• Moonstone magical properties sign. What does moonstone look like? (50 photos) - Properties and meaning


    Iridescent feldspars include adularia or moonstone. The photo shows the original and stylish jewelry with this mineral.
    It is a transparent or white crystal with a silvery-bluish tint. India and Sri Lanka are considered to be the birthplace of the mineral. Although it is found in both Canada and Russia. In European countries it is called adularia, in our country it is called belomorite and selenite, and in China it is called fisheye.

    Origin and features

    Advice! It has always been believed that a healing amulet helps with women's issues. It has a particular beneficial effect on the functions of childbirth.

    Magic properties

    Moonstone is famous for its extraordinary magical properties.
    It helps in the following cases:

    • IN love relationships. It is believed that the owner of the talisman does not know what failures in love are.
    • The stone awakens Creative skills. To fully unleash your creative potential, the crystal should be kept at home along with your photo or worn framed in a ring. It should be purchased by journalists, writers and people who often speak in public.

    Moonstone helps in love relationships. It is believed that the owner of the talisman does not know what failures in love are

    • The mineral has a calming energy that has a beneficial effect on partners in business relationships. He needs to be taken into negotiations in order to achieve a solution in his favor. To help with financial matters, it is recommended to wear jewelry in the form of a bracelet or ring with right side. Alternatively, you can wear a pendant in the shape of your zodiac sign.

    Advice! If you wear a ring with a moonstone on right hand, then this will avoid conflict situations, will help relieve stress and make a person more patient.

    The same decoration on the right hand allows you to completely relax, promotes imagination and activates creative skills.

    Which zodiac signs is it suitable for?

    Such a talisman will help Pisces achieve success in business and improve their financial situation. In addition, a useful talisman will tell this sign how to find true love.

    The stone has different effects on the signs of the fire element: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.

    Libra, Gemini and Aquarius experience the beneficial effects of the stone. For Aquarius, the stone will help get rid of the influence of evil and envious people, as well as fight stubbornness.

    The talisman will help Libra move in the right direction and achieve self-realization. The energy of balance and harmony that such an amulet carries is important to this sign. For Gemini, the amulet will help reduce sudden changes in mood.

    The stone is contraindicated for Capricorns, but for Taurus the amulet will help them become more optimistic and get rid of stress. With its help, Virgos will find family happiness.

    Advice! To enhance the magical properties of the crystal, it should be used in a silver frame.

    How to spot a fake?

    Rare moonstone is mined in India and Sri Lanka. In the photo you can see similar specimens. The price of the mineral is growing every year, as the reserves in these deposits have practically exhausted themselves. This contributes to the emergence of many counterfeits on the market. Recognize synthetic material The following recommendations will help:

    Advice! The mineral is fragile, so it must be protected from damage, chips and too high temperatures.

    Moonstone as a material for jewelry

    Moonstone is considered jewelry. Jewelry made from it was popular a century ago. French jeweler Rene Lalique used the mineral in his products. They can be seen in the photo. Currently, his works are kept in private collections and museums.

    The cost of jewelry with moonstone depends on the size, its transparency and intensity color palette. Multicolor crystals from India, cheaper than traditional blue stones.

    The price is significantly influenced by the cutting material.

    The following types of jewelry are made using lunar mineral jewelry: rings, bracelets, amulets and keychains.

    The following types of jewelry are made using lunar mineral jewelry: rings, bracelets, amulets and keychains

    How to wear the accessory?

    To bring maximum benefit to yourself, it is important to wear jewelry with such a stone correctly. The following tips will help with this:

    • How you should wear a mineral depends not only on the properties of the product, but also on its compatibility with clothing and other accessories. It is especially suitable for things with a pastel color palette. Such jewelry looks great with outfits in classic, office and business style.
    • Honey-colored crystal goes well with yellow or white gold.
    • The gray mineral looks good in a dark silver frame.
    • Greenish-blue examples are suitable for yellow gold frames.

    Advice! During periods of the waning moon, it is better to leave the stone alone so that it recharges with energy. It is recommended to dip the amulet in water. At the same time, it is cleansed.

    Moonstone complements perfectly Jewelry and is distinguished by its unusual beauty. At correct use This mineral will bring benefits to the human body and success in business.

    As can be seen from the name, moonstone is astrologically connected with the Moon, which protects the signs of the water element - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Representatives of these zodiacs can wear jewelry with adularia as an amulet. It will strengthen intuition, protect against negative energy, help cope with anxiety. Moonstone is also ideal for all those born on Monday - the day of the Moon.

    People with a stormy temperament will also find a kind of assistant in the moonstone - it extinguishes outbursts of rage and softens the character of overly hard and unyielding natures. But it is better for hypochondriacs and melancholic people to stay away from adularia: they risk losing touch with real world and go into yourself.

    Since ancient times, moonstone has been considered a love talisman. To restore damaged relationships or find new love, you should always keep it in your pocket on the left side - preferably closer to your heart. Another effective way- on the left hand on the ring finger.

    Jewelry with adularia should be worn during the waxing moon. On his full moon magical properties appear in all their glory, but during the waning Moon it is better to put the stone aside for “recharging”: during this period it begins to draw energy from its owner.

    How to reveal the healing properties of adularia - the opinion of lithotherapists

    In order for a moonstone to fully demonstrate its magical properties, it must be worn so that it comes into contact with the skin. According to astrologers and esotericists, moonstone restores mental balance, protecting against dips into deep depression, hysterics, nervous breakdowns. It does not allow its owner to fall into extremes. Specimens set in silver work most effectively.

    In the old days, there was a belief that if you put a moonstone under your pillow, it will relieve a person from insomnia, and your dreams will be colorful and memorable.
    Ancient magicians (for example, Chaldean) used adularia to visualize and enhance divinatory abilities. To do this, they placed a stone under the tongue. To get answers to troubling questions, meditation with a moonstone in your hands is also good.

    It is worth noting that all of the above characteristics are characteristic only of natural adularia. But there are a huge number of synthetic moonstones on the market, and they can also be easily confused with selenite and chalcedony.

    Have you ever walked on cloudless moonlit nights? If yes, then you probably remember the silvery glow on the leaves of the trees and the mysterious shimmer of the air around you. Such nights seem magical and literally filled with magic. The moon, the queen of the nights, gave humanity its symbol - the moonstone, so that people would not forget about magic in their everyday affairs. This gift is truly beautiful; the mineral shimmers with bluish mother-of-pearl in the mysterious flickering moonlight. What magic is inherent in moonstone and what zodiac signs is it suitable for? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

    What is the effect of moonstone on humans?

    In India this gem is called jandarakand

    In India, moonstone is one of the most revered. There they call it jandarakand, which literally means “moonlight.” Indian legends say that this crystal is a piece of frozen moonlight. According to the stories of temple servants, moonstone, lying for some time in the dark, releases moisture called moon dew and has a huge magical power. Official name moonstone― selenite or adularia, and it really has strong magical properties.

    The magic of love

    The second name of this gem is “stone of love”

    A person who owns a talisman with a moonstone does not know what rejected love is. The properties of selenite are such that each romantic date this mineral fills with tender passion and deep sensuality that bind partners forever.

    Selenite fully reveals its properties if a person wears it constantly. Therefore, it is better if jewelry with a moonstone serves as a talisman.

    If you put the talisman on a photograph of your chosen one, then his feelings for you will be strong and eternal. If selenite loses its brightness, then for you this is a sign that the relationship with your chosen one will not become harmonious and will not bring complete happiness.

    Selenite and creativity

    This mineral awakens the creative spirit in a person

    The symbol of the Moon awakens a craving for beauty in all people, even those who have never experienced creative impulses. The wearer of the moonstone feels his harmony with the entire universe and begins to realize the deep essence of things. To fully unleash your creative abilities, it is better to wear selenite in a ring and keep it at home next to your photograph.

    Moonstone will perfectly help to reveal their abilities not only to creators, but also to those who often have to make speeches in front of a large audience.

    Selenite and business

    Reliable assistant in financial matters

    The energy of adularia is very soft, unobtrusive, calming the soul and mind. The atmosphere created by this mineral during business negotiations invariably inclines partners to your point of view, arousing their trust and sympathy.

    To increase the chances of success in your business, you need to wear an amulet with selenite on your right hand - this can be a ring or bracelet. A pendant with a moonstone, with an applied or carved image of your zodiac sign, will become a strong amulet.

    The magic of this stone can bring business success in any industry and get good financial returns. The magical properties of moonstone are enhanced if you start a new business during the waxing moon.

    Healing properties of adularia

    The mineral has a calming effect on the psyche of its owner

    Adularia is widely known for its beneficial effects on mental condition person. It strengthens memory, normalizes sleep, and calms emotional instability.

    This mineral is also used for various infectious diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract. Selenite may have therapeutic effect even remotely, you just need to place the crystal on a photograph of a sick person.

    The mineral also helps women in labor; it will ensure a successful birth. And if a child is born hyperactive, adularia will help stabilize his behavior and normalize his psyche.

    Moonstone and extrasensory perception

    This gem is often used during magical rituals.

    For magicians and mystics, moonstone is a favorite attribute when performing various rituals. A talisman with this mineral perfectly cleanses the owner’s energy and strengthens it.

    Magicians look into the future by meditating and holding a moonstone in their mouth. This kind of meditation can be done for you, especially during the days of your zodiac sign - at this time meditation is most effective.

    Moonstone will prevent you from having nightmares, protect you from dark magical entities, and when placed under your pillow at night, it will show you a prophetic dream.

    Basic properties of moonstone

    The gem is especially strong during the waxing moon

    The stone is especially strong during the waxing moon and reaches its peak at the full moon. You can recharge the stone and increase its strength with moon rays. To do this, the mineral is placed on a path of moonlight for some time.

    Moonstone loves communication, so you can consult with it, show your gratitude for its help and generally show it your affection in every possible way.

    If you have a cherished desire, then wait for a moonlit night, take selenite in your left hand, stand on the lunar path and tell your talisman about this desire. Moonstone will make every effort to make your wish come true.

    Magical properties of moonstone for zodiac signs

    The mineral is best suited for Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers

    Let us now move on to the main question: “Who is the moonstone suitable for according to their zodiac sign?” The Moon patronizes representatives of the signs of the water element. A talisman with a moonstone will be very useful for people of the corresponding water zodiac signs. These are Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers.

    Moonstone has a spiritual nature, enhances feminine energy, feelings, encourages desires and sincere determination. As its name suggests, it is closely associated with the Moon. Ancient, like the Moon itself, the stone has the power of mystery. Its secrets are hidden beneath the pearly veil, and with them our own hidden truths. It is only within the confines of our reflected light that we can begin to understand what it has to teach us.

    Moonstone is the main talisman of the inner path. Only by diving deeply into ourselves can we receive what is missing, that part of the soul that has been forgotten and abandoned.

    This is one of the most popular semi-precious stones. Its brilliance and shimmer are mesmerizing. You involuntarily begin to think that there is definitely a hidden deep meaning in it.

    It is highly valued by shamans, fortune tellers, and monks. Moonstone is one of the most sought after semi-precious stones in the world due to its supposed ability to bring good luck to the person who possesses it.

    Find out more about it mysterious stone. You may also want to purchase it or a piece of jewelry with it.

    What moonstone looks like description

    Moonstone (adularia) is an opalescent type of orthoclase, which is a potassium feldspar and very rare mineral. With a blue or white shine, it is similar to the shine of the Moon. This reflection is created internal structure very thin layers of mineral.

    The chemical formula of the stone is KalSi3O8. It's not very durable. On the Mohs scale its hardness is 6-6.5. Refers to semi-precious stones.

    Stones can be colorless, yellow (colors Ivory), white, grayish-bluish, blue color. Some samples are layered, others are translucent. But they will all have a characteristic shine when sanded. Some may even have a rainbow effect.

    Deposits of moonstone are as wide as the range of its colors. It is found in various parts of Asia, Australia, North and South America. But the main producers are India, Sri Lanka and the United States of America. Although you can find stones from Madagascar, Brazil, Myanmar.

    Classically, moonstone is always cut into a cabochon. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is.

    Moonstone in history

    Asian legend says that the best blue stones washed out by tides once every 21 years.

    From the earliest times, this mineral was associated with the magic of the moon and served as a protective amulet for travelers. It was used in jewelry of Ancient Rome and the East.

    The Romans believed that it contained the image of the moon goddess Diana, who could bestow love, wealth, wisdom and bring victory to its owner.

    Another legend says that it contains the gift of prophecy and second sight, claiming that this crystal can clear the mind and allow the owner to reach a rational decision, maintaining the connection between the mind and heart.

    In the ancient world it was considered a talisman of winter, and in Eastern culture it was known as the “phenomenal stone” to be worn on Mondays.

    The moonstone was given on the day of the thirteenth wedding anniversary and in years divisible by this number. It was believed to protect and counteract the influence of this not very good number.

    Has always been revered as a sacred stone in India, having special meaning For loving couple and was a traditional wedding gift. Allows you to find out the future, the good and the bad of a young family, what awaits them. True, to gain this knowledge, you need to hold it in your mouth during the full moon.

    This stone was in the forehead of the four-armed moon god. Partly because of its color, and partly because of the influence of the deity it represented. Its brilliance waxed and waned with the waxing and waning of the Moon.

    The stone was also popular among European jewelers. It was worn for protection in the dark, given as a sign of reconciliation between loved ones, and treated insomnia.

    Jewelry with it was especially in demand during Art Nouveau times. Most of them were created by the French jeweler Rene Lalique. Today they are in museums or private collections.

    Our connections with the Moon are very strong. Just as the Moon appears and disappears in its cyclical movement, controls the ebb and flow of the tides, and influences our emotions, so the moonstone calms, guides, and teaches us the rhythms of life.

    Moonstones are known to lose their shimmering silvery shine if their owners harbor a lot of anger.

    If you are far from home or family, moonstone will provide you with security and keep your spirit alive.

    Why is moonstone called moonstone?

    Moonstone is the best known variety of orthoclase potassium feldspar called adularia. The combination of layers of orthoclase and albite causes this beautiful shine of the stone.

    It got its name from the area in the Adula Mountains in Switzerland. The word "Orthoclase" is of Greek origin: "orthos" means "vertical" and "klasis" means "fracture". This name fully describes the nature of the stone.

    It is called lunar for its shiny, magically shimmering surface that reflects light. This shine is inherent in stones of all colors.

    This glow is obtained by cabochon processing. Incoming rays of light are refracted within the stone and scattered, creating a unique play. This is what makes this stone so special and desirable.

    Moonstone varieties

    This beautiful stone comes in a variety of colors, from milky white to yellow, green, blue, cyan and more. Available in black.

    Blue and cyan moonstone

    High quality blue moonstone displays incredible three-dimensional color depth that is only visible at different tilt angles. Blue crystals are very rare and their price is high.

    Blue stone - perfect gift to a loved one when there is uncertainty in the relationship.

    Promotes clarity of mind and inner vision, balances yin and yang energy. It is suitable for those who work in the healthcare field. He will show travelers the right and safe path.

    Blue moonstone is useful for problems with the lymphatic system, for those who suffer from sinusitis and associated headaches, for diseases of the stomach, pancreas, pituitary gland, insomnia, snoring, motion sickness. Helps children with enuresis.

    Minerals of this color facilitate communication with people and animals. It focuses on clairvoyant abilities and brings emotional healing.

    Green Moonstone

    Green moonstone has similar qualities to other stones.

    Although these minerals are not as common as other colors, it can be identified by the characteristic luster of the moonstone family.

    This color carries the energy of love and balances emotions. Its energy will help you feel more compassion for others, increase your self-esteem and give you a sense of personal well-being.

    Rainbow Moonstone

    Rainbow stone acts like a prism, dispersing the energy of the entire aura. It provides:

    Mental perception:

    Clears the mind;

    Balance and harmony;

    Restful sleep.

    It reduces negativity and eases emotional trauma.

    For women, a rainbow stone will help:

    Normalize hormonal balance;

    Increase fertility;

    Stabilize the menstrual cycle;

    Will recover after surgery (especially on the ridge and uterus);

    Reduces the effect of anaphylactic shock.

    It combines all the positive energy of the moon with the optimism of the rainbow to calm anyone who feels lost, alone and vulnerable.

    It helps with clairvoyance and promotes restful sleep when placed under the pillow. Rainbow crystals will protect those who have thoughts of suicide and provide support with learning difficulties.

    Rainbow moonstone is considered more valuable.

    Silver Gray Moonstone

    This stone is for clairvoyants and shamans. It is called the “new moon” and carries all the secrets of the emerging Moon.

    Gray Moonstone focuses on the abilities of vision and clairvoyance. Creates new realities and understanding of those that differ from earthly ones.

    It facilitates visualization and meditation, helps to establish contact with your spiritual patrons and angels. This is the stone of perception behind the veil.

    Peach Moonstone

    Hindus consider such minerals sacred. They are often given as gifts wedding gift, because It is believed that it brings harmony and love to married couples.

    It is well suited for emotional and sensitive people, allowing you to see the positive in any situation.

    Delicate peach stones relieve stress and anxiety. Suitable for emotional children.

    It is believed that such crystals help women:

    Strengthen reproductive function;

    Normalize the menstrual cycle;

    Decrease PMS symptoms and menopause.

    This is a soothing stone for those who feel helpless due to... excess weight. Carry such a stone with you to love and appreciate yourself as you are.

    It helps bring out the best in a person. It attracts prosperity and success, and arouses enthusiasm among lazy people.

    Such stones heal heart injuries by bringing love. Teaches you to trust yourself and others.

    Peach color is a healing energy, especially for women.

    Apricot or yellow moonstone

    It is a stone of femininity that will benefit all women. Increases creativity in both women and men, inspires and develops intuition.

    Useful for digestive disorders, can solve problems associated with menstruation.

    Black Moonstone

    Black moonstone is mined in India and Madagascar. It shares many similarities with other colors of this crystal. Although the mineral is black, it looks very different from different angles.

    White Moonstone

    Carries the energy of the new moon at the height of its power, stimulating psychic perception, vision and dreams. It can increase emotions, activate kundalini energy in women and emotional balance in men, and can help children relieve nightmares or insomnia.

    Its energy helps people achieve emotional balance.

    It regulates menstrual and fertile cycles and reduces menopausal symptoms.

    White stones enhance intuition, feminine wisdom, calm emotions, and promote spiritual growth.

    White Moonstone:

    Improves digestion;

    Helps reduce epileptic seizures;

    Reduces gallstones, stones in the kidneys, bladder;

    Normalizes hormones and the menstrual cycle;

    Relieves migraine;

    Reduces weight;

    Improves hair condition.

    Moon rock white controls reactions in fraught situations. Carry it with you when traveling, especially at night or abroad.

    Magical properties of moonstone

    Moonstone is a highly spiritual crystal. It connects both sexes and affects every being on the planet. Its calming nature helps you understand how to be happy.

    Real Moonstone:

    Brings love and positive emotions;

    Helps resolve business issues;

    Improves intuition, perception and judgment;


    Gives wealth;

    Gives the gift of prophecy;

    Attracts attention;

    Improves creativity and self-expression;

    Helps in new beginnings;

    Brings positive change;

    Provides protection from hazards;

    Cleanses negative energy;

    Helps expose hidden and secret enemies.

    If you want to understand what you need, keep it under your pillow during the full moon. It is not for nothing that this mineral is considered the stone of shamans and fortune tellers. It opens the gates to the subconscious, but at the same time does not allow those who are not yet ready for it to enter.

    It helps you realize that everything is part of cycles.

    This is a feminine stone that embodies the energy of divine femininity. The crystal can help calm aggressive women, feel confidence and serenity.

    Moonstone healing properties

    By unblocking the lymphatic system, moonstone:

    Helps digestive system, enhancing the absorption of nutrients,

    Removes toxins;

    Prevents fluid retention and relieves swelling,

    Promotes healing;

    Normalizes the functioning of the stomach, liver, pancreas and pituitary gland.

    It is associated with the energy of the Moon and is an excellent stone for women. They say that it can solve most women's problems:

    Improve the reproductive system;

    Help during childbirth;

    Promotes conception;

    Normalizes the menstrual cycle;

    Relieves symptoms of PMS;

    Normalizes hormonal levels;

    Prevents obesity;

    delays aging.

    It promotes the normal course of pregnancy and helps during breastfeeding. Improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.

    Relieves stress and anxiety in both women and men.

    Traditionally, the properties of moonstone have been used to treat insomnia. A stone located under the pillow will allow you to sleep more peacefully and prevent sleepwalking. It is often used in conjunction with amethyst.

    Who suits moonstone zodiac signs

    Moonstone is the stone of travelers. Everyone who went on a trip took amulets from it with them. He protected them at night and while swimming on water.

    This is a popular talisman for those who are working on their personal growth.

    This stone is especially suitable for water signs. This is the zodiac stone for those born in July under the sign of Cancer and the beginning of summer, starting with the summer solstice from June 21 to July 22.

    Cancers born under this sign are easily adaptable, loyal, and attached to their family. They are gifted with a strong imagination and make good musicians, artists, writers and composers. Cancer is also known as the "Sign of the Prophet" or the "Sign of the Teacher".

    This is one of the alternative stones for those born under the sign of Libra or Scorpio.

    How to Wear Moonstone

    These beautiful crystals are very powerful stones that are wonderful to wear. They are quite easy to find in a variety of beautiful jewelry. They come in a wide variety of styles and types.

    Wearing products made from this stone will teach you to perceive life as it is, be patient, and bring peace and balance.

    It can be worn if you are experiencing any past failures in life or experiencing depression. It will help you learn the lessons you need to full use its potential.

    Wearing a necklace or pendant will help improve your emotional security.

    Place under your pillow to improve sleep and relieve insomnia.

    To bring good luck when going on a journey, put the stone in your pocket.

    Charge the stone on the night of the full moon.

    Blue sapphire;


    Merlinite is a magical and mystical stone that emphasizes the magical properties of moonstone, helping to balance the male and female energy within oneself.

    It goes well with yellow labradorite. It is very good to use them together in meditation to balance your masculine and feminine energies.

    An alternative would be to combine moonstone with sunstones, i.e. stones yellow color, such as amber, yellow topaz, carnelian, citrine.

    To enhance the gift of providence, they can be used in combination with:


    Sphenome (titanite);

    Gabbro (blizzard-stone or blizzard-stone);






    To enhance your energy, a great combination would be with:




    Chlorite quartz;


    For emotional protection, combine it with:

    Black tourmaline;

    Black jade;

    Moonstone is a stone of intuition, balance, desires, and luck. It helps maintain feminine side, understand and determine what is needed in life.

    By wearing moonstone regularly, you will begin to recognize negative energy and learn how to heal yourself. More light stones have a stronger shine and more healing properties.

    But the most magical thing about it is that it comes from lunar magic and is as mysterious as the Moon. They say that it becomes brighter during the waxing moon and darkens during the waning and new moon.

    If you are particularly sensitive to the phases of the moon, do not wear the stone during the full moon.

    Moon rock- This is potassium spar and is one of the varieties of orthoclase. It is bluish-silver in color and translucent. Spar creates a glow around itself that most closely resembles moonlight, which is why it got its name.

    The mineral is called adularia, aglaurite, ice spar, and also fish eye. In India, where it is more revered than others, it is called jandarakand (meaning “moonlight”).

    Many peoples value raw moonstone for its magical, healing properties. It is used to create talismans and jewelry.

    Moonstone appears in ore, most often gold-bearing, veins or in pematites. Was found in a quartz vein of the Alps in places where there is also ilmenite, rhinestone, titanite, chlorite, hematite and rutile. It is formed in igneous rock at a temperature of 650–700 o C. Adularia can also grow in hot water rich in potassium and silica. It is formed in rock(or rather, in its cracks), including effusive volcanic.

    Feldspar was first discovered in the Adula Mountains. Many believe that this is where the second name came from – adularia. However, there is a version that it was named in honor of Mons Adular (as the St. Gotthard massif was previously called).
    Today, Sri Lanka has almost exhausted the deposit. Rich reserves are located in:

    • Brazil.
    • Australia, Burma and India (here is a mineral that has a star effect).
    • Madagascar.
    • New Zealand.
    • USA. Near Oliver, adularia has been mined since 1958, which is similar in quality to stone from Sri Lanka.
    • Tanzania (Africa).
    • Russia.
    • Ukraine.

    In the Russian Empire, unprocessed moonstone was found in the Urals (namely in Mount Mokrusha), in the Inaglinsky massif, which is located in Siberia. The gem was discovered near a quartz deposit. Chukotka is famous for its minerals: adularia-quartz (it has a banded-cocard texture) and adularia-rhodochrosite (it includes native gold and quartz).

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