• What sedative can you take while guarding? Safe and effective sedatives for nursing mothers


    After childbirth, many women experience not only pleasant emotions, but also experience increased anxiety, irritability, and sudden mood swings. Therefore, young mothers often wonder whether it is possible to take a sedative when breastfeeding.

    Taking any medications, both during pregnancy and throughout the entire period of lactation, must be agreed with a doctor. Breastfeeding is the key to the harmonious growth and development of your baby, so you should carefully monitor the quality of the products you eat, and take medications strictly if there are serious indications. First of all, a woman should consult a doctor, identify and eliminate the cause of a prolonged stressful state and only then resort to treatment with sedatives.

    How to deal with stress without drugs

    For nursing mothers, sedatives are not contraindicated; a qualified specialist can choose a safe and effective remedy, which will not harm the baby. However, it is advisable to do without additional drug load on a woman’s body and try to normalize her lifestyle, getting rid of the harmful effects of stress factors.

    To feel better you should:

    • eat healthy and regularly;
    • if possible, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day;
    • spend time every day fresh air;
    • correctly distribute household responsibilities between your family members, do not refuse and do not hesitate to ask for help;
    • find time to communicate with your husband, arrange a joint vacation;
    • follow advice more often experienced mothers and don't try to do everything perfectly.
    Young mothers who are trying to shoulder all the responsibilities at home, caring for a newborn and raising older children often bring themselves to a state of nervous exhaustion.

    It is important to understand that for happy and harmonious relationships in the family, you should not sacrifice or neglect yourself. Create a varied and nutritious menu for yourself and your household, free time sleep more, allow relatives to take on a certain share of responsibilities. Changing the rhythm Everyday life, many women feel much better. However, if you continue to feel nervous and anxious, then ask your doctor what sedatives you can take and undergo a course of treatment.

    Safe sedatives for nursing mothers

    If your psycho emotional condition cannot be normalized without taking medications, then you must take them strictly as prescribed by the doctor, following his recommendations. You should not worry about the fact that you cannot cope with the life circumstances that have arisen without the use of medications, since every young mother faces a similar situation to one degree or another. Women who are breastfeeding can take a sedative based on medicinal herbs and plants.

    There are many plants that have a positive effect on the human nervous system. The most common among them are valerian, lemon balm, motherwort, fennel, and peppermint. For nursing mothers The most suitable drugs are those containing valerian, you also need to remember that mint has the property of reducing secretion breast milk.


    Medicines based on valerian have restorative properties, help normalize sleep, and relieve anxiety. It is very important to follow the daily dose, as side effects may occur in the form of drowsiness, dizziness, and lethargy. As a rule, the course of therapy is no more than 10 days, but this depends on the psycho-emotional state of the woman.


    Glycine is also considered a popular sedative; it is safe for use during breastfeeding. The peculiarity of using these tablets is that it is highly undesirable to take them with water or any other liquid. Therefore, they are very convenient - to achieve the desired effect, you just need to wait until the tablet dissolves in the oral cavity.


    Motherwort is a good sedative; it is produced in tablet form, as well as in the form of tincture and liquid extract. The doctor will select the most convenient dosage form for the young mother, determine the duration of the course of treatment and the dosage of the drug. Motherwort effectively regulates the functioning of the central nervous system and has a mild calming effect.

    A few more options

    Complex modern sedatives, such as Persen, Novo-Passit and many others, are also used to combat stress, but most of them cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, despite their effectiveness, it is better to refrain from using these medications. Remember, a sedative for breastfeeding is prescribed only by a doctor, who must subsequently monitor the intake of the medication.

    In order to normalize your psycho-emotional state, you can also use special medicinal teas and infusions. When used regularly, they improve sleep, mood, and increase vitality. An excellent solution to the problem of breastfeeding can be special baby teas with a calming effect. They contain plants that are useful and safe for women and children. Before purchasing a soothing tea, carefully study its composition for the presence of herbs and components that should not be used during lactation.

    Alternative methods of dealing with stress

    If you want to continue breastfeeding your baby, but are categorically against taking sedatives, then other means may come to the rescue. Aromatherapy is proven and safe method fight against nervousness and stress, various aromatic oils will help not only get rid of anxiety, but also strengthen the immune and respiratory systems. Regular physical activity (especially outdoors) is also an excellent way to prevent stress. Listening to calm music, reading books and doing handicrafts will help restore peace of mind, especially in combination with proper rest and sleep.

    Let's sum it up

    Sometimes sedation for breastfeeding mothers does not help cope with stress and anxiety. If the course of treatment does not bring relief, you should immediately inform your doctor. Prolonged nervous and mental stress should not be taken lightly, as this may indicate the development of postpartum depression in a woman. Postpartum depression is a very serious illness and requires timely diagnosis and complex treatment, so do not hesitate to contact specialists regarding prolonged depression and anxiety, obsessive fears, and recurring hysterics. In its advanced state, such depression can lead to serious consequences, both for you and for the child and other family members.

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    In the life of almost every woman there are two periods when she special attention should take care of your health. This is pregnancy and breastfeeding a newborn. The baby's body is very sensitive to various substances coming from the outside, including from mother's milk. Which ones can a nursing mother drink?

    Why is a nursing mother nervous?

    The main causes of nervousness in breastfeeding women include:

    • natural changes in hormonal levels;
    • family situation;
    • ailments in the child.

    There are several reasons why nervousness increases in women during lactation. Childbirth is always accompanied by the release of natural “happiness hormones” - endorphins, which increase stress resistance and reduce pain. After a successful delivery, their level drops sharply, and the feeling of happiness often changes. Here it is appropriate to draw an analogy with “withdrawal syndrome,” when a person takes medications for a long time and then abruptly stops them.

    There is a simpler reason for increased nervousness. A child (especially the first-born) is a serious test for the whole family, first of all for the mother herself. She has to radically change her lifestyle, devoting most of her time to the baby and the household chores associated with his birth.

    The husband, no matter how patient and understanding he is, expects the same attention to his person, but often the young mother does not have time to communicate with her husband.

    The parents of a married couple usually show intrusiveness in their desire to convey to the young couple all their experience of caring for a baby.

    In addition, any baby develops certain health problems from time to time. Even a minor illness in a child becomes serious stress for his mother.

    As a result, most nursing mothers develop pronounced nervousness, which they have to combat, including with the help of medications.

    How to cope with nervousness during breastfeeding?

    The best way to stabilize the nervous system is normal, quality sleep. Any person needs to sleep 6-8 hours in order for the nervous system to recover. Taking into account the fact that the baby needs to be fed at night, and in addition, he may cry periodically (including for banal reasons), a woman rarely manages to get enough sleep, to put it mildly. It is recommended to use any free minute to relax; V otherwise not long before a serious psycho-emotional breakdown. Physical ailment is also possible, since regular and quickly decreases.


    To create a normal mood for a young mother, it is advisable to periodically turn on relaxing music (or compositions that she simply likes).

    A woman needs to eat regularly. Eating food, albeit briefly, can improve your mood. To maintain optimal body condition, doctors recommend split meals - 5-6 times a day in small portions.

    When there is no time or energy left for normal sleep or regular meals, it is strongly recommended to shift at least part of the care of the baby to the father or other close people.

    By following these simple rules, you can do without sedatives. Any sedatives, even those created entirely on a natural basis, affect the quality of breast milk, and, therefore, affect the health of the baby. Complications such as an inhibited reaction to external stimuli or even a slowdown in nervous development cannot be ruled out.

    Which specialist should I contact?

    Before starting to take any medications that calm the nervous system, you should definitely consult with your doctor (local therapist). It is quite possible that the problem can be solved without sedatives.

    In particular, if the cause of nervousness is a hormonal imbalance, consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist will be required. The cause of a depressed state or unmotivated anxiety may be pathologies of the thyroid gland. Worsening mood is also caused by almost inevitable hypovitaminosis and.

    Issues related to everyday difficulties are within the competence of the psychologist. A psychiatrist or psychotherapist can prescribe certain sedatives.

    How to choose a safe sedative while breastfeeding?

    It must be remembered that absolutely any substance can be an allergen for a particular child and cause serious consequences for his well-being. Before choosing any sedative drug, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

    Some of the safest and most popular drugs among breastfeeding women include:

    • Motherwort;
    • "Novo-Passit";
    • "Persen."

    An excellent sedative for lactation is herbal tea made from equal parts of nettle, lemon balm and chamomile. To prepare the drink, take 3 tsp. collection per 1 liter. water.

    The birth of a baby radically changes life. For nine months, a woman prepares mentally for the birth of a long-awaited child. However, very often this time is not enough to fully realize how much attention a newborn will require.

    At the same time, hormonal changes continue in the female body, which certainly affects the emotional state. Fatigue after nine months of gestation, waiting, the process of childbirth and further care of the baby exhaust even the most persistent representatives of the fair sex. It is not surprising that sometimes irritability, nervousness and bad mood become their main friends.

    Before choosing a sedative for nursing mothers, let's try to understand the reasons for this condition and consider alternative options solving the problem.

    Postpartum depression

    Many young mothers remember with a smile the first months of their child’s life, others miss their tummy and the happy period of pregnancy - all people are different, and reactions, accordingly, may differ.

    After childbirth, approximately 10-15% of women try to cope with a depressive state, but only 3% are diagnosed with postpartum depression by a doctor, after which appropriate treatment is prescribed. In this case, only sedatives for nursing mothers will no longer help, and sometimes hospitalization is completely inevitable.

    Symptoms and influence of external factors

    It is very important not to hesitate to seek qualified help if you notice the following symptoms:

    Lack of strength

    Feelings of sadness and sadness

    Anxiety with panic attacks, headaches and increased heart rate,


    Loss of appetite


    Feeling lonely

    Depressed mood.

    In this state, girls and women very often feel shame and consider themselves bad mothers, because they cannot fully feel the joy of the birth of a baby.

    Strengthening negativity

    An important role is played by factors (psychological, social, interpersonal) that can aggravate the condition:

    Weak support from husband and family,

    Difficult pregnancy

    Complications during childbirth,

    Low socio-economic status,

    Age over 40 years old,


    Lack of permanent work or complete cessation of work at the beginning of pregnancy,

    Tendency to depression.

    There is no doubt that postpartum depression harms not only you, but also your baby. You need to urgently consult a doctor and find out what sedatives nursing mothers can take.

    In our country, unfortunately, this disease is rarely detected. A woman suffering from depression has no interest in interacting with her baby, which he so needs. Such children literally “absorb with milk” a tendency towards states of increased anxiety, suffer from low self-esteem and have difficulty expressing feelings.

    How to help?

    The first months with a newborn are a period of lack of proper sleep. Some children are restless. Tummy pain, constipation, weather changes - all this greatly affects their mood.

    Caring for a child, washing, cooking and other women's duties take up a lot of time, and we completely forget about ourselves. Passing by the mirror, we note that it is far from slim figure, bags under the eyes and “something strange on the head.” Where can you get a positive attitude?

    The first thing to do is pull yourself together. Don’t rush to run to the pharmacy and sweep all sedatives for nursing mothers off the shelves. Try going without medication first.

    On your own

    Here are a few simple ways that will help you improve your mood without medications and remember your beloved:

    1. We ask for help. Yes, you have become a mother, but this does not mean that caring for your child lies entirely on your fragile shoulders. Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives - involve everyone who is ready to help you. After all, a walk in the fresh air does not require special skills in handling a baby.
    2. We rest more. Washing, cleaning and cooking are, of course, important things. But when choosing between two hours of sleep and a vacuum cleaner, it’s better to go with the first one. If you have a serious lack of sleep, then go to bed with your baby.
    3. Let's remember ourselves before pregnancy. What did you like to do before you found out that you would soon become a mother? Hobbies, sports, meeting with friends or shopping - do not suffer from remorse and take time for yourself at least a couple of times a month.
    4. Going to the doctor. There is a lot of information in various sources about sedatives for nursing mothers, but we encourage you to contact professionals, especially when it comes to more serious antidepressant drugs. Do not hesitate to bother the doctor, because the baby has only one mother, and she should be healthy.


    Almost all sedatives for nursing mothers are commercially available. The most popular are herbal infusions, which not only tidy up the nervous system, but also have a positive effect on lactation. A fragrant drink with dill seeds, cumin, fennel, chamomile or anise will also have a beneficial effect on the digestion of the little one.

    You can purchase the mixture at the pharmacy or pay attention to soothing tea for nursing mothers from one of the manufacturers baby food. The Russian brand “Babushkino Lukoshko” offers two types of drinks. For example, “Tea with Anise”, which contains anise, cumin, clover, nettle, lemon balm and fennel.

    A similar set of components is found in drinks from the German brand HIPP. The only drawback is that granulated tea contains sugar. This improves the taste of the herbal mixture, but is not always beneficial.

    So, now we know exactly what kind of sedative is suitable for nursing mothers.

    Proven method

    Unfortunately, regular tea drinking is not always enough to find harmony and tranquility. Many girls and women, on the advice of doctors, prefer a proven remedy - valerian. It successfully copes with mild mental disorders, has a minimal number of side effects and does not affect the quality of breast milk.

    Traditionally, the drug is available in two forms:

    Calming pills.

    For nursing mothers, taking drops is strictly prohibited. Of course, they work much faster, but the alcohol content is still cause for concern. Another option is to brew valerian root yourself.

    How does it affect?

    Taking the drug should be monitored by two specialists at once: a pediatrician and the young mother’s attending physician. When using valerian, the baby's condition may change - sleep time increases or relaxation and lethargy are observed when sucking.

    Valerian should not be taken by hypotensive patients: blood pressure drops even more, which can lead to lethargy, weakness and loss of consciousness. With individual intolerance, a woman develops allergic reaction, in rare cases, the opposite effect is observed - sleep disturbance or nervous overexcitation.

    It is believed that valerian is not the most effective sedative for nursing mothers. Very often, doctors prescribe it along with other drugs, which we will talk about later.


    Many sedatives for nursing mothers are based on natural ingredients. For example, motherwort, which comes in three forms:


    Filter bags for brewing

    Alcohol tincture (contraindicated during lactation)

    When motherwort will help you:

    1. For insomnia. Overwork, internal worries and hormonal changes sometimes interfere with normal rest. A new mother doesn't have much precious time. With regular use, motherwort will certainly improve your sleep.
    2. With high blood pressure. During lactation, nervous excitement and headaches “give up without a fight” thanks to motherwort.
    3. With difficulty breathing and tachycardia. Frequently carrying a baby in your arms or lifting a stroller can sometimes throw off your heart rate.


    The well-known drug “Glycine” is another answer to the question of what sedatives can be used for breastfeeding women. This is a protein amino acid that is easily absorbed by our body.

    The range of applications is quite large:

    Regulation of metabolism,

    Relieving fatigue and psycho-emotional stress,

    Reduced excitability and nervousness,

    Increased mental performance,

    Normalization of sleep rhythms.

    The drug has a cumulative effect (course of treatment is 2-4 weeks), so its use must be under the supervision of the attending physician. Sometimes “Glycine” is prescribed to newborns for restless sleep, so insignificant amount substances passed through milk will not cause harm.


    Many people believe that Persen is a good sedative for nursing mothers. One of the main advantages is natural composition, which contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint.

    Despite mint, which can affect the process of breastfeeding, experts recommend the drug as a sedative for nursing mothers.

    “Persen” is indicated for the following conditions:


    Increased nervous excitability,


    The drug does not have a cumulative effect, it calms you within half an hour after taking it. Does not affect the ability to drive a car.

    Should I accept it or not?

    Sometimes loneliness becomes an outlet. Half an hour of silence, a relaxing bath with essential oils or a walk in the fresh air - all this will help relieve some stress, distract you and put your thoughts in order. Ask your husband for a light massage or just spend time together.

    New mothers struggle to maintain breastfeeding. During this period, taking any medications, even herbal ones, is undesirable. But if you feel that you are living at the limit, then it is advisable to contact a specialist. A competent doctor will assess your emotional state and select the appropriate sedative.

    Remember that many girls and women face problems in the first months of motherhood. Usually we are ashamed of our weakness and embarrassed to ask for help even from our loved ones, but it is very difficult to cope with problems alone. Only a calm and happy mother can fully give affection and love to her baby.

    The answer to the question of whether sedatives are needed during breastfeeding will be negative. Favorable psychological environment in the house, timely assistance new mother with housework, proper rest and good health baby - these are the main factors that organize the stability of the nervous system. But this is not always the case. In most cases, the mother of a newborn baby is faced with fatigue, stress and a rhythm in which you cannot manage to do anything. Such an environment can harm the breastfeeding process and affect the baby. The newborn feels the mother's emotions and adopts them. When the child becomes equally restless, the situation worsens. Sedatives that can be used for breastfeeding will help break the vicious circle.

    What sedatives are allowed during breastfeeding?

    The list of drugs allowed during breastfeeding is negligible. Almost all active ingredients pharmaceuticals penetrate the bloodstream and then enter the baby’s body. It is not known how a baby might react to a portion of an unfamiliar substance. Therefore, if you need to use a medication in the form of tablets, tea or tincture, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

    When purchasing sedatives on the recommendation of friends or on your own, a nursing mother should carefully read the instructions. If the list of contraindications indicates the period of lactation, then taking such a medicine is strictly prohibited. Some medications were tested and, as a result, became acceptable for use during breastfeeding. These drugs include:

    • Valerian;
    • Motherwort;
    • Glycine;
    • Persen;
    • Novo-Passit;
    • Nervochel.

    You can take medications in the dosage strictly prescribed by the instructions or in the volume recommended by the doctor. Almost all herbal components of drugs are allergens. If as a result of use the child develops unusual symptoms(rash, increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, changes in digestion), then you should stop using the pharmaceutical sedative.

    Safe calming techniques

    Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician, does not recommend taking sedatives during breastfeeding on your own. Doctor blogs say that there are safer relaxation techniques and ways to gain peace of mind. The following simple things will help a woman relax:

    • warm bath;
    • Herb tea;
    • book reading;
    • watching a movie;
    • walk;
    • positive emotions.

    According to scientists, a comfortable environment and warm air help to calm down. It is necessary to increase the temperature in the room by at least 2-3 degrees, wrap yourself in your favorite cozy robe or blanket, disconnect from negative thoughts and set yourself up for the best. Yoga, jogging and swimming help cope with stress.

    The influence of the nervous system on lactation

    Short-term nervous tension and a mild stressful situation do not affect the breastfeeding process. To produce milk, the body produces the hormone prolactin. Its secretion peaks in the early morning hours. Therefore, to maintain lactation, the mother needs to put the baby to the breast at night, even if this causes lack of sleep and fatigue. In order for milk to pass through the ducts and be released from the breast, oxytocin is produced. It is this hormone that is responsible for the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.

    During a stressful situation, another hormone is produced - adrenaline. It is not able to influence prolactin, but can reduce the production of oxytocin. Therefore, a woman who is under nervous tension may feel that her milk supply has decreased. All you have to do is calm down, hormonal background will stabilize, and breastfeeding will continue without harm to the baby.

    Causes of stress and anxiety

    The reasons for emotional instability during breastfeeding are simple:

    • a woman finds herself in an unusual stop, she can no longer do her usual activities and devotes herself entirely to the child;
    • inability to tear yourself away from a baby who is feeding on breast milk;
    • lack of a daily routine, periodic hunger of the mother cause negative emotions;
    • baby restlessness, poor sleep, colic and teething;
    • lack of sleep resulting from the need to get up at night to see the baby;
    • lack of outside help;
    • demands from other family members to satisfy their interests;
    • accumulated household chores.

    In most cases, nervous tension during breastfeeding can be eliminated without taking medications. If you cannot calm down using safe methods, you should coordinate the use of medications with the pediatrician monitoring the child.

    Many women know about the risk of stress and depression after childbirth: some from the Internet or from friends, and some from their own experience.

    Causes of stress

    Stress in nursing mothers can occur for many reasons:

    • postpartum weakness, especially if the birth was difficult or surgery was required,
    • lack of sleep,
    • restless baby (colic, teething, individual characteristics),
    • worry about the child's health,
    • hormonal disbalance,
    • moral tension due to a change in the rhythm of life.

    Research shows that about 30% of women do not fully experience the joy of motherhood due to nervous tension, and about 60–80% feel tired, despondent and decreased in activity.

    Stress affects the body of a young mother as a whole, as well as the quantity and taste of milk, its saturation with substances beneficial to the child. A woman's tense state can cause the cessation of lactation before the due date for breastfeeding.

    • A depressed mood negatively affects not only the mother, but also the baby. Besides the shortage useful substances In milk, the child also feels the mother’s experiences, which are transmitted to him.
    • That's why a young mother should do everything possible to remain calm and balanced. Taking sedatives in in this case is one of the last resorts.
    • The instructions for medications often do not contain information about the consequences of using sedatives for mother and child, because studies are not conducted on pregnant and lactating women. Some medications are simply prohibited in the described cases.
    • Thus, sedatives (including herbs) can cause allergies in the child, negatively affect his health and development, and reduce the amount of milk in the mother.

    How to get rid of stress without sedatives?

    In order to look and feel healthy and happy, fully enjoy motherhood and provide proper care for the newborn, mothers are advised to try several methods before resorting to medications:

    • try to be less demanding of yourself, distribute some of the housework to relatives, if possible;
    • sleep every possible minute;
    • take baths;
    • Do massage;
    • do aromatherapy;
    • stay in the fresh air as often as possible;
    • perform sports exercises (yoga, fitness);
    • communicate with people, don’t get hung up on how much needs to be done;
    • try to make time for your favorite activity (reading, knitting),
    • dedicate at least a few minutes for yourself (do your hair, mask).

    An important factor for good health is proper balanced diet. Don't arrange it. The body must receive in full all the necessary substances and vitamins. It is better to eat five times a day in small portions. You can also take vitamin complexes.

    What sedatives should I choose if I can’t do without them?

    If the above methods do not produce results, and the depressive state worsens, it is worth thinking about medications that will come to the woman’s aid.

    For those who cannot cope with their emotions on their own, but are afraid to take medications, it is worth knowing:

    • the concentration of the drug in mother's milk is significantly less than in her blood,
    • There are drugs that do not even pass into milk,
    • the degree of risk of harming the child’s health depends on the baby’s weight, age and type of diet - a child who eats adult food is stronger.

    Means that can be used for calming during lactation:

    1. Motherwort. Can be taken in the form of herbal tea and tablets. The tea needs to be prepared by pouring 15 g of dried leaves or roots of the plant into a glass of boiled water. Leave the tincture for 20 minutes, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Motherwort tablets should be taken 2 times a day, one piece at a time.
    2. Herbal teas from lemon balm or chamomile. Recommended for combating insomnia, hysterics, and anxiety. You need to drink no more than 2 cups a day. Melissa increases lactation, and chamomile has a beneficial effect on the child's digestion.
    3. Valerian in tablets and herbal form. Normalizes sleep, calms, stabilizes cardiovascular function vascular system. The tablets are taken one per day for several weeks. Alcohol tincture of valerian cannot be used during this period, since alcohol enters the child’s body with milk. Even a small dose can cause serious poisoning.
    4. Glycine tablets. One of the most popular remedies prescribed by doctors in the fight against neurotic conditions. It is considered quite harmless, so it is even prescribed infants. Doesn't cause drowsiness, very calming. Take glycine 1-2 tablets three times a day. In this case, the tablets are not washed down with water, but dissolved.

    Modern sedatives:

    • Novopassit, Persen very calming. But they should be used with caution, because they can suppress milk production.
    • Homeopathic medicines: Notta, Alora, Nervochel. Take 1 tablet per day. Used for insomnia, anxiety, irritability. Notta is prescribed even to infants. Nervohel is practically safe for the baby; Alora has not undergone research in this regard.

    In addition to reviews on the Internet and a doctor’s prescription, a young mother should carefully study the instructions before purchasing the drug so as not to waste money and be aware of possible side effects.

    When taking a sedative, you must strictly follow the prescribed dosage.

    Exceeding the norm can cause an inversely proportional effect - increase irritability and nervousness. An overdose can also harm not only the health of the mother, but also the child.

    When should you immediately stop taking the drug?

    Each body reacts individually to medications taken. In theory, sedatives cannot cause serious harm to you and your child unless a case of overdose is detected.

    However, you should still stop using them if the following symptoms occur:

    • lack of any positive effect after several days of taking the medicine,
    • decreased lactation,
    • deterioration of emotional physical condition, the appearance of insomnia,
    • allergies in a woman or her child,
    • the baby has digestive problems,
    • tearfulness and poor sleep of the child, which was not observed before taking the drug.

    In what cases should you consult a doctor for more than just a prescription?

    If a nursing mother’s stress does not go away even after taking sedatives, and postpartum depression develops, there is a need to seek advice from a psychotherapist.

    In such cases, light medications allowed during feeding alone cannot be used. The doctor will most likely prescribe antidepressants. During this period you will need to stop breastfeeding.

    It would be wise to consult a doctor if the following symptoms persist for a long time:

    • bad mood, tearfulness, causeless anxiety,
    • weakness, lack of desire to do anything, even care for own child,
    • lack of appetite or its sharp increase,
    • chronic fatigue, insomnia,
    • the desire to distance yourself from everyone, even from relatives, and not communicate with anyone.

    There is nothing shameful in going to the doctor, because About 50% of women giving birth experience postpartum depression.

    Don't allow yourself to remain depressed, passive and irritable. It is important for a young mother to have good health and mood for complete care and raising a baby, as well as a feeling of complete maternal happiness.

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