• About the eccentric frog (How the little frog was looking for dad). A fairy tale about a little frog who was looking for his dad. The meaning of the fairy tale about how the little frog was looking for his dad.



    One day a little frog sat by the river and watched a yellow sun swim in the blue water. And then the wind came and said: “Doo.” And wrinkles appeared along the river and the sun. The wind got angry and said it again. “Doo, doo, doo!” Very much. He apparently wanted to smooth out the wrinkles, but there were more of them.
    And then the frog got angry. He took the twig and said to the wind: “And I will drive you away. Why are you frowning at the water and your beloved sun?”
    And he drove the wind, drove him through the forest, across the field, through a large yellow ditch. He drove him into the mountains, where goats and sheep graze. And all day there the little frog jumped after the wind and waved his twig. Someone thought: he drives away the bees. Someone thought: he scares the birds. But he didn’t scare anyone or anything.
    He was small. He was an eccentric. I just rode in the mountains and was grazed by the wind.


    And yesterday a red cow came to visit the little frog. She hummed, shook her smart head and suddenly asked:
    - Excuse me, green one, but what would you do if you were a red cow?
    - I don’t know, but for some reason I don’t really want to be a red cow.
    - But still?
    - I would still dye my hair from red to green.
    - Well, and then?
    - Then, I would saw off the horns.
    - Why?
    - So as not to butt heads.
    - Well, what then?
    - Then I would file the legs... So as not to kick.
    - Well, and then, then?..
    “Then I would say: “Look, what kind of cow am I? I'm just a little green frog."


    Everyone knows what they are looking for. And he himself did not know what the frog was looking for. Maybe mom; maybe dad; or maybe a grandmother or grandfather.
    In the meadow he saw a large cow.
    “Cow, cow,” he told her, “do you want to be my mother?”
    “Well,” the cow mooed. - I’m big, and you’re so small!
    On the river he met a hippopotamus.
    - Hippopotamus, hippopotamus, will you be my dad?
    “Well,” the hippopotamus smacked his lips, “I’m big, and you’re small!”
    The bear did not want to become a grandfather. And here the frog got angry. He found a small grasshopper in the grass and said to it:
    - Well, that's it! I am big and you are small. And I will still be your dad.


    What are butterflies? - asked the grasshopper.
    “Flowers are scentless,” answered the frog. - In the morning they bloom. In the evening they fall off. Once I saw in a meadow: a blue butterfly had bloomed. Her wings lay on the grass - the wind stroked them. Then I came and stroked it too. I said:
    - Where do these blue petals come from? Probably flying around the blue sky.
    If the blue sky flies around, it will turn pink. If the blue sky flies around, the sun will bloom. In the meantime, we must sit in the meadow and stroke the blue petals.


    What are stars? - the grasshopper once asked. The little frog thought and said:
    - Big elephants say: “The stars are golden carnations, they nail the sky.” But don't believe it.
    Big bears think:
    “Stars are snowflakes that forgot to fall.” But don't trust them either.
    Listen to me better. I think the big rain is to blame.
    After a big rain, big flowers grow. And it also seems to me that when they reach the sky with their heads, they fall asleep there, tucking their long legs.
    “Yes,” said the grasshopper. - This is more like the truth. Stars are big flowers. They sleep in the sky with their long legs tucked under them.


    Everyone wants to be bigger. Here is a goat - he wants to be a ram. The ram wants to be a bull. Bull - elephant.
    And the little frog also wanted to become bigger. But how, how to do this? Pull yourself by the paw? - it doesn’t work. Behind the ear too. But there is no tail...
    And then he went out into a large field, sat down on a small hillock and began to wait for the sun to set.
    And when the sun began to set, a shadow began to grow from the frog. In the beginning she was like a goat; then - how
    ram; then - like a bull; and then - like a big, big elephant.
    Then the little frog rejoiced and shouted:
    - And I’m a big elephant!
    Only the big elephant was very offended.
    “And you are no elephant,” he said to the frog. - This is your shadow - a big elephant. And you, you are just like that - a big eccentric at the end of the day.

    February 23rd is celebrated in our country Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

    This day is a tribute to our respect to all generations of the heroic Russian army. And since from time immemorial men have been protectors, this is truly “Men’s Day”, on which all representatives of the stronger sex - from boys to gray-haired veterans - accept congratulations and receive gifts. We have a gift too!

    Poems and fairy tales are often written about mothers, and so it is sung in the song "May there always be a mother" and not a word about dad. It's a shame!

    We chose books where there is interesting dads and stories about them.

    "Karlchen, dad, mom and grandma Nikkel."
    Berner Rotraut to Susanne.

    Per. with him. Elena Bredis.
    M.: Melik-Pashaev, 2010. - 96 p.

    Karlchen is a little bunny, he lives the same way as all children. He starts his day with his mother's smile, goes to the store with his father on Saturdays, comes to visit his grandmother every summer, and does not want to go to bed in the evening. One day, on the most ordinary day, everything suddenly changed, Karlchen had a little sister, and now he is not just little Karlchen, he is an older brother!

    "You know how much I love you."
    McBratney Sam.

    Per. from English: Evgenia Kanishcheva, Yana Shapiro.
    M.: OGI, 2006. - 31 p.

    A book in which a baby and his dad play together, go to bed together and talk about how much they love each other.

    "Like a little frog was looking for dad."
    Tsyferov Gennady.

    M.: Pushkin Library: Astrel:AST, 2005. - 366 p.

    About a frog who knew that all babies have dads who love them, walk with them, play, take care of them, but he doesn’t have a dad. And the little frog went to look for his dad. But Gennady Tsyferov wrote other wonderful fairy tales for kids.

    "Tell me, dad, why do you love me?"
    Brenifier Oscar.

    Per. from fr. D. Sokolova.
    M.: Klever-Media-Group, 2013. - 32 p.

    “I’m busy right now, I don’t have time to answer your questions,” dad said. Then Alex took Fluffy (Alex's favorite toy) and went to ask questions to bees, birds, squirrels and even the Moon. And only dad knew the correct answer. What did he answer to Alex?

    "Chuk and Gek".
    Gaidar Arkady.

    M.: Bustard-Plus, 2005. - 63 p.

    Charming mischief-makers Chuk and Gek live with their mother in Moscow. One ordinary day they receive a telegram: dad, the head of a geological exploration station, invites the whole family to a distant and harsh region “near the Blue Mountains” where he works. Who would refuse such a trip? This adventure changed Chuk and Huck: it taught them not to deceive, support each other and rejoice, despite the most diverse and not always pleasant circumstances of life.

    “Like a wolf was a mother to a calf.”
    Lipskerov Mikhail.

    M.: Planet of Childhood, 2010.- 95 p.

    You probably know a lot of fairy tales where the wolf is one of the main fairy tale characters. The wolf in fairy tales is always evil, treacherous and cruel. Do you want to listen or read a fairy tale about a good, kind wolf, who became almost a real “mother” for one calf? Are you saying that this can’t happen? Then open the book quickly!

    "What is good and what is bad."
    Mayakovsky Vladimir.

    M.: Det. lit., 1978. - 15 p.

    “The little son came to his father, and the little one asked...”
    Is it so easy or not to determine what is good and what is bad? It’s not at all simple...Only an intelligent, decent person can answer such a question. After talking with dad, children will understand how important it is to grow up as hardworking, brave and educated people.

    "Dad, mom, grandma, eight kids and a truck."
    Westley Anna-Katrina.

    Per. from Norwegian by L. Gorlina.
    M.: Makhaon, 2007.-224 p.

    “Once upon a time there lived a big, big family: dad, mom and eight children... And with them lived a small truck, which they all loved very much. How could one not love it - after all, the truck fed the whole family!” Anna-Katrina Westley's sweet stories about incredibly warm and tender family relationships have won many readers' hearts. Why? Because, despite all the difficulties and ups and downs of life, children and adults - the heroes of the book, rejoice in what they have, always look for compromises in everything, love and respect each other immensely. Dad is amazing, his calmness and ability to approach any problem with humor! There's a lot to learn...

    "Daddy's Dragon"
    Ruth Stiles Gannett.

    Per. Grigory Kruzhkov.
    M.: Meshcheryakov Publishing House, 2012. - 92c.

    The fairy tale story about what happened “one day, when dad was still little” is very slightly, at the very beginning, similar to the story of E. Uspensky about the boy Uncle Fyodor. Then the boy also brought a cat home, but his mother did not appreciate his “friend” and kicked him out. And the cat was talking and told dad something that dad had no choice but to become a real traveler, a fearless hero - the savior of a rare animal and even a little tamer - after all, wild ancestral predators tried to interfere with his rescue mission on their Wild ancestral island .

    "Deniska's stories."
    Dragunsky Victor.

    M.: Makhaon, 2012. - 29 p.

    In Dragunsky's stories, mom often reprimands both dad and son at the same time, and when leaving, she asks Deniska to look after dad. But it’s easy and fun with Deniska’s dad, except when he starts raising his son. Having learned that he took third place in swimming, he asks who took first and second. Seeing that his son has learned to ride a bicycle, he criticizes his posture. Getting involved in a comic game, he reprimands. And when Deniska doesn’t want to eat milk noodles with foam, he tells him about how he starved during the war. It seems to the modern reader: well, they were given these foams, they should remove the foams, since the child does not like them. But then the boy Deniska takes and eats everything to the bottom, and even licks the spoon.

    "Like dad was little."
    Raskin Alexander.

    M.: Makhaon, 2008. - 171 p.

    Still, it’s great that dads aren’t born adults right away. Every dad was once a boy and all sorts of stories happened to him. Alexander Raskin amused his sick daughter with stories from his childhood. There were a lot of interesting things in his childhood. I remembered so many stories that there was enough for the whole book “How Dad Was Little.” Now all children can read how little dad wrote poetry, studied music, was friends with a girl, went to the cinema and hunted a tiger. That he, too, was once late for school, came up with all sorts of tall tales for teachers, was offended by the funny nicknames they came up with for him...

    "Bottle Mail for Dad."
    Schiernek Hubert.

    Per. with him. E. Voronova
    M.: Enas-Kniga, 2010. - 52p.

    Little Hannah's father is a sea and ocean explorer. While he is working in the Indian Ocean, the girl writes letters to him: about their home on the Baltic coast, about her mother-doctor who treats unusual patients, about Charlie the cat, about Caroline the giraffe, about her studies at school...

    "How is your health?"
    Aleksin Anatoly.

    M.: Malysh, 1975. - 26 p.

    “When dad sings cheerfully and loudly in the morning, I know that he is very sad in his soul. Then I say that I believe in him, and dad’s soul immediately becomes lighter, and he stops singing.” Aleksin’s stories are a real “workshop of kindness.” They teach goodness and justice, make you think about the complexity of human characters and relationships.

    "I'm raising my dad."
    Baranovsky Mikhail.

    M.: Klever-Media-Group, 2013. -187 p.

    Mikhail Baranovsky is a famous writer, as well as the father of a little boy. His new hilariously funny and at the same time very touching book is a touching story told by a ten-year-old boy, Marik, who lives alone with his dad. Marik is very inquisitive. What is silence, what is the connection between tarantulas and money in the house, what to expect from Santa Claus, how to calculate the child's harmfulness coefficient, where the soul is - these are just a few of the questions that concern Marik and which he discusses with his father.

    "My good dad."
    Golyavkin Victor.

    M.: Samokat, 2012. - 128 p.

    The story by Viktor Golyavkin (1929-2001) is autobiographical: he, like the hero of the book, grew up in Baku, his father actually taught music and died in the war. But the book is written about all the “good dads”, about fatherly and filial love, about growing up and upbringing. “My Good Dad” is one of Viktor Golyavkin’s most famous works for children. First published in 1964, it was published several times, and in 1970 a film of the same name was shot at the Lenfilm studio.

    "Roni is the daughter of a robber."
    Lindgren Astrid.

    M.: Children's literature, 1978. - 220 p.

    The robber Mattis adores his daughter Roni, the father is proud of his daughter and dreams of raising her to be a real robber. The father’s plans are disrupted by Roni’s friendship with the son of the enemy robber chieftain. Will the father now love his disobedient daughter as before? Let's read and find out!

    Oster Gregory.

    M.: Rosman, 1999. - 119 p.

    Poems for conscious citizens of a conscious age, who will understand that every line should be taken with humor, that there is no need to literally slow down into the soft bellies of dads while accelerating on bicycles. By studying papamology, you will over time understand how the body of adults works, how to harden it so that it is always cheerful, fresh and full of strength. Oster is always a good mood. Moms and dads will also find it useful to “refresh themselves” with this book.

    Tsyferov Gennady Mikhailovich

    About the eccentric frog

    Gennady Tsyferov

    About the eccentric frog

    Fairy tale first

    One day a little frog sat by the river and watched a yellow sun swim in the blue water. And then the wind came and said: “Doo.” And wrinkles appeared along the river and the sun. The wind got angry and said again: “Doo, doo, doo.” Very much. He apparently wanted to smooth out the wrinkles, but there were more of them.

    And then the frog got angry. He took the twig and said to the wind: “And I will drive you away. Why are you wrinkled the water and your beloved sun?”

    And he drove the wind, drove him through the forest, across the field, through a large yellow ditch. He drove him into the mountains, where goats and sheep graze.

    And all day there the little frog jumped after the wind and waved his twig. Someone thought: he drives away the bees. Someone thought: he scares the birds. But he didn’t scare anyone or anything.

    He was small. He was an eccentric. I just rode in the mountains and was grazed by the wind.

    The second tale

    And yesterday a red cow came to visit the little frog. She hummed, shook her smart head and suddenly asked: “Excuse me, green one, but what would you do if you were a red cow?”

    I don’t know, but for some reason I don’t really want to be a red cow.

    But still?

    I would have dyed my hair from red to green anyway.

    Well, what then?

    Then I would saw off the horns.


    So as not to butt heads.

    Well, what then?

    Then I would file the legs... So as not to kick.

    Well, and then, then?

    Then I would say: “Look, what kind of cow am I? I’m just a little green frog.”

    The third tale

    He probably would have been small all his life, but one day this happened.

    Everyone knows what they are looking for. And he himself did not know what the frog was looking for. Maybe mom; maybe dad; or maybe a grandmother or grandfather.

    In the meadow he saw a large cow.

    Cow, cow,” he told her, “do you want to be my mother?”

    “What are you talking about,” the cow mooed. - I’m big, and you’re so small!

    On the river he met a hippopotamus.

    Hippopotamus, hippopotamus, will you be my daddy?

    “What are you doing,” the hippopotamus smacked his lips. - I'm big, and you're small!..

    The bear did not want to become a grandfather. And here the frog got angry. He found a small grasshopper in the grass and said to it:

    Well, that's it! I am big and you are small. And I will still be your dad.

    Tale Four

    What are butterflies? - asked the grasshopper.

    “Flowers are scentless,” answered the frog. - In the morning they bloom. In the evening they fall off. One day I was sitting in a meadow: a blue butterfly had bloomed. Her wings lay on the grass - the wind stroked them. Then I came and stroked it too. I said, "Where do these blue petals come from? Probably flying around the blue sky."

    If the blue sky flies around, it will turn pink. If the blue sky flies around, the sun will bloom. In the meantime, we must sit in the meadow and stroke the blue petals.

    The fifth tale

    Everyone wants to be bigger. Here is a goat - he wants to be a ram. The ram wants to be a bull. Bull - elephant.

    And the little frog also wanted to become bigger. But how, how to do this? Pull yourself by the paw? - it doesn’t work. Behind the ear too. But there is no tail...

    And then he went out into a large field, sat down on a small hillock and began to wait for the sun to set.

    And when the sun began to set, a shadow began to grow from the frog. In the beginning she was like a goat; then - like a ram; then - like a bull; and then like a big, big elephant.

    Then the little frog rejoiced and shouted:

    And I'm a big elephant!

    Only the big elephant was very offended.

    “And you are no elephant,” he said to the frog. - This is your shadow, a big elephant. And you, you are just like that - a big eccentric at the end of the day.

    Among children's writers, there are many sincere and kind authors, whose works make you think about serious things. Among such people was Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov, the creator of amazing and educational fairy tales.

    The Soviet cinema "Soyuzmultfilm" practiced producing bright and instructive cartoons. Both hand-drawn and puppet-animated films were made with high quality and carried not only an entertaining, but also an instructive part.

    The children's fairy tale "How the Little Frog Searched for Dad" is filled with a colorful and exciting plot. Throughout the entire film, the little naive Frog wanders through forests, fields and swamps in search of his “own” dad.

    The fairy tale story of Gennady Tsyferov

    Tsyferov’s book “How the Little Frog Searched for Dad” is a funny fairy tale with developing moments. The main role in it is given to the cheerful, cheerful Frog. This is a little romantic nature that notices everyday little things and finds charm in them. He is cheerful, kind, savvy and a great inventor. The little frog has many different ideas and dreams, and his entire little interesting life is spoiled by one not unimportant nuance: he is very lonely. That is why the hero wants to find a family and wanders in search of his mother and father.

    The Adventures of Little Frog

    The story of how Little Frog was looking for his dad is a little naive, touching, kind and interesting. In search of a relative, the baby travels a long way through the surrounding area and performs a lot of strange and funny actions:

    • Trying to become like an elephant, the green baby notices that his shadow tends to acquire large sizes. He waits until sunset and climbs the highest mountain, from which his shadow takes on long, elongated outlines. His action somehow offended the elephant and nothing good came of this idea.
    • In one of his adventures, Little Frog noticed the fact that the wind was rippling the river. The little fidget didn't like this. He does everything to drive away the wind from the river surface. The little eccentric sincerely believed that he was doing the right thing because of his love for the river and the sun.
    • Communicating with the cow, the Frog offers her actions that will make her look like himself. When the horned animal asks what he would do as a cow, our hero explains the actions that turned him into a “little green creature.”

    Search for relatives

    Gennady Tsyferov's book "How Little Frog Searched for Dad" is actually called "About Little Frog the Eccentric." The title accurately describes the main character of the book.

    The central moment in the book is those events when a restless grown-up “tadpole” tries to find a dad or mom. His fruitless attempts bring a smile of tenderness to young readers. It's funny to watch how the clumsy little Frog persuades a bear, a cow and a hippopotamus to become his dad.

    He really wanted to acquire a loved one who would become his family: dad, mom, grandmother or grandfather. He really wanted someone to take care of him and teach him something.

    But the cow refused the green fidget. She said that he is small and she is big, so she cannot become his mother.

    The hippopotamus justified its refusal with these facts. He categorically refused to become a father for Little Frog, and the brown bear sternly replied that he did not want to become his grandfather.

    The frog becomes... dad

    The animated tale "How Little Frog Searched for Dad" shows a more extensive search for a close relative by a green eccentric. He persuades almost every animal to become his father: an elephant, a hippopotamus, a crocodile... He is naive and sweet, he does not notice the danger of the crocodile’s offer to “play hide and seek” and hide in his tummy." Wanting to please the potential "dad", the Frog jumps in into his gaping mouth. But, fortunately, the crocodile was full and immediately spat the fidget back, completely refusing to be his father.

    The long search for a close relative could not be crowned with success. And suddenly the Frog heard someone crying: it was a little Grasshopper, who was also looking for his dad. He feels sorry for the Grasshopper, and he comes to an important decision: “Even though I’m big and you’re small, I will be your dad!”

    He immediately takes care of the Grasshopper when he, jumping along the path, gets tangled in the grass. The frog claims that he will teach the “son” everything that the “father” has to teach. For example, jumping correctly.

    The book “How Little Frog Searched for Dad” describes the continuation of an interesting story. One of the parts tells how the Frog explains to his “son” Grasshopper what “butterflies” are.

    It turns out that these are flowers that bloom in the morning and wither at night...

    The naive, inquisitive Frog becomes a caring father for the little Grasshopper. This fairy tale teaches kindness, mutual assistance, and caring for one's neighbor. A good, wonderful story about the romantic Frog and his amazing adventures.

    Fairy tale first

    One day a little frog sat by the river and watched a yellow sun swim in the blue water. And then the wind came and said: “Doo.” And wrinkles appeared along the river and the sun. The wind got angry and said again: “Doo, doo, doo.” Very much. He apparently wanted to smooth out the wrinkles, but there were more of them.

    And then the frog got angry. He took the twig and said to the wind: “And I will drive you away. Why are you frowning at the water and your beloved sun?”

    And he drove the wind, drove him through the forest, across the field, through a large yellow ditch. He drove him into the mountains, where goats and sheep graze.

    And all day there the little frog jumped after the wind and waved his twig. Someone thought: he drives away the bees. Someone thought: he scares the birds. But he didn’t scare anyone or anything.

    He was small. He was an eccentric. I just rode in the mountains and was grazed by the wind.

    The second tale

    And yesterday a red cow came to visit the little frog. She hummed, shook her smart head and suddenly asked: “Excuse me, green one, but what would you do if you were a red cow?”

    I don’t know, but for some reason I don’t really want to be a red cow.

    But still?

    I would have dyed my hair from red to green anyway.

    Well, what then?

    Then I would saw off the horns.


    So as not to butt heads.

    Well, what then?

    Then I would file the legs... So as not to kick.

    Well, and then, then?

    Then I would say: “Look, what kind of cow am I? I'm just a little green frog."

    The third tale

    He probably would have been small all his life, but one day this happened.

    Everyone knows what they are looking for. And he himself did not know what the frog was looking for. Maybe mom; maybe dad; or maybe a grandmother or grandfather.

    In the meadow he saw a large cow.

    Cow, cow,” he told her, “do you want to be my mother?”

    “What are you talking about,” the cow mooed. - I’m big, and you’re so small!

    On the river he met a hippopotamus.

    Hippopotamus, hippopotamus, will you be my daddy?

    “What are you doing,” the hippopotamus smacked his lips. - I'm big, and you're small!..

    The bear did not want to become a grandfather. And here the frog got angry. He found a small grasshopper in the grass and said to it:

    Well, that's it! I am big and you are small. And I will still be your dad.

    Tale Four

    What are butterflies? - asked the grasshopper.

    “Flowers are scentless,” answered the frog. - In the morning they bloom. In the evening they fall off. One day I was sitting in a meadow: a blue butterfly had bloomed. Her wings lay on the grass - the wind stroked them. Then I came and stroked it too. I said, “Where do these blue petals come from? Probably flies around the blue sky.”

    If the blue sky flies around, it will turn pink. If the blue sky flies around, the sun will bloom. In the meantime, we must sit in the meadow and stroke the blue petals.

    The fifth tale

    Everyone wants to be bigger. Here is a goat - he wants to be a ram. The ram wants to be a bull. Bull - elephant.

    And the little frog also wanted to become bigger. But how, how to do this? Pull yourself by the paw? - it doesn’t work. Behind the ear too. But there is no tail...

    And then he went out into a large field, sat down on a small hillock and began to wait for the sun to set.

    And when the sun began to set, a shadow began to grow from the frog. In the beginning she was like a goat; then - like a ram; then - like a bull; and then - like a big, big elephant.

    Then the little frog rejoiced and shouted:

    And I'm a big elephant!

    Only the big elephant was very offended.

    “And you are no elephant,” he said to the frog. - This is your shadow - a big elephant. And you, you are just like that - a big eccentric at the end of the day.

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