any other way.

    There are times when a girl is friends with a guy because she cannot date him, but he is so good (that is, useful to her) that she is not ready to part with him. Even ex-lovers can be friends. Of course, it is unlikely that there is friendship between them, but one of them definitely intends to be friends and nothing more.

    There are many situations when a girl can only offer a guy friendship. Should we really give up and do nothing? Is it possible to somehow change the situation?

    A dilemma often arises when guys wonder how to make girls fall in love with them. At some point in time, boys and girls stop being friends and begin to take an adult interest in each other. This is a natural stage of development. And when falling in love begins, guys have a lot of questions, because girls turn out to be complex and different creatures than guys.

    What is falling in love? This is the feeling of a young person who is overwhelmed by positive emotions regarding a specific object. Falling in love makes a person live in illusion. He often sees not the real partner with whom he is in love, but some ideal image that seems to him or that his lover could be.

    This happens with a guy who could already ask a girl to date, but she can only answer him with friendship. Often, guys simply do not see the shortcomings and flaws of the girls they are in love with. All this thanks to the feeling of love. That is why they are ready to pursue the objects of their love, no matter what. However, over time, love fades:

    1. If it was unrequited, then often the feelings simply subside.
    2. If the love was mutual, then it can develop into true love.

    How to make a girl fall in love with you? You should remain yourself, while demonstrating the following aspects of your personality:

    • Confidence.
    • Good manners.
    • Elegance.
    • Courtesy.
    • Attentiveness.

    The guy needs to get rid of such external manifestations of uncertainty as excitement, suspiciousness, anxiety, confused phrases, and lethargy.

    Psychologists say that guys with low self-esteem always have problems with the opposite sex. Women don't like insecure losers. If the guy is like this, then he will have to become different. To help yourself with this, you can go to trainings or use the following recommendations:

    1. Surround yourself with people who will support you.
    2. Think positively.
    3. Value and respect yourself.
    4. Be attentive and sympathetic to others, which gives a man a feeling of reliability and security.

    How to make a girl fall in love with you if she considers you a friend?

    Why does a girl consider a guy a friend? This question must first be answered in order to understand what reason should be eliminated. If a girl doesn’t like the guy’s appearance, then he should take care of himself: go to the gym, get himself in order. If a girl thinks a guy is unkempt and unfashionable, then he should take care of his appearance: buy fashionable clothes, maintain hygiene, do his hair, etc. If a girl says that the guy is not interested in her and simply doesn’t know her, then you need to find out about her hobbies, interests, desires.

    Why is life cruel when it allows people to fall in love with those who do not return the same feeling? They love you, but you don't love you. They love you, but they don’t love you. Where is the justice? In fact, everything is natural. Nobody forces a person to love someone who does not reciprocate, just as he is not obliged to love everyone who loves him. We can say that a person makes his own choice when he begins to suffer and continue to fight for the love of a partner who no longer wants to reciprocate warm feelings.

    When it comes to love, people cite the fact that feelings are difficult to manage. This is true, but only half. It's hard to manage what you don't understand. But if a person understands why he may not love each other, then he will have a chance to get rid of his unrequited suffering.

    Why does a person love those who do not love him? This is a habit that comes from childhood. For the most part, parents rarely show love to their children. In single-parent families, one of the parents is missing, that is, the children do not receive love from him. In other families, parents are so busy with their work and worries that they do not devote time to their children. In still other families, parents show indifference to their own children: they hire nannies to educate them. Fourthly, mothers and fathers are simply so passionate about their lives that children grow up on their own.

    If in childhood a person grew up among parents who did not show love to their child, then he learns to love those who do not love him. Thus, the parents themselves teach the child to love those who do not reciprocate. This is sometimes called “understanding what love is.” In this article we will simply call it a habit. Since a child always loves his parents unconditionally, no matter what they do, he gets used to receiving exactly the love that they give. If a person loved, and his parents treated him indifferently or paid very little attention, or constantly compared him with someone, or criticized him and forced him to be good in order to receive their recognition, then he gets used to exactly this form of love towards himself. Becoming an adult, a person begins to love. And it is quite natural that he falls in love with those who show him the same attitude that his parents showed him in childhood.

    Thus, the form of love that your parents (or siblings you hold dear) showed you as a child dictates who you will start to fall in love with. You will love. But the people you are interested in will show you the attitude to which you have been accustomed since childhood. You may suffer from unrequited love. But you may notice that for some reason you don’t love those people who fall in love with you. This is all because you are not used to loving those who love you. You are more accustomed to loving only people who reject you. Do you understand the mechanism?

    A person loves in adulthood the same way he did in childhood. Whatever attitude parents show towards a person in childhood, the partners he chooses will treat him the same way. A person gets used to loving only those who demonstrate parental behavior. And if a person’s parents did not love him very much, rejected him, or showed indifference, then he will only love people who show such an attitude. At the same time, all applicants who show sincere love will be rejected, since a person is not accustomed to love when they love him.

    The same thing happens with a guy who loves a girl who considers him her friend. He loves because she is friends with him, otherwise he would not love her.

    You can make a girl fall in love with you, even if she considers you her friend. To do this you should do:

    1. Become the kind of guy she wants to see next to her, that is, change, fit herself into this image.
    2. Don't run after the girl, be a little inaccessible. Here you can also start hanging out with other girls to make your beloved, who is currently rejecting you, jealous.
    3. Be generous. If a girl asks for something, then help. If she needs your attention, then give it to her.
    4. Be independent from the opinions of parents, friends and other people. Girls love independent, wayward guys.

    How to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you?

    Often it is not your friend who has to fall in love with you, but your ex-girlfriend. Due to inexperience and heated emotions, young people break up. If you want to win back the love of your ex-girlfriend again, then use the following tips:

    • Analyze the reasons for your separation. Why was the girl unhappy? What didn't she like about the guy? What complaints and reproaches were there on her part? Since this guy wants to win back his ex's love, he will have to change. You should remove from your character and behavior those flaws that the girl could not come to terms with. You need to become what she wants you to be.
    • Arrange up to 3 random meetings with your ex. The main emphasis here is on friendly communication between former partners. There should be no memories, love words, requests or pleas to come back. You just have to communicate like friends. At the same time, you must show yourself in a modified form. You have become ambitious, self-confident, purposeful, active. The girl will be hurt by the fact that such a cool guy is no longer hers, and she will want to return to you.
    • Be an interesting conversationalist and pleasantly surprise from time to time. Start communicating on topics that interest the girl. Start doing things that will make your ex happy, but she never expected to see them from you.

    Still come to your ex's aid. Give her support. She must understand that she can rely on you in difficult times.

    How to make your friend's girlfriend fall in love with you?

    It's quite a sticky situation when you like a friend's girlfriend. Here you must first make a firm decision for yourself: either you continue to be a friend, but then you stop thinking about the girl, or you begin to win the girl, but you will have to forget about friendship.

    If friendship is important to you, then try to minimize meetings with his girlfriend. Get yourself involved with other girls or some activities, hobbies, concerns.

    If you still understand that the girl is important to you, then start courting her. Always be in her sight. Come to her aid in difficult times. Make her fall in love with you when she is in a fight with your friend.

    Bottom line

    It is quite possible to make a girl fall in love with you. All that remains is to decide whether you really need it. After all, it happens that fate creates a situation of unrequited love for a reason. Maybe just be yourself and look for someone who will love you that way?

    The relationship between a guy and a girl is a complicated thing. Girls may not notice a guy, and then suddenly fall in love, or develop a relationship slowly and steadily. However, the guys try and build relationships. But often they are faced with the fact that the development of relationships only leads to friendship. Why did this happen and how to proceed? This is exactly what we will look at in our article.

    In order to understand this problem, you need to understand the reasons why the girl considers you only a friend. But we can say with complete confidence that your chosen one is either not deciding on a serious relationship. Or the girl has no interest in you.

    There are several main reasons why you are only a friend for a girl:

    1. She is not attracted to you as a man. Yes, you are a good, reliable person with whom it is interesting to communicate, but nothing more. That's why you're only suitable for her as a friend.

    2. The girl has someone. If you know that this is not the case, then do not exclude the possibility that your friend may have sympathy for another person. That's why she doesn't notice you.

    In any case, don't give up. After all, this is the lot of weak people. You need to be patient and see the potential for future relationships in friendship. By understanding the reason, you need to protect yourself from the main mistakes that guys make in such a situation.

    And so, what not to do if a girl said that she considers you only a friend:

    1. Don't get depressed. Friendship is already something. Initially, you must understand that if a girl offers you friendship, then this is not so bad. Because you are at least a reliable person with whom she is interested in communicating, and this is not a bad thing.

    2. No ultimatums. You shouldn’t put the question bluntly and say that you can’t be a friend because you have deep feelings for her. By doing this, you will most likely be left with nothing. With such words you will not win the girl’s heart, but will only push her away from you.

    3. And most importantly, don’t be a bore. Don't bother your girl with constant calls and messages. Many guys begin to almost follow the girl. With such actions they only bother and scare the girl away. You are a man, so have respect for yourself.

    Girls love persistent men. But they also love men who know how to compromise and, if necessary, can give in to them. After all, it is actually very difficult to live with a dictator. Agree to friendship and understand that this is not a categorical “no” told to you, but only temporary. Therefore, first, show your beloved that you are a truly reliable and not annoying friend.

    Don't forget that love between a girl and a guy often begins with friendship.

    And so, understanding not the hopelessness of your situation, but seeing only bright prospects in it, let’s move on to the final solution to your problem.

    Let's consider what you need to change in yourself so that a girl sees you as her potential man:

    1. Charm. Girls fall in love with men who know how to impress. Develop good qualities in yourself that your chosen one likes.

    2. Flirting. Learn to subtly hint to a girl about something more. The ability to flirt with your eyes, facial expressions and words is a serious weapon in the fight for a girl’s heart.

    3. Compliments. The beautiful half of humanity loves good words in their direction. This way, you will let the girl know that you are very attracted to her.

    4. Confidence and reliability. These are the feelings your friend should experience when she is with you. These are the qualities that tell you that you can be relied upon.

    Using these tips, you will make yourself more attractive. And over time, your chosen one will understand that the one she was looking for for a serious relationship is next to her and that is you.

    Question from Vladislav

    Hello. I have such a problem. I don’t like to show off my feelings, but I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m a guy, 19 years old, average build, calm, no bad habits, always cheerful among friends)) But the fact is that no matter who I meet (girls), everyone considers me just a “friend.” Although my problem, I think, is that I live by someone else’s opinion, I’m used to adapting to people, it’s easier this way... It was that I confessed my feelings, but the answer was “we’re just friends, let’s not spoil anything.” I take relationships seriously, I can’t stand lies, scandals, betrayals, and that’s why it’s difficult for me to find anyone. Please tell me what to do, maybe I should change? Or leave everything as it is.?

    Answer to the question

    Hello, Vladislav!

    You write that it is difficult for you to build relationships with girls, since they perceive you exclusively as a friend. You yourself think that the problem is your conformity: you adapt to other people, “live by someone else’s opinion.” “Should I change,” you write, “or should I leave everything as it is?” The paradox is this: in order to change you need to remain as you are. Do not change in order to adapt, to mimic a certain situation or person. But rather, remember yourself: not to be convenient for someone, but to choose the direction of healthy selfishness. Look at which girls do you pay attention to most often? You will see that they have a common quality that unites them. Perhaps this quality will be inaccessibility. When you are ready to lay the whole world at her feet in order to get attention, and in response you hear: “You are so good, what a great friend!” In this case, why do you need constant confirmation of your “goodness”? Often, as adults, we experience certain emotionally significant situations from childhood that we were unable to resolve then.

    Perhaps the common feature of all guys in the “friend zone” is the desire to help. They have a life scenario of a savior; for some reason they think that love must be earned through good deeds. And they bend over backwards to please, but the girl doesn’t appreciate it. She, in turn, may have another scenario where you are destined for just such a role. So the savior guys choose girls who are either cold and undisclosed themselves, or who are in the friend zone of a larger egoist. The way out of the situation is simple: allow yourself healthy selfishness. Treat yourself with respect, pay attention to the difference between help and dedication. Where there is use of another for selfish purposes, there cannot be feelings, even friendly ones. And, of course, determine: what kind of girl do you want to see next to you? The one that will draw strength from you, or the one that will happily share with you. In a relationship, first of all, the balance of return is important. Otherwise, it turns out to be a one-sided game.

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