• Regional benefits for single mothers. Benefits and compensation for kindergarten. What benefits are available in the housing sector?

    Now the situation in the country is such that many women are forced to register as single mothers. And not even because there is no man nearby, but simply in order to receive at least some extra penny to support the baby.

    Benefits for a single mother

    Not all mothers can obtain this status. The thing is that the legislation of the Russian Federation is currently very strict regarding any social payments, the issue of single mothers is especially acute. Why:

    Many mothers do not register their common-law husbands like fathers, living with them. All this is done, of course, to receive additional assistance from the state. But in this case, do not forget that there are executive services that have the right to check your status. And if you live with a man, have income from him, and this can be confirmed by neighbors or relatives, your status as a single mother will “hang” in the air.

    If the mother nevertheless registered someone as the father (even dad or grandfather, uncle or brother), this is no longer considered the status of a single mother. The law is set out in such a way that if a child has a father listed on his certificate, it means he has a full-fledged family and it doesn’t matter how they live or what kind of relationship they are in.

    Also, the status of a single mother is not granted when the child does have an official father. That is, if a woman divorced while pregnant, but the father does not deny his participation in the conception, then she can simply claim alimony provided by the state, and the mother also has the right to involve the father in court to raise the baby. But here it’s already a voluntary matter for the mother herself.

    Under Article 48 Family Code The father is considered to be the one who is included in the baby’s birth certificate. You can challenge this registration only in judicial procedure and the mother, biological father or the child himself has the right to this, but already at an adult age.

    Sometimes a woman can obtain the status of a single mother even if she is married. In this case, a dash is simply placed on the birth certificate. And even if she marries again, this status will not be reset. It ceases to operate when the lady’s husband adopts a child.

    Who is or is not eligible for single mother status?

    Eligible for status

    If the child was born out of wedlock, paternity is not indicated by the mother and she raises him alone.

    If within three hundred days the child was born, and the marriage was dissolved, and paternity was challenged in court.

    If the child was taken into care (adopted) by a single woman.

    Not eligible for status

    If the marriage was dissolved with the child's father, who is included in the birth certificate, but the father still does not pay child support.

    If the child's father is established in court, even if he does not live with the child's mother.

    If the child's official father has died, there is a death certificate, or parental rights have been terminated. In this case, the woman also does not have the right to the status of a single mother.

    Allowances and benefits for a single mother

    1. Firstly, do not forget that there is no such thing as a “single mother” in Russian legislation No. But, nevertheless, the Russian system, which operates in the interests of mother and child, allows regions to independently solve preferential problems and charges for single mothers and fathers as well. So, what is the preferential system for a single mother under Federal law:
    2. If a woman registers for pregnancy before 12 weeks, she is entitled to a one-time payment of benefits (after childbirth and without registering the father).
    3. A single mother is also entitled to maternity and pregnancy benefits, if established social services that the child does not have a father, and the mother will give birth alone and raise him alone.
    4. One-time payment cash after childbirth for a single mother.
    5. Until the child is one and a half years old, a single mother will receive monthly payments from the State.

    In many regions of Russia, support for single mothers is provided exclusively by the local management committee, which provides payments:

    • Up to three years of age, a child raised by one mother.
    • Payment to single mothers with many children, youngest child who are under three years old.
    • If a single mother has proven her status in court or social order, she has the right to receive child benefits until he reaches 18 years of age.

    Benefits for a single mother and her child

    • Linen (diapers, sheets, pillowcases, etc.) after childbirth.
    • Nutrition for a newborn. It is provided free of charge.
    • Newborn massage (if necessary).
    • When a child goes to school, he is provided with food in the canteen.
    • Stationery is also free one-time use.
    • Training in various additional schools with a special direction (humanitarian or technical) will be -30%.
    • When registering a child for school, a single mother will have the right to do this out of turn and plus another 50% discount.
    • Vouchers for sanatorium holidays within the country.

    Labor legislation to protect single mothers

    It is natural that Labor Code comes to the defense of a single mother and it is not so easy to deprive her of her job, even if she really is, let’s say, “sabotaging.” There is a lot covered here. So what does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide:
    1. It is prohibited to fire a single mother under the Labor Code (only if she writes a statement herself). at will), even if the enterprise where the woman worked was liquidated, for some reason, the owner is obliged to employ the single mother in another enterprise under personal control.
    2. Work on holidays or other after-hours can only be done if the single mother gives written consent to this.
    3. Business trips for a single mother are also exclusively by her agreement.
    4. If a single mother goes on sick leave, she is provided with payment in the amount of the minimum monthly wage.
    5. If a woman has a child under 14 years of age, she can work part-time, but she is charged the rate for all working hours.
    6. If a single mother tries to get a job and is refused, this refusal should be very deeply motivated, set out in in writing and acquitted. Otherwise, the employer may receive a court fine.

    Housing for a single mother

    If a single mother has not yet reached the age of 35 and lives with her child(ren) rented apartment, she is entitled to compensation in the amount of 6,400 rubles. Provided that the rental housing was executed under a rental agreement and certified by a notary. Also, a single mother has the right to register to get a place in the queue for free housing. But it is worth remembering that benefits for a single mother are given only if her status as “needy” and “with many children” is proven, while the executive service checks the proper supervision of the children and the mother’s condition (alcohol, drugs, dissolute lifestyle).

    Benefits for regions

    1. Legislation Russian Federation very clearly established the procedure for regional benefits for single mothers. It depends on some factors and the accrual of funds also depends on these indicators:
    2. Employment for a single mother.
    3. Amount of children.
    4. The minimum wage for a single mother.
    5. In which region does she live (each region is given independent calculation of payments and their establishment).

    What to indicate in documents to confirm the status of a single mother

    1. Absence of father on birth certificate.
    2. The father's official abandonment of the child.
    3. Official confirmation that the biological father will not take part in raising the child and has no claims against the mother.
    In any case, it is easier for a mother to fill out the documents right away and receive everything that is due from the country and the Law, than to simply fight through the authorities when the baby is already grown up.

    A single mother is a woman whose child does not have a documented father. To improve life, the state has provided a number of privileges. They consist of discounts, benefits or completely free provision of things or products (diapers, clothing, medicine, food, etc.).

    How the state helps single mothers survive: rights, benefits, privileges

    Not everyone can achieve the status of “Single Mother”. There are certain legal requirements. There are a lot of benefits that a woman who gives birth to a baby without a father receives, but even these benefits cannot make life completely cloudless. You can count on monthly and one-time payments, labor, social and tax benefits.

    Single mother: who has the right

    Not everyone can become a single mother. According to the law this status is acquired by the one who does not have a stamp in her passport, and the child’s father refused it. Also important point- a dash in the child’s birth certificate, in the column where information about the father is located.

    If a mother raises a child alone, but was previously married, this does not make her officially single.

    What does status give?

    Being a single mother has a number of positive aspects. And there is no escape from the negative ones.


    Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the possibility of:

    1. Cross the border without obtaining a pass, which is taken from the other parent. If the mother is raising the heir alone, then no paperwork is required.
    2. Receive products for baby food in the dairy kitchen for free.
    3. Getting into kindergarten out of turn and getting a 50% discount.
    4. Purchases of medicines at a reduced price, the cost is cut in half.
    5. Children eat free of charge in school canteens.
    6. Send your child to a music school for the minimum fee.
    7. Be the first to receive vouchers to sanatoriums.

    There are also benefits in housing, labor, and taxation.


    There are also disadvantages, these include:

    1. No alimony.
    2. It is not legal for a child to claim the property of his father, his parents, sisters, etc.

    Benefits in the labor sphere

    If we touch on labor legislation, then there are nuances that are associated with the status of a single mother. This:

    1. A woman has the right not to work at night and on holidays, as well as outside working hours. No one will dare to force anyone to do this.
    2. When you go on sick leave, no matter what time period, it will be paid 100% of the time.
    3. If there is a reduction, this category of people cannot be attributed to the general mass. Workplace will be assigned to a single mother.
    4. An employer has no right to fire a woman. The exception will be a gross violation of order and serious professional inconsistencies.

    Night work

    If we elaborate on the above information, it is worth clarifying that work at night can only be valid with the written consent of the lady. This means the period from 10 o'clock in the evening to 6 o'clock in the morning. If a mother has a baby who has not reached the age of five, and she does not want to work at night, then the employer will not insist otherwise.

    It is also possible to receive unpaid leave for two weeks if a woman is raising a child under 14 years of age.

    Features of dismissal

    If a woman is raising a 14-year-old child, no one can fire her. If a child has a disability, this right remains until he reaches 18 years of age.

    There are cases when dismissal of single mothers is inevitable, these are:

    • liquidation of the company;
    • unacceptable behavior at work, immoral acts (drinking alcohol or coming to work under the influence of alcohol, failure to appear, systematic tardiness, revealing secrets, theft, etc.);
    • non-compliance with requirements (if there are penalties);
    • detection of fictitious documentation (diploma, work book, etc.).

    If a woman who is raising a child was fired illegally, then she has the right to appeal to the appropriate authorities, demand compensation payments and return to her place of work.

    Tax benefits and privileges

    If the child’s birth certificate does not have the father’s field filled in, the tax deduction can be doubled. If there are one or two children, the amount is within 3,000 rubles, three and for each additional one - 6,000. If there is a disability - about 25,000 rubles.

    Tax deductions will only be valid until the child is 18 years old and until the woman is married.

    Social benefits

    Among the social benefits we highlight the following:

    • receiving free clothes for newborns;
    • compensation for expenses on food packages for a child under 3 years of age;
    • help in in kind(food, basic necessities), until the child is 3 years old;
    • free dairy kitchen up to 2 years;
    • provision of free medicines up to three years old child and 50% discount after.

    What payments are due for a child?

    Payments can be monthly or one-time.

    One-time benefits include:

    • BiR - for pregnancy and childbirth;
    • if a woman is registered before the 12th week of pregnancy;
    • at the birth of a baby (paid to everyone, regardless of status, presence or absence of a place of work).

    Monthly payments in 2018 for 1 child

    There are also monthly payments. Their size varies depending on the number of offspring.

    A single mother, like everyone else, receives payments for child care on a general basis. If the mother worked, the amount will depend on the average wages, which has been present in the last 24 months.

    If there is no assigned place of work, then calculations are made according to the subsistence level. If there is one child, then it is approximately 3,000 rubles.

    Also paid monthly:

    1. 750 rubles or 300 (depending on whether child benefits are received) to single parents in the form of compensation, according to the increase in the cost of living.
    2. Compensation for reimbursement of food expenses until a child reaches three years of age is 675 rubles per month.
    3. Single mothers with income below the subsistence level: from birth to three years - 15 thousand rubles, from 3 to 18 - 6 thousand rubles.

    Until what age is child benefit paid?

    Child benefit will be paid until the child turns one and a half years old (this is on a general basis), while a single mother receives payments until the child turns 18 years old.

    What benefits does a single mother with two children have?

    If a woman gives birth to a second baby, the benefit amount doubles, since payments go to each child.

    With the appearance of a second heir, a single mother becomes a contender for maternity capital.

    What benefits are available in the housing sector?

    A single mother solves the housing problem the same way as other Russians. Participates in state housing programs and gets in line to receive an apartment or build a house.

    You can participate in the “Young Family” program, and it is possible to receive a 35 percent subsidy for the construction of a private house. The same money can be used to repay the loan taken out to buy an apartment. This privilege is valid until a woman reaches 35 years of age. A loan for the purchase of housing will be given only if it is possible to repay it. Income of at least 21 thousand. rubles for mother and baby.

    The right to expand living space

    A single mother can expand or improve her living space if:

    • she and her children live in unsuitable living conditions (the building is in disrepair);
    • the premises are inhabited by people with serious infectious diseases (tuberculosis) or mentally ill people with whom it is impossible to live;
    • the area does not meet the established minimum;
    • people without family ties live in the house;
    • no own living space.

    Those whose premises are in poor condition and those living with seriously ill people can skip the queues

    How to speed up the process of getting housing

    In order to get housing in the shortest possible time, you need to know how to act from the beginning.

    Step-by-step instructions will help you succeed:

    1. Find out how much living space, according to the law, is per person. Measure your home and tell the difference.
    2. Visit social security and consult with competent specialists.
    3. Collect all documentation.
    4. Get a status that shows you are in need of housing.
    5. Get in line for expansion. This can be done online or in the Multifunctional Center.

    If the documentation is all in order and there is an appropriate status, then the matter will move quickly. If a tuberculosis patient or a person with other severe pathologies lives in the same area, the general queue does not matter. You get straight into the preferential queue. This also includes those whose housing is in disrepair.

    Additional privileges in the housing sector

    A mother who raises a child herself can count on a small benefit, which is manifested in the opportunity not to pay for garbage until the child reaches three years of age. To obtain this right, you need to provide a document that confirms your status as a single mother.

    There are no benefits when paying for housing and communal services, but you can get a discount if a woman has three or more children. IN in this case she falls under the category of a mother of many children. If the child is disabled or she herself has a disability, then the discount also applies.

    It is possible to provide subsidies to single mothers at the regional level. This will take into account the woman’s income and, in total, all expenses for housing and communal services. If the figure exceeds 22 percent, then a subsidy will be given.

    Changes in 2018

    Changes in legislation in 2018 are insignificant. When receiving new housing, women can count on larger living space.

    What benefits are entitled to the father?

    Single fathers have the right to receive all the same benefits (benefits and allowances) as a single mother. These include:

    • labor and social benefits;
    • one-time and monthly benefits;
    • tax deduction.

    Financial assistance for individual regions: amount

    Let us consider separately by region how much is given to a single mother in the form of social assistance.

    The laws of the Russian Federation do not contradict the fact that social support varies depending on budgetary possibilities.

    Payments in 2018 in Crimea

    In 2018, all payments are made in accordance with the norms of Russian laws.

    From one-time payments:

    1. For pregnancy and childbirth: depends on salary.
    2. If the expectant mother registered before the 12th week: 628.47 rubles.
    3. After the birth of the baby: 16,759.09 rubles.

    From monthly:

    1. Up to one and a half years old on a general basis: for the 1st child - 3,142.33 rubles (unemployed and 3,788.33 (employed), for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. - 6,284.65 rubles.
    2. Under 18 years old - at least 1000 rubles.

    Payments in 2018 in Moscow and the region

    In Moscow and throughout the region, the same indicators prevail as in the Republic of Crimea.

    Payments in 2018 in St. Petersburg

    In St. Petersburg:

    • care allowance - 3,751 rubles (for one) and 4,285 rubles (for the second and subsequent ones) monthly;
    • a single mother will receive at least 1,200 rubles a month until her child turns 18;
    • pregnancy benefit - at least 9,500 rubles (per month)
    • and 45,000 rubles (in total);
    • those who registered early at the antenatal clinic - about 650 rubles;
    • at the birth of a child - 17 thousand - 20 thousand rubles.

    Krasnodar region: how much money does a single mother receive?

    In the Krasnodar Territory, a single mother can count on:

    • pregnancy benefit - at least 9,489 rubles (monthly) and 43,615.65 (for the entire period);
    • when registering for up to three months - 628.47 rubles;
    • at birth - 16,759.09 rubles;
    • every month for care - 3,142.33 and 3,788.33 (non-working and working);
    • up to 18 years of age as a single mother - 1,200 rubles.

    Leningrad region

    There are no differences in the amount of payments in the Leningrad region from those listed above.

    Useful video

    Unfortunately, a single mother is a common occurrence both in modern Russia and throughout the world. There are many reasons for a woman to raise a child alone, but the result is the same: mother and child need help. Assistance to single mothers from the state is expressed as follows: additional child benefits and payments, benefits in labor and tax legislation, preferential queue for admission to kindergarten and much more. You will learn more about all the rights, benefits and benefits in 2019 for single mothers in this article.

    Single mother status 2019

    The legal definition of single mother status is as follows: “A single mother is a woman whose child does not have information about the father on the birth certificate.” It would seem that this formulation explains a lot, but, in fact, it explains nothing. After all, we are talking about a morally and often socially disadvantaged person who is responsible for the maintenance and upbringing of a child - a growing citizen of our state.

    Single mother Not recognized as single mothers

    A woman who gave birth and is raising a child (children) out of wedlock, if the paternity of the child is not properly established:

    • No joint statement parents to the registry office about paternity
    • there is no court decision to establish paternity
    A woman raising children in a single-parent family, i.e. after a divorce (divorced or already divorced) and for some reason not receiving alimony from ex-spouse.
    A woman who gave birth to a child during marriage or within 300 days after divorce, if the child’s father is registered as a spouse (former spouse), but paternity is disputed in court and there is a court decision that has entered into legal force that the spouse (former spouse) is not the father of the child. A woman who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce, annulment, or death of the spouse. In this case, the father of the child is recognized as the spouse (former spouse) (Part 2 of Article 48 of the Family Code) and the civil registry office will register the child in the name of the spouse (former spouse), even if he is not the biological father of the baby.
    A woman who, while not married, took in an adopted child. An unmarried woman raising a child whose paternity has been established voluntarily or in court, even if this man does not live with her.

    Payments and benefits for single mothers 2019

    First of all, it is worth noting that all parents, including single mothers, are entitled to federal payments and benefits upon the birth of a child.

    How much do single mothers earn? Additional benefits are established by regional legislation and to obtain a comprehensive list of payments and benefits, you should contact the regional office of the center social protection population. Let's look at payments using the example of Moscow.

    Additional payments to single mothers in Moscow

    Benefits paid in 2019 to single mothers from the city budget are provided for by Moscow Government Decree No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017. However, the resolution states that families with income below the subsistence level can count on some payments.

    A single mother in Moscow is entitled to the following payments, regardless of family income:

    • Monthly compensation payment due to the rising cost of living for single mothers (fathers) for children under 16 years of age (students under 18) - 750 rubles. for those receiving a monthly child benefit, 300 rubles. - for those who do not receive such benefits.
    • A monthly compensation payment to compensate for the rising cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which a parent evades paying child support, for children under 3 years old - 675 rub.
    • The monthly compensation payment to a single mother (father) caring for a disabled child of group I or II under 18 years of age (up to 23 years for a disabled person since childhood) is paid only if the child does not work, and amounts to 12,000 rub.

    Payments to single mothers if their income is below the subsistence level:

    • from 0 to 3 years - 15,000 rub.
    • Monthly allowance for single mothers for aged children from 3 to 18 years old - 6,000 rub.

    To the social services department protection must provide a certificate of income for the last 3 months. The optimal period for filing applications for these benefits is one in which maternity payments do not fall into your income.

    Labor benefits

    Speaking about labor benefits for single mothers, the following points should be noted:

    • In the event of a reduction in staff at an enterprise, a single mother cannot be fired if she supports a child whose age has not reached 14 years. Dismissal is illegal when there is a change in management at the enterprise and even when such an employee is not suitable for the position held. However, precedents are being recorded in which a single mother was fired due to regular serious disciplinary offenses.
    • In addition, a single mother, in the event of layoffs due to the liquidation of an enterprise, can count on being provided with another job. By the way, responsibility for subsequent employment lies directly with the administration of the enterprise where the layoffs were carried out.
    • A single mother, like any other mother, is provided with benefits if she is caring for a sick child. Benefit paid when inpatient treatment, calculated depending on length of service. Outpatient treatment involves payment of benefits to a single mother for the first 10 days in full size and in the amount of 50% of wages the rest of the time.
    • Caring for a sick child under 7 years of age requires payment sick leave without any restrictions. If the child is over 7 years old, you can expect to receive 15 days of sick leave.
    • A single mother has the right to receive leave at her own expense at any convenient time for up to 14 days.
    • Single mothers with a child under 5 years old cannot be involved in overtime work, working at night, on holidays or weekends.
    • The mother of a child under 14 years of age (including single mothers) has the right to part-time work, determined at her own request.
    • In addition to the above, single mothers can count on employment benefits, since a potential employer does not have the right to refuse to hire due to the presence of children. In case of refusal to hire, the administration of the enterprise must provide a clearly formulated reason for the refusal.

    Tax deduction for a child of a single mother

    A single mother has the right to receive a double tax deduction for the costs of maintaining each of her children up to the age of 18. If a child who has reached the age of 18 is a university student, the double tax deduction will continue until the age of 24. This means that a certain amount of income will not be subject to income tax, namely 1,400 rubles for the first and second children and 3,000 for the third and subsequent ones.

    What benefits cover other aspects of life for single mothers?

    • the right to receive free sets of baby clothes for a newborn baby;
    • the right to a temporary waiver of payment for the removal of solid food waste and for cleaning the territory apartment building if the child is under 1.5 years old;
    • the right to receive free meals at a dairy kitchen for a child under 2 years of age;
    • the right to purchase a number of medications at reduced prices with a discount of up to 50%;
    • the opportunity to visit a massage room free of charge, if there is one in the children's clinic;
    • In addition, children of single mothers in secondary schools must receive two free meals a day in the school canteen.
    • Children of single mothers, when enrolling in additional educational institutions, such as art and music schools, can count on receiving 30% discounts on tuition fees.
    • again, such children enter preschool institutions out of turn and with a 50% discount.
    • and finally, every year children of single mothers can count on receiving a sanatorium voucher.

    Housing for single mothers

    Of particular note is the target program “Affordable housing for young families.” Under this program, mothers under 35 years of age can apply for compensation for part of the cost of housing. Single women who decide to take out a mortgage also have the opportunity to acquire housing. Read about how real this is in our detailed material.

    A woman who cares for and raises children without the participation of his father or due to the absence of one is recognized as a single mother. At the state level, such a woman is not entitled to separate support, but she has the right to use all types of subsidies entitled to other mothers. Let's consider how much benefits a single mother is entitled to in 2017, their sizes and conditions for receiving them.

    Benefits for single mothers for childbirth

    If a woman is employed, already in the first stages you can request a small amount from your employer for pregnancy. To do this you should proceed in this order:

    • Visit antenatal clinic or medical facility.
    • Find out the gestational age. If it is less than 12 weeks, you can continue processing.
    • Receive a certificate indicating the relevant characteristics.
    • Submit the received document to the accounting department.
    • Receive transfer.

    According to the law, in 2017 the amount of the subsidy is 581.73 rubles. The amount is insignificant, but if you wish, you can count on it.

    Benefit for a single mother during childbirth

    A more substantial benefit for single mothers in 2017, the amount of which depends on the salary, is issued at the time of childbirth. When an employee goes on leave due to maternity (childbirth), the employer is obliged to treat it as regular sick leave. In view of this, he pays it in the amount of his mother’s salary.

    Read interesting material about the birth certificate in our article at the link.

    The calculation is made in more detail according to the following criteria:

    • All the employee’s income is summed up: salary, bonuses, incl. unscheduled, disability payments, compensation for advanced training.
    • Information is taken for 24 months.
    • The total size is divided by 730.
    • The resulting value is multiplied by 30.4.

    Amount of benefits for single mothers in 2017

    The calculated average amount is payable in favor of the employee, and the prerequisite is a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave). Maternity leave is 140 days (by law). If complications arise during childbirth, it is permissible to extend it for another 16 days. If the mother gave birth to twins or more children, the leave from the date of birth is 110 days. Payment is due for the entire period. If the month is incomplete, the average daily rate is determined from the average salary and multiplied by the number of vacation days.

    If the employee’s salary is small, the state has provided limits below which she will not receive - 28,555 thousand rubles. If the birth took place with complications, the amount will be 31,818 thousand rubles, if twins or more were born - 39,569 thousand rubles. The maximum for these subsidies is also limited - 248, 276 and 343 thousand rubles, respectively.

    A woman who does not work cannot receive these payments, because... payment is made by the employer at the expense of previously paid into the budget social payments from the employee's salary. Only a student will receive a subsidy in the amount of her scholarship if she is a full-time student. The specialization and level of the educational institution in this case does not matter.

    Registration of state assistance for birth

    After the birth of the baby, each mother is given one-time assistance from the state. The workers are paid by the company, and the rest are paid by the social body protecting the population. The amount of benefit for a single mother increased in 2017 and is 15,512 rubles.

    For registration you will need supporting documents:

    • passport;
    • data on the birth of the baby from the registry office (certificate);
    • confirmation of single mother status.

    In the absence of the latter, the mother is not recognized as single and additional information about the father and confirmation that he did not receive this financial assistance are required.

    Employed mother

    The status is verified by a certificate issued for the baby, where there is no information in the “father” column. If the father is not involved in parenting due to divorce, supporting information will be required.

    This package of documents is transferred to the employer, who is obliged, after the expiration of the sick leave (maternity leave), to transfer to the employee the specified amount corresponding to the amount of the benefit for a single mother.

    Stay-at-home mother

    A non-working mother or student carries out registration through the Social Insurance Fund in accordance with the place of registration of the newborn. The same papers are needed, and in addition a copy of the ore document, because information about the date of dismissal and place of work is required. The application includes the following fields to fill out:

    • applicant data: personal, passport, registration;
    • family status;
    • characteristics of the newborn;
    • information about other minor children;
    • date of dismissal and place of work.

    The standard procedure involves transferring to the employee of the social authority. protection of an application from the mother or another person (guardian) with a package of documents. After 10 days, during which the application is considered, payments are assigned in favor of the mother.

    Payments for child care

    In 2017, child benefits are accrued to single mothers after the birth of the baby and up to 1.5 years. Registration takes place through the following institutions, according to the category of the mother:

    • a company where a woman works;
    • University, technical school or other institution where the mother is studying;
    • Through the social security authority, if the woman is unemployed.
    • The package of documents contains full information:
    • Applicant's passport.
    • Certificate of registration of the child from the registry office.
    • Similar certificates for all children, including adopted ones.
    • Other confirmation of the status of a single mother, if this information is not contained in the child’s certificate.
    • Certificate of completion of a full-time course. Provided by the institution itself if the applicant is a student.
    • Information about the previous employer, if the woman is not currently performing work duties.

    Amount of monthly benefit

    The minimum amount of state assistance for a single mother in 2017 is provided for unemployed women, these include students and workers whose enterprises were liquidated while they were on sick leave during childbirth. It is about 2.9 thousand rubles. If the newborn is not the first child in the family, the amount increases to 5.8 thousand rubles. The mother receives this amount once a month after approval from the Social Insurance Fund and until the baby is one and a half years old.

    The monthly benefit for a single mother in 2017 will be many times greater if she is officially employed. In this case, the size calculation is individual according to her income. Thus, the average level of profit is determined, which includes all receipts to the employee’s account for two years, including compensation and bonuses. 40% is calculated from the average parameter. This is exactly the amount a working woman is entitled to for caring for a newborn.

    A prerequisite is that she is on vacation based on a pre-submitted application. The order for it must indicate the reason - providing care for a child under 1.5 years old. They begin to transfer money to the employee’s account upon completion of sick leave for childbirth. The subsidy is limited in the area of ​​maximum size - up to 21,554 thousand rubles.

    Force majeure situations and their solutions

    While on vacation and receiving child benefits, an unforeseen situation may occur, for example, the liquidation of a company. In this case, you should not worry, but act in this order:

    • Obtain from the employer a copy of the order to go on leave to care for the baby.
    • Request a certificate from the employer indicating the dates and amounts of transfers of this type of assistance.
    • Prepare a certificate of the child, other children (if any) and a work book.
    • Visit the defense authority (FSS), fill out an application and submit the papers.
    • Wait for approval.
    • Receive payments from this body in the previously calculated amount (40% of the salary).

    Additional benefits and opportunities for single mothers

    In addition to general conditions and benefits, single mothers may receive additional ones, if provided for in a particular region. Local authorities departments independently form a budget and have the opportunity to increase some expense items. Likewise, the benefit for a single mother in 2017 may differ significantly in the regions. In some they may pay more long time- up to 3 years (instead of one and a half), up to 6 or until adulthood. In some areas there are programs to help unemployed single mothers. Benefits are provided for children reaching 14, 16 or 18 years of age. They can range from 150 to 1500 rubles in various areas. These criteria should be clarified in advance with the relevant structures.

    Non-material benefits

    In addition to monetary assistance, a single mother receives additional guarantees for her child:

    • Registration for preschool institutions without the need for prior registration (no queue).
    • Free meals at school (two meals a day).
    • Providing school and office supplies free of charge.

    A working single mother also has a number of privileges:

    • An employer cannot fire an employee in this category. The only reason can be the liquidation of the company. But even in such a situation, he is obliged to provide assistance in finding employment. The rule applies until children reach 14 years of age.
    • Sick leave for an employee necessary to care for a sick baby is paid at 100% of the salary.
    • It is unacceptable to send an employee on a business trip (only with her written consent).
    • She is not supposed to be assigned night shift.

    Different situations require different design of benefits for single mothers, and the amounts of payments also vary depending on the mother’s employment.

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